Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 147: Useless work


Shen Yunju's words covered the hearts of the taskers with a thick haze.

This maze ever appeared on the earth

But how can there be such a maze? Why does this huge labyrinth of confused electronic color blocks appear on the earth

Mu Jiashi looked at the maze deeply, feeling dizzy. This may be the effect of the appearance of the maze on his brain, or it may come from a deep fear and strange premonition.

He suddenly realized that even though they had come to Xu Beijin's nightmare, in fact, they had not yet understood the truth.

They knew the doomsday twice, once in the spiritual sense and once in the physical sense.

But where did the end come from? Even if the end is coming, why would they enter the narrow building

This question could not be answered, and Mu Jiashi's mind could not be calmed.

He glanced back at Xu Bei.

The mysterious bookstore owner was still pale and looked very weak.

He lowered his eyes, and Ringo was saying something to him. He seemed to notice Mu Jiashi's gaze, so he suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Mu Jiashi.

Those are deep, indifferent eyes.

Mu Jiashi swallowed back the questioning words at this moment.

Forget it, he thought, this point has been reached, there is no turning back.

If Xu Beijin is really NE, then he is now standing on a human standpoint.

And if Xu Beijin is not NE, but an ordinary narrow-building resident, he just happens to have an unusual nightmare...

Then, he is a human, he will definitely want to escape from this narrow building.

No matter what, they must now trust Xu Beijin.

And Mu Jiashi was unwilling to shake the confidence of other taskers at this time.

So, he just smiled at Xu Bei, then turned his head to greet the other taskers, and entered the maze with them.

Xu Beijin didn't expect that he would be suspected by Mu Jiashi. However, if he thinks of the confusing effect his appearance brings to other people, he will immediately understand it with helplessness and headache.

After all, Mu Jiashi still thinks he is a big villain.

But at this time, Xu Bei was all having a headache. He was absent-minded, and he didn't even notice Mu Jiashi's strange expression.

His headache is... Ringo, too nagging.

This little apple was talking babblingly in his ears, and what it said was to ask him to take a good rest and not to damage his body. If Xu Bei had an accident, he would not live anymore.

"Good, good, I know." Xu Beijin quickly agreed, "But if something happens to me, you have to live."

Ringo was very happy when he heard the first half of the sentence, but his face suddenly sank after the second half of the sentence.

Xu Bei looked at him puzzled.

Ringo hesitated to speak, and after thinking for a long time, he finally said, "I misunderstood you, North End."

Xu Bei was at a loss.

"I thought you would know love better than me." Ringo was very disappointed, "but not really."

Xu Beijin: "..."

He clenched his fists.

The little apple was still talking about something, which meant that Xu Bei wouldn't let him die for him, did he feel that Ringo didn't love him enough.

Xu Bei made a question mark slowly in his heart.

He looked at Ringo helplessly and amusingly, was silent for a moment, and then said, "No, Ringo. I just hope you are alive."

"But you have to live well first," Ringo said stubbornly. "I still want to be in the narrow building and do business with you."

Xu Beijin originally wanted to say something, but when Lino mentioned "do not do business properly," his mentality collapsed in an instant.

Talking about serious topics, how can Ringo get to that topic! What is going on with this little apple!

Xu Bei was speechless for a moment, and then said softly: "I will live."

"Really?" Ringo said suspiciously, "I think you always... don't care much about your physical condition."

"No… "

Xu Bei motioned Ringo to help him keep up with the other taskers.

Ringo wanted to refuse, but after looking at Xu Beijin's face, after pondering for a while, he still agreed.

Xu Beijin said: "I just... how do I put it, Ringo. I have been used to it for so many years. Now it's all right for a while. What I want to see is that we succeeded in everything."

"We will succeed."

"But what I hope is..." Xu Beijin stopped. He didn't know what to say, "Everyone's success."

Ringo hesitated and asked, "So you really can't leave here?"

"I don't know." Xu Bei was silent for a moment, "This is my guess."

Ringo's tone relaxed: "Then you can leave."

Xu Bei was helpless, he thought for a while, and then said: "If I really can't leave..."

"I'll be with you."


Ringo interrupted him instead: "Listen, I want to be with you. This is my decision. I have done everything you say. Then you should listen to me once what I say?"

Xu Bei thought to himself, why did Ringo come up with this kind of sophistry again

Is this little apple black when cut open? Is it a bad apple

He looked at Ringo suspiciously, and saw Ringo's sincere eyes and calm expression.

