Beginning Immortality Technique

Chapter 477: The ancestor of the Ye family


"Huh, is this really a sculpture?"

After Ye Yang came back to his senses, after he carefully looked at the strong man, he made a surprised voice. This is just a sculpture.

Whose sculpture actually possesses such terrifying power

Ye Yang looked at the ninth floor of the pagoda, only to realize that the ninth floor was like an altar. And obviously, the existence of the altar is because of this sculpture.

Even Ye Yang found some traces of worship here.

This is an altar of the Ye family, and the object of their worship is this statue. So, who is this statue

In the entire ninth floor, apart from this statue and altar, there are no other treasures. And why does the Ye Family worship this statue

"Reverse samsara!" Ye Yang simply reversed samsara, letting time flow back. Because he found traces of worship here recently. So he wanted to reverse reincarnation and see what happened during the worship. Maybe he can see the identity of this statue from it.

"Reincarnation" supernatural powers are extremely against the sky. And the reason why the Time and Space Worm was so psyched by Ye Yang was because Ye Yang possessed the magical power of "reincarnation". Therefore, when he saw Ye Yang use this magical power again, Time and Space Worm could not help but turned his head, and it was still unhappy.

Ye Yang's current combat power is about the third-order saint king ancestor. And his realm is about to reach the peak of a saint. The combat power is extremely strong, but even so, he wants to turn back time to a few days before, it is still a bit laborious and consumes a lot.

However, in order to figure out the identity of this statue, Ye Yang gritted his teeth and persisted. In fact, the most important thing is that he has now emptied the entire Ye Family Treasure House, even if it takes a little time now, it doesn't matter.

Moreover, the strength of this statue is terrible. If he figured out his identity, and then moved him directly back to Yuanshi Divine Sect or Ye Family Wonderland, it would be okay.

After all, this strong man is the ancestor of the ninth-order saint king, or even a fairy. If it was not for the benefit of worshiping the statue, how could the Ye family worship him

It's like mortals worshiping the gods, and it's good for them to worship. Otherwise, who would worship

Time went back a few days ago.

"The disciple of the Ye family, the current patriarch... Here to the ancestor of the Ye family..."

The ancestor of the Ye family!

Ye Yang's heart shook, and then the "reincarnation" magical powers were affected, and then he collapsed. After all, this has reached Ye Yang's current limit, and the supernatural powers are easy to collapse.

This statue is actually the ancestor of the Ye Family!

The first ancestor of the Ye family, the first generation ancestor of the Ye family, the ancestor who met the fairy in the Ye family ancestor land. Everyone in the current Ye family is his descendant, and he created his hometown!

"Ye Yang, the disciple of the Ye family, pays homage to the ancestor!" Ye Yang came to the statue and bowed respectfully to the statue. The ancestor of the Ye family is also the ancestor of Ye Yang. Without him, there would naturally be no Ye Yang.

Moreover, the first ancestor of the Ye family created the Ye family, one of the ten powers of the endless starry sky, from a monk with mediocre qualifications, which is a great existence. It is worthy of Ye Yang's respect.

It was at this time that Ye Yang understood why the statue of the first ancestor of the Ye family just glanced at him, and then lost his breath. It must be because he saw that he had the Ye Family bloodline.

If it were someone else, it would have been killed by the ancestor of the Ye family long ago.

"There are rumors outside that the ancestor has fallen, and some people say that the ancestor has become a fairy. Now it seems that he is always afraid that he has become an immortal." Ye Yang thought in his heart.

The Ye Family has existed for a long time, it was the ninth-order ancestor, and it was impossible to survive from that time to the present. And obviously, the ancestor of the Ye family is still alive, otherwise, how to manifest the spirit

There is only one possibility-the ancestor of the Ye family has become a fairy!

Fairy! It's exciting to think about it.

"Ancestor, do you know that the Ye family is now torn apart? Do you know that my line has not only been seized of power, but it has almost wiped out my line, killing a single inch of grass?" Ye Yangpan sat in front of the statue, looked at the statue, and slowly told what had happened during this period.

If the ancestor still had the power of the soul attached to the statue, then he should be able to listen to what Ye Yang said without missing a word. However, when Ye Yang finished speaking, there was no movement in the statue.

This not only made Ye Yang feel depressed. He knew that the ancestor had listened to it, but how could he also show it

"Ancestor, I have decided! Now the Ye Family is in control of the wrong mind. And the current Ye Family under their control has also begun to behave in the endless starry sky. If this continues, the Ye Family will decline sooner or later, or even decline, completely disappearing. Endless starry sky."

"Therefore, I plan to move the statue of the ancestor away! Move it to the fairyland of our line. From then on, the ancestor only needs to enjoy the worship of our line."

