Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 106: Division of labor and cooperation


Mu Jiashi stared at the long-haired man silently.

In the narrow building, there are indeed many... taskers with more abnormal personalities.

For example, in front of him, after he said that sentence, Mu Jiashi understood his problem almost immediately.

After dying in the nightmare of the narrow building, he can be resurrected immediately.

As a result, this attracted a group of people who pursued death. Since death has no cost, doesn't death seem less terrible? In reality, to die is to die, becoming a cold corpse. But in this game, you can come back to life if you die.

Once the awe-inspiring and terrifying experience of death can be repeated, it becomes a rare experience, and even... it makes some people addicted.

But this made the other taskers abhorrent.

This group is pursuing death, but if someone dies, the nightmare will restart, and the nightmare will collapse if the number of restarts increases. Some people still have a little conscience, and let the rest of the taskers solve their nightmares after a few deaths.

But some people, that really deliberately rushed to sink into the nightmare of eternal collapse.

But they will drag everyone else into the water.

The eternal collapse of the nightmare does not necessarily mean that all taskers will sink into it, but it must mean a bad ending.

How many high-level taskers were pitted by this group to the floor below.

The reputation of this group of people pursuing death in the narrow building can be said to be worse than that of card dealers. With their pursuit of death, one by one they fell into a nightmare of eternal collapse. Today, this group of people is very rare.

… At least Mu Jiashi has never seen one in the narrow building for so many years.

And now, at this important juncture, he unexpectedly encountered one.

Mu Jiashi was speechless.

The other questers probably also reacted, showing indescribable expressions one after another.

The long-haired man smiled: "Don't worry." He stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, seeming to be too excited to control himself, "I will not take the initiative to pursue death, but the opportunity is here. Let me go to death, but don't stop me."

The other taskers twitched their mouths and couldn't help thinking, is there any difference between this statement and actively pursuing death

They simply ignored the long-haired man.

Fei glanced at Mu Jiashi and found that the tasker was silent, so he took the initiative and asked the others to introduce themselves.

There were a total of nine questers present, besides Cho Lino, Mujiashi, Ding Yi, Fei, Wu Jian, and the long-haired man, there were three more, one man and two women. One of the men and the woman claimed to be a couple, and the third female tasker, a young woman, spoke with a lively life.

She introduced herself as He Shujun, a tasker from a higher level, with the purpose of finding the ultimate nightmare and leaving the narrow building.

She was so straightforward and relieved the few taskers present.

Before He Shujun spoke so bluntly, an undercurrent surging among several taskers in this nightmare, everyone was thinking about the "ultimate nightmare", but no one took the initiative to mention it.

Especially the couple, they just patted their chests and let out a long sigh of relief.

Among them, the male tasker said directly: "Since we are all here for the ultimate nightmare, why not hurry up and study this nightmare."

They looked at this scene.

The intersection where they are, if they insist, is probably located in the most prosperous neighborhood in the city. Not far from this intersection, they saw a lot of shops, department stores, and numerous banks, hotels, and so on.

Although, it is strange that such a lively and prosperous area is empty, except for occasional people who run by like a lunatic. Those tall buildings are like a huge maze, as if countless lunatics are hidden.

Lots of rubbish, debris and leaves piled up on the ground, as if the sanitation workers in the city had disappeared. The trash quickly rotted and stinked in the summer heat, and the buzzing of flies matched the cicadas' cries.

The heat makes taskers wipe their sweat from time to time.

The most striking thing is a library not far behind them.

It may be a building that has stood the test of time. The exceptionally ancient vicissitudes, coupled with the eye-catching "Cangcheng Library" words, make people realize that this should be a landmark building in this city.

"Cangcheng?" Wu Jian murmured, "Cangcheng... Cangcheng?"

Fei asked him in a low voice, "Do you feel familiar?"

Looking at the building blankly, he nodded slowly. He said: "I think I might... I might be a Cangcheng native."

Fei was taken aback at once, and asked quickly: "Are you sure?"

Wu Jian gave a wry smile: "I'm not sure. I have no memory. Rather, my memory is blocked." He stared at the library, "But, it is indeed very familiar. It is as if not long ago, I still Borrow and return books here..."

Fei was silent.

Wu Jian continued: "I can even remember that there are many buses passing here... One of them is a tourist line. This tourist line can also go to a nearby museum..."

Fei said, "You don't look like you can't remember."

I was at a loss for a moment: "But that's a very strange feeling." He said, "I know I am familiar, but it is not an actual feeling. My brain seems to be lying to me... It's more like ,dream."

