Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 134: A gamble (1)


Fei was terribly anxious.

This is already the fourth reincarnation she has spent in this inexplicable village scene.

Each cycle is extremely long. She jumped repeatedly between the extremes of despair and hope, but in the end it was inevitable that she would sink into a desperate situation.

Even if everything will restart, but if such a restart is doomed to her failure, then what is the point of restarting

Does it just make her fail again

Just like Mujiashi before, Fei did not realize that in this scene, she could leave;

She just kept thinking about how to solve the current predicament, but she never thought that she could escape here completely.

This is a conservative village that is somewhat behind the times. The people who live here still retain the traditional habit of relying on mountains to eat mountains and water.

People here rely on farming to harvest daily food, and often go hunting or gathering in the mountains.

However, many of their later generations have stepped out of this mountain and accepted the ideas and trends of the new era.

But maybe something went wrong, so this village has become more and more exclusive.

According to the clues of Fei’s repeated investigations, it is very likely that one of the children who walked out of the mountains thought that his hometown made him unable to hold his head in front of his classmates, so he radically chose to sever relationship with his parents and elders. Interact with.

Since he left here, the child has never returned.

For a family in such an old-fashioned and closed village, it is not a small burden to support this child to go to school.

They can be self-sufficient in this small area, but when they step out of this land that nurtures them, they will realize the gap between themselves and the outside world.

Therefore, when the child secretly known as the "white-eyed wolf" appeared, the head of this village sadly and angrily proposed that he should not send the child out to school anymore. They can live well in this land.

They can become a peach blossom in this world.

However, there are several other children who are the same age as that child and go to school at the same time.

For these children, as long as they are willing and their parents and elders agree, then the village chief will not deliberately embarrass them.

It's just that the village chief still demands that after they finish school and graduate, they need to return to this village. Otherwise, it is considered that the child has not been raised.

This kind of extreme xenophobia made Fei somewhat confused. However, she only regarded it as a dream, an illusory place. Therefore, she didn't pay much attention to the ideas and essence behind this phenomenon.

She is just paying attention, how can she solve her dilemma

Her identity is a college classmate of those children who go to school. These children were admitted to the same university during the college entrance examination, and they also had close contacts in the university.

Their college classmates were curious about this mysterious village, so after graduating from university, they decided to take a graduation trip to this deep mountain and old forest, which is also regarded as an experience of pure rural life.

It also happens that these few grown-up children decided to fulfill their original promise and return to their hometown to live with their parents and elders.

So, after they got the approval of the old village chief, they returned with a few students who had a good relationship.

They took a full bus and came to this isolated village.

Although this village is essentially xenophobic, the simple villagers, especially the parents of the children, are still very warm and friendly to these few university students who came here as guests.

Their graduation journey also progressed very smoothly at the beginning. They tried farming in the fields, hunting in the mountains, hunting game in the woods, and feeding chickens and ducks.

For them, this is like a large farmhouse. There is no need to entertain the elders, and those few of their classmates who have been familiar with farming since childhood can make them have a good time.

The whole journey will take about one week. The first five days passed steadily, but on the sixth day, the situation changed.

No, it should be said that many details have already been changed in a subtle way.

It's just that these few children from outside have never realized that the danger is gradually coming.

Moreover, even they themselves have become a dangerous part.

—They brought madness to this isolated village.

Fei woke up in the evening of the sixth day as before. She knew that in a while, the classmate with the identity she was using would be found. They invited these people to a farewell dinner.

And this is of course a banquet at the bottom of the Hongmen.

In the first round of the cycle, Fei didn't realize the danger, went straight away, and died.

In the second round of the cycle, she chose to leave, but was immediately caught by other people in the village and died again.

In the third round of the cycle, she learnt well, knocked on all sides, and finally understood what had happened—

Madness is spreading in this small village. And the villagers believed that the arrival of these outsiders had caused such a spreading madness.

So, after the old village chief agreed, the villagers decided to kill these culprits first and try to solve this madness.

Although Fei had realized the reason for this feast, she still couldn't escape her death.

Because her so-called "classmates", the group of college students who also came from outside, seemed to have been infected by those paranoid villagers.

There are a total of seven college students from the local area and twelve college students from the outside world, and eight of the latter have already turned their backs.

They are as crazy as the group of villagers.

And what kind of madness is that

Fei suddenly realized that the three-round cycle, she actually didn't really understand what the madness in this small village was.

