Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 143: Special scene (1)


After leaving the Colosseum, Ringo came to a special scene again.

It used to be a playground, now it is a zoo.

But here, the animals in the cage are humans.

Uh, after all, human beings are also an animal, aren’t they

Ringo looked away with lack of interest.

If other taskers were here, then they might be able to immediately generate countless associations, constantly perfecting the "complete record of the post-apocalyptic scene of human survival" in their minds, but Ringo didn't have this interest.

He just wanted to find Xu Beijin.

In addition, he also had this nightmare.

Yes, Ringo also regained his original sanity. However, there does not seem to be any difference between his recovery and his non-recovery. His original world was blank, he only remembered Xu Beijin.

But when he recovered his memory, Xu Beijin was still thinking of him.

From this point of view, it has no effect on him whether he restores his memory.

On the contrary, because of the resurrection of his memory, he felt a little disgusted with the scene in front of him.

Because he once violently walked through this nightmare.

Runaway. This is the word used by other taskers to describe when he is crazy.

He himself knew that it seemed like he was going crazy at that time, but after his relationship with Xu Beijin grew closer, Ringo never went crazy.

But in fact, many taskers have seen him look crazy and irritable, as if he was about to kill.

His eyes will be full of bloodshot eyes, and a violent and depressive aura will cover his whole body.

He will knock out everything that can move without knowing it. Once, after he woke up, he even found that he had kicked the rolling tire of a bicycle.

It is a state of out of control, everyone knows.

But Ringo himself didn't really feel much. He didn't think that was a good thing, but he didn't think it meant that he was a monster, although he knew that other people viewed him that way.

He just took the matter of losing control as some kind of... weird, but he had to accept it.

He obeyed Xu Beijin's words and no longer often used violence to solve problems. And that kind of "runaway" state is probably even more displeasing to Xu Bei, so Ringo took the initiative to control his temper.

Although he was previously called a "mad dog" by the task force on the ground floor of the narrow building.

This nightmare was the place where he went crazy for the last time. After that, he and Xu Bei knew each other, and the relationship gradually became closer, and he gradually controlled his temper a little better.

Why is he going crazy in this place

Ringo thought about it carefully, and finally cast his gaze into the cage in front of him.

There is a woman and a man inside, and the introduction sign on the side says that this is an experience hall where you can interact with animals.

Someone happily walked in, picked the woman, then hesitated, and took the man with him.

There are also many such experience halls in other parts of the zoo. For these crazy humans, such "animals" are no longer their kind. Besides, it's just animals.

Their nerves seemed to be eroded by madness. Therefore, even if the "animals" screamed and verbally screamed in pain and despair, it seemed that people could not understand them at all, as if they had created a language barrier out of thin air.

Because I don't understand it at all, it doesn't seem to be too much to do anything extraordinary.

Ringo stepped forward and left here before the scene polluted his eyes.

There are many other venues in the zoo. Because they are all human beings, there are no different groups in the first place.

It's just human beings, with their own uses and appearances, and they are kept in different cages.

Their identities have been weakened to some inferior creatures that are inferior to humans, so they can humiliate, use, and discard them at will.

As for how many people are really crazy in such behavior, and how many people are helping them to abuse... No one knows.

In the post-apocalyptic world, mankind has lost order.

Order will become a false face to protect them in peaceful times.

However, it will be instantly torn apart in the chaotic age. The fire of civilization is dying.

Ringo stopped, showing an irritable expression.

He doesn't understand...

He doesn't understand this. He just felt that the air and atmosphere here made him feel extremely depressed and disgusting.

He didn't know what human civilization was like, and he didn't know the original appearance of these creatures on earth.

He just found it unbelievable-did his fellows with similar appearances ever be like this? Is this actually his kind

Ringo was impatient to deal with the taskers in the narrow building, and it was hard to say that many of them were due to the stereotypes left by what they saw and heard in the nightmare. He has no good feelings for these two-legged creatures.

No, Xu Beijin is still very good.

Thinking of Xu Beijin, Ringo's mood calmed a lot.

door. he thinks. He is going to find that door, leave here, and then find Xu Beijin.

What doors will the zoo have? The door of the cage

Ringo tilted his head to look at the locked door of a certain cage, and then shook his head.

No, it is not. He didn't want to walk in that door. His instinct rejected the plan. He doesn't think the door is here.

So he thought about it, and used a very reasonable logic to draw an inference—

He should go to the director of the zoo, the director must know where the door he needs is.

Ringo did not consider the possibility that the zoo director refused to answer his question.