Fei patted him on the shoulder, which was a kind of silent comfort.

Wu Jian shook his head. He said, "I don't want that much anymore." He said softly, "It doesn't make much sense, does it? Actually, we all already know that it's the earth... The end happens on our earth. ."

His companion took a deep breath, unwilling to continue the topic. She bit her lip tightly and turned to look at the others.

Several people have dispersed.

Ringo stared at the library; the couple went to check the bus stop not far away; the long-haired man stood on the street and probed his head, as if hoping that a car would come and knock him down in the next second; Ding Yihe He Shujun stood together and looked at the scene inside the bank through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Mu Jiashi was still standing there, looking around thoughtfully.

He had told Fei and Wujian before that he had come to this nightmare, but he did not fully understand what happened to him, mainly because they were not in time. At that time, they were still immersed in the shocking "the residents of narrow buildings had problems". On the news.

But later, when they discovered that this nightmare had unexpectedly appeared on the ground floor of the narrow building, Fei He Wu Jian asked him not to explain everything clearly.

To put it bluntly, just like the nightmare when they entered the building before, Fei and Wujian were still worried that Mu Jiashi's experience at the time would give them preconceived ideas.

If they accepted the ending played by Mu Jiashi first, they might not have learned about "playing" and the residents of narrow buildings in their nightmare.

As a result, only Mu Jiashi has a deep understanding of this nightmare among the nine taskers now.

At this moment, when he turned his head and looked around, he couldn't help but feel a little confused. He found that this nightmare was exactly the same as the nightmare he experienced at a higher level.

… Is it really the same nightmare

Before he really entered the nightmare, Mu Jiashi was still wondering if it was possible that this was just a similar nightmare, not the nightmare he encountered at a higher level.

But when he came to this nightmare, he felt the familiar and special atmosphere...

He suddenly turned his head and looked at Ding Yi and He Shujun who were staring inside the bank.

He thought, if they are exactly the same, then these two taskers should have discovered...

At this moment, He Shujun suddenly turned his head and said briskly: "What did we find!"

Mu Jia sank solidly.

When the rest of the people leaned in to look curiously and slightly excited, Mujiashi's expression was deep, and he felt confused.

Is it really the same nightmare? What about Su Enya? What is her identity

Fei walked up to him and asked, "How is it?"

Mu Jiashi said: "It's exactly the same as in my memory."

Fei was silent immediately.

This means that there is indeed a mystery behind this.

They came outside the bank together.

He Shujun pointed to the glass window: "Look, there are dead people inside. It seems to be killing each other. They still have banknotes in their hands. Is it because of the money?"

"But, why should bank employees kill each other for the money?" asked the male tasker of the couple. He kept an inch and looked strong and shrewd.

His girlfriend is petite, taciturn, and looks very introverted. He hasn't spoken all the time.

They claim to be lovers, but the relationship is probably still unknown. Taskers rarely have such a stable relationship in the narrow building.

He Shujun shrugged and said, "Who knows. It's boring if you ask this question."

Cuntou was boring to beg, and he stopped talking after a haha.

The taskers stared at the bloody, chaotic scene in the bank for a while. There are no people living in the bank, and the door is locked, making it impossible to enter and check, but this scene, as well as the seemingly prosperous but barren scenes around it, have covered the minds of the taskers with a layer of haze.

This nightmare seems to be peaceful and ordinary, but it may have hidden murderous intentions.

Fei glanced at Mu Jiashi, pondered for a moment, and said, "Shall we explore separately? Finally, we shall gather at the entrance of the library."

Cuntou asked: "Doesn't the library arrange people to go?"

This male tasker has been very proactive since entering the nightmare, and it seems that he really values this nightmare.

Fei hesitated for a while, and said, "I want, who wants to go to the library?"

Mu Jiashi glanced at her and didn't say what he knew. He still looked at the surrounding scene thoughtfully, not knowing what thoughts were wandering in his mind.

In the end, the couple plus Ringo and Wu Jian, a total of four people went to the library together.

When Ringo offered to go to the library, the rest of the taskers couldn't help but looked at him in surprise, thinking about the uncrowned king at the bottom of the narrow building. When did he take the initiative

Wu Jian blurted out subconsciously: "Big brother, are you going to find your sweetheart?"

Ringo glanced at him indifferently.

The rest of the taskers stared at each other, only to feel that the population was unobstructed and slanderous.

It was almost impossible to shut up, feeling wronged.

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed and realized the truth.

"This person is right!"

"Hahahaha Beibei! Does Little Apple know you are here?!"

