Being a Koi in a Survival Game

Chapter 59: Beaver City 24


Fu Anan’s words stunned Ye Changfei.

What does "Come on, you" mean

Fu Xiaohua's reaction is somewhat different from that of his previous girlfriends.

Ye Changfei carefully observed the expression on Fu Anan's face, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly - quite interesting.


As it got dark, we started our return journey.

Ye Changfei's operation of big fish eating small fish made today's harvest fruitful.

The city hall building was piled with mountains of supplies, including food and daily necessities, as well as some gold and jewelry.

Ye Changfei was very generous and asked his men to divide all of them.

The flood had only lasted for more than twenty days, but people's love for gems had not completely disappeared.

The men who got the gold and diamonds all had smiles on their faces, and sincerely thanked the boss for making them rich. Even the few new recruits quickly integrated into the group.

In the evening, someone even prepared a delicious meal.

Ye Changfei did not prepare any special meal this time. He stood up with his wine glass in hand, feeling as if he was having fun with the people.

"Thank you all for trusting me, Ye. As long as everyone works hard in the coming days, we will definitely be able to survive this crisis."

"We believe in Brother Ye!"

As soon as Ye Changfei finished speaking, someone immediately agreed with him. Everyone believed in him very much.

When it comes to fooling NPCs and controlling people's hearts, Ye Changfei is an expert at it.

The gaming boss is the gaming boss. Liu Tian felt that the sky-high protection fee was well spent, as he was able to play the game as easily and gloriously as he does now two days ago.

Fu Anan followed the group of people and nodded in agreement. Ye Changfei's words sounded like the clucking of an old hen in Fu Anan's ears.

Nothing came into my mind.

The big pork elbow on the table is particularly tempting.

Ye Changfei looked at Fu Anan who was sitting in the corner and waved at her, "Come here, Sister Xiaohua."

Upon hearing the voice, Liu Tian hurriedly stood up and tactfully gave up his seat.

"Brother Ye?"

Fu Anan sat over there.

Ye Changfei smiled slightly and waved his hand, "It's okay, let's eat."

When Fu Anan heard this, her eyes lit up and she went straight to the big pork elbow in the middle of the table with her chopsticks.

"Yeah, not bad."

Ye Changfei took just one bite and put it aside, wiping his mouth with a piece of paper. It was too greasy.

Beaver City Day 21

The wind and rain grew stronger.

The strong wind blew waves on the water surface and raindrops flew everywhere. People could not stand steadily once they went out.

The original plan to go out was definitely not possible, and more than 20 people were waiting for the strong wind outside to stop.

Everyone gathered at the window, watching the water splashing outside, even rising to a height of two or three meters.

I couldn't help but exclaim.

"Which is stronger, this gale or the gale a dozen days ago?"

Just as he finished speaking, the sound of glass cracking was heard nearby.


Glass shattered and a strong wind swept in.

The huge pressure difference caused by the airflow almost squeezed out the person closest to the window.

There was a commotion and everyone worked together to block the broken window with wooden tables.

In addition to the broken windows, the other windows also had to be blocked with wooden boards. Just as they were busy, a familiar and terrifying voice was heard.

The building was silent for a moment, and after a moment, a voice rang out—

"Fuck, a building at the Tianguo Huafu on North Street collapsed."

This strong wind is more severe than the typhoon a dozen days ago.

The typhoon came with a devastating force and lasted for three days.

There is hardly one in ten buildings above water that are more than ten stories high.

(End of this chapter)