Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 125: Knotted (1)


When taskers learned that Xie Ji was the first person in the world to observe an unknown object in the sky, they were unaware that they were surprised.

Mu Jiashi is no exception.

He really didn't know this. Obviously, this clue needs to be obtained by asking those astronomy enthusiasts when Xie Ji leaves the space agency in the third round of nightmare, the nightmare collapses.

When Mu Jiashi entered this nightmare, he did not go to the space agency during the third round of nightmare, he went to the museum.

In fact, at that time, he was already scared by the certain truth predicted by this nightmare.

He just solved the nightmare in a hurry, and didn't care too much about the details of the nightmare.

And he didn't dare to care.

And now, he looked at the wandering and empty woman, and felt a lot of disobedience.

When she was with her fiancé, when she was alone with her, her performance was very contrasting.

When Xie Ji went crazy just now, Mu Jiashi could hardly believe it. This is the woman who told him, "I fear a lot, and the only thing I don't fear is death."

Perhaps this created her nightmare.

Mu Jiashi sighed without malice.

Only a woman who does not fear death has this nightmare that symbolizes fear because of death itself.

She may not change her face on the day of her death, but she cannot face the death of her lover.

However, Mu Jiashi couldn't help but think that Xie Ji would actually be the first person to observe an unknown object? For this nightmare, this may be just a background.

However, for the doomsday, for these people on earth, what an important role and identity this will be!

Perhaps Xie Ji is playing "Xie Ji". However, in her script, there should be some clues about the end...

In addition, there is Suenya. Su Enya also said that, then Xie Ji will know her? Will there be any connection between the two of them

Even, they are the same person...

This thought occurred in Mu Jiashi's brain, but he was taken aback by it.

If it is really a person, then this narrow building... the residents of the narrow building... This secret is probably beyond Mu Jiashi's imagination.

He couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

He thought, what kind of secrets would the bookstore owner hide in his nightmare

At this moment, even Mu Jiashi couldn't help but lose his mind.

The rest of the taskers were still focused on this nightmare, but they also felt a little confused.

I personally used the panel card to confirm that Ke Xu is the owner of the nightmare. At this time, I couldn't help but say: "But I have confirmed with the panel card. The panel card will never lie, right?"

Wu Jian Nene said: "It's really impossible for the mastermind to lie to us..."

His cold joke made the atmosphere even more rigid.

Finally, Fei pulled the topic back: "However, I still plan to give it a try."

Cuntou said unconvincingly, "Why do you waste another item card for things that you have clearly confirmed?"

Fei smiled apologetically, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the cold expression on Mu Jiashi's face, and after hesitating for a while, he said, "I just don't think this nightmare will be that simple."

This came from the higher floors of the narrow building, and to some extent destroyed Mu Jiashi's nightmare.

Although Mu Jiashi did hit the true ending, his failure to a greater extent came from himself and the doomsday. However, this nightmare must have also affected his inner world.

He suffered a failure in a nightmare, and the nightmare, as the venue for his failure, must have a certain degree of symbolic significance.

If a person encounters a failure in a very funny scene, then he himself may smile and treat it with ease.

But Mu Jiashi's bitter enmity obviously means that this nightmare itself is not that simple.

Sometimes, Fei could perceive a certain...fragmented feeling from Mujia Shi's body.

He is also like a contradiction. He said that he was a loser, a waste, a rubbish.

However, he was still very dazzling and powerful in the nightmare. In this nightmare, he seemed inconspicuous, but in that nightmare in the ruins, he solved the truth of the nightmare by himself.

How could such a person be a waste

This kind of contradictory feeling made Huiqing couldn't help thinking of the nightmare they were in now.

This nightmare, if you learn more about it, you can also perceive this contradictory temperament.

For example, the candidates for the nightmare master, Ke Xu and Xie Ji, are possible for anyone, but everyone has the contradiction of "impossibility."

The resident of Zhailou is a man, so Xie Ji cannot be the owner of the nightmare.

Ke Xu has no direct contact with any scene except museums and residential areas at all, so he can't be the owner of the nightmare.

Also, Lu Chengzhe, who only had direct contact with the library, no longer cared about him after just proposing this candidate. Because he can't be the master of nightmares.

He is just like the group of astronomy enthusiasts outside the Aerospace Building, a "tool man" who provides clues.

Therefore, when Cun Tou said with certainty that Ke Xu was the master of the nightmare, Fei couldn't help but feel a subtle feeling, as if he had jumped into a nightmare trap.

