Being an Author is a High Risk Occupation

Chapter 60: Male lead, your lower limit is getting lower and lower! ! ! (31)


Enough to have someone to accompany you all the time.

When Lan Lin's father sent the newborn Lan Lin to Wujue's arms, Wujue hesitated, but finally accepted. He felt that the other party's fate line intersected with his own, and the two fate lines were intertwined to form one. But Wujue's life is hard, whoever is with Wujue will have a short life.

If you want someone to live, stay away from him, push him away from you, it is best not to see you again. This is what Mingyuan said to Wujue when Wujue first met Mingzhu.

Wujue's fate is the lone star of Tiansha.

"The lone star of Tiansha, marriage is difficult, miserable in old age, lonely, no relatives, relatives and friends are punished, lonely and old, there are nobles in the pillar to help, but it is unavoidable. '

When he was young, his whole family was wiped out, and he was the only one who survived.

I ran into a Taoist priest who was cultivating, and saw that he had some spiritual bones, so he took him as a disciple. But just a few years later, the cultivator Taoist was murdered by other cultivators Jiebao. Then Wujue was left, guarding the little cultivation things left to him by the Taoist priests, and stumbled to start the days of cultivating immortals.

Afterwards, the sect recruits people. Wujue didn't have the good luck to go to any big sect, but was accepted by a small sect. However, for more than ten years, that small sect lost several high-level practitioners in a scuffle between the big sects in the cultivation world. The members of the sect, even the head of the sect, have fallen, and the sect, which was originally a small family, has been in a slump since then. It is no different from disbanding. There are only a few people guarding the things of the older generation, eating and dying.

Wujue left there, and at this moment he felt that it seemed that all those who were close to him would not have good results. People in the sect rejected him very much, saying that he is the fate of the lone star of Tiansha.

Such a fate, no matter how good the talent is, no one would want it. So those big sects looked down on him, only the old head relented and accepted him, but it ended up like this.

Then, this incident became a thorn in Wujue's heart.

The path of self-cultivation after Wujue can be said to be walked out in blood.

Since he is the lone star of Tiansha, let's stay alone forever.

He doesn't need anyone to accompany him!

Later, after becoming a fairy, Wujue met another person, Wuchen.

Wuchen is one of the four great gods under the seat of Lord Pluto, he is a god.

God, could he be killed by a little fairy like him

It's just that Mingyuan's warning poured cold water on Wujue, and the successive demise of Mingyuan and Wuchen made Wujue feel chills in his bones. The power of the Lord of the Underworld collapsed, the cubs of the Underworld Cat disappeared, the Nine-Tailed Meow was driven back to the Immortal Realm, and the God Realm was in chaos.

Although he knew that he was just a little fairy, no matter how powerful his ability to kill others was, it shouldn't be so powerful that it disturbed the Three Realms.

But no matter what, Wujue couldn't convince himself that he had no responsibility for what happened.

At least, he was the one who told Wuchen about Qingsu's betrayal, and it was he who heard the news and told Wuchen that Wuchen stopped Qingsu in time in front of the Lord's territory, and then Wuchen fell...

Different from Deadwood who is always moaning and sighing, Deadwood just likes to complain, at most he complains a few times, he will still do what should be done, and he is not a person who is willing to die obediently. But Wujue really wanted to die.

After being alone for so many years, watching those close to him disappear one by one because of the fate of the lone star of the evil spirit, the end was miserable. Wujue couldn't bear it even if his nerves were particularly rough.

He cares.

If he didn't exist, the world would seem to be a lot better, that's what Wujue thought in his heart.

The only question now is, what should he do to repay the debt he owed to Wuchen and Mingyuan, and how to give himself a good death.

It might be a good choice to follow Qingsu to die.

Pei Bufan gave Heisho a sideways look, and wisely did not ask Mingyuan why he set off the fire. Instead, he continued to move forward with Zi Cheduanyuan. Wen Tian and An He also came to the territory of the Underworld Lord for the first time. Although it is not the original appearance but after being harmed, this does not stop their curiosity. He turned his head and looked around.

