Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 122: What to ignore


Perhaps it was because Xu Beijin and Mu Jiashi looked at him at the same time, so even with Ringo's calm and calm face, he couldn't help blinking.

However, he still stood there firmly and earnestly, as if he had left or sat down, just showing weakness from Mu Jiashi.

Xu Beijin also stood up and looked at him dumbfoundingly.

But Mu Jiashi secretly observed the interaction and eye contact between these two people, and his confidence in his heart increased by two points.

Xu Bei looked at Ringo's righteousness, and had a headache for two moments. He could only pretend to ignore it, looked at Mu Jiashi, and asked him, "Is there anything to do with me?"

Mu Jiashi considered his tone twice, and finally said more bluntly: "About your nightmare..."

The expression on Xu Beijin's face became deep almost subconsciously. He frowned, his eyes deep, and he looked at Mu Jiashi with two elusive gazes.

Mu Jiashi said: "Now the situation in the narrow building has changed. Do you really not consider opening your nightmare to the outside world?"

Xu Bei was slightly startled, thinking.

At this moment, Ringo looked left and right, and found two timings to interject: "Beijing is already thinking about it, but he still has to think about it."

Mu Jiashi looked at Ringo in a little surprise, and then at Xu Beijin.

Xu Beijin: "..."

He turned his head to look at Ringo blankly.

Ringo tilted her head to look at him: "Don't be angry, that's how you told me."

Xu Bei's mouth twitched slightly, and after a moment of silence, he turned to look at Mu Jiashi with a deep tone: "Yes, that's it."

His tone is so deep because he has given up on himself.

Yes! That's it! He is thinking about it, but he hasn't made up his mind yet! So, let him delay the illness for two more moments and think about it again!

That's right!

Ringo might be too blunt, but that was what Xu Beijin meant. Moreover, his frankness helped Xu Beijin who didn't know how to speak.

Even Xu Beijin faintly breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter what, he still embarked on these two paths after all, and after all... he made this choice.

For people like Xu Beijin, considering whether to open up his nightmare is equivalent to that in the next two days, he will definitely open up his nightmare.

It's just that he needs two more points, two more points, to make sure there is nothing wrong.

But, does he really have so much time

Thinking of this, Xu Beijin inevitably feels a little tired. He closed his eyes slightly, let his dry eyes rest for two moments, then opened his eyes and said to Mu Jiashi: "I need two more time to consider this matter. If... you want to enter my nightmare, Please come to my bookstore twice after three days from leaving this nightmare.

"In addition, I still follow the principle of equivalent exchange."

Mu Jiashi was listening carefully, but when he heard these words, he couldn't help being startled.

What does it mean

Xu Beijin said: "So, you can still use two things to exchange clues about my nightmare."

Mu Jiashi reacted instantly.

This is helping them cheat! It is hinting them in advance, the information about the nightmare!

But... can residents of narrow buildings do this? Or do they just want to do this

At this moment, Mu Jiashi recalled the many nightmares he had experienced, and he had two guesses in his heart.

He couldn't help thinking, this is really...

He looked at Ringo again and then at Xu Beijin, and couldn't help thinking sincerely, thanking Lord Ringo.

Brought them two powerful golden thighs.

When Ringo interjected suddenly, Mu Jiashi couldn't help being surprised, a little worried whether Xu Beijin would be angry because of it. However, Xu Beijin did not lose his temper.

Moreover, his unprecedented good temper was compared with his performance many years ago when the taskers were surrounded by his bookstore. This attitude was instantly different.

The distance between relatives and closeness is particularly obvious.

Mu Jiashi thought, fortunately, fortunately, fortunately, Lord Ringo brought this indistinguishable, upright and evil bookstore owner into their camp... Fortunately.

In fact, in Mu Jiashi's eyes, this bookstore owner who adheres to the principle of equivalent exchange, his good and evil, and his values seem to be so lost... evil.

Because of Xu Bei's deep and indifference, and his unavoidable, handsome and almost evil face.

