Being an Author is a High Risk Occupation

Chapter 64: Male lead, your lower limit is getting lower and lower! ! ! (35)


The whole tiger skin was used as a cushion, and the head of the tiger skin fell on the ground. In short, it looked like the chair of the big boss snatched from the bandit's den.

The boy crossed his legs, stretched out the index finger of his left hand, and picked his nostrils: "Are you that Senior Che and his mistress?"

Ziche Duanyuan: …

Pei Bufan: ...

The owner of Sword Immortal Valley seems to have never had anything to do with the word immortal.

Also, how did this guy get chosen as the owner of Sword Immortal Valley? !

Although Zi Cheduanyuan's master was a bit nagging, at least he looked like a fairy! Although Yuan Wangyou seemed a little dull because he was too steady, at least he was very reliable! But this one in front of me, I really don't know how to be evaluated!

The young man glanced at Zi Cheduanyuan, rubbed his fingers on the tiger skin, scratched his head again, yawned, and said, "Are you here because you want me to accept you as an apprentice?" He pointed at Zi Cheduanyuan. Next to Che Duanyuan was Meng Hai who was lying unconscious on the ground.

Zi Cheduanyuan nodded. His original intention was to let Meng Hai enter the Valley of Sword Immortals, but he didn't care under whose name it was.

"I'm very picky about accepting apprentices..." The young man plucked his ears again: "Since it was proposed by the senior, let's accept a registered one first. Whether it is handed down or not will depend on his qualifications." For registered disciples, one more Not much.

"Do you know about the God Realm War?" Zi Cheduanyuan asked suddenly.

The young man opened his eyes wide and shook his head without thinking: "Impossible! Sword Immortal Valley will not fight!" No matter how reckless he is, he must not let the sect get involved in such a big war.

Zi Cheduanyuan shook his head: "I don't want you to bring your sect into the war." Zi Cheduanyuan lifted Meng Hai up: "The people who taught him participated in the war."

Although he only spoke half of the words, the young man already understood what Zi Cheduanyuan meant. This state of being knocked out was obviously sent by force, the bastard senior, who made trouble for him the first time we met.

"Senior, this is immoral. You asked me to help you raise the hairy child and I will admit it. Who told you that you are a senior. This hairy child is still related to that war. Aren't you causing trouble for me! I am the owner of the valley Ah, very busy! At least! Give some alimony! There is no business in friendship!"

Pei Bufan: Why does it sound so awkward

Zi Cheduanyuan moved his fingers, then turned to look at Pei Bufan.

Pei Bufan:

Pei Bufan:! !

Suddenly, I remembered that Zi Cheduanyuan hardly kept any private money, and kept everything in his wife, Mr. Pei Bufan:...

This kind of feeling of helping San'er's children pay alimony... Ahh! I was really misled by this wonderful valley owner in front of me!

Pei Bufan groped for a long time in the package, took out a red stone and handed it to the owner of the valley.

The young man's eyes lit up when he saw the stone, and the dejected look on his face disappeared without a trace. He stepped forward and hugged the stone, kissed it, and then said with a smile: "Oh, that's really good! You're so generous! Don't worry! I will definitely take care of him like my own son! Even if he is a good-for-nothing! A useless guy! You have to raise him even if you use pills!"

Pei Bufan: ...

Where did this shameless guy come from

"Anyway, Hunyuanzong has a lot of things like pills, and you can get them all after a little trickery hehehe..." the young man whispered.

Pei Bufan: ...

He remembered that when he and the male lead were still cultivating in Sword Immortal Valley, his master, Supreme Heavenly Venerable's favorite pastime was going to Hunyuanzong to steal pills... and now...

Hunyuanzong disciples in charge of the pharmacy, are your hearts okay

Chapter 126 I really want to fly! ! !

A year flies by. Soon, it was time for the decisive battle.

Pei Bufan and Zi Cheduanyuan left Sword Immortal Valley a long time ago, and found a secret place to concentrate on cultivation.

Until a year later, they returned to the God Realm.