She was thinking, when a man came down suddenly on the second floor. She didn't look at him, but said indifferently, "I'm resting?"

This man was also her classmate and did not turn to each other, but Fei was also unable to discuss with these so-called companions how to solve the current predicament. After three failures, she was already very irritable.

But then, she suddenly heard the man greet her: "That... hello? Do you know what happened?"

Fei suddenly raised his head and stared at the man carefully. She found that this person had changed his appearance, but her brain reminded her that this is that person, and his identity is the classmate who was killed by the crazy villagers with her in the previous three cycles.

But... He has obviously changed his looks. Moreover, it actually made her feel a little familiar

The sense of familiarity only faded in a flash, and Fei was still thinking about issues related to the scene at hand.

She bit her lip, hesitated, and suddenly thought of a possibility, so she asked overjoyed: "I understand! Do you not belong to this place! Are we all outsiders?"

"Outsider?" The man was a little surprised, and then asked suspiciously, "I'm... from another place. I walked through a door, and then came to this place somehow. I didn't know what happened. what."

"Door..." Fei subconsciously screamed, and then a trance struck her brain, "Yes, door... Gray mist... nightmare? Gray mist, isn't it, the door in the gray mist?"

The man opposite nodded in surprise: "Yes! It's the door in the gray mist!"

"Great!" Feida sighed in relief, "We are from the same place!"

It was as if they were confronted with some secret code, they quickly got acquainted and exchanged information with each other.

After Mu Jiashi hesitated for a while, he also succumbed to instinctive urging and told about his previous experience in the bank.

Fei stunned and said: "It's so! I didn't expect that I was stuck in this scene all the time. I thought it would be enough to solve this scene... So, can you leave?"

"But how do you leave?" Mu Jiashi asked, "You have been here for so long, have you found any way to leave here?"

"The way... Get out of here..." Fei bit his lip. "The only way I know is to take the shuttle bus to the county seat on the other side of the mountain. That's how we came here. It was a 20-seater passenger car.

"However, that car leaves the next day, so it will only be available tomorrow noon. This is how we originally planned to leave here. But... this will have to survive tonight first."

"Shuttle?" Mu Jiashi thought, "No, it's not. What we are looking for is a door. We are leaving this scene, not this village."

He read this sentence again in silence, "Yes, we are looking for a door."

"A special door?"

"I don't know." Mu Jiashi was a little dazed for a while, "When I left the bank, I just opened the door of the bank. It was indeed leaving the bank..."

Fei was a little confused.

Mu Jiashi explained: "For example, the village where we are now, and the bank I was in before, this can be called the main scene.

I left the bank before, which was the main scene of "going out" in a practical sense.

"However, in this main scene, we probably don't have time to get out of the main scene. Since there is a way to leave, that is to say, you don't need to "go out" from the main scene to leave here.

"We need to find a door in the main scene. It can help us out of this dilemma."

Fei nodded: "A door... what kind of door would it be? Does it have any characteristics?"

Mu Jiashi smiled bitterly and shook his head: "It's hard to say..."

Fei couldn't help sighing. She stared at the door of this small courtyard and muttered, "It would be great if it was this door."

Mu Jiashi thought for a while, and said, "I don't think it's possible. Perhaps, this door is a...symbol that is closely related to the main scene? The door of truth?"

"Perhaps..." Fei thought, "So, we still have to find out what secrets are hidden in this village. What is the "crazy" that the villagers are talking about? "

"Go find it. But..." Mu Jiashi hesitated, "Can you still hold it?"

He heard Fei say that she had died three times. This is not a good thing.

Fei's face was pale, and she slowly said: "Yes..." She moved in her heart, with a subtle emotion, and whispered, "We should always continue what we are going to do, regardless of difficulties and obstacles."

Mu Jiashi was suddenly speechless.

The slight confusion flashed in his brain, but he didn't get his attention.

He was just thinking, yes, they have to get out of this main scene. Otherwise, they might sink into eternal death.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the gate of the courtyard.

"Oops!" Fei screamed, "Those people are here to call us over to eat!"

She patronized the exchange of information with Mu Jiashi, but forgot their current plight.

She anxiously said to Mu Jiashi: "Whether we go or not, the end result is death. Do you think we are going or not going this time?"

While she was talking, she walked towards the door.

