Being an Author is a High Risk Occupation

Chapter 57: Male lead, your lower limit is getting lower and lower! ! ! (28)


Shouldn't we be honest with each other!

Zi Cheduanyuan thought for a while and said, "I want to talk to the system."

Pei Bufan hesitated, it's not that he didn't want to, but... how do we talk about this? The guy in the system should be in... um, in his mind

Fantasizing about a stickman sitting at his desk and making a home in his brain, Pei Bufan suddenly shivered.

Or... in the dantian

Fantasizing about a stickman sitting at his desk and making a home in his belly, Pei Bufan felt even colder.

"I will release a ray of consciousness into your sea of consciousness, don't resist." Zi Cheduanyuan said.

Pei Bufan nodded.

The system almost wants to cry but has no tears, what the hell...

He can fool that stupid cat, because Pei Bufan only pays attention to the result and doesn't care about the details. But Zi Cheduanyuan will not, he is as careful as a hair, narrow-minded, and still holds grudges.

Should he hide again

When the system was about to run away, it heard the voice of the male lead: "I found you." '


He wanted to say, you're looking for the wrong person... no, you're looking for the wrong system.

Zi Che Duanyuan grabbed that wisp of consciousness that was completely different from Pei Bufan's aura, and restrained it. Carefully sizing up and judging the identity of the other party.

The system remained silent, implying that as long as it was not killed, it would never be forced to speak.

Zi Cheduanyuan felt an aura very similar to that of Ghost Xiu in the system's spiritual consciousness.

The other party must have a deep relationship with the underworld.

If it was a person from the underworld, it would be normal for Zi Cheduanyuan not to know.

The underworld is a separate world, seldom connected with the realm of cultivation and fairyland, and the realm of gods is the one that moves a lot. It's just that it was cut off from the God Realm ten thousand years ago, and the Underworld has almost become a legend.

It was the first time they met Ghost Xiu when his father ascended.

The system is from the underworld, and Pei Bufan is the next underworld lord.

The system came over and stared at Pei Bufan, either an enemy or a friend.

Thinking of the previous actions of the system, Zi Cheduanyuan's hostility dissipated a little. At least, the system really didn't intend to directly kill Pei Bufan. Just when Zi Cheduanyuan loosened a little bit, the system's consciousness suddenly surged, and then slipped away...

Pei Bufan who noticed that the system suddenly ran away: ...

The bastard system who bossed him around just confronted the male lead and then slipped away

Is the hero so scary

... Discriminatory treatment ah hello!

Thinking about the system's two completely different attitudes towards himself and the male lead, Pei Bufan felt completely heartbroken.

Ma Ma, he is not considered weak...

Zi Cheduanyuan was also taken aback for a moment, then came to his senses, withdrew his consciousness, opened his eyes and smiled at Zi Cheduanyuan, and said, "Let's go to practice."

Pei Bufan: Wait, isn't this topic changing a little too quickly

What about the system? Don't you ask about his affairs

It's not that Zi Cheduanyuan doesn't care about the system, it's just that...he thinks that Pei Bufan knows maybe not as much information as he got when he probed the system just now.

Stupid meow is always so stupid no matter what time it is.

"Wait." Pei Bufan suddenly stopped the male lead who was walking in front, looked at Zi Che Duanyuan looking back at him, pointed his fingers, and whispered: "That... I... probably ... ... I like you..." The voice was as low as a mosquito.

But the male lead, he heard it.

Then, Zi Cheduanyuan smiled, and his warm smile made Pei Bufan feel like spring flowers blooming.

He said, "Yes."

Zi Cheduanyuan's answer was: "I love you."

In exchange for a word, a little black cat that shyly changed into its original form threw itself into its arms.

Zi Cheduanyuan stroked the soft and fluffy hair of the black cat in his hand, and finally felt relieved.

The relationship between Zi Cheduanyuan and Pei Bufan who opened the door was increasing day by day. Later, Zi Cheduanyuan and Pei Bufan were accepted into the Nine-Tailed Meow family by those cats after training. The eyes of the cats were blinded.

