Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 120: The nightmare restarts


When Cun Tou and Ye Lan returned to the library, Fei, Wu Jian, and Long Haired Man had also returned here.

The latter three went to the east. After discovering the blockade and the old man, they didn't find any more clues, so they walked back decisively and returned to the library.

It didn't take long before they saw the other two taskers returning with two new faces.

Fei looked at the man and woman curiously.

Cuntou explained everything they had encountered, focusing mainly on the issue of "couples quarreling."

Fei thoughtfully said: "So, they fit all the characteristics, but the gender is inverted?"

A glimmer of light flashed in her heart, but she couldn't understand it.

She looked at the two men.

The couple looked at these people who appeared in the library with a confused look.

And Wu Jian has quickly recounted their experience.

Cuntou said slightly surprised: "So, the museum is also very important?"

At present, they have explored in four directions, southeast, northwest.

Centered on the library, to the east is a strange blockade and an old man, to the west is a residential area and a couple, to the north is the Space Agency and a group of astronomy enthusiasts, and to the south is a museum.

As for the important persons corresponding to the museum, I am afraid that we will have to wait for Ding Yi and Mu Jiashi to come back to know.

In any case, the appearance of this couple seems to have brought them some inspiration, and at the same time, it also brought some problems.

Cuntou said helplessly: "However, these two people obviously have nothing to do with the museum or the space agency..."

Fei looked at these two people and nodded as well.

They are only related to the library in the west and the central location; the scene buildings in other directions seem to have nothing to do with them.

However, if Xu Xiaoli is really the owner of the nightmare, then these scenes can appear in his nightmare, must have a certain relationship with him

But now I can't see it at all!

All the contradictions made Fei very troubled.

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room is also working hard to unite and analyze what is going on in this nightmare.

Unfortunately, because of the lack of perspective from the museum, their thinking has also come to a dead end.

"In the final analysis, the boy in this couple is a strong candidate for the nightmare master. He meets some conditions, but not some conditions."

"Yeah, that's more distressing."

"It would be nice if they changed their gender."

"Gender swapping is one aspect. Another problem is that when the couple appeared in residential areas, at most they were only related to the library, and the sense of separation from other scenes was too serious!"

"The reasoning boss said it is wonderful!"

"In fact, this nightmare has developed so far. One thing is very obvious. The object of the nightmare owner's fear is mostly the fire of the sky.

The reason why the players appeared more than an hour before Skyfire came to the world was because the nightmare owner was nostalgic for the world before the end.

"However, the disaster of Heavenly Fire has completely destroyed this world. This scene has caused a huge psychological shadow on the nightmare owner, so he will continue to reproduce the cause, course and result of things in the nightmare, lost in In this endless nightmare.

"And the resident of the narrow building outside the nightmare, according to the information revealed in the player's dialogue, I am afraid that he has survived this disaster.

And I was completely scared by the doomsday, so I kept saying that the doomsday is coming and everyone is going to die.

"But when you look closely, his mentality is very interesting. In this way, he can be said to be on the side of the apocalypse, intimidating mankind, that is, his compatriots. Why does he have such a mentality that is close to abusive

"What if he loses his beloved one in this disaster?"

"I see! The reasoning boss is too right!"

"The mentality of revenge is the mentality of revenge! "The bad luck I have experienced has to be tasted by each of you, and everyone you love has to die." That's right! "

"Wow, then the owner of this nightmare, his psychology has been completely distorted!"

"Actually, it is understandable. Anyone who watched his beloved die in the doomsday and survived... Unless he is a real strong, his mentality is easily distorted, right?"

"It is very possible to produce a compensatory psychology. For example, if it is me instead of you who died, it will be fine...

But it is estimated that the owner of this nightmare is not a good person, so he will pass this kind of revenge to other people, hoping that other people can also experience his despair..."

"Uh, but if you analyze it this way, isn't the personality of the little brother in front of him different

From the live broadcast just now, you can see that he seems to have the character of a good old man? He didn't get angry when his mother did that..."

"It may also be that the older a good person is, the more powerful he will be when he turns black?"

"Damn, I think what you said makes sense."

"I'm so relieved that under the leadership of the two reasoning bosses, the atmosphere in our live broadcast room has finally made great progress... oh oh oh, finally it's no longer a mentally handicapped appearance..."