Therefore, when Mu Jiashi came into contact with Xu Beijin, the two straights were a little trembling.

After all, he always felt that Xu Bei was just two... the wicked.

The unpredictable aura produced based on the equivalent exchange in the ruin nightmare has always been shrouded in Xu Beijin's body, coupled with the mysterious and powerful bookstore owner he has built on the bottom of the narrow building for many years. Identity is even more difficult to get close to.

Therefore, Mu Jiashi was always hesitant about Xu Beijin's nightmare.

Of course he wanted to enter Xu Beijin's nightmare, whether it was based on natural curiosity or to escape from the narrow building.

He has realized that there may be some hidden secrets in Xu Beijin's nightmare.

But... Honestly, he dared not act on two things.

The oppressive feeling Xu Beijin brought to him was still too great.

Therefore, when Wu Jian mentioned the relationship between Xu Beijin and Ringo, Mu Jiashi took the initiative to bring up Xu Beijin's nightmare with surprise and hope.

He thought that these would be two unsuccessful attempts.

As a result, Xu Beijin was really shaken!

In Mu Jiashi's view, this is entirely the credit of Ringo!

Is Xu Beijin really shaken? No, it's impossible. Just before entering this nightmare, Xu Beijin used two particularly mysterious tones to ask Mu Jiashi to find the truth in this nightmare instead of directly telling Mu Jiashi the truth.

Mu Jiashi didn't think that Xu Beijin would change his attitude in this short period of time.

Perhaps he did show some kindness to the taskers, but it was related to his nightmare. This was something he had insisted on since he appeared in the narrow building!

However, Ringo seemed to make Xu Beijin change his mind.

During the few seconds when Xu Bei was silent, Mu Jiashi already felt desperate. He felt that Xu Bei would probably reject it as soon as possible, and the unpredictable face did not show the slightest movement because of his words.

But after Ringo finished speaking, Xu Beijin's attitude changed slightly. He almost reluctantly agreed with Ringo's words.

With his helpless attitude, didn't he show clearly that he actually changed his attitude because of Ringo? !

Mu Jiashi couldn't help but exclaimed.

He knew that the uncrowned king at the bottom of the narrow building had two sweethearts, and that was something raging in the narrow building.

People say that Ringo Jinwu hides the sweetheart, because he has a deep affection for his sweetheart.

And now it seems that this seems to be a double arrow

Regardless of whether it was a double arrow or what Xu Beijin had changed his mind for, Mu Jiashi couldn't help but be deeply grateful to Ringo.

In his opinion, if Ringo hadn't said those two sentences, perhaps they would never have the chance to enter Xu Beijin's nightmare.

Xu Beijin didn't know at all, because of his misleading face, because Mu Jiashi preconceived him as two bad guys. Therefore, at this moment, Mu Jiashi is very grateful to Ringo.

He thought that Ringo made Xu Beijin change his mind.

But in fact... how come no one believes that Xu Beijin is indeed two good people

Xu Beijin, who didn't know that Mu Jiashi had misunderstood him, looked at Mu Jiashi with a smile, and together with Ding Yi, went to the third floor of the library to look for clues.

And if he knows Mu Jiashi's views and prejudices about him, then...

Maybe he will really re-examine twice, what kind of image he looks like to the outside world.

However, he did not know.

Therefore, he can talk with Mu Jiashi calmly.

On the other two sides, Mu Jiashi and Ding Yi, together with He Shujun, went to the third floor of the library together. They met the boy who looked like a student twice.

Lu Chengzhe cast a surprised look at them. In Mu Jiashi's view, it seems that he has not recalled the memories of the previous rounds of nightmares.

But... After all, if this is the case, wouldn't Xu Bei be even more special

The bookstore owner in the narrow building seemed to remember what happened outside the nightmare and inside the narrow building. On the contrary, it was about the nightmare itself, he rarely spoke.

Mu Jiashi didn't know that this was because Xu Beijin didn't know much about nightmares. He just thought that this was the inscrutable and deep reluctance of the other party. Perhaps Xu Bei knew everything, but he didn't bother to explain it to the task force.