Came to the place where the agreement was made.

There is already a host of known and unknown gods waiting there.

And Qing Su sat in the center meditating with his eyes slightly closed, completely ignoring the curious or malicious gazes from his surroundings.

Among this group of people, there were quite a few people that Zi Cheduanyuan and Pei Bufan were familiar with.

Yuan Qin was holding her musical instrument, sitting under the tree, stroking the strings with her head down, her eyes were dull, she didn't know what she was thinking.

And Qiu Tan led the dark god behind him, standing very far away from Qingsu, staring at him closely.

In the woods, there is a familiar aura. It seems to be from Zi Che's family. According to the weakness of the aura, it is probably from the same generation as Zi Che Duanyuan.

On a mound in the distance, a huge white fox was carrying a man on its back, watching from a distance. Looks like he just wants to watch the fight. One fox and one person are accompanied by a young girl and a... pseudo-mother

Pei Bufan's eyes lit up when he saw a man opposite him. That person is Ming Xin, he is still alive, escaped from that strange Gundam...

Fuck! Isn't that lump behind him Gundam! Why are you here! !

And behind Ming Xin stood a group of people he didn't know, and one of them looked a little... familiar...

But can't remember who it is

I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend

Hei Shuo and An He were in the other direction, and behind Hei Shuo stood a few erratic figures, who looked like ghost cultivators.

It's right to think about it, this battle will determine the future master of the underworld, and Heishuo represents the present underworld, and it's justified if he doesn't come.

In addition to them, Pei Bufan and Zi Cheduanyuan also saw some familiar faces they met in the realm of comprehension, such as Master Xu Ran from the Youran Sect, Elder Xun Ming from the Sword Immortal Valley, Senior Brother Ouyang Cen from the Tianwu Sect, and even It's the witch from Qingyu Tower...

Besides them, there are many unfamiliar faces.

This battle can be regarded as an extraordinary battle for the God Realm, and it is understandable that it will attract a large number of spectators.

It's just that it's hard to say whether they came to watch the battle or to make trouble.

"Underworld Lord, Lan Xing is late, please punish him!" Not long after Pei Bufan and Zi Cheduanyuan arrived, Lan Xing led many nine-tailed cats to the battlefield.

"It's okay." Pei Bufan whispered, they had just arrived anyway.

Plus, he's... super nervous right now.

Rather than being nervous, the adjective uneasy is more appropriate.

Because he saw a lot of Meow's father's memories, Pei Bufan knew the real intention of Qingsu's many actions, so now he has no energy for this war at all.

As a fool who has been guarded for thousands of years, after hatching, he still faces his benefactor with a sword, Pei Bufan thinks, isn't it too scumbag to do so

Anyway, Qing Su doesn't plan to become the Lord of the Underworld, if we discuss it...

Qing Su felt Pei Bufan's aura, opened his eyes, and said, "You're finally here."

"That..." Pei Bufan didn't know how to speak.

Qing Su interrupted what Pei Bufan wanted to say, and said directly: "Since we are here, let's start the war. You can do it yourself, or you can find helpers."

"What about you?" Zi Cheduanyuan didn't have Pei Bufan's entangled thoughts. In his opinion, if Pei Bufan wants to become the Lord of the Underworld, he still needs to be powerful. Especially under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the vast majority of the people here have the mentality of making a profit.

No matter where you look at it, the battle between Pei Bufan and Qingsu must be fought, and must be won!

Even though Pei Bufan had told him about what he saw in his dream, Zi Cheduanyuan didn't really take it to heart.

He saw Qingsu's look of lovelessness.

In some respects, Chumiao is as innocent as ever.

However, Zi Cheduanyuan doesn't dislike this kind of innocence.

Pei Bufan didn't want to fight, especially in such a tangled situation, he didn't want to fight even more.

But now it is not his turn to choose.

Qing Su is indeed a veteran god who has been in the God Realm for thousands of years, and easily beat Pei Bufan and Zi Cheduanyuan with one-on-two.

