Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 138: Restore memory


Mujiashi and Fei successfully escaped from the small village under the mountain.

For them, there was some luck in their successful escape this time.

The people in the village couldn't find Fei by the small waterfall, but they didn't expect to find it again in their yard. Instead, they came directly to the farewell meal at the old village chief's house to explain the situation.

So Mu Jiashi said that the person who went to the cascade of Fei went to the side of public criticism, but he denied his problem at once, only saying that he guessed that the side of Fei went to the cascade, not very sure.

However, they have already circled the village, and the others have not seen Fei's whereabouts at all. Where can she go

At this moment, someone tremblingly proposed a possibility: "Will she... be taken away by those people?"

Mu Jiashi took a vague look at this person and found that it was an unknown villager, so he secretly thanked him.

Unsurprisingly, the other villagers present immediately became excited.

They originally wanted to stop the living sacrifice this time, so they thought that they would be better off first and kill these outsiders, but that group of cultists still succeeded

So they rushed out angrily almost immediately, toward the gathering place of the group. After another while, there were only a few people left in the old village chief's house.

Mu Jiashi looked at the right time and used the toilet as an excuse to go around the old village chief's house, and accidentally found a small locked door.

He opened the small door with violence, and after seeing the shivering and frightened person inside, he instantly understood what was going on.

The child who was called the "white-eyed wolf" was locked here.

But why

He was kept in this place, but he was still alive, and there were even food residues left beside him. He is... the old village chief’s child

But when did he appear here? He still wears seasonal clothing from the outside city that is completely different from the style of this village.

Perhaps it hasn't been long since he came back. Maybe he also regretted it because he graduated, so he returned to his hometown

If this is the case, is the madness spreading in the village because of the other group of outsiders, or because of... him

Mu Jiashi stood there, and countless thoughts flashed in his heart for an instant.

At this moment, he suddenly heard some strange noises coming from behind him. He turned his head in surprise and found Fei appeared behind him.

"Don't ask first!" Fei said eagerly and quietly, "I thought of something!"

Mu Jiashi was a little surprised, he thought, what clue did Fei really think of

Fei said, "I thought of a detail. When we came here, we were on the shuttle bus on the other side of the mountain. It was a 20-seater minivan, and we came here with full staff.

"But... twelve outsiders, plus seven college students from this village... also have one seat missing!"

Mu Jiashi listened, nodded quietly, and let Fei look at the person in the small door sideways.

"He is..." Fei was shocked, and then suddenly realized, "He is the one... He came back with us? He is locked here?!"

Mu Jiashi nodded: "I suspect that is the case."

Fei felt a deep chill.

She stared at the man blankly, and he shrank in the corner, trembling at the appearance of the stranger.

One of his hands was firmly pressed to the ground, as if drawing strength from it.

She whispered: "It's ridiculous..."

Who is ridiculous? This "white-eyed wolf" who regretted his choice, or was it a person in this village

Fei shook his head, and then said, "So, this door is the door we're looking for?"

Mu Jiashi nodded.

When they walked into this door, the gray mist gushed out, and then Mu Jiashi was stunned.

They came to a passenger terminal. People come and go, very lively. Fei stood beside him and whispered in a confused tone: "Are we... are we going to take the car?"

Mu Jiashi did not answer Fei.

He felt a very subtle atmosphere, that subtlety has nothing to do with his experience at the moment, but because this scene, this area, affected some special signal, as if his body was saying, "Yes! It's here." !"

He has been here!

Fei looked at Mu Jiashi with some worry: "What's the matter with you?"

"I've been here!" Mu Jiashi said in a very hasty voice, "I've been... No, not here. It's... a nightmare."

When the words "Nightmare" appeared on his lips, a deeper trance invaded his brain.

He stood there blankly for a long time, then he said: "Damn..."

Fei looked at him blankly.

Mu Jiashi had rare moments of irritability: "Why is there... Why is his nightmare like this!"

He looked at Fei anxiously, knowing that Fei hadn't thought of anything at all.

But he remembered. He remembered everything in the narrow building. He remembered why they had entered this nightmare, and he finally understood why Xu Beijin would ask him to ask him to find missionaries who have been to as many nightmares as possible to participate in this nightmare. .

Because this is the only way for them to find themselves in this nightmare.

Take advantage of a bug.

