Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 148: Fail


Useless work.

When this word appeared in Mu Jiashi's mouth, the other three taskers were taken aback.

And that person suddenly let out a tragic wailing, and the pain, regret, madness, and unwillingness in it made all taskers tremble violently.

In the end what happened? What useless work

Mujiashi knelt down anxiously, and said in an unprecedented sincere tone: "We are looking for the truth. If you know anything, please tell me, okay?"

The man had a pair of cloudy eyes, and now Mu Jiashi looked carefully, but he could see the slight movement of his eyeballs. He is conscious and can understand Mu Jiashi's words.

But he said vaguely: "No, no... no, believe, don't believe..."

Do not believe

Mu Jiashi was startled.

Wu Jian asked behind him, "Can I use that item card?"

Ding Yi’s prop card. The hair turns cyan, but it can make everyone believe what the user said.

This is an incredible prop card, and also a prop card enough to solve their current dilemma.

Jiashi Mu had never liked using item cards in nightmares. Like many other taskers, he thought it was a kind of cheating. In addition, using item cards would inevitably bring corresponding costs.

But this time, after ignoring the prompt, he took out the prop card without hesitation and used it.

His hair turned cyan, and then once again explained their current situation to that person.

After a long period of daze and hesitation, the man finally spoke slowly.

His voice was hoarse, with a kind of sticky, disgusting voice, as if his throat was full of blood.

His body was clearly injured to this point, but he was still able to breathe hard.

Perhaps death would relieve him.

But he just lingered like this, because...

He said: "The labyrinth we built is a useless effort."

The maze built

Mu Jiashi was stunned almost instantly.

When he saw this maze, he had to admit that he also recognized the views of A1 and A2.

This maze is not like a building on the earth, nor is it like a copy in a game.

This is like a real lunatic's nightmare.

The endless electronic color blocks shine with puzzling light. If you are not a lunatic, who can draw such a picture in your own world

Although Shen Yunju said where he had seen this maze or similar buildings, in fact, Mu Jiashi was still somewhat hesitant. Has such a building ever appeared on the earth

But what is the significance of such a building

This is just a maze, but even if it is a playground, there is no need for such a big maze, right

But now, this person who seemed to be dying told them that this was a maze they had built by themselves.

Mu Jiashi was stunned there, with various possibilities in his mind.

Behind him, Fei and Wujian were already talking to themselves excitedly, each with their own conjectures and assumptions.

Mu Jiashi didn't listen carefully. He just looked down at this person and continued to ask: "Since it has been built, why is it still useless?"

"We want to trap them. This place." the man continued, "but we are still too weak... too weak... there is no way. They are here, they are gone. It's all the same."

Mu Jiashi finally asked the question: "Who are they?"

"Behind the scenes, the culprit." The man said, "Actually I don't know what they are or who they are. They just came here, they just came... here. The maze can't hold them."

Mu Jiashi frowned, "You are obviously here, why can't you see them? Did they enter the maze?"

"I can't see it. They are different from us. That is... a different form of existence. I don't even know if they have entered the maze.

We built a maze, thinking that we could trap them, but it was useless, it was all useless... trash, trash. "

The man sobbed and cried, and the uncomfortable sound in his throat became thicker.

Mu Jiashi ignored him.

He was stunned there, and suddenly thought of "Heavenly Fire Comes to the World".

He thought, yeah, "Heaven."

Look at the endless universe.

Behind him, an invisible voice trembled: "Do you remember that in our previous nightmare, someone argued about where the unknown object in the sky came from..."

"Some people say it's an alien." Fei replied blankly. "But, there really are..."

Are there really aliens

In this vast universe, are there really intelligent lives other than human beings

Humans never knew the answer. Are humans too weak or too powerful

Now it seems that they are too weak.

According to this person, they cannot even understand the existence of this kind of intelligent life.

Mu Jiashi felt that his legs were a little numb, so he simply sat on the ground and stared at the man silently, without knowing what to ask.

He suddenly thought, no wonder Xu Beijin said that this place was what they were looking for. Here can tell them the truth.

However, if it weren't for the magical item card of Ding Yi, it is estimated that they would not be able to harvest the truth... at least they would not know the truth so easily.

It is estimated that when other taskers encounter a living person in the maze, they will not be as smooth as they do.

But in fact, Mu Jiashi didn't want to go so smoothly.

He actually resisted the truth a little bit.