"This is telepathy [狗头]"

"It's amazing. In the last nightmare, Little Apple went straight to the 16th floor to find Beibei, saying that it was because he heard the sound on the 16th floor, which makes sense. But now... just head to the library? That's not too bad. Science!"

Xu Bei thought blankly, what is unscientific.

Obviously, Xu Beijin is the bookstore owner in the narrow building, and his identity in the nightmare is basically related to the book, the shop owner, and so on.

With such a large library there, with Ringo's IQ (intuition), he can naturally come straight.

Xu Bei couldn't help wondering whether Ringo's keen intuition was based on unreasonable instinct, or... thinking so quickly that he didn't even react to it

Da Zhi Ruo Yu

Since the last time he realized that Ringo was actually changing his concept to avoid the possibility of his own confession of rejection, Xu Beijin felt that this little apple was wrong.

Isn't he pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger

Xu Bei looked suspiciously at Ringo in the live broadcast.

At this moment, Xu Beijin had left his office and came to the lobby on the first floor of the library.

The library was also empty. If it is normal, then this place should be overcrowded. Whether it’s for borrowing, reading, or participating in some activities, people should always be crowded here, not the way it is now.

But there should be some people here, but Xu Beijin didn't meet them.

He looked at the right side of the live broadcast room, a list of multiple scenes belonging to the library. He believes that in these areas worth exploring, there must be some clues hidden, which may be related to this nightmare.

But Xu Beijin also had no intention of exploring on his own.

He rightly thought, is the labor force of the white prostitutes not good

He ignored those scenes, walked through the long circular corridor from the second floor to the first floor of the library, then went downstairs to the entrance side of the lobby on the first floor. There is an information desk in the library here, which will answer questions for confused visitors.

For example, there are books on each floor.

Xu Beijin felt that this place was suitable for him.

When he sat on the chair of the information desk, the four taskers also happened to walk into the library. They saw the sitting man almost at a glance.

Ringo's eyes lit up, strode over, and said in a particularly delightful tone: "You really are here."

The couple and Wujian followed behind. The former is a little confused, while the latter yells in his heart, look at it, look at it, look at it, he guessed right at all! The boss is here to find his sweetheart!

Hey, that's great. Unseen in my heart silently.

He glanced at the two taskers beside him who claimed to be lovers, but did not actually feel like a lover at all.

He thought, the name is not worthy of the truth.

He looked at Xu Beijin and Ringo again, thinking that they were worthy of the name.

Xu Beijin didn't know what Wu Jian was thinking, otherwise he would not be willing to communicate with these taskers at all at this time.

Look at what trouble Ringo has caused him! No one looked at him with such gossip eyes before!

Xu Bei looked at the three taskers and complained a few words in his heart.

However, he quickly corrected his attitude. When looking at the three taskers, he put away the intimacy and gentle tone he had when facing Ringo, and asked indifferently: "What's the matter?"

Ringo naturally said nothing.

And the woman in the couple never said a word after entering the nightmare, and her eyes were extremely cringe and uneasy. Cun Tou stared at Xu Beijin, his eyes slightly confused.

No one spoke, and I couldn't help but start asking: "We want to ask, what happened outside? Why is there no one?"

Xu Beijin glanced outside, and then he said, "Don't you know?"

He looked at him incomprehensibly.

"People are crazy." Xu Beijin said, "The madness spread in a very short time. Many people are mad, and some people are not mad, but they dare not provoke those madmen. So, be rational. People can only hide."

Hearing Xu Beijin's words, he was slowly dumbfounded.

This... Isn't this a bit familiar

How did what happened in this nightmare sound so similar to the last nightmare, the building with a lot of lunatics

No, it should be said, just the crazy part is similar.

The city in this nightmare hasn't burnt yet.

However, that is similar enough. In particular, the description of "crazy spreading in an instant, and people divided into mad and rational" almost immediately gave Wu Jian a bad foreboding.

He opened his mouth and squatted and said: "Lunatic... Lunatic, what kind of lunatic is it?"

Xu Bei stared at him for a long time, then smiled slightly: "Don't you know? You met those crazy men in that building."

There are some other meanings hidden in his words, which are quite profound, but the unseenness at the moment is not heard. He just looked at Xu Beijin in amazement, and quickly said, "That building? It's the one we've been to before..."


He thought, these two nightmares actually linked together?

Just when I was shocked, Cuntou suddenly said, "I remember."

The rest of the taskers all looked at him.

Cuntou stared at Xu Beijin: "You are the owner of the'that' bookstore, right?"

Xu Bei was stunned, thinking, "Which bookstore owner could he still be?"