Therefore, she said very firmly: "Let's take a look at Xie Ji's panel."

She handed a panel card to Wu Jian, and Wu Jian looked around and found that there was no objection, so she stepped forward and came to Xie Ji.

Cuntou rolled his eyes and muttered to himself: "Okay, just waste a panel card. Anyway, it's a tasteless... Eat a bit..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he heard the stranger say: "She... Xie Ji, is also the owner of the nightmare?"

So the words of the inch came to an abrupt end, and he even gave a "quack" and said in shock: "How is this possible?! I saw with my own eyes that Ke Xu is the master of the nightmare... this..."

"Both are the masters of nightmares?" Fei murmured.

There was a brief silence at the door of the library.

The audience in the live broadcast room was even frittering in an instant.

"Both of them? Both?? How is this possible!"

"It's not impossible... According to the setting, this is a nightmare. Perhaps, the owner of this nightmare is... Is one person playing two roles?"

"Of course I can understand the normal nightmare. The question is... Who is the actor outside the nightmare? How could he control two characters at the same time in the nightmare?"

"I'm also... confused. The main reason is that I can't understand what he is now in... form?"

"Fine Dividing Form (Zhengzhen)"

"No, I mean... Are there really two people, Ke Xu and Xie Ji, in the world, or are they actually the same person, just a split personality?"

"If these two people are essentially one person, I seem to understand the contradictions of this nightmare."

"But... this is also very strange. If they are the same person, what is the source of the nightmare

If this unmarried couple dies and the other has a nightmare, and cannot get out of such a nightmare, I can still understand it.

"If they were alone... I wouldn't understand it."


"From the performance of the two of them, I can't see it either..."

"There is another possibility, that is, these two people do exist, but one of them died in the fire of the sky, and the other was in longing and pain, slowly becoming a lover, and all day long. Acting with yourself in a nightmare, as if everything is still before the end...

"So, if the fire falls on the world that day, this nightmare will restart immediately. Because the owner of the nightmare just wants to go back before the end."

"But this is a nightmare after all. It's no use deceiving yourself."

"According to this, the owner of the nightmare is Ke Xu after all, and Xie Ji was in the midst of extreme pain and regret. He was delusional to become a girlfriend, and he kept looking back in the nightmare... Is that so?"

"Emm I seem to understand."

"However, if you really want to confirm it, you still have to see which of them will die in the skyfire descending the world. In the previous two rounds of nightmares, the taskers have not been able to confirm this."

"It's a bit difficult to demonstrate this... I think it's a bit difficult. My thought is this. If Xie Ji died in reality, Ke Xu felt that he killed Xie Ji and imagined that his girlfriend was still alive in pain.

Then in the dream, would Ke Xu based on some kind of compensatory psychology, and think that when Tianhuo came to the world, he died instead of Xie Ji

"And Xie Ji is the same. She may feel that she failed to persuade her fiance, or quarreled with her fiance at an important juncture, which indirectly led to Ke Xu's death.

Then in the nightmare, would she feel that everything is the opposite, her lover is still alive, and it is her who died? "

"Damn! What you said makes sense! So this is an unsolvable problem!"

"This unmarried couple really did it. You have me in you and you in me..."

"Speechless, it really is a self-contradictory individual."

"This nightmare itself is self-contradictory. The owner of the nightmare said, "The end is coming" and "You are all going to die." However, in fact, the object of his fear is precisely the fire from the sky.

"He is preaching what he fears."

"Hey, this doesn't fit the image of Xie Ji? Didn't she say that she is not afraid of death?"

"She is not afraid of death. When Ke Xu is dead, things will be different, right?"

"According to you, Ke Xu will definitely become a doomsday believer in anger because of Xie Ji's death?"

"But this contradicts his current attitude again?"

"If Xie Ji dies, Ke Xu's attitude will definitely change."

"Then shouldn't he hate the doomsday even more, and shouldn't become a believer and lackey in the doomsday?"

"I'm completely confused. It means that both of them are the masters of nightmares? At the same time, neither??"

"Schrodinger's nightmare master."

"No, the birth of Kong Jing."

"Anyway, either of these two people can be the master of the nightmare, but in fact they are both."

"No, you overlooked a problem, right? This group of players is going to have an ending, not to understand the truth. Although they should find out."

"I think the easiest way to pass is to ask Ke Xu and Xie Ji not to die when Skyfire comes to the world?"