"Who did you say is mentally retarded [Knife]"

"Whoever should be [dog head]"

The players are laughing and gagging.

The taskers also find it tricky.

A key issue is that in this nightmare, they must look for the owner of the nightmare while ensuring their own safety, and resolve the nightmare as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, if this nightmare collapses... Think about the power of the fire that day, won’t an ultimate evolution version of the sky fire come to the world? That's too hard to survive.

The taskers looked at each other and felt a headache.

At this time, after being slightly confused, Zhang Minglian took the initiative to ask: "That... Excuse me, what you said before, where are the clues about the doomsday?"

Cuntou said, "In the library, come with me."

A few people rushed into the library.

The time is also approaching four o'clock, and it seems that this round of nightmare skyfire is inevitable.

Fei looked at the outside of the library slightly worried.

Now the seven taskers have gathered in the library, but Ding Yi and Mu Jiashi did not come back as agreed... They were caught by something? Or do they ignore the passage of time

If they are in a museum, and the museum is really a refuge, then the situation is still manageable.

But what if they have now left the museum and have no time to return to the library

Thinking about it, Fei became worried.

He Shujun is that lesson learned. They don't even know whether He Shujun can return to the original state after leaving the nightmare.

If not, isn't this nightmare like an abyss in the true sense

They enter this nightmare, as if to die...

However, since Jiashi Mu had entered this nightmare and had a true ending, then it was impossible for him to put himself in deep danger. How could he not know the importance of refuge

Fei thought for a moment, then shook his head, turned and entered the library.

In any case, it still depends on what happened to Ding Yi and Mu Jiashi. Maybe they are not in danger

indeed so. The current Ding Yi and Mu Jiashi are indeed not dangerous, but they are not so good either.

Because they met the old curator.

The moment they said goodbye to the irritable man and stepped into the building of the museum, the old curator appeared in front of them. This fascinating old man really has some bluffs.

But now Ding Yi already knew what the old curator would do, so he was not very panicked.

When the old curator greeted them, she could still smile back calmly.

They followed the old curator to the art museum on the side, and at this moment, Ding Yi understood why the man said that the museum had nothing to visit. In fact, most of the collection has been moved away.

However, the old curator was facing the empty wall with a normal smile, and said a large part of the explanation very smoothly, as if the object he wanted to explain was still hanging there.

Ding Yi couldn't help feeling a chill.

She realized that this civilization had fallen into desperation before Skyfire came to the world.

But... at this moment, she suddenly realized another thing.

If this kind of madness has also been the experience of taskers like them. So, are they crazy or sober now

Ding Yi examined herself from this angle for the first time, and the result of her examination was also insignificant.

She didn't think she had any problems. Perhaps a madman will not think he is crazy.

But, rather, the residents of the narrow buildings are more like these crazy humans

Because of this conjecture, Ding Yi looked completely indifferent for a while.

Mu Jia listened absently to the explanation of the old curator, noticed the change in Ding Yi's expression at a random glance, and asked, "What's wrong?"

After Ding Yi was silent for a moment, he said: "Narrow-building residents."

Mu Jiashi was startled.

The two talked softly, and the old curator's enthusiastic explanation was after all just playing the piano to the cow.

Ding Yi said: "After I returned to the bottom of the narrow building, I learned a lot of information. The two levels of speculation, from the existence of the ultimate nightmare to the fact that the end is actually happening on the earth, I know both.

"Now I realize that perhaps the residents of the narrow house... are the same as us? Are they also victims?"

She said in a particularly erratic tone.

The madness in the spiritual sense and the disaster in the physical sense correspond to two different states, and also correspond to the two types of camps in the narrow building. Could it be that they really lived together on the same planet

And Mu Jiashi realized that Ding Yi was skeptical of the opinions of the residents of the narrow building, and he was not surprised. He said vaguely: "Maybe..."

Judging from what Fei and Wujian have discovered, it may not only be "maybe," but a certainty. However, Mu Jiashi didn't want to say that either.

If you doubt the residents of the narrow buildings, you have to wonder why these narrow buildings have not given any hints or explicit indications for so many years

Even if the task force is really that slow, the residents of the narrow buildings are too resigned.

It's like what Fei and Wu Jian heard in that crumbling tall building—

When they play a certain role for a long time, they seem to have been completely involved in the play.

