Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 142: Five people converge


Xu Bei raised his eyes sharply and stared at the man in Cell's nightmare.

From the outside, he looks like an ordinary... Well, maybe he can be regarded as a middle-aged man. After all, he is really embarrassed and sloppy at the moment.

He is completely inconspicuous, and his temperament has a kind of nervousness brought about by all kinds of soldiers.

But what he just said and his performance seemed to mean that he was not completely crazy.

He is half crazy and half sober. He knew he was in a special place, and he would never be able to leave.

Over the years, he should have tried many times, but it was of no use, so he accepted his fate.

He just observed everything in this building. If there is no one on the 16th floor, then there may be no one anywhere else in this scene.

Maybe he just brought an empty scene modeling for the gray fog.

He is like the other people who have not recovered his memory this time? Entrapment him did not come in through Xu Beijin's nightmare.

Therefore, he can't use the door in the gray mist, and can only wait for a faint hope in the long years.

After so many years, maybe he has been desperate.

He broke his legs, and then he could only drag his wooden lower limbs to crawl in this building.

His life is only this building... and the burning city outside the window.

That's it.

Xu Bei looked at the man quietly. He slowly guessed in his heart the man's actions and psychological changes over the years.

Maybe he really perished at first, and later, because of a acne coincidence, he recovered a lonely chakra.

But in a place like the gray fog, if there is reason or no reason, which one is Lingdi's brainstorming

Xu Beijin couldn't come up with an answer.

He was just thinking, since this man can maintain such a delicate state in the gray mist, why, in the beginning, he will enter the gray mist because of the sinking state

Shen Yunju thought the same way, and he directly followed Shun Chu

He has no interest in what happened to this man in the past. It may be miserable, but everyone who lives in a narrow building is so miserable. They just need to resolve this misery.

But that person immediately watched Leo Ao Wan awakely. Why was he curious about this matter? Could it be that you... can leave here? "

Shen Yunju was slightly surprised, thinking that he was too keen.

So why did it fall to this point

Ye Lan said flatly: "Yes, we have a way." She thought about it, and then said, "However, this may not apply to you."

Ye Lan hasn't thought of Xu Bei's nightmare, but they left this graceful dark neon baking scene before, as if they hadn't seen the door in the gray mist at all.

Based on this, she believes that the person in front of her should not be able to leave.

Shen Yunju also nodded. He knew better than Ye Lan, Huading. He said, "We entered here through a special way. We..."

He hesitated for a moment, considering that he was going to let the man speak, and finally explained, "We are trying to get you free forever."

"Eternal relief?!" the man said, "is it... death?"

"No, it's not. It's to escape. Escape from the gray mist, escape from the narrow building."

Narrow building? Ye Lan couldn't help but glanced at Shen Yun, and noticed a subtle and peculiar sense of familiarity. But she couldn't say where the familiar feeling came from.

She thought, the narrow building... doesn't sound like a good place.

Hearing what Shen Yunju said, the man was also stunned. Shen Yunju and Ye Lan squatted there to talk to this person.

At this moment, they could clearly see that a line of tears fell from his cheeks, and a dirty trace was drawn.

He eagerly looked at the corpse and gave up the surname 庵 庵財穀婑穑俊

"Of course..." Shen Yunju said seriously, "We are working hard."

The man stayed for a while, and then a weird smile appeared on the corner of his lips. He said, "Then I can't let you go."

Both Shen Yunju and Ye Lan were stunned.

The man said: "You must be lying to me, and want me to stay here alone... Liar! Impossible! You think beautifully!"

He suddenly became furious, "Get out of here! Get away! I won't tell you anything!"

The two taskers tried to continue the conversation with the man who was incapable of making salt, but the man was in a state of anger and madness. In the end, his throat coughed up blood, and it was obvious that his violent way of speaking hurt his throat. .

But he still firmly refused to communicate with these two people, and kept letting them go.

