Beginning Immortality Technique

Chapter 478: Reward order


Some high-ranking ancestors of the Ye family were directly vomiting blood!

It should be noted that they are all high-level powerhouses, and it is difficult for such a powerhouse to get hurt, let alone get hurt. The difficulty of getting vomited blood from being angry is even more difficult than injuring them severely.

However, Ye Yang happened to do it, and these ancestors were so angry that they vomited blood.

This treasure house is the continuation of the Ye Family for countless years. Although the personal belongings of these ancestors are not in the treasure house, the treasure house is the public resources and public treasures of the Ye family.

Without these treasures, the development of the Ye Family would be greatly affected. Moreover, the treasures lost here must be taken out by these ancestors to supplement the blank treasures.

But there are some things that their ancestors can't get out. For example, some exercises and magical powers.

Some of the price-important and high-level magical powers of the Ye family are stored in the treasure house. In addition to these exercises and supernatural powers passed down by the Ye family over the years, there are also many high-level exercises acquired from the outside.

It should be known that those who are qualified to enter the treasure house and choose these techniques and supernatural powers are the core disciples of the Ye Family. And it is impossible for these people to have read all the exercises and supernatural powers once and record them in their hearts.

In other words, a considerable part of the exercises and supernatural powers stolen by Ye Yang had never been practiced by the Ye family. In this way, these supernatural powers and exercises are gone.

However, the loss of treasures and the like would cause Ye Yang to suffer a heavy loss, and even his vitality would be severely injured. But with the Ye Family’s position in the endless starry sky, it only takes a period of development to slowly make up for some losses. Although it cannot be completely restored, the treasure house is emptied, and the Ye Family will not fall.

But the statues of the ancestors were all removed, and this is what caused these ancestors to vomit blood. The statue of the ancestor is not an ordinary statue. There is a ray of spiritual power from the ancestor in this statue.

They knew that the ancestor was already immortal, and they were also a great figure in the immortal world.

Why can the Ye family remain prosperous? The big reason is because the ancestors often rewarded something. It is precisely because of this that the Ye Family will become stronger and stronger. But now, the statue was actually moved by Ye Yang.

It is not difficult for Ye Yang to make a statue. These saint kings and ancestors can easily create a lifelike and beautiful statue of the ancestor.

But such a statue, because there is no ancestor's soul attached, even if they worship it, it will not have any effect.

Ye Yang's removal of the ancestor statue was equivalent to breaking the Ye family's back. From now on, the Ye family will not be able to get any benefits from the ancestor.

From then on, the descendants of the Ye family had to work diligently, at least to keep the Ye family from falling. But if the Ye family's generation is not as good as the first generation, the Ye family will soon decline and even disappear completely in the endless starry sky.

Therefore, after seeing that the ancestor statue was removed by Ye Yang, the ancestors of the Ye family vomited blood!

"Block the fairyland for me! No one can leave! Even if you dig three feet, you must find Ye Yang for me!" An ancestor said murderously.

Immediately, the whole Ye family jumped up. All the ancestor-level existences, whether they were practicing in retreat or doing other things, all dispatched.

Suddenly, the entire fairyland was filled with the spiritual power of the ancestors.

"What's the situation? Why are so many ancestors alarmed? The spiritual power of the ancestors is like a spider web, which has enveloped the entire fairyland, densely packed!" Some unknowing Ye Family children exclaimed. ”

The entire Ye family was shocked.

In the end, the news that the treasure house was evacuated by Ye Yang still leaked out. Hearing this news, everyone in the Ye family naturally didn't believe it at first. But seeing the behavior of the ancestors, they had to believe even if they didn't believe it. It didn't take long before everyone knew about it.

Immediately, everyone in the Ye family felt very complicated.

Horror, anger... and so on. There are all kinds of moods. When planting seeds, the entire Ye family took action and began to dig three feet in the fairyland to conduct a carpet-like search.

However, they had been tossing for half a month, but there was still no news about Ye Yang. Ye Yang seemed to have never appeared before.

Moreover, I don't know when, the big characters "Ye Yang is here" suddenly left the treasure house, suspended in the sky above Ye Family Wonderland, bursting out with a dazzling light, like a small sun.

What a huge irony!

Seeing these words, everyone in the Ye family couldn't help but get angry, and all of them turned black. It's not that they don't want to destroy these words, in fact, even their ancestors can't destroy them.

Because these words are not in the same time and space as them.

At that time, when Ye Yang left these words, he used "reincarnation" magical powers.

When he was entangled with the space-time insects, he was not without gain. Time and Space Worm's understanding of time and space surpasses anyone. Therefore, when Ye Yang entangled with the space-time worm, he also comprehended the time-space worm's understanding of time and space.

After this period of time, his understanding of "reincarnation" supernatural powers has deepened.