Therefore, because of Zi Cheduanyuan's relationship, the few cats who lost the Tiandao pen tool spirit could only stare at Zi Cheduanyuan, and didn't even have a chance to speak condemning words. Saying a bad word to Zi Cheduanyuan will receive a blank stare from the master of the underworld, how embarrassing it is!

Moreover, they are responsible for the ineffective protection of the Underworld Lord.

Pei Bufan happily handed over his pen, and he is also responsible!

In addition, Lan Lin's cat, Pei Bufan, and the others hardly saw each other. Lan Lin seemed to feel that he was responsible for Wu Jue's betrayal, and after being together for hundreds of years, he couldn't tell what the other party was thinking. He really failed at being a meow!

Thinking back when he found Pei Bufan, he was the first to notify Wujue!

What I got was this result!

Lan Lin occasionally sends a letter to Nine-Tailed Meow, saying what she did and where she is. Of course, the most important thing is to report endless news.

Lan Lin seems to have brought out the attributes of a stalker to the extreme, chasing after Wujue's ass every day, playing assassination whenever she finds time. But that's the case, I don't know what Wujue is for, or because he really can't bear to do anything to Lan Lin because he has been with him for hundreds of years, so he really completely ignores the white meow killer who is following behind him, letting him When I am sleeping, meditating, taking a shower, playing cosplay (==) playing assassination, I only dodge and never fight back.

In any case, the result was that the letter contained almost endless daily life.

The protagonist Pei Bufan and all the cats: We are not at all curious about what Wujue does every day, please stop writing about that betrayal, okay? !

On the other side, Xiandi and Qingshi seem to be reconciled, but they don't seem to be reconciled.

Not being reconciled means that the contract between the two of them has not been signed after all. It gives people the feeling of reconciliation... the two of them are sticky together, and they have never been separated for almost a moment.

Immortal Emperor: Have you been beaten all the time! !

All Immortals: It’s okay, we’ve long been used to it.

When Qingshi lost his temper, he went to whip the Immortal Emperor with his tail. Qingshi got drunk and went crazy, so he gnawed on the Immortal Emperor. Qingshi was not happy, so he went to pull the hair of the Immortal Emperor...

Immortal Emperor, you have lost all face long ago.

The only happy thing is that Qingshi decided to quit drinking.

As soon as he became addicted to alcohol, he grabbed Xiandi and dragged him into the house. As for what he did, no one knew.

Anyway, it is certain that the shadow of the Immortal Emperor will not be seen in the next few days.

As a good boy, Youfan seems to have no choice but to fight with Mui when Papa and Mama quarrel (what's wrong).

In short, after the Tiandaobi incident, the fairyland suddenly became safe and harmonious. No one came to trouble Pei Bufan and the hero, and there was no movement from the Immortal Emperor except for the big fight with Qingshi.

The only thing that makes Pei Bufan happy is his original shape! long! big! up!

It finally became its original size, the size of a domestic cat!



It's all about the so-called awakening, becoming a teacup cat is a kind of awakening, hello! All shrunk!

Did he completely grow back from his childhood state!

Counting that he is over a hundred years old now, it seems that in another two hundred years, he will be able to stand on his own...

Chapter 105 As expected of the hero! How treacherous!

When Lan Lin followed Wujue in front of the stalker, he once saw Wujue communicating with the light ball that should be the pen tool of heaven, and then he contacted the emperor, and the words were completely Lan Lin, who did not shy away from following secretly, said the content directly. I don't know if he really doesn't care about Lan Lin and thinks he can't make much trouble, or if he really just said it for Lan Lin. But leaving this point aside, what surprised Lan Lin during the conversation was that Wujue planned to become a god directly.

Take the Heavenly Dao Pen Artifact spirit that you forcibly snatched from the Lord of the Underworld and then go to become a god, Wujue and Immortal Emperor, do you dare not be so shameless! This is the heartfelt voice of all the nine-tailed cats at the same time when they read Lan Lin's letter.