"Emm, I don't agree. That's it, if the relationship between the unmarried couple really has such a good relationship.

And one party has witnessed the death of the other party, and has been in pain and despair for many years, so... he or she should be thinking about dying, right? "

"Damn! It makes sense!"

"I can't say anything except reason..."

"So even survival or death can logically come up with two completely opposite options?"

It is not only the audience in the live broadcast room who felt extremely confused, but the taskers were all stupid.

Especially for Cun Tou, he looked at him in ignorance and at Ke Xu, as if he heard someone say that the piece of chocolate you just ate was actually a pile of shit, just a chocolate flavor.

Although this analogy is a bit disgusting, the inch is indeed shocked.

He muttered to himself: "So, this nightmare, there are two nightmare owners?"

He thought for a while, and then overturned the idea, "No, it should be, split personality? Subconscious thoughts reflected in his nightmare?"

"So it should be true that one person died, and then another person had this nightmare."

Fei analyzed it, and then another wry smile, "However, this candidate is also completely uncertain..."

Ding Yi pondered for a moment, and then asked tentatively: "Since it is uncertain, can we ignore this question and just think about the outcome?"

The rest of the taskers were all startled, and then nodded one after another: "Yes!"

Since this is a dead end and a maze that cannot be walked out, it is better to jump out of this area and think directly about the ending of this nightmare. What will it be

Then, they also encountered the problem: survival or death

Ke Xu and Xie Ji, do they want to live together or die together

Before they knew it, the taskers turned their attention to the unmarried couple.

When the taskers were arguing, they always looked at each other, their eyes were complicated, lingering, and anxious.

They wanted to speak and stopped, but they could only remain silent. They can't convince each other, but they still love each other.

The taskers fell into contemplation.

Ringo tilted his head to look at the couple, and turned to Xu Beijin softly, "Is this the way normal people fall in love?"

Xu Beijin was originally concerned about the progress of this nightmare, but was instantly speechless because of Ringo's words.

He was silent for a moment, and then said, "No, it's not." He said, "At least in the life of a normal person, there will be no end."

"We have already met, not never." Ringo corrected Xu Beijin's statement, "That's what this group of taskers said."

Xu Bei's mouth twitched slightly.

He knew what Ringo meant. He meant that since they had already met, then they would not have disputes about this kind of thing in the future.

To death, he could actually understand Ringo's train of thought.

And Ringo said again: "However, even if we encounter the end, we will definitely not quarrel."

Having said that, Xu Beijin suddenly became interested in Ringo's thoughts: "What do you think of the doomsday?"

Ringo asked strangely, "What do you think about it?"

"Uh, for example, telling you that the end is coming and you are going to die..."

Xu Beijin was also a little confused as he spoke, but he continued, "What would you think of a similar situation?"

"Yes?" Ringo was silent for a while, "Death...?"

He thought for a long time, and finally said: "I might wonder who caused my death."

Xu Bei stayed for a while.

Ringo said: "If the Doomsday can also be beaten back with a punch..."

Xu Beijin: "..."

What nonsense is Little Apple talking about!

Ringo noticed Xu Beijin's expression and quickly explained: "I am not a violent man. You know, the end is impossible to solve by this method, I just hope that it can be solved."

Xu Beijin rolled his eyes silently, and asked, "What if he must die? What if... I have to die?"

Ringo was taken aback for a moment, and told him instinctively that Xu Beijin seemed to be thinking about other things. He thought for a long time, but couldn't think of what would lead to his death.

So he just answered this question according to his own ideas: "Will you be by my side?"


Xu Bei stayed for a while, he looked at Ringo.

Ringo said: "If you are by my side, then I will be happy to die with you."

After thinking about it, he added extra cautiously, "No one else can do it, you must be with me."

In an instant, a special emotion hit Xu Beijin's heart.

He thought, yes... yes, what is Ringo talking about. Does he know what he is talking about

And Ringo seemed to be able to read Xu Beijin's heartfelt voice. He said, "I know this sounds a bit naive... But..."

He looked at Xu Beijin sincerely, "I like you. It is a very beautiful thing to die with the person you like?"

Xu Bei was silent for a moment, and then said: "Love brain..."

Ringo frowned, "I am not..." He pointed out, "You said it, if you must die."

Xu Beijin said: "Then I'm not by your side..."

So Ringo said naturally: "Because I am only willing to die if you are by my side."

Xu Bei is speechless.