Mu Jiashi thought for a while, but suddenly proposed a new perspective: "What happens if we pretend that we are not there and don't open the door?"

Fei's hand had already touched the doorknob, but in the next second it seemed to be burnt, and he immediately put it down. She murmured: "I... I don't know. I haven't tried it."

Mu Jiashi thought for a moment, and then said: "In this way, I will open the door, go to dinner with them, and find out what they mean by crazy.

Then I said that you were in a bad mood before, go out and relax, and come back later.

"You have died too many times before, and now you are not in a good state, so don't go out. It just so happens that you can process the information you got here to see if there is anything that has been overlooked."

Fei nodded awkwardly.

Mu Jiashi didn't care, because Fei's face was indeed a little scary now. If you let her keep up, maybe it will drag her back. It's better to let her try new possibilities here—

Whether it is dead or alive, it has the corresponding value of the verified result.

Mu Jiashi analyzed it very coldly in his heart.

But on the surface, he just smiled and said: "It's okay, you have a good rest."

He watched Fei walk into the small building, then turned around and opened the door, pretending to be sleepy and yawning, and complained, "Who? He's asleep..."

Standing outside was a young man with a somewhat anxious expression. According to the information Fei had just told Jiashi Mu, this man's name was Tan Ming, and he was one of the children who walked out of this village.

He looked at Mu Jiashi, then looked inside the yard, and couldn't help asking, "Where is Fei?"

This scene is quite smart, and they automatically replaced their names... Maki Jiashi thought to himself.

He pretended to be confused and said: "What... Oh, I remembered, before I went to bed, she said she was in a bad mood and wanted to go for a walk. She hasn't come back yet."

He yawned again, "I guess I went to see the small waterfall on the edge of the mountain, who knows."

There is indeed a small waterfall near here.

And Mu Jiashi said the existence of this waterfall was also to mislead these villagers.

The waterfall is a bit far away, it is estimated that it will take an hour to come and go. At this time, the day lily is cold.

Sure enough, Tan Ming's expression calmed a bit when she heard Mu Jiashi mentioned the small waterfall. He probably knew where to find someone, so he didn't worry anymore.

He nodded and said, "I'm here to tell you to eat. You will leave tomorrow. We will prepare a big meal to entertain you today."

Mu Jiashi deliberately hesitated and said: "Then...Aren't you waiting for Fei?"

"Someone will look for her, don't worry." Tan Ming said deliberately, "Don't tell me, you don't want to eat for her."

Mu Jiashi hurriedly said, "I still have to eat."

They walked out of the small courtyard. When he left, Mu Jiashi locked the door easily to prevent anyone from entering the yard and discovering Fei's existence.

Tan Ming looked at his behavior and knew that there were valuables in the yard, so he didn't say anything.

He asked Mu Jiashi to go to the house he was referring to first, but he ran to the side, presumably asking someone to go to the waterfall to find Fei.

Mu Jiashi was also happy, and after walking on his own for a while, he suddenly discovered that Tan Ming suddenly jumped out of nowhere and walked to his side.

Mu Jiashi thought to himself that, compared to these outsiders, these native villagers, and people like Tan Ming who have lived here since childhood, must be very familiar with various shortcuts and paths.

In this case, it is necessary to avoid chasing wars as much as possible. Mu Jiashi thought.

On the face, if nothing happened, he just asked strangely: "Eh, Tan Ming, why don't you see people? Where have everyone gone?"

Tan Ming smiled a little awkwardly, and said: "This is not... all for your farewell meal, so busy."

Mu Jiashi deliberately uttered in an affectionate tone: "You really... are always the busiest banquets, why are you here the busiest farewell meal?"

Tan Ming said with a little embarrassment and a little contentment: "This is how we are here. It's different from the outside."

"That's true. I've been here for a few days and I've found it out." Mu Jiashi slowly led the topic to things related to this village, "No wonder you kept thinking about going back to your hometown when you were in college. This is not the same as in the city. what."

Every word and word of him was touting Tan Ming's hometown secretly, which made this person's expression from the beginning embarrassing slowly turned into a strong complacency.

Mu Jiashi said: "It happened that you had a goodbye. I was about to ask when I was eating, can I live here all the time."

Tan Ming was taken aback and asked quickly: "What? What... You, why do you think that way?"

"There's no pressure in this place. It's a sunrise and a living, completely self-sufficient, and it's not the same as life in the city."

