Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 139: Playground


If he had to choose his own choice, he didn't really want to join that mysterious "conspiracy theory organization."

His character is a bit follow the trend. Of course it’s good to know the truth behind the scenes and the culprit;

If you don’t know, life has to go on anyway, just live it off.

Even after joining that organization, his roughness and carelessness still showed up from time to time.

Therefore, the beginning of everything is nothing but a coincidence.

In a nightmare, it happened that I happened to meet the founder of that organization... No, to be more precise, it was because of that nightmare that the tasker thought of establishing an organization to search for any information related to the truth.

And all the taskers who appeared in that nightmare, based on the principle of confidentiality, joined the start-up organization halfway and half at the request of that tasker.

Therefore, ignorance can even be called the veteran of this organization.

However, he didn't feel much about it, especially since he himself was just loyal, didn't particularly want to join, and was too embarrassed to refuse others, so he agreed.

In this organization, he often feels a subtle out of fit. He felt that the other companions were always extremely serious and stubborn, with a particularly terrifying imagination, and insightful.

As for him, of course he also has some of his own strengths, and he is slowly infected by some concepts in the organization, and he gradually develops a mindset of fear, disgust, and despair towards the narrow building.

However, he still felt that he actually didn't want to know the truth that much.

It may be anxiety, it may be fear, in short, he still felt a little resistance.

He felt more or less the same as those outside taskers, he thought, it was... a conspiracy theory. He is a little unwilling to believe that this is really the case.

But to this day, when he thinks of the original nightmare once again, thinking of the randomness when he joined this organization, he can't help but feel a certain... Destiny is in the long river of years, and everything has been arranged.

He and Fei returned to the bottom of the narrow building, which was actually just an ordinary attempt. Now that he and Fei were arranged to do it, Wu Jian did not refuse.

However, he did not expect that they would encounter such a complicated situation at the bottom of the narrow building.

They unexpectedly discovered the truth, and here they want to solve the human plight.

They actually want to be the savior!

The comparison between this grand goal and his own insignificance made Wujian feel strange and unbelievable before entering this nightmare and now when he restored his memory.

He instinctively hoped that someone was pushing all this in secret;

Whether it is NE or Xu Beijin, he only hopes that this heavy task and burden will be undertaken by others with him.

What if he fails

Can human beings continue to endure such torture? Do they have any other hope of leaving the narrow building

However, they have been here for decades after all.

Every time I think of this, Wu Jian feels a particularly frustrating despair.

But he would comfort himself again, thought. No, they won't fail.

He has so many companions, they work hard together... someday... someday, right

He really wanted to leave the narrow building.

Cangcheng. Maybe this is his former hometown, right? He thought so. In that nightmare, he always felt a strange and inexplicable sense of sight.

He knew that it might come from his forgotten past memories from the earth.

Forgotten. This also happened in Xu Beijin's nightmare.

Thinking of this, it is inevitable to be worried and very anxious.

None of them thought that Xu Beijin's nightmare would be like this. Xu Beijin never revealed this...

Perhaps it is impossible for him to reveal that if it is too blunt, NE will stop him;

And if it is vague, it is estimated that the taskers will not realize it.

After all, Xu Beijin's nightmare is really completely different from the other nightmares in the narrow building!

His nightmare is like a huge, magnificent platform, where they can go to other nightmares.

The taskers have all guessed that Xu Beijin's identity is not simple, and they are all wondering what role this narrow building resident plays in the narrow building.

However, who would have thought that he was so maverick even in nightmares, completely contrary to the usual sense of the rules of nightmares for residents of narrow buildings

So they were not prepared at all.

Fortunately... NE seems to be on their side.

There was a mixed feeling in his heart, and he looked at the scene in front of him with complicated eyes.

This changed his destiny and led his future to a nightmare in an unknown direction... This nightmare happened in a stadium.

This is a large, comprehensive stadium. If you talk about the official name, it might be called the Olympic Sports Center. It was a landmark of the city many years ago.

However, in the long years of baptism, based on practical considerations, this building eventually became a place for daily exercise and fitness of the city's residents.