In addition to the movements of Wujue and Xiandi, the letter Lan Lin sent to Pei Bufan also suggested that Pei Bufan follow his man and quickly become a god. Or Pei Bufan and others are required to stop the two from becoming gods first. Lan Lin thinks that their battle may go to the God Realm. Stop Wujue and others first to stop them from continuing to grow stronger the way.

It's just that the proposal to become a god was immediately rejected by the system, and the bastard system only said one sentence to Pei Bufan: [Now become a god, I will kill you!]

Pei Bufan: Shit! What the hell is he threatening without a reason

Now that bastard system has become even more shameless since it was revealed that its identity is mysterious, and that it can change tasks and rewards at any time. Even the "settings" that are erased only after the task fails are completely forgotten, as long as Pei Bufan makes any move the system Anyone who thinks it is inappropriate will threaten him with obliteration.

It's just... Ever since the system ran away in front of the male protagonist last time, the image of the system as tall and omnipotent in Stupid Meow's heart has completely collapsed. Pei Bufan picked his ear and said, "I'm just going, why? Do you really dare to kill me?"

The system misfiring.

In fact, he still... dare not.

It should be said that he has no right to dispose of Pei Bufan's life at will, nor can he dispose of it arbitrarily.

Every time I posted any obliteration before, it was just talk, I wanted to motivate this stupid cat to work hard, but... the fuck is useless now! If Stupid Meow isn't even afraid of obliterating him, what else can he use to suppress him! Isn't the system doing so much for your own good, you stupid meow!

The system thought for a while, and said: [Shaving.]He can do this.

Pei Bufan: Shit!

After hearing Pei Bufan's words, Zi Cheduanyuan guessed that the 'system' must have explained something to him, so he put down Lan Lin's letter and asked, "What is that system saying to you?"

Pei Bufan groaned, and said, "He won't let us become gods now, and even threatened to shave my hair off!" The last sentence is the key point!

A hairless and bald kitten and... a naked Pei Bufan suddenly appeared in Zi Cheduanyuan's mind.

Zi Cheduanyuan: "Pfft!"

"Fuck!" Pei Bufan was furious.

Zi Cheduanyuan grabbed Pei Bufan's hand that strangled his neck, and said with a low laugh, "I just wanted to tell you that we are delaying the time to become a god. Let's leave the matter of Wujue and Immortal Emperor aside for the time being." " As he spoke, he casually threw Lan Lin's letter full of resentful words and wanted to tear Wujue's corpse into thousands of pieces on the table.

Pei Bufan was stunned for a moment, and said, "Why?"

Because he doesn't want to be defeated again. Zi Cheduanyuan thought.

Losing is losing, as long as one life is left, he doesn't care about bowing his head for a while. This is Zi Cheduanyuan's thought all along. But in front of Pei Bufan, he couldn't do it.

He can't fail again and again in front of the person he likes and the person who has always relied on him, or even bow his head and admit defeat.

With Zi Cheduanyuan and Pei Bufan's cultivation and qualifications, it can be said that they have completely looked down on the immortals in the fairy world. It's just... If they were in the God Realm, what chance would they have of winning

Leaving aside the God Realm, they are only able to fight against Shang Wujue and Immortal Emperor now.

In addition, Qingshi seems to have reconciled with the Immortal Emperor, and Lan Lin's letter mentioned that Qingshi, who became a god this time, wanted to go with the Immortal Emperor. Although they haven't seen each other for more than a hundred years, after all, Qingshi is someone who taught them and knows them better. Zi Cheduanyuan believed that when Qingshi saw them, he would definitely not greet them in a familiar way, and Qingshi, who believed in favor of the Immortal Emperor, would definitely attack them without hesitation, and even kill them.

Comparing the partner who has been with you for thousands of years and the acquaintance who has taught for a while and is not even an apprentice, it is clear at a glance who is more important.

Zi Cheduanyuan thinks that the existence of 'choice' is unnecessary.

But Qingshi knew their fighting style and habits, after all he taught them, so it was very troublesome.

