Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 130: The logic is smooth


Xie Ji, or Su Enya.

Mu Jiashi had known this female resident of the narrow building many years ago. However, he did not expect that they will have so many intersections today, and he is no longer the one at the bottom of the narrow building. The golden ones.

And Su Enya seemed to have completely changed.

When Mu Jiashi met Su Enya, she was quite normal. At least, she would not be so surprised in temperament, nor would she be so cynical and malicious towards the whole world.

When Mu Jiashi saw that Su Enya once again said in that evil and cruel tone, "The end is coming, and you are all going to die" this sentence, an incomparably complicated expression rose in his heart. mood.

Is that the emotion of Su Enya herself? Is it just because of the astronaut named "Xie Ji" in the script, or because of "Ke Xu"

Mu Jiashi couldn't come to this answer. Perhaps Su Enya was what they had heard about in that building, that kind of narrow-building residents who had gone too far into the show and were completely crazy.

Su Enya is very active, like soliciting guests into her nightmare, and has been screaming loudly on the road of the narrow building—she, or him

From the outside, Mu Jiashi really couldn't tell that this was a woman.

This kind of gender confusion gave Mu Jiashi a more ridiculous feeling.

He walked over.

Su Enya stopped her movements almost immediately, and looked at Mu Jiashi nervously, nervous and restless, as if he was about to run away in the next second.

"Su Enya..." Mu Jiashi called her.

But Su Enya didn't react at all, still staring at Mu Jiashi with that kind of vigilant god.

Mu Jiashi was a little confused, and then realized something, and then said, "Xie Ji..."

Xie Ji's face changed slightly, her voice fluctuated, sometimes high-pitched, sometimes low-pitched, like a genuine lunatic.

She asked in amazement: "You... Do you know me?! There are people who know me on the bottom of the narrow building!"

Mu Jiashi stared at her silently, his heart cold.

He realized that Su Enya's personality may have been completely disintegrated, she became a collection of Su Enya, Xie Ji, and Ke Xu.

If Mu Jiashi is called "Ke Xu" at this moment, then it is probably Ke Xu who came out to answer.

Su Enya has lost herself, and her life has become a boring and endless script.

At the moment he realized this, Mu Jiashi couldn't help thinking, what did he come to do with Su Enya? Because of Xie Ji's performance in the nightmare...

No, it's not right.

Mu Jiashi suddenly realized one thing.

In the nightmare, Xie Ji showed a sober and rational state at the last moment, so he was able to provide some hints to Mu Jiashi. However, she went crazy again when she got to the narrow building.

Because, the owner of the nightmare has the greatest authority in his own nightmare

She can to some extent... break away from the script? Or did she just take advantage of that opportunity and reluctantly make some changes

But no matter what, Su Enya must be sober, she still knows what happened.

But in the narrow building, she couldn't show it.

script. Harsh script. She must play Xie Ji and Ke Xu as required by the script.

But what if other residents of narrow buildings come to her? After all, they have the same identity, but Mu Jiashi is the tasker.

Theoretically speaking, the residents of narrow buildings are probably trying to conceal their identities, right? They have done this for so many years.

In other words, maybe Su Enya doesn't have to pretend in front of other narrow-building residents

All kinds of thoughts flashed in Mu Jiashi's heart. Finally, he said: "I came to tell you, Xu Beijin... The bookstore owner, your former neighbor, is ready to open up his nightmare."

He looked at the mad woman before and shook his head secretly. He thought, from the outside, he had no idea whether Su Enya had listened to what he said.

Later, he said: "I will pick some people into his nightmare. Besides... I already understand the meaning of what you said before.

Regarding the residents of narrow buildings, and I guess you may have any special evaluation system? "

Xie Ji looked at him blankly.

She acted at a loss, but Mu Jiashi observed her expression secretly, and finally nodded and said: "I think you already know what I mean. Anyway..."

He was silent for a moment, and finally said sincerely: "I hope we can all escape from the narrow building."

After saying this, he said, "Goodbye, I have to find a suitable tasker."

He turned and left.

At this moment, he heard the woman behind him whispering: "The end has come, and it will leave."

Mu Jiashi stopped, and then said: "We will not stay at that moment of the end forever. Never."

An inexplicable emotion flashed in Xie Ji's eyes. She stood there blankly for a while, and then began to madly say something to intimidate other people.

After a while, she returned to her house boringly and fell into a long daze.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly there was a slow, regular knock on the door.

Xie Ji turned a deaf ear, still in a daze.

The people outside still knocked patiently on the door.

After a while, Xie Ji slowly raised his head.

The door opened automatically, and Xu Beijin walked in. He looked at Xie Ji and greeted him calmly.