He thought, okay, maybe Ringo is really just thinking that.

But Xu Beijin still didn't agree to Ringo directly. He just said, "We'll talk about it when we solve everything."

Ringo was a bit unwilling, but in the end decided not to entangle more at this time. There was no need for this.

Anyway, he thought, Xu Bei wouldn't be able to send him out forcefully if he didn't want to leave then.

There was a vague hunch in his heart, and he thought it might be related to his lost memories, and to his past. In short, maybe he can't leave the narrow building either

This thought made Ringo happy slightly. His world has always been so simple, and Xu Beijin alone has entered his world.

Therefore, he is willing to spend the rest of his life with Xu Beijin in a lonely place like Zhailou forever.

It's just that he thought, maybe his Beijin didn't want it.

Xu Beijin hated the place like Zhailou, he knew it. It's just that Xu Bei has always been calm and self-sufficient, so other people think that he is a member of the narrow building and he was born to belong to this place.

But no, no one is born to belong to a place. He just stayed here for too long, and he knew it better than anyone else. Therefore, it will be contaminated with the temperament of a narrow building.

But he hated Zhailou.

So Ringo stared at Xu Beijin at the moment, wondering, it didn't matter, they could make some efforts. Maybe they can all leave the narrow building.

An unclear, subtle emotion was rising in Ringo's heart.

He seemed to be able to vaguely perceive that emotion, that special feeling of being lost in thought.

He thought curiously, what is this? What was he thinking about? Why does he feel this way? Is that him in the past

He tilted his head and thought for a moment, feeling that he couldn't think of it. He looked at Xu Beijin and saw that his sweetheart was looking thoughtfully at the maze in front of him... Ringo hesitated for a while, but decided to speak out.

"North End..."

He called him.

Xu Bei turned his head to look at him strangely: "What's the matter?"

Ringo hesitated again and again.

This was the first time Xu Beijin saw his tangled face. He asked again: "What's wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

"No..." Ringo said hesitantly, "but I do seem to have something wrong."

Xu Bei was taken aback: "What?"

Ringo said, "I seem to be able to remember some memories of the past."

Xu Beijin was stunned immediately. He said in confusion, "Why... What kind of opportunity brought you back to memory?"

"It's not a recovery, it's just a vague premonition." Ringo corrected Xu Beijin's statement, and it made him feel much more comfortable to say this.

So the tone returned to the original straightforward and indifferent, "It's not a big deal, let me tell you."

He is habitually reporting his thoughts to Xu Bei.


Not a big deal

Xu Bei's eyes widened, confirming that Ringo really thought so, couldn't help being speechless.

He suddenly understood in a subtle way, why Ringo was a little anxious about his attitude just now. This is how the emperor is not in a hurry, the eunuch is in hurry

Pooh, he didn't mean that he and Ringo were eunuchs.

He just felt that... the position was changed, and he felt the same in an instant.

Thinking of this, Xu Beijin looked at Ringo suspiciously again, thinking, this guy didn't mean it, right? Is he so smart

Ringo tilted her head, her eyes were clear and clear, and her baby face looked like a well-behaved.

Xu Bei just thought, but it doesn't seem to be. Is he really going to restore his memory

But why is it at this juncture

This makes Xu Bei feel bad. If Ringo recovers his memory at this point in time and in this place, does that mean... His identity may be more important than Xu Bei thought

Xu Beijin originally thought that Ringo's memory loss might have come from some special mental illness, or the price of an item card.

And Xu Beijin is faintly inclined to the latter. Maybe Ringo used his memory to exchange a powerful force value

This is just his guess. He could see that Ringo didn't care much about his amnesia and strength. From this performance, it does not look like an active transaction.

No matter what, Xu Beijin has faintly ignored the strangeness of Ringo, only occasionally remembers it, thinks it over, and then put it aside...

Xu Beijin suddenly woke up. He thought, yeah, why would he ignore Ringo's weirdness again and again

How can a force value of this level appear in a narrow building? Even the craziest residents of the narrow buildings still retain memories of the past. They have never entered the narrow buildings blankly.

Why is Ringo like this

Thinking of this, Xu Bei couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

He thought that he did know Ringo's special problem, but he always ignored the past and unconsciously thought it was weird but reasonable.