It is necessary to suspend the matter of becoming a god.

After they have a high enough strength, they will go to the God Realm to make a big fuss.

By the way, find out what kind of guy is the person who has been fighting against Pei Bufan and coveting the position of Lord of the Underworld.

[That's what I mean. ] The system suddenly said at this time.

Pei Bufan after listening to the hero's explanation: ...

Does the so-called hindsight refer to the system

If you really think so, why don't you just say it

Pei Bufan is so stupid that he can't understand!

System: Really stupid.

Zi Cheduanyuan and Pei Bufan decided to give up the trouble of looking for Immortal Emperor and Wujue. Although the other Nine-Tailed Cats were very unwilling, but the Emperor didn't move, how could they, eunuchs, dare to act privately

There is only one Nine-tailed Cat who dares to act privately, and that is Lan Lin. He ignored the persuasion in Pei Bufan's reply, and resolutely dragged Wujue to the God Realm.

The contract between Wujue and Lan Lin has not been terminated. Wujue can ascend to the God Realm, so Lan Lin can secretly follow Wujue even if his cultivation level is not enough.

Even though Wu Jue missed Lan Lin's actions, he still ignored them.

The silence of Pei Bufan and the others here does not mean that the entire fairy world will also be silent.

When the Immortal Emperor and Wujue opened the channel to become a god, all the immortals in the entire fairy world felt the breath of the gods at that moment, and suddenly became excited.

The fairy world is higher than the cultivation world, and the god world is higher than the fairy world.

Even an immortal can't achieve the same longevity as the sky. It is natural to look forward to going one step further.

And what kind of realm can the gods and men of the God Realm reach...

The highest one can create the world, and even merge with the way of heaven.

The way of heaven, the rule of all things.

Simply put, it controls the lifeblood of these worlds.

According to legend, the Lord of the Underworld is the closest to this distance.

In short, being able to become a god is almost the common dream of all immortals.

Therefore, when the immortal emperor opened the way to become a god, the fairy world exploded.

Especially at this time, the patriarch of the Nine-Tailed Meow also spread the word that the Immortal Emperor was the accomplice who conspired with a god in the God Realm to close the passage between the Immortal Realm and the God Realm ten thousand years ago. The opening of the passage to the God Realm coincided with the time when the Immortal Emperor became a god, and the Immortal Emperor seemed to maintain... a default attitude towards this kind of message? Therefore, when the Immortal Emperor became a god, there were many immortals who came to make trouble and veto him. Everyone was worried about whether the passage to the God Realm would be closed again, so it was rare for them to speak with one voice. They all called the Immortal Emperor to step down and gave everyone an explanation.

Later, things got more and more troublesome, and the cultivation world upholds the belief that the strong are respected, and the Immortal World, composed of one in a thousand ascenders from the cultivation world, shows that it is definitely not the type that has something to say. If you don't agree with each other, you will be beaten up. No matter how powerful the Immortal Emperor and Wujue, together with Fan Qingshi and the other immortals who followed the Immortal Emperor, were too powerful, they would not be able to stand up to the ants that could kill an elephant, and the Immortal Emperor and Wujue who were beating up in a daze were on the side. Fleeing while resisting, he flew into the God Realm when he found a chance, leaving a group of immortals staring and cursing their mothers angrily.

But there are other people whose cultivation level is not low, and they can ascend directly after opening the channel to the God Realm. They each took their weapons and ascended to become gods, and then chased after Immortal Emperor and Wujue to beat them up.

After losing the trust of most immortals, the Immortal Emperor of the Immortal World automatically resigned from the position of Immortal Emperor.

Restored his original dao name, Dead Wood Immortal Venerable.

This name is taken from the first two characters of a unique move of the Immortal Emperor, Dead Wood Spring.

The Immortal Emperor's spiritual root has dual attributes of water and wood, and he takes the profession of... nurse. To put it simply, it is healing. Although he is also good at attacking, his auxiliary skills are even more powerful.

A very good vocabulary chose the first two words, which shows how casual this character is.