He was silent for a moment, and finally said: "So, are "they" the culprit who caused the madness and the fire of the sky? "

The man murmured: "I don't know. Nobody knows. They just appeared suddenly, and then said that we are in their pockets. No one will be willing, right

"We have survived on this planet for so many years; and now, an inexplicable race has jumped out and said, we are their slaves, they are our masters... They give us a month to say goodbye and do Be mentally prepared.

"No one will be willing. So we built this labyrinth. For the first time, I saw human beings united...

It may not be united, but I don’t know what the whole process is like. I just participated in the process of building the maze.

"But... it's no use, no use at all. We spent a month building the maze. And they only took a second to destroy the maze.

"Do you know what it feels like? It's like everyone was hit hard with a hammer. We thought it would be useful. Everyone thought so.

"Their existence is beyond our imagination. That is... That is... We can't imagine, we can't understand, higher creatures. And we are the lower creatures. We are... We are all waste."

He muttered, his voice was bleeding. Then he coughed and kept coughing.

He didn't say why he appeared here, why he looks like this.

And Mu Jiashi was not prepared to ask.

He just thought, it turned out to be like this. It turns out that this maze is like this.

Why use electronic color blocks that constantly change colors to build? Perhaps it is because the weakness of this alien race lies in its spirit

And such fancy colors make people feel uncomfortable with their spirits, and they may also be lethal to them.

However, after all, it is human wishful thinking.

Is this the truth of this maze

Mu Jiashi stood up and looked back at Fei, Wujian and the goddess. The faces of the three taskers were not pretty, and Fei was crying directly. And Mu Jiashi guessed that he looked the same.

Mu Jiashi wanted to say that it was time to go. They should do something else, but a certain powerful force solidified his legs, making him drown in a deep coldness for a long time.

He looked at the other taskers, and the other taskers also looked at him.

They are all silent.

Finally, Fei wiped away his tears, came to the person, and asked in a ferocious tone: "What did they do after destroying the maze?"

Why, these human beings appeared in the narrow building, and lost all the memories since the end of the day

However, the man ignored her.

Mu Jiashi asked this question again.

This time the man slowly answered: "I don't know. I, died in this maze."

He moved his head, as if he wanted to take a look at himself, but he couldn't do it, so he gave up, and he said, "Yes, he died in the way he is now."

This made Fei feel a deep confusion.

They are so close to the truth, but still can't get the answer to the question they initially puzzled.

The earth is over, mankind is over. OK, they all know.

But what about the narrow building? Why are there narrow buildings

Jiashi Mu also knew Fei's intention to ask this question. He said: "This question, perhaps only NE can answer us."

"And Xu Beijin," Fei said, "maybe he will know too."

Mu Jiashi hesitated for a while, and then said: "Let's talk about it in the next round. We should continue to move forward and continue to look for... the exit of the maze."

Fei nodded...

Just when they were about to leave, the man lying on the ground suddenly said, "You don't have to worry about it."

The taskers were all startled.

The man raised his head and looked at them: "In order to trap "them", this maze has no exit. "

Mu Jiashi's expression changed instantly.

The man said again, "Of course, there is no danger."

Human beings just want to treat "them" as hostages and negotiate terms with the race behind them. However, they failed to make the first step.

From the beginning, this maze was just a prison.

At first it was to trap their enemies, but now they trap themselves. Fate is ridiculous, funny, but unpleasant.

Mu Jiashi stood on the spot, his expression changing. The brilliance from the surrounding electronic color blocks made his face even more ugly.

He was silent for a long time, seeming to be accepting this reality, and thinking about how to deal with this situation.

In the end, he said: "Let’s go and find other people. Join them and tell them this information. Maybe we can still use Ding Yi’s item card to get more from the other living people in the maze. Information.

I suspect that if you don't have this item card, you may need a more complicated method to know the truth.

"Then… "

Umbrella asked: "Then?"

"Ask Xu Beijin." Mu Jiashi said in a deep voice, "Since he is the master of this nightmare, he also said that this scene is what he is looking for. Then, he should know how to solve this dilemma."

Wu Jian nodded, he seemed to have slowed down, or perhaps he hadn't fully understood the importance of the information obtained.

He just sighed, and then said, "This ghost place doesn't even have a door."

Mujiashi casually replied: "It was originally a place where no exit was even built..."

Before he could finish a word, the goddess turned her head to look at him abruptly, with a certain unstoppable consternation and subtlety in her eyes.