The look in Xie Ji's eyes was gradually accumulating. After a while, she sighed for a long time: "Mu Jiashi just came to me and said that you are going to open up your nightmare to the outside world. I'm still thinking about when you will come to me."

Xu Beijin nodded, thinking that he had a good guess, and then said: "I just went to Dai Wu and told him one thing. I will also ask you about this matter.

"I'm afraid, you and Dai Wu each have a actor you can contact?"

Xie Ji raised his eyebrows slightly, and then sneered: "You know I hate that guy."

She murmured something, "But forget it, I don't have to work with him anyway."

Xu Beijin found that Xie Ji and Su Enya seemed to have different personalities.

He couldn't help being a little curious, what kind of state is this narrow-building resident now

She was in multiple roles at the same time, so she caused a situation that was almost split in personality

He was just curious for a moment, and then stopped thinking so much.

After all, that was Xie Ji, or Su Enya's own business.

In contrast, he was rather curious about why Xie Ji had a conflict with Dai Wu.

Xie Ji had said before that she hated Dai Wu's arguments about second life, and she didn't think that Zailou could become their second life. In fact, Dai Wu thought so too.

However, because of physical problems, he still misses the sound limbs in the nightmare.

He knew that his so-called "Second Life" was deceiving himself and others, but he indulged himself in such a false joy.

Therefore, he will keep reminding himself that this is just a "second life", and his first life is not here.

He just let himself taste a little bit of joy, and didn't really intend to give up on himself.

Fundamentally speaking, Dai Wu and Xie Ji have exactly the same ideas. However, from the external performance, Dai Wuyuan is much more relaxed and calm than Xie Ji. The deep bitterness in his heart does not delay him from enjoying happiness.

And Xie Ji was already completely bitter.

Xu Bei had no intention of commenting on such a difference. The lives of others are up to them, and Xu Bei does not intend to mix them up. He even made a mess of his own life.

Ringo's feelings...

Xu Beijin was taken aback suddenly, and thought, what are you doing, why is Ringo thinking about it now

This is not good.

He shook his head in his heart and decided to finish the business as soon as possible.

He ignored Xie Ji's complaint about Dai Wu. According to his personality, if such conflicts can be avoided, he will certainly avoid them, but Xie Ji and Dai Wu obviously represent different groups of actors in the narrow building.

In order to make their division of labor and cooperation more clear, Xu Beijin had to run on both sides—

Because their relationship was not good, Xu Beijin had to say a few more words.

He said: "What I ask of you is that I hope you can persuade as many actors as possible to help do one thing at a certain moment."

"whats the matter?"

Xie Ji really asked a question similar to Dai Wu's.

So Xu Beijin told Dai Wu what he said to Xie Jihe again.

Xie Ji nodded thoughtfully, "The ultimate nightmare...?" She smiled weirdly and said in a complicated tone, "It turns out that there is an ultimate nightmare. I thought it was just a lie."

Xu Beijin nodded and shook his head.

He said: "This is an opportunity."

And Xie Ji also said in a hopeful tone: "Hope, we can succeed." Her face was filled with erratic joy, "It must be... it can."

Xu Beijin couldn't give a clear answer. He asked him to say that the probability of success this time is only 80%.

The reason why the probability of success is six is because he realized that NE was on their side.

However, at this moment, he nodded and said to Xie Ji: "Yes, it is possible."

Mu Jiashi kept walking.

He had just passed by Xie Ji and didn't intend to talk to her more, he had more important things to do.

—The candidate who enters Xu Bei to have a nightmare.

In addition to Chemu Jiashi and Ringo, there are also Fei and Wujian who are bound to go.

And they know a lot of nightmares, although they may not have been there, but they must know the corresponding clues.

As a result, they still have six places.

Xu Beijin's request was that he had been to as many nightmares as possible... This request was a bit weird, but Mu Jiashi couldn't figure out what this meant. He could only do it according to Xu Beijin's request.

However, as many nightmares as possible... This request reminded Mu Jiashi of his previous experience in the Nuggets organization.

In those large-scale gold nuggets organizations, there will always be some experienced missionaries who are exploring the way in the nightmare in advance.

These people may not have much experience of the true ending, but the nightmares they have been there can be said to be very many, beyond the imagination of ordinary taskers.

They can protect themselves as much as possible in nightmares and have a wealth of nightmares experience. Such a sophisticated tasker might be exactly what Xu Bei needs.

Mu Jiashi secretly calculated, maybe this time he entered the nightmare of Xu Beijin, he would bring one or two old men with him? Before, they were just assistants, but this time, it was their turn to be the main force.

Mu Jiashi simply turned around and walked over to the location of the gold nuggets organization.

Of course, the gold digger at the bottom of the narrow building was not his choice. What he hopes is to connect with higher-level gold nuggets through here, so that they can send one or two experienced gold nuggets over.