The bare place continued for several kilometers until it came to a huge tree. The tree has a diameter of at least 100 meters, and the trunk is very thick. It seems to have lived for many tens of thousands of years.

"This is the habitat of the Underworld Lord." Hei Shuo raised his head and said.

Ziche Duanyuan: …

Anhe: =口=

Wen Tian: Tsk tsk, it really is a place where cats live!

Pei Bufan: I don't know why my paws itch so I want to crawl... (nature)

Hei Shuo: "Except for the Lord of the Underworld, we seldom go up... and we are not interested in it."

Pei Bufan: ==

I know felines love climbing trees.

Pei Bufan suddenly showed his claws, grabbed the thick tree trunk and began to climb up. Zi Cheduanyuan withdrew the natal sword that he had been holding in his hand because of his vigilance, and followed Pei Bufan to march up the tree. Before leaving, he glanced at Heisho. Heisho nodded, then turned around and squatted under the tree.

They were able to reach the bottom of this tree smoothly, naturally because they felt the breath of the ghost cat here and attracted it. If other people come here, unless they hold the Heavenly Dao Brush or its spirit in their hands, they will have to circle forever far away from the tree, unable to get close.

Therefore, unless Qing Su, who has obtained the Qi Ling, brings someone here himself, this place is very safe.

There is no need to worry about the danger of Pei Bufan and Zi Cheduanyuan going up alone.

Zi Che Duanyuan's look was to make Heisho stay below and not to follow.

After all, he was still on guard.

This tree is very tall, and Pei Bufan feels that it is at least a few thousand meters high.

Climbing to the middle part of the tree, Pei Bufan saw a tree house. Because the trunk is very thick and there are many branches extending from the edge, the tree house is also very large. In Pei Bufan's eyes, it is even bigger than the one-bedroom and one-living room he lived in before crossing.

Zi Che Duanyuan raised his hand and looked at the tree house in a daze as Pei Bufan entered the tree house, the first thing he smelled was a faint smell of wood.

The inside of the tree house does not look much different from ordinary log cabins. There are simple wooden tables, wooden chairs, and a wooden structure. It has a roof and sides like a box with only one hole exposed... Cat bed_(: 3ゝ∠)_.

The cat bed is very big, and it is enough for four people to lie sideways in it. It can be seen that the prototype of Mingmao is indeed not small.

The furnishings in this wooden house would be considered normal if placed in Pei Bufan's original world, no, it should be said to be very ordinary, but placed here...

Nima, this is the realm of the gods!

This is the territory of the Lord of the Underworld, the old den of the Lord of the Underworld!

Is it really that simple

After all, he is the master of the world! Why do you feel so poor? I think they lived on a small island when the male lead was the Immortal Emperor, and there was a very luxurious palace inside!

What is it for a master of the underworld to live in such a dilapidated wooden house? !

Pei Bufan took a few steps forward, and saw... a lot of black hairs under his feet.

This hair is not his, Pei Bufan is very sure.

Pei Bufan's original form is relatively small, it's been hundreds of years but he hasn't reached maturity yet. The fur is also soft. But the pile of black hairs on the soles of the feet is thick and hard, and it looks like the hair of an adult beast.

The owner of Mao who appeared here could only be Mingyuan.

Pei Bufan felt that it wasn't in vain, at least he knew... This Ming Yuan seems to be shedding more serious hair

Chapter 113 How Do Double Cultivation Work? Comfortable

If Mingyuan knew Pei Bufan's thoughts, he would be very depressed to defend himself, he is not born to love hair loss! He is just old! It's just old! Just like a man's head goes bald in the twilight...

Ignoring the hair all over the floor, Pei Bufan and Zi Cheduanyuan searched the house for a long time, but they couldn't find anything that could be called a magic weapon or a cheat book.