Mu Jiashi felt a little inexplicable, but felt that the abilities of the goddess were good and bad, and could not be completely ignored, so he asked tentatively: "Did you think of anything?"

The goddess was in a daze for a moment, and then slowly said: "It's a... strange, premonition. A... sense of sight."

Both sense of sight

For Fei and Wujian, the word almost instantly sent them back to the office building where the elevator had a big problem.

Fei hurriedly asked: "What kind of visual sense is it? Is there any clear picture?"

The goddess was at a loss, but slowly shook her head, and muttered: "I can't remember... I just feel familiar."

Unexpectedly, he scratched his hair in confusion, guessing: "Brother Mu just said that there is no door built, but does this place have an exit or no exit? No, the nightmare master has also come in. He can't let it. Are you in danger?"

Mu Jiashi subconsciously said: "So it must be possible to go out here."

Fei's face suddenly changed.

Mu Jiashi asked: "What's wrong?" He was a little anxious, "Did you think of something?"

"Zi Lou..." Fei hesitated again and again, and then said softly, "Zi Lou, there is no exit, but can you leave?"

"But what he said was that there was no exit at all, and Xu Beijin said before that there are exits in the ultimate nightmare..."

Mu Jiashi's words suddenly stopped.

His complexion sank again, as if he realized something terrible and gloomy. It seemed that a devil was screaming in his ears.

Fei tremblingly said, "If there is a narrow building, there is no exit? Perhaps the "exit" he said is not the kind we imagined... Maybe it's like this maze, this is a prison that can only be entered and cannot be left. "

Mu Jiashi was silent.

Finally, he said: "No, don't think about it. I still want to believe that we can leave." He muttered to himself, "Yes, I want to believe that."

He wanted to speak again, and finally, she said, "I think, yes."

It's hard to see hurriedly to ease the atmosphere.

Afterwards, several people left the corner together, looking for their scattered companions.

He Shujun and the others kept turning left at the second corner of the road on the right, and finally entered a small dark room.

They thought they could see a living person, but they didn't expect it to be something lying on the ground like a dead person—yes, something. It is almost invisible to be a person anymore.

His body is in tatters, and his facial features are no longer visible. His limbs were curled up, leaning tightly in the corner of this dark room. Even if four strangers walked in, he didn't respond.

It's hard to tell from his appearance, what he has gone through to become what he is now.

Maybe he suffered a torture, or maybe he just soaked his body and clothes in a heavy rain.

The four taskers who walked in, He Shujun and Jiayi all looked very eager, but Shen Yunju and Ye Lan still looked sober, as they had always been calm and unhurried.

Therefore, He Shujun was the first to rush up and talk to that person.

But to her disappointment, this person did not pay attention to any of her problems.

His eyes looked hazy and he didn't react at all. He Shujun suspected that this person hadn't heard his words at all, otherwise it would be impossible to not even move his eyes.

As soon as A walked to his side and saw this scene, he couldn't help but said inexplicably: "It doesn't make sense. When we came before, he was still muttering some messy things, why now there is no reaction at all."

Shen Yunju came over and asked, "What did he say before?"

Jia Yi recalled it, and then said: "In fact, these people say the same things, that is, all kinds of despair, feeling that they are useless, and so on. But they didn't reveal any useful information."

Shen Yunju was a little disappointed, but he said: "He could talk before, but now he has no reaction at all. Could this be because we met him in this nightmare, which is different from the nightmare in a normal narrow building? the same?"

"You said he's already sinking?" Jia was startled, he actually didn't have that kind of real feeling, realizing that the people who appeared in these scenes were all failed sinkers.

He thought for a moment and couldn't help but said in embarrassment: "It is possible. But how can we get information from him if he is like this?" He touched his chin, "Maybe we missed some conditions?"

Ye Lan tried to talk to this person again, but she still didn't get any attention, so she shook her head helplessly: "Let's go. Let's go and take a look elsewhere."

The other taskers all agreed, so they left this small dark room and continued to the east.

In the process, they all felt that their eyes were going blind.

The left and right sides, including the ground they are stepping on, are large color patches that constantly change colors.

The kind of color jump that comes at you might feel very interesting and lively in the first place.

But after watching too much, coupled with the phenomenon of persistence of vision, they only felt that their eyes were groggy, and they were about to faint.

They had to stop and look up at the sky. But there is a more subtle picture in the sky.