Mu Jiashi sighed sincerely, "If I can, I really want to live here forever. You say, working hard for a lifetime in that kind of big city, you can't even get a house.

What's so easy about this kind of life? Don’t say anything else, do you think my job search went smoothly during the time I graduated? I'm so annoying!

"Eh, really, I'll say this when I have dinner later, your elders, and the old village chief, can you agree?"

A struggling expression suddenly appeared on Tan Ming's face.

And Mu Jiashi waited calmly.

He noticed from the beginning that this person was a bit too anxious. If he really made up his mind to participate in the killing of his relatives, he could not be in such an anxious state.

He is now more like half pushing and half pushing, not daring to resist his elders and relatives, and doesn't want to really hurt his classmates.

However, between relatives and classmates, he chose the former after all.

But now, Mu Jiashi revealed that something... at least in Tan Ming's eyes, it was like "abandoning the dark and throwing the light into the light," which made Tan Ming shake in an instant.

After all-Mu Jiashi squinted his eyes secretly-Tan Ming was wild after leaving the village.

Mu Jiashi mentioned the pressure of big cities, which instantly drove Tan Ming from the countryside back to the prosperous city.

In the latter case, Mu Jiashi was his more familiar companion, not his relatives.

He would immediately think of the happy time he had played with these classmates in the university before.

From the prosperous and convenient city to the countryside where you have to make a fire under the stove for cooking, Tan Ming is probably not used to it.

Mu Jiashi didn't ask Tan Ming to stand on his side, but only wanted Tan Ming to tell him the truth at least, so that his "classmates" would die.

Things were just as Mu Jiashi had expected. After Tan Ming hesitated for a while, he sighed and said, "No, don't say that."

If Mu Jiashi said this, it wouldn't be the consequence of angering a few villagers in an instant, causing blood to splash on the spot.

Mu Jiashi asked in surprise: "Why?" He paused, "Not here, just like in big cities, what kind of household registration?"

"No, no." Tan Ming was a little speechless, "We have a fart account here! Is the education and medical care in this place about zero? What's the value of the account."

Mu Jiashi shrugged: "The land..."

He thought, yes, Tan Ming seemed to have been brought back to the city context by him.

However, when the word "land" was mentioned, Tan Ming suddenly changed his expression.

He hesitated for a while, and then finally said, "I'm serious... The atmosphere in the village is not very good these days."

"The atmosphere is not so good?" Mu Jiashi continued to pretend to be dumb, "Why didn't I find out?"

Tan Ming gave him an angry look.

The two walked silently for a moment.

On the top of the mountain, the sun finally set after struggling for a while. After struggling for a while, Tan Ming finally spoke.

He said, "A few people... are crazy."


Tan Ming said: "They... They... seem to have begun to worship one, the land god."

Mu Jiashi's expression moved.

"No, it's not what you think. Nature worship... No." Tan Ming smiled bitterly. "When I first heard about it, I thought... I also told my mother that there is something weird about this. It's not like that in history. ."

Mu Jiashi listened quietly.

Tan Ming said again: "But... it's not what you think, normal, natural worship. It's..."

"What are they going to do?"

"Living sacrifice..." Tan Ming looked around nervously before continuing, "They said that foreigners have violated the dignity of the land god. Say you... us, farming, hunting and the like during this time, It is a performance that offends the land.

"So, they want to use your...our blood to worship the land god and let the land god dispel his wrath."

Mu Jiashi nodded thoughtfully.

Only then did he understand why these students would die... Wait, that's not right.

Now Tan Ming’s performance is clearly standing on the opposite side of the group of cultists, why did he bring them to that feast...

Mu Jiashi suddenly understood: "So, what do the other villagers think?"

Tan Ming was silent for a long time, and finally said in frustration: "They think that the outsiders are the culprits for the lunatics."

Mu Jiashi frowned slightly, then let go.

Tan Ming looked at Mu Jiashi and found that Mu Jiashi was indifferent, and said in a tone that was almost intimidating and almost desperate: "If the situation has not changed after you die, then it is our turn to die."

Mujia thought to himself, good fellow. Regardless of the positive and negative, it is a death in short

No wonder Fei died even though she hadn't attended this feast. I'm afraid, I was caught by that group of cultists and then killed.

Mu Jiashi felt that the situation was a bit tricky for a while.

In this village, everyone is their enemy, except their classmates.