At that time, Ye Yang left the words in different time and space when he left the words. Although he could see them, he couldn't directly touch them at all.

Moreover, Ye Yang also left the power of "reverse reincarnation" on it. Even if it is destroyed by someone, you can go back in time and go back to before it was destroyed.

Therefore, some of the ancestors of the Ye family can't help but these few lines. And under Ye Yang's design, these words floated up to the sky above Ye Family's Wonderland, floating above the Nine Heavens like a huge mountain.

This was a mockery of the Ye Family, it was also an insult to the Ye Family, and even more a provocation.

Of course Ye Yang did it deliberately. The Ye Family had almost cut off his veins, and now he just recovered some interest.

And as long as Ye Yang's strength increases and he has the ability to directly compete against the Ye Family, he will definitely board the Ye Family and seek justice for the dead relatives.

Ye Yang had already left under the leadership of Time and Space Worm. But the impulse of the space-time insect is so small that ordinary people can't find it at all.

Therefore, everyone in the Ye family couldn't find Ye Yang's trace at all. I don't know where Ye Yang came from and where he left.

Coming and going like the wind, he even regards the Ye Family Wonderland as his own back garden, come and go as he pleases. And let Ye Family go in aggrieved, they didn't even know Ye Yang came in and out.

Because they don't know, they can't prevent it at all.

In other words, if Ye Yang enters the Ye Family Wonderland again in the future, they will still not be able to find out. This time, Ye Yang just emptied Ye Family's treasure house. Next time, will he assassinate some big figures in the Ye family

Of course, for some ancestors, Ye Yang's current strength is not enough. But Ye Yang's talent is too enchanting. As long as he takes time, he will rise completely and have the ability to threaten their lives.

By then, if Ye Yang would come and go freely, how would they resist Ye Yang's assassination? Thinking of this, some people in the Ye family couldn't help but feel worried, even including those ancestor-level existences.

In fact, they still have a worry. What if the ancestors of Ye Yang brought other sects suddenly appeared in the Ye Family Wonderland? It's hard for them to be caught off guard, and it's even possible that they will be wiped out by other sects.

Therefore, after this incident, Ye Yang became the most threatening enemy of the Ye Family!

"If anyone can kill Ye Yang or capture Ye Yang, the Ye Family will take out an elixir, a fairy tool, and a fairy-level supernatural power as a reward!"

A few days later, the reward offered by Ye Family to Ye Yang immediately spread throughout the endless starry sky. Immediately, it caused the endless starry sky to vibrate.

An elixir, an immortal tool, and an immortal supernatural power!

Any of these three things is priceless, and now Ye Jiaran offered it out as a reward at the same time!

Is the Ye family too generous

People don't think so.

Ye Yang actually made such a bloody fund, and he did not hesitate to make Ye Yang die. Obviously, Ye Yang had threatened the Ye Family, or Ye Yang had done something indignant to the Ye Family, so the Ye Family had no choice but to take out these priceless treasures to kill Ye Yang.

After offering the reward, some of the ancestors of the Ye Family also came out of Ye Family's Wonderland and began to hunt and kill Ye Yang in the endless starry sky.

"This reward is too rich! Even I can't help but drool." Ye Yang couldn't help but smile when he learned about the reward order from the Ye Family.

It is conceivable that after the Ye Family's reward order is issued, the endless starry sky will definitely be up and down, and there will definitely be a bloody storm.

This reward is too generous, and the high-ranking ancestors can't help but take it. Ye Yang could be said to be enemies everywhere this time.

This also made Ye Yang feel some pressure, but it was nothing more than that.

The soldiers came to cover the water and earth, why did Ye Yang fear it

Pressure is motivation. Then, let these people's pressure all turn into motivation! Then let these people who come to them become their own to attain immortality and become the stepping stones of immortals!

Ye Yang smiled lightly, and then entered the endless starry sky with the Space-Time Worm and disappeared.

Just as Ye Yang said, after the Ye Family's reward order was issued, the entire endless starry sky set off a wave of hunting and killing Ye Yang. Countless people, including ordinary saints and saint king ancestors, wanted to kill Ye Yang.

However, for a while, no one knew where Ye Yang was found.

"This is the statue of the ancestor! It is stored in the Ye Family's treasure house. Ye Yang, how did you get the statue of the ancestor!" When Ye Yang removed the statue of the ancestor from the flying shuttle, Ye Hao and others were directly shocked. And dumbfounded.

"It's nothing, just go to the Ye family and emptied the Ye Family's treasury!" While speaking, Ye Yang had already sacrificed the Ten-Star Purple Mansion. At the same time, a large number of heavenly materials and earth treasures, magic weapons, exercise secrets, etc. have fallen from the sky one after another.