Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 127: Just think about it (1)


When Fei He Wujian met Mu Jiashi in the narrow building, Mu Jiashi's first sentence was: "Su Enya and Xie Ji are the same person."

Fei and Wu Jian were stunned by this sentence before they had time to speak.

Wu Jian couldn't help asking: "Are you sure?"

"Su Enya said something that Xie Ji would only say." Mu Jiashi said in a low voice, with certainty. "And Xie Ji made a move that Su Enya would only do... This is something that will only appear in their respective nightmares. condition."

Fei whispered, "So, they, those inhabitants of the narrow buildings... They are indeed..."

Mu Jiashi said: "Moreover, the residents of these narrow buildings will change their identities." He frowned slightly, "It is still not sure why they changed their identities... No, wait, I have a guess."

Fei He Wujian looked at him in confusion.

They may know a lot of things and have a lot of imagination, but they are still not as flexible as Mu Jiashi in tracking and analyzing the details and clues.

Mujiashi murmured: "Equivalent exchange... He will provide us with clues about the nightmare... It's like being here, spoiler."

Fei reacted immediately and said, "You mean Xu Beijin? Did you see anything from his style of behavior?"

"A very interesting question is, why would he take the initiative to provide this equivalent exchange opportunity?"

Mu Jiashi's eyes seemed to light up gradually, "This is for a purpose... He is actually showing a clear way to the tasker, even if he didn't say it clearly.

"But, he said it was an equivalent exchange. Did the tasker offer him anything? Obviously he knows everything...

He can tell the tasker so many clues about the nightmare, so of course he will know what happened in the nightmare that the tasker said... He knows everything.

"So, what can the tasker provide him? I once gave him some drinks, and then he told me a clue.

No... Impossible, do these drinks mean anything to him? Not at all, is he still short of this drink

"What the tasker provided him was the matter itself. This opportunity for equivalent exchange."

Unexpectedly, I looked at Fei and then at Mu Jiashi, and asked in confusion, "What... What do you mean, why didn't I understand?"

Fei seemed to understand what was wrong, and slowly processed his thoughts: "What you mean is that the equivalent exchange in our eyes is information exchange. But in fact, the information we provided to him is worthless in his eyes. Of course he knew everything about nightmares.

"The equivalent exchange in his mouth is definitely good for each other. The advantage he gives us is the information about the nightmare, but the advantage we give him is..."

Fei suddenly got stuck.

Mu Jiashi said affirmatively: "He is pushing us to solve the nightmare. He is like a puppeteer, and we are the puppets in his hands.

He pointed us in the right direction and followed his script..."

Fei said, "This is equivalent exchange."

She and Mu Jiashi looked at each other.

Unexpectedly, touching his head, I thought to myself, is it necessary? If the bookstore owner really knows everything about nightmares, does he still need the tasker to become his puppet...

Couldn't he act on his own...

Yes indeed! He can't act by himself!

It suddenly dawned on him to see this.

Compared with the taskers, this group of narrow-building residents are obviously more severely fettered.

In this case, Xu Beijin can of course only indirectly control the direction of the nightmare and the actions of the taskers through "equivalent exchange" in a certain sense.

In that nightmare in the ruins, this is indeed the case.

In the nightmare they had just left, it was the same. Xu Beijin had already hinted at the secrets hidden in the library from the very beginning.

He said that if they have any books they want to find, they can go to the computer on the west side of the first floor of the library.

However, when the taskers later found Lu Chengzhe, they ignored this clue.

Later, when it was relayed, Wu Jian just mentioned this information casually, and the taskers didn't care about it at all.

In fact, in the third round of Nightmare, if Ding Yi and Mu Jiashi can directly search for relevant information on the computer, they may be able to find more clues.

Only then did he fully understand the meaning of Fei and Mujijiashi.

Mu Jiashi continued: "Moreover, this phenomenon does not only exist in Xu Beijin's body. I reviewed the nightmares I had encountered before and found that the owners of the nightmares and the residents of the narrow buildings in the nightmares are basically the same. .

