Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 103: It is the same



The reputation of this female resident of the narrow building at the bottom of the narrow building comes more from her being the neighbor of the bookstore owner than from herself.

A few years ago, when the taskers on the ground floor of the narrow building gathered outside Xu Beijin Bookstore, many taskers also focused on Su Enya, hoping to learn some news about Xu Beijin from her.

However, except for Mu Jiashi, the rest of the taskers all failed.

However, this does not mean that they have gained nothing. They just didn't get information about Xu Beijin's nightmare, but they got some information about Su Enya's nightmare.

And now, Mu Jiashi used what he had gained from the nightmare in that ruin not long ago to exchange some information about Su Enya with certain people.

… About her nightmare.

There were indeed many people who had entered her nightmare and knew the well-furnished apartment building and the business district, but none of them seemed to have solved the nightmare.

The real ending

No one knows.

Perhaps the task force who had played the true ending had indeed gone to a higher level, but the fact that there was no news at the bottom of the narrow building still made Mu Jiashi feel a little strange.

Why does this woman’s nightmare seem to be unknown to everyone? There is no clue about the truth of this nightmare

They just knew that in that nightmare, the furniture became refined, and even the taskers would become furniture after death. Perhaps it was precisely because of this that the taskers later dared not explore her nightmare.

But why is this happening? Why is there such a strange phenomenon

Nobody knows.

Her nightmare is like thousands of nightmares at the bottom of a narrow building, no one cares about it until... she suddenly disappears.

No one knows when Su Enya left the ground floor of the narrow building. It seemed that after the missionaries' interest in Xu Beijin disappeared, they stopped paying attention to his neighbors, and no one knew Su Enya's whereabouts.

She just disappeared so suddenly.

Later, now a few years later, she suddenly appeared again and returned to the bottom of the narrow building.

This mysterious woman...

Mu Jiashi stared at her, and then slowly said, "'I fear a lot. And the only thing I don't fear is death.'"

Su Enya squatted in the corner, her back tightly against the wall, as if this would make her feel safe. She whispered: "It's true."

After Mu Jiashi was silent for a moment, he said: "Since you know this sentence, then you should know the nightmare. Then... you should know, when I learn some things in your nightmare..."

"You will think of that nightmare at a higher level." Su Enya said in a low voice.

"... You are a resident on the ground floor of a narrow building." Mu Jiashi said, "Why do you know the nightmare of a higher level?"

"why not?"

Mu Jiashi silently curled his eyebrows and stared at her.

Of course not.

Narrow-building residents... Indeed, the taskers will find other narrow-building residents in their nightmare, but they are only limited to their respective floors. Residents at the bottom of the narrow building will only appear in the nightmare of the bottom of the narrow building.

There are never exceptions.

As for the circulation of residents in narrow buildings... Indeed, residents in narrow buildings will disappear inexplicably, but can there be such a coincidence

It is true that some people have encountered similar nightmares on different floors by coincidence, but apart from that one case, no one has jumped out and claimed that they have encountered the same thing.

Mu Jiashi looked at Su Enya and thought, besides, he hadn't seen this woman in that higher-level nightmare.

… The situation is not quite right.

He hesitated for a moment, and then said, "I just want to talk about the end."

The woman whispered: "What do you want to know?"

"There are two types of doomsday, right?" Mu Jiashi said, "physical and spiritual. In your nightmare, what appears is a spiritual nightmare. People have become electrical appliances..."

Su Enya was silent.

"... In that nightmare, there are also many lunatics..."

Su Enya said: "In the narrow building, there are lunatics everywhere."

Mu Jiashi's words came to an abrupt end.

He knew what Suenya was suggesting, but he didn't understand what she was suggesting. The most important thing is, what does this have to do with her nightmare and that higher-level nightmare

Su Enya looked up at him, and after a long time, a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes. She lowered her voice: "You still don't understand... You don't understand. You solved the nightmare, but you haven't solved the most critical problem..."

Mu Jiashi frowned, a flash of anger flashed in his heart.

After he admitted that he was a loser, he became more reluctant to admit that he actually solved the nightmare. He hit the true ending, but that didn't mean anything, because he couldn't face the true ending.

The truth that he personally discovered and understood.

He said: "If you really want to remind me, then you shouldn't be here to play dumb puzzles with me."

Su Enya said: "But you know, this is just a reminder. I can't tell you the truth directly, no one can do it." She said almost sadly, "When I saw you on the bottom of the narrow building, I just Realizing this is an opportunity, but..."

