Being an Author is a High Risk Occupation

Chapter 26: I don't need anyone to help pour out the cat litter!


The owner of the valley, Ding Ruojian, held the witch in time, so that her bright red lips did not imprint on his face. Pulling the person off his body, he took a deep breath. When Qi Ruxue saw Ding Ruojian's movements, she immediately took out two balls of cotton and stuffed them in her ears.


Ding Ruojian said: "Lord, you are too presumptuous! As the host of Qingyulou, one of the seven sects, how can you be so dishonest? You represent the image of Qingyulou, Qingyulou belongs to one of the seven sects, and you are the same Be aware that being a BLABLA…”

Zhuohua: ...

Qi Ruxue handed Zhuohua two balls of cotton: "What he says in this state is useless nonsense, you don't have to listen to it." He pointed to Ding Ruojian's hands that were waving while speaking.

"He only puts his hands behind his back when he is talking about important content." So careful discrimination can prevent ears from being poisoned.

Zhuohua took the cotton silently, and looked at the excited look on the witch's face strangely. Not only could she listen to it, but she could even nod while listening, answering "yes" from time to time.

"Master, as long as he can face the beauty, all other physical and mental attacks can't harm her."

Zhuohua stuffed the cotton on his ears.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being the landlord of Qingyu Building.

I am still far behind!

Zi Cheduanyuan took Pei Bufan back to the courtyard, and Pei Bufan immediately ran out to the side room to look for Gong Yi. Although Gong Yi is also a pitiful person, no matter how long he stays by the hero's side, the hero won't even glance at you. You are not his natal CP! So Pei Bufan has no pressure to chase people away.

Zi Cheduanyuan frowned, he had just opened the door of the magic weapon and Pei Bufan ran out impatiently, the doubt in his heart turned into anger when he saw the direction he was running.

He even forgot that there was an outsider living in his courtyard.

He should have been dealt with long ago!

Zi Cheduanyuan frowned, pursed his lips and followed quickly, wondering what exactly Pei Bufan was looking for him for.

what to do As a black cat who can't speak, what can he do, scratch people.

Anyway, Zi Cheduanyuan didn't like Gong Yi either, he had already seen that. Taking this opportunity to show his dislike for Gong Yi, with the hero's personality, he will definitely drive him out.

With Gong Yi's aptitude, as long as she doesn't always think about finding someone by being oppressed, but works hard on her own, there will always be a way.

No matter how you say it, it's better than his hard-working look!

But when Pei Bufan searched through the room where Gong Yi lived, he didn't find a single person.

Where did you go

Zi Cheduanyuan also discovered this problem after following him.

Those who follow people from aristocratic families to serve in the sect are basically equivalent to selling themselves. It belongs to the master from head to toe, not to mention running around, and the master can suspect his betrayal and kill him if he talks a few words with other people.

But Gong Yi's room was obviously empty for a few days.

Pei Bufan calculated in his mind, it should be that the male lead hadn't come back here for two days after he left.

'what to do? ’ Pei Bufan asked anxiously: ‘Does this count as a success in expulsion? '

After a long silence, the system replied: [Not counting. Find someone, and let the hero drive him out himself.]

'So you have to find someone now, right? '


'Hehe... system, give me a small arrow! '

[... People are still in Sword Immortal Valley, go find it yourself! ] The system also doesn't want to care about Pei Bufan's lazy attitude.

Pei Bufan was so excited that he was in Sword Immortal Valley

Zi Cheduanyuan bent down and hugged Pei Bufan in his arms, so that he could check the room. Everything of value in the house was gone. However, the clothes and quilts that are often needed are still there. Zi Cheduanyuan searched up and down, and probably guessed the reason of the matter in his heart.

He planned to ignore it, but when he caught sight of Heimiao in his arms, he changed his mind and took out a small jade token instead.

Pei Bufan should always see the real face of Gong Yi, so as not to worry about it all the time. But what is it to have a face above average? He has his own good looks

This is the contract that Gong Yi made when she insisted on following her back. As long as the jade tablet is crushed, Gong Yi's life can be killed, and the jade tablet can be activated at any time to find Gong Yi.

The jade tablet turned into a beam of light and flew towards the east, Zi Che Duanyuan snorted coldly, hugged Pei Bufan and followed.

The jade tablet stopped in front of the palace gate on the third floor, Zi Che Duanyuan raised his eyebrows and took the jade tablet back, and stepped into the interior. With the disciple's token handed down by the head of the sect, he can enter and leave most of the palace at will. This is a sword-testing court run by an elder. As long as he does not enter the elder's private territory, Zi Cheduanyuan has the right to break in without notification.

As soon as they stepped into the main hall, Zi Cheduanyuan and Pei Bufan heard familiar voices coming from the place where the disciples lived in the backyard.

"What Yi'er said is true." The voice was weak and pitiful, and every word was filled with infinite grievances: "At the beginning he saw me and insisted on bringing me to this middle world, but he abandoned it not long after. I thought he Because of her sincerity towards me, Yi'er was willing to give up everything and come to this Sword Immortal Valley with him, preferring to serve as a servant, but in the end..." He broke down in tears as he spoke.

Zi Cheduanyuan was trembling with anger.

Pei Bufan glanced at Zi Cheduanyuan cautiously, and then slowly shrunk himself into a ball. I don't hear anything, I don't know anything...

"Since he has always abandoned me, why should I throw my heart at him! Brother You! Please let Yi'er stay here! Yi'er is willing to accompany Brother You now, and only wants to leave him. Far away, never see you again..."