The furnishings in the room were quite simple. After seeing that the Underworld Lord's subordinate cave was just a hole, Pei Bufan didn't have any expectations for the Underworld Lord's cave. That kind of tall stone castle architecture is really just a fantasy. The oversimplified furnishings allowed Pei Bufan and Zi Cheduanyuan to search the cabin without spending too much time. They didn't even miss the corners, and only found some tatters.

Pile up the pile of junk on the table, Pei Bufan sighed deeply.

Zi Cheduanyuan turned his head, as if holding back a laugh.

A ball with paw prints, a cloth mouse full of tooth marks, a bunch of shiny silver nuggets in odd shapes, and a comb wrapped with black hair...

What the hell are these things

He even began to wonder if they came to the wrong place! As a ghost master, do you want to live like a house cat? !

Should he be glad that he didn't find a collar with a bell here!

"I found a bell!" Zi Cheduanyuan took out a dusty bell from the corner under the bed.

Pei Bufan: ...

Pei Bufan sat on the chair dejectedly: "It's really a waste of time."

Zi Che Duanyuan stood up, looked at Pei Bufan, then his eyes were glued to the table beside Pei Bufan, his eyebrows were slightly frowned, he went to the table and bent down, reached out and tore off a crumpled paper at the bottom of the table. Paper comes.

Pei Bufan's eyes lit up, and he leaned over to Zi Cheduanyuan's side.

There was a line of small characters neatly written on it: "It has indeed been arranged, don't worry."

Not signed.

Pei Bufan: ... What do you mean

Zi Cheduanyuan was also slightly puzzled, so he folded the paper neatly and put it away.

Zi Cheduanyuan glanced at the pile of tatters on the table, with disgust in his eyes, he said, "That's all." If he wanted to find anything else, he had to tear down the table and chairs.

The corners of Pei Bufan's eyes twitched, he thought about gathering up the things on the table, and said to the hero, "Go down."

Although it's just a pile of rags, there are always some harvests!

Zi Cheduanyuan grabbed Pei Bufan's arm, picked him up, walked to the door of the tree house and jumped down.

Pei Bufan: Why the princess hug? !

Lightly falling to the ground, Zi Cheduanyuan didn't let go, and turned to look at Heishuo, An and Wentian who were still waiting for them.

Hei Shuo glanced at Zi Cheduanyuan's arm, and then fell into Pei Bufan's arms, there seemed to be a lot? The Lord of the Underworld was finally reliable and knew to leave something for his son.

Pei Bufan hurriedly broke away from Zi Cheduanyuan's arms, coughed to cover up the embarrassment of being hugged by the princess just now, and spread out the things in his arms to Heishuo: "Just these things..."

Heishuo's mouth twitched when he saw the old cloth mouse, the ball and the bell.

He recognized all these things and knew their origins. The cloth mouse was given by Qiu Tan. In order to prevent the Lord of the Underworld from staring at her and drooling, he specially made it out of crocodile silk and gave it to Ming Yuan to molar his teeth. The ball and the comb were given by their subordinates, and the bell was given by Qing Su...

Heisho's eyes glanced at this pile of things, and only when he saw the pile of silver lumps did his eyes finally light up.

"This works." Hei Shuo picked out the silver lump and said.

"What is this?" Zi Cheduanyuan asked.

Wen Tian leaned forward, smelled it, and frowned: "It smells like a stupid cat."

"Bones." Hei Shuo said: "After the death of the masters of the past, the body and soul will be destroyed. Only a piece of bone at the tip of the tail is left. The texture is like metal."

Wen Tian smacked his lips: "It really is a cat."

Pei Bufan asked: "... why use it?"

"Make weapons!" Hei Shuo replied.

"Just these few dollars, is it enough to make a dagger?" Wen Tian just said something before being kicked aside by Hei Shuo.