"Ancestor, I don't know what you think? If you don't speak, then you acquiesce in it? If that's the case, then I'm offended."

When talking about this, Ye Yang got up and hugged the statue of the ancestor of the Ye family directly with both hands! At the same time, the shuttle appeared out of thin air.

Finally, Ye Yang moved the statue into the flying shuttle.

Ye Yang didn't take the sculpture into the ten-star purple mansion. One reason is that this is really disrespectful to the ancestor. Another reason is that Ye Yang is afraid that the ancestor will be angry, what if he destroys his Purple Mansion when he is angry

Therefore, he still moved the sculpture into the flying shuttle.

"Okay, Baby Silkworm, we are leaving." Ye Yang waved his hand and signaled that Baby Silkworm was about to leave. However, there is no movement from the space-time insect.

Ye Yang looked over, but happened to see the silkworm baby's face glowing at the altar under his feet.

"Do you want to eat this altar?" Ye Yang felt the thoughts of Time and Space Worm.

The Time Worm nodded slightly, it had long wanted to eat this altar. Because the material used to make the altar is very special, it is of great benefit to its growth.

It's just that it was because it cared about Ye Yang before, so it didn't dare to eat it. Otherwise, he would have eaten the altar long ago.

"Then eat it." Ye Yang waved his hand and said indifferently. He also knew that the altar was not made of ordinary materials, but rather advanced holy materials, but it had no effect on him.

Moreover, after entering the Ye Family Treasury, this was the first time Time Space Worm showed interest in something. How could Ye Yang not satisfy his wish

And, the stronger the Space-Time Worm, the more help it will be!

With Ye Yang's consent, the Space-Time Worm rushed up happily, babbling, and swallowing the entire altar at once.

After eating the altar, Ye Yang saw the Space-Time Worm grow up a small circle, and his strength seemed to become stronger.

Sure enough, when leaving, the Time and Space Worm gnawed out a wormhole from the tower of Ye Family Treasury at a faster speed, and left here with Ye Yang.


Just after Ye Yang left the treasure house, the billions of formations and restrictions outside the Ye family treasure house were suddenly activated. Suddenly, the formation and restraint burst out hundreds of millions of holy lights, sweeping in all directions, shattering the void outside the treasure house.

For the first time, the strong men in the Ye Family guarding the treasure house, and even almost all the strong men in the Ye Family were shocked.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The figures appeared outside the treasure house out of thin air, and their faces were very gloomy.

"Someone broke into the treasure house? Triggered the formation?" An ancestor said in a deep voice. While speaking, he had already reached out his big hand, and pressed against those formations and restraints.

At the same time, other people also took action to directly suppress the formation and prohibition of the riot. In this process, their spiritual power has sealed the void near the treasure house.

However, they did not find the intruder.

"Could it be strangled by the formation? Or broke into the treasure house? It's really looking for death!" The ancestors of the Ye family were murderous in their hearts. The terrible killing intent spread throughout the secret realm in an instant.

At the same time, some of the ancestors appeared at the exit of the secret realm, blocked the exit, and took the place in person!

After a while, the formation and prohibition of the riots were suppressed. And the ancestors of the Ye family are all in one after another. Soon, the first floor of the empty treasury came into their eyes.

On the first floor of a treasure house full of various sacred artifacts, there is nothing left!

"Who is it! Who stole our treasure?" Many ancestors feel bad, and some ancestors have already roared.

"Ye Yang is here for a visit! I laughed at the things in the treasure house! Thank you for your hospitality!" At this moment, the big characters Ye Yang left on the tower suddenly glowed, and it came into everyone's eyes clearly. .

"Ye Yang! Who is Ye Yang? That bastard?" When seeing this line of words, some ancestors roared, terrible killing intent erupted, like a stormy sea, sweeping in all directions, almost lifting up the entire pagoda. Up.

"Ye Yang, is the remnant of Ye Gaoyang's vein! That little bastard who severely inflicted Ye Chen!" An ancestor gritted his teeth as he rushed to the second floor of the pagoda.

It's just that the second floor is also empty, there is nothing.

the third floor! The fourth floor!

Every time the many ancestors go up one level, the more anger burns!

One by one, he yelled at Ye Yang.

"This little bastard must have just entered the treasure house not long ago, and it should be still on it." An ancestor gritted his teeth and said.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Everyone quickened their pace and rushed straight to the ninth floor. However, Ye Yang did not see the figure. The only thing they saw was that the statue of the ancestor of the Ye family was removed, and the altar under the statue disappeared.

puff! puff! puff!

Some ancestors were so angry that they couldn't help but spew blood!