"What I'm saying is that when we ask them for clues about nightmares, they usually tell us very frankly about the clues they know about nightmares.

"Before, we always thought that because this is a game, there is no need for NPCs to lie.

But what if this thing itself is what they need to do? What if they just want to push us to solve the problem by telling us clues

"I didn't realize this before, until... the bookstore owner said, "Equivalent exchange."

What is equivalent exchange? Is what we handed over to him and what he handed over to us is equivalent? "

A few years ago, when Mu Jiashi used some drinks to exchange a clue about the nightmare from Xu Beijin, he thought he was just doing what he wanted.

After all, Suenya told him that her neighbor likes to drink.

But Mu Jiashi realized at this moment that the premise that Xu Bei likes to drink beverages is that of course he has a drink, otherwise Su Enya would not be able to see him drinking a drink. Can the drinks he gave to Xu Beijin be in his eyes

So, is Mu Jiashi's "commitment to what he likes" using beverages


What Xu Bei needs is precisely the matter of "providing clues about the nightmare"!

He needs these taskers to do things according to his prompts, this is what he really wants!

This is what this group of narrow-building residents are doing. This is the real "equivalent exchange."

Mu Jiashi said complicatedly: "Equivalent exchange..."

These four words seem to really pull them out of the fog, let them understand what is happening in the narrow building.

Before that, they had realized that there was a problem with the residents of narrow buildings. However, they did not know what these narrow-building residents were doing.

They seem to be living in this misty building in a daze, waiting for the taskers to solve their nightmare.

Taskers are solving their nightmares, and what are the residents of the narrow building doing

—The residents of the narrow building are letting the taskers solve their nightmare! They are pushing this thing secretly!

At this moment, Mu Jiashi felt a sense of inversion and confusion.

It's as if someone likes another person and takes the initiative to pursue it, only to find that the other person has already tried their best to let this person see themselves, like themselves, and pursue themselves.

Dislocation of status, exchange of identities, and change of initiative.

The taskers thought they had done enough, but at this moment, they realized that they were just puppets. They still don't know anything about this narrow building.

The three taskers looked at each other, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

However, if Xu Beijin knows what they are thinking at the moment and what conclusions they have come to, then maybe they will be dumbfounded.

Mu Jiashi came to a correct conclusion, but it was based on a wrong premise—

Xu Bei didn't need the information provided by them, nor did he need the drinks sent by Mu Jiashi.

But does he really need it

Xu Beijin might think that this might be the highest state of the empty glove white wolf.

Not only did it get it, but it also made the quilt person willing and grateful.

"I'll go to Xu Beijin later and talk to him. Maybe we have misunderstood some things before."

Mu Jiashi couldn't help sighing, "By the way, why are you looking for me?"

Fei froze for a moment, and then said, "It's about the residents of the narrow building."

"You got new clues again?"

"No, it's not a new clue... Yes, now, on the higher floors of the narrow building, all taskers know it."

Mu Jiashi was stunned, and then dullly asked: "What is it, everyone knows it?"

Feihe Wujian said with shame that their organization had made a mistake in delivering information.

Card dealers stole a prop card that they used to convey information, causing the problems of the residents of the narrow building to spread to a higher level.

The residents of the higher-level narrow buildings don't know if they are more mad, or have no scruples, and they behave very clearly, and they are almost talking about the fact that we are actually acting.

Fei said very apologetically: "We just received a letter from a higher level and learned about this. It is said that the higher-level task force has already started... a riot.

"Anyway, this is our mistake..."

Mu Jiashi froze for a long time before slowly saying, "Forget it, it's not your fault."

He said solemnly, "Know it. We have been so confused for so long, and we need some stimulation..."

As he said, he smiled bitterly.

For many taskers, such news is a bit too cruel.

They thought it was just a game, and as a result, even the NPCs in the game were played by their kind.

