Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 136: Places visited (1)


This is an escape room—in theory, it's just a game.

However, when they walked into the escape door, the situation suddenly changed.

Originally it was just acting, and the staff should also observe their actions behind the scenes. When they encounter difficulties, or when their emotions are really not right, the staff should take the initiative to open the door and take them away.

However, something really happened here. They were trapped in this dark secret room, and no one let them out.

—Real escape room

But why would even their companions fall into it? They forget that this is a game, they forget that they are spending money to walk in here. They thought something really happened, they really—

Investigating a homicide case and being in the same room with a murderous killer.

"So, what is the script?"

Ye Lan couldn't help asking.

She used the word script, and was severely corrected by someone who said, "This is not a script! Sister, you have to be serious, otherwise, we will really be dead."

Ye Lan: "..."

But isn't this a shop dedicated to escape rooms

There are even stickers on the wall. If you encounter an emergency, you can dial a number on the wall for help. That might be the phone number of the store manager.

It's a pity that when Ye Lan and Shen Yun got together and wanted to make that phone call, the two of them were accused and isolated by the others.

In addition, the call was not made. They have done completely useless work and wasted time.

Someone rolled his eyes, turned his head and muttered, "Really, can you take your own life seriously... I don't want to be dragged down to death by the two of you."

Ye Lan frowned, and wanted to try hard to win over these companions, but Shen Yunju said to her softly, almost helplessly saying: "There is no help. When the madness spreads in this world, they are here. Inside the shop. They became prisoners in this secret room."

Ye Lan thought everything was still false, they were just blinded by something.

However, their madness is real, and they truly believe that they are investigating a certain murder case.

Therefore, they are really investigating this murder case.

After madness became the norm, it was indeed true.

Ye Lan's lips squirmed, and this always cold and determined woman showed an unprecedented look of confusion and hesitation. Facing her expression like this, Shen Yunju could only remain silent.

He knew that Ye Lan did not express such emotions only because of this sentence, but also because...

What have they forgotten

The words they blurted out seemed to imply that they were actually very clear about the current situation. They knew the cause and effect, and they knew why this group of people were immersed in such a "real" escape from the room.

It's just that they couldn't remember it—they lost their memory.

And how to regain their memory

No one knows.

They just ran through these nightmares through door after door, hoping to find hope.


Shen Yun thought together, it was another word that he didn't understand but always felt familiar.

He thought of what he said just now, "Crazy is spreading in this world."

It was indeed what he said, and he now feels that there is no problem with this sentence. But... what crazy? Why is there no such thing in his memory

He just said it, as if some instinct drove him to do it. But in fact, he didn't know anything about what this sentence symbolized.

memory. Damn memory. If the brain blinds him one day. So, what else can he do in this world

As for the human brain, it is really easy to be affected, whether it is memory or thought—

Damn it, where did the conclusion come from? He didn't know anymore, he could only choose to believe this sentence or not.

But in fact, what they urgently need to do now is to find that door and get out of here.

Instead of being here, indulging in the rapid thinking and lost memory of my own brain.

This is already the case, they just need to solve it-to find.

So after Shen Yun gathered for a moment of silence, he resolutely gave up all the thoughts in his brain.

He knew that they were all disturbing things, so he turned to say: "Where do you think the door of this scene will be?"

The two of them fell behind the other companions who participated in the escape room, slowly following up, not falling behind but not participating in the conversations of the people who made the fakes real. They talk about what they need.

Ye Lan said: "The easiest way is to solve this room escape puzzle, and then walk out of the store door-store door, yes. This is the greatest possibility."

"But, can they really solve it?" Shen Yun pondered, "Judging from the several scenes we have experienced before, these people are trapped in a certain scene and cannot leave. So..."

"But we may be able to." Ye Lan put forward an idea, "We may be able to solve this mystery, and then leave here."

Shen Yunju nodded, and said: "I don't know yet, under what circumstances will this scene loop. Will it wait until the mystery is really solved, or is it...death?"

In the previous square, after the sky fire came to the world, the whole scene would fall into a loop.

And here? Do they wait until everyone dies, or wait until they solve the mystery here before they can leave

Ye Lan shook his head silently, motioning that he didn't know.