Immortal Emperor, no, now I want to call him Deadwood Immortal Venerable, or rather, Deadwood God. How can He Wujue get rid of those guys who have been tricked by him for thousands of years in the God Realm, and they can't become gods after reaching the cultivation level, and other crises in the God Realm? Pei Bufan and Zi Cheduanyuan are going to the God Realm Before, I didn't know it.

The Immortal Emperor voluntarily resigned, leaving behind a lot of bad things. First of all, many high-ranking immortals with official positions flew up immediately after opening the passage, leaving many vacancies to be filled. Fortunately, the official positions he left were not the ones that would cause trouble after leaving for a while, and there was still time to deal with them. It's just that the Immortal Emperor... who should do it

Those who stood out in the fairy world chose back and forth, and finally all the immortals found Zi Cheduanyuan.

There is no way, not long ago, this guy went out for various challenges, and almost everywhere he went, he looked for people to play games. As a result, none of the immortals left in the fairy world except those who ascended to gods can defeat this killer. Even if he ascended to become a god, there are still two defeats under him. Only when Zi Che Duanyuan came to be the Immortal Emperor, all the immortals were convinced, if other people were to do it, there would inevitably be disputes.

Immortal Emperor doesn't have much work, just a leader.

When the group of immortals approached, Zi Cheduanyuan's first reaction was to refuse, but he hesitated for a moment, but finally chose to agree.

With his response, Pei Bufan was almost petrified.

Brother, how long are we going to stay in the fairy world

Although the cultivation level is enough, you can temporarily suppress it and continue to stay here, but... don't we still have something to do in the God Realm

Do you have to wait a long time to become an immortal emperor!

Zi Cheduanyuan saw what Pei Bufan meant, and said to him in private: "I just accepted the position of Immortal Emperor. As for how long I will do it, one day or one year, I have the final say." Now the Immortal Emperor just ran away, so are they still chasing after God Realm

If you have the ability to go, go already.

Pei Bufan: ...

As expected of the hero! How treacherous!

"Wait, then what's the use of being an immortal emperor?"

Zi Cheduanyuan smiled and said, "I just want to see how that dead wood closes and opens the door to the God Realm, and whether there are any restrictions."

Pei Bufan: People call it dead wood, not dead wood...

Although the male protagonist's method is somewhat irresponsible, selfishness is enough.

Zi Cheduanyuan brought Pei Bufan to that place, but Pei Bufan was excluded because he was not an immortal emperor after all, only Zi Cheduanyuan walked in alone, and after a while he came out, his expression was a little strange. Pei Bufan questioned for a long time, and Zi Cheduanyuan told him: Immortal Realm cannot close the passage between God Realm and God Realm independently, and the corresponding God Realm cannot be closed independently, both parties must cooperate.

In other words, the Immortal Emperor must have someone in the God Realm.

What's the difference between this and nothing

Didn't the old patriarch also say that the Immortal Emperor knows a deity!

The gods... rub!

Thinking about it, Pei Bufan felt that his life in the God Realm would be difficult!

Pei Bufan didn't know how much Zi Cheduanyuan saw and knew in that room, and he didn't ask too much, because he believed that Zi Cheduanyuan would definitely not harm him.

Zi Cheduanyuan did have a secret to hide from Pei Bufan.

Although he didn't get much information there, he did find clues.

For example, who killed Pei Bufan's mother, Lan Yue.

The answer is all over the place, and it is endless.

There, Zi Cheduanyuan saw the fragments of the God Realm and the Immortal Emperor's message before closing the God Realm passage, but there was not much information, but the message asking him to kill Lanyue was also there.

It's just... the other party asked to kill Lanyue on the premise of guaranteeing Mingmao's life.

Since you really want to be the Lord of the Underworld, the one you really want to kill should be Pei Bufan, right? Why did you order to protect the life of the Underworld Cat? But if it was for the Underworld Cat, why did you order to kill Lan Yue Dead hand

When Lan Yue sealed Ming Mao, one of the weights was her own life, which shows that she had long ago decided not to live anymore. However, Zi Cheduanyuan didn't think that the people at Wujue would know this.