She looked at him with the disappointment that burned to ashes in her eyes.

Mu Jiashi stood there with a deep voice: "So, that sentence... Why do you know?"

After all, the question that Mu Jiashi has always troubled is, why did the sentence that appeared in a higher-level nightmare appear in the mouth of a certain resident at the bottom of the narrow building? After investigating the woman, he discovered that there were more mysteries lingering around her.

Mu Jiashi felt extremely confused and puzzled.

"You think I just'know'." Su Enya looked at Mu Jiashi with a complicated and meaningful look, "But, why can't it be, this sentence was originally said by'I'?"

Mu Jiashi was shocked: "You...!"

Su Enya lowered her eyes and said, "All words are here."

Mu Jiashi stood there, staring at Su Enya deeply, as if she understood something, but couldn't believe it. He said to himself: "It's you...? Is this because... Doomsday, or the game?"

Su Enya did not answer his question.

Mu Jiashi was silent for a moment, said goodbye to her, and left the room.

He caught a glimpse of the door of Xu Beijin's bookstore, but he hesitated for a moment and did not visit. Because at this time, his heart was filled with confusion and shock, and he couldn't calm down and communicate with others at all.

He just thought upset, how could it be possible? how can that be possible

Su Enya and the woman in the nightmare... Are they the same person? how is this possible? Why did she become like that, why would she...

Mu Jiashi thoughtfully returned to his house.

He didn't know that Fei and Wujian had come to him, they just missed it. If they could meet, maybe Fei and Wujian could solve some of Mu Jiashi's confusion. But this time, they didn't meet each other.

After realizing that Mu Jiashi was not at home, Fei and Wujian didn't waste time, but simply left here to do other things.

The first thing they have to do is to pass the problems of the residents of narrow buildings to other members of their organization, especially the founders of the organization.

As Fei wrote her various speculations, Wu Jian murmured excitedly on the side: "This is really a big discovery! An unprecedented... terrible..."

Fei wrote a few lines, and then said, "Did you find it?"

Unexpectedly, he was stunned: "What?"

"If they really have a problem," Fei used ambiguous pronouns, "then, haven't they tried it for so many years? Or they tried but failed."

It's utterly stunned there.

After a long time, he sighed and said softly: "I tried, but failed."

"Did the tasker fail to understand what they meant, or..." Fei showed a hesitant expression, "NE?"

"NE will definitely prevent them from saying... the truth." Wu Jian said, and he smiled bitterly, "but...or maybe, we have never thought about it in that direction. Who would have thought that the NPC in the game..."

Fei was silent.

She thought, yes, who would have thought that the NPCs in the game might be of their own kind

They are so preconceived that they don't know at all. In the past years buried in the ashes, did the crazy narrow-building residents try to imply their identity, or just become more and more immersed in madness

Fei said, "That woman said... that they just played crazy at first, but some people are really crazy."

Wu Jian opened his mouth, and after a moment, he murmured: "But, if they are really one of us... why is there such a difference from the beginning? If we... are all players."

If the residents of the narrow buildings and the outsiders are both players, why did they face a different situation from the beginning

Fei Shensi does not belong, thinking of the doomsday, nightmares, narrow buildings, thinking of the different manifestations of the doomsday...

She whispered: "Perhaps it was because it was originally not just a doomsday?"

Looking at her blankly, she didn't understand what she meant.

Fei shook her head and said honestly: "We don't have any evidence yet. Everything is just speculation." She smiled bitterly, bit her lip, and couldn't help saying, "Maybe we think too much."

Even if others say that their speculations are nothing more than conspiracy theories, they themselves firmly believe that they are reliable and well-founded inferences. But now, Fei thought subconsciously, if it was really just that they thought too much, it would be fine.

Otherwise, how desperate the situation is for those narrow-building residents

Fei shook her head and stopped thinking about it. She finished writing her inference on the paper, and then folded it. Then she took out an item card from her arms.

She carefully disassembled the prop card. These prop cards are nothing more than cards in the final analysis, which can be destroyed and torn apart. Now, Fei destroyed a prop card and tore it into two thin sheets of paper, only for the purpose of delivering the message.

She put the piece of paper into the middle layer of the prop card, and then glued the prop card again. On the outside, except for a little wrinkles, this item card is almost nothing unusual.

She repeated this twice again, making a total of three such prop cards, and then drew a pattern in the corner of the prop card with a pen.

