Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 141: Hopeless


The goddess thought, she should have known it a long time ago.

Crazy in school means learning;

If you don’t study, you will obviously be punished.

They saw two children wearing clothes in the public bathroom with hot water pouring from their heads.

They were quickly scalded to the skin and flesh, and the blood mixed in the sewage and flowed down.

The clothes will stick to their skins and flesh until they are torn off at will.

"This is a kind of corporal punishment." He Shujun said next to the goddess, "this means that they are not enthusiastic about learning enough, so they should be more "hot". Of course, this also saves the effort of taking a bath at night. "

"Will their parents have an opinion?"

"No..." He Shujun's voice slowly sank, "Parents will suffer the same physical punishment as their children. When the children study on their own, the parents will accompany them. Therefore, if the child is distracted, the parents are of course also responsible.

"Parents will be punished at night."

"But in this case..." the goddess thought for a while, "pass the contradiction to the family? What will happen to the teacher?"

"The teacher's punishment will not be so severe, because a teacher corresponds to dozens of students, and it is not the same."

He Shujun explained in a very complicated tone. Since entering the dormitory, her tone has always been like this, "The teacher corresponds to the weekly examination and evaluation, and speaks based on the students' scores."

The goddess hesitated, still asking: "What if the grades are not good enough?"

"It shows that the teacher is not conscientious enough." He Shujun said, "The class with the lowest grade, the teacher will be publicly executed. The students secretly vote for his punishment."

The goddess opened her mouth, and then shook her head again: "Forget it, don't talk about it anymore."

He Shujun twitched the corners of his mouth without emotion.

After a while, she turned her head, pretending to be relaxed and asked: "So, are we leaving here?"

"Let's go..." The goddess said softly, "You don't like this place either, do you?"

He Shujun looked at the ceiling of the dormitory blankly. Those are white tiles. Too white, it will reveal a shocking coldness and paranoia.

She said: "Yes, I don't like it. Maybe my friend has suffered "heat torture" before. "

The goddess said: "These two children, do we want to save them?"

He Shujun was silent for a long time before she said hoarsely: "Save..." She said, "Even if it is saved, it won't help, but we can't help but save it. Maybe we can succeed this time?"

"Success..." The goddess was a little confused, but then she said again, "Yes, we can succeed. The whole world is waiting for our success."

He Shujun no longer knows whether the goddess has regained self-awareness.

She couldn't help thinking, is this the meaning of bringing a goddess? It seems that the special intuition of the goddess can give invisible comfort and support.

At least, He Shujun felt a lot more comfortable at this time because of the words of the goddess.

She murmured: "Yes, the whole world is waiting for us."

The goddess looked at He Shujun quietly.

After she reunited with her daughter, the neurotic feeling she showed seemed to have subsided a lot.

They turned off the faucet in the bathroom and the clothes were soaked. The two students were helpless, so they could only move to the locker room and let them lie down for a while.

"Will they die like this?"

"No." He Shujun shook his head, "It's just that he will suffer a little bit. A doctor will come to examine their bodies soon."

The goddess was speechless, but looked at the two silent students and muttered, "Why don't you run away?"

"Because, the students think so too." He Shujun's tone became colder, "they were also madly controlled their brains. They became...learning tools."

"Terrible… "

He Shujun fixedly stared at the two students for a while. Their cheeks were blistered by the hot water, which may have been caused by such encounters before. There are always those restless and slippery students in the school.

Finally, she said: "Let's go, let's leave this nightmare."


Only then did He Shujun realize that she had missed her mouth, but she didn't want to hide it, so she said: "A place like this... is called a nightmare."

She took the goddess to a certain bedroom, "The content of the nightmare is based on the madness of mankind, and... the world after the sky fire came down."

The goddess listened as if understanding, she did not entangle the words that did not exist in the memory, but just asked: "Then why do nightmares happen? And... can we enter? It sounds incredible."

"This is a... game."

"Games?" The goddess asked even more strangely, "But, games are for entertainment, right?"


Yes, the game is of course for entertainment. No matter how the game market develops, games that simply bring happiness to people will certainly be welcomed.

And "Escape from the Sky" is also a game.

Who can get happiness from here

Of course human beings can't... Behind the scenes

Are those people behind the scenes watching the performance of human beings in a narrow building as if they were watching a play

He Shujun thought this way, but felt that something was wrong. If they can do this, then humans are nothing more than ants to them. Who would have fun through ants

child? abnormal

Although this guess is ridiculous enough, He Shujun still feels that this is just a random guess.

