Beginning Immortality Technique

Chapter 83: Witch


The mountains seem to be endless and vast, with lofty mountains, towering giant trees, and very luxuriant. At Xiao Bai's speed, he kept flying, and the mountains below would continue to advance with them, and the scenery would be constantly changing, without any repetition.

However, the more so, the more shocked Ye Yang was.

What kind of formation is this? Is it so powerful

It's definitely a magic array!

Everything he saw was an illusion, but, even though Ye Yang was in the illusion, no matter how he felt or how the power of his heart stirred, he could still not find the strangeness.

It seemed that what he saw was real.

"Could it be that the illusion has materialized?" Ye Yang was shocked.

The power of the mind can transform the illusion and confuse or attack the enemy. However, under normal circumstances, the illusions transformed by the power of the mind are only illusions.

When the illusion is materialized, how terrifying is the power of the soul

Could it be that they broke into a magical emperor or immortal supreme spiritual power enveloped? Only the power of the soul of the powerful immortals of the Immortal Dao Supreme and the Demon Gate Great Emperor can be materialized.

As for the immortals of higher realm? Are there immortals in the world of immortality? It is said that there is no.

However, even if it is not an immortal, but the existence of the Supreme Immortal Dao or the Demon Great Emperor level, it is quite terrifying. If the other party wanted him to die, Ye ** would have been killed if he didn't even have time to react, so he really didn't even know how he died.

Not only Ye Yang had this idea, Dong Guo Liu, who had been chasing him afterwards, also had a very gloomy face. Because he also thought of this possibility. However, he still chased Ye Yang.

"You have to find a way to get out of here, or get rid of Dong Guo Liu. Otherwise, if this continues, Xiao Bai is afraid that his strength will be consumed." Ye Yang thought in his heart.

However, once Xiao Bai was exhausted, Dong Guoliu's strength would also be exhausted. However, without the help of Xiaobai, with Ye Yang's own strength, he was definitely not Dong Guoliu's opponent.


During the flight, Ye Yang suddenly saw a thatched house appeared in front of him. The thatched house was not big, but very delicate. Around the thatched hut, there are hundreds of flowers competing for beauty, like a valley of hundreds of flowers. Before getting close to the past, Ye Yang had already smelled a burst of floral fragrance coming from afar.

"There are people living here? Is it true or just an illusion?" Ye Yang felt weird in his heart, and immediately let Xiaobai fly over.

Xiaobai flapped his wings and turned into a white light, passing through time and space, and after a short while, he was already in the hundreds of flowers.

The flowers are real! Ye Yang felt it specially. However, he was not sure whether this existed in the first place or was a materialized illusion.

In order to show respect for the people in that thatched hut, Ye Yang jumped off Xiaobai's back, then pierced left and right among the hundreds of flowers, and walked towards the thatched hut.

"Huh? Is this getting rid of Dong Guo Liu?" Ye Yang turned his head and took a look, and found that Dong Guo Liu, who had been following him all the time, had disappeared.

It seems to be thrown off.

This is strange, but it is a good thing to get rid of Dong Guoliu. Ye Yang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


Suddenly, a crisp laugh came from the front.

Ye Yang was startled, and after walking past a bunch of flowers, his eyes lit up.

Not far in front of him, a girl about sixteen or seventeen years old was wandering among the flowers. While admiring the flowers, the girl continued to laugh clearly.

But seeing her wearing a light green long skirt with light red peonies embroidered on the cuffs, a few auspicious clouds are outlined by silver thread, a row of dense sea clouds at the bottom, a wide piece of light yellow brocade wrapped around her chest, and her body is light. Turn the long skirt lightly and spread it out, showing graceful gestures like the wind blowing in the willows.

The wind bun dews the temples, the brows and eyebrows are lightly swept, the skin is as soft as warm jade, the light is soft and greasy, the cherry mouth is not dotted and red, and the two strands of hair on the cheeks are gently rubbed with the breeze. Sub-attractive style. And the flexible eyes turned wisely, a bit naughty, a bit mischievous.

The stunningly alluring city is not in the slightest under Ye Qinglan and Nangong Zitong. But she is different from Ye Qinglan's coldness, and she doesn't have the enthusiasm of Nangong Zitong.

The girl is very lively, but she is a bit naughty, a bit naughty, and vaguely strange.

This is a beauty of the same rank as Ye Qinglan and Nangong Zitong, but with different temperaments.

There was such a beautiful woman here unexpectedly, and for a while, Ye Yang was dumbfounded.

"Huh! Brat, have you seen enough!" A voice filled with annoyance and scolding suddenly sounded in Ye Yang's ears. Ye Yang couldn't help but was taken aback, but he saw that the girl had no idea when she came to him, and at this time she was looking at herself with a pretty face.