In the end, Shen Yunju and Ye Lan could only leave temporarily, so that the person could calm down.

These two taskers are both dull and calm personalities, but at the moment this situation gives them a lot of quinoa.

Ye Lan said, "This person obviously doesn't believe what we said." She guided Shimu from the post and palpitations. "Do you think there is a way to get around this person and find the door?"

Shen Yunju thought for a while and said, "We can go to the ninth floor. However, I suspect that he has been in this building for so long, and many things have probably been changed by him."

Ye Lan couldn't help frowning, and shook his head: "Let's go take a look first. Let him calm down too."

Shen Yunju nodded.

They took the stairs to the ninth floor. Sure enough, the situation here is completely different from what it was in that nightmare.

Below the ninth floor, all the stones that were blocked in the stairwell have been removed.

On the ground, there was a trace of grace, such as footprints and handprints.

Shen Yunju stared at the ground in the dim light for a while, and then said: "Maybe he moved away."

Ye Lan is looking at the skeleton

"This place was originally blocked by a stone." Shen Yunju took a deep breath, "but now it's emptied."

Ye Lan couldn't help being poisonous and surprised. She murmured, "It seems that that person did spend a very long time in this scene."

Shen Yunju looked at the empty staircase without a word.

He thought of the previous nightmare, the stairwell that was blocked by gravel that could not come up after going down.

He was silent for a moment, and then said: "Let's go, let's go down and take a look. Now that the rocks have been emptied, it is estimated that the ninth floor below is not the original state. But... Maybe we can find a jealous Caixi."

When he came to this nightmare before, they were under the ninth floor with the surname Xianna.

In addition, at that time, they did not fully understand the various information about the end.

And now, they seem to be able to re-examine what happened in this building.

The madness that occurred in this building, and the sky fire in the city, seemed not to be far apart.

Shen Yunju didn't know which Yoren was bad, but they must coexist for a certain period of time.

This also shows the scene at the moment. Crazy buildings, and the burning city outside.

In other words, after the sky fire came to the world, people still did not get rid of the crazy erosion.

After madness has spread in human society for a year, human society has slowly recovered the satin and blades, even though it is also a strange and chaotic order.

Perhaps they will slowly evolve into a morbid and crazy civilization, but after the fire of heaven came to the world, everything went into nothing.

The dual doomsday in the spiritual and physical sense has completely turned human civilization like a mansion.

At this time, Shen Yunju and Ye Lan found a strange document on the 7th floor of this building.

It was a "Proposal for the Reconstruction of Human Order", which was handwritten with handwriting from different people.

The person who wrote this proposal is probably an employee of this game company.

With a paranoid enthusiasm and focus, they transformed this building into a realistic playground.

In this proposal, they expanded this idea to the entire world.

They believe that this can rebuild the order of human society.

If everything becomes a game, then the situation will become much simpler.

According to the rules of the game, everyone has a certain initial identity setting.

They will have a detailed understanding of their mental state, physical health, past experiences, relatives and friends, etc., just like playing a realistic game of life.

Crazy will become their annotation and a special label for their game characters.

Perhaps for a cunning man, Lang Lumu, forever, who bears a calf meal, Lumu 粜粜yu can even be called "cool."

Such methods weaken human prejudice against madness. As the same Tuppu Ъyi said, humans may have to get used to living together with craziness.

Because, until now, human beings don't know where this kind of madness came from, and why it happened on the earth.

Human beings are powerless to cope with this spreading and raging madness. Therefore, they can only choose to accept and absorb.

And this game company proposed such an approach.

They did not deliberately emphasize the entertaining nature of the game, but emphasized that this is an actualized, normative means of madness. They love games, so they choose to use games as a means.

At the end, Shen Yunju came to understand. Proposals like this, I am afraid that there are a lot of proposals in the world, and there are also other different names and concepts. This is a self-help plan launched by human society to the whole people in desperate situations.

They are about to reach the end. So, if there is any solution, please suggest it.