This so-called game is nothing more than a trick for them to deceive themselves and others.

However, Mujia thought very coldly in his heart, what else could be done

If they want to escape, of course they will need the help of the residents of the narrow buildings. Moreover, the residents of the narrow buildings must also know more than them...

About, this game.

Regarding the chaos of the higher floors of the narrow building, they are now at the bottom of the narrow building and can't do anything about it. However, after talking for a while, they returned to the related topic of the bottom of the narrow building.

Fei said: "We are the first batch of questers to enter the nightmare of Heavenly Fire, and it is estimated that many questers will enter this nightmare in the future. About this..."

She hesitated.

Mu Jiashi asked suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

Fei was silent for a moment, and then said, "I just feel... It's just a feeling... as if someone is pushing behind him."

Mu Jiashi was startled, and then let out a deep breath: "I feel so too."

With Mu Jiashi's approval, Feihe Wujian couldn't help but relax a little.

Fei said, "From the rumor that someone successfully escaped from the narrow building, things were a bit wrong. The whole narrow building seemed to be immersed in a special atmosphere...

"When this rumor came out, everyone flocked to it; when the rumor came out, everyone flocked to it again... Although we are indeed such creatures. However, this is too strange."

She bit her lip, shaking slightly.

With her imagination, it is not difficult to guess that the black hand behind the scenes has other motives.

Mu Jiashi shook his head: "No matter what, it seems that for us, this is at least a good thing."

Wu Jian couldn't help but said: "Do you think so too? I think so too... Maybe NE is in our camp?"

The corners of Mu Jiashi's mouth twitched, and he looked at the two people with a slightly weird expression: "Do you think it is NE?"

"We just think that NE can do such a thing." Fei said, "If it's someone else, they can do this in a narrow building... Is it all right?"

Mu Jiashi thought for a while, but still said his own thoughts: "I don't think the same as you guys. It is because of Su Enya's affairs that it seems that someone is controlling something behind her back.

"I think it might be the bookstore... Forget it, it doesn't make sense to say this now, and I haven't thought about this issue carefully.

"You said it is NE, and I agree with it. It is indeed possible that it is NE."

"Did you think of any new evidence?"

Mu Jiashi pondered for a moment, and then said: "If the residents of the narrow buildings are really more restrained, then this should belong to the setting of this game.

For example, they call us "outsiders", which is obviously the setting of the game.

"And NE is the maintainer of the game order. If our guess just now is correct, the residents of the narrow building really need to use the tasker to solve their nightmare, and this is their game "task".

So, does the conversion of Su Enya and Xie Ji's identities also belong to the game's setting

"Based on this premise, from Su Enya to Xie Ji, and then from Xie Ji to Su Enya, it seems that the process of this change is not determined by the residents of the narrow buildings, but based on a certain... evaluation system

"If this is their own control, then Su Enya should have clearly shown a showdown with me long ago.

However, she only used various methods to imply that she was Xie Ji. Therefore, residents of narrow buildings have no control over their identity.

"So, only NE, as the maintainer of the game order, is higher than the game setting itself, so the identity of the residents of the narrow building can be changed.

"But this creates another problem. Xie Ji is a resident of the narrow building from a higher level. How can she go back to the bottom of the narrow building? And, how can she appear as Su Enya again

"Perhaps what you said is right, NE, really belongs to our camp. It is helping us."

Mu Jiashi analyzed a lot of it in length, but came to a conclusion that was similar to Feihe Wujian's thoughts.

This has almost become his habit. Once he really enters this state of inquiries, he seems to be forcing himself to straighten out the logic.

However, Fei smiled bitterly: "Even if NE is helping us... What can we do? Can we still find it?"

Find NE...

Fei once wondered whether Xu Beijin would be the mastermind NE. If this is the case, it would be very convenient to find NE and communicate with it.

When Mu Jiashi said that Xu Bei knows everything, this kind of thought reappeared in her mind.