Every night, countless people gather here to run at night or do physical exercises.

The first thing happened in the grassy playground.

Someone is playing football there. It was like this at the beginning, but then someone robbed them of half of the field and used it for Tai Chi. Actually nothing, quite a common thing.

Besides, they are playing in a five-a-side system and can't use a field as big as a standard football field.

So after the group of grandpas and aunts who came later communicated with those football fans, the two sides allocated their respective venues very amicably.

There are only a dozen players around here, rotation and occasional absences, this distribution is also very suitable for their needs.

Therefore, the scene of playing half of football and half of Tai Chi lasted for a long time.

And when did the situation change

Wu Jian searched for memory in his brain. It was a nightmare too long, and it took him a little time.

Then he remembered.

Because an "unfortunate" and "sad" football happened to land heavily on the head of a night runner, and this night runner was the grandson of a certain old man who was playing Tai Chi.

The night runner's head reached the concrete steps next to him and was taken to the hospital. Because of the huge impact on his brain, he became a vegetative person.

Of course no one would have thought of this. This is a total tragedy and accident.

Those football fans who played football collected compensation, the stadium also gave a compensation plan, and the family of the victim also forgave them tolerantly.

After that, there were some rumors that the stadium was afraid to let people come to play football and planned to block the lawn area.

But before that, hatred had been fermenting quietly, and was constantly being catalyzed in a special and crazy atmosphere.

The victim's grandfather went crazy one day. But no one noticed this. He came to this gymnasium to play Tai Chi as usual, and greeted those kickers as usual.

No one knew he was the grandfather of the victim. Therefore, no one had any defense at the moment he took out the knife.

There was a scream of exclamation on the green field.

Wu Jian raised his eyelids and saw the murder that was taking place in front of him. He murmured: "It's really bad... Killing won't wake your grandson, maybe it will make your grandson feel that this scene is very sad..."

Jia Yi asked inexplicably, "Brother, do you know what happened here?"

Wu Jian nodded.

He knew that even the first one and the second one had not recovered the memory in the narrow building, so he hesitated for a moment and didn't explain much, just said: "I've been here before."

"Oh, it is so." Jia Yi couldn't help asking, "So what happened?"

Unseeingly hesitated for a while, and then probably explained it.

Jia Er frowned: "But... Compared with the few scenes we have experienced before, this scene seems a bit... too ordinary?"

A tragic accident led to an even more tragic revenge.

In this world, this seems to be commonplace.

Wu Jian was about to say something, suddenly, there was a more frightened scream in front of him, accompanied by the sound of nausea and vomiting.

So he sighed secretly and said weakly, "You can see it."

A1 and A2 looked at each other and walked over cautiously.

It was already night, and the lights inside the stadium made the whole venue brightly lit.

They saw a group of people around, and when the old man went crazy at first, everyone around was watching the show.

Of course, some people called the police, and some hesitated to stop him.

But at a certain moment, when the heavy, disgusting blood drifted in the air of the gymnasium, the atmosphere changed in an instant.

Wu Jian walked to them and said to himself: "You know, right? It's the kind of... the concept of health preservation, what to eat and what to eat. These old grandpas and grandmothers who practice Tai Chi are all very old, but they have a good life. Very comfortable.

"Most of them are full of children and grandchildren, and their marriages are happy, that is, their bodies slowly decay and rust with age... The traces of the years are inevitable.

Isn’t there a legend before? Said that in order to keep young, deliberately drink the blood of a girl...

"Look, blood. It's the blood of young people."

They saw the blood stained the old white Tai Chi clothes, and their old, wrinkled necks.

Even the skin has become so dry and shriveled, like an apple without moisture, soft and soft, and it may be burrowed out of it in the next second.

I don't know if it is an illusion. After the blood flows into their mouths, they seem to be really full of vitality and vitality.

A dozen elderly people correspond to a dozen young people.

The surroundings were disgustingly quiet, and Xia Ye's bugs were gone.

A one and A two exhaled deeply. A deliberately fanned, as if trying to fan the disgusting smell from the tip of his nose.