He felt a sense of dumbfounding. Ringo's childishness and straightforwardness made his world flatten out in front of Xu Beijin like white paper, as if he could splash ink and write freely in Ringo's world with his pen.

Is this a good thing? Is it a bad thing

But Xu Beijin just felt an unspeakable movement.

For many years, he has been standing alone in the narrow building. Everywhere in the bookstore was his tired, languid, and lonely figure left behind.

When he realized it, the lonely atmosphere had already soaked into his bones.

So when the little apple came close to him affectionately, Xu Bei felt uncomfortable, but he was also faintly indulged in the warmth of being with others.

Ringo wanted their relationship to go further, but Xu Beijin hesitated.

And now, Ringo actually said that he was willing to die by his side

What the hell, Little Apple... What, it's not dead. Xu Bei thought about it. He thought, no, not to that point.

He doesn't need Ringo to die, he needs Ringo to live. Anyone has hope in life.

And hope...

Xu Bei thought hard, he could give a hope.

He looked at the taskers, the actors, the people who knew nothing about the truth. He said: "Lingo..."

Ringo responded.

Xu Beijin asked him: "Do you want to leave the narrow building?"

Ringo thought for a while and said, "Where will you be?"

"I don't know." Xu Bei seemed to be answering Ringo's question, and as if talking to himself, "If I can leave the narrow building, then I will definitely... leave."

"Then I will follow you." Ringo said, his tone was very relaxed, "I don't remember anything about the earth anyway, and the narrow building is not interesting to me. Why not just follow you all the time."

Xu Bei had mixed feelings in his heart. He took a deep look at Ringo, and then said, "Okay, you follow me."

Ringo squinted and smiled.

He tilted his head and asked, "If I follow you all my life, do we mean we are in love?"

Xu Beijin: "..."

He patted Ringo's arm blankly, and said, "Don't be too imaginative."

Ringo scowled and let out a glum "Oh".

This doesn't seem to be the first time he has said this in this nightmare.

Hey, obviously his Beijin has been shaken so much... Why is he not willing to admit their relationship

Xu Bei gave him a helpless look, then shook his head and looked at the taskers.

He and Ringo had been talking quietly to the side, but the taskers were not idle either.

They talked with Ke Xu and Xie Ji separately and understood their thoughts.

Then they discovered that the two people's ideas were actually subtly different.

Xie Ji is not afraid of death, she is happy to die with her boyfriend.

But Ke Xu was afraid of death, and he wanted to live together.

Cuntou said silently: "The two people just have another fight... Why can't even this kind of thing be unified? That narrow-building resident, is it contradictory to death in his heart?"

"Who knows?" Wu Jian shrugged, "Perhaps they can achieve their two wishes at the same time? The contradictory unity of opposites? We only see the opposition but not the unity..."

Fei subconsciously asked: "How to unify?" She was startled suddenly, "Unification... achieved at the same time?"

Ding Yi looked at her and said tentatively: "Death in a nightmare, it seems... Isn't it death in the true sense?"

Fei froze for a moment, and then said in unison with Wu Jian: "Death in a nightmare!"

Death in a nightmare is certainly not true death. This is just a dream, and the residents of the narrow building are better off sleeping in the narrow building.

"How long will it be before Skyfire comes to this world?" Fei asked quickly.

Ding Yi replied: "There is still about half an hour."

Inch touched his chin: "Then can we do something else? Wait? Watch them die?"

When everyone hadn't expected it, Mu Jiashi, who had always been silent, suddenly spoke up.

He stared at Xie Ji and asked her: "You are the first person in the world to see that unknown object... So, what does that thing look like?"

All taskers were taken aback.

They already knew that Xie Ji was the first to see that thing, but in this nightmare.

Although it was indeed a very important process that the sky fire came to the world, they ignored it intentionally or unintentionally.


Perhaps it was because they cared more about the nightmare itself. Of course, the taskers are more concerned about the end of the nightmare, the truth, the owner of the nightmare, etc. They will not be willing to think about it.

Or maybe it's because the sky fire came to the world more like a natural disaster. That is the end, something that human power cannot resist. Therefore, of course they are unable to investigate.

Could it be that they could still take a spaceship to go to outer space to see for themselves what it looked like

But there is indeed a person here who has seen that thing with his own eyes.

Fei and Wujian glanced at each other, their expressions changed at the same time, and then looked at Xie Ji.

They actually ignored this problem!

Perhaps it was because, outside the space building, Fei had heard astronomy enthusiasts arguing about what the unknown object was like.

