Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 145: A maze (1)


Ning Xi is a fan of mystery novels.

From a very young age, she realized that she was narrow-minded and extreme temperament.

She is not afraid of this character. However, based on a certain instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, she hides this side of herself.

However, she began to indulge in detective novels and film and television works.

Others are the detectives, but she is the murderer.

She commented condescendingly on mystery novels and the methods of those murderers.

She was complacent and realized that her abilities were enough, and she had learned countless methods of killing.

However, she was also soberly aware that they were all novels, nothing more.

It is impossible for her to practice those methods in reality. The novel fictionalizes certain specific conditions and scenes in order to make those magical techniques come true.

And reality? Accidents and luck are not enough to make these techniques successful. It is a fictional product that is difficult to conform to common sense.

Ningxi spent many years in this way.

Almost all of her life revolved around those bloody killing cases. Later, the novel was not enough to meet her needs, so she went to understand some major cases in reality.

And when the understanding in reality was over, she went to participate in running groups, werewolf killings, etc., as if she had actually participated in a real case, and she could decide the survival of those people.

Every time she participates in such an activity, she will be extremely excited.

But the constant communication between the real and the illusion made her feel a deeper desire. She hopes that all this is not fake, and it is no longer just a game.

That is precisely the moment when madness is spreading in human society.

At a certain moment, that crazy desire to kill seemed to have completely soaked her soul and blood. It was no longer a fictional story or death in dusty history, but... in reality.

She desperately wants to be... Yes, she wants to be the protagonist of the mystery, "I" is the murderer. She wants to play this trick.

Ning Xi felt like she was crazy, but she felt that such craziness perfectly matched her character. She likes to be like this.

So she really started to prepare.

It didn't go well at first. She couldn't find a suitable candidate. Besides, she also knew that she didn't have much strength and it was difficult to kill a person unless... the other party cooperated.

In the process, she behaved normally. She falls in love normally, prepares to marry her boyfriend normally, and plans to travel normally.

But at this time, she suddenly learned that Zhang Quanhao had an ex-girlfriend who was pestering him endlessly.

A deep killing intent filled her heart. That kind of sharp anger, and the thirst for killing, made her and Zhang Quanhao have a big fight.

She frantically told her desire to kill, so crazy that even Zhang Quanhao was stunned.

Then Ning Xi heard Zhang Quanhao's dreamy voice.

"You might as well... come and kill me."

Ning Xi looked at him like a dream.

Then Zhang Quanhao said it again, this time his tone was particularly affirmative.

Ning Xi was stunned.

Of course, she was angry because of Zhang Quanhao and her predecessor, but she didn't really want to kill Zhang Quanhao. This is her future husband, and has nothing to do with her "little hobbies".

But Zhang Quanhao's proposal moved Ning Xi deeply.

She stared at the man she loved so much, and this time, there was more destructive desire and hatred.

Then she said softly: "Okay, I will kill you."

On the contrary, Zhang Quanhao showed a particularly happy expression, as if it was an absolute honor to die for Ning Xi.

Ning Xi was also crazy. Crazy Ning Xi found her enemies, one by one "persuaded" them to die for her. Then, they came to this isolated snow mountain villa together.

Here, Ning Xi will fulfill his long-cherished wish. She will become the heroine of the mystery novel she has conceived. She will become the most innocent and murderous killer in the world.

All the people killed by her committed suicide.

Ning Xi smiled and explained her thoughts and thoughts, and her tone was full of triumphant arrogance.

However, because of Zhang Quanhao's death, her eyes were red and swollen from crying, as if she was too sad.

Until now, she was still crying.

She just cried and laughed like this, like a real lunatic.

No, Ning Xi is indeed a... lunatic.

After listening to her, the taskers felt that the world was going to be over... Yes, it was indeed over.

While Ning Xi was talking, the other members of the tour group were silent. They seemed to have acquiesced to Ning Xi's words, and seemed to have acquiesced to their own death.

They have no fear of death, and the reason is actually the delusion of someone who has nothing to do with them.

They will also become characters in a mystery novel, just dead.

He Shujun exhaled, with a hint of disgust in her tone: "I don't think that there are humans who are willing to give their lives for other people's stupid dreams." She mocked, "Is this a friendly human? "

Shen Yunju smiled bitterly and said: "Just listening to your words, I actually feel that if humans can do this, it would be better... But the reality is not like this."

He Shujun couldn't help but smile.