Wasn't that the case during that nightmare in the ruins

In that nightmare, Xu Beijin told the missionaries from the beginning that rooftops are important.

He has already hinted how to solve the nightmare, just see if the taskers can think of it.

However, Mu Jiashi couldn't help smiling wryly. In terms of the bookstore owner's wicked taste, he always seems to be vague and will not give a clear answer. After all, they still need to find the truth on their own.

If there are any terrible clues or inside stories hidden in his nightmare, then it is estimated that the taskers will need to look for it carefully.

Mu Jiashi thought this way, looking around the third floor of the library on both sides.

The main scenes on the third floor of the library are the reading room and the study room. Lu Chengzhe moved the two newspapers and magazines in the reading room to the study room.

Therefore, strictly speaking, the taskers did not enter the reading room at all.

There are relatively low bookcases in the reading room, on which a large number of newspapers and magazines are neatly arranged, arranged according to categories and dates. This is probably the result of Lu Chengzhe's sorting out.

Ding Yi did not go directly to the reading room to find a needle in a haystack, but first approached Lu Chengzhe and asked if there were any books worth reading in the reading room.

Although Lu Chengzhe was no longer an employee of the library, he answered this question carefully.

He said: "The most valuable newspaper in the newspaper should be the "Cangcheng Evening News", a local newspaper in Cangcheng;

If you want to see the two points of real-time, you can check "Cangcheng News Express".

"For magazines... The most popular recently is Astronomy Weekly."

"Astronomy Weekly?" Ding Yi hesitated twice, "What's in it? Is it about...unidentified objects in the sky?"

"Yes. So I said it's been very popular recently. It's not a weekly magazine anymore, it's a daily newspaper. Two thick copies will be delivered every day."

Lu Chengzhe smiled bitterly, "Since someone observed the unknown object a few days ago, the whole world has gone crazy.

Many people... They are crazy, that kind of weird madness. However, some people only become crazy after knowing that the world is about to be destroyed. Cangcheng is okay, but in some places... People are already doing all things evil. "

Ding Yi listened in silence.

She has two feelings of restlessness, and she feels she doesn't want to hear these. What does this have to do with the truth and ending of this nightmare? It's just the background story of this nightmare. She is impatient to hear these.

However, in the other two respects, she felt that she could not move. Her feet seemed to be plumped, heavy, tired, and painful.

That is a story that happened in the past, not only the past of the narrow-floor residents, but also...their past.

So Ding Yi listened in pain.

Lu Chengzhe said dryly: "Of course... I mean, maybe these are just two rumors."

He made two cold jokes, "If something really flew towards us, then astronomers should have been able to observe it hundreds of years ago

"How is it possible... How is it possible that it was only observed a few days ago?"

Ding Yi was taken aback twice, and suddenly realized that, yes!

If it is really something like asteroids, meteorites, etc., it should have been observed by astronomers a long time ago.

Moreover, astronomers must also be able to calculate whether this thing will fall to this planet, when and where it will fall, and what kind of disaster it will cause after falling...

There have also been rumors of meteorites falling on the earth, and those are the same old tunes and rotten things.

As early as not knowing how many years ago, it has been publicized by astronomers that the whole world knows it.

But in this nightmare, the situation is quite different.

As far as human technology is concerned, it is clearly something that can be predicted in advance, but only a few days ago, I suddenly discovered that there are actually two unknown objects flying towards this planet

This is totally unreasonable!

Lu Chengzhe said: "So, the academic circles have been arguing over the past few days. Before I could write the papers, I simply published my opinions in newspapers and magazines... However, it is true that more and more people have observed the unknown object. "

Ding Yi was silent.

According to Ke Xu, these experts published their opinions in newspapers and magazines because their opinions were not rigorous enough to be published in professional journals. However, Lu Chengzhe's statement is obviously more reasonable.

It's because it's too late.

Ding Yi looked at the sky outside the window almost subconsciously.

