Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 121: Features of the old community


Who died again

The moment Fei opened his eyes, he subconsciously looked for Ding Yi and Mu Jiashi.

But in her heart, there is still a problem.

Mu Jiashi had this nightmare before, and it came to a true ending. In other words, how could he die from the sky fire coming to the world? He must be able to escape this catastrophe.

And Ding Yi was with him, and Mu Jiashi couldn’t just watch his companion die—

Perhaps in an absolutely cold and utilitarian state of mind, he would sit back and watch, but he was familiar with this nightmare, and there was no need to watch his companion go to death.

Of course, Mu Jiashi was not kind enough. When the nightmare began, he reminded the other taskers how dangerous this nightmare was.

No matter what, since he can hit the true ending, there is no need to talk too much. Anyway, when the nightmare is over, everything will return to its original state.

He Shujun's experience was also indifferent to him.

Mu Jiashi's nature is still cold.

Fei knew this. She had heard of Mu Jiashi's reputation on the ground floor of the narrow building.

However, she also knew that at least Ding Yi would not be stupid enough to act separately from his companions. If Ding Yi has been following Mu Jiashi, there will be no accidents.

Then the question is: Ding Yi and Mu Jiashi can't die, why did the nightmare restart

With such doubts, Fei found Ding Yi and Mu Jiashi. Not surprisingly, the two of them are still the same as they once were, and their temperaments have not changed like He Shujun's.

In other words, no quest person died in the fire of the sky.

At this time, Cun Tou also discovered the peace of Ding Yi and Mu Jiashi. They obviously didn't look like they had died once.

The taskers looked at each other, until Wu Jian softly raised a possibility: "So, we are in... a cyclic nightmare? As long as the skyfire falls, the nightmare will automatically restart, regardless of whether anyone dies?"

The rest of the taskers nodded one after another.

In the current situation, only this statement is the most likely.

Fei and Wujian both looked at Mu Jiashi subconsciously.

The reason why Wu Jian was able to propose that possibility was naturally because they had experienced a similar scene in another nightmare with Mu Jiashi before.

In that nightmare, what is even more exaggerated is that death will not even lead to the restart of the nightmare.

But in this nightmare, the previous experience of He Shujun proved that the rule that death caused the nightmare to restart is still valid.

No, not necessarily. After all, He Shujun died when the skyfire came to the world, so whether death caused the nightmare to restart, or the skyfire itself caused the restart, which is still unknown.

However, just looking at He Shujun's appearance, they did not dare to try to die easily.

Even the long-haired man has silently reduced his sense of existence, and is not at all the crazy and extreme when he first entered this nightmare, let alone other taskers.

Even if Fei and Wu Jian knew that Jiashi Mu knew this nightmare well, they were also careful to protect themselves, for fear of the side effects of death causing irreversible damage to their spiritual world.

From a certain perspective, isn’t He Shujun’s state at this time like being hypnotized by the main brain NE and transformed the spiritual world

Even if Fei and Wujian are secretly confused about NE's position, they dare not challenge this possibility. What if NE is still their opponent

Fei's thoughts spread, thinking of countless possibilities.

Finally, she smiled bitterly, bit her lip, and tried to calm herself down.

She finally calmed down, then looked at Ding Yi, and asked, "What did you encounter in the museum the last time? Why didn't you go back to the library?"

Ding Yi also informed them one by one of their gains in the museum. As for what Mu Jiashi told her about this nightmare and some things about the doomsday, she completely concealed it.

However, following her words, the taskers showed stunned expressions one after another.

Slowly, Ding Yi also felt that something was wrong.

In her opinion, their biggest gain is undoubtedly Xie Ji and her fiance.

Therefore, Ding Yi also substituted his own opinions into it, emphasizing some clues about the unmarried couple.

However, the performance of the taskers made her feel that something was wrong.

She wiped the sweat from the hot summer day and asked, "What is going on? Why do you all seem to be... surprised?"

Fei slowly revealed their two discoveries.

In fact, the clues about Xie Ji were indeed connected with the old man's statement on the blockade.