At the moment they came to a small house, and those people were discussing some numbers and the keys to the locks of the drawers.

This is the puzzle of escape from the room, and after looking at it for a while, Ye Lan discussed with Shen Yunju, then suddenly walked over and kicked the drawer violently.

I don't know if it was because of disrepair for a long time, or the original quality of this thing was not good. After this step, the lock of the drawer was directly kicked and a piece of paper inside appeared.

The others looked at her blankly.

Ye Lan is trying to use violence to solve the mystery here.

She waited for a while, and no crazy people rushed out and said that she had damaged the store's scenery and needed compensation.

However, when she turned her head and saw the slightly angry gazes of the other companions, she couldn't help frowning slightly.

She simply stretched out her hand and held up the piece of paper, and said, "The clue is here." She paused, "I'm in a hurry, please."

After being silent for a while, those people stared at the paper for a while.

After a while, the anger in their eyes gradually dissipated, they took the paper, and then returned to the previous state of nervous and anxious discussion of the puzzle.

Ye Lan walked back to Shen Yunju's side—Shen Yunju watched her nervously, in case the group of people violently attacked.

Then he can take Ye Lan to escape together—and then said: "It seems that they just need to solve this mystery."

"Because the two of us are special, so you don't care about us?" Shen Yunju guessed that he didn't particularly agree with Ye Lan's attempt. "However, this can indeed save some time."

Save time-Shen Yunju can't help but feel a little dazed.

Why save time? Can't they stay in this place all the time? that's all…

Just like this forever, staying in this place, repeating the same fate and tragedy, forever, forever...

Isn't this another kind of immortality

However, Shen Yunju soon woke up.

He meditated in his heart: He originally chose to enter this place just to escape that fate. He couldn't, and he didn't want to continue sinking here. He will definitely return...

Where are you going back? he does not know.

But he does know that he desperately wants to leave here.

They continued to move forward.

After Ye Lan used violent methods, their companions seemed to gradually gain insight.

They no longer continue to follow the original rules of escape room, but destroy the scenery and props here, and take a shortcut.

This method makes them advance extremely fast. However, Ye Lan and Shen Yunju still don't know what kind of mystery they are solving.

In addition, the more they traveled in this secret room, the more Ye Lan and Shen Yunju felt that they seemed to be walking in a circle. The scene of this secret room is a bit unusually large.

Finally, they got stuck in a certain level. They couldn't find the key to leave this room, or even its hiding place.

Several people stood there blankly.

Ye Lan and Shen Yunju looked at each other. They wanted to find them by themselves, or they wanted to destroy the scene here, or carefully search every corner. In short, they don't want to be trapped in this room.

However, perhaps something special suppressed their thinking. They felt dizzy and headache, as if the world was distorted. The picture before their eyes has become blurred.

After a long time, they still stood there.

What went wrong

In the chaotic thoughts, Shen Yunju worked hard to keep his mind sober, he thought carefully, worrying about what they had done wrong.

Until he heard Ye Lan say softly: "We may have missed something. If we use violence to solve the problem..."

Shen Yunju finally understood.

He felt dizzy for a while, and in the next second, he completely lost consciousness.

I don't know how long it took, the door lock suddenly clicked and was opened.

Several people poured in outside the door. They complained that the new arrivals destroyed the props. Such violent methods must be compensated by them.

They seem to be the staff who escaped from this room.

When they walked into this room, Shen Yunju felt that his sanity suddenly returned. He seemed to wake up quite suddenly.

He pretended to be still drowsy, listening to the conversations of those people while thinking about the situation in this scene.

Since there are staff members, it means that it is just these guests who escaped the room as a real homicide investigation process, and the staff behind the scenes are still sober... No, not necessarily

Shen Yunju listened to those people.

"These people are really violent. Everything that can be kicked is broken."

"In fact, the bosses also like this... You know, brain power is not enough to get them excited."

"It's better to go to see Fighting Beasts. We originally operated our business by mental work."

"Damn it, there is a list of losses posted above, which almost has to rebuild this place again. Grass!"

"Fortunately, I stopped it early... I really want to leave this group of people here forever, anyway, they are probably confused..."