Unexpectedly, staring at one of the old people.

He said softly again: "He seems to feel that if the murderer's blood is sucked clean, then his grandson can wake up. A simple, metaphysical act of revenge."

As soon as A looked at him, he hesitated and asked: "You have been here before... You..."

"What is my relationship with this place?" Wu Jian said frankly, "I have nothing to do with this place. It is a friend of mine who is related to this place."

First and Second are a little confused.

"He..." Wu Jian hesitated for a moment, wondering if it was necessary to expose the person's privacy, so he vaguely said, "He has something to do with this."

And A1 and A2 looked at each other and thought of a person in unison.

—The victim.

At this age, coupled with his knowledge of the causes and consequences of the matter so much, it seems that the friend whom Umbrella said is only possible with the victim.

The unseen tone contained overly complicated emotions, maybe he didn't realize it, he even secretly excused the old man.

Yes, of course he is very pitiful. The grandson became a vegetative for some reason, and the culprit was still ignorant. He dangled in front of his eyes every day, kicking the ball with a young and healthy body as usual.

However, this does not seem to be a reasonable excuse for him to actively attack others and uncover this sad "bloody feast"

In the end, Jia Yi broke the silence.

He shrugged and said in a relaxed tone: "Okay. So where is the door we are looking for? Now that we know the truth behind the scene, the door should have appeared too."

A has always been this kind of personality. He is like an atmosphere player in the Nuggets organization, always playing the role of pistachio. He is used to changing the subject naturally at certain awkward moments.

Wu Jian was about to answer, but suddenly he was taken aback. He hesitated and said, "Perhaps... the goal?"

The goal of the football field

The three looked at each other, and then turned their heads to look at the court.

Unexpectedly thinking and recalling: "I remember... the football that hit the victim's head passed through a broken net in a goal, so it flew over inexplicably..."

"Let's go. Look for a goal with a broken net." Jia Er said, "It's really miserable, I can encounter this kind of thing."

It's hard to think, yeah. It's just an ordinary night run, who can think of it

Misfortune fell from the sky.

Thinking of this, he almost subconsciously looked at the night sky.

He wondered in confusion, whether this personal experience is too similar to the dilemma faced by the entire mankind in some sense

Thinking about it carefully, Wu Jian almost got goose bumps.

He shook his head quickly and turned his mind to another matter. He realized that this scene might not only restore his sanity, but also allow them to understand the truth of the matter first without investigation.

It's like cheating.

In this way, they can leave this scene very smoothly, without even facing the cycle of nightmare.

It sounds easy.

But when he saw the door in the emerging gray mist, he turned his head unconsciously and looked at the crazy, silent, confused people in this stadium, he thought, please. Wait for us.

Will save you guys... Surely.

Xu Beijin encountered a little dilemma.

He felt dizzy and black in front of his eyes. The erosion of this nightmare on his body and spirit is further deepening.

Obviously he was in the gray mist, but he faintly felt a sense of prostration, sweating profusely. That should be an illusion, his brain was affected in some way.

If a person is hypnotized that he is dead, his brain believes it. So, will he really die

When struggling to resist this feeling, Xu Bei used a self-deprecating optimism to stay out of the matter, thinking in confusion and curiously, what is the state of NE at this moment

Want to kill him while saving him

For an artificial intelligence, will this contradiction and dilemma directly make it crash

Xu Bei made fun of NE in his heart, panting in pain. He felt that the world was half dark, or his eyes closed

He seems to be unable to see the scene in front of him, but it is not... No, he can feel it. It was a chaotic feeling.

Half-dreaming, half-awake, unconscious. The walking dead.

He thought, is this what those guys hoped for, his ending? No, it should be said, the ending in the arrangement.

It's just that he hasn't entered this nightmare for many years, so the ending has been delayed for so long.

He himself was a little surprised. He thought, after so many years of delay, finally he really waited for a hope.

If this is his initial ending, then the change in NE's position has on the contrary added a layer of ambiguous and hazy ending to his original unequivocal ending.