There should be enough time, as long as the bad ending in the nightmare is fast enough.

For the Nuggets organization, this is very simple.

Mu Jiashi didn't intend to tell the Nuggets organization his true intentions, he just planned to say that he had discovered a new nightmare and wanted to explore it.

It is not a good thing to let the Nuggets organization know that Xu Beijin is about to open his nightmare to the outside world.

However, judging from the glorious record of Maki Jiashi in the Nuggets organization and his behavior in handing over all his inventory of props to the Nuggets organization before returning to the bottom of the narrow building, he asked them for one. Two people can still do it.

Soon after, Mu Jiashi received a satisfactory response from the Nuggets Organization.

Mu Jiashi nodded secretly, and thought, in this case, there are four or five candidates.

Mu Jiashi couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. The day after tomorrow is about to enter Xu Beijin's nightmare.

In other words, he only has two days. Of course he knows many taskers, but the problem is that it is difficult to get in touch in a short time now.

Therefore, the best way is to find a suitable candidate in the ground floor of a narrow building.

He simply turned around and walked towards the bazaar on the ground floor of the narrow building.

A bazaar, or bartering bazaar, is a place on every floor of a narrow building.

This is basically the busiest place in the narrow building on weekdays, if you don't count the fallen parties.

The content of transactions in the barter market is not just about item cards, living supplies, and so on.

It is also a gathering place for gold diggers, project merchants, etc. Here, the taskers will of course also carry out some special and private transactions.

Perhaps, Mu Jiashi can find the tasker he needs here.

However, he first found Fei He Wu Jian at a certain stall.

He walked over, greeted them, and then asked a little surprised: "Are you here to buy anything?"

"No, it's not." Unseen mysteriously said, "Let's investigate some rumors that NE is on the ground floor of the narrow building."

Mu Jiashi was accustomed to the style of these two people, and asked, "Did you find anything?"

When asked this question, Mu Jiashi was actually a bit disapproving.

He doesn't think there will be any key clues about NE in such a place.

After all, this is just a bazaar on the ground floor of a narrow building.

Taskers have not analyzed NE's footwork for so many years. Could it be that within this short period of time, can they find any fresh information

However, to his surprise, Fei and Wujian nodded seriously.

Mu Jiashi listened in amazement.

Fei said: "We have found several information sellers. They are basically on the ground floor of the narrow building, or when the farce of this period of time started, they returned to the ground floor of the narrow building.

"In short, they said in unison that NE has been very good to the task force on the ground floor of the narrow building recently."

Mu Jiashi asked in confusion: "What is... not bad?"

"It's the card pool." Unexpectedly said with a grin, "After the nightmare ending, can't you draw cards? It is said that the card pool of the nightmare on the bottom of the narrow building can draw out particularly powerful item cards every three to five.

"NE may have adjusted the probability of drawing cards... I can't say that. But now this news is circulating in a small area, and many card dealers have personally drawn cards in nightmares."

The news that was revealed is really funny. Those card dealers have always been happy to take their jobs, sit back and enjoy their achievements, but now, after the nightmare is completed, the card pool has actually made people so popular

Those card dealers all think that it is more convenient to draw cards in a nightmare than to steal the item cards of other taskers directly

Mu Jiashi couldn't help but frowned tightly. He thought, the probability of drawing a card is indeed a bit strange. Is this NE deliberately helping them

Wu Jian said to Fei again: "This is the first time I have realized this problem. We drew cards after the nightmare a few times before, I don't think it's anything special, but it's compared to higher-level nightmares.

"Actually, for the nightmare on the ground floor of a narrow building, this kind of shipment rate is already very unscientific, right? At least I have drawn several attack cards..."

Fei's mouth twitched: "You don't have to say the last sentence."

Even if the shipment rate increases, it doesn’t seem to make much sense for taskers with bad luck, such as Fei...

Mujiashi didn't pay much attention to Fei He Wu Jian's little quarrel—anyway, he was penniless, and he gave up everything and returned to the bottom of the narrow building—

What he cares about is what significance does NE increase the shipment rate of rare item cards in the card pool

Help the missionaries pass the nightmare

Mu Jiashi was puzzled.

Fei said again, "No matter what, we did slowly confirm NE's position."

Mu Jiashi nodded. This may be the only good news.

Afterwards, Mu Jiashi told Fei He Wujian about Xu Bei's nightmare.

"Great..." Fei couldn't help but said, "I have always been curious about what is in his nightmare."

Wu Jian was a little puzzled: "Are you really curious? Why do you all pay so much attention to this bookstore owner?"

Fei hesitated for a moment, but still gave out his almost naive guess.

Xu Beijin is the mastermind NE.