"Don't, people are like, "one crazy, one crazy, one victim, one victim, one person." "

"Oh, please, don't speak in this tone anymore. This group of lunatics just use it. What else can they do except live broadcast to please the bosses? They like it themselves, and neither do we What inhumane things will be done to them, right?"

"I don't like it, this gloomy place, I don't like it for me."

"They think that what happened in this place is true... What is this, into the play?"

"Just make money. I can't manage that much. Thanks for the live broadcast income they bring us?"

"I heard that a group of new people have been found above... These people seem to take some games seriously... Hey, this is much better than our escape room? It is estimated that we will all be unemployed."

"It's terrible. Do they not watch enough live broadcasts of the battle royale area? Wasn't this type of game terribly popular in the past?"

"There are always people who like other genres. There are so many types of games... To say that the boss is rich, and there are more types of live broadcasts to choose from. Who knows which one they will look at in the end?"

While talking, these staff members quickly moved these people out of the room. They inadvertently left Shen Yunju and Ye Lan at the end.

And when they just finished carrying the other people and were about to walk towards the last two people, Shen Yunju and Ye Lan suddenly turned their heads to look at each other, and then ran away in unison.

When they passed through the door of this room, grey mist gushed out.

Shen Yunju yelled: "I know the truth hidden in this scene... can I leave through any door?"

When they came in, they also passed through the door, but at that time there was no such gray mist.

And when they learned the truth behind the scenes, this door immediately became a way for them to escape.

This is indeed an escape room, and those lunatics indeed regard the escape room as real.

However, some people regard their "reality" as a selling point, so that they can be watched like a clown, and they can be used for profit.

And how many lunatics are there in the world? How many bosses are willing to spend money for these people's madness

Shen Yunju didn't know the answer to this question.

He was just thinking, no wonder someone once proposed to protect the human rights of lunatics—wait, what, the human rights of lunatics

Where did he learn this information? Was it in the memory that he had forgotten in the past

The momentary confusion came to his mind again, and he turned his head to look at Ye Lan.

Ye Lan's tone was solemn, and being able to leave this scene didn't seem to make her particularly excited and excited.

She just said: "Perhaps, the door itself means that the truth is here."

"The door to the truth?"

Shen Yun murmured.

He couldn't help thinking, then, when they entered this endless strange scene, what did it mean that the door they stepped in first

If Xu Bei could know Shen Yunju's thoughts at this moment, he would definitely think. Of course, that also means a door to the truth.

That is the truth of the gray mist. They will face the most painful inside story of this narrow building behind that door.

And the amnesia of this group of taskers does not know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

At this time, Xu Beijin was still searching for the one he needed among the thousands of gravels, and still watching the progress of other taskers from time to time.

He realized that his body and soul had been eroded by at least a quarter.

Probably so, he estimated it.

And even though many of the taskers have already reunited with other companions, and gradually figured out the details of these strange scenes, the speed of going to other cell nightmares has also become much faster. However, they still did not find the one Xu Bei needed.

Xu Beijin was a little disappointed, but he was already mentally prepared.

Entering his nightmare was originally a gamble.

He knows that even NE has insufficient control over this garbage dump.

Although he is the master of nightmares, he is not only here to examine and find a certain cellular nightmare. However, it is impossible for him to let those taskers go wherever they want.

Visually speaking, he only has the permission to browse and view these cell nightmares, but not the permission to modify and delete them.

In addition, he can of course enter these cellular nightmares, but he cannot leave either. No one can leave unless...

There are two possibilities for leaving his nightmare, Xu Bei thought about it.

The first possibility is to reach an ending in his nightmare.

These taskers entered the gray mist through his nightmare, and were different from those who entered the gray mist directly from outside the narrow building.

In other words, these taskers now seem to be dreaming more, just a phantom phantom entering the gray fog.

The encounter in the gray mist will not affect their body. Of course, the premise is that they can leave here.

Xu Beijin’s nightmare is unsolvable—theoretically speaking, this is the case, but in fact, Xu Beijin already has some certainty about this.

He has a way to strike an ending in his nightmare, but he must first find the cellular nightmare he needs.

And the second possibility is...

Winning NE.