He stepped again and found the map and road signs, but after a few minutes, he came to a small building.

This is the visitor center of the zoo. Follow the instructions on the tour guide. This is also the office of the zoo staff.

The crowds here are crowded, and everyone has an illusory, brilliant smile on their faces, just like the bright sunshine on this day.

There are some children's frolics, which is always the case. Even the zoo after the madness is still very popular with children.

However, the performance of the parents was unexpected. They should have been indifferent to places like zoos, but now they are all smiles.

There is a couple holding one hand of the child, while the other hand is playing rock-paper-scissors.

When Ringo walked past them, he heard their conversation.

"I won!"

"The last time you went to the experience hall... It's really bad."

"When can I go to the Garden Pavilion to have a try? I heard that it is very lively over there."

"It's boring to have too many people. Besides, the children are still young."

"You are right."

This conversation went with the wind, and turned into a similar or even more extraordinary conversation among the rest of the population.

Ringo didn't hear it, and was too lazy to pay attention to this group of people. In his opinion, the two things, the spread of madness and the fall of the sky may be questionable, but at least they are worthy of the name.

Fire is really fire, and madness is indeed really madness.

He walked into the visitor center.

The air-conditioning makes this place more like an ice coffin, but many tourists rest here wearily.

Someone was sleeping on the seat in disheveled clothes, snoring loudly;

Some people are coaxing the baby with a bottle.

Ringo walked directly to the second floor and went to the principal's office at the end of the corridor.

This is not a big zoo, and there are not many employees. The director’s office is mixed with the employees. Only a simple house number shows that this is the director’s office.

Ringo pushed the door and walked in.

The door is unlocked, but the principal is calling.

"Hey, new animals are needed. We want to open business, but we also need fresh things to attract tourists, right

I heard that an old man in Cangcheng was madly messing up with the transportation department. Me, I don't do such stupid things.

"As for me, I just need you to send some more "animals" over here... eh! That's it! You know what I mean

"The price, the price is easy to negotiate. Oh, if it weren't for my old body, I would have to follow you to the wilderness to hunt. This is more money, you tell me, it is a pity that I am old.

"Oh, yes, I won't say it. Just remember it. Someone comes, I'll hang up first."

The principal put down the phone, stood up, showing a flattering smile: "Mr., what are you looking for me?"

There is a kind of worldly caress about him, and under that friendly and considerate face, there is a kind of marketer's scrutiny and scrutiny. It seems that if Ringo can't give him a suitable answer, he will immediately turn his face and refuse to recognize people. Ashamed.

For Ringo, he only knew that he didn't like the principal at first glance.

He said, "I'll find a door."

"Door?" The smile on the principal's face faded, and he said inexplicably, "But I'm not a doorman here."

"Then what do you do here?"

"Zoo." The director became even more inexplicable. "You don't know what this is for. Are you still going here?"

Ringo said, "So I'm asking you."

As soon as the principal's face changed, he was about to drive Ringo away impatiently.

But Ringo hit his ashtray with a fist, and the glass shattered everywhere, but Ringo's hand was unharmed.

The principal's eyes went straight.

Ringo said blankly, "That's how I asked you, understand?"

The principal’s legs were straight and soft. He swallowed, and tried to squeeze out a more distorted and flattering smile. He said dryly, "Understood, this... Sir, what do you want to ask?"

"I said, I'll find a door."

The ghost knows what door you are talking about! The director yelled at Ringo in his heart.

Ringo raised his eyebrows: "You seem to have some opinions on me?"

"No, no... no, no, impossible, dare..." the director was incoherent in a panic, and it took a lot of effort to straighten his tongue. "That's right, the door you said is too broad. Is there anything? , More specific characteristics?"

Ringo thought for a while and said, "Did you build this zoo?"

The director didn’t understand why Ringo got involved in this again. He said blankly: "Yes... Yes. No, neither is it. I took over only more than a year ago."

Ringo listened blankly.

The director couldn’t figure it out, and didn’t understand Ringo’s plan, so he could only bite the bullet and continue to say: "My brother-in-law, he was originally the director of this zoo. He likes wild animals and has money at home, so he just opened a shop. zoo.

"This zoo couldn't be opened later, but... you know, humans happen to be crazy.

Then my brother-in-law also... something is wrong, he seems to treat humans as animals, and then treats other animals as his kind.

"Then he started... mad. He hunted humans in the wilderness and then put the humans caught in a cage in the zoo.