Among them, Zi Cheduanyuan didn't hold back, and even though Pei Bufan stayed in modern times for twenty years, he couldn't stand that he was still practicing in the cultivation world for hundreds of years. The so-called Three Views had long since been re-established, and he was no longer afraid of blood. After being beaten a few times, he completely abandoned his original intention, turned into a prototype, bared his teeth, and rushed over.

Dare to leave labor and capital, kill you bastard!

Qing Su didn't use any weapons, he had weapons in the first place. But he chose the hand-to-hand combat that was most unfavorable to him.

Punch · Black Meow kicks the hero!

There is a circle of people around, waiting to be determined.

An He looked anxiously at the two at a disadvantage, then looked at Heisho with pitiful eyes. Hei Shuo frowned, and said softly: "He needs to create momentum." Pei Bufan and Zi Cheduanyuan are not only partners, but also partners who have signed a contract. It is reasonable for two to one. This is a battle over the position of the Lord of the Underworld. Only by winning can the ghost Xiu's mouth be blocked. As a ghost cat, becoming a ghost master requires strong strength in addition to blood.

The battle lasted for about a stick of incense, and the ground had been destroyed by potholes. The three fought inextricably. Suddenly, a white light hit Pei Bufan's feet. Pei Bufan was so frightened that he hurriedly retreated, looking in the direction of the attack. There, Deadwood raised his eyebrows and looked at Pei Bufan expressionlessly.

Then Lanzhu who followed was furious. With a move of his hands, he picked up his weapon and ran towards the dead wood.

"Lan Zhu!" Lan Xing's roar did not stop this impulsive girl. The behavior of Deadwood and Lanzhu is like throwing a stone on the calm water, disturbing everything.

All the fairies and monsters moved. Some attacked each other, and some joined the three-person battle, and the battle became extremely chaotic.

"Idiot!" Lan Xing gritted his teeth and rushed in. As soon as he went up, he shot away a guy who wanted to sneak attack Pei Bufan.

Chaos makes combat more difficult. This is a test of temporary judgment and actions during the battle, because no one knows whether the next moment rushing in front of them is an enemy or a friend.

"Heh..." Wu Zimo lay on the back of a huge white fox, fixed his eyes on Qing Su, and slowly licked his lips. It seems to want, the blood of God...

"Little ones!" Qiu Tan roared, "Grab Qing Su and beat him up!!"

Krakens: …

At this moment, a huge mechanical hand suddenly slammed into the center of the battlefield, and the huge force crushed many gods into serious injuries, and the gods who had already suffered serious injuries even fell.

"It's so lively." A childish voice came from the machine: "There is no ice, come and have a look."

Hei Shuo gritted his teeth, grabbed An He casually, threw him away, and disappeared without a trace. I don't know which safe corner he threw to hide. Then he brought his own weapon and a group of ghost cultivators and joined the battle.

"The guy who disturbed the competition for the position of the Lord of the Underworld, die!!"

Everyone: ...

I go! Is the successor of the Underworld Lord one of those two by default

I knew you were familiar with Qingsu and that black cat a long time ago! Relational account!

It's a pity that even though many people were helping Pei Bufan, he was still plotted against by a guy who didn't know who it was. The huge black cat was sent flying and thrown out of the battlefield, and fell to the ground with two nosebleeds.

"Tsk tsk..." Pei Bufan heard a man's voice appearing in front of him, he turned his face and saw only a pair of feet wearing black shoes.

Looking up, a short man frowned and looked at Pei Bufan with disgust: "I didn't believe what that old guy said, but I didn't expect it to be a ghost cat."

Pei Bufan:

who? It looks... so familiar.

"Don't remember me?" The old man snorted, "Your master often goes to my house to steal pills! Do you remember now?"

Pei Bufan:!

The head of Hunyuanzong who fell in love with and killed (?) his master! !

But now it seems that it should be the former suzerain.