They will be the last struggle and adventure, trying to make everyone escape from the current predicament.

And did they succeed

Shen Yunju was worried, and subconsciously flipped to the last piece of paper.

This is a thick document, there are about a hundred sheets, each of which is handwritten, and there are also many detailed and realistic illustrations describing their idea of the game, which is like a beautiful, Regardless of game planning.

But the last piece of paper was blank, and only a few words were written hastily.

"They are here."

Messy, scribbled, and concatenated, is a sentence written by hand. But it is also difficult to tell from the handwriting what the mood of the person who wrote this sentence was at that time. Maybe he just scribbled casually

Shen Yunju was stunned.

What's the meaning

"Who are they? Why are they here

Behind this sentence, what kind of emotion and mentality does it symbolize? Is it excited or calm? Is it lucky or desperate

But why did he write this sentence? Who is it

There was a very bad feeling in Shen Yunju's heart.

Ye Lan also saw that sentence, but she looked at Mukuro and quietly apologized and chanted. Is there anyone else? "

Shen Yunju was startled, and then he understood what Ye Lan meant. She thought this sentence was written by the man who went crazy on the sixteenth floor.

Shen Yunju didn't think of this at all. When he saw the proposal, he subconsciously thought that it was a satin bank related to the earth and the end. ⅰ

But it is indeed possible that it was written by that person

Shen Yunju thought for a while, still unable to let go of doubts in his heart. He said: "Let's compare the handwriting. Who wrote these four characters... after all?"

Ye Lan can’t help Shanxi, but their only choice has shown extreme resistance, so it’s better to be here as a supporter.

It is not useful for their current situation, but for them.

They leafed through the stack of documents quietly. They are not professional handwriting appraisers, they can only compare roughly.

Finally, they found a similar handwriting from a thick pile of documents.

"Is this the person?" Ye Lan inevitably widened his eyes, staring at this thin piece of paper, on which a proposal was written.

She handed it to Shen Yunju casually.

Shen Yunju frowned and looked at this proposal.

He skipped this weaned milk lanfu just now

This game company's business probably has different categories, so in this proposal, employees of different game categories also put forward specific suggestions that fit their own styles.

For example, an employee, probably from the Kryptonium mobile game division, puts forward a proposal for Kryptonium to be happy... Probably corresponding to the human being who fights against the chrysanthemum

Shen Yunju read a few copies, and then chose to give up. After all, they are short on time, and he is not about the details.

But now, the proposal that was skipped by him reappeared in front of him, as if he was destined to read it carefully.

The reason why I was able to pick out this piece of paper so quickly is because the person's handwriting really reads too much, as if he was in a hurry and a little impatient.

Therefore, the ending pen of the previous word is always connected to the beginning of the next word. At first glance, it looks like a sheet of music.

However, Shen Yunju took a closer look, but immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

This proposal obviously came from a planner of a puzzle game.

He may have a joking tone, saying that since madness has spread in human society, it has caused tremendous damage to human society.

Death, crime, life and death are countless. This has caused huge disasters and puzzling mysteries, and how many people have fallen into an eternal abyss in confusion and panic.

Therefore, this game planner, probably based on his love for his job, proposed that it is better to let people investigate the past in the halo of the rabbit.

To investigate the truth, to discover secrets, to expose sins.

Go and let that section of Kaoru prostitute gallery ァ⒙傧莘杩竦娜 be free. Go and let them escape the nightmare.

This may be the game planner, who casually put forward an idea when his boss Yan Yan expressed his opinion.

Anyway, after the madness spread, many people have indeed died, and indeed no one has paid attention to the truth of their deaths.

After all, it’s not surprising that a madman does anything, right? People are accustomed to that fight

Perhaps he was instinctively concerned about the mystery, or perhaps he couldn't think of another plan to deal with it.

So just take the type of game you are used to and combine it with the real situation to deal with it.