I thought that since the customs are closed anyway, it would be better to use waste... So I started to take care of this zoo. "

Ringo nodded slowly.

The way the zoo operates is a symbol of a certain kind of madness, and the hunting behind it is another kind of madness.

In this way, how many people will return to nature and regard their original compatriots as enemies and prey targets

It is estimated that it will not be less.

Just now, the principal said that hunting in the wild is a lucrative job.

Even Ringo couldn't help but think at this moment, sure enough, "worthy of the name."

But he just thought about it, then turned and walked outside.

The principal was stunned: "You... Have you found the door?"

Ringo didn't bother to answer this question. The moment he stepped out of the wooden door of the principal's office, a grey mist appeared, and a door appeared in front of his eyes.

What he needs is not a door in the actual sense, but a door in the gray mist.

He stepped into this door.

After a moment of dizziness and darkness, Ringo opened his eyes. Before he could see the scene before him clearly, he first discovered that there were several people standing around, and among them were other missionaries who had entered Xu Bei with him to make nightmares.

Shen Yunju, Ye Lan, He Shujun, and the goddess, these four people were all there.

They looked at each other, looking at each other for a while.

Ringo looked at them casually, and then cast his gaze on the scene.

It was a nightmare that had never been here before.

He suddenly lost interest.

But Ye Lan, after a moment of trance, he blurted out subconsciously: "Why is this here?!"

Shen Yunju and He Shujun, who had regained their self-awareness, immediately looked at her and asked in unison: "Have you been here?!"

After Ye Lan was silent for a moment, he nodded. She smiled reluctantly: "Yes. My memory is restored."

He Shujun said thoughtfully: "It seems that NE does let us restore our memory bit by bit."

"Why do you want to do this?" Ye Lan murmured, "Obviously it can release water when we enter this nightmare, why should we follow the rules of this nightmare?"

Shen Yunju guessed: "Perhaps it is also bound by higher rules?"

"Perhaps..." Ye Lan said absently.

The scene fell silent for a moment.

Then, Ye Lan took a deep breath: "This nightmare... is the last nightmare I experienced at a higher level. After this nightmare, my companion and I returned to the bottom of the narrow building."

She did not clarify, but faintly hinted that it was this nightmare that caused her to change her mind and defeated her self-confidence, which made her finally decide to return to the bottom of the narrow building to find the same faint hope.

What kind of nightmare is it that can make Ye Lan frustrated to this point

Shen Yunju raised his head thoughtfully and looked at the scene in front of him.

Ye Lan said softly, "We had a bad ending. So... Actually, I don't understand this nightmare."

Shen Yunju couldn't help frowning.

"It's okay..." He Shujun was straightforward and shrugged, "We can be ashamed of this place."

Ye Lan smiled.

Of course, her shame has nothing to do with He Shujun. In addition, she also knew that in the previous period, because of the rumors about the ground floor of the narrow building, countless higher-level taskers chose to go down.

So, instead of saying that she was ashamed of her failure at the time, it was better to say that she was a little worried because of the scene here.

Is this because of the fall of the nightmare master, or the fall of the tasker

If it's the former, it hasn't been long since the last time she entered this nightmare, why did she suddenly sink

If it is the latter, things may be better understood. After all, during this period of time, so many taskers from the bottom of the narrow building rushed to a higher level. They may not have that understanding of the situation at the higher level, so they inadvertently stepped into the trap.

This is quite normal. The only question is, does this increase the tragic incidents in the fog? Will it affect Xu Beijin and NE

Through this scene, Ye Lan has already thought of more realistic things anxiously.

They should hurry up.

If their exploration in Xu Beijin’s nightmare can continue endlessly, how could Xu Beijin not be willing to open up his nightmare for so many years

Over time, the nightmare will inevitably collapse, without exception. Although Xu Beijin’s nightmare is very special, will this rule apply

Ye Lan had an answer faintly in his heart.

She took a deep breath and whispered, "We must get out of here as soon as possible."

The rest of the taskers agreed.

Ye Lan introduced them to the scene related information.

This nightmare also has a larger scene: a single-family villa built on the edge of a snow-capped mountain. At the moment they are on the first floor of this villa.

This is the property of a wealthy family, but when it is free, it will be rented to tourists who come here to use it as a homestay.

"Have you heard of the traditional mystery in which a group of people go to a place isolated from the world, and then they die one by one, but the murderer disappears?"

Ye Lan said lightly, "In this nightmare, the story at the beginning is like this."

Before she finished her words, a woman's scream suddenly came from the second-floor room in this villa covered with snow on the eaves.