"Stinky boy, give me a piece of your coccyx." The suzerain glanced at the tail behind Pei Bufan's buttocks and said, "One Hunyuan Pill is exchanged for a small piece of coccyx, boy, if I didn't accidentally owe your master a favor, I don't want to change it! It's a loss!"

Mixed Yuan Pill? what

"Hehe." The suzerain seemed to see Pei Bufan's doubts, and said, "A miraculous pill that can stimulate your greatest potential is a treasure refined by the founder of my Hunyuan sect. There are only three of them." Then he took out a delicate knife: "There is no time, if you don't hurry up, you won't be able to change it."

The man who couldn't come over was surrounded by several guys, but he stared at him several times. As expected of a swordsman, he is unreasonable and murderous.

Without waiting for Pei Bufan to react, he grabbed his tail and cut it off quickly. Before the pain came out, the tail from which a piece of bone had been taken out healed quickly. Pei Bufan stared blankly at his own tail, the tail whose coccyx was taken away was shorter than the others.

Then, a red pill was stuffed into his mouth.

The suzerain laughed softly, and then used the fastest speed to escape from this dangerous battlefield.

The medicine took effect very quickly, and Pei Bufan just stood up when he felt stuffy in his lower abdomen.

where is the bathroom…

Did the suzerain of Ma Da do it on purpose, or did he take the wrong medicine? !

I really want to pull Xiang! ! !

Chapter 127 The third person I hate is you, Pei Bufan.

The gods who came here to fight have various reasons. Of course, the most common thing is to take advantage of the chaos. Whether it is a god or a fairy, there are always some good things on him. If you kill them, you will definitely 'explode your equipment'. Most people come here for this, but they will be exploded when the time comes It's hard to say whether it's right or not. There is also a part that covets the throne of the Lord of the Underworld. But in addition to these, some people have very weird reasons.

For example, the witch, the former landlord of Qingyu Building, a woman whose life goal and meaning of life are to hook up with men.

Walking by the river all year round, how can I not get my shoes wet.

If you often hook up with men, there will always be a day when you will be controlled by men. The witch naturally knows this truth, so when she hooks up with a man, she also has to pick someone. Those who are much stronger than themselves will not work, nor will those who are too innocent, and those who are masculine and want to control are still not good...

For such a man, it's okay to talk flamboyantly, but absolutely not to be serious.

But some time ago, she met a man, and after some in-depth communication (everyone understands), she found that this man has all the above "beautiful qualities"...

wipe! A guy whose strength is even in the God Realm and who can call the wind and rain, runs to the Immortal Realm and pretends to be a pig! Look, her tigress has been eaten! Don't you feel ashamed that you are still a virgin after living for tens of thousands of years? ! She obviously has a peach blossom face, but she is so clean and self-loving? What do you say that as a man taking care of a woman, he is worried that she will be bullied if she is not strong enough, so no matter where she goes, she has to follow... Is this irony? !

Go away, a couple of people for a lifetime!

These words may be the most beautiful love words in the world to other little girls! But who is she? The once famous witch who made men famous is Shi Geng, her future is all the beautiful men in this world who can take a bite!

Hanging a cliff on a tree will not work!

Even if the tree is strong and has a little resource, it still looks like... ah yes! It's just like the handsome guy in front of me who drew a fairy and flew straight towards her...


The handsome guy with a peach blossom face walked up to the witch: "Why did you leave me and run away!!" Before he finished speaking, he saw a huge black shadow rushing in front of the witch, knocking the handsome guy away for hundreds of meters. Looking at the lump lying on the ground, the witch poked her ears expressionlessly, just now... it seems that she heard his cry, is it an illusion

That he who always looked calm actually screamed

By the way, who was the black shadow just now

The witch turned her head, and found that black figure was running around, as if she had lost her mind, or was she looking for something

There were countless immortals who were interrupted by that black shadow or even knocked into the air. Of the immortals who were still standing in the melee, only two-thirds were hit by that black shadow.

Just a few breaths.

The surrounding gods began to evade in all directions, and no one wanted to be knocked into the air for no apparent reason.