Maybe it's because of Ringo's voice that has always been taken for granted, as if he was born this way, or maybe... NE secretly changed his and all other missionaries' concepts

They always complain about Ringo's strange power, and complain about Ringo's behavior, but they have never thought deeply about Ringo's behavior.

Xu Beijin stood there, in a cold sweat, and his originally slightly better face turned pale again.

He thought, it’s really bad, the problems came one after another, and they still have to solve this maze...

No, it's not right. He was thinking about Ringo's problem.

He almost ignored the past again.

This strange phenomenon made Xu Beijin realize once again that it might be the ghost of NE. Maybe... Ringo's past is really special

Ringo looked at Xu Beijin worriedly, and asked, "What's the matter with you? Why does his face suddenly turn bad?"

He touched Xu Beijin's cheek, "How... How can I make you feel better?"

He was anxious and embarrassed. He wanted to get angry but couldn't get angry at Xu Bei. He could only hold back angrily, his face also not looking good.

At this time, they had reached the entrance of the maze.

Xu Beijin was silent for a moment, looked at the tasker in front of him, and then looked at Ringo: "Lingo, you answer me a question."

Looking at him so seriously, Ringo couldn't help getting serious too: "You said."

"What do you think is your amnesia and your strength?"

Ringo obviously stayed for a while: "What... Because of what?"

"Why do you have memory loss? Why do you have such power?"

"I don't know." Ringo tilted his head in confusion, and said frankly, "I don't know. It was like this from the beginning."

"Don't you think it is weird?"

"I actually didn't think it was weird, because it was like this at the beginning." Ringo murmured, a little uncomprehending, "Why do you suddenly ask?"

"Hear other humans' descriptions of the earth, don't you feel anything?"

Ringo thought blankly, then shook his head slowly: "Nothing feels."

His world is blank.

Xu Bei looked at him as deeply as possible.

He thought, Ringo... Ringo had no recognition and identification as a human being.

He may know that other humans are of his own kind, but he doesn't actually think of himself as a human.

He may know part of the rules of human society, or understand the different emotions of human beings, but he himself is just a passerby, he is just a bystander, just going to the countryside to do the same.

Xu Beijin did enter his world, but their affection started from an extremely embarrassing misunderstanding.

Ringo misunderstood that he liked Xu Beijin, and then he really liked Xu Beijin. Now who can deny that he likes, or even loves Xu Beijin

No one, not even Xu Beijin, could deny Ringo's feelings.

He knew that Ringo really loved him. But the strange thing about this is... Ringo's world is really blank.

At the very beginning, he actually believed what other people said, and then he completely checked himself into his seat.

He is like... like...

It's like an NPC in this game world.

Xu Bei was stunned there, and then let out a long sigh of relief.

He finally thought of this.

In other words, he finally clearly let this idea appear in his brain.

Ringo is good with everything, but this can't actually affect Ringo's position in his heart.

This reckless little apple has taken up enough weight in his world, but Xu Beijin is still worried about his past and the influence of those unknown memories on Ringo.

He always thought Ringo was amnesia... But what if he didn't have any memory

What if he didn't belong to the earth in the first place? But Ringo also said that he had a subtle hunch about the past...

Various guesses and possibilities emerged in Xu Beijin's mind, and none of them were so friendly.

He frowned, thinking very much.

Ringo stretched out his hand and gently smoothed Xu Bei's frowning brows. He said, "Don't think about it so much. If I knew I would not tell you my strange feelings."

Xu Beijin: "..."

Don't be too ringo.

Ringo looked at him, shrugged, and said, "That's what you said just now."

Xu Bei was speechless, and then said, "I didn't say that."

"That's what you think."

"How do you know what I think?"

"I just know." Ringo triumphantly, "My instinct told me."

Xu Beijin: "..."

This little apple is getting worse and worse.

Ringo looked at him, pondered for a while, and his tone softened: "Really, don't think so much."

Xu Bei was noncommittal, but said: "Let's go, advanced to the maze."

The entrance to the maze is right in front of them.

If you look at it from a close distance, the wall of the maze is about five meters high, almost two stories high, and the electronic color blocks are so smooth that it is impossible for him to climb over with any effort.

There is a certain possibility for the human wall, but as soon as A sees other taskers staring at the electronic color block wall, he reminds him: "If you can't climb it, there is a power grid on it, and the body will be electrocuted... Then the place will restart. ."

The taskers looked up at the top one after another, but they couldn't see anything.