Ye Lan said, "Now that we have understood everything, we should be able to leave, right?" She urged, "Time is of the essence."

The taskers nodded, and even Ringo nodded seriously.

He still wants to find his North End.

As a result, several taskers walked towards the door of the villa at the same time, but when they crossed out, the gray mist and the door in the fog did not appear.

Shen Yunju subconsciously said, "Is there anything we haven't figured out yet?"

Ye Lan hesitated for a while, then said, "Who is the owner of the nightmare?"

"It shouldn't be Ning Xi?" He Shujun thought for a while and said, "Ning Xi should be the object of the nightmare master's fear."

"Zhang Quanhao?"

"But he's already crazy, right?" Shen Yunju guessed, "If he wasn't crazy, then I don't understand why he took the initiative to let Ning Xi kill him, and in the end he was willing to commit suicide."

Ye Lan said, "So, you must be someone who is not crazy? It is someone who is willing to participate in this trip..."

With that, the taskers reacted instantly, and they subconsciously looked at Zhang Quanhao's old lover who was sitting on the other side.

Her name is Ding Yucan.

Unlike Ning Xi, Ding Yucan is a person who is quiet enough to make people ignore her. She just sat there quietly, with a pleasant smile even on the corner of her lips.

Her temperament was calm and composed, like a wild wolf crawling on the sidelines, ready to attack at any time.

She has a much calmer aura than Ning Xi.

She said she killed Zhang Quanhao, but in fact Zhang Quanhao committed suicide. But why did Ding Yucan say that she killed Zhang Quanhao

Under the gaze of the taskers, Ding Yucan said softly: "I think if he dies, I can be with him forever, right?" She murmured, "Unfortunately, I didn't achieve it. This wish."

Shen Yunju asked nonchalantly: "What will happen next?"

The taskers are not very interested in the love-hate entanglements of these people, but are interested in the truth behind the scenes.

The smile on Ding Yucan's lips gradually distorted: "Because he loves this crazy woman. He is willing to die for her, and he is not willing to look back at me.

Me, I can only let him die and let him know the consequences of being with this crazy woman. "

"But don't you want to get back with Zhang Quanhao?" He Shujun asked subconsciously, "Why do you want him to die?"

"I didn't want him to die. But, he must die." Ding Yucan smiled, "If he doesn't die, how does he know mine is good? If he doesn't die, how does he know that this crazy woman is not him? What's a good match?"

"But it's all dead..."

"I'm dead." Ding Yucan opened his eyes wide. "So, he can be with me forever. Don't you think it's good? He can never break up with me again, and never leave me behind. , And will never get involved with other people again."

The taskers were speechless for a moment.

He Shujun couldn't help saying: "So this is also a lunatic."

Ding Yucan still said: "So, I think I killed him. I killed Ahao." She said softly again, "I let him die."

"Love and death..." Ye Lan murmured in a low voice, "At a certain moment, they can also be the inside and the outside."

That's not it. Ringo muttered in her heart. He and Beijin will definitely not.

Why do you always die when you fall in love? Why can death lie between love

For any problem, there must always be a corresponding solution. He has always believed so.

Therefore, he also believes that Xu Beijin's nightmare and the human plight he wants to solve can definitely be solved.

He believes in Xu Beijin so much.

However, Xu Beijin at this time actually doubted himself a little bit.

He survived another trance and gloom deep into his bones and soul. It was like being knocked on several bricks after a concussion.

Xu Beijin even felt a little unstable.

He simply sat on the ground, looking up at the cellular nightmare floating in the sky. His face was frighteningly pale, and his lips were pale, sickly and weak.

That kind of weakness is like the fatigue and exhaustion he has endured for many years, but it just keeps spreading and growing.

In addition to the pain, he was still a bit distressed, he thought, it's terrible, what the hell is NE doing

Why are you still not ready yet? Obviously we are already on the side of humans, so we should be more serious...

He complained helplessly in his heart, but knew that NE was actually powerless. Of course, NE also has the constraints of having rules.

It should be said that at this moment, the most powerless person is Xu Beijin.

He can't even leave here. He can only watch the struggles and efforts of the taskers in the gray mist, but he can't help them at all.

When there is a live broadcast, he can also relax the atmosphere by relying on the audience in the live broadcast room.

But at this moment, he was alone in the gray mist, feeling an unprecedented exhaustion and loss.