The old man said that one of his comrades-in-arms died young, and he might be Xie Ji's biological father.

But the problem is... the resident of the narrow building is obviously a man!

In other words, Xie Ji's fiancé might be the master of the nightmare. However, these clues are all concentrated on Xie Ji. Her fiancé can be said to be unremarkable. Except for the museum where he was originally there, he has nothing to do with any scene in the nightmare.

Is there anything special about Xie Ji's fiance

However, instead of entangled in these things, aren't Xu Xiaoli and Zhang Minglian more in line with their goals

At least, Xu Xiaoli has a direct connection with the library, and he believes in the doomsday statement, and has an indirect connection with the space agency.

Maybe, he is also an astronomy lover

In addition, regarding the candidate for the nightmare master, Lu Chengzhe in the library is also possible!

Thinking deeper, there are many young men in the group of astronomy enthusiasts outside the space building.

And is it possible that the old curator and the old man guarding the blockade are the masters of the nightmare? Maybe they were suddenly and unbelievably rejuvenated

Fei felt that he had begun to think about it.

She shook her head to clear herself up, and then said, "Xu Xiaoli, Lu Chengzhe, and Xie Ji's fiancé... What is his name? Do you know?"

Ding Yi shook his head slightly.

But Mu Jiashi said: "His name is Ke Xu."

Fei nodded, and said naturally: "These three people are the targets we are focusing on now."

But Ding Yi glanced at Mu Jiashi subconsciously.

Mu Jiashi's performance made Ding Yi always suspicious of Ke Xu. From the very beginning, when they first entered the museum, Mu Jiashi asked her to pay attention to the existence of Ke Xu.

And now, Mu Jiashi changed his previous silent appearance and actively mentioned Ke Xu's name.

Does this mean that Ke Xu is indeed a very important character in this nightmare, even... the owner of the nightmare

However, this man really has nothing to do with other scenes. If there is no connection, how can his memory support such a huge scene

Ding Yi couldn't help being confused.

Cuntou also nodded and agreed with Fei's statement, but then he said: "Since Xie Ji is in the space agency, do we have to go to this round of nightmare?"

"Yes..." Fei said, "I'm afraid I will have to hurry up. The third round of nightmares, maybe there will be some collapse."

"Unfortunately, it seems that there is no bus from the library to the space agency, only the one coming back."

Wu Jian sighed, "If there is a bus, it will save a lot of time."

In the first round of nightmares, he watched Fei and the others riding the bus, returning to the library from the space agency, and passing by a van.

Fei was startled suddenly, she looked at Ding Yi and asked: "You just said that Ke Xu would go to Xie Ji, right?"

Ding Yi recalled for a while, and then nodded affirmatively: "Yes. He said that if he passed by the space agency, he would go to Xie Ji."

Wu Jian couldn't help saying: "But there is such a road from north to south, and he will definitely pass by the space agency. I watched the truck drive northward."

Cun Tou has already understood Fei's meaning: "So I have to wait for Ke Xu to come by at the space agency?"

He also said, "Then the residential area is still going, let's confirm who the quarreling couple is."

Fei nodded, and said, "It splits into two ways."

Ding Yi also said: "I want to go to the third floor of the library. We heard Ke Xu say that there are some experts on the third floor of the library who wrote... papers? Maybe I have to look for them."

She implicitly meant that she hadn't read it carefully before, but she didn't say this sentence, and she didn't intend to accuse other taskers.

As a result, they once again divided their troops.

Fei, Wu Jian, and the long-haired boy go to the space agency;

Cuntou and Ye Lan go to residential areas;

Ding Yi, Mu Jiashi, Ringo and He Shujun stayed in the library.

Cuntou and Ye Lan left first. They were going to ask many residents, so they had to hurry up.

But Mu Jiashi found Fei He Wu Jian.

The long-haired man looked at them from a long distance and felt a little strange. However, this nightmare gave him great pressure and kept him in a silent and trance state. It was as if he had really died in that sky fire that came to the world.

At least he really experienced it.

That's why he pursued death like this—no, he was looking for the familiar, death feeling.