However, among the classmates there may be two or five boys like Tan Ming, or there may be traitors like Fei Shuo.

It is already quite difficult to distinguish positions, and you have to escape.

He shook his head secretly, always feeling that the turning point might not be for these villagers.

Those are just dangers... he thought about it for granted.

But the moment he thought of this question, he suddenly became a little confused.

"Danger"? What is "dangerous"? Why would he use such words to describe these villagers

And, "just"? That's something to kill them. Why would he use such an understatement and tone

He thought, but he couldn't come up with an answer. It was as if his brain was also shrouded in some thick gray mist, and he couldn't even think of the shocking behind the scenes of the questions he cared about and thought about. the truth.

So after thinking about it for a while, Mu Jiashi gave up decisively.

He just asked Tan Ming: "Such a thing... don't you plan to resist?"

Tan Ming shook his head and looked at the undulating mountains in the distance with a bewildered, heavy look.

He said in a vague voice: "No... This may be what this land needs me to do... Maybe so... I was born and raised here. Maybe, it's indeed time to pay the debt..."

As Mu Jiashi listened, she couldn't help but looked sideways at this "classmate".

He thought, okay, everyone in the village is crazy. It's just that one is a bit more crazy, and the other is a bit shallow.

He couldn't help sighing deeply.

Perhaps because of this topic, they were speechless all the way, and the atmosphere was very silent.

After walking for another three to five minutes, they arrived at the arrival of Hongmen Yan-the old village chief's house.

Shen Yunju and Ye Lan looked at each other.

Among the ten-now eight-cell nightmares in front of Xu Beijin, the experience of Shen Yunju and Ye Lan is the most inexplicable.

They first went to a certain cell, and then perhaps it was a coincidence, or they had some insights.

In short, they all found a door in the cell, and then successfully escaped the initial scene.

Then they met each other and fell into this state of silence.

The reason for this is that everyone around them is like this. They were in an empty square, filled with countless people, at a glance, there were thousands of people. The people around are dressed in black robes, and so are they.

They sit here cross-legged, as if they were holding a special ceremony.

The silent, depressing, grand atmosphere overwhelmed Shen Yunju and Ye Lan.

The two of them are almost face to face, but there are some differences in perspective. This makes them see different things.

Based on a certain kind of special induction, both Shen Yunju and Ye Lan have realized that each other is different.

They are incompatible with the atmosphere of this place, and it is impossible to blend in at all.

But the dull atmosphere still suppressed them from speaking.

Is it because the voice will break the silence at the moment? Or is it because of some dangerous sign

That special atmosphere made their sixth sense keep tweeting, warning them not to speak and not to move at will.

Just sit quietly and wait.

Both of them are bearable, even dull and deserted people themselves.

Therefore, even though the weather is very hot, the sun is shining on their bodies like flames, and the black robes they wear seem to be burning.

But they still maintained their original state very calmly, only exchanging glances occasionally.

If He Shujun or Wu Jian is here, I'm afraid it will be uncomfortable and unbearable soon.

I don't know how long it took, even with Shen Yunju's patience, he was a little drowsy.

Suddenly, a blast of sky-shaking sound came from the center of the square, and Shen Yunju immediately shook his spirit with a bang, and subconsciously looked at it.

what is that

His eardrums are about to be punctured-no, maybe they are already torn.

A scorching shock wave with dizzying heat overturned his body in an instant. When he floated in the air, he was almost stunned.

This is... an experience I have never had before.

In another moment, he died.

It's like being crushed by something, or being completely dissipated in the air... Not good.

Shen Yunju didn't know what kind of feeling it was, he just lost his mind in a daze.

He didn't even have a clear idea, realizing that he was dead.

He seems to have simply disappeared into this world. Deteriorating, melting, turning into something like a muddy puddle without surprise, and then... darkness.

When everything started again, Shen Yunju even wondered, did he really go through all that

Or is it just a dreamlike, false fantasy? It should be, it seems that there is no sense of reality at all...

But when he raised his head and saw Ye Lan's pale ghostly face opposite him, he realized that no, that's not it. It's real, it's what they have experienced, it's... death.

He and Ye Lan stared at each other for a moment, and then jumped up in surprise, ignoring the verbal abuse and controversy of the black-robed people who were alarmed around him, desperately peeling off all obstacles and fleeing.

Melting in the heat wave is not a good experience.