And this is not a good thing.

They really entered the drama, which shows that their own wishes are meaningless in this game called "Escape from the Sky". And this also means that NE is after all their enemy rather than a helper.

So Mu Jiashi was vague and didn't want to attract NE's attention.

But Ding Yi also realized that he did not deny his speculation. This means...

Ding Yi remained silent, pinching his nails subconsciously, and said nothing.

They continued to follow in the footsteps of the old curator.

There is really nothing to look at in the museum, but the empty exhibition hall even hints at the desolation and despair of the situation at this moment.

When they left this pavilion and went to another pavilion, the old curator suddenly stopped and said sadly, "Two, actually, there is nothing to stroll around here."

Ding Yi and Mu Jiashi both froze for a moment. They didn't expect that the old curator would... wake up at this moment

"We, when we lose our memory of the past, about history, careless and fearless about the past, this civilization has completely gone to a dead end."

Ding Yi and Mu Jiashi listened in silence.

The old curator continued: "If you can't pick up those memories again, then all struggles are useless."

The two taskers glanced at each other, always feeling that the old curator had something else to say.

But then, the old curator turned the topic to another place: "Today is the last day of the transfer of the collections in the museum, and the last batch of collections is about to go to a safe place. So, even if I want to take you around, there is no What a good shopping."

Ding Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

The old curator said again: "So, what else do you two want to know?"

Mu Jiashi still didn't speak, and gave Ding Yi the right to choose.

After Ding Yi meditated for a while, he said: "You have been mentioning the memory of the past... Is this memory of the past related to Cangcheng?"

After the old curator was silent for a while, he smiled and said, "Of course. Many Cangcheng locals don't necessarily remember that our country's aerospace industry started in Cangcheng.

"The space agency in the north of the city is the first domestic aerospace agency officially established and sent our astronauts to outer space.

That step marks that we have finally stepped into the universe, and that we have finally shouted our first voice to the universe.

"The mystery of the universe, also at that moment, slowly revealed a little bit of truth to us."

Ding Yi was slightly taken aback.

In fact, when he heard Fei describe the space agency, Ding Yi was thinking, does this have anything to do with the museum

After all, in this Cangcheng scene, the museum, space agency, and library are all extremely eye-catching scenes.

Perhaps, what is the connection between them

But now, when Ding Yi listened to the old curator's explanation about the space agency, he couldn't help but think of it, as expected.

Sure enough, they can learn things related to a certain scene from other scenes and other populations.

past. Ding Yi thought, they are learning about history and what happened in the past.

In connection with this nightmare, Ding Yi realized more deeply that this nightmare itself was also telling them these human beings about the past.

Ding Yi looked at the old curator deeply and thought, even if this old man is not the master of the nightmare, he is probably a very important figure in the nightmare.

He seemed to know Cangcheng well.

As the old curator spoke, he actually showed a rather proud smile. He said: "I am unmarried for life, but one of my comrades-in-arms died of illness in the early years, and his daughter asked us to take care of our old friends.

"This kid is also very competitive when he grows up. He used to be a researcher for the space agency before.

She is the true pillar of the country... My comrade-in-arms, Jiuquanxia must be proud of her too.

"Unfortunately, after the madness began to spread, the situation changed. The space agency was reorganized to other departments. Although it was a good thing, the aerospace industry... after all, was interrupted.

My daughter didn't want to go to other departments, so she quit her job and got mixed up with some astronomy enthusiasts... Somewhat depraved. "

The old curator said so, but when she mentioned the daughter of her comrade-in-arms, she still showed a very relieved smile, probably because she has become a researcher of the space agency at such a young age and feels very proud.

Even if things happen, natural and man-made disasters are hard to escape.


Space Agency? Astronomy lover

Ding Yi was a little surprised to think of the grumpy man responsible for the transfer of the collection.

She asked, "When we came in just now, it seemed that we met your adopted daughter... fiance?"

"Oh, you said that brat." The old curator said with a stern face, "I'm about to get married, and I'm still busy with work every day. When the collection is finished, let him accompany Ah Ji well."