He Shujun was so startled that his breathing was stagnant, and he subconsciously raised his head and looked over.

But Shen Yunju asked suspiciously: "In the beginning?"

Ye Lan said softly: "This happened after all, after the madness began to spread in human society."

Therefore, everything is not as normal as it seems.

A couple is about to get married and participated in a skiing tour group before marriage as a trial marriage.

There were a total of eight tourists in the tour group. There were also a leader, two tour guides, two drivers, translators, and villa chefs. A total of fifteen people stayed in this villa on a snowy afternoon.

They just arrived here on the first day, and it was a day off;

However, on this night, the male of the couple was killed inexplicably.

When his girlfriend first arrived, because of a poor appetite, she ate less dinner; when it happened, she went to the restaurant on the first floor for supper.

When she returned to the room after eating the supper, she found that the door was locked, and she knew that her boyfriend was in the room, so she didn't have the key at all.

She found the leader of the tour group, opened the door of the room, and found the body of her boyfriend in the room.

This is the source of the scream just now.

However, this is only the beginning.

The heavy snow blocked their way to the ski resort and blocked their way back to the city;

The engine of their car froze. Although the food was abundant, the electricity was insufficient. The cold is spreading throughout the villa.

Under such circumstances, murders are happening constantly.

And who is the murderer

He Shujun was actually a little scared of such a scene, her voice was trembling, and she couldn't help asking: "So, what are these people doing? Mystery fans? Are deliberately staging a murder? Play a role in a certain mystery?"

"This is also our inference. The characteristics of this case are very obvious." Ye Lan said, "but we did not find any evidence to prove this. And... the identity of the mission person who entered this nightmare is also lost in the snowy mountains. Passengers who came to this villa for help.

"In other words, we have a different position from the original tour group in the villa. Moreover, it seems that according to the nightmare setting, the helpers also have conflicts and gaps, and... there will also be homicides. ."

He Shujun was startled immediately, and subconsciously exclaimed: "In this nightmare, will NE change the tasker's existing concept?!"

"Yes..." Ye Lan's face was cold, "In short, we have to be in this nightmare too-NE will force us to do this. It will force us to kill each other."

Shen Yunju, the only tasker present at the ground floor of the narrow building—not to mention the absent-minded Ringo at this moment—looked around in confusion, hesitating for a while.

He Shujun explained in a timely manner: "The nightmare at the higher level of the narrow building is far more disgusting than the nightmare at the bottom of the narrow building. Taskers will have different positions and will be forced to confront each other.

Moreover, occasionally such amnesia or memory changes may occur.

"Of course, it's not as serious as the nightmare we are now, and I won't forget all the previous things.

"However, the tasker will basically receive a new memory and setting in the nightmare, and being hypnotized, close to that memory.

"After you leave the nightmare, this effect will completely disappear. In fact, this kind of situation is quite rare, but the first time you encounter it, it will be disgusting."

He Shujun shrugged, apparently she was also disgusted.

Only then did Shen Yunju understand why He Shujun behaved well. When he heard Ye Lan describe some of the features in this nightmare, he couldn't help but feel puzzled, because it was a completely different phenomenon from the nightmare at the bottom of the narrow building.

Thinking about it carefully, it really doubled the difficulty.

Shen Yunju exclaimed, and then he turned his attention to more important places: "In this case, will we be affected if we act here now? Why don't I feel this way?"

Ye Lan shook her head. She thought about it, and then said, "Perhaps, it's because of this scene, because of a fallen tasker? It's like the situation we encountered before."

"It makes sense..."

He Shujun didn't understand, so Shen Yunju explained it.

The goddess took a deep breath, and said divinely: "I can smell the breath of death."

Shen Yun gathered a look at the goddess, thought about it, and said, "Let’s go to the second floor first. The second and third floors are where they live. There must be more clues."

He Shujun grimaced: "So, how do we find the door in this scene..."

At this time, Ringo, who had not been involved in their conversation, suddenly said, "Should everyone ask it again?"

Shen Yunju was flattered at Ringo's sudden opening. Just as he wanted to explain that those people might not cooperate, he thought of Ringo's strength and hesitated for a while.

Ringo said naturally, "This is the most convenient way."

He moved his wrist subconsciously.

So the rest of the taskers closed their mouths.

Ringo nodded in satisfaction, and then went upstairs. A few minutes later, everyone in this scene gathered in the lobby on the first floor, looking at each other, but did not dare to act rashly, for fear that Ringo's violent iron fist might hit his forehead.

