Being an Author is a High Risk Occupation

Chapter 6: God is going to kill me!


At first Pei Bufan thought it was the huge BOSS eight-headed spider, but he suddenly realized that the evil wind was blowing from the wrong direction. The original text reads, "Zhong Yanqing and the man with the white mask were fighting inextricably, but they were suddenly interrupted by a giant black body rushing out from the depths of the secret realm, almost knocking Zhong Yanqing into the air... ". That spider appeared from the depths of the secret realm, but now the evil wind is obviously blowing from the outside to the inside.

Pei Bufan and Zi Cheduanyuan raised their hearts and listened carefully to the movement outside.

The sound of trampling footsteps came, and the pace was unsteady. It was obvious that the visitor was very tired.

Pei Bufan's black hair is about to stand on end, what the hell! Don't think it must be Zhong Yanqing! Zi Cheduanyuan naturally thought of this too, his face darkened, and he quickly left the treasure room, instead of going back the way he came, he found a corner and hid, secretly watching the movements of the people coming.

Zhong Yanqing, who was covered in a mess, staggered in, covered in scars, and he knew that he must have gone through a fierce battle.

He pushed open the last door, with a smile on his lips, and finally came in. Unexpectedly, as soon as it was opened, a bunch of white round things rolled out. Fortunately, Zhong Yanqing was fast enough, otherwise he would definitely be buried inside.

Pei Bufan, who was staring at this side in the dark, was taken aback. The pile of white, soft shells obviously had a violent pulsation... Isn't this frankly an egg

Even the sound of the task being completed was ignored by Pei Bufan, his eyes are now full of that white thing.

Inside the white translucent shell, you can still vaguely see the shadow of the little spider! How could he, the original author, not know that the eight-headed spider was a mother and gave birth to a bunch of babies?

God you play me! The original book was one big one, now it's a bunch of small ones...

The milky white mucus slowly ticked and stayed, Zhong Yanqing looked up, a huge spider was lying on the roof in a strange posture, tens of thousands of compound eyes were staring at him, and Zi Che was hidden in the corner broken edge.

Heimiao silently added the remaining half of the sentence: A bunch of small ones, plus a big one.

God is going to kill me! !

Pei Bufan moved his paws carefully, and even lowered the sound of his breathing. It was the first time that he had such a clear feeling that the God of death was right in front of his eyes. The little paw patted Zi Cheduanyuan who was also stunned. Big brother, don't look stupid, run QAQ. If I remember correctly, this spider is in the golden elixir period, right? ! will die! !

After being stabbed by Pei Bufan's hairy paw, Zi Che Duanyuan came back to his senses. While cursing himself for his slack attitude just now, he rushed out from the dark place, hugged Heimiao tightly, turned his head and ran out, completely ignoring being caught by Zhong Yanqing. Discover. At this time, Zhong Yanqing, who was startled for a moment, also came back to his senses, turned around and saw a familiar figure passing by in front of him: "... Duan Yuan?" Why is he here? But now that the situation is urgent, he can't allow him to think too much, so he can only temporarily suppress the doubts in his heart and flee in embarrassment.

Pei Bufan huddled in the male lead's arms, poked his head back from the male lead's shoulders, and was so frightened that he almost lost control.

The eight-headed spiders are the pets of the owner of this cave. The so-called pets are different from the pets that signed the contract. They will not perish with the death of the master, but they will stay in the place where the master lived for a long time and are often used to watch the house. And take care of the cave after death. Over time, the spider took this place as its nest. It was invaded by humans during its spawning period, how could it not be so popular!

After leaving behind his belongings and a group of cubs who hadn't had time to be born, they rushed after them.

After thinking about it for a while, Pei Bufan knew the joint. Fuck, if you come later and wait for the little spiders to hatch, it will be a disaster!

Zi Cheduanyuan stopped after running for a short distance, Pei Bufan turned to face the kitten, and a scorpion at least three meters in length blocked the way...

"... When I came." Zhong Yanqing muttered: "I accidentally stepped on a trap and made it out..."

… hehe!

Pei Bufan didn't even remember that there were so many things in the original book! What day is it today, are you coming to hold an insect conference? The only thing that is lucky is that the scorpion is just a foundation building... the peak, what the hell!

Zhong Yanqing is at the early stage of foundation building, Zi Cheduanyuan is at the middle stage of foundation building, plus a black cat who knows nothing but being cute, meets a scorpion at the peak of foundation building and an eight-headed spider at the golden core stage, Q: How to pass this copy?

Pei Bufan replied: ... Where is the resurrection point

There is no other possibility than group destruction! !

"System! Come out and explain it to me! There is no such thing in my script!!" Pei Bufan's roar turned into a miserable scream in the eyes of the two.

Is it going to end here today? Zi Cheduanyuan's face was sullen, even if it was death, Zhong Yanqing would die in front of him. Thinking of this, he gathered water arrows in his hands and rushed straight to Zhong Yanqing. Zhong Yanqing was taken aback, let alone why Zi Cheduanyuan suddenly met

He made the move, even if there was some misunderstanding, he shouldn't have made the move at this time. Simply inexplicable.

It was not only Zhong Yanqing who was frightened by Zi Che Duanyuan's sudden movement, but also Hei Miao Pei Bufan. He was more than frightened, he was about to cry! Brother, what are you doing? What's the point of not running for your life and staring at the scumbag at this time, is this true love? If you're going to die together, Pei Bufan doesn't remember to put the label 'Sadomasochism' on his text! ! Brother, wake up! !