Can they really do it? Has hope really arrived? He... He decided to open up his nightmare, did he really do nothing wrong

Xu Bei laughed bitterly, he thought, it's really bad, until now it is still impossible to avoid such scattered and pessimistic thoughts. As he said to Dai Wu, this is already a last resort.

Even if he regrets it, there is no way. The nightmare has already come in, they can only give all the right of choice to destiny and to NE.

Suddenly, almost crazy pain and hatred surged in Xu Beijin's heart. He hates the feeling of powerlessness, he hates resignation. However, this is always the case.

From the moment he entered the narrow building.

It starts with him... lucky or unfortunately winning this identity.

Xu Beijin felt a little confused. At this moment, he began to wonder whether this was luck or misfortune.

He always feels that this is a misfortune, but this identity always falls on someone, but this person happens to be him.

He learned the truth, even though it had crushed him over the years. However, is it not a kind of luck to be able to know the truth itself? In the narrow building, no one is luckier than him.

The rest were struggling in the nightmare, and he had already seen the bigger prison outside the nightmare.

Xu Beijin smiled bitterly again.

He knows his current random thoughts, just because he needs these thoughts, he needs something to support him.

He felt that his soul was slowly becoming numb, maybe so, he couldn't perceive it clearly either.

Perhaps he is sitting on the ground now because he can no longer stand.

No, it should not be enough. The situation is not so bad. But he did feel extra tired.

He felt that he was going to be unable to hold it anymore. Maybe he didn't even realize that his mental state has been so bad.

He thought to himself that Little Apple was right. He should really sleep. But things have reached this point, and if they fail to succeed, they will become benevolent. How could he be able to sleep.

Extreme sobriety and extreme sleepiness entangled in Xu Beijin's brain.

But at this moment, he discovered that suddenly there was only one cellular nightmare floating in front of him.

He was stunned, thinking, have all the taskers converged

He looked over, then his face changed slightly. He almost stood up subconsciously, staggered forward a few steps, and touched the cell nightmare with his fingertips.

In the next second, he disappeared out of thin air, and also appeared in that cellular nightmare.

At that moment, there was only one thought left in his brain.

They really found that nightmare!

The ten taskers finally gathered.

In fact, before entering this new scene, the goddess, Jiayi and Jiaer have not recovered their memories.

However, whether the goddess restores the memory or not does not seem to affect her current state, and if there are two people, just let them analyze these scenes, it will not be a big problem if the memory is not restored.

Before the ten people gathered, the scene where the five of Mujiashi and the others reunited came from a nightmare that Fei and Wujian had experienced together.

That was the nightmare of the two of them working together for the first time in the organization.

This conspiracy theory organization’s exploration of nightmares has always focused on safety. In other words, they will only delve into the background story of a nightmare only after they have clarified a solution to the nightmare.

In addition, they will try to avoid restarting too many times in the same nightmare, or entering a nightmare frequently.

No matter what, no matter how safe these measures are, there will be times when the car will overturn.

Seeing the nightmare that Hui and Wu had entered, they overturned.

Explain the story of this nightmare to others, and at the same time, when they overturned the car, it was a little embarrassing.

Mu Jiashi couldn't help asking in confusion: "Overturned? Did you cause the breakdown of the nightmare?"

"No, it's not just collapse." Fei shook his head and said honestly, "We had a bad ending."

"After you already know the background of this nightmare, and the normal ending, still a bad ending?"

Mu Jiashi couldn't help being taken aback, "Is it a confusing nightmare like the nightmare that Skyfire descended from the world?"

"Almost." Wu Jian said vaguely.

Fei glared at him, and said mercilessly: "It's because of this guy!"

There was little conversation, but there was no denial.

Mu Jiashi hesitated.

Wu Jian said: "Oh, let me tell you. In fact, it's... the story behind this nightmare happened in a mental hospital."

This special scene made Mu Jiashi raised his eyebrows and got a little interest.

He did discover that the scene was a hospital, but he did not expect it to be a mental hospital.

As for the mental hospital, when it crazily spreads among human beings, it will inevitably be in a very special position.

This place will fill up immediately, and then immediately plunge into a more chaotic madness.

People will be full of hope for this place at first, until later, they will be full of fear here.

I never saw a book in the nightmare when Skyfire descended to the world, recording the current situation of human society after the onset of madness, including the mental hospital.

The author said: "What can a madman cure a madman?"

The actual situation is indeed the case.

Fei sighed. She said, "We didn't know that this nightmare... the background of these nightmares was when the madness spread in human society.