Then the black shadow suddenly stopped the collision, or was forced to stop. In front of the black beast, Qing Su frowned and grabbed the head of the beast with both hands to stop him.

The black beast is naturally Pei Bufan.

It's just that Pei Bufan looks very strange now, his eyes are a little distracted, his legs are trembling, and his tail is flicking uneasily. He seemed to want to break free from Qing Su, but found that the other party was surprisingly strong, and when he found it difficult to break free, Pei Bufan's expression suddenly changed. The eyes became firm, and the four legs began to gradually increase their strength. The witch could see the powerful muscles bulging. Turning to look at Qing Su, sweat gradually appeared on his face.

Simply comparing strength, Pei Bufan is better.

It's just that they were beaten against each other just now, but now against Qingsu alone, they have the upper hand.

It was natural to be pressed and beaten before, because what Pei Bufan saw in that dream, Pei Bufan had very complicated feelings about Qingsu, and even in the battle, he only used half of his strength. But now... He almost risked his life.

People have three urgencies, which can always push people to the limit of their abilities.

Now Pei Bufan is releasing his limit.

The reason is just to go to the toilet, whoever stops him at this time, he is in a hurry with whom!

Be careful I pull on you, bastard! Get out!

Because of this, the reason why Pei Bufan, who exploded his seed, defeated Qingsu, he never wanted to mention after the war, shame on him.

Of course Qing Su didn't know this.

However, this did not prevent him from feeling a little relieved in his heart. After tens of thousands of years of tossing, he lost his soul and sacrificed many gods. In places that Pei Bufan didn't know about, there were countless gods who went to die for Mingmao one after another. If Pei Bufan is still so naive and lacks the aura of a future underworld lord, he will feel disappointed.

Although his father can be regarded as a funny man in some respects, at least he still has a bit of leadership. Otherwise, there would not have been so many subordinates gathered in the first place.

Little brother and so on, you have to collect it yourself.

The gods around were stunned, as if they finally realized that the two in front of them were the protagonists of this war.

"Aren't you going to help?" A voice suddenly sounded beside Zi Cheduanyuan.

Zi Che Duanyuan turned his head and saw Zi Che Liangxing's face.

Zi Cheduanyuan: "No need."

I don't need his help now.

Probably because he was holding back to the limit, Pei Bufan's attacks became more and more fierce, and gradually reached the point where Qing Su couldn't stand it, which made Qing Su's mouth smile wider and wider.

In the end, Pei Bufan was cornered and bit his hand.

Qing Su moved his somewhat unconscious hands, and smiled: "Yes, after all, it's the blood of Mingmao..." Before he finished speaking, a lot of blood gushed out from the corner of his mouth. Lowering his head, he saw a snow-white blade protruding from his chest.

This accident made all the gods stunned.

Pei Bufan finally woke up a little bit, looking at the man behind Qingsu who stabbed Qingsu's chest with a sword in astonishment, he always felt that this man's breath was somewhat familiar.

That man is Ming Gu.

"Surprised?" The sword Minggu held viciously circled, piercing the wound on Qingsu's chest to bloody flesh.

"No." Qing Su said softly: "It's just that I didn't expect that you can endure until now."

"I can't help it. I wasn't absolutely sure before, how dare I do it?" Ming Gu pulled out his sword, and pierced Qing Su's abdomen with another sword without hesitation.

"In my life, the first thing I hate is Ming Yuan, and the second thing is Qing Su." Ming Gu turned to look at the dumbfounded Pei Bufan: "Then, the third thing I hate is you, Pei Bufan." He said so Said to Pei Bufan.

Chapter 128Even if you don't do anything, he won't live for a few days.

"Why?" Pei Bufan blurted out.

"Because..." Minggu gritted his teeth: "I am the replacement of Mingyuan, and I was created by this Qingsu just for you, a monster that is neither a god nor a ghost!" He pulled out his sword fiercely, his eyes were cold Looking at Qing Su who fell to the ground, he raised his foot and was about to kick again, but was stopped by a person.