Only NE may be able to fish people from the garbage dump, which is still possible. NE does have complete and thorough control over this game, but the junkyard is different.

This huge amount of junk data that ordinary people can't imagine is also a burden for NE.

If NE wants to find people in the garbage dump, it must first find a certain string of short data in this area.

This is no longer a needle in a haystack, this is a needle in the universe.

But Xu Beijin couldn't think of the third possibility.

Solved from outside the game? Change the rules of the game "Escape from the Sky"

It's better to expect NE to be more realistic.

Xu Bei couldn't help but smile. He closed his eyes and relaxed.

The long time of concentrating search made him even more exhausted. Sleep is a pleasant thing, at least for Xu Beijin, who hasn't gotten sleep for a long time, the dark sleep just before falling asleep and not being drawn into the nightmare is a particularly fortunate thing and an aftertaste.

However, it was only for a moment.

When he opened his eyes, he had to deal with the extremely irritating situation again.

Xu Bei calmed down for a while, then sighed slowly, focusing his attention on the cells where the taskers were.

Except for Ringo, Mu Jiashi, Fei, Shen Yunju, and Ye Lan who he had already followed, the progress of the other five people was actually pretty good.

When Mu Jiashi selected the quest to enter this nightmare, he not only obeyed Xu Beijin's request, but also paid great attention to the abilities of the quest.

Not to mention the task force who came from a large organization like A, A, A, and the other task members are counted as one.

Even Shen Yunju, the former "zombie", has experienced many battles, but he doesn't often participate in discussions with other taskers.

For these reasons, these taskers discovered the relationship between the cellular nightmare and the "door" in a short period of time.

They realized that if they want to leave through the door, they need to discover the truth of the cellular nightmare;

And as long as the truth is obtained, the door will be close at hand.

In addition, although they have lost their previous memories, even their origins are not clear.

However, they all got some kind of... intuitive cue

They are not so tightly bound, and they always speak out some information related to their lost memories from time to time and without brain; and is this related to the gray fog, or is it because the NE has released water

Xu Beijin didn't know, after all, he had never entered his nightmare. He just knows the information about this nightmare, but after all, no quest person has ever entered his nightmare.

However, he personally suspected that most of the NE had released the water.

Even the taskers suspected that things related to the brain and memory were blocked by the NE, so Xu Bei would naturally know more inside stories.

He touched his chin and thought, so NE is really on their side

But why? What can make NE change its consistent position for many years

This is artificial intelligence, not humans who are always performing self-contradictory dramas in their brains all the time.

The world of artificial intelligence is simple and straightforward. It has only one goal, one goal that has been set since the beginning of its manufacture...

Thinking of this, Xu Beijin was startled suddenly.

He had a speculation inexplicably, but because of the ridiculous and comical degree of the speculation, he felt a complete sadness.

And he knows better that his guess, maybe... is still correct.

Thinking of this, Xu Bei sighed deeply. He was alone in the gray fog, and he didn't bother to hide the frustrated expression on his face. He thought, human beings are really a ridiculous race.

Born to be ridiculous, encounters are also ridiculous, and the ending is downright ridiculous.

However, being alive is never a ridiculous thing.

No matter how hard, no matter how false, no matter how boring, to live, it is a hope. These human beings will always live in a fake game, a game in which death can't die, and life can't be counted as alive.

Does the false truth make sense

Xu Beijin once again raised this torture to his own soul world: Do you think the false truth is meaningful

He could not draw this conclusion.

Especially... when he is very likely and will never be able to leave this false real world.

He thought of what Ringo said to him again.

Ringo said that if Xu Bei couldn't leave, then he would stay with him.

But... Xu Bei thought, no, it can't be like this. Ringo couldn't stay with him.

This is a chronic suicide-long and permanent. Death awaits them at the finish line that they can never reach.

They approached step by step, but they could never arrive.

As long as this game still exists. As long as NE still has external energy. As long as their brain waves are still active.

At this moment, Xu Beijin suddenly felt puzzled.

They live in a game. A degree of simulation is enough to make a real game.

Their body may be in a certain nutrition chamber, or in some strange petri dish...

All in all, their brains can't actually manipulate their real bodies.