However, the contradiction lies in the fact that if Xu Beijin really knows everything and is really the mastermind NE, why has he been trapped at the bottom of a narrow building for so many years? Why does he need to secretly push the tasker to solve the nightmare

In this game, shouldn't he be omnipotent and do whatever he wants

Indeed, Xu Bei has many characteristics that fit the identity of the mastermind NE. However, he also has a lot of inconsistencies.

Fei couldn't help thinking, this was exactly the same as the situation of Ke Xu and Xie Ji in the nightmare of Heavenly Fire.

This unmarried couple is also, partly in line with the characteristics of the nightmare owner, and partly inconsistent.

And the end result is that they are the masters of nightmares on both sides.

Two sides of one

Something faintly flashed in Fei's mind.

She thought, it's impossible... Could it be that this nightmare also hinted at the identity of the mastermind NE

How can this be

Fei can only think that he is thinking about it again.

They were silent for a while to sitting. Finally, Mu Jiashi got up and said: "I'm going to find Xu Beijin. I have to talk to him about his nightmare. Maybe he will provide some clues.

"He told me before that he would look for him in three days. However, it is not a bad thing to show our determination in advance."

Fei and Wu Jian nodded, left the room with him, and watched him leave.

After a while, Wu Jian asked: "Then what are we going to do now?"

Fei was silent for a moment, and then said, "NE."

Wu Jian was stunned for a moment: "Should we go and get rid of NE?"

Fei: "..."

She glared at her companion angrily and funny.

It's utterly unspoken.

Fei said, "Go collect information and materials about NE. The person who just happened to be organized hasn't left yet, so let him bring a word to the organization and bring down NE information."

Wu Jian added: "We did collect a lot of information about NE before, but aren't they all clichés? What new clues do you think you can find?"

"I don't know." Fei said frankly, but then gave a wry smile, "No matter what, I should do some hard work. And... the ground floor of the narrow building."

It was a little confused.

Fei said: "Perhaps, there are some rumors about NE on the ground floor of the narrow building, which we don't know."

Wu Jian said: "This has to go to the bazaar. It turns out that the taskers at the bottom of the narrow building are almost gone. I don't know if there are any merchants."

Fei nodded and said, "Let's go..."

When Mu Jiashi came to the bookstore, Ringo happened to be here.

Another nightmare came to an end, but Ringo still stayed at the bottom of the narrow building.

If you ask him why he doesn't go to a higher floor, his answer is probably still not interested.

Xu Beijin has become accustomed to his visit, and even just raised his hand to say hello, and continued to search for what he was looking for.

Ringo walked over and asked curiously, "What are you looking for?"

Xu Beijin said: "Find a... book." He said hesitantly, "Yes, a book."

"Why are you looking for a book?"

Before Ringo came, Xu Beijin had searched for a while, but couldn't find it.

In his bookstore, bookshelves are as high as the ceiling, and books are arranged in a mess.

Although they are divided into categories, it is a whimsical thing to expect to find what he wants from those thousands of books in a short period of time.

Xu Beijin stopped searching and said, "These books in my bookstore...Do you know what it means?"

Ringo looked up at the bookshelf, and shook his head honestly.

Xu Beijin said: "It's a clue about the nightmare... implied or explicit."

"Oh, that's it." Ringo's tone was a little flat, as if he didn't realize the meaning of these books. After thinking about it, he said, "So are you looking for clues about your nightmare?"

Xu Beijin nodded.

I have to say that Ringo's plain response made him also relieved.

Don't Ringo know what this means? No, he must know that he is not a fool.

It's just that he doesn't care about these. After Xu Beijin said it, he said flatly, meaning he knew it.

Or maybe, he knew that Xu Bei didn't want him to react too excitedly

Ringo said again: "But, your nightmare... don't you understand?"

Xu Beijin said: "What I'm looking for is not the kind of clue you imagined... the foreshadowing of the story, it's not like that."