Even though all that was fast, it was almost too late for Shen Yunju's brain to react, and he was already dead. But... This is really a nightmare.

They escaped smoothly. Then Shen Yunju couldn't help but sigh.

They stayed away from the square, as far as possible. Instinct drives their weak legs to swing quickly, as if to escape from such a terrifying encounter. Until... Ye Lan suddenly said: "Enough..."

So Shen Yunju also stopped, sighed for a long time, and said, "It's useless to escape."

Ye Lan looked back at the square filled with black robe people. They ran out at least three to four hundred meters.

But it's no use. This is the very center of a certain disaster, and it doesn't help them to avoid such a distance.

Ye Lan turned his head and asked calmly, "How long is there?"

"Half an hour... forty minutes, maybe." Shen Yunju said, "I don't remember much."

"I have the same idea as you." Ye Lan nodded, "Then the problem is, we need to find a door... a door. Only in this way can we escape."

Shen Yunju said in a low voice, "Yes. This is how I escaped before."

The two of them looked at each other, and then said in confusion at the same time: "Where is the door?"

This is a square, perhaps the central square of a certain city, surrounded by large vacancies and greenery-although most of it has withered now.

In short, where is the door? The place is empty, you can't even see a building.

Ye Lan pondered for a moment, and then said, "Shall we continue to walk forward?"

Shen Yunju nodded in agreement.

In any case, the secret and the truth are hidden in this nearby scene, whether it's information about the group of black-robed men or... the door they need.

When they looked around, they discovered that there were actually some onlookers standing outside the large number of black-robed people.

They may come here to watch the play because of their curiosity, or they may want to participate in such an activity, but they are still struggling and don't know why they are hesitating.

Shen Yunju and Ye Lan looked at each other, and then each walked to a crowd of onlookers and asked what happened here.

After a few minutes, they rejoined and exchanged the information they had collected.

"Impurity Sect." Shen Yunju said in a very complicated tone, "They seem to be... what are they waiting for, miracle?"

"Skyfire came to the world."

Ye Lan said this word almost subconsciously.

However, in the next second, she herself was stunned. Because she didn't know why she knew this word, or why she said it at this moment.

She thought to herself the reason for uttering this word... Did it mean that the disaster just now came from the fire of heaven

But why does she think so, and why does she know this

This incident was too weird, but Ye Lan didn't feel much shock in his heart. She just froze for a moment.

Then she murmured to herself: "Could it be... Does this have to do with our disappearing memory?"

Shen Yun gathered next to him and said: "A certain, special sense of sight?" He was silent for a moment, "I don't know, I just think it should be described like this. It's like... I have really experienced any sense of sight."

He showed a confused expression.

But while he felt confused, he took it for granted. The gray mist only obscured his memory, but did not obscure his instinct and intuition. He still feels that this is a normal thing, he should know.

It's just that he forgot. Or, his eyes and brain are like being covered by something. Therefore, he can neither see nor remember.

Shen Yun stayed for a while, then shook his head: "This is not the point now." He paused, "There is still half an hour."

"The fire of heaven comes to the world..." Ye Lan slowly repeated these four words, "If there is the power of this word, then we can't escape."

Shen Yun gathered his thoughts: "So, the congregants of this impurity sect are here waiting for the arrival of the heavenly fire.

They will die in this disaster, but come back to life, repeating this experience repeatedly... It's a nightmare scene. "

"We want to leave here as soon as possible."

Shen Yunju nodded in agreement.

An inexplicable sense of crisis urged him.

He thought for a moment, and then said: "What about the door... The person I asked said, if you go a little further, there will be a street, and there must be a door there."

"However, this has nothing to do with what happened here." Ye Lan said calmly, "The door of the scene before I left is directly related to what happened in that scene."

Shen Yunju looked sideways at the center of the square and murmured, "But there is no door here."

Ye Lan frowned, hesitated for a while. She thought for a moment, and said, "Could it be some kind of... a door without a substance?"

"Not a door in the true sense? One passage? One road?" Shen Yunju said, "Then what can you think of?"

Ye Lan stared at the center of the square.

The people in black robes sitting densely there are like ants under the sky, and they are indeed as fragile as ants. Something falling from the sky can take their lives away in an instant.

So Ye Lan narrowed his eyes and asked to himself: "A passage?"

She suddenly stretched out her fingers and squinted her eyes.