"Wujue?" Minggu looked at the person who blocked him with a smile, "Why, is the destiny already dead?"

"En." Wujue remained expressionless.

"What are you stopping me for? You don't hate him? The master Wuchen who raised you died under Qing Su's calculations. He was the most sincere to Ming Yuan, don't you hate him?" Ming Gu deliberately induced.

"Nothing to do with you."

"Then what about the little white cat? Because of Qingsu's plan, you had to be a double agent, missed a good relationship, and caused your little white cat to be injured continuously. You don't hate it? The lonely star of the gods? Except for childhood Except for the tragic experience, the rest are all because of Qingsu? The lone star of Tiansha, stop being funny!" Minggu's voice was loud, and he looked to the front left from the corner of his eyes, and then he smiled: "You My little white cat has also rushed over, don't you want to have a good chat with him? Your fate is the lone star of the evil spirit."

Wujue moved his finger slightly, but didn't look back.

Behind Lan Lin, it was Youfan who came after Lan Lin. Panting heavily, he glanced at Qing Su who had fallen to the ground. He froze for a moment, then quickly turned his head to look for the figure of Deadwood, and found that Deadwood's face was as expected His expression was a bit sad but not resentful.

I feel as if I have been concealing something very important again, and I am a little angry. Youfan muttered softly.

"I'm even more angry." A childish voice came from not far away.

Youfan was stunned.

No way…

Not so unlucky...

Some people should have no interest in the battle of God Realm...

"What? You don't even have the courage to turn your head to look at me?" You said coldly, "My dear nephew!"


Youfan turned his head mechanically, saw Youbing's little face and almost knelt down in fright: "Uncle..." Looking behind Youbing, there were quite a few family members standing, some he knew and some he didn't know.

"Huh? Good morning?" Youfan said carefully.

Looking up at the sun, there is ice: …

"Then, what is uncle doing here?" Youfan asked in a low voice.

"If you're interested in Mingmao Whip, let's take a look." You Bing said.

Youfan: Zi Cheduanyuan will beat you to death. Hey wait, which one is more powerful, Zi Cheduanyuan or the perverted uncle

Forget it, they are better than him anyway.

"But now I've found something more fun than Ming Mao." You Bing said, "It doesn't matter about Ming Mao."

Youfan: Interesting things, are you referring to me

"Patriarch, what should we do about that?" asked the man who had been standing one step behind You Bing.

"You stay here and take it back after the war is over." You Bing said, "Anyway, looking at that Minggu, it looks like you don't need it anymore. I'll go back first. Today is really a surprise." He said He grabbed Youfan by the collar and dragged him away from the battlefield.

This nephew didn't meet many times, but at the first sight, You Bing fell in love. It's just that later it was said that he eloped with the Immortal Emperor, but he didn't expect to meet again here. You Bing has always regretted not catching him and tying him by his side, after all, he couldn't get in front of the Immortal Emperor to ask for someone.

It's quite interesting that his elder brother, whom he hardly sees, has such a fun son. But it doesn't matter, this person belongs to him now.

Leaving aside what kind of life the taken away Youfan will have in the future, on the battlefield today, Lan Lin, who only sees Wujue alone, is already in a state of trance.

Wuchen's death was an accident, but it could also be said to be inevitable.

After Mingyuan's death, Qingsu "rebelled" and led people to kill many former subordinates of Mingyuan. And those subordinates are the gods who are predicted to be unfavorable to the cubs of the ghost cat and want the position of the master of the ghost.

Of course, Wuchen was not included among the gods who were destined to be eliminated.

Wuchen's loyalty is the strongest among all his subordinates. If he knew the whereabouts of the cubs, he would definitely protect them with his life.

But it was precisely because of this loyalty that he was killed.

Knowing about Qingsu's "rebellion", Wujue was the one who wanted to kill his former subordinates, and it was Wujue who informed Wuchen of the news, and told Wuchen of Qingsu's whereabouts that he had guessed, so that Wuchen chased after Qingsu. Going back, got involved in the melee, and unfortunately fell.