People's hearts are unpredictable, even if they are gods, no one can guarantee to know what they are thinking.

Many immortals are selfish and cherish their lives, Lanyue would give up her life and even lose her soul, they must have never expected it.

However, this cannot be told to Stupid Meow.

If Stupid Meow has a big heart, after all, Lan Yue and him have never been together for a day, maybe it can be temporarily ignored.

But if Stupid Meow cared, Zi Cheduanyuan didn't think this was the time to catch up with the God Realm, so he chose to hide it.

When he arrived in the God Realm, he believed that he would find out the truth.

Pei Bufan's business is his business.

Therefore, Zi Cheduanyuan extended the time to become a god for a long time.

Pei Bufan followed Zi Cheduanyuan and stayed in the position of Immortal Emperor for two hundred years, and these two hundred years were enough for many things to happen. It's as if they have met many immortals from the new Ascension Dao Immortal Realm, and even met a few acquaintances.

For example... Wu Zimo.

Pei Bufan: Now Wu Zimo's changes are simply unbearable!

Who is that guy who teases others with every move he makes

It was completely different from the silent scholar at the beginning, and he was completely transformed into a monster.

The monstrous Wu Zimo even stretched out his hand to lift Pei Bufan's chin, wanting to kiss him directly. Before the male protagonist got angry, the evildoer was taken away by the real evildoer - a huge white fox...

That white fox... also seemed familiar.

In addition, they also met the still so powerful witch, and finally got mixed up with the real Xingyuan who could ascend, the owner of the Zhanyan Pavilion, the distant cousin of Zi Che's family, Che Yinyin, and many others.

The personalities of many people have not changed after all, Xingyuan is still so shameless, and the witch is still... so lewd.

We haven't seen each other for many years, time seems to really wash away feelings.

They almost forgot the appearance and personality of the other party. Even if they met, they didn't have the acquaintance in the conversation before, not to mention things are different, and the identities of several people have already been different.

Master Xingyuan still wanted to get closer to Che Duanyuan and Pei Bufan, but in the end he was dragged away by the Pavilion Master. Before leaving, he said a word to Pei Bufan, which turned out to be for Qi Bowen.

A few short sentences mean: 'Right and wrong are not like black and white, there is no way to completely distinguish them. Follow your inner thoughts and feelings and don't be fooled by appearances. 'There are two more words: Mo regret.

Qi Bowen has also ascended, and is even better than blue in divination, reading astrology and knowing the future, completely surpassing his master and real Xingyuan. He seemed to know something recently, and then chose to stay behind closed doors, only letting his master and uncle bring the words to him when he met Pei Bufan, and nothing else.

Pei Bufan: What the hell does this mean! If you have something to say, please make it clear, what is silent and vague!

It's just that Zi Cheduanyuan hangs his head, thoughtful.

Then, it was time to really welcome the opportunity to go to the God Realm.

Chapter 106 Nima is really the first match to beat up the mistress!

The world of gods is different from the world of immortals and the world of comprehension.

The cultivation level in the realm of comprehension can be automatically improved through practice, while the level in the realm of immortality is calculated according to combat power. In the God Realm, the level is completely based on 'reputation'.

Regardless of the level of combat power, as long as someone is famous, he will automatically have a very high level evaluation.

And this fame is naturally accumulated through wars.

But there are also gods who have always been gods and men, but they are very powerful, but they are so low-key that they are unknown.

To put it simply, the level in the God Realm is just how much they show off, not the level of strength.

The strength of a god king is definitely not bad, but a god man may not be weak in strength.

Therefore, when you provoke a god, don't judge the strength according to the level, you will suffer a loss.

Just like Zi Cheduanyuan and Pei Bufan came to the God Realm at the level of gods and men, as long as they don't take the initiative to make trouble for others, it will be difficult for them to encounter enemies who take the initiative to harass them. The premise is that the God Realm is in a period of peace.