But Shen Yunju stared at the game plan, as if a soul was flying away from the sky.

Ye Lan wondered and asked Yan Nayin as if he was very far away. He had a feeling of returning to the state of a zombie, ignorant of the outside world, and didn't know that he was making a jealous judgment, just moving his steps in a muddle-headed manner.

Yes, he felt that way again, separated from the real world, as if only a light and fluttering consciousness was floating in the air.

What is the voice, as if whispering softly in his ear: Game planning? Game planning? ! This building... Narrow building...

Is this the game planning of Zailou

"Are you ok?!"

Ye Lan's voice rang in his ears. Shen Yunju's face was like a dead person, which made Ye Lan feel Duan Mou Huabo. She shouted to her companion, hoping that he would recover and give herself a reply.

After a while, Shen Yunju suddenly said: "It's okay..." He let out a long sigh of relief, "I'm fine, don't worry."

Ye Lan looked at the proposal. She didn't understand what was going on, so she looked confused and went back to Mufu. What's wrong? "

Shen Yunju gently shook his head.

He thought, is the narrow building a human plan? So are they really put into this game by fellow humans? But has human technology reached this point

In addition, if this is the case, what does the game planner write at the end, what does "they come" mean? Who are "they"

Shen Yunju couldn't understand it anyway.

He couldn't help thinking, if it was Fei He Wu Jian, or Mu Jiashi and others were here, maybe they could have thoughts about Mu Luxuan. But Shen Yunju is not such a person.

He is accustomed to mediocrity and restraint, and he is not accustomed to diverging his thinking. He almost instinctively evaded the dungeon

So he just lowered his eyes, feeling that he was using his eyes and brain very hard to force himself to write down the content of this proposal.

Then he said: "Let's go. Maybe we can leave this scene."

"No need to find that person?" Ye Lan asked strangely, "Perhaps he has calmed down."

Shen Yunju unconsciously glanced at the thick proposal, and then said: "No. Nothing." He said calmly, "I am sure we have obtained the truth."

Ye Lan nodded because he was unclear.

Shen Yunju whispered: "Yes, I'm sure."

When they walked out of the security door on this floor, the familiar door in the gray mist and gray mist appeared in front of them.

When Shen Yunju thought of Fei and Wujian, the two also happened to meet each other.

Fei He Mu Jia Shi, Wu Jian He Jia Yi and Jia Er, these five people came to the same nightmare.

Moreover, this nightmare is quite coincidentally a nightmare that Fei and Wujian had been together.

Therefore, Fei immediately regained self-awareness.

They looked at each other, knowing that this nightmare would surely restore their self-awareness. Then, they looked at Mu Jiashi at the same time.

Mujiashi nodded flatly.

Fei subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

The two of them just got out of that strange and crazy passenger car. The driver took them to the wilderness, as if trying to kill people and overtake goods.

But when the car stopped, he just got off the car madly, and then disappeared in the mountains and forests.

Fei Su, thievery and hurriedly changed to Juelong K. He doesn’t understand whether this driver is going to be jealous

And Mu Jiashi replied that perhaps the driver just hated the life in the city. He just didn't want to continue to shuttle between the two cities.

"And crazy..." Mu Jiashi said, "enlarging the desire in his heart."

Regardless of what the driver thought, Maki Jiashi and Fei smoothly escaped from the scene, and now they both regained their memories, and even reunited with other companions.

However, Fei still bit her lip worriedly and said, "Now we have joined together, but the other five people still don't know what's going on."

She paused, and then said, "NE wants us to join together, what is it going to do?"

Mu Jiashi said: "It seems that NE should be on our side. But, this nightmare..." He smiled bitterly, "It's a bit beyond my imagination."

Before entering this nightmare, Mu Jiashi didn't expect that he would say this sentence.

He is a victorious tasker, although he thinks he is a loser, but this does not affect his success in the nightmare.