Therefore, we did not realize that the doctor in the mental hospital... is already a lunatic.

"We ignored this, followed the doctor's words, and... indirectly caused the deaths of many mentally ill patients."

At this point, Fei also showed regret and depression.

Although she accused of ignorance, she actually blamed herself very much. The ignorance affected her judgment, but she also came to that conclusion herself. She also believes that the doctor is credible.

At this time, Wu Jian comforted her a few words softly, and then he smiled bitterly and said: "I didn't expect to encounter this nightmare here again."

He stared at the building blankly, "However, it used to be crowded with people, so I am afraid that a tasker has fallen into it."

Mu Jiashi frowned and asked, "What happened?"

Fei smiled bitterly: "Now I can re-examine this nightmare from a higher angle. We didn't understand it before.

What happened in this nightmare was probably... people's various discussions on the treatment of madness, and... attempts. "

"Try?" Mu Jiashi repeated the word subconsciously, then his face changed slightly, "It sounds like it's not a good thing."

"Yes..." Fei said softly, "Those lunatics are like guinea pigs and have been treated with all kinds of strange treatments. And we... didn't even realize that it was actually wrong."

Wu Jian couldn't help but said: "I suspect that after we entered this nightmare, then believe in that doctor because NE changed our brains!"

Fei continued: "The owner of this nightmare is one of the victims. He has experienced some... inhumane treatments, including craniotomy.

Some people think that madness comes from the brain, so their brains have been studied repeatedly. "


"However, it was of no use," Fei said. "Many people have experienced hardships and pains, and even... voluntarily dedicate their brains for research. But nothing has been studied."

Mu Jiashi looked weird: "Volunteer?"

For a person like Mu Jiashi who is cold in nature, he really can’t understand this kind of person who voluntarily gave his life...

Well, the madness did spread all over the world, but he probably didn't have that kind of salvation.

Fei hesitated for a moment, and then said, "It's hard to tell whether they are crazy or not. When they went to the operating table, it was like a great honor."

Mu Jiashi inevitably showed a look of consternation. After thinking about it for a long time, he said, "It seems that madness has become a good thing. At least... Having so many volunteers. But..." He said again, "It seems to be too. Not a good thing."

Is this shit-flavored chocolate or chocolate-flavored shit

This metaphor inevitably came to mind in Mu Jiashi's brain.

Wu Jian repeatedly nodded in agreement: "That's why we believe that doctor! It's because many of the people in this hospital are weird, but that doctor is the most normal, at least...looks normal."

At this time, A1 and A2 who had been listening to them seemed to understand what was happening here.

A one asked curiously: "But listening to what you just said, this doctor is actually not a good person? Did he think of any cure for madness?"

Fei showed an expression of difficulty for a moment.

Wu Jiansheng said, "Change the brain..." He said, "He wants to change the brain."

A twitched the corners of his mouth: "That's it, do you still believe it?"

"No, it's actually..." said helplessly, "We didn't know he was going to do this at first. He expressed great indignation at that kind of craniotomy, thinking it was useless, and even asked us to save it. Those patients...

"That's why we think he is harmless. We guessed that this may be a condition for the true ending, so we want to try it. But..."

"But in fact, he said that craniotomy was useless, because after the craniotomy, the brain was not changed, so the craniotomy was wasted?"

Mu Jiashi showed an unspeakable expression, "This is really..."

"In short, we were deceived by this doctor." Fei said helplessly. "We took his word and really saved the volunteers who were waiting for the craniotomy and were studying the brain.

"These volunteers were then sent to his operating room and had a brain change. As for whether the operation was successful, we don't know. At that time, we had already had a bad ending.

"I think it should have failed."

At this point, Fei inevitably showed a sigh.

Mu Jiashi shook his head and didn't say much. He thought for a while and turned to more realistic things: "Then, if you want to leave this scene, you should go to the door of the operating room, right?"

Fei nodded: "I think so."

After seeing this, he simply said: "Let's go, let's go over. I remember... the third operating room."

They walked over, and after a few minutes, successfully left this scene with a terrible past.

They didn't even encounter the tasker who had fallen into it, and they didn't know where he would hide in this scene shivering. However, Mu Jiashi really didn't have time to pay attention to these things.

They must hurry up. Even if they didn't realize the situation of Xu Beijin, they also realized that after going through so many scenes, the nightmare had indeed come to the point of collapse.