They are like the brain in the tank.

From this perspective, did they inadvertently verify scientists' guesses about the brain in a tank

If the brain is placed in a tank, various stimuli are provided from the outside to simulate various feelings in the real world. So, does the brain take all this as real

Xu Bei thought, the answer may be: Yes, the brain will.

It's as if he has never slept in this game. In fact, there is no problem with his body. This is just a game. No one has ever needed sleep during a game.

But his brain told him that you should be tired, you should be tired. You live in a real world, so of course you will feel that way.

Thinking of this, Xu Beijin couldn't help laughing again.

He thought, why do you think so much? Realizing that they are now alive like a brain in a tank—or dead—does he feel any comfort at all

No, he was going to die of anger.

damn it-

That noun is right at his mouth and throat, and it will blur out in the next second.

He hadn't thought of that term for so many years, but at this moment, he was about to utter that term inadvertently.

He stopped.

It was at this moment that he realized that he really didn't let go of everything.

Those two scenes—no, it should be said, three scenes—the doomsday scenes that happened on the earth, happened to mankind, and those memories that he could not do, still tortured him deep in his heart.

Xu Bei stood there blankly, his expression deep and depressed. His gaze fell on the gray mist that was billowing in front of him. Those gray fog, every piece of dust, is a cellular nightmare.

His compatriots are experiencing a cycle of purgatory in it.

So-NE, if you have really changed your position. So, hurry up and do a little more. Humans, as well as him, can't hold it anymore.

Xu Bei didn't want to put hope on NE. He really didn't want to do this, because he didn't trust NE at all.

However, the reality is that he can only hope in the illusory and supreme mastermind NE.

He stood there for a long time before continuing to focus on the taskers.

He stared at one of the cellular nightmares, where the task force was He Shujun and the goddess.

In terms of character, these two taskers are almost completely different. He Shujun has an extroverted temperament and a kind of self-comforting optimism, while the goddess is a real, mysterious, pessimistic and depressed... goddess.

But no matter what, the two of them met in a cellular nightmare.

This nightmare, to a certain extent, fits the aura of a goddess. That kind of pretending to be a ghost.

He Shujun pulled his trouser legs, and couldn't help complaining: "It's really bad, why are you in this horrible place... Well, it's not "you" can decide. Hurry up and get out. "

She naturally started to cheer herself up.

The goddess couldn't help but glanced at her sideways.

He Shujun and her daughter were about the same age in the narrow building, which made the goddess pay more attention to the young woman from the beginning. And it was precisely because of this that she suddenly stunned.

"Daughter?" she muttered to herself, "companion?"

The goddess still whispered in a whisper, but no one else noticed her movement.

They are in... in ruins

The hobby of a class of people in the world is to explore the ruins in the city or on the edge of the city.

Unfinished buildings, abandoned buildings, historical sites, or some large, abandoned ships, etc., are their targets.

This is like a grand urban adventure, and they call this process "ruin exploration."

When madness rages and spreads among human beings, this type of people becomes a small, harmless, close group.

They are more enthusiastic about exploring all kinds of abandoned buildings, especially those buildings that are too crazy to maintain their original state.

They called it "the relic of madness."

Crazy spreading in these buildings, death, pools of blood, and various distorted or ominous events occurred in them.

Such crazy relics can be described as countless all over the world. The government did not know what to do, and the original owners or residents felt unlucky and moved out.

As a result, after losing the maintenance and closeness of human beings, the ruins of these blocks quickly became dilapidated and turned into an excellent place for these urban explorers.

And madness, in fact, left its own breath in these ruins.

Entering these crazy ruins, explorers can easily get lost in them. They will be addicted to that crazy, ruined, rotten breath of death.

Soon, they will become prisoners of this place. If they were lucky or unfortunate enough to escape, then the madness that had been dissipated in the ruins would spread from them to the rest of humans again.

Now, He Shujun and the goddess, together with several other explorers, came to an apartment building that was already outdated.

They seemed to be waiting for someone, so they stood still in the lobby of the apartment building.

The ground was covered with a thick layer of dust, and the light was very dim, as if it were a certain night.