Pei Bufan was ashamed. Is it appropriate for a subordinate to plan to make the remains of the underworld masters into weapons? This is the remains!

"The former Underworld Lord planned to use it to make a necklace, but fortunately I stopped it in time. Now that I think about it, what I did back then was really correct." Hei Shuo said.

Pei Bufan: ... Isn't it too disrespectful to play around with the ancestor's bones like this

"I know a person who is very good at forging, and he can make you a weapon." Hei Shuo said.

"No need." Zi Cheduanyuan stopped him, "I don't believe you."

Hei Shuo seemed a little embarrassed: "Do you have a better candidate?"

"I know someone who can help!" An He suddenly said, "He is very capable of making weapons!"

Wen Tian pricked up his ears and looked this way.

Pei Bufan: "Who?"

"An old ancestor of Nangongtang! He is very powerful in refining weapons!"

"... How did you know each other?" Pei Bufan asked suspiciously.

"My master's old friend is good~" An He smiled.

Pei Bufan: ...

"Master ascended with him a long time ago, so he should be a god now. He was already a fairy when he hooked up with my master." An He said hesitantly.

Zi Cheduanyuan: "Your master? A witch?" He remembered that this young man was a disciple of Qingyu Building, so the person he was talking about was the woman who likes to provoke people everywhere

"The witch is the master! My master is a steward of Qingyu Building! A man!" An He nodded and said, "I have a jade card that can contact Master! You wait!" After finishing speaking, he took out the A small piece of round jade tablet was injected with spiritual energy, and there was a burst of warm light emitted from the jade tablet, and then a shy panting sound came out from the jade tablet. Just know what the people over there are doing. Only Wentian stupid dog is relatively pure in this respect, looking at An He suspiciously: "What is your master doing?"

An He smiled and said, "Shuangxiu!"

Hei Shuo: ... That's right.

Ziche Duanyuan: …

Pei Bufan: It's just xxoo, don't say it so calmly!

Wen Tian nodded: "I see." Hearing the voice, both of them were very happy. He knew about double cultivation, but never knew exactly how to do it.

Amidst the panting, a hoarse voice sounded: "Stop... the idiot apprentice's jade plaque is on..."

"Well... let him wait..." Then there was another intense slapping sound.

Pei Bufan blushed a little, Zi Cheduanyuan licked his lips, and glanced at Pei Bufan. Pei Bufan felt that if Hei Shuo'an and Wen Tian were not here, Zi Cheduanyuan could have knocked him down on the spot.

Hei Shuo's complexion was also not very good, and his breathing became a little rough. As long as he was a normal man, it would be difficult for him not to react when he heard such a clear and ambiguous voice. His eyes unconsciously glanced at An He's small body.

The voice was indeed too stimulating, and even Wen Tian, who didn't understand anything, felt a little uncomfortable.

The calmest person here is An He.

No matter what, they all came out of the Qingyu Tower. Hearing only a little sound, An He didn't feel embarrassed at all. Instead, he said loudly: "Master! It will be more comfortable to call out!"

Pei Bufan: ... ... Hey!

"Little bastard!" The hoarse voice in the jade tablet shouted angrily: "I don't need you to teach me yet! And you! Hurry up and get out of here!"

Pei Bufan heard another intense voice, and then the voice stopped, and another man sighed long, it seems that [beep—] came out...

Pei Bufan almost knelt down, this kind of rush to hear the ending...

There was a rustling sound, then the hoarse voice scolding, and then there was the sound of crackling whips beating the flesh.

"I told you to end it quickly, what do you want to do with that thing you are still reluctant to part with? You owe it!"

Then there was another violent slap. Strangely, the other person who was slapped did not make a sound of pain and begging for mercy, but gasped happily: "I was wrong baby, um... hard... ah..."

Pei Bufan: =dish=

Do you shake s subject and shake m attack

It is a perfect match!

By the way, we are not here to listen to your corner! Talk about business, dear!