He seemed to instinctively want to recall it. However, when he entered this nightmare, when the fire fell on the world, the feeling of depression and familiarity that rushed to his face made him scared to death.

He suddenly realized that forgetting is not a bad thing, right

So instead, he made up his mind and refused to face the truth. He just drifted with the crowd in this nightmare, letting the rest of the taskers arrange his whereabouts.

He knew that these people were worried that he would take the initiative to seek death, but... he probably wouldn't dare anymore.

The false death in the game increases the courage of a person, but what if it is really his way of death in reality

At least the long-haired man dare not.

He was in a daze, feeling that the nightmare seemed to scare him.

He couldn't help thinking angrily, if this time, there is a prop card that can force nightmares...

However, that is just a rumored existence. The long-haired man even understood a little bit more deeply. He knew that this rumor appeared because the task force disappeared into a nightmare somehow.

This phenomenon has never happened before, as if the game is offline. But everyone knows that they can't get offline from this damn "Escape from the Sky".

Therefore, there must be a prop card that can be forced out of the game... The group of taskers guessed so, but no one knew what the actual situation was.

The long-haired man felt desperate.

He realized that he had no way to escape the current predicament, and what was even more frightening was that he faintly realized that perhaps he would always be so helpless and helpless.

Perhaps the end of his life can be seen from this moment.

He was silent.

And Mu Jiashi talked with Fei and Wujian about the way to escape from the narrow building.

Fei said slightly surprised: "That... the nightmare of the bookstore owner?"

Mu Jiashi nodded affirmatively.

"But... how can you be sure that his nightmare will lead us out of trouble?"

Fei couldn't help asking, "And, can we really convince him to open up his nightmare?"

"These are two questions, and my answer is: I'm not sure." Mu Jiashi said in a low tone, with a helpless melancholy.

But then, his tone slowly became firm, "But, we can't do nothing, right?"

Fei bit his lip, feeling anxious.

Yes, they can't do nothing. However, what to do is a key question.

She thought about the connection between Xu Beijin and NE... It may just be her random thoughts, but what if that is true

Fei listened uncertainly to Mu Jiashi's words.

Mu Jiashi said: "My thoughts are that he is on our side with a high probability. This can be seen from the fact that he hinted to us about the problems with the residents of narrow buildings.

"Since he is well-intentioned, it is very strange that he has not opened up his nightmare to the outside world. Perhaps, there is something hidden in this...critical, vital...secret."

Wu Jian couldn't help but said: "But it may be your wishful thinking."

Speaking of "wishful thinking", Wu Jian subconsciously thought of Ringo.

Then he touched his nose and thought, "It's really bad. Why did he think of the love between these two people at this critical juncture... Wait, these two people, love?"

Wu Jian blinked slowly, feeling that he had suddenly figured it out.

He happily shared his opinion: “For the bookstore owner, if he was really kind, then he should have tried various methods or opened up his nightmare to the outside world.

"I feel that in so many years, his attitude towards taskers and narrow buildings has changed from being outside to empathizing, and his position has changed to the tasker's side... I think this may be due to the relationship between Ringo."

Fei and Maki Jiashi looked at each other in surprise.

Obviously, the two of them had not considered Ringo's role in this matter before.

For the narrow buildings and nightmares, Ringo's attitude also seemed quite indifferent and indifferent.

He never showed any feelings of depression or discouragement, and entering a nightmare is more like coming to relax or take a walk.

And because of the comparison of each other's force value, the taskers have become accustomed to this.

But at this moment, the two taskers were surprised to realize that it was impossible to say.

If Xu Beijin was kind from the beginning, and wanted to help the taskers—and the residents of the narrow buildings—

Escape from the narrow building, so why didn't he show such a position from the beginning? Why hasn't he been willing to open up his nightmare for so many years

But the situation obviously started to change after Ringo entered Xu Beijin's life.

this means…

Mu Jiashi whispered: "Is he moved by Ringo?"

The three of them were silent for a moment and looked at Ringo at the same time. Ringo had already stepped into the first floor of the library at this moment, leaving them a firm back. He walked to his sweetheart without telling anyone about this.