Ye Yang smirked: "I'm really sorry, I was chased and killed by mistake and entered here. But suddenly I saw the girl and didn't react for a while. Please forgive me."

The sullen color on the girl's face disappeared in an instant, and then she showed a bright smile like a flower: "This girl, is she pretty?"

"It's more beautiful than the flowers here." Ye Yang blurted out. However, Ye Yang regretted it when the voice came out. Although, who is a girl who has the beauty of the country and the city, but when the two sides meet each other, they say so in person. Isn't it too Meng Lang

Surely girls won't be happy, will they

When Ye Yang was about to apologize, he saw that the smile on the girl's face became brighter: "Smelly boy, count you as honest."

Ye Yang was dumbfounded. This woman's style of doing things is really different from the women he has seen. People like Nangong Zitong, Fang Xunning, etc., were praised in person like this, I was afraid they were already ashamed and angry.

Even if he wasn't ashamed, he would never bother Ye Yang. After all, when the two sides met straightforwardly, Ye Yang lied about others. This was not just Meng Lang, it was equivalent to molesting them.

Normal women have already walked away, but the girl in front of her has accepted Ye Yang's praise generously. Not only that, she seems to be very useful. There is a big difference in style from the woman Ye Yang has seen.

"Girl, I want to ask, how should I leave here? I seem to have entered a big formation. I have been walking here for almost a day, but I still have no way to get out." Ye Yang asked. The woman lives here, should she know how to leave here, right

In order to leave this formation, Ye Yang played a shameless question.

However, the girl’s face immediately became gloomy: "Sucky boy, I just saw me and wanted to leave here? Could it be that I’m so ugly? Are you eager to leave here? Don’t want to see me again? What you just said is false. Deceived me?"

The cold sweat swept down Ye Yang's forehead.

What's this all about? He wants to leave this formation, but it has nothing to do with this woman, right? Moreover, the girl is beautiful and beautiful, but it has nothing to do with him. He can't stay here just for such a strange and beautiful woman, right

"Of course not, the girl has the color of the country and the city, she is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen..." Ye Yang secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said slowly.

"What? Have you ever seen other women more beautiful than me? Who is it?" The girl looked at Ye Yang angrily, with an unbelievable look, even a little angry.

Needles on the seabed of women's hearts!

Ye Yang felt very helpless in his heart. This girl changed her face too quickly, and he simply didn't know how to deal with it. Immediately, he could only say: "That is, my two senior sisters."

"Huh! I don't believe it, who is your senior sister? She is even more beautiful than me? I really don't believe that there are women who are more beautiful than me in the fairyland world!" The woman glared at Ye Yang with a look of disbelief.

Ye Yang was speechless: "No, I just took a closer look and found that it is still a girl who is the most beautiful."

Ye Yang didn't want to keep entangled with the girl anymore, saying so many mistakes, the girl's heart is really elusive. Therefore, he followed the intention of a girl and said these words.

"Huh! Stinky boy, this is really wrong. Tell me quickly, who are your two senior sisters? Why are they more beautiful than me?"

Ye Yang held his forehead with his hands, he really wanted to turn around and leave, but the girl might be the only one who could help him get out of here. Therefore, he cannot leave for the time being.

"Huh! Tell me who those two people are, and I'll take you out of here. Otherwise, you'll be trapped here forever." The girl's eyes turned, and a touch of naughty and cunning passed through the depths of her eyes.

"Really?" Ye Yang's eyes lit up. If this is the case, how about he name Ye Qinglan and Nangong Zitong? Anyway, there was no loss to Ye Qinglan and Nangong Zitong.

"Huh! Thinking of my famous Meng Zhiyan, how could I deceive you this stinky boy? Tell me!" The girl, Meng Zhiyan, looked at Ye Yang with a smile.

Ye Yang glanced at the girl with some doubts, this name seemed to him a little bit similar. But when I thought about it carefully, I couldn't think of where I heard it for a while.


Meng Zhiyan gave an angry stare.

Ye Yang had no choice but to say, "Those two are my senior sisters. First of all, I explained that the three of you are just between the first and second, regardless of superiority. They are Ye Qinglan and Nangong Zitong."

"Feixianmen's true disciple Ye Qinglan and Nangong Zitong?" Meng Zhiyan exclaimed.

Ye Yang nodded: "I am a disciple of Feixianmen, Ye Yang."

"Okay! I've heard about the beauty of the two of them a long time ago. Humph! They are still the dream lovers of many of our male disciples, go, brat, let's kill those two women."

Kill them

The man in the magic way

Ye Yang looked at Meng Zhiyan in surprise, and he finally realized why he felt that the three words "Meng Zhiyan" were a bit familiar. because…

"Are you the witch?" Ye Yang exclaimed.