So in my subconscious mind, even this group of people who saw the object through the astronomical telescope did not actually see it very carefully.

However, Xie Ji is actually different. She was the first person in the world to have that unknown object, and she might know something.

Fei thought of a deeper level: Why would they unconsciously ignore this important question

They entered this nightmare for the doomsday, but why did they ignore the doomsday itself

Is it because NE is operating behind the scenes

Fei was pale, biting her lip, for fear that the screams of fear would overflow her throat.

Their brains, their will, are at stake.

Not only them, but Cuntou and other tasks also looked at Xie Ji. But they are because of other reasons, or even because of this nightmare.

After Mu Jiashi's question, Cun Tou suddenly realized-isn't this the way to confirm who the owner of the nightmare is

Only Xie Ji had actually seen the appearance of the unknown object, but Ke Xu could not have seen it.

Therefore, by relying on this alone, they can clearly distinguish who is the real master of this nightmare.

Even if two people are the masters of this nightmare, there must be a body in it, and it is his or her will that controls the nightmare.

So, who is it

Cuntou stared at Xie Ji intently.

Can she tell the actual appearance of the unknown object

Of course, the taskers didn't know the appearance of the thing, so there was no way to verify it.

Maybe they can also use the space agency's astronomical telescope? However, those on these missions will not use that kind of professional telescope.

Therefore, Cuntou can only infer their actual identities by observing the expressions of Xie Ji and Ke Xu.

When Xie Ji, who became the focus of everyone's eyes, faced this problem, his first reaction was to look at Ke Xu.

And after a moment of silence, Ke Xu slowly said: "Don't care about me. If they want to know, just tell them."

Xie Ji opened his mouth.

But Ke Xu said: "However, I don't want to listen. I don't want to know!"

After speaking with a low growl, he stepped into the library, leaving his fiancée to face the strangers.

Xie Ji's body was trembling, and his hands were tightly held. She wanted to keep her fiance, but she couldn't say a word until Ke Xu's figure disappeared in the library.

She doesn't seem to understand why Ke Xu is unwilling to admit that the end is really coming;

It's as if Ke Xu didn't understand at all, why Xie Ji must admit the existence of the end.

If the end will come, their lives will continue as usual. Perhaps death will take everything away, but life and death are inherently normal in life.

On this matter, their positions are totally inconsistent.

And the taskers watched their communication, and once again felt that...fragmented and contradictory temperament appeared in this nightmare. The two sides of Ke Xu and Xie Ji seem to imply something.

Cinch didn't think so much, and he didn't care about the hints of the end in this nightmare. He just urged Xie Ji: "So, what did you see?"

When he asked this question, he thought to himself, hurry up. Without saying it, how can they be sure which of these two people is the master of the nightmare

However, what does Xie Ji really know? Isn't it true that Ke Xu is making things up

The taskers were so puzzled as usual.

Xie Ji recovered, took a deep breath, and his voice gradually became low.

After the fiancé left here, the fragile and hesitant look on her face gradually disappeared, replaced by the kind of researcher who held the Cangcheng Space Agency in her twenties, which belonged to Xie Ji's self-confidence and composure.

However, that couldn't be concealed, her face was extremely disturbed.

She said, "That's... metal."


Several taskers asked this vocabulary invariably.

Xie Ji nodded with certainty: "I don't know how to describe it... It's like some kind of liquid metal, the color is very dark, it is easy to be overlooked in space, thinking that it is just a little bit of light reflected by stars.

"When I first saw it, I thought it was so. But then, that thing... began to move.

Its speed is very fast. At first I thought it was just reflected light, but after a while, I saw the light moving out of the telescope's field of view.

"You probably don't know much about astronomical telescopes. In short, it's a very long distance."

The taskers nodded seemingly.

On the third floor of the library, I read a part of Ding Yi’s analysis by astronomers. At this time, I asked: “So, this should deny what some people are guessing. That thing was actually in the beginning... the possibility of this galaxy. ?"

"Yes..." Xie Ji whispered, "For those people, they only heard the news a day or two ago and started to observe.

They hadn't seen anything that I saw at the beginning, which resembled a flickering metallic light spot. "

There is something of regret and dissatisfaction in her tone.

It seems that she understands the astronomers' remarks very well, but she disagrees very much.

Her mentality towards the unknown object is very complicated, she has the excitement and honor of the first observation, the anxiety and hesitation of being aware of the other's lethality, and the curiosity and doubts about this unidentified flying object.