After all, they don't even know who the culprit is, whether they exist, and so on, and they don't even know why they want to put humans into this game.

So in the end, He Shujun just said: "I don't know. Maybe, it's like a disaster from heaven."

Skyfire came to the world, it was such a manifestation.

The goddess was a little surprised and a little confused, but she stopped asking questions because they had arrived outside the door of a certain bedroom.

He Shujun said to herself: "She may not want to study very much, but she is not a bad boy either. But she wants to escape from this school. Therefore, she became a bad boy.

"Bad children will accept punishments belonging to the bad children."

He Shujun took a deep breath, and then said, "The child inside is the owner of this nightmare."

The goddess turned her head and looked behind them. This is a bedroom at the end of the corridor, the darkest and damp location.

She could feel the unique shade and coldness of the girls' dormitory entering her back.

The goddess murmured: "This is a bad position."

"Yes..." He Shujun smiled weirdly, "it is indeed unlucky."

She pushed open the door of the bedroom.

The door is not locked.

The goddess saw a girl with her hands and feet tied to the edge of the bed. Her father held up a textbook to show her.

Something opened her eyelids forcefully. Her mother was holding eye drops aside, and from time to time she worried about putting a drop of eye drops into her eyes.

The goddess couldn't help shaking.

He Shujun fixedly looked at her.

The master of this nightmare, just watching this scene, is very pitiful. But if she really enters her nightmare and needs to help her escape from school, she will become a companion with no bottom line.

She will betray the companion who has been following her. If the taskers are caught by the school, they will also be tied up, and then they will be forced to read and study until the punishment time is over.

During this period, no food, no water, no toilet. And the time is often as long as one or two days.

They will be incontinent in bed and feel turbulent hunger and thirst. If you struggle, the time will double until the teachers confirm that they are really willing to learn.

How to get teachers to subjectively confirm that they are willing to learn is also a skillful thing.

Some teachers are soft-hearted and easy to deal with, and they can pass the customs by saying more good things;

Some teachers are very tough.

In addition, if the struggling is too violent, some corporal punishment may be arranged.

The school claimed that they were unwilling to use violence. However, the school said that some students really do not listen to discipline.

This is the situation.

Some students died, some parents also died, and some teachers were tortured with bruises.

But no one cares about it here. Everyone knows that the college entrance examination is important. It is indeed important, but the arrival of madness has changed the original taste.

For the students, parents and teachers who tortured themselves and others in this school, every day is like a nightmare. For the taskers, the same is true.

Because if they helped the girl escape the school successfully, the taskmen would gain a bad ending instead.

If they become puppets of the school and do not pay attention to what happened to the girls, it will be an ordinary ending.

He Shujun didn't know the true outcome. Now she guessed that this nightmare may never reach a true ending.

If you help a girl escape from school, it is from a cage to a larger cage, so they will have a bad ending. So, how do you escape that big cage

How can human beings get rid of the madness that goes with them

No one knows.

An unsolvable nightmare.

It was like before the missionaries entered the nightmare of Xu Beijin, they talked about some of the nightmares they had experienced, and also mentioned the residents of the narrow buildings they met... Then they mentioned the one of Su Enya Nightmare.

That well-furnished apartment building.

How to solve that nightmare? How to play the true ending

Even if the nightmare owner is taken out of the apartment building, it is just walking from a small cage to another large cage.

How do they solve the plight of the entire human race? Not just save one of them

A truly unsolvable dilemma.

After He Shujun looked at the girl with complicated eyes, he took a step forward. When she stepped across the door of the dormitory, layers of gray mist gushed out.

She breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously.

The fourth person to restore self-awareness is Shen Yunju.

He came to a place familiar to both him and Xu Beijin.

The crumbling building.

So he regained his self-awareness almost immediately, and after a moment of shock, he walked up the stairs with Ye Lan.

Ye Lan asked suspiciously, "Have you been here?"

Shen Yunju nodded.

He thought about which door might be what they needed.

No, wait a minute.

Subconsciously thinking about the existence of "doors" made him overlook an extremely important issue.

The nightmare in the gray mist is not exactly the same as the nightmare in the narrow building. There is indeed the concept of a nightmare master, but not all scenes have a nightmare master.