The crackling sound lasted for only a short while, and An He's master took a breath in a hoarse voice, and asked, "Idiot apprentice, what can I do for you?"

"Master, I'm not looking for you, but the one next to you."

Master Anhe: …

"Bastard! What did you do to my apprentice?" There was another crackling sound.

"Didn't do anything... Wait, you can't smoke here! Ouch!" The voice changed from joyful to screaming: "What will happen to your sex life after it's ruined?"

"Two-legged toads are hard to find, but three-legged men are everywhere!" Master An He said.

"Baby you can't do this qaq"

Zi Cheduanyuan's face turned dark: "Enough!"

"Master! I asked him to help refine the weapon!" An He said quickly.

The whipping stopped.

Another man's miserable voice: "Xiao An told you earlier... qaq"

"Refining? Apprentice, what good things did you get?" An and Master's voices were full of interest.

"Well, it seems to be the bone of Lord Hades?" An He said uncertainly.

Suddenly there was silence.

Master An He said, "Idiot! It doesn't matter where you got that thing from! Send it wherever you come from!"

"Don't! I've never had the bones of the Lord of the Underworld... well... Xiao Anhe, listen to your master... send it back to qaq." The man's voice changed from excited to aggrieved, obviously reluctant to part with the bones of the Lord of the Underworld that An He said .

Hei Shuo said: "The bones do not belong to Anhe, but belong to the next Lord of the Underworld. I just ask you to refine the weapon."

Zi Cheduanyuan was very dissatisfied that he stole his lines, and gave Heishuo a cold look.

"Hello!" Wen Tian suddenly asked seriously: "I have something to ask you!"

The person over there hummed lightly: "Say it."

"How do you do double cultivation? Is it comfortable?" Wen Tian asked.

This time the silence over there was longer than before.

Chapter 114 If you will listen to me obediently, I will admit that I am afraid of birds.

"Of course it's comfortable." Another man's voice said.

An He's master let out a low laugh, which was a bit sinister, and the man fell silent immediately and dared not speak. The scene was awkwardly silent.

Zi Cheduanyuan frowned and asked, "We need you to forge weapons." Although Zi Cheduanyuan didn't believe this person, he didn't know anyone else who was good at forging weapons except Qingshi. Although Zi Cheduanyuan himself can forge swords and swords, that is only limited to the fact that the raw material is metal. Making weapons from things like bones is a forging tool, and he does not know how. Now that Qingshi is an enemy again, Zi Cheduanyuan can be said to have no choice, anything is better than letting Heishuo take him away. In Zi Cheduanyuan's eyes, An He, who behaves more simply, is more credible than the mysterious Heishuo.

There was silence for a long time before a man's voice came, and he replied: "If you are a ghost cat, I agree." Pei Bufan said immediately, "I am."

Zi Cheduanyuan frowned slightly.

The man smiled and replied, "Then I'll do it for you."

"Let's meet at Qianlongtan in the God Realm." Hei Shuo said.

"God Realm..." The man pondered for a moment, he didn't seem to like coming to God Realm, but he finally said, "Okay, we'll come here."

Now that they got the other party's response, Pei Bufan and the others didn't waste any more time, and left the territory of the Lord of the Underworld with a few bones and went straight to Qianlongtan.

Shallow Dragon Beach is a shoal where the seawater overflows onto the beach. The seawater alone stretches for at least several kilometers, enough for an adult dragon to run aground, hence the name.

Pei Bufan and the others didn't have to wait long when An He's master and a man arrived.

I saw the two of them were dressed in red, their clothes were loose, their necklines were wide open, revealing their delicate collarbones, and even their white and smooth shoulders were faintly visible from the wide open collars, their eyes were frivolous and their mouths were smiling, seeing Pei Bufan and the others Hou's eyes lit up, and he quickly stepped forward and reached out to pinch An He's chin, about to kiss An He, but was grabbed by two men and pulled away. It was Hei Shuo who stopped An He, and it was the man in purple who appeared with him behind him who stopped An He's master.