Being too smart is also a kind of sadness. If he didn't say anything, if he waited for this matter to pass for a while, maybe Wuchen wouldn't...

Tiansha Lone Star may be just an excuse, but it was his carelessness and arrogance that killed his adoptive father and master. This is a fact that Wujue has never been able to let go of.

He still remembers that day when he smugly told his speculation, where Qingsu would go next, and who he would kill.

But he forgot whether his master is Qingsu's opponent, whether Qingsu has any unspeakable secrets, and the possible consequences.

After all, it is too young.

After learning the truth of the matter, he has nothing left but endless regret.

He couldn't hate Qing Su.

Because he knew that if his master knew all this, he would probably be willing to die, because it would make Qing Su's betrayal more real.

Loyalty to hell!

He couldn't understand why he would do this for a stupid cat.

Although he couldn't understand it, it didn't prevent him from taking the protection of Mingmao's cubs as his master's last wish and continuing to do so. After all, besides doing these things, he didn't know what to do.

"After Wuchen, is there another loyal dog?" Ming Gu mocked.

Pei Bufan looked at him in astonishment, and then looked worriedly at Qing Su who was on the ground. He already had less air going in and more air coming out, and his life was hanging by a thread. Pei Bufan took a few steps forward to get closer, but was blocked by some ghost cultivators who appeared from nowhere. Zi Cheduanyuan took a few steps forward, staring closely at Gui Xiu and Ming Gu.

"Don't be like this." Ming Gu said: "No matter what I say, I am a matchmaker who pulls the strings for you."

Pei Bufan: "Huh?"

Ming Gu smiled: "Random task: Please ask the host to suppress the male lead once, and the time limit for completion is three days."

Pei Bufan was stunned, his face slowly turned red, and then gradually paled again.

Zi Che Duanyuan was also taken aback, although he was a little puzzled, but Che Duanyuan still knew that the word "male lead" was referring to himself. He immediately remembered the things that Pei Bufan appeared in human form and forced him to do when he was still in the realm of comprehension...

I thought it was something stupid cat did because he was interested in him...


Zi Cheduanyuan looked at Pei Bufan with deep eyes, which clearly meant 'to settle accounts later'.

Pei Bufan: ...

"You... are the system?" Regardless of leaving the male lead behind, what Pei Bufan cares about now is this matter.

"Of course, it was created just for you, a ghost cultivator who can follow you and protect you at any time." Minggu smiled: "Because I was created by part of Mingyuan's soul and Qingsu's flesh and blood, and I resonate with you .Otherwise, do you think anyone can become a 'system' bound to you?"

Pei Bufan: "So you..."

"That's right, it's not an exaggeration to say that I am your father." Ming Gu smiled and said: "My soul comes from your biological father, and I have been following you and watching you grow up. But in fact, I Well, but it doesn’t mean to raise you at all. It’s just my bad taste to let you have sex with that guy, and you should be grateful to me, at least the person I’m looking for is your destined other half, who is held by a red thread.” Although he really wanted to spoil Pei Bufan and see Qingsu's expression when the Mingmao cub he wanted to protect was crushed by many guys, it was a pity that Deadwood stared too closely.

"Wu Jue, Qing Su is about to die, don't you want to find a way?" Ming Gu said.

"It doesn't matter." Wujue said: "Anyway, even if you didn't do anything, he won't live for a few days."

This time it was Ming Gu's turn to be stunned.

Chapter 129 Lan Lin's crying is mixed with the sound of the two fighting weapons, which is heart-piercing.

Qingsu is a god, but not a god of creation. Even if he is the master of the underworld, he does not have the ability to create a brand new soul out of thin air, even if it is just splicing from the old soul. Qing Su created Ming Gu at a price, his strength will gradually decline, and his lifespan will gradually shorten. His current strength is only half of what he was in his heyday, otherwise, how could he be so easily injured by an adult ghost cat when he was born in the God Realm? Of course, this does not mean that Pei Bufan's strength is not good. Being a Mingmao loved by Heaven is very unique.