Everyone knows the one he loves.

So Mu Jiashi said: "If this is the case... then I have greater confidence in persuading him to open up the nightmare."

Fei He Wu Jian also nodded.

Fei even had special ideas. She felt that if Xu Beijin was really NE... Then it would not be surprising that NE changed its position in secret.

Fortunately, the angle of view in the live broadcast room was aimed at Cuntou and Ye Lan. Otherwise, let Xu Beijin hear the conversation of these three people, and feel much more uncertain in his heart.

His attitude changed because of the inexplicable arrival of the live broadcast system, not because of Ringo... Well, maybe a little bit because of Ringo. But just a little bit, understand

It was not entirely because of Ringo that he changed his attitude.

It's because... It's because, and indeed it's time.

Xu Beijin has realized that it's not just that he can't sustain it, but also the humans in the narrow building can't sustain it either.

They persisted for so many years, no one outside to rescue them, they can only save themselves.

However, Xu Beijin himself knew that entering his nightmare was just the last fight. He doesn't even know how to solve his nightmare...

Yes, other narrow-building residents certainly know how to solve their nightmare.

They are the masters of that nightmare. However, Xu Beijin's nightmare is unsolvable.

Therefore, he himself doesn't know what the true ending of his nightmare—even if it's just an ordinary ending—is.

He couldn't even think of it.

That was beyond his imagination.

So, even if he hesitated to suggest some clues about his nightmare to Ringo.

However, he still did not make up his mind. He has to think about it, and carefully consider whether it is necessary.

However, entering his nightmare may be a stupid "suicide" behavior. However, still staying in the narrow building, is it not a chronic suicide

So in Xu Beijin's heart, he may already have an answer.

At this moment, Xu Beijin didn't know that Mu Jiashi was about to come to him. He followed Cuntou and Ye Lan's progress.

The two taskers set off first, and the distance between the residential areas is also close. After a while, they arrived at the breakfast shop where they first heard about the couple who quarreled during the last nightmare.

"Boss, hello." Cuntou took the initiative to greet the lonely breakfast shop owner.

The turbid eyes of the breakfast shop owner looked at him. After a long time, he seemed to wake up suddenly: "Hello, how are you. What's wrong, do you want breakfast?"

He stretched out his hand to uncover the lid of the steamer.

"No, no, no." Cuntou hurriedly stopped him, "I'll ask you something."

The owner of the breakfast shop stopped his hand regretfully, and asked a little strangely: "Inquire? What's the matter?"

He took a look at his position, "You're a bit face-to-face, don't you live here?"

Cuntou immediately said, "Yes, it's the first time to come to Cangcheng."

"I'm here for the first time, so I have to go around." The breakfast shop owner said immediately, "Our place is delicious and fun, but there are so many!"

Talking about it, I thought, there are indeed more, and there are more lunatics.

He could only deal with the matter in a daze, and then asked about the business: "Boss, I want to ask, in your community, was there a man and a woman arguing last night?"

The breakfast shop owner was startled.

Cuntou hurriedly moved out the excuse he had come up with: "We two are lovers. We came to Cangcheng for the first time. We liked this city a lot. We decided to settle down in the future, so we happened to have a look at the houses here. But, listen. Said that some people always quarrel..."

"Always?" The breakfast shop owner hurriedly denied, "That's not always. The couple, who had always been with Hemeimei before, didn’t know what was going on last night, so they suddenly quarreled. The community heard it.

"Oh, you want to settle down in Cangcheng, it's a good thing. Don't listen to those rumors, they are all false.

Our community, although it is a bit old, is close to the downtown area and is owned by the old neighbors in the old neighborhoods. The law and order is better! "

Cuntou nodded absent-mindedly, thinking secretly what the breakfast shop owner said.

It’s been with He Meimei all the time, so I quarreled last night

With this clue, there is no way to determine which couple they are looking for.

He asked again: "Then, do you know why they quarreled?"

"It's not the recent turmoil, saying that something is going to fall from the sky, and our world will be over... Those experts say that, anyway, those who believe will believe it, and those who don't believe it, of course they don't."