However, in fact, if Xu Beijin hadn't told them in advance what preparations to make, and NE seemed to be secretly pushing them to regain their self-awareness, then they would obviously be lost in this nightmare forever.

Moreover, until now, Mu Jiashi didn't know how to solve this nightmare.

If this nightmare never gets resolved. So, isn't Xu Beijin also in the same predicament as them

They are also not here to freeze [Dad's surname is Ye Jiao Xu Bei end. Perhaps he is not even here at all.

The gamble in Mu Jiashi's heart is gone. He looked at Fei He Wu Jian, and had to say that the return of these two companions made him relax a lot.

In any case, the previous feeling that only oneself knew everything was too heavy and depressing.

At this time, Mu Jiashi couldn't help thinking, is this the inner world of Xu Bei for so many years? No wonder he always looks unpredictable and indifferent.

He only understood this nightmare briefly, and he was already tortured by this "junkyard of the narrow building", and Xu Bei knew the nature of the gray fog outside the narrow building as early as possible. Would he feel extreme despair

Mu Jiashi is deeply aware of one thing.

If it were him, he would not be willing to enter this nightmare, and he would not be able to open this nightmare to the outside world.

First of all, after entering this nightmare, if there is no help from NE, then the taskers will definitely get lost in it. Entering no one is a bottomless pit.

Mu Jiashi admits that he is not a good person, but he has no intention of doing such meaningless things.

Secondly, if there is no help from the quest person, will the owner of the nightmare find it difficult to move in this nightmare

Through the observation of the residents of the narrow building, Mu Jiashi is very sure that this gilt badger, Fangyuan, Fuyu, Chaganchageng

Because he now knows that the nightmare owner is actually unable to solve his own nightmare, he must secretly provide clues to the taskers to promote the solution of the nightmare.

However, in Xu Beijin’s nightmare, without the help of NE, the possibility of the tasker recovering his sanity is extremely slim, so how can it solve the nightmare

Unless there is a real European Emperor, who can directly draw the nightmare he has been to, it is possible to get stuck in this strange bug.

However, Mu Jiashi has always been reluctant to talk about luck in nightmares, and the gilt of item cards—

Speaking of item cards, the item cards they prepared before entering this nightmare are almost all useless, because they are useless at all.

Unless you encounter a special scene later, it may be used.

Finally, even if this nightmare is resolved, it is impossible to resolve the gray fog outside the narrow building.

This means that the solution of this nightmare is just a false scam, unless they can really solve the constraints of the narrow building.

Therefore, it is no wonder that Xu Bei decided to open up this nightmare only after they gradually learned the truth and confirmed NE's position.

Entering this nightmare, without the help of NE, is basically equal to the nightmare owner and the tasker being sent to death together... It is very worthless.

However, even though they have slowly regained their self-awareness now, they are still spinning around like headless flies, which is very annoying.

Fei also realized this. In her dream, what exactly did she want to do? "

A one and A two yelled from the side, saying that the three of them actually knew each other.

Mu Jiashi didn't bother to pay attention to these two guys. He said to Fei: "Maybe we are looking for a special scene. That's why we are allowed to shuttle through the door non-stop."

"But we are slowly converging." Wu Jian frowned, "In this case, the number of scenes you can encounter will also decrease, right?"

"If NE is indeed on our side. Then, it will definitely send the needed scene in front of us."

Fei said affirmatively, "Of course, the premise is that we can't stay where we are all the time."

Muttering in ignorance: "But if it does, why not do it in the first place?"

"Perhaps this nightmare has its own rules?" Mu Jiashi guessed, "Even NE can only follow this rule."

"What rules?"

Fei thought for a while: "For example, what conditions are met before a certain scene can be opened?"

If Xu Beijin heard Fei's words at this moment, then he might be deeply relieved.

After all, the bug he needed really needed a little luck, plus some weird conditions, before he happened to hit it.

But at this time he didn't notice the five people gathered here.

He was looking at Ringo.