He Shujun could hear a special... electric buzzing sound in his ears, and it seemed to be conveying something they couldn't understand.

The sound of electricity continued to sound, causing He Shujun to shake his head irritably. She looked around: the security room, the property office, the elevator room, the sofa in the lobby... Everything still looked like the original layout.

But you can see from the torn fabric of the sofa, the blood stains on the wall, and the looming handprints, this apartment building does not seem to be as simple as it seems.

They breathed quietly, and the apartment building seemed to slowly inhale and exhale in accordance with the sound of their breathing.

Obviously it's in ruins, and it's obviously ruined to this point. However, this apartment building seems to be still alive.

They waited for a few minutes, and then a man ran in from outside, panting.

He whispered: "Damn it, the old man outside the door is too hard to hide... Fortunately I ran faster."

Someone asked him: "You didn't see him when you came in, right?"

"No..." the man said triumphantly, "I walked in from the other side. Hey, I told you that there is a commercial area outside. We can go there if we have time later. I think It must be much more exciting than here."

"Commercial area? The old place to eat, drink and play?" Someone nodded, "It's interesting."

"Okay, stop chatting, go up. The stairs are right there, be careful. Let's go up one level at a time."

Maybe someone from the team leader spoke up.

So everyone else calmed down and followed his footsteps quietly.

When passing the corridor of the property office, He Shujun stepped on a piece of paper. She subconsciously wanted to pick it up, but was stopped by others.

One person said slightly displeased: "Did you not read the "consensus" before you set off? Try not to touch things in the ruins. After the madness spreads, if you pick up anything in this kind of place, you may be infected with the madness. "

"Exploring the ruins is like this." One person said more moderately, "We just walked into the past, but we can't disturb them."

He Shujun blinked and nodded lightly, indicating that he had understood.

However, she was thinking in her heart, since she knew the danger, why did she come here

If it was a peaceful age like the past, the curiosity about history, ruins, and huge ruins is still understandable, but these crazy ruins now are completely different from the previous situation.

But He Shujun didn't think too much, she knelt down and looked down at the content on the piece of paper. The rest of the people also circled around and took a closer look.

Only the goddess, standing alone, looked around in a daze.

She murmured: "Danger... Right beside you... Right behind, looking at you."

She was in a daze, as if confused by her own words.

He Shujun didn't notice the words of her companion. She stared at the piece of paper for a while, and then hesitated and said: "This apartment... are all the facilities hurting people?"

"Can madness still be transmitted to electronic products?" Someone laughed, "Hey, isn't the cell phone I'm carrying dead?"

mobile phone

An inexplicable emotion flashed in He Shujun's brain. It could be a heavy worry, or it could be a puzzle, dumbfounding... Disgust

Why does she have this emotion? Just because this person entered this apartment building with his mobile phone

After all, what does this apartment building mean? What if you come in with your phone

It's impossible. Mobile phones are like other facilities in this apartment building, violently hurting people, right

He Shujun felt a little funny and couldn't help but shook his head, ignoring the bad premonition in his heart.

After they read the paper, they planned to take the stairs to a higher level, but when they were passing the elevator, one person suddenly exclaimed: "Hey, look, this button actually lights up!"

Everyone cast their gazes subconsciously. Indeed, the up and down buttons of the elevator were shining brightly in the darkness.

They looked at each other.

He Shujun said in confusion: "It's been so long, this apartment building...hasn't the power been cut off?"

"Generally speaking, there must be backup generators in apartment buildings. But this elevator..."

The person who replied was confused as he said, "Is it impossible? I think the cables will age if they are not repaired or used for so long... Wow!"

He screamed suddenly.

It's not just him, almost everyone who stared at the elevator showed an expression of astonishment.

Because the elevator door suddenly opened.

At that moment, both He Shujun and the goddess showed strange expressions. Because they seemed to feel a certain urgency and urgency, forcing them to go to the elevator as soon as possible... No, through the elevator door!

"Is that door?!" He Shujun exclaimed, "Is it so simple?!"

The rest did not understand her meaning, but the goddess was silent. Because when the goddess stared at the elevator door, she thought of—

"Have you ever felt the pain of watching your loved ones... lost in a nightmare?"

She seems to have said this to someone