He couldn't help thinking, it was ridiculous.

He felt waves of dizziness attacking his brain and nerves, like more and more intense shocks, making him feel that his brain was filled with water, just swaying...

I don't know how long it took before Xu Beijin finally slowly recovered.

He touched his forehead, his fingertips seemed to be covered with cold sweat. However, the truth is, there is nothing.

Just as his physical exhaustion was only a false psychological effect, the mental pain and torture just now seemed to have nothing to do with the body he used in this game.

Is false.

Xu Bei read these words silently.

At this moment he felt a deep confusion. He always felt that he could face the possibility that he would stay alone in this damn narrow building forever. But now, he felt shrinking and hesitating.

Some kind of cold thought higher than his own will, condescendingly said to him, but you must.

But Xu Beijin thought in confusion, would he really not go crazy? He really feels and thinks very funny, really not

From his own point of view, he doesn't seem to be that... a strong-willed person.

Despite all these years, he has always firmly refused to sleep.

Xu Beijin suddenly couldn't understand his true thoughts.

He was silent for a moment, then subconsciously looked at the cell nightmare where Ringo was.

Why look at Ringo? He asked himself.

Then he hurriedly gave a reason: Because Ringo has such a powerful and unsolvable intuition, he can understand what he is thinking, right? Ringo has always done this.

In fact, Ringo at this time might be a bit more grumpy than Xu Beijin.

He was trapped in a playground.

Playground-ha, this place. When madness spreads among humans, a place like amusement park must and must be a high-risk scene without accidents.

However, the actual situation is that the taskers in the narrow building rarely encounter nightmares related to the playground in the narrow building.

The fundamental reason is probably that the nightmares of those playgrounds have collapsed forever because of the nightmare owner’s sinking early...

The harder and sicker the nightmare, of course the sooner it collapses. There have never been exceptions.

Even for those nightmares with higher floors, those residents of narrow buildings do not have the stubbornness of Xu Beijin, and can stay sober for many years.

They may be able to hold on for a while, but they will soon fail and fall into a drowsy sleep.

Then... it's over. They were trapped by their nightmare. They certainly understand the danger of their nightmares, but since they are the masters of nightmares.

Then, the horror of nightmares is naturally first imposed on the masters of these nightmares.

So the owner of the nightmare of the playground can be said to be very unfortunate. Because they will always be unconsciously affected their mental state in this place, and then... there will be no more.

The collapse of the mind may be accumulated over time, but it may also erupt only in an instant.

In short, Ringo is now stuck in the nightmare of a narrow-building resident who may have gone crazy in an instant.

A nightmare about the playground.

If there is something in the amusement park that is the most scary, then perhaps many people's answers will be haunted houses, roller coasters, and so on. But if there is something that is the most realistic, it is mostly a jumping machine.

Realism in the literal sense.

The jumper in this playground is about 100 meters high, and the process from highest to lowest is roughly equivalent to jumping from the top of a high-rise building with more than 30 floors.

However, the facilities of the amusement park must consider the safety of visitors after all, so this process is buffered.

If the jumping machine in an amusement park does not have buffering and acceleration, it just keeps moving up and down, back and forth at the fastest speed, and is not just a jumping machine, but also a perpetual motion machine... what kind of it would be like Feel

Ringo didn't feel anything, he even put aside his eyes a little boringly.

He has no feeling for this trick.

The pain of weightlessness has no effect on his body and will.

At most, I feel a little flowery in front of me, but it doesn't make much difference.

He felt as if he was undergoing a boring, cumbersome, and disgusting physical test.

The wind whispered in his ears, making Ringo sleepy. He yawned slowly.

He was at the top of the jumping machine at this time.

The jumping machine paused unnoticeably. Then, slowed down, slipped slowly, and finally stopped.

Ringo tried to open the safety device, but failed. He could try again with brute force, but before he had time to try, the jumping machine slowly stopped.

Someone wearing an exquisite tuxedo with a beautiful blond hair came to Ringo.

He said in an elegant, undulating and artificial tone: "Welcome to you, sir... Welcome to the Colosseum." "