Being an Author is a High Risk Occupation

Chapter 5: Zi Cheduanyuan's General Sense Road


Seeing Hei Miao's aggrieved look, Zi Cheduanyuan also felt aggrieved. Without Bi Feng, he can't continue to follow Zhong Yanqing, not only can't take away his chance, but also can't make trouble secretly, so he can only talk about it later. That being the case, he didn't want to waste any more time here, so he stood up and prepared to leave, but Heimiao refused to follow him, and instead ran in another direction.

Is this going to leave him? Zi Cheduanyuan sneered.

Is he that annoying? Not even a cat would accompany him.

"Come back." Zi Cheduanyuan said coldly. If that cat is disobedient and runs away because of being spanked... Disloyal guy, it's better to kill it.

Pei Bufan was so frightened that he shuddered, and quickly ran back and grabbed the male lead's skirt and pulled it over there.

Zi Cheduanyuan's murderous aura dissipated, and he stared blankly at him: "You want me to go with you?"

Pei Bufan nodded, the brain waves finally coincided so frankly it was not easy! ! QAQ

Do you want to throw flowers to celebrate

Is it easy for me to complete a broken task!

Zi Cheduanyuan followed without hesitation, there was nothing to do on the left and right, so it didn't hurt to go and have a look.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, when Zi Che Duanyuan was considering whether to continue following, Pei Bufan led him around a dense bush and stopped. The little head nodded, just as he had imagined, the distance between the small icons also became 0, it was right here.

Zi Cheduanyuan was surprised, what caught his eyes was another cave that was completely different from the outside world.

A huge valley, the most striking thing is the clear spring in the center of the valley, where birds with colorful wings are playing in the water, the herbs growing by the spring are at least a hundred years old, and there is a pavilion in the center of the spring, wrapped in hazy water mist Among them, the characteristic is that there are no stone steps leading to it. If you want to pass it, you have to 'walk' across the water with the help of exercises.

You can also swim. If you have that life.

The bird's wings and feathers in the spring water are bright in color, but they are highly poisonous, which is lower than that of a foundation-building cultivator. Didn't you see not a single fish in the water? However, this is not a big problem for Zi Cheduanyuan who has already established his foundation, besides, there is a movement technique handed down in his family, which can completely walk across the water without touching it.

As for Zhong Yanqing, he probably swam over with his own cultivation. Zi Cheduanyuan remembered that when he came back in his previous life, his clothes were corroded a lot.

That is to say, here is Zhong Yanqing's opportunity.

Zi Cheduanyuan showed a big smile on his face, lowered his head and stroked Pei Bufan's cat face: "You know, you brought me here specially?"

Pei Bufan puffed out his small chest and groaned.

"That's why I wanted me to follow you before..." Zi Cheduanyuan smiled and rubbed Pei Bufan's cat's buttocks: "I blamed you before."

Fuck! I know I'm wrong and touch my grandpa's ass! !

Let go of your paws and touch again! you touch again...

When the master goes back, he will immediately open a new hole, the name is "Zi Che Duan Yuan's General Shou Road"!

Ancient rivers and lakes! Let you fall into the Nanfeng Pavilion, sell it if you are caught, and then go up again if you are sold! Thousands of people ride thousands of people, don't even think about turning over in this life!

Zi Cheduanyuan looked at Pei Bufan's cat mouth with disgust: "Drool is coming out."

Pei Bufan sucked in a breath immediately.

Zi Cheduanyuan: What are you thinking, so... rippling

Stepping lightly and lightly across the poisonous spring, I came to the pavilion. Suddenly, Zi Cheduanyuan and Pei Bufan came to another world.

There is another mystery in the pavilion.

Zi Che Duanyuan exclaimed, this technique, even in the middle world, can only be done by those with great powers, who could be living in this lower world where the spiritual energy is thin, leaving behind so many strange treasures

Pei Bufan snorted, but he didn't know the details. This is a dungeon base randomly set up for the hero to get good things.