But they still don't know what they need to do in this nightmare.

Solve Xu Beijin's nightmare

Come on, this nightmare, does Xu Bei know how to solve it by himself? After realizing that this nightmare is a "garbage dump in a narrow building," many taskers involuntarily came up with this idea.

And if this nightmare can't be resolved, Xu Beijin said that his nightmare is the condition to start the ultimate nightmare.

So, do they need to find a special scene in these endless scenes

However, isn't it all more about luck, and relying on NE to show kindness

Every time they realized this, the taskers felt a little uneasy.

Relying on an artificial intelligence whose position is difficult to understand and cannot communicate, they really can't feel at ease, even if NE should be on their side.

However, they did not really communicate with NE after all.

But this is their only chance.

When they came to the new scene, they all subconsciously raised their heads and looked around, wanting to understand clues related to this scene as soon as possible.

But at this moment, A-1 and A-2 exclaimed at the same time.

Mu Jiashi glanced over in an instant, and asked eagerly: "Have you been here?"

A scratched his hair in confusion.

The second one's voice is deep: "Yes..."

Jiayi said: "This is impossible. This place... Isn't it right?"

Mu Jiashi frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Jia Yi was about to speak, suddenly, a figure flashed around them-Xu Beijin.

The taskers looked at them one after another, shocked by Xu Beijin's sudden appearance, and felt even more anxious because of Xu Beijin's pale face.

Ringo came to Xu Beijin's side in an instant and supported him. The missioners around didn't even notice the change of Ringo's figure, and suddenly saw another figure appeared next to Xu Beijin.

Ringo asked worriedly: "Are you okay?" He carefully touched Xu Beijin's cheek, frowning even more because of the cold skin, his expression cold and violent, "It was this nightmare that turned you into Is that so?"

Xu Beijin shook his hand and breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

He said: "Don't worry, don't worry. Little Apple, I'm fine. It's never so good again."

Ringo was lost in an instant.

He looked at Xu Beijin in confusion, frowned for a moment, and then said, "You are sick and stupid."

Xu Beijin: "..."

Pooh! How come there are people like Ringo!

He was angry and funny, and gave Ringo a look.

Ringo was still not convinced and wanted to refute, but when he saw Xu Bei's weakness, he withdrew his words, sighed, and softened, "How can I make you more comfortable?"

"It's okay, Ringo, trust me." Xu Beijin whispered.

Ringo frowned deeply, feeling upset and unable to get angry with Xu Bei.

A thought suddenly popped out of his mind: He was going to lock Xu Bei completely, and let him go out when his body recovered.

This thought immediately made Ringo happy. He tilted his head and wondered to himself, wondering who can win a fight with Xu Bei now

If he loses, then the plan to lock up Xu Bei will not succeed.

But looking at what Xu Beijin looks like now, I guess he can't even hit a finger on Ringo, right

Are you bullying Xu Bei too much? But it was meant to subdue him and let him rest.

It seems we still have to understand Xu Beijin's fighting ability.

Ringo thought so.

And if Xu Bei knew everything about it and went around, Ringo finally returned to the road that he wanted to fight with, then he might be really not good at this time.

It's a pity... No, luckily, he doesn't know.

He just looked at the rest of the taskers who were anxious and afraid to talk to each other, and smiled apologetically—

Although in the eyes of other people, his emotions are not like this, even the kind of weak sickness can not cover his strong and unpredictable aura.

He said: "Congratulations, thank you, you found this place."

Mu Jiashi was stunned, and then instantly ecstatic: "Is this your purpose for letting us into this nightmare?"

"You can say so." Xu Bei was noncommittal, but he did not give a clear answer. "However, it is only the first step now."

Mu Jiashi asked decisively: "What else do we need to do?"

The rest of the task force listened quietly. Mu Jiashi was their convener, so he should come to talk to Xu Beijin at this time.

However, at this moment, the other taskers also showed expressions of ecstasy and relief.

The goddess, who had not recovered all her memories, couldn't help but smile at this time because of the emotional infection of other people.

She didn't know why, but murmured: "There is still a way...not yet, to reach the final destination."

Her voice was so small that no one could hear her.

But when Xu Beijin said that this was just the first step, the taskers immediately calmed down, anxiously waiting for Xu Beijin's answer.

Xu Beijin smiled calmly, his voice was a little soft, and said: "Let’s learn the truth about this scene first."