It just so happens that now when Pei Bufan and Zi Che Duanyuan become gods... the God Realm is in a war, and they are fully involved.

In the world of gods, the division between races is clearly more distinct than in the world of cultivation and the world of immortals. The gods who are born to preserve health are divided into one group, the gods who ascended from immortals are divided into one group, the demon race is divided into one group, and the demon race is divided into another group. ... The underworld is also a school of its own. This is the division of race.

In addition to mutual hatred between races, but within a race, they are divided into different factions because of different ideas.

Naturally, there are also mixed forms, such as recognizing the master. Many gods can find their own beliefs, and then serve them as their masters. Such a god has abandoned his original race and only fights for his master.

This war started after the passage to the fairyland was closed ten thousand years ago, and has been fought until now.

From the initial competition for the position of the Lord of the Underworld, from the different opinions and behaviors of the people, a little quarrel spread to the hatred between the races, and then, the prelude to the war of gods kicked off.

This is not just a matter between individuals, but an all-out war between every god.

Therefore, when Pei Bufan and Zi Cheduanyuan came to the God Realm, the first god they met did not speak when they saw them, but directly took out their weapons. A bright bow was not stringed, but the god just moved his hand slightly and pulled the string. There was a sound of piercing the sky, and golden arrows condensed all over the sky and flew towards the two of them.

Pei Bufan: Damn it! Arrow rain!

Zi Cheduanyuan and Pei Bufan quickly dodged the god's attack, one on the left and the other on the right, and then one sharpened his knife and the other took out his natal sword, and slashed at the god.

The god fought back and forth with Zi Cheduanyuan and Pei Bufan for several rounds, and seemed to think that it would be difficult for him to win, so he happily played a trick, turned around and was about to leave, but was chased by Zi Cheduanyuan , and then in the astonishment of the god, quickly took his life away.

From the beginning to the end, the god didn't say a word, and Zi Cheduanyuan and Pei Bufan didn't know who the god was, and why they attacked others as soon as they came up. After killing the god, the system began to whisper that the God Realm was at war. When the god saw an unfamiliar stranger, his first reaction was naturally an enemy.

You must know that the war in the God Realm divides the territory, and they are obviously on the territory that other gods have marked as their territory.

Pei Bufan: Σ(°△°|||)︴Damn it! You didn't say it earlier! It's better to leave as soon as possible!

Pei Bufan knew that Zi Cheduanyuan had been in the Immortal Emperor for a long time, and his strength had increased a lot, but he killed one just after he arrived in the God Realm... Is it too much cheating.

The system uttered: [The god is no more than the level of a general. Although the male protagonist can't reach the level of calling the wind and rain in the God Realm, it is enough to look down on most of the God Realm.]

Pei Bufan: Compared to the hero, he is really weak. As for the promised God Realm Bloodline Fortress, why hasn't his cultivation surpassed that of the male protagonist once? _(:3ゝ∠)_

(Blood: because you are subject)

In the fairy world, as long as the cultivation base is sufficient, one can become a god, and of course the cultivation base can be suppressed.

Moreover, the cultivation base and combat effectiveness can also continue to rise.

Immediately going to the God Realm after reaching the cultivation level is different from going to the God Realm after more training in the Immortal Realm. It can be decided that if you go there, you will be instantly killed immediately, or... live a little longer.

Immortals who rushed to the God Realm before would probably regret it, because the God Realm is in a great war, and if they come up rashly, they will only become cannon fodder. It is easy to ascend to become a god, but it is difficult to return to the fairy world. You have to wait for the time.

After killing that general, Pei Bufan clearly felt that Zi Cheduanyuan had changed, he seemed to be more... taller! There is a coercion on his body, a feeling of not being angry.

[The male protagonist kills a general and is automatically promoted to a general. ] The system answered.

Pei Bufan: "So, can you level up directly by killing someone with a high level?" '

System: [It can be said so.]

When the two first arrived in the God Realm, they were really ignorant of the God Realm. Pei Bufan was already confused before writing the outline of the God Realm, so he didn't understand what the God Realm was like at all.