He said distressedly, "I don't know how to explain to you. Anyway, I am looking for something special."

Ringo blinked in confusion.

Xu Bei sighed, "I seem to have found it a long time ago and looked through it, but time has passed too long... I don't know if it will work. I have to look at the current situation..."

He muttered to himself, once again lost his mind and fell into his own thoughts, silent.

Ringo got used to his distraction, knowing that he was not impolite or unfriendly.

Even Xu Beijin was distracted in front of him, but instead acted defenselessly against him.

After a while, Xu Bei returned to his senses and said, "I don't know where I put it... Anyway, keep looking for it."

"I'll help you." Ringo said, "What do I need to find?"

Xu Beijin has a headache: "This is a problem. I can't tell you what I'm looking for."

Ringo said, "It's okay, I'll look for it."

Xu Bei thought of Ringo's superb intuition, and felt that this idea might be useful.

A minute later, he saw the "renewal log" that Ringo had handed over, and his face was expressionless for a while.

And Ringo was still there, whispering: "I saw this book last time and wanted to ask you what it was, but I forgot. I didn't expect to find it again this time... So what is this?"

Xu Beijin was silent for a moment, took it, and replied: "Literally. This is what I'm looking for, you don't need to look for it anymore."

Ringo replied, not at all surprised at his act of finding the book Xu Beijin wanted within a minute.

He just thought, literally

So this is a change log

But what is this update log

Ringo couldn't figure it out, so she could only quietly watch Xu Beijin flip through the book.

After another while, Xu Bei snapped and closed the thick "update log", frowned slightly, his expression particularly subtle and confused.

Ringo asked timely: "How about? Did you find what you want?"

"I found it, no, I should say, I didn't find it..." Xu Bei narrowed his eyes, "And this is the most incredible."

Ringo asked, "Is this a good thing?"

Xu Beijin murmured: "It's a good thing, but it's very strange..."

"So what is that?"

Xu Bei remained silent for a moment, and then replied: "A bug."


Ringo glanced at the "update log" subconsciously. He thought, so, this bug will be recorded in this update log

He couldn't help thinking, what kind of change log is this? What's the bug then

However, looking at Xu Bei's confused and troubled face, he stopped asking more questions. Instead, he said, "Don't think about it, just do it if it's a good thing."

Xu Bei smiled helplessly, he casually stuffed this "renewal log" into a corner of the bookshelf, with an extraordinarily casual attitude.

Then, he murmured: "You are right... At least, the bug is still there, which is a good thing."

Although he still couldn't help thinking, why is the bug still there? Didn't NE report this bug? Why is there no record of fixing this bug in the update log

This is incredible.

Does NE really stand on the side of humans

Xu Bei thought nonchalantly, he was because of the arrival of the live broadcast system—and Ringo—

That's why I slowly walked out of the prison of imprisoning myself, but what about NE? What is it for

It is an artificial intelligence, a mastermind of a game, why does it deviate from its original position

Xu Bei thought for a while in confusion, then shook his head again.

What does he want to do so much, can he really understand NE's failure

There is a world of difference between the human brain and the computing system of artificial intelligence. They cannot understand each other.

Therefore, Xu Beijin just stared at the corner of the bookshelf, he thought, this is at least a good thing.

that's enough.

If the bug still exists, he is sure to retreat from his nightmare, even...

His eyes are deep and gloomy, and people see him like this, and they will always suspect him of bad intentions.

However, Ringo just looked at Xu Beijin's dark circles under his eyes, and still had to let his Beijin sleep.

Xu Beijin said before, will a decision be made in three days

Thinking of this, Ringo planned to ask Xu Beijin's plan.

But at this moment, the two of them suddenly heard a knock on the door outside the bookstore.

Xu Beijin opened the door somewhat confused, and then found that it was Mu Jiashi.

Mu Jiashi ran all the way, and he greeted Xu Beijin breathlessly, and saw Ringo in the bookstore again, and he couldn't help being silent for a moment.