Seeing that these three fresh lives are really going to hang here if he doesn't take action, the system that has been pretending to be dumb finally opened its golden mouth: [Package.]

"What?" Pei Bufan screamed, the silk spit out by the spider just now almost touched his tail! That is corrosive, it scares meow to death! ! Pei Bufan opened the package in a panic. It was originally a blue bell collar [cute meow bell collar], which was automatically synthesized from several pieces of silk and satin. The original attribute was growth +10, but the finished product added an extra Hidden attributes [can trigger unique talents].

Is this the rhythm that he must wear? !

This hidden attribute must have been added by the system just now! Swear on its integrity! !

In other words, should he incarnate as a savior to save the hero and the scumbag now?

It's terrible, he doesn't want to...

Zhong Yanqing, who was surrounded by two huge spiders and scorpions, couldn't resist anymore, but now that there was another Zi Cheduanyuan pressing on, Zhong Yanqing was even more angry, and regarded him as a Can the ants be killed as they want? Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the eight-headed spider, took advantage of Zi Che Duanyuan to avoid the gap of the giant scorpion next to him, and suddenly kicked the person to the bottom of the eight-headed spider, the spider was also frightened, and moved slightly. Stop, Zhong Yanqing saw the gap and turned around and ran. The angry Zi Cheduanyuan and Pei Bufan scolded in their hearts. What made people breathe a sigh of relief was that the scorpion actually ran after Zhong Yanqing. It seemed that all the hatred was on Zhong Yanqing's head, and it disappeared without a trace, completely forgetting about Zi Cheduanyuan.

So, these two are all because of Zhong Yanqing... The angry Zi Cheduanyuan made another note of Zhong Yanqing in his heart. He looked up at the eight-headed spider in embarrassment, his qi was out of order, and he coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Pei Bufan stared at the bright and pale Zi Cheduanyuan in a daze, and jumped out of Zi Cheduanyuan's embrace with a sad feeling that he would never return.

Zi Cheduanyuan spent almost all his strength in the scuffle just now, unable to stop Heimiao from leaving him step by step, he sneered, but the next second he was stunned. Standing between Zicheduanyuan and the eight-headed spider, Heimiao was covered in black hair and screamed weakly at the eight-headed spider. It seemed to be provocative. He raised his head high and wore it around his neck at some point. The bell collar made a jingling sound, but the four short legs were trembling non-stop. Zi Cheduanyuan's complexion gradually softened, with a warm smile on the corner of his mouth.

Pei Bufan: He hates spiders the most... It's still a magnified one! !

Looking back at Zi Cheduanyuan's 'last look', Pei Bufan said sadly: "Brother, I may stop here today, while I hold it back, you should run away as soon as possible. If you still remember what I said , After you pass the Golden Core Stage, I will collect the body of the master and pay homage to it. Remember not to put chrysanthemums, just put a plate of pickled cucumbers, but the master is always attacking..." The meowing became a little whimpering.

System: ... this bastard!

Although he couldn't understand what Pei Bufan was saying, Zi Cheduanyuan could tell what he meant from his snot-nosed face, was this telling him to run away

Regardless of whether Zi Cheduanyuan understood it or not, Pei Bufan turned his head and rushed up, relying on the cat's nature and its slightly weak claws, he climbed up the spider's slender legs covered with thick and long black hair, until he reached the on the top of a big head, and then scratched desperately with its paws. He has also mastered the stunt of this woman's 'tearing clothes and scratching people' in beating Xiaosan now! If he hadn't lost his teeth, and the huge compound eyes looked really scary, he would have bitten his teeth!

"Male lead, what are you doing? Why are you standing there stupidly after you sacrificed so much?" Seeing Zi Che Duanyuan staring blankly at himself, Pei Bufan yelled at him angrily. cat meow. Zhong Yanqing knows how to run, so are you stupider than him? Although Pei Bufan's weak claws did not cause much damage to the big spider, anyone would be upset if they found something bouncing back and forth on their head or even their face. The spider was the same, but it had no hands, so it had to crawl all over the ground, and finally ran to the roof and dangled, trying to shake Pei Bufan away.

Pei Bufan: I'm dizzy, I can't do it... I'm going to vomit from dinner overnight...

Hanging in the air, the little claws hooking the spider's head slowly loosened as the spider shook, Pei Bufan finally fell down.

Without the pain as imagined, Pei Bufan opened his eyes and saw Zi Cheduanyuan's smiling face. He was caught in Zi Cheduanyuan's arms.

"Why would I leave you?" Zi Cheduanyuan squeezed Pei Bufan's little paw in a good mood.

"Oh?" Pei Bufan, who was fascinated by that handsome face, choked out a sound stupidly. It wasn't until he finished yelling that he came to his senses, turned over and buried his face in Zi Cheduanyuan's arms. How embarrassing!

System evaluation: hopeless.

[Special Skills]. The system reminded helplessly.

Pei Bufan raised his cat face, he almost forgot, but how to use that

The system that is desperate for Pei Bufan's IQ: [Underworld Fire]

Pei Bufan's eyes lit up. Ming Huo is the unique skill of the ghost bird in the article, and it happens to be the nemesis of the eight-headed spider. Saved! !

He got out of Zi Cheduanyuan's arms, and raised his head arrogantly: "Smelly spider! Come down! Let's fight again! I will make you get down and call grandpa!!"