Theoretically speaking, if the taskers appear in the gray mist, their state is "sinking", losing themselves, and completely lost in a nightmare. They will be trapped in the nightmare of a certain cell in the gray mist forever.

However, when Mu Jiashi and others appeared in the gray mist and encountered the nightmare they had experienced, a paradox would arise—

They had experienced this nightmare before and did not sink; then, how could they encounter this nightmare for the second time in a state of "sinking"

If they perish, they will be trapped in this nightmare for eternity; and if they don’t perish, how can they come into the gray mist

After all, it is a shortcut to enter the gray mist through the nightmare of Xu Beijin.

In addition, Xu Bei used the rules of the "door" in the nightmare, so that these taskers can shuttle through different cellular nightmares.

If they are lucky enough to run into a nightmare they have experienced, then a bug has occurred.

As a result of this bug, the taskers were expelled from the label of "sinking". They regained self-awareness.

This bug shouldn't exist. Xu Beijin should have entered this nightmare because of sleep on the first day of obtaining this status, and completely disappeared in this world, and then the taskers had no way to enter the gray mist through the nightmare.

However, no one thought that Xu Bei could never sleep since entering the narrow building.

Therefore, this peculiar bug will always remain until they are determined to break the boat and go into the gray mist to fight for their lives.

Even if they are fighting for their lives, there is actually a prerequisite, that is, they must use this special bug to remind themselves of the memories of the narrow building, the nightmare, and so on. Otherwise, they will only get lost in these cellular nightmares.

But when Mu Jiashi understood this, he couldn't help but curse in secret. This is a complete gamble on luck, unless... unless NE is on their side.

It was at this time that Mu Jiashi suddenly realized that this was only the third scene he experienced, and in such a short period of time he regained his self-awareness, which meant...

A wistful smile was pulled from the corner of his mouth.

He thought, NE is indeed on their side.

But then he overturned this conclusion slightly. He thought, if NE really stood by their side.

Then they should regain their self-awareness when they enter the gray fog or enter the first door.

But he only encountered the nightmare he had experienced after the third door.

This is... a test? Or does the NE itself have restrictions

But this is Xu Beijin's nightmare!

Mu Jiashi was deeply confused at this moment.

Who can control the specific scene where they go after stepping out of that door

This is Xu Beijin's nightmare. In theory, he certainly has complete control.

After realizing the problems of the residents of the narrow buildings, Mu Jiashi once fully reproduced the performance of the residents of the narrow buildings in their nightmares.

He has realized that their actions may be under the complete control of the nightmare owner.

Therefore, nightmare owners often use some methods to help and push them to solve the nightmare.

In other words, since Xu Beijin is the owner of the nightmare, he must have a complete understanding and control of these scenes in his nightmare, right? This is his nightmare!

But there is another thing that contradicts this fact.

If Xu Beijin can really control the final scene they go to, then why does he need to arrange a scene that can restore Mu Jiashi's self-awareness after the third door

NE's position is not clear, Xu Bei is always on their side, right? Why does he need to delay time like this

Therefore, it is more likely that NE, who is in charge of the entire narrow building, participated in this nightmare.

Then the question comes again... NE, when did you participate so deeply in the nightmare of a certain narrow-building resident? there has never been!

In everyone's impression, NE is a superior, fair but cold existence.

Although every tasker and every resident of the narrow building knows its existence, apart from knowing that it is the mastermind that controls the game, nothing else is known.

They don't know its image or its specific capabilities, but guess that it is omnipotent in a narrow building.

In addition, even this name is not known from which half-truth and half-false rumors.

All in all, will NE really participate in an ordinary nightmare so actively and proactively

So Mu Jiashi thought of the guess again: Is there anything between Xu Beijin and NE

This question first came from Fei. She didn't know what kind of association it was based on, but somehow came to the conclusion that Xu Beijin is NE.

When first heard of this idea, Mu Jiashi didn't believe it very much.

But after that, because Xu Bei knew that the exit of the narrow building was in the ultimate nightmare, and also knew how to start the ultimate nightmare, Mu Jiashi thought, is it true that Fei's guess is true

But now, Mu Jiashi definitely realized that Xu Beijin must have a certain connection with NE.

It’s hard to say what exactly it is; but think about it, the nightmare they are in right now—

Is this gray fog, the garbage dump in this narrow building, that ordinary residents of the narrow building can own

For a game, this is just like all the past data archives, but also some useless junk data!