It doesn't look like it's on earth here. On the contrary, it is really like the inner world of a mentally ill person, as Jia Er said.

There is darkness all around, and above is a black arc-shaped cover similar to a mirror, also opaque, reflecting the changing colors of the color blocks underneath.

In such a psychedelic realm, the taskers felt severe headaches before looking at them for a while, so they could only retract their eyes and watch the road in the maze quietly.

The ground is also an electronic color block with ever-changing colors. Stepping on it always feels unreliable.

Mu Jiashi said: "Then, we can only explore in this maze?"

"It seems so." Fei replied, "Are there anyone else in this maze?"

First A replied: "Yes, we have met several people before. They are scattered in different places in the maze, but they are all crazy and difficult to communicate. But..."

He looked at Jia Er hesitantly.

Jia Er also thought for a while, then said: "I think they might know something about what happened on the earth before. It's just that we didn't understand anything at the time, so we didn't understand what they said."

Fei immediately asked, "Do you remember what they said?"

"It's..." Jia Er recalled for a while, "It's too messy, it's just some things like "They're here," "Save us," "We're going to fail." I don't know what "coming" is. "

""They're here"? "

Shen Yunju and Ye Lan exclaimed at the same time.

"What?" Mu Jiashi asked immediately, "Do you know what happened?"

Ye Lan explained their previous experience and said, "Is there any relationship between the two? But first, I still have to know what is coming..."

Mu Jiashi nodded dullly.

He couldn't help thinking about it for a while, thinking about the game plan, and wondering whether this thing is really related to the narrow building.

But after thinking for a moment, he realized what's the point? It is impossible for them to know the truth at this moment. The more I think about it, the more I torture myself.

So he put aside those things, just said: "Enter the maze for the first time, save your life, collect information as much as possible, and communicate with those living people."

Jia Er also interrupted in due course, explaining the maze route they had explored before.

This is a labyrinth with a huge area. They have been around for four or five hours, but they have not been able to reach the exit.

Or maybe this maze is more difficult, so they keep going around, but only stay in one of the small areas.

After entering the maze, the first fork they faced was whether to go left, right, or forward.

As a result, the team was once again divided into three batches.

When everyone walked into the maze, the entrance of the maze suddenly closed, like a mouth of a blood basin.

At this moment, he swallowed all the food he got, so he closed quietly, chewing with satisfaction.

They couldn't help but look around.

Later, before everyone set off, Jia Er said: "The road on the left, when you reach the end and then turn right, you can meet a living person; on the middle road, we have not encountered a living person.

"The one on the right turns left and then left at the second fork, and you will enter a small spiral dark room where you will also encounter a living person."

The taskers nodded one after another.

There are eleven people in total. On the left are Mu Jiashi, Fei, Wujian, and Goddess. On the right are He Shujun, Ye Lan, Shen Yunju, and Jiayi. In the middle are Xu Beijin, Ringo, and Jiaer.

Jia Er looked at Ringo and Xu Beijin, hesitated for a while, and still acquiesced to this arrangement.

But he decided in his heart to stay away from the little couple later.

After doing a good job division, reconfirming what they knew, they set off.

The road on the left went straight to the living person mentioned by Jiaer. Soon they found the person mentioned by Jiaer somewhere in the labyrinth of electronic color blocks reflecting the chaotic light.

He can't be said to be a real living person.

His limbs were chopped off, and he could only lie down on the ground, staring at the sky blankly.

He has no strands on his body, it is very dirty and covered with stains. He just hid on a corner, muttering something in his mouth.

But Mu Jiashi listened attentively, but it was difficult to tell what he was talking about.

Fei stared at this man for a while, and looked away as if he couldn't bear it again.

She whispered, "What happened in this place? Why did he... become like this?"

"Did he suffer some kind of torture or..." Wu Jian said hesitantly, "Is he crazy? Or what?"

Fei's tone was a little erratic: "Who knows..."

The goddess sniffed and said nervously: "I smell it, the smell of hatred."


Fei and Wu Jian were taken aback at the same time.

Wu Jian subconsciously said: "So he was tortured like this by other people?"

The two of them instinctively chose to believe what the goddess said, but Mu Jiashi didn't make a conclusion so quickly.

He was still listening carefully to what the man murmured, and even took the initiative to move closer.

The person didn't react, just repeating some broken, messy words constantly.

Listening, Mu Jiashi hesitated and said: "He seems to be saying... "Useless work"? "