Although this scene will cycle, no one wants to suffer death for no reason. Even if they are lunatics, they are not the group of lunatics pursuing death.

Ringo seemed to be more and more accustomed to such simple and crude methods, as if he was liberating in nature.

When he returned to Xu Beijin's side, it was estimated that it would be another obedient little apple.

It is a pity that Xu Bei is not around, and Ringo has a faint tendency to regain the old mad dog style.

But for current taskers, this is really great news.

They hope Ringo will continue to maintain, and strive to let them leave this scene as soon as possible.

After Ringo drove all the people down, he didn't bother to ask for information, so he motioned to the other taskers to ask.

He Shujun looked at the distracted Shen Yunju, looked at the frosty Ye Lan, and looked at the goddess who was muttering something in his mouth. Finally, he said: "So, who killed the victim?"

The originally noisy ten-or-year-old person suddenly fell into a dead silence.

When Ringo reached the second floor, the other taskers also followed.

They clearly saw the disputes, fears, and mutual accusations of these people. The sudden murder made them all lose their minds.

They also saw the dead man. He was a young man with a strong build, lying on his back on the floor in front of the bed with a knife in his chest.

Ye Lan said that the fruit knife came from the kitchen of this villa, but according to the chef, they arrived here this afternoon. When he walked into the kitchen, he did not see the fruit knife.

This is the information Ye Lan got when he entered this nightmare before.

Originally, the taskers had to investigate bit by bit, but with the information that Ye Lan had learned before, and the presence of Ringo, they became much more relaxed.

He Shujun's straightforward question made these people stunned. They looked at each other, and finally someone spoke.

Ye Lan couldn't help but look away. She still has full interest in the murderer of this nightmare.

It was a woman, she said softly: "I killed Ahao."

The name of the deceased was Zhang Quanhao, but this woman was not his girlfriend, but still called him "Ahao".

He Shujun looked weird, and thought, what kind of emotional entanglement is there

There was another woman who was thin and haggard, like a woman who had just cried, suddenly raised her head and looked at the talking woman viciously.

Ye Lan frowned slightly, and she said to He Shujun: "This question will be fruitless. We also found two suspicious candidates when Zhang Quanhao died.

"The first is the woman who spoke just now. She is Zhang Quanhao's former lover, and she can hardly tell Zhang Quanhao's old love. Because she is unwilling to marry Zhang Quanhao and Ning Xi, she secretly kept up with them on this trip.

"But when Zhang Quanhao saw her at the airport, he rejected her fiercely. This seemed to make her hate because of love.

So once asked who killed Zhang Quanhao, the woman would immediately admit it.

"However, I don't think she is the real murderer. Because there will be more murders in the future, and she has absolute alibi and has no motives."

Those in the tour group, after hearing Ye Lan said that there will be more murders, all of them pale with fright. But no one cares about their expressions.

After hearing what Ye Lan said, Shen Yunju immediately asked, "So, who is the other suspicious candidate? Ning Xi?"

"Yes. Zhang Quanhao's fiancée." Ye Lan looked at the woman, "She claimed to be totally unclear about the relationship between Zhang Quanhao and her predecessor, but after Zhang Quanhao's death, she clearly showed hostility towards Zhang Quanhao's predecessor.

"In addition, Ning Xi is a reasoning lover. She likes to read mystery novels, and often goes to secret rooms, running groups and other activities. She and Zhang Quanhao also met through a friend's introduction because of a secret room escape."

Ye Lan's information clearly gave the taskers a lot of hints.

But He Shujun still asked strangely: "But what does the person who died later have to do with her?"

Ye Lan explained: "We didn't investigate too much information, but found that Ningxi seems to be inextricably linked with the other people in the tour group."

They all looked at the woman who was paralyzed on the ground subconsciously. She looked embarrassed, her eyes flushed, and she seemed to be extremely sad about her boyfriend's death.

Is it possible for such a woman who seems to be crazy about love to kill her lover with her own hands

As for Zhang Quanhao's death and Ning Xi's alibi, this was already a secondary matter.

Whether Ning Xi brought the key and whether the door was really locked are all just a matter of her words.

Maybe she finished the supper downstairs, then returned to the second floor and walked into the room. After killing Zhang Quanhao, she walked out of the room and used all kinds of weird methods to lock the door of the room before calling the team leader

Anyway, these days, the secret room is already a rotten technique used in all kinds of mystery novels and film and television dramas.

For the taskers, they undoubtedly pay more attention to the ins and outs of things.