To some extent, her discovery is about to change the world, although that should not be a good thing.

Xie Ji fell silent.

Fei nodded, seemingly enlightened, but couldn't help asking: "You said it was metal, so you think it's... artificial?"

"Man-made?" Xie Ji laughed weirdly, "No, humans may not be able to make such a thing. That is too exaggerated... Within a few days, across the distant universe, there may be a distance of tens of thousands of light years. Falling on this planet like this...

"This is ridiculous."

Xie Ji showed a smile that seemed to be crying but not crying: "And we, really are going to die in such a ridiculous story."

She said it was a story, as if she didn't take it all seriously.

A few days ago, from the moment she saw that thing in the astronomical telescope, she felt dizzy.

She felt that everything was like a dream, with nightmares and sweet dreams alternately going on. Everything is so illusory and unreal.

When she hoped that Ke Xu would admit the existence of the doomsday, she was like an arrogant and self-willed girlfriend who wanted her boyfriend to admit that the love movie she saw today was indeed good. She seemed hysterical and unforgiving, accepting only one answer.

If Xie Ji at this moment honestly stated her thoughts, then I am afraid the taskers will be more certain that this woman should be the master of the nightmare.

But at this time, the taskers have actually gradually realized that the owner of this nightmare may only be Xie Ji.

Because only Xie Ji can know the materials in the library as precious, and only Xie Ji can understand the unknown object in the sky.

Even if Ke Xu had this nightmare because of his miss and grief for his girlfriend, it is impossible for him to have such a deep understanding of Xie Ji's profession.

In a nightmare based on his memory, it is impossible for such detailed information to appear.

However, the problem also arises.

That resident of the narrow building is obviously a man

He has a man's voice and a man's body; even if Xie Ji fantasizes about becoming Ke Xu, then why does her appearance change in the "reality" outside of the nightmare

When Xie Ji was the master of the nightmare became a premise, and the taskers came to analyze the situation in the narrow building, they faced this problem.

It's not that it is impossible to explain, there are many blunt explanations, such as Xie Ji's change of sex, or she changed her face... There is always a way to explain. After all, none of them had ever confirmed the identity of the narrow building resident.

But a more disturbing conjecture is... Narrow floor, not "reality"

In other words, they think that the narrow building outside the nightmare is "reality," but Xie Ji's changed gender shows that the narrow building does not seem to be "reality", it has completely surreal elements.

The change of gender... This is a bit too exaggerated.

Fei can understand that the adult woman in the narrow building became a little girl in the nightmare. Maybe what happened in her childhood became the nightmare of her life; but can even the sex be changed

The owner of the nightmare is obviously a woman, but the resident of the narrow building is a man? !

The taskers looked at each other, only feeling that their brains seemed to be knotted.

They did confirm the identity of the nightmare owner, as they wished, but once again faced a problem that could not be explained anyway.

To be honest, they still feel that Ke Xu is more likely to be the owner of the nightmare.

Not only are the taskers so embarrassed, but the audience in the live room is the same, but the atmosphere in the live room is much more relaxed.

"Ha, transgender game."

"Good guy, this may be a nightmare, everything is possible."

"In your dream you became a man, and then you woke up and found that you really became a man [dog head]"

Obviously, the audience can't guess the truth at all, so they can only start playing tricks.

And Xu Bei looked at Xie Ji with a little surprise and surprise in his eyes.

He also realized that Xie Ji was probably the master of the nightmare. However, in the narrow building, he saw Su Enya turning into a man with his own eyes.

It seems that the process of changing from a female actor to a male actor implies a certain truth about this nightmare to a certain extent.

But why? Is it really because she missed her lover too much, so in the fantasy that she thinks she is the lover who has died? Or start to play the deceased lover

As for the gender issues that the taskers are struggling with, in Xu Beijin's view, it is not a big deal.

Anyway... Anyway, the residents of Zhailou are crazy, and some are even more difficult to distinguish between men and women. Perhaps, it was just the taskers who misidentified her-eh, him? 'S gender...

So Xu Beijin paid more attention to the origin of Xie Ji's state.

When Xie Ji was the first person to observe the unknown object, was she crazy

If the madness of mankind and the unknown object really come from the same culprit, then is the unknown object flying towards this planet really just as simple as causing a sky fire to descend into the world

Xu Bei looked at Xie Ji deeply, his expression was unpredictable.

Time passed bit by bit,