Had it not been known that this was Xu Beijin's nightmare, Mu Jiashi would have thought that this was NE's nightmare.

Thinking of this, Mu Jiashi couldn't help but laugh.

Beside him, Fei was still looking at him with a surprised and confused look.

Mu Jiashi thought for a while, and explained to her in a way that Fei could understand a little bit: "I mean, I've been here. It's like a...nightmare."

"A nightmare?" Fei worriedly said, "Aren't those scenes we experienced a nightmare?"

Mu Jiashi moved his lips, but was speechless.

He knew Fei was right.

Soon, he settled his mood and said decisively: "Let's go, we have to find a door in this scene."

When he realized that Xu Beijin's nightmare was actually the so-called "nightmare about nightmare", he realized that the key to solving the problem could not be in these "small scenes."

The final outcome must be in the gray fog of the outside world, which is the scene they were in when they first entered this nightmare.

However, how to leave these small scenes is also a problem.

In addition, Mu Jiashi couldn't help thinking, why is Xu Beijin's nightmare like this

Why is his nightmare... related to the narrow building? Isn't it related to the earth, doomsday, and madness like the other narrow-building residents

He couldn't figure it out, nor could he think of what it meant. He can only focus on the scene at hand.

He walked forward with Fei crowd among the crowd, while talking to Fei about the scene.

Here... is the first nightmare he entered after entering the narrow building.

That is a very long time past. However, he found that he was still impressed by this nightmare. Because he failed to solve this nightmare.

When dreaming back at midnight, he would occasionally think of this nightmare, and then maybe because of boredom or curiosity, he thought about how to solve this nightmare.

The source of this incident occurred at the intercity passenger terminal, or more precisely, on a bus that drove from a certain city to Cangcheng.

"Cangcheng?" Fei murmured the name, and then slowly said, "I always feel a little familiar."

Mu Jiashi also suddenly looked at the bus number displayed on the electronic screen and the destination was Cangcheng.

After so long, he had long forgotten that this bus was heading for Cangcheng.

However, he did not expect that he could enter this nightmare again and discover the secret.

Long ago, it was not that he had never thought of entering this nightmare again and hitting a true ending, which was a pity.

But then he couldn't find this nightmare, coupled with all kinds of things running around, and then became a gold nugget, even more timeless.

Now he knows, maybe the owner of this nightmare has completely fallen.

As a result, this nightmare became a member of the gray mist, and would never appear in the narrow building again.

Can such a situation be said to be rare

Mu Jiashi couldn't help feeling a mood of death in his lips and teeth.

He suddenly understood why Xu Beijin was always reluctant to mention his nightmares.

If his nightmare is like this, he would probably want to avoid it.

He even somewhat understood why Xu Beijin was always reluctant to let other missionaries enter his nightmare.

It was a nightmare in the true sense, not just a so-called "dungeon in the game."

Mu Jiashi exhaled in a deep breath, and murmured, "Cangcheng?"

Fei asked him: "Do you think Cangcheng is familiar too?"

Mu Jiashi couldn't help but smiled bitterly. He nodded and said, "Yes..." He said, "Perhaps we have been there before."

He somewhat hoped that Fei would remember his memories because of his reminder, but to his disappointment, this incident did not happen.

In this way, they still need to go to the nightmare they have experienced before they can regain their self-awareness.

In addition to expecting NE to show kindness, it is completely a matter of luck.

Besides, in this kind of place, even the item card is useless...

Mu Jiashi couldn't help but shook his head secretly.

As he was thinking, Fei hesitated and said, "Our car... is it here?"

Mujiashi looked up at the information displayed on the electronic screen, ignored the noisy and lively sounds around, and said to Fei: "Yes, let's get in the car."

Soon, they passed the ticket check and got on a large bus that traveled between this city and Cangcheng on a daily basis.

It was 1:15 in the afternoon, a seemingly unremarkable afternoon. The weather was a bit hot and there were not many passengers in the car. There were a total of forty seats, only one-third of them were full.

After the driver checked the number of passengers, after the handover with the staff of the passenger terminal was completed, the bus departed on time.

In the beginning, no one knew what the outcome of this journey would be.

The bus drove peacefully for half an hour. Someone asked the driver how long he could get to Cangcheng, and the driver replied that there was about an hour left.

Most of the passengers in the car are already drowsy. The turbid air is mixed with the strange smell of inferior leather, coupled with the sour smell of sweat, and the smell of car exhaust on the road. People are dizzy.