"That child, his name is Xie Ji." The old curator sighed, "She lost her mother in her childhood. When she was a teenager, my comrades in arms also went. Fortunately, I have to be strong, and I have been stubbornly going to space. Working in a bureau, and a girl of her age, how can she have such aspirations

"However, it can be regarded as the answer to the name... After the rain has passed and the sky is clear, there is always time to clear the clouds."

Ding Yi nodded as he listened.

Sure enough, it was Xie Ji.

She found that when Xie Ji was mentioned, the old curator finally had a touch of human touch.

Although, this trace of human touch, at this moment, seems extraordinarily weird and subtle.

She thought, therefore, Xie Ji is the adopted daughter of the old curator and the fiancee of that irritable man, and even the person who witnessed the unknown object through an astronomical telescope.

In this way, the possibility that the irritable man is the owner of the nightmare has multiplied.

As Ding Yi thought about it, she inadvertently caught a glimpse of the clock on the side. Her expression immediately changed: "Oops! We don't have time to return to the library!"

On the clock, the minute hand already points to forty minutes. In twenty minutes, the sky fire will come to the world.

If they can get on the bus, maybe they can step back to the library, but unfortunately, the bus doesn't even stop at the museum.

In other words, their only option is to take refuge in a museum.

And can the museum become this refuge

Ding Yi thought a little nervously.

When she secretly worried about the coming sky fire, Xu Beijin also pointed the angle of view of the live broadcast room to their side, and heard the words of the old curator.

The reason for adjusting the perspective of the live broadcast room was naturally because Xu Beijin discovered that the rest of the taskers had already returned to the library, but these two taskers were still missing.

The two taskers visited the exhibition hall under the leadership of the old curator. Time passed without knowing it, so they had no time to return to the library.

However, the audience in the live broadcast room listened to the words of the old curator, but felt that they seemed to have received very useful information.

"Xie Ji! It feels like this person is very important!"

"She connected the museum and the space agency! And the old man to the east, is probably Xie Ji's father's comrade-in-arms?"

"Then her fiance is the master of this nightmare?"

"But... what about the residential area to the west? Moreover, it was Xie Ji who was able to connect these scenes together. Her fiancé didn't know what the situation was."

"Hey, I feel that there are only a few candidates for the nightmare master. Picking and picking, how come it feels completely inconsistent?"

"I suddenly had a question. Now this little couple in the library, as well as Xie Ji and her fiancé... These two couples, who is the quarreling couple in the eyes of the residents?"

"Eh, my shit, you got the point."

"It makes sense. If Xie Ji is an expert in astronautics, among the group of astronomy enthusiasts outside the space building, then she must have known that the end is coming.

And her fiance is not necessarily... In other words, this couple really fits the characteristics of those residents! "

"But those residents are talking about couples, not unmarried couples. These two concepts are still different."

"Uh... maybe it's just that the residents don't know their specific relationship, and just listen to a man and a woman arguing and think it's a couple?"

"The emm problem is, I feel that in this kind of old community, the residents should all know each other? Especially the neighbors in the neighborhood... It is impossible to completely understand it, it is too insecure."

"It seems, seems to make sense..."

"I'm a little dizzy when it's over. If the couple is talking about Xie Ji and her fiance, is it necessary to add another distraction? Isn't it a little troublesome?"

"Maybe... between the two couples, is there any connection we haven't discovered?"

"Ah, maybe it's just a game planner but not a human being?"

"It's also possible..."

"It's over, I don't understand at all. What's the point of arranging such a control group?"

Xu Bei looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room and caught a glimpse of the three words "control group". After pondering for a moment, he couldn't help but smile.

Xu Xiaoli and Zhang Minglian, Xie Ji and her fiance, such a comparison, isn't it the difference between the experimental group and the control group

For the nightmare owner, why is there such a sharp contrast in the nightmare

On the topic of doomsday, the two couples have almost diametrically opposite attitudes.

One side is the trust of men, and the other side is the trust of women. In addition, the personalities of the two couples seem to be completely different.

And what does this all mean

After Xu Bei thought about it, the hour hand came quietly to four o'clock. They invariably ignored the sound coming from the radio.

With the dull roar, Xu Xiaoli and Zhang Minglian looked out the window dullly.

Several missionaries who had already had experience looked at each other, unanimously heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that they had escaped again.

However, just as they secretly rejoiced, their eyes suddenly went dark again.

Nightmare, restarted.