Cuntou said: "A few years ago, I left the bottom of the narrow building. But those taskers were crazy about a nightmare... That nightmare is your nightmare, right?"

Xu Bei frowned and said, "This has nothing to do with this nightmare."

"You haven't opened up your nightmare yet." Cuntou said to himself, staring at Xu Beijin with scorching eyes, "Your nightmare may be the'ultimate nightmare'..."

It seemed that this tasker's desire to leave the narrow building was beyond deep. When any possibility appeared in front of him, it could immediately touch his sensitive nerves.

He kept talking, as if to force Xu Beijin to tell things related to his nightmare.

Xu Bei frowned deeply.

Ringo looked at him, then looked at the inch, and knocked on the table in front of him slightly uncomfortably. He said, "Wait a minute."

The inch stopped and looked at Ringo in confusion.

Wu Jian's heart shook, thinking, no, the boss is going crazy.

But Ringo actually said with some restraint: "The nightmare is his nightmare, not yours. Understand?" He said again, "If you want to get rid of his nightmare, I can let you experience the feeling of a nightmare now. ."

He moved his fingers.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he said very bachelorly: "I see, big man. I'm sorry."

Ringo nodded in satisfaction.

Xu Bei glanced at him helplessly, only to feel that Ringo, who said so cruelly, made his mood quite subtle.

… Is he protecting his shortcomings? Protecting him

Xu Beijin was a little surprised.

And Ringo looked at him again, and said with some dissatisfaction: "You are so good-tempered that you let this kind of people appear one after another. If you were willing to let me just beat those guys..."

Xu Bei touched his nose in distress, but was silent.

Is he good-tempered

Xu Bei tried to reflect on himself.

Wu Jian looked at Cuntou, then at Ringo, then at Xu Beijin, and interjected weakly, "Um... I want to ask, what's in this library...?"

Xu Beijin immediately ignored Ringo, and said sternly: "The library is divided into five floors. The first and second floors have corresponding collections and reading rooms, divided into categories.

"The third floor is the reading room and study room, and there are some books that are not borrowed; the fourth floor is the auditorium and activity room; the fifth floor is the office of the library staff, and outsiders cannot enter or leave.

"If you need to find any books, you can go to the computer on the west side of the first floor to check."

Wu Jian quickly thanked him, then carefully glanced at Ringo's face, and decisively said to the couple: "Shall we divide the labor?"

Ringo glanced at Xu Bei and said, "I am in charge of the first floor."

Wu Jian breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Then I will be on the second floor."

Cuntou nodded: "We are ready for the third and fourth floors. We'll talk about the fifth floor later. Maybe someone has to take us up."

When he said this, he subconsciously wanted to see Xu Beijin, but he controlled himself. Although he was eager for the ultimate nightmare, he still didn't want to provoke Ringo until he was not sure whether it was really Xu Beijin's nightmare.

As a result, several people scattered and left.

Xu Beijin finally breathed a sigh of relief, and turned his gaze to the screen of the live broadcast room. He deliberately did not go to watch the barrage in the live broadcast room, making fun of the audience.

… He is determined not to watch! Isn't it just making fun of him and Ringo? Let them go!

Xu Bei looked at the movements of the other taskers.

The five taskers were divided into two groups to explore. Taking the library as a starting point, one group goes north and one group goes south.

To the north are Fei, Mu Jiashi and Long Haired Man, and to the south are Ding Yi and He Shujun.

Mu Jiashi deliberately chatted with Ding Yi, but did not find the opportunity. However, now that Ding Yi has returned to the bottom of the narrow building, there will always be opportunities in the future. Mu Jiashi is somewhat interested in the current higher-level situation.

Maybe Ding Yi can tell him some latest situation.

Of course, this is not the point now. The focus now is still this nightmare.

He was worried and looked up at the sky from time to time. Cloudless, the sun is dazzling, every strand of air seems to indicate that this is a perfectly bright weather.

But Mu Jiashi felt a haze over his heart.

And the long-haired man walks around, it doesn't seem to be a nightmare at all.

In the end, among the three of them, the only one who seriously dealt with this nightmare was Fei.

Fei carefully looked at the surrounding shops and storefronts, hoping to find any clues, or a living person who could provide them with clues.

Suddenly, she glanced casually, and her figure stopped.

There was a bookstore on the street, which made her instinctively think of Xu Beijin. She thought, would the mysterious bookstore owner appear in this nightmare, and he is also the bookstore owner

She walked in that direction. She also caught a glimpse of the shops on both sides of the bookstore.

Next door to the bookstore is a doll shop.