However, Mu Jiashi and Fei were definitely not among them. Fei was even a little too anxious, constantly looking at the electronic clock above the bus, calculating the time in his mind.

Her companion said that the situation will change 40 minutes after the bus departs.

Mu Jiashi didn't explain the specific changes. He said that it is difficult to describe clearly in words.

Fei asked if he could not get in the car. But Mu Jiashi shook his head and said, this is unlikely.

He also tried to avoid getting on the bus and wanted to escape from the passenger terminal. However, staying at the passenger terminal is much more risky than getting on this bus.

After all, there are hundreds of thousands of times more people in the passenger terminal.

Therefore, their only option is to take this bus that may take them to death.

Time passed slowly. Finally, Feiyan watched the time on the electronic clock, and it came to the fortieth minute of the bus departure.

At first it was nothing unusual.

The driver continued to drive and the passengers continued to sleep. The sun outside is still blazing, and countless cars are still driving fast on the road.

Fei heard the wind roaring through the window of the bus, and slipped away from her ear.

Then suddenly, a subtle, gentle but rapid wind blew across her cheek.

Is there really that gust of wind? She did not hear the wind, nor did she notice any air currents.

She felt as if something had touched her nerves slightly, making her look around sharply.

She thought, it might be wind.

The car shook slightly, and Fei's eyes flashed, as if something was wrong with his brain. In the next second, everything returned to normal.

She felt as if nothing had changed.

Fei subconsciously turned his head to look at Mujiashi, because Mujiashi knew what all this meant. If he insisted, Fei felt that nothing happened.

But when she turned her head to look at Mujiashi, she found Mujiashi was looking out the window, a certain car.

It may be a small couple, or a small couple. The man is driving and the woman is sleeping with her head tilted.

But suddenly, on the platform in front of the co-pilot, a small doll they placed fell down.

There seemed to be a crisp sound of ceramic shattering, resounding beside Fei.

The man seemed to glance at it nonchalantly.

However, the woman woke up. She blamed the man's driving skills for the damage to the doll-maybe

Afterwards, she even fought for the steering wheel angrily. After that, the man slapped her neatly.

The woman was even more upset, and she reached out and pushed the steering wheel indiscriminately.

The car swayed in a disturbing curve from side to side, and finally rushed out of control into the green belt and started a fire.

The coach was right next to this car, and Jiashi Mu and Fei witnessed this happening with their own eyes.

The coach continued to move. What's peculiar is that none of them slowed down or stopped because of this scene, as if they were not interested in it at all.

Fei was dumbfounded and murmured, "What happened?"

"The initial spread of madness." Mu Jiashi said with an indescribable sadness, "Cangcheng is the starting point, and it is so close to Cangcheng, it is also covered by madness."

"Crazy?" Fei said, "like what happened in that small village?"

"Yes… "

Fei said something softly, and then said, "So, these scenes belong to one worldview?"

Mu Jiashi nodded and said, "That's it."

"So, where's the door?"

Mu Jiashi hesitated for a while, then shook his head, indicating that he was not quite clear.

He suspected that this was the rule setting in Xu Beijin's nightmare, but this conclusion could not be confirmed, so he simply didn't mention it.

Fei did not expect Mu Jiashi to answer her questions.

She was about to continue speaking when she suddenly heard a few strange sounds coming from the front of the car. She looked up and was immediately stunned.

The passengers who slept well just now suddenly began to abuse and fight each other.

When Mu Jiashi and Fei got into the car, they deliberately took the back of the car. At this time, they stayed away from the chaos and just watched. However, such security may not be able to maintain for long.

Fei couldn't help asking: "Is the door we need to look for, is this car's door? We can get off the car until it reaches the terminal?"

Mu Jiashi said: "No..."

Fei was a little confused.

Mu Jiashi paused, and then said, "Do you think the driver will be madly affected? Do you think that after he is affected, will he continue to work hard, or go mad?"

Fei fell into a long silence.

Then she murmured: "So, can we only wait?"

Wait, this strange passenger car will take them to unknown distances.

Mu Jiashi is the first task force to restore self-awareness in Xu Beijin's nightmare. However, he certainly won't be the only one.

At this time, in another cellular nightmare, under Xu Beijin's gaze, Wu Jian, Jiayi, and Jia two also came to a special nightmare.

This nightmare made Wu Jian an extremely complicated expression.