If you only look at the general meaning of these words and don't pay attention to the details, what you said is actually true.

If you don't look at the details...

Who is it who is talking about it? ! He never planned to take this person with him from the beginning! ! fancy? He is blind! Insist on bringing it? If it wasn't for Pei Bufan's begging, he wished he would kick him to the lower realm and never see him again in this life! Came here to be a slave and wronged you? Don't kneel down and follow desperately when you are wronged! !

If it weren't for Pei Bufan! he will take...

Pei Bufan! !

Zi Che Duanyuan twisted his fingers on Pei Bufan's buttocks, causing him to shiver in pain.

Pei Bufan: How much enmity do you have with your master's ass? ! QAQ

Zi Cheduanyuan couldn't bear to listen to what was said later, he strode over and said viciously: "What are you?!"

Gong Yi, whose cultivation base is low, didn't notice the male lead was there, and when he saw him appear, his face turned pale with fright.

"Looking at you?" Zi Che Duanyuan looked him up and down, and sneered, "It's just a person who puts white powder on his face and pretends to be a woman when he talks and walks. Why did I fall in love with you? Are you blind? You smell so bad... "

Pei Bufan: "Ah Choo!"

Ziche Duanyuan: …

The other man in the confession: …

Gong Yi: ...

Pei Bufan flicked his tail: Nose itches, you continue. I never knew the hero's mouth was so poisonous.

Zi Cheduanyuan paused for a moment and continued: "A waste that is kept at home as a furnace. I brought you here just to prepare a servant for pouring cat litter for my black cat, just like you." The male lead looked up and down Gong Yi sneered again, making it clear that she didn't like it.

Pei Bufan: What's the matter with Lord Guan? ! I don't need anyone to help pour out the cat litter! ! Grandpa will find the land himself! !

After these words, Gong Yi's face turned ashen and her whole body trembled.

Returning the jade tablet to Gong Yi, Zi Cheduanyuan continued: "You just want to return this, return it to you." After finishing speaking, he said to the man who had been looking at Zi Cheduanyuan in amazement: "This If you like it, you can take it away directly." Then he turned his head and left.

Gong Yi held the jade token in her hand and stood there blankly.

It was the man who suddenly woke up from a dream, ran after Zi Cheduanyuan, and left Gong Yi where he was.

"This fellow Taoist! Wait a minute!"

Zi Cheduanyuan turned his head and looked at him impatiently.

"Report, I'm sorry." The man rubbed his nose: "I have nothing to do with him. It's just that he accidentally fell down a few days ago, and I caught him. Then he... hehe, I'm not very good at rejecting people. "

Pei Bufan: I can tell, she's quite dull. No wonder he was entangled by Gong Yi. To be able to live here should be a direct disciple of an elder. High status, easy to talk, easier to hook up than the cold-faced male lead, it's not surprising that Gong Yi changed the target of the attack.

"I already have someone I like, hehe." The man sneered: "What he said just now... um, I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Zi Cheduanyuan said indifferently.

"You are so are really broad-minded." The man laughed.

Pei Bufan shuddered when he heard this word, it is used to describe the hero, this word can be said to be the most unsuitable!

The hero is the best example of revenge! The reason why he let Gong Yi go now is definitely because he wants to portray himself as a fat, ah bah, vain image.

Just wait, Gong Yi dares to smear the male lead like this, she will never get better.

When Pei Bufan closed his eyes, he didn't care.

"My name is Yuan Wangyou. I'm Elder Xun Ming's eldest disciple. I'm in the Yuanying period. You're a newcomer, right? It's strange to me. I don't know who your teacher is from?"

"Zi Cheduanyuan, the fourth disciple in charge." Zi Cheduanyuan replied.

"Oh, you can call me Senior Brother, so I'll call you Junior Brother Ziche." Yuan Wangyou said, "Did Junior Brother Ziche come to attend the apprenticeship ceremony? The apprenticeship ceremony is tomorrow, and Junior Brother Ziche will return today You can take a stroll around first. By the way, this year's younger brothers and sisters have already arrived, and I planned to meet them... Hehe, why don't we go together."

Zi Cheduanyuan thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

The ones who can make Yuan Wangyou go to see him should be the direct disciples of the master and elders.

These are important connections.

The author has something to say: The night before going to Sword Immortal Valley, Zi Cheduanyuan called Gong Yi over.

Zi Cheduanyuan: (in a low voice) After the past, you are the servant who serves.

Gong Yi: (nodding, winking)

Zi Cheduanyuan: (Unmoved) You are responsible for taking care of Heimiao's daily life.

Gong Yi: (face froze)

Zi Cheduanyuan: Remember to prepare warm fish every day, the fish should be ground into a paste, and all the bones of the fish should be removed. It must be clean and delicious, if Bufan is a bit unaccustomed to it... (threatening eyes)

Gong Yi: (face a little pale)

Zi Cheduanyuan: The cat litter needs to be changed every day, whether he uses it or not. The cat litter should be soft and clean so that it cannot get on the hair.

Gong Yi: (with dull eyes)

Zi Cheduanyuan: Fragile things should be hidden, the ground should be cleaned at any time, Bufan's feet are very tender and cannot be cut.

Gong Yi: (look in a trance)

Zi Cheduanyuan: Do you remember what I said

Gong Yi: (Nods, looks enviously at Heimiao who is sleeping soundly on the bed)