The sun was still shining brightly and the blue sky was like washing. This kind of weather is irritating, and it will cool down until the evening.

But... how many people couldn't even arrive in the evening of these two days

Ding Yi didn't want to think anymore, the two scenes that He Shujun died in the second round of nightmares kept repeating in her mind. She always felt that after leaving this nightmare, she had to have a nightmare too.

She thanked Lu Chengzhe and walked into the reading room.

Mu Jiashi followed behind her.

Ding Yi first went to the Astronomy Weekly that Lu Chengzhe said. As he said, this is no longer a weekly magazine.

Just two days ago, there were hundreds of pages of supplements, like two thick books. This can be said to be unprecedented.

She picked up the book and looked through the catalog two times carefully, and found that the matter about the unknown object had indeed been quarreled.

Lu Chengzhe’s statement also comes from the first two articles. This article refutes the claim that an unknown object is about to fall on this planet. He believes that it is nothing more than space junk, accidentally drifting into the range that people can observe through astronomical telescopes. Inside, that's why it caused such a big panic.

In the past few hundred years, they have not found this thing in the sky. In just a few days, this thing has gone from appearing to falling

This is not in line with the speed of flight in the universe.

For example, the moon, which looks very close in the sky, is actually a long distance away from their planet.

Furthermore, if the thing does appear and the speed is so fast, then the gravitational interaction between itself and the planet will cause two corresponding reactions and reactions to appear on their planet before it falls. sign.

But there is nothing at all.

The author of this article even radically believes that these are two huge scams.

The core purpose is that certain extreme human forces are determined to use force to eliminate the lunatics scattered in human society.

The so-called falling of unknown objects is nothing more than their excuses and lies, just to cover people's eyes.

I have to say that when Ding Yi saw this place, she was also persuaded for two moments.

From this nightmare alone, it can be seen that this madness that began more than two years ago and continues to this day has caused the collapse of human civilization.

The development of science and technology, trade activities, transportation, and even other industries are all stagnated because of this spreading madness.

Even the aerospace industry that mankind has been thinking about for many years has to be suspended because of this unexpected blow.

Because human beings have no time to take care of others, they have to devote all their energy to maintaining the basic social order. In Cangcheng, that blood-stained bank was the biggest proof of this.

Cangcheng is like that, what about other cities? What about those countries and regions where the social order has completely collapsed

This sounds too desperate.

Therefore, Ding Yi really realized that, yes, it is true. These lunatics are indeed... two big problems.

But then Ding Yi woke up.

They have actually experienced the fall of the sky fire twice.

Ding Yi knew that in that disaster, ordinary people didn't have no way of refuge. They only needed to go to the two stronger buildings.

Perhaps in the very center of the sky fire, both will die silently.

However, humans will not die easily in the surrounding areas that only experience shock waves.

He Shujun would have an accident because they didn't have any precautions at the time. They were shocked and were directly exposed to the dangerous falling rocks.

But even so, it was only He Shujun who had an accident, and Ding Yi was lucky to escape the two catastrophes.

Cangcheng was not the center of the sky fire, they were just affected by this huge disaster.

When things happen, those lunatics can hide in at least two buildings as long as they have two instincts to survive.

In other words, if this disaster is aimed at eliminating crazy humans, this efficiency... seems to be two points too low.

Or is this just the second wave of attacks

Ding Yi was a little bit distressed.

She followed her own thoughts on both sides, and said to Mu Jiashi on both sides: "I found that there are always various... contradictory clues in this nightmare. For example, a couple who is arguing.

"Xu Xiaoli and Zhang Minglian fit the characteristics of the two parts, but when it comes to candidates who believe in the existence of unknown objects, they are just the opposite;

But Ke Xu and Xie Ji fit the characteristics of gender, but after thinking about it, Ke Xu has no connection with any other scenes.

"It's the same in the case of the skyfire coming to the world. Why did you observe it only a few days ago

The distance that humans can observe, and the distance the object flies in a few days, these two things are inherently contradictory.