He was also the man who was entrusted to refine the weapon this time.

"Did you get along like this before?" Hei Shuo asked, his face darkened.

An He nodded, his expression was very innocent, and he didn't think there was any problem with the interaction between him and Master at all.

Zi Cheduanyuan who was standing in the distance could hear Heishuo grinding his teeth.

Even Wen Tian, who was a little white in this regard, looked at the two of them with strange eyes.

As for Pei Bufan, he was already startled.

The man who caught Master An He glanced at An He, not knowing what was going on in his mind, he showed a big smile, and straightened the hem of his sleeves to make it more even. His well-dressed appearance, if it weren't for the same voice, it would be difficult for people to connect him with that shaking m. The man smiled and said, "It's the first time we meet, my name is Chi, and this is my Taoist companion Luo Yan."

"Eat... what?" Pei Bufan asked after recovering.

Chi: "..."

Chi trembled his lips, and said, "Red, naked, naked Chi!"

Everyone: "..."

With such an explanation, I feel that the name is not as good as 'eat'...

The man looked around before his eyes fell on Pei Bufan.

"Are you the ghost cat?" Chi asked.

Zi Cheduanyuan raised his eyebrows and said, "This has nothing to do with you, just do your own thing."

Zi Cheduanyuan's tone was very bad, but the man didn't mind but smiled and said: "You're right, this shouldn't have anything to do with me." He paused and said: "Then how about I go back? "

Provocation, Chi Guoguo's provocation.

Zi Cheduanyuan's face darkened.

Hei Shuo felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, so he said, "We got a few bones and would like to ask you for help..."

When he mentioned the bones, the man's eyes lit up and he hurriedly asked: "Where is the bone, show it to me." He threw Zi Cheduanyuan aside. Zi Cheduanyuan's face became even more ugly, and he was about to take out his natal sword, wanting to kill the bastard in front of him!

Pei Bufan took out a few bones from his bosom, and when handing them to the man, he rubbed against the male lead to stop the male lead from getting mad. Zi Cheduanyuan seemed to be pleased by Pei Bufan's actions, his complexion finally improved, and his gaze gathered with everyone else on the bone in Pei Bufan's hand.

Those bones were whitish in color, with a metallic luster.

Chi wanted to reach out to grab the bone, but was stopped by Zi Cheduanyuan.

Zi Cheduanyuan asked, "What are you going to do?"

Chi sneered and said, "You don't even show me, how do I know what it can produce?"

Pei Bufan raised his hand and handed the bone to the man.

Chi gave Zi Cheduanyuan a triumphant smile, stretched out his hand to hold the bone in his hand and looked left and right, then said to Pei Bufan, "I can make you a bow."

Wen Tian burst out laughing, squinted at Pei Bufan, and said, "Can you use a bow?"

Pei Bufan looked a little embarrassed, he really didn't know how to use a bow.

"Can't you make a knife or a sword?" An He asked.

Facing his partner's apprentice, An He, Chi's face was a bit better, and he said, "You can make anything if you get some materials as a forger. These bones are not metal and cannot be smelted. Take a bow." Or a whip, but there are obviously not enough materials to make a whip.

Pei Bufan's expression suddenly became bitter. Is there still time for him to learn

Zi Cheduanyuan touched the cat's head and comforted him, "It's okay, I can teach you."

"How long will it take?" Hei Shuo asked. They have no time to waste.

The enemy will not give you time to learn nirvana.

Luo Yan frowned, as if he felt that these people were too unhappy, and interrupted: "Stop fucking nonsense, practice if you want to practice, and get out if you don't practice."

The audience was shocked by Luo Yan's foul language and violent temper, and there was silence.

Seeing his partner speak for himself, Chi was very happy: "I can give it to you in just seven days."

At this time, a voice suddenly appeared and said, "It doesn't take seven days, you will all die here today."