Several taskers glanced at each other, and then at the same time looked at A1 and A2.

The first and second ones who had understood the whole thing, after a moment of silence, the more thoughtful and calmer character A two explained the whole story of the nightmare: "We don’t actually know a lot. I found the gold nugget organization in Mujiashi. The two of us were quite leisurely when we wanted people.

So let us get down, otherwise, our work is heavy and we don't necessarily have time.

"The reason why I was so idle at the time was because of... this nightmare. We were stuck on this nightmare."

Mu Jiashi was stunned when she listened. It turned out to be like this. He originally thought he had a face in the Nuggets organization, but he didn't expect it to be just a coincidence.

Thinking this way, he himself felt a little ashamed and helpless.

Fortunately, no one knows his psychological activities, so this small embarrassment is just that he secretly spurned himself in his heart.

Later, Jia Er said: "Our investigation of this nightmare has not been carried out very deeply, but we have investigated the owner of this nightmare. The resident of the narrow building... He, he is a real lunatic."

"A lunatic in the true sense?" He Shujun couldn't help but questioned, "But, aren't these people already crazy in the doomsday?"

Jia Er explained: "No, I mean, he was mad before the kind of madness you said spread to human society.

There was a problem with his mental state. One of the taskers who was a doctor before said that he should be schizophrenic.

"Therefore, in his nightmare, there are also such chaotic and fragmented factors. The nightmares we have encountered before are all stories similar to reality, but his nightmare is like a real dream. ."

Only then did the taskers understand.

But Fei and Wujian glanced at each other, but at the same time raised objections: "No!"

The other taskers were startled.

Fei looked at Jia Er and said, "Just now, the scene we went to. The owner of the nightmare is also a lunatic. He is a real lunatic, and the scenes in the nightmare are all mental hospitals.

"However, his nightmare did not show up as you mentioned, and it is still developing logically like reality. This means that perhaps it is not spiritual factors that affected the situation in his nightmare."

Jiaer was stunned, and then nodded again and again: "You are right!"

Wu Jian couldn't help adding: "The other question is, does his mental problem come from the script he took, or the person who plays it?"

The others didn't understand much.

Ye Lan frowned and said, "You mean... the mental state of the actor has affected this nightmare?"

They were silent for a moment, and unexpectedly turned their heads to look at Xu Beijin.

After all, here, Xu Bei is probably the one who knows the best about the actors.

But when they looked at Xu Beijin, Xu Beijin said frankly: "I don't know. But..."

He carefully recalled Dai Wu's situation, "Our original situation, whether it is physical or psychological, does indeed seem to be brought to the residents of the narrow building."

So the taskers nodded immediately.

Mu Jiashi said: "It seems to be! I haven't encountered such a situation before, but this actor, I am afraid he is really crazy, and that's why it has such a strange effect on his nightmare."

Others agreed.

Jia Er went on to say: "The only thing we know about this nightmare is that this is a huge, maze-like building. As long as you enter this maze, you will encounter different forks.

"Until now, our organization has not walked out of this maze, no matter what method is used. This maze is too large, and... it hurts the eyes."

The taskers looked at each other and went to the building that was not far away.

indeed so.

The maze in the mouth of Jia Er is not a brick wall in the ordinary sense, or a maze made of vines and plants.

It is made up of endless color blocks, just like in video games, constantly changing colors.

They don't know whether the color block is because the maze is like this, or because the mental state of the actor has affected the original maze and turned it into the same light pollution situation as it is now.

In short, Fei's eyes became sour after watching it.

She turned her gaze away and looked helpless when she saw Jia Er, so she couldn't help asking: "Why does your organization study this nightmare?"

This nightmare... does not seem to be suitable for the Nuggets organization to lead the boss.

How can a boss be willing to suffer from such a nightmare

Jia Er also smiled bitterly: "There is no way... The nightmare on that floor has been studied. It just so happened that the group of taskers who came up from the bottom of the narrow building found this new nightmare. Follow along to see the situation.

"As a result, who would have thought that this nightmare would actually be like this?"

He even couldn't help covering his eyes.

This color block that kept changing colors still flashed before his eyes a few days after he left that nightmare, giving him a sense of insanity.

Sometimes, he even indulged in unconsciously, counting the number of colors in the color block, and then slowly falling asleep. In his sleep, he also remembered those colors.

If you think about it, it's too desperate.

Jia Yi next to him, after entering this scene, didn’t even see the huge maze in the whole process, just like