Now his last work is done.

It is well known that Qing Su has a great reputation and strong strength. But now, he who is powerful has lost to Pei Bufan. Although it is a pity to die in the hands of Minggu, the gods have seen Pei Bufan beat him to the ground, and they will be jealous. Several loyal former subordinates will secretly protect him. At least, it should be smooth for Pei Bufan to ascend to the position of Lord of the Underworld. As for how to rule in the future, it is beyond his control.

Qing Su lay on the ground, looking at Ming Gu's face out of the corner of his eye, then at Wu Jue, and finally looked away at the white sky.

It's a pity that I can't see the blue sky and white clouds...

Because of Ming Yuan, because of Pei Bufan, he made a lot of preparations, and he also felt sorry for too many people.

The most sorry is Ming Gu, because he crazily used the other party as a tool and never cared about his mood.

The second is endless. He tied most of Wujue's life with the reason of the lone star of the evil spirit and Wuchen's last wish.

Because of his recent physical and mental abnormalities, he has become a little crazy. Now that he is dying, his mind is rarely sober.

He suddenly remembered a person, a girl who had been with him and Mingyuan since childhood.

Ever since Mingyuan said that her life was not long, she never appeared again.

Qing Su suddenly thought of a possibility, a possibility that he couldn't believe no matter what.

Forget it, so what if it is true, Ming Yuan has already fallen, and soon, he will also fall with Ming Yuan.

Before coming here, I told Deadwood to take his body to the eastern end of God Realm, where the real burial place of Nether Abyss is.

He has been very tired for the past ten thousand years. Where he goes, he will go to Mingyuan and have a good rest...

Qing Su slowly closed his eyes, and the faint light on his body gradually dimmed.

Qingsu, fall.

Looking at Qingsu's body, Minggu and Wujue were both extremely silent, Deadwood and Qingshi approached slowly, Deadwood bent down, hugged Qingsu in his arms, then turned and left the battlefield.

Everything is over, and the shackles imposed by Mingyuan ten thousand years ago have also been untied. It's just that the price was too high, and Qing Su lost everything, including his life.

After sending Qingsu to Mingyuan, he wants to travel with Qingshi, whichever world he wants to go to, but he doesn't want to come back to this world.

Minggu stared blankly at Deadwood and Qingshi leaving with Qingsu's corpse, and when he regained his senses, he looked at Wujue mockingly: "They're all gone, how about you?"

Wujue looked at Minggu coldly.

"Stop me?" Ming Gu said with a smile: "I'm not interested in the position of Lord Ming, but... I'm very interested in Pei Bufan's life."

Because of the fall of Qingsu, some gods who came under the name of Qingsu were a little at a loss, and Minggu at this time just gave them a reason to continue fighting, and the melee started again.

It's just that not everyone is interested in continuing to fight, such as a certain one who is holding back Xiang.

"Toilet! Do you know where the toilet is?!" Because of the series of events that happened just now, Pei Bufan temporarily forgot what he was still holding back, and now that the heart-wrenching 'story' is over, he feels his stomach rolling again And...the fact that something might be going to the asshole...

Zi Cheduanyuan was a little speechless.

He hasn't done anything like go to the bathroom for at least a hundred years.

Even if one eats food after becoming a fairy, what one eats is fairy fruit wine. This thing itself has no impurities that need to be eliminated, so naturally it does not need to be excreted.

Even the fairy world doesn't need to excrete, do you think the god world needs toilets

Zi Cheduanyuan shook his head blankly.

Pei Bufan was about to collapse.

If he saw the guy who gave him the medicine again, he would definitely feed him a bottle of this medicine and kill him!

Is it going to be like an ordinary beast, anywhere

There is no limit to thinking about it...

In other words, does he not need to take off his clothes in this form? Oh, it's so convenient... What a ghost!

Even beasts need to find toilets! where is the bathroom!

the other side.

Minggu wanted to go to Pei Bufan, but Wujue stood in front of him, so he couldn't move forward no matter what.

At this time, at