Being a Koi in a Survival Game

Chapter 21: Sailing Carnival 21


Sun Caiyan's scream attracted all the zombies in the cabin. Groups of zombies blocked the staircase door, their black claws, pus-filled wounds, twitching nose muscles, and exposed gums constantly colliding, showing their desire for human flesh.

Sun Caiyan was shaking with fear, deeply regretting the decision she had made.

She shouldn't have come with Fu Anan!

Even if she stayed in the ventilation duct, she would meet those people in the kitchen sooner or later, but at least they were human beings! What kind of madness did she have to listen to Fu Anan's nonsense

"Sun Caiyan, don't hold me back. Stop the zombies below. I'll break the door open."

Fu Anan was concentrating on the gate and didn't notice that the look in Sun Caiyan's eyes behind her had changed when she looked at her.


The door opened from the outside.

It was as if the gods had lent her a helping hand.

She knew that her good luck was always there!

"Sun Caiyan." Just as Fu Anan reached out to pull her, suddenly a reverse pulling force pulled her back.

Fu Anan widened her eyes as she watched Sun Caiyan run towards her and felt the zombie's sharp nails scratching her back!

Damn you Sun Caiyan!

Just when Fu Anan thought she was about to die, a hand suddenly reached out from outside the door and grabbed her, and then the sound of a silencer was heard.

The next moment, Fu Anan was pulled out the door.

Fu Anan reacted quickly, and together with the people next to him, he slammed the door shut and blocked the passage with heavy objects.

After doing all this, Fu Anan sat down exhausted, feeling like he had survived a calamity.

After taking two deep breaths, she stood up with a kitchen knife in her hand and approached Sun Caiyan step by step.

Sun Caiyan's face changed when she saw Fu Anan's actions. "Anan, listen to my explanation. It was just a misunderstanding."

"Fuck your mother's misunderstanding." Fu Anan kicked Sun Caiyan, "I rescued you and gave you something to drink, and you plotted against me! You dragged me down to feed the zombies!"

"That's not the case. I was just too nervous at the time." Sun Caiyan shook her head violently. "Listen to my explanation. I didn't mean it!"

Fu Anan swung the kitchen knife and cut past her neck, "You should be thankful that I'm a law-abiding citizen, otherwise I would chop you up! Don't show up in front of me again, get out!"

Sun Caiyan was frightened and glanced at the man standing next to her.

"Do you think I was joking with you?" Fu Anan chopped the backpack behind Sun Caiyan with a kitchen knife.

Sun Caiyan screamed. She didn't expect Fu Anan to turn against her so quickly. Anyway, she had already come up here. This person was of no use to her.

"Thank you."

After Sun Caiyan ran away, Fu Anan turned around to thank her. He was slightly stunned when he saw the person next to him. It was Chef Fu from the kitchen!

"You're right. This game is about knowing a person's face but not his heart."

"Weren't you so brave just now?" Fu Yizhi glanced at her, "You don't look like someone who is in the first round of the game."

At this point, Fu Anan touched his nose awkwardly and asked, "Excuse me, where is the toilet upstairs?"

A strong urge to urinate actually started brewing when I was being chased by zombies, and now it seems like an overwhelming and unstoppable trend.

This question made Fu Yi startled, and he pointed to a small house next to him, "Where is it?"

"Thank you!" Fu Anan trotted in.


There was only one small habitable house on the deck, but the place was occupied by Fu Yizhi first, so Fu Anan had to choose a new place to live.

Stacked containers are her new choice.

The highest position where the containers are piled up is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Fu Anan felt that he had chosen a good position.

"Can I borrow your ladder?"

Fu Anan looked at Fu Yizhi, or to be more precise, at the wooden ladder placed horizontally behind him.

Fu Yizhi glanced at the ladder and said, "It's up to you."

(End of this chapter)