Now visiting the God Realm (by the way, a territory that has not been divided into territories), can be regarded as having a general impression of it.

Although the God Realm is located above the Immortal Realm, it does not have white clouds floating around the feet like the Immortal Realm, but has a vast land and ocean like the Cultivation Realm.

The difference is that there are no man-made buildings here.

It feels like a barbaric period to Pei Bufan.

Pei Bufan's feeling is correct, God Realm is actually in a barbaric period.

God's life is so long that it can be said to be eternal, and he does not need to eat, drink, and sleep. Of course, there are still eating and sleeping in hobbies. It's just that if you are too desireless, you will naturally not think about transforming the life around you to make yourself better.

Human beings have stoves because they need fire to cook. Because of the need to hide from wild animals and bad weather, I need a house, because I want to keep out of the cold, I have clothes...

But... God doesn't need anything! And how can you make a stove house? What is the use

Even if it's clothes, I wear them because they look good, and the other thing is... It's a magic weapon for defense, which can be used in fights.

One of the gods' supplies is for fighting. Except for the first thing they pick up is the weapon, the first piece of clothing they put on is to defend against the opponent's weapon.

Weapons, for fighting. Clothes for fighting. All kinds of magic weapons, for fighting...

What else can I do besides fighting! God.

So... The God Realm... is simply a barbaric era that has never been developed!

Even if there is a little change, it is something created by those newcomers who have ascended and cannot adapt to this kind of life at once.

However, according to the system, more than 80% of the gods who ascended to gods fell in this god realm. If it catches up with the war, there will be very few survivors left behind.

How does a person who ascends from a mortal body to become a god become a god, compared to a god born from the essence of heaven and earth who jumped out of a stone? Don't be kidding, it's not the same from the very beginning, no matter how much you exercise, it's still not the same.

The words inside and outside the words indicate that the immortal emperor Deadwood closed the passage between the fairy world and the god world ten thousand years ago for the benefit of all the immortals.

Pei Bufan felt something was wrong when he heard it: "System, you seem to... have been speaking for the former Immortal Emperor."

The system paused: [No.]

Then, the system went silent.

Pei Bufan frowned and asked, "Who the hell are you?"

The system was silent for a long time, and said: [If I say... I am your father, would you believe it?]

"I don't believe it!" Pei Bufan gritted his teeth and said, "Take advantage of me, don't you?"

The system is a little frustrated.

Zi Cheduanyuan, who could only hear Pei Bufan's voice unilaterally, looked at Pei Bufan inquiringly.

Pei Bufan told Zi Cheduanyuan what the system said.

Zi Cheduanyuan fell silent again.

Compared with Pei Bufan's firm veto, Zi Cheduanyuan thought about the system's seemingly out-of-the-ordinary words, and felt that the system's words had a deep meaning.

But the father of Pei Bufan's body is Ming Mao, and Ming Mao has lost his soul, so what does it have to do with the system? And Pei Bufan was a child without father and mother in his modern world. Even if he had a father, he was just a mortal. How did he get here

Moreover, Pei Bufan himself is a ghost cat.

Although Stupid Meow is always confused about this point, Zi Cheduanyuan still understands it.

When Lan Yue was under the seal, she stripped off part of her soul and sent it to the small world, so as to temporarily escape from hunting. That small world is that modern world, and the child born from that soul is Pei Bufan.

When Pei Bufan's body died in that world, his soul naturally returned to his original body, and then broke out of his shell.

Therefore, it is very likely that Pei Bufan has no parents in that world.

His body may be created by the soul itself relying on the idea of survival.

God's soul strength is very strong.

Zi Cheduanyuan pondered for a while and came to several conclusions. But after thinking about it again, these conclusions are more unreliable than the other, and they are simply unconstrained.

After Zi Cheduanyuan threw out all the messy thoughts of the couple, he continued to ask: "Did he speak for Deadwood before?"

Pei Bufan nodded: "I have this feeling."

The system was sweating, and said: [Don't talk nonsense.]Run to the hero