With Pei Bufan as a huge prophet plug-in, Zi Cheduanyuan smoothly followed Heimiao to bypass all obstacles and directly reach the deepest part of this small cave.

The deeper you go, the more doubts Cheduanyuan has in his heart. With his eyes, it is not difficult to see the danger in this small cave, but the little black cat can accurately find the safe section hidden in the trap, and will He takes it deep.

It's like getting to know each other a thousand times.

Thinking of this, he laughed at himself for thinking too much, but he is just a newborn cat, what can he know

Suddenly another thought came to Zi Che Duanyuan's mind, this thought made him feel cold all over, and his eyes when he looked at Heimiao became unfriendly.

What if Heimiao was reborn like him? Or seize the house? Although I can't think of who would snatch the body of a low-level Shibamao, but if it's a coincidence...

Thinking that the black cat beside him is not a real pet but a person, Zi Cheduanyuan felt that his mentality could not be stabilized.

After all, black cats are different from people. People think a lot and calculate a lot. Unlike pets, its world is very simple except for its owner.

If it is a human being, why bring him here

If it's just a pet, why do you know so much? Also know what he wants? Even high-level spirit beasts don't have such high intelligence.

For a short distance, Zi Cheduanyuan's thoughts turned and turned a thousand times, but he couldn't figure it out.

Forget it, let's go and see.

If Pei Bufan knew what was going on in his mind, he would definitely flip the table angrily: What is he plotting against you? Lord, what's the point of plotting against you in this state? You can't use a pile of magic weapons, you can't spend a pile of spirit stones, and you can't buy half a pack of cat milk powder with a pile of money! Who the hell would sell something to a cat! ! If you really guess that the master is an author, or because of the readers' resentment, the master who was tossed in because of the reader's resentment, you will be convinced! ! I got a big slot!

Through a long corridor, one person and one meow came to the innermost room. As soon as he entered, his four eyes were almost blinded, and the table was full of magical materials and elixir randomly piled there, like a treasure room, which showed that the original owner was a very casual guy.

There is a letter on the table, with a few big brush characters flying around: To those who are destined.

Zi Cheduanyuan picked up the letter and opened it to read, with a subtle expression on his face. He crumpled the letter vigorously into powder.

And Hei Miao sneaked into the corner of the room when the male protagonist was not paying attention, licking his paws, he didn't care about the contents of the envelope. He is now trying to check the last trap in the room. He used the correct way to open the door just now, so the trap was not blocked.


In fact, when they reached the entrance, Pei Bufan found that the previous task had been completed, and the next task was coming one after another.

I really don't want meow to have a good rest!

[Task: Ask the host to help the hero to trip up Zhong Yanqing

Completion reward: experience 1000

gold coin 10

Cute meow meow bell collar 1/4

Failure penalty: obliteration]

Pei Bufan: "..."

Whether he can survive is unknown! Can Zhong Yanqing's mission be slowed down? ? He remembered that it was here that the hero met the first difficult little boss he met, a huge eight-headed spider! Two meters high!

At that time, he also specifically googled the appearance of the spider, and combined with his own fantasy, the vivid and vivid description made the readers feel hairy and wanted to queue up to throw him rotten eggs. But now... he would rather be buried in rotten eggs.

Grandpa is going to see the real 5D version of the giant eight-headed spider today! ! Please help me!

Complaints are complaints, the task is still to be done, if he doesn't want to become a dead cat.

The little black cat ran to the corner with a small body, and changed the position of some strange things.

The setting of the formation is ever-changing, as long as a slight change is made, a formation with the opposite effect can be created. Pei Bufan was very sure that Zhong Yanqing would come. In the original book, he appeared here by chance, and the hero followed him and waited for Zhong Yanqing to find the treasure before appearing, not only stole the things, but also fought with Zhong Yanqing. Just when Zhong Yanqing was about to discover the identity of the hero wearing a mask, a big spider came out to disrupt the situation, allowing the hero to escape from Zhong Yanqing, but it almost cost his life.