"How fast must this thing be to leap the distance that humans can observe in a few days

Even if it does not appear at the farthest observation distance, but... the question is again, how far can it fly in just a few days

"Light-years are the distance that light travels in two years. And this unknown object can reach this planet after flying for so many dozens of hours? Could it be that it is in this galaxy? Near this planet

"Then why was it not observed until a few days ago?"

With that said, Ding Yi was unbelievable.

I didn't think deeply before, and I naturally believed the news that "some unknown object observed a few days ago is about to fall."

And, because they did experience such a disaster, they are even more susceptible.

However, it now appears that the keyword "a few days ago" was inherently problematic.

No wonder so many astronomers are so dissatisfied that they express their opinions directly in newspapers and magazines, and it is no wonder that so many people do not believe this conjecture.

Even those experts would rather believe that these are two scams that make up their minds.

This is beyond the scope of human imagination.

No, this deviates from their consistent experience.

And Mu Jiashi said: "These two questions are indeed... very important, and the latter two questions can be used as references for the first two questions."

Ding Yi was stunned, and then immediately said: "Wait, let me think about it. Let me think about it again."

She lowered her head in silence and looked at the supplement in her hand.

She thought, reference

But is there any connection between these two things

Two disasters that ruined the world, and, a quarrel between two young lovers

Ding Yi was lost in thought. She couldn't help but wonder, I don't know, how are the other two taskers progressing now? Have you found the couple who quarreled that the residents in the community were talking about

Now, Cuntou and Ye Lan have indeed found Xu Xiaoli.

He was still under the scorching sun, waiting for his girlfriend outside the kindergarten.

If the taskers did not show up, I don't know what will happen to him and his girlfriend when Skyfire comes to the world.

However, Cun Tou and Ye Lan rushed over very incomprehensibly, interrupting Xu Xiaoli's worried thoughts.

"Hello..." Cuntou walked over and said plainly, "I heard that you had a quarrel with your girlfriend because of an unknown object in the sky last night?"

He was so blunt that Xu Xiaoli was stunned in an instant.

Xu Xiaoli was originally two men who were not very opinionated. Hearing the words of a stranger, they immediately asked in a panic: "Yes... Yes, what's wrong? Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing happened." Cuntou shook his head, "We just heard other people in the community saying that you quarreled."

"Huh?" Xu Xiaoli showed a confused expression, "but... But, we weren't here last night."

Cuntou and Ye Lan looked at each other, and finally realized the problem.

Xu Xiaoli was a little embarrassed and said, "My girlfriend and I are ready to get married. After we bought the wedding house, we moved out to live. It happened last month.

Did you listen to what my mother said... My parents live in this community, but I don't live here anymore. "

Cuntou suddenly realized where the problem was.

Before that, they actually acquiesced that when Xu Xiaoli and Zhang Minglian quarreled, they were in this residential area!

But in fact, this is not necessarily the case.

Zhang Minglian just works here, not necessarily living here; and for Xu Xiaoli, he said that his home is near the library and that he wanted to come to this residential area, and Cun Tou also acquiesced that he lives here.

However, Xu Xiaoli said this on the premise that he was still working in the library.

Previously, Xu Xiaoli mostly lived at home when he was working in the library, so his mother would lock Xu Xiaoli at home and force him to resign after going crazy.

However, time has passed so long, Xu Xiaoli still lives at home, or there are two unknowns.

The taskers preconceived that Xu Xiaoli still lives at home, which is the residential area, and naturally preconceived that the couple who quarreled among the residents of the community refer to Xu Xiaoli and Zhang Minglian.

However, this is not the case. Xu Xiaoli’s parents live here, and Zhang Minglian just works here;

The two people lived in another place.

So Cuntou murmured: "So, the couple who quarreled among the residents... Actually, it was Ke Xu and Xie Ji." He paused twice, "I still have to confirm it twice."

However, he knew that several mission personnel going to the space agency would surely confirm this matter carefully.

At this moment, Fei, Wu Jian, and Long Haired Man arrived at the space agency.