However, this straightforward and indifferent attitude to Ning Xi's methods seemed to anger Ning Xi.

She suddenly yelled: "Yes! I killed the dog man! I want to kill all those who are sorry for me!"

In the cold villa, her shrill voice echoed.

She suddenly laughed: "You are not curious, how exactly did Zhang Quanhao die?"

He Shujun said without hesitation: "I'm not curious..."

Ning Xi choked and stared at the outsiders even more angrily.

At this moment, Shen Yunju frowned slightly, and he asked Ye Lan: "Who is the owner of this nightmare? The people of this nightmare are all there. It means that the nightmare owner is sinking, not the quest person?"

Ye Lan nodded, and then shook his head helplessly: "Sorry, I don't know who the owner of the nightmare is."

It was not particularly surprising that Shen Yun gathered in a daze.

Obviously, any victim who may have died in this villa, even Ning Xi, may be the owner of this nightmare.

Moreover, Shen Yunju also suspected that this nightmare shouldn't be the type that restarts immediately after the death of one person, but that it should wait until everyone is dead before starting the next round.

Then maybe the owner of the nightmare is Zhang Quanhao

Although the situation in which the identity of the nightmare owner was suspicious was normal and not unexpected, Shen Yunju still felt a little discouraged.

He Shujun is still asking Ning Xi's question: "What can they do to sorry about you?"

This question made Ning Xi very satisfied. She nodded and said with pride: "Good question. I will tell you one by one. When you finish listening, you should find that these people deserve it. Damn it.

"The old man over there was my head teacher in junior high school. I have retired now, but I haven't forgotten how he physically punished me and my girlfriend in a small office because we failed the math test.

"The two middle-aged women over there are colleagues of my future mother-in-law. Originally, Ah Hao and I were fine, and we had already discussed marriage, but they had to be nosy, saying that girls now have to have a house to bring. The man's house.

"Yes, I admit that my family is not as good as Ahao, but Ahao's family originally didn't mind. But if they have to be nosy, don't blame me for being cruel.

"That kid who has just grown up over there, ha, I heard that this is his trip after the college entrance examination.

The kid is not too old, he has made my cousin's belly bigger and want to kick her to go to college? Want to be beautiful!

"Finally... this woman! This woman! Ahao doesn't love her anymore! Why should she intervene in our lives!"

When mentioning Zhang Quanhao's old lover, Ning Xi's voice became sharp and crazier obviously. Compared to the previous people, she was the most disgusted lover.

Hearing this, He Shujun inevitably showed a subtle expression.

Instead, Ning Xi laughed happily and said, "How about? Isn't it a good idea for me to gather my enemies together and solve them one by one? It took me a lot of work..."

"What about the people from the travel agency?"

Ning Xi said: "The last time I went out to play with Ahao, the attitude of this travel agency was not good. There was no compensation for the delay of the plane, so this time I chose them. Unfortunately, I did not meet the leader and the team I met last time. The tour guide... Forget it, there is always a chance."

He Shujun was speechless.

This woman... She looked at her weirdly, thinking, is this the idea after madness, or her original intention? Perhaps she had already held grudges, and then the madness intensified this desire to kill

Or maybe, she was such a person.

But He Shujun couldn't understand this woman's brain circuit anyway.

It seems that apart from death, there is no other means of revenge in her brain.

He Shujun shook his head secretly, thought carefully about what Ning Xi had said, and then turned to look at his two companions: "Do you think this is enough?"

Knowing this, they already knew that Ning Xi was behind the scenes, and they also understood where this journey of death came from. In this case, can they find that door

He Shujun looked at the door of the villa unconsciously. She secretly guessed that if they knew the truth, they should be able to leave this place after they walked out of the door of the villa.

But Shen Yunju had objections. He hesitated and said, "I think... Isn't this too easy?"

He Shujun was taken aback, thought about it carefully, and asked: "You mean, in this nightmare, there is no obvious... trace of the doomsday?"

"Ning Xi's actions can be said to be "crazy", or it can be said to be because of her extreme extremes. "

Shen Yunju said in a pragmatic way, "Isn't there some weird news in reality, that is to say that someone has a vengeful mentality and finally caused a murder

"So, judging from the information we know now, it's like... completely unaffected by the doomsday."

He Shujun nodded his head after hearing it, and said happily: "Yes! It is indeed a bit too normal."

But she couldn't think of what was wrong, and she insisted on saying something... She hesitated and said, "Is it too easy for Ning Xi to put his enemies together?"

Why can Ningxi make tour groups