However, that's why Pei Bufan didn't know the conditions to trigger the 'Spider Appearance' branch plot!

The male protagonist was busy picking out the magic weapon and put it in his storage bag, when he suddenly saw a huge black stone, his eyes lit up immediately.

That is the meteorite of God. It is said that it came from the God Realm. It was born with heaven and absorbed the essence of heaven and earth. It is the best for making natal swords. In his previous life, he had seen Zhong Yanqing holding a sword forged from the meteorite of God in his hand. Zhong Yanqing was not a sword repairman, and that sword was only used occasionally, but it was extremely sharp. The material to forge it is obtained from here.

The corner of Zi Cheduanyuan's mouth curled up, this trip was really worthwhile. He is currently planning to change his cultivation to sword cultivation. Most of the current cultivators are Dharma cultivators, they cultivate their minds, they advocate not getting involved in cause and effect, and they don’t want to get involved with non-practitioners. And the sword cultivator cultivates the sword, and takes the way of killing. Among them, Faxiu is easy to cultivate Feixian, so there are more people. However, sword cultivators usually kill heavily, and it is difficult to bear the thunder calamity falling here, so there are not many people who actually practice sword cultivating. In addition to this, there are talisman repairs, Dan repairs and so on.

His state of mind is already unstable now, and his inner demons are gradually growing, and it will be futile to cultivate his mind. It's better to take advantage of the fact that the foundation is only established now and it won't take long to turn into a sword cultivator. He has no delusions about not being involved in karma, and if he wants to ascend, the only way is sword cultivation. The way of killing is very suitable for him, isn't it

Packing and taking away all the good things in the room, leaving behind only some things that can be seen but are useless and some elixir, to erase the traces of himself and Heimiao, Zi Cheduanyuan is ready to leave. At this moment, Pei Bufan and Zi Cheduanyuan felt a chill coming.

The author has something to say: Pei Bufan: "Zi Cheduanyuan, without father and mother, was raised by his uncle, but because he was born with a weak body and a beautiful face, he was taken by his uncle..." I will omit 3,800 words here.

Pei Bufan: "Gradually I lost interest in Zi Cheduanyuan. It happened that he was being collected for gambling, so Zi Cheduanyuan was tied up to pay off the debt. Poor Zi Cheduanyuan was caught by a few big men..." I will omit 4,300 words here. .

Pei Bufan: "After the big man sold him into the Nanfeng Pavilion, Zi Cheduanyuan lived a miserable life from then on, every day..." I will omit 6,500 words here.

Pei Bufan: "That client never forgot about Zi Cheduanyuan. He came here many times, and even hired him, claiming that he was not allowed to pick up other people's clients. The madam was very happy. After all, that client had special hobbies. She was able to reduce a lot of losses, so Zi Cheduanyuan was...' Let's omit 2,100 words.

Pei Bufan: "Zi Cheduanyuan, whose body was injured at the root and rejected by customers, had no way to make a living, so he had no choice but to sell..." I will omit 2,700 words here.

Pei Bufan: "The general liked his smooth way of handling things, so he bought him." Zi Cheduanyuan thought he was finally out of the sea of misery, but the general asked him to hook up with a man as a soldier.

Zi Cheduanyuan: "Well, the writing of H in this section is better than before, but I prefer 1VS1 to NP. There are many tricks worth referring to."

Pei Bufan: Σ( ° △ °|||)︴ "Damn it! How long have you been watching it?"

Zi Cheduanyuan: "It was there from the beginning."

Pei Bufan: (;°;Д;°;) "That... that..."

Zi Cheduanyuan: "I like these passages, let's try them out."

Pei Bufan: "Try your sister!! Beast!! Put me down!!!" (:3[__]