Everyone was taken aback, this voice was not spoken by any one of them. Then Qi Qi looked back, and saw a man standing in the sky, this man Qi Xiangming and the others were very familiar with, it was destiny.

It's just fate that he didn't come alone. There were several men standing behind him, and they knew everyone. The dead wood and bluestone of the former Immortal Emperor. And the man who betrayed them, Wujue.

Today's Wujue feels very embarrassing and decadent. He followed behind those people, his eyes were dull, and his figure became thinner. Pei Bufan really wanted to ask how Lan Lin was doing. It's just that this time is obviously not the time to talk.

"What? Did you find a helper?" Zi Cheduanyuan sneered, he reached out and took out his natal sword, pointing directly at Tianming.

"Stop talking nonsense. Today is your day of death." Tianming raised his hand and took out his weapon, and greeted Pei Bufan. Before Pei Bufan could move, Wen Tian behind him took a few quick steps forward and blocked Tianming's attack first.

Tianming sneered and said: "As expected of a dog, you are indeed loyal. If so, I will chop your dog first."

Although Wen Tian is a hellhound, he has been training in the underworld for a long time. However, he was still not as good as Tianming in the God Realm, and was gradually at a disadvantage in the confrontation with Tianming.

Tianming's weapon swung faster and faster, and the attack became more intense, Wen Tian gradually became overwhelmed. Seeing that Tianming's weapon was about to cut Wentian's throat, suddenly a sword rose across the sky to block his attack. Tianming looked back and saw that it was Wujue.

"Are you trying to betray us?" Tianming asked viciously.

"How dare you." The corners of Wujue's mouth were raised, and finally there was a trace of turmoil on his face. He smiled and said, "How dare I question your behavior and judgment. It's just that the person in front of you is my friend after all. Even if I want to kill you If it’s him, it’s up to me to do it.”

Tianming squinted at him, with doubts on his face, and said: Friend? Your friends really are all over the world~ Wujue, why are you kidding me now! As long as it is in the way, no matter who it is, it will be killed! Even if it was once your friend! Oh no, I forgot. Our Wujue is too kind and soft-hearted, but it is a mission target, a kitten, and you have not killed him until now, so I helped you solve him. "

Hearing Tianming's words, Pei Bufan immediately felt bad. The kitten this guy was talking about...could it be Lan Lin

Wujue's face was a little gloomy, and he stared fiercely at Tianming.

"Have you finished talking nonsense? Get out of here." Luo Yan's patience is quite bad, and his temper is also very aggressive. Just one sentence filled the hatred value.

Heisho looked up at Wujue, with a trace of hesitation on his face. He didn't know what to do next. He originally planned to be neutral, but now he has clearly stood in the position of Mingmao. Although he was tricked by Wujue...

An He stood silently by the side, not expressing any opinions.

The silence only lasted for a few seconds, and then whoever moved first, the others followed suit, and soon became a ball.

Among them, Wen Tian and Zi Cheduanyuan rushed to the front. And Hei Shuo was restricted in his behavior because there was An He who was not good at fighting behind him. Tianming got rid of Wujue and continued to chase Wentian and Pei Bufan, but Wujue seemed to be targeting Tianming and always made trouble for him. Seeing that the few people in front of him ignored him and his partner and fought together, Luo Yan was furious, and he shouted loudly: "Do you think I'm dead?" He took out a red whip and whipped it towards Tianming.

Things were going too fast, and Chi didn't react in a hurry. When he realized that his partner had already rushed out, it took him a while to recover. He hurriedly caught up and grabbed his whip.

"What are you doing?" Luo Yan glared at his partner viciously.

"I'm here to prevent you from making mistakes. We can't get involved in some things." Chi replied. "Hehe, when have I ever been afraid of someone?" Luo Yan sneered.

The man sighed and said in a low voice: "I know you are not afraid, but I am." There are too many things involved in the Lord of the Underworld, and he does not want his partner to be involved.