For example, like this crumbling building, the little girl is clearly in the narrow building, how could her nightmare appear in the gray mist somehow

So this scene is based on a mission person who once went to that nightmare, but completely perished

Who will be that tasker? In the content they know about this little girl’s nightmare, there doesn’t seem to be enough information to scare people into lunatics, right

Shen Yunju thought slightly strangely.

There are two kinds of nightmare scenes in the gray fog. The first is the eternal collapse of the nightmare caused by the fall of the nightmare owner, and the second is the collapse of part of the nightmare scene caused by the fall of the tasker, but in the latter case , The corresponding is not a complete nightmare scene.

These two situations may happen at the same time, or they may happen separately.

But... If it was the fall of the nightmare owner and the quests that happened at different times, would they go to the same nightmare in the gray mist

Or is it to say that if one sinks, a nightmare scene will appear inexplicably in the nightmare

Both of these are possible, but based on the difference in time... Shen Yunju still prefers the latter explanation.

In other words, every time it sinks, a brand-new nightmare scene will be formed in the gray fog.

But in this case, how many nightmare scenes will there be in the gray fog

Will a new nightmare be refreshed here after a fall? This is like endless garbage data.

Shen Yunju thought sincerely, this is not Xu Beijin's nightmare, it must be NE's nightmare, right

For an artificial intelligence, the appearance of gray fog will be such a huge and useless burden.

But then again, they were speculating about the relationship between Xu Beijin and NE.

But if Xu Beijin is NE, it will also bring many strange problems. For example, Xu Beijin is obviously not like an artificial intelligence. Does artificial intelligence also have love

Furthermore, Xu Beijin did not want to let other people enter his nightmare by not sleeping for so many years; but if he is really NE, would he have such troubles? Can't he simply set his nightmare as banned

After all, NE does whatever it wants in a narrow building.

After they enter Xu Beijin's nightmare, they will be in a state of pseudo sinking, which is obviously NE's trick.

And NE is already strong enough to change their brains and will, how could it be possible to live on the ground floor of a narrow building like Xu Beijin

In short, Xu Bei is nothing but NE's speculation, with a lot of corroboration and many contradictions.

Before Shen Yunju had heard other taskers mention the nightmare about the birth of Skyfire, he especially noticed the contradiction in the identity of the nightmare owner.

He was thinking that Xu Beijin and NE seemed to fit the situation of Ke Xu and Xie Ji to a certain extent.

However, what kind of weird reason would that cause such a special state of one and two sides

In any case, Shen Yunju couldn't understand it.

But he didn't force it. He is not an imaginative and unconstrained person.

Sometimes the truth is already in front of his eyes, and he may not accept such cruel truth.

He is accustomed to being quiet, silent, and reticent, immersed in his barren and barren world.

When he heard Mu Jiashi, Ding Yi, Fei and Wujian and others talk about the possibility of Xu Bei being NE, he felt incredible.

Isn't NE an artificial intelligence? And Xu Bei is full of residents in narrow buildings, isn't that a human being

How could the two of them get together

To this day, Shen Yunju still tends to say that Xu Beijin is not a NE.

At this point, the nine taskers of them have their own opinions and ideas.

Besides, of course they discussed this issue behind Ringo's back. They dared not let Ringo know their topic.

Moreover, they were also quite curious about the relationship between Ringo and Xu Beijin.

Although they dare not show it.

Thinking of this, Shen Yunju was a little gossip about it. If it were Ringo, how would he behave in Xu Beijin's nightmare? Will it be all right

He thought about the nightmare he was in now, and couldn't help thinking, with Ringo's personality, maybe it was solved by violence

But Ringo had this ability, but they couldn't.

Shen Yunju sighed secretly, and then began to think about a question: If the scene right now comes from a desolate tasker.

So, is the door they need to look for related to the truth of this nightmare, or is it related to the experience of the fallen tasker in the nightmare

Obviously, the answer to this question points to a completely different location.

If it is the truth of the nightmare, then they only need to go downstairs.

According to what they had discovered in this nightmare, they kept using the elevator to go below the ninth floor, and the moment they stepped out of the elevator door, the gray mist that symbolized leaving would emerge.

And if it's what happened to the tasker, then they have to continue to explore in this building to figure out what the tasker has experienced.

In comparison, the latter possibility will definitely make them consume more effort.

Ye Lan stopped watching Shen Yun gather two steps, and was still in deep thought. He inevitably asked, "What's the matter? Do you remember anything?"

Shen Yunju knew that Ye Lan hadn't recovered the memories in the narrow building, and didn't understand what their current situation was.