Ringo: "..."

He stared at Mu Jiashi, thinking, why did he come again.

Xu Beijin could only pretend that he didn't notice the embarrassing atmosphere in the bookstore, and asked Mu Jiashi, "Is there anything wrong?"

With that said, he turned sideways and let Mu Jiashi walk into the bookstore.

Mu Jiashi could only bite the bullet and went in, while saying: "It's for... the residents of the narrow building."

Ringo walked to Xu Beijin's side, and just about to speak, Xu Beijin took his arm and gave him a smile.

The helplessness and tolerance in his gaze made Ringo couldn't help but stay for a while, like a small animal that was immediately slicked, and immediately stayed there peacefully without speaking.

Well, Bei Jin has to do business, he won't bother.

Therefore, Lin Mo turned his gloomy gaze at Mu Jiashi.

Fortunately, Mu Jiashi has a good psychological quality. He just sorted out his thoughts in such an atmosphere, and then said to Xu Beijin: "I came to ask one thing. The reason why you will reveal clues about the nightmare is because Is the setting in the narrow building so required?"

This question made Xu Beijin a little surprised. He didn't expect Mu Jiashi to realize this.

However, he did not answer this question either. Under the control of the main brain NE, it is impossible for the actor to actively reveal the keyword "playing".

That is to say, the nightmare of the previous building was more special, with its own "playing" element.

That's why Xu Bei took a fancy to it, and successfully passed such hints to Fei, Wu Jian, Mu Jiashi and others.

Xu Beijin was silent and did not answer this question clearly, but it was enough.

Mu Jiashi took a deep breath. He said: "I ask this because... I realize that what you mean by "equivalent exchange" is not what we thought it was an equivalent exchange of information. "

Xu Beijin blinked slowly.

What... what do you think? What am I talking about

Xu Beijin was stunned by Mu Jiashi's unequivocal tone.

He couldn't help wondering, did he send any weird information to Mu Jiashi without knowing it himself

Mu Jiashi's imagination seems to be on par with a conspiracy theorist like Fei He Wujian.

No matter how Mu Jiashi came to this conclusion—it is probably what Xu Bei can’t understand—

In short, he can understand this level, and Xu Beijin is also deeply gratified.

Mu Jiashi also didn't realize that Xu Beijin's brain activities were so rich. In his opinion, Xu Beijin had always been so expressionless and unpredictable.

Sometimes, when he faced Xu Beijin, he would have an inexplicable pressure.

The more he had contact with Xu Bei, the more pressure he felt.

That kind of pressure is not based on status, but only because Xu Beijin knows better than him... At least, it is true about this narrow building.

Mu Jiashi took a deep breath slightly nervously, and said, "So, is the same with your nightmare?"

Xu Beijin: "..."

He looked at Mu Jiashi silently, and suddenly understood why Mu Jiashi would mention that the actor revealed clues to the nightmare.

Dare to feel that he is the clue to come to Xu Bei to make a nightmare!

Xu Beijin was a little speechless.

But he thought about it carefully, and it seemed that there was no need to care about these things with Mu Jiashi, because the residents of the narrow buildings did need to do so.

Moreover, the so-called "equivalent exchange" in Mujiashi's mouth is nothing more than an excuse for Xu Bei to use it for vain prostitution.

Isn't this coming now

However, Xu Beijin was still a little interested in other things, so he didn't give the answer immediately, and instead asked: "I kind of want to know, what do you know now? Except for the part about the residents of narrow buildings."

In the nightmare when Skyfire came to the world, I was worried that my live broadcast room would be cut off again.

Therefore, Xu Beijin did not pay much attention to Mu Jiashi, Ding Yi, Fei He Wujian and others, but paid more attention to the nightmare itself.

Therefore, he actually didn't know how much Mu Jiashi they knew now.