Afterwards, she stood up and said to Wu Jian, "I'll go out again, and you can go to Mu Jiashi's side again to see if he is there. I will come to you after I'm done."

Wu Jian nodded.

They left the room together.

Wu Jian went to Mu Jiashi's house again. It is at the end of the initial avenue, and you only need to proceed along the initial avenue to reach it.

He passed by a female tasker on the Avenue of Inception. He felt that the person's figure was a bit familiar, so he subconsciously turned his head and looked at her back. But he couldn't remember where he had seen his face anyway.

Wu Jian muttered a little confused: "Is it an illusion?"

That is actually Jiang Shuangmei.

In the last nightmare, she entered the nightmare as Liang Shuang and used a prop card to change her appearance, but she did not change her figure, so Wu Jian felt a little familiar.

She hurriedly walked through the initial avenue in order to find Ringo.

In the last nightmare, Ringo once said that he hopes to solve this nightmare as soon as possible. For this reason, he can give some help to the rest of the taskers as far as he can.

Although they didn't solve the nightmare immediately, Jiang Shuangmei didn't know whether Ringo's promise still worked.

But she has no choice, she must come and try.

After Jiang Shuang's sister left, Jiang Shuang's sister was like a feeble child who had a wealth of money and swaggered through the market. The group of fallen people were very envious of the pair of sisters' item cards, and soon they gathered around, although they were honey-believing swords, they seemed to have really formed a party of influence.

But Shuangmei Jiang knew that they were just to grab the props cards left by her sister.

She was not a fool, so she quickly selected the companions she believed to be reliable, formed a small group, and tried to avoid acquaintances among the fallen ones, and even changed a residence.

However, the companion may not be reliable.

The innocent Jiang Shuangmei, under the lure of her companions, chose to go alone to find the nightmare.

However, when she happily returned to her residence, she found that the home was empty. All the prop cards left by her sister had already been wiped out.

But now, the only item card still left on her body was actually snatched from the culprit who killed her sister, that "demon's mask".

She stood there blankly, not knowing what was thinking in her mind.

She thought that maybe it was all kinds of slanders that the "devil's mask" was deceiving and ruining her. However, she actually felt that it made sense.

…Why? why

She thought, she was really incompetent.

My sister is gone, and she can't even keep her sister's belongings. The companions she thinks are just speculators who come in for the prop card. Now she has become a person again.

But... she was hesitant and confused, what should she do now

After a moment of silence, she finally remembered Ringo's promise in her blank mind.

Of course she knew that it was just a verbal promise, who knew if Ringo would be willing to help her? But she has no relatives and no support, if Ringo is really willing to help her with this effort...

Shuangmei Jiang thought, maybe

She just needs a little bit of hope to get her out of this terrible, deep-seated, desperate predicament.

She just didn't want to be swallowed by evil thoughts.

… She wanted to kill that group of people. She wanted to do it. She killed them and regained those item cards. Then, she would hide in the house forever, only with the dust and the relics left by her sister.

She really wanted to kill that group of people.

However, my sister would not want her to do this.

Shuangmei Jiang stood there, muttering to herself: "I listened to what my sister said..."

After a while, she hurriedly left the room.

Perhaps, she will never return to this sad place.

A few minutes later, she came outside Ringo's house. However, to her disappointment, Ringo was not at home.

She was at a loss for a moment, feeling an unprecedented depression and despair. She finally realized that Ringo was not her savior. It's no use relying on anyone, and it's ridiculous to expect Ringo to help her.

Does she think that there is really a second Sister Jiang who will treat her like that

No more.

And she has also lost her sister.

She lowered her head blankly and looked at her fingers. She shuffled, slowly walking around the bottom of the narrow building. She didn't know where she wanted to go, she just walked aimlessly.

She felt a chill on her cheek and touched it before she realized she was crying.

...What's the use of crying! waste!

She scolded herself, cursing bitterly, as if she wanted to vent out the incompetent and powerless emotions.

Finally, she stopped.

She found that her steps led her to Ding Yi's house.

… Ding Yi.

When the name was finally remembered by her, she felt ashamed for a while.

Why did she think of coming to Ding Yi? Ding Yi has clearly left the ground floor of the narrow building. And even if Ding Yi did not leave, the three of them had already parted ways.

Many years ago, they were the best partners and best partners. They are intimate, talk about everything, and are invincible in nightmares. And at a certain moment, Ding Yi stopped, and Sister Jiang and Sister Jiang continued.