He thought about it carefully, and then changed a word to describe their current situation: "Do you think the door we are looking for is related to this scene or is it related to the people in this scene?"

Ye Lan asked in surprise, "Does it matter?"

Shen Yunju said: "If it is related to the building, then we should go below the ninth floor. The people there transformed the building into a realistic game location.

"And if it is related to the people in the building, then we have to look for someone... who might not fit into this scene. That's how I guessed it."

Ye Lan thought for a while, and seemed to vaguely understand what Shen Yunju meant: "You mean, that person is likely to come here from the outside world just like us, and then can't leave?"

Shen Yunju hesitated and said: "Almost... Maybe this scene appeared because of him. It seems that he first separated a tributary from the mainstream, and we came to his tributary."

"Then we should go to him." Ye Lan came to this conclusion, "Perhaps he can tell us more... about this place."

Shen Yun thought, no, maybe he has completely lost himself.

But Ye Lan was right. Their initial exploration in this nightmare was limited to the ninth floor and above, and the situation below the ninth floor was actually not involved too much.

And although the things that happened in this building are a bit disgusting, Shen Yunju thinks it is more disgusting, rather than maddening.

Perhaps, what happened below the ninth floor really made the tasker crazy and made this scene appear in the fog.

He thought about it, and said, "Let's go, let's go to the 16th floor."

"He will be on the 16th floor?"

"It's possible..." Shen Yunju said, "In this building, the 16th floor is like a safe area."

"Safety zone?" Ye Lan couldn't help being surprised. "There is a safe zone in this scene, which means... are other places dangerous?"

Shen Yunju said: "It is possible, but if it is just a tributary, it may not be as turbulent as the original mainstream. However, it is safer to take the stairs."

"So the elevator will be dangerous?"

Shen Yunju answered flatly: "Yes..."

Ye Lan couldn't help shook his head, feeling a trace of fear.

When talking about going to the 16th floor, she almost instinctively took a step towards the elevator hall, completely unaware of the possible risks of the elevator.

She followed Shen Yunju to the stairwell and said: "This is like deliberately using people's inertial thinking."

"Danger is always hidden in daily life." Shen Yunju replied dullly, "where we are accustomed to."

Ye Lan nodded in agreement.

They went downstairs in silence and came to the 16th floor. Shen Yunju found that there was no danger in this way, and from the windows of the safety door in the stairwell, there was no problem with those floors at all.

Until they came to the 16th floor.

In that nightmare, this was a safe zone, and many survivors gathered here, waiting for an opportunity to rush out of this building, although they did not succeed.

When Shen Yunju and Ye Lan walked in, they didn't find anyone here.

Shen Yunju almost subconsciously looked at the chair beside him, but there was no man named Xu Beijin sitting there either.

There is no one here.

They looked at each other, but suddenly they heard a strange noise right there in the elevator.

So they ran over quickly, and they happened to see a person, lying on the ground, stretching their necks, trying to look into the elevator shaft through the outer safety door of the elevator.

This look is really weird and stubborn, making Ye Lan asked a little strangely: "Will it be this person?"

Shen Yunju said: "Let's go, go and ask."

They approached the man.

From a closer look, this is a man in his thirties, all dirty. He seems to be trying to get here from the outside, his eyes are wide open, like a frightened bird.

When Ye Lan and Shen Yunju approached him, he didn't notice it at first, but stared at the elevator door intently. Their footsteps were swallowed by the sound-absorbing carpet on the ground.

Until they came close, the man suddenly noticed the two uninvited guests, and immediately screamed in consternation and fear. His legs seemed to be dead, and he could only crawl with difficulty.

Looking at him, Ye Lan was really embarrassed, and couldn't help frowning.

Shen Yunju said: "We are not malicious, but just want to ask you a few questions."

Hearing this, the man looked at them suspiciously, but suddenly he laughed strangely.

Shen Yunju felt that his appearance was different from the previous appearance.

The man said, "You guys also come from outside? Oh, that's terrible. Damn it, damn it, hahaha..."

He smiled desperately, as if exhausting the rest of his life, just to make Shen Yunju and Ye Lan feel his mood of gloating at this moment.

Shen Yunju asked: "What do you mean?"

"You can never leave here." The man said nervously, "Forever. Just like me, you will always be trapped here."

Shen Yunju was taken aback, and almost subconsciously asked: "Why forever?"

The man said displeased: "Are you a fool? I mean, this place is not saved—we are not saved—" He laughed, "No! Saved!"