Mu Jiashi was stunned, thought about it, and then said: "We now know that the end is divided into two parts, the first part is the spread of madness in the spiritual sense, and the second part is the heavenly fire coming into the world in the physical sense.

"As for why we entered the narrow building after these two things... this is still unclear.

If the nightmares of the residents of the narrow buildings are all doomsday scenes, then it is very likely that the relevant clues of the narrow buildings will not be involved. "

Regarding Mu Jiashi's speculations and temptations, Xu Bei was completely noncommittal.

He knew that Mu Jiashi had always been concerned about why humans entered the narrow building.

It should be said that most of the taskers and actors in the narrow building have this mentality.

They just buried such thoughts in their hearts for years because they couldn't get an answer.

Maybe some people don't want to know the truth, but in the same way, more people, as Mu Jiashi said, if they can't know the truth, they will even die.

However, even though Xu Bei knew the truth. However, he couldn't say it so easily.

On the one hand, he can't share, NE is always paying attention to him. On the other hand, he can't do like Su Enya, because he knows the truth and is suffering, so he wants to drag others into the water.

To the best of his ability, Xu Beijin is indeed a good person.

And his silence also disappointed Mu Jiashi. But then he thought about the NE problem...

He said in a very complicated tone: "Besides, we are doubting... NE's position."

Xu Bei was slightly startled.

Mu Jiashi said: "Recently, there have been so many rumors in the narrow building, and you must be aware of it. In the narrow building, the only thing that can do these things is NE... At least, my companions think so.

"They think NE may be helping us, at least pushing us to understand the truth.

Regarding Xie Ji... Su Enya, that is, your neighbor, she is a resident of the narrow building who came back here from a higher level... We also think that NE deliberately let her return to the bottom of the narrow building. "

Xu Beijin said in surprise: "You said that your companion thinks so. So, do you have other ideas?"

"I... My original idea was..." Mu Jiashi glanced at Xu Bei deeply.

That gaze made Xu Beijin somewhat inexplicable.

Xu Beijin didn't rush to ask: "So, who do you think it is?"

"I think it's you."

Xu Beijin: "..."


He looked at Mu Jiashi faintly, like a fool.

Mu Jiashi finally said this idea, and he was also relieved. He smiled bitterly: "Perhaps you may find it inexplicable, but Su Enya is your neighbor. In addition, you are also guiding me to go to the nightmare again.

"In addition, you have provided me with clues about that building many years ago, about... "playing". I didn't realize your hint back then, and it may have disappointed you. "

He said shamefully.

No, no, Xu Bei thought with all his heart, he didn't have this plan back then.

He really just, casually said a clue to the nightmare.

However, Mu Jiashi had clearly believed in his own speculation. He was convinced that Xu Beijin had indeed given him some clues a few years ago, but he hadn't noticed it at all.

Not only that, but he was also complacent because he successfully went to the higher floors of the narrow building.

Until an abrupt failure destroyed his self-confidence, he returned to the bottom of the narrow building and re-examined where he started.

Later, he discovered that there were so many secrets hidden here.

"But..." Mu Jiashi said again, "Now I also start to doubt NE's situation. My companion convinced me."

After Xu Beijin pondered for a moment, he nodded and said without changing his face: "Indeed, only it is possible to create so many rumors in a narrow building."

Mu Jia really looked at Xu Beijin.

However, Xu Beijin didn’t talk much on the topic of NE. He turned to say: "About my nightmare, since you have come today, then I will make a decision in advance. The next night, I will open my nightmare to the outside world. ."

Mu Jiashi is overjoyed.

"But..." Xu Beijin said again, "not anyone can enter my nightmare. Please keep this matter secret. I don't want things that happened a few years ago to happen again.

"Besides, I hope that you will choose the candidates to enter my nightmare, up to ten people—

Including the quotas for you and Ringo, that is, you can find eight more people on the condition that..."

He thought for a moment.

But Mu Jiashi subconsciously glanced at Ringo sitting next to Xu Beijin, thinking,