"Huh?" Unexpectedly shocked, he instinctively suspected, "Isn't it impossible? If he is NE, then how could he be trapped in that bookstore? How could he even exchange money with us?"

"I know." Fei sighed and murmured, "So, it's more like... unreasonable intuition."

Seeing his lips squirmed, he finally said, "Perhaps, it's not impossible."

Fei gave a bitter smile: "You don't need to comfort me. If NE is really a human, then how could he have been indifferent to his compatriots for so many years? The bookstore owner is obviously not..."

Unexpectedly blurted out: "Maybe it's because of Ringo?"

Fei looked at him suspiciously.

Wu Jian hurriedly explained: "You see, NE has really been indifferent to us for so many years. However, when Ringo and the bookstore owner slowly contacted, personally, and together, NE's position was not in this time period. Has it changed

"Reversely, maybe Xu Beijin is NE?"

Fei opened his mouth and was speechless for a while.

She actually thinks it makes sense...

After all, Xu Beijin's sudden willingness to open up his nightmare seemed to have something to do with Ringo.

As Mu Jiashi said, it was because Ringo spoke, that's why Xu Beijin changed his attitude.

In this way, Xu Beijin changed his attitude because of Ringo, and at the same time, NE began to help the taskers inexplicably... Isn’t this the iron proof that Xu Beijin is equal to NE

Fei thought about it, but actually felt that the logic was very smooth.

No, no, in the final analysis, if Xu Beijin is a NE, then how could he still need missionaries to help him do things? He is completely invincible in this narrow building.

Fei smiled bitterly, and once again thought of the nightmare of Heavenly Fire coming to the world.

In that nightmare, the identity of the nightmare owner was indistinguishable until the end.

If it weren't for Mu Jiashi's question, only Xie Ji would be able to know the answer.

Then they may still be entangled in the question of who Xie Ji and Ke Xu are the masters of the nightmare.

Is there any problem that only NE knows about

Fei suddenly looked at Mu Jiashi.

Mu Jiashi was a little baffled. He is not very interested in the topic of whether Fei and Wujian are arguing about whether Xu Beijin is equal to NE. He thinks this is nonsense, how can NE be a human being

Moreover, it does not help them in their current situation. What they need to pay more attention to is who they are looking for to enter Xu Beijin’s nightmare, not whether Xu Beijin is equivalent to NE.

But Fei still proposed her idea.

"A question that only NE knows the answer?" Mu Jiashi repeated the question nonchalantly.

He felt helpless for the bizarre thoughts of these two companions being off-line.

He can only think about it casually, "Uh, where is the exit of the narrow building?"

When Feiqian came on, he immediately clapped his hands and said: "This is indeed something that only NE can know! Maybe we can try it next time?"

"The exit of the narrow building." Wu Jian sighed, "I always thought this was a rumor. Is there really an exit? In the ultimate nightmare?"

Fei said, "What is the ultimate nightmare?"

The two of them fell into silence.

At this time, Mu Jiashi finally couldn't help it, and he turned the topic back to more important things: "So, do you know any suitable candidates for the missionary who enters Xubei's nightmare?"

"This..." Fei and Wujian looked at each other, and then continued, "We only came to the bottom of the narrow building during this period of time, and we are not familiar with this place. I can send a letter to the organization to ask about it. But. , Maybe time is too late... ”

Wu Jian said with some shame: "Moreover, except for the members of the organization, in fact, we are not very familiar with other taskers."

Mu Jiashi sighed and thought, in fact, he didn't know much about the bottom of the narrow building.

He didn't come back sooner than Fei and Wujian... As for the connections, he just knew the Nuggets organization. After leaving the Nuggets organization, he was a lone wolf.

Does anyone know the ground floor of the narrow building very well? Or is it well-connected

Mu Jiashi paused, and then a name appeared in his mind.

Ding Yi...

This billionaire who used to be on the ground floor of a narrow building can definitely be said to know the ground floor of a narrow building, and he is familiar with enough taskers.

Besides, she had only been away from the bottom of the narrow building for about two or three months.

Thinking of this, Mu Jiashi made a decisive decision: "I'm going to find Ding Yi."

"Ding Yi?" Fei said, "Is that the person we met in the last nightmare?"

"Yes. She used to be a commodity merchant on the ground floor of a narrow building." Mu Jiashi said, "Perhaps she will provide some suitable candidates. Even she herself can participate."

Fei He Wu Jian nodded.

After some time, Mu Jiashi came to Ding Yi's house.

Hearing Mu Jiashi's intention, Ding Yi showed an extremely complicated expression.

She said: "I will help you contact a few suitable taskers. In addition, thank you for your kindness, but..."

She paused slightly, "I'm afraid I won't enter this nightmare. I don't meet his requirements."