And when Jiang Shuangmei Jiang Shuangmei also stopped, they realized that Ding Yi was already a distant object they could not reach.

At some point, the naive Shuangmei Jiang would think, what would happen if Ding Yi hadn't left at that time? After all, why did Ding Yi leave at that time

The three of them have been living on each other in this gloomy narrow building. Isn't that good

But later, Jiang Shuangmei is still her sister after all. Now, she also lost her sister, and also lost the so-called "companion."

She thought that she was so eager to choose her companions, in the eyes of others, perhaps she just wanted to change a group of people to hold the thighs. In their view, Jiang Shuangmei has always been only Jiang Sister's adherent and a dragger.

… Actually, what they said was not right.

After leaving her sister, Jiang Shuangmei did nothing and failed.

She lowered her head and turned to leave.

But at this moment, the door of the house behind her suddenly opened. A familiar female voice suddenly sounded: "... Both?"

Jiang Shuangmei froze there.

… Ding Yi is back

Ringo has gone to find Xu Bei.


He didn't even return to his house, but went straight to Xu Beijin's bookstore.

Xu Beijin opened his eyes from the nightmare, and it didn't take long to see Ringo as if returning to his own home, knocking on the door and pushing in.

Before Xu Beijin got out of his complicated thoughts, he carefully thought about the relationship between him and Ringo. Seeing Ringo like this, he couldn't help but complain, "You might as well just move over."

Ringo looked at him in surprise, "Can you?"

Xu Beijin: "..."

He gritted his teeth and said, "No."

Then, he heard a muffled "Oh" from the little apple.

… Xu Beijin sullen his face.

Ringo didn't lose too much, and after a while, he began to look at Xu Beijin carefully. He had never seen Xu Beijin so seriously, as if he wanted to study this man into his bones.

Xu Beijin was uncomfortable by him and could only ask: "What are you thinking?"

He always feels that this question is not good to ask, because Ringo's magical brain circuit always leads the topic to a magical and subtle quadrant.

Ringo said, "I want to see how you are."

Xu Bei said in bewilderment, "I have escaped that nightmare, and I'm all right now."

"But you never sleep," Ringo said, "so do you feel uncomfortable in a narrow building?"

Xu Beijin: "..."

He looked at Ringo with weird eyes, and thought to himself, this little apple is... caring about his body

…How long have they known each other

Xu Beijin sighed in a good and funny sigh, and said, "Ringo, I don't necessarily need sleep..."

"But you don't need sleep. Does it have anything to do with me caring about your body state after you don't need sleep?" Ringo said confusedly, "I just worry about your body."

Xu Beijin looked away slightly uncomfortably.

Ringo stared at him for a while, then said, "So you still feel uncomfortable."

After Xu Bei was silent for a moment, he said: "I can't let others enter my nightmare."

"If..." Ringo hesitated, "If you trust me, then you can sleep. I will help you watch. I won't let anyone enter the portal of the bookstore."

Xu Bei was stunned.

He knew that this was a solution. At least in Ringo's eyes, if Xu Beijin simply didn't want other people to enter his nightmare, then he would just guard the portal of the bookstore.

After all, with Ringo's strength and his prestige on the ground floor of the narrow building, he can do this kind of thing easily.

But Xu Beijin had never thought about it this way.


This is not just a question of Thaksin’s trust in Ringo, but more importantly, why did Ringo do this for him? Just to give him a good night's sleep? Just worried about his health

Then the question comes again... Does Ringo need to be so worried about his health

Everyone knows that this is just a game. He never sleeps in this game, and it is just psychological exhaustion rather than physical. And Ringo has spent so much time, fanfare, and made big fuss...

In the final analysis, is it because he likes him

Xu Beijin looked at Ringo in silence.

Ringo tilted his head and asked, "Don't you want to get a good night's sleep?"

Xu Bei thought with all his heart, of course, of course he thought, but...


He sighed and said, "Lingo."

Ringo looked at him, waiting for his words.

"You bother me a lot." Xu Beijin said, "If... your performance and proposal like this are because you like me."

Ringo frowned in confusion.

After a while, he seemed to finally figure it out, so he said very sincerely: "I like you, it's my business. You don't need to be bothered."

Xu Beijin: "..."

He watched Ringo for a moment, then suddenly realized.

This little apple doesn't think that liking this kind of thing is the same as fighting, right