"You're afraid of a bird." Luo Yan said loudly.

"If you will listen to me well, I will admit that I am afraid of birds."

Luo Yan "..."

Just as the man opened his mouth to speak, he heard a loud noise from above. Then, a figure of a person was slammed in front of them. The man looked up and saw that it was Wen Tian.

Wen Tianjing was shot out of the prototype, baring his teeth viciously, his eyes were red, his huge tail flicked behind his buttocks, and he raised his head and growled at the men.

Tianming looked down at him coldly, then took out a dagger and threw it down.

Seeing that the sword was about to pierce Wen Tian's body, Luo Yan couldn't stand it anymore, took out a whip, and slapped the sword crookedly.

Destiny's eyes fell on Luo Yan from that hellhound, and then looked at Chi Gao who was beside him and asked in a loud voice, "Are you finally planning to join in? Chi?"

Chi twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment, finally sighed helplessly, took out his two axes and said, "No way, who made me a wife slave."

Tianming smiled and said: "Very good, long time no see, I don't know who is strong and who is weak between us now!"

Chapter 115 A bunch of funny girls are approaching

Chi raised his head and looked at him with a sneer, without saying a word, but his eyes were full of contempt. Tianming frowned slightly, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, and was about to speak, when suddenly his back was hit hard by a fast flying thing, and because of the excessive momentum, his body was hit into a 'bigger size' and even fell to the ground. Before being knocked into the air several meters away, Destiny was standing in the sky, but was smashed to the ground in an instant, creating a big hole...

Destiny: =mouth=

Pei Bufan: 0a0

Ziche Duanyuan: ==

Luo Yan: ←v←

Anhe: 0.0

Qingshi: Pfft!

Deadwood: …

Hei Shuo: ▽_▽

Wen Tian: ... Hehe

Destiny: Almost spit out a mouthful of blood... who the hell is that!

Because the fate's smash was so earth-shattering, Pei Bufan and the others stopped fighting and looked at this side curiously.

In fact, with the strength of Destiny, even if he was knocked down without checking for a while, he would not be brought along and smashed to the ground. The main reason is that the one that hit him was not an object, but a living thing.

What the hell, that living creature accurately grabbed Tianming's waist when it hit Tianming! What the hell, he grabbed Tianming's waist to use Tianming as a meat pad! What the hell, because he was hit from the back and hit the ground, his face hit the ground first! This feud has grown!

Everyone: The cliff is broken.

Chi: I suddenly feel that he is so pitiful...

Tianming lay face down on the ground with a pile of colorful things on his body. When the thing let go of Tianming's waist and sat up and began to cry, Pei Bufan and Zi Cheduanyuan could see clearly that it was Green Lizard!

Pei Bufan: Why is this guy here? !

The green lizard maintains the standard figure of that handsome model, with a lizard head on his head, wearing colorful clothes, covering his face with two wide hands that can't even cover his eyes, but he still looks like a little girl Huddled into a ball and squatted on Tianming's body, weeping: "You cruel immortals, you really need to throw..."

Chi: "... Poof! Haha!"

Because it was so joyful, Chi couldn't help laughing out loud.

Destiny: ...

That's why... Destiny hates Chi! This is not the first time that he has ridiculed him so unscrupulously! What a fire!

"Go away!" Tianming suddenly stood up. The green lizard couldn't react in time, and it rolled into a ball again. After Tianming got up, he immediately rolled down smoothly, and thus avoided the sudden flying kick.

The green lizard dodged it, but Tianming who had just stood up didn't dodge it, only heard a bang, a foot wearing black shoes kicked Tianming's head fiercely, successfully kicking him several meters away, another face down.

The owner of that foot said in a vicious voice: "Shut up! Nasty lizard!"

Green Lizard: ... Well, you kicked the wrong person.

Destiny: %¥##...

The man looked up and saw