Cuntou listened, wondering in surprise, how come it seems that these "experts" are not very popular

But as I think about it, after the madness spreads to all of mankind, people's nerves will become more and more paranoid and stubborn, and will no longer pay attention to and listen to the opinions of others.

I don't know what kind of clues there will be on the third floor of the library... After a moment of loss of mind, I remembered this matter.

And the breakfast shop owner was still saying to himself: "That couple, it's a woman who believes the experts and thinks that the end is coming, and then the man doesn't believe it, and the result is a quarrel."

Hearing this, Cuntou couldn't help frowning, thinking that it was the same message as the previous round.

On the contrary, Xu Xiaoli and Zhang Minglian did not fit his statement, while Ke Xu and Xie Ji happened to fit this feature.

Cuntou asked: "Do you know who they are? I want to find out about them."

The breakfast shop owner gave him a surprised and weird look. He probably couldn't understand why Cuntou was so obsessed with the couple, but he was helpless: "I don't know. I just listened to my wife's talk."

My wife

Cun Tou looked at the steamer almost subconsciously, and then forced himself to look away.

No, wait, it means that the wife of the breakfast shop owner was still alive until last night, or even this morning

Cuntou pondered, wondering if this was implying something

The breakfast shop owner was completely crazy today

No... More importantly, the breakfast shop owner didn't actually hear the couple quarreling

Is he just relaying what other people are saying? So what about the other residents he asked in the last nightmare? Is it the same

Cuntou suddenly realized that, as the owner of the breakfast shop said, this is an old community. The neighbors in the neighborhood know each other. If you buy food in the morning, maybe the couple's quarrel will become crowded. Everybody knows.

Rather than the exaggerated statement of the breakfast shop owner, what caused the noise of the whole community to be heard last night... It is unlikely. How can modern people have such a leisurely mind

Unless it is the age of the breakfast shop owner, when chatting with other neighbors of the same age group, exchange information with each other, so this matter is well known.

In this community, there are indeed some middle-aged and elderly people who walk around.

The only young people I've seen are Xu Xiaoli and Zhang Minglian. The latter are just teachers in the kindergarten in this community, and may not live here or just live with her boyfriend.

In other words, in the process of chatting among these middle-aged and elderly people, some information may have been misrepresented, or the three of them may become tigers, and subtle changes have taken place.

Cuntou immediately realized that they actually didn't need to waste time here, so just ask Xu Xiaoli and Zhang Minglian directly. Maybe they can give the exact answer.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel annoyed.

He should have thought of this when he realized the nature of this residential area.

After all, it was because he had been out of the environment like the earth for too long, he had completely forgotten some of the rules of behavior in human society.

In such an old community, rumors are flying in the sky, and information flows extremely fast.

While he was thinking about it, the owner of the breakfast shop said: “I don’t pay attention to the children’s family affairs, and quarrels are also quarrels. How can there be couples who don’t quarrel these days? Maybe they turn around and reconcile again. indefinite.

"So I tell you, you can't just look at the special case last night when you want to buy a house.

If you go around, take a look, and take a closer look at our community, you will find that our community atmosphere is really good. "

Cuntou smiled bitterly, enduring impatience while listening to the breakfast shop owner.

Then, when the breakfast shop owner paused, he said goodbye immediately. After walking a little farther, he shared his opinion with Ye Lan, and Ye Lan agreed.

The two immediately walked in the direction of the kindergarten.

The audience in the live broadcast room watched the movements of the two of them, and couldn't wait for a while.

Xu Beijin also paid attention.

But at this moment, Mu Jiashi suddenly walked to the front of the information desk and smiled and said to Xu Beijin: "We meet again."

Xu Bei recovered his senses, and before he had time to say hello to Mu Jiashi, he found that Ringo, who had been sitting next to him, stood up and stared at Mu Jiashi with piercing eyes.

Ringo didn't speak, but just stood blank and straight, as if deliberately showing his sense of existence.

Xu Beijin: "..."

He looked at Ringo silently, then sighed helplessly.