The black is indeed pure black, but it is a mirror, like colorful black, with a special filter that is particularly hazy and dreamy.

After a while, the taskers felt that they were about to have hallucinations, as if their own figures appeared in the vast darkness, reflected on a pure mirror.

He Shujun rubbed his eyes and sighed, "How come there is such a ghost place..."

She mumbled and complained, but the other taskers also acquiesced to her. This place is really uncomfortable, especially for their brains and eyes.

They stopped and rested for a while, and then moved on. With the leadership of Jiayi, they are not afraid of getting lost for the time being.

But it was precisely because of their walking around, and the Mu Jiashi and others who came to look for them, missed it.

Mu Jiashi, Fei, Wujian, and Goddess came to this dark room that needed to turn left and then left.

Mu Jiashi saw the already empty dark room except for the person on the ground, and couldn't help sighing.

He turned to say: "Why don't we communicate with this person first?"

His hair is still blue, and the item card is still in effect.

The other taskers agreed with his idea.

So Mu Jiashi stepped forward and squatted down beside that person.

I don't know if it was because of this item card, or because Mu Jiashi already knew the information revealed by the other person. So, after asking a few questions, this person spoke up.

His statement was similar to what the previous person said, nothing more than something came, and then they built this maze to trap them.

But the result of building this maze is indeed a complete and complete failure.

When talking about this, the person in the dark room also showed a decadent and desperate expression.

He is also the builder of the maze and participated in the acceptance after the completion of the maze. For them, this maze is their greatest hope.

Perhaps this is true for all mankind.

But the result was a failure.

Mu Jiashi listened to this man's words, but thought absently-right? Is that right? Have they really failed

And then his brain gave its own answer: Yes, they failed.

Failure, these two words made Mu Jiashi extremely complicated. Once in a similar failure, he was embarrassed, depressed, and difficult to escape.

And that was just his personal failure, and now they are facing the failure of all mankind.

As individuals, engulfed in such a terrible event, they seem to have no ability to resist.

As the builders of these labyrinths said, "they" may be more advanced creatures than humans.

Just one second of effort destroyed their achievements in one month, and it is also their hope for a month.

This person murmured, and kept talking about this thing, repeating it constantly, as if he would never get out of the labyrinth of his own mind. He is probably trapped here by himself.

Yes, he was originally a desolate resident of a narrow building. A loser who is stuck in this nightmare and unable to extricate himself from it.

They had an invalid conversation, but then the man said something that the man hadn't mentioned before. He said that in fact, there have been traitors among human beings.


Mu Jiashi couldn't help being silent for a while.

The looming premonition seemed to be verified.

When the person mentioned earlier that human society is all united to build this epic-level maze, Mu Jiashi felt a little confused.

Unity? Even in their time, the world has become very peaceful, but unity has never been a word on the lips, because they are very clear and will not be united. Humans are such creatures.

In the face of foreign enemies, some people will move forward boldly, while others will weaken their knees.

So does this maze really symbolize the unity of mankind? Was it just an attempt to break the boat

Moreover, Mu Jiashi really didn't want to admit that human beings were so incompetent in the face of that special intelligent life.

One month, one second... Such a straightforward and obvious contrast makes Mu Jiashi feel inconceivable in a trance.

Therefore, the existence of traitors seems to be logical.

But that person had never mentioned any traitors before. On the contrary, now, the man who lived alone in the dark room said, "Traitor."

Mu Jiashi didn't stop looking at this man with a strange look. His limbs are sound, and although he is still muddled and not too far away from death, his condition is obviously much better than that of the previous person. The winner is obviously not human.

Who is a traitor

Mu Jiashi had an answer in his heart.

This made him suddenly lose the interest in dialogue with the person in front of him.

And this man murmured: "Traitor... Traitor... To "them", the traitor is also worthless, because they don't need it at all. That is, a more advanced creature. "

He said in a tone of subtle regret.

Mu Jiashi was silent for a moment, then stood up, and together with the rest of the task force, left here without saying a word, without even saying goodbye to this person.

On the long corridor full of complicated light, Mujiashi let out a long sigh of relief, and then said: "Let's go, let's go to the middle road."

Wu Jian said: "It seems that when A1 and A2 entered this nightmare, they didn't run into a living person in the middle road? I remember so."

Fei nodded and said, "Yes. But... Maybe someone understands this nightmare better than the two of them?"

She didn't give her name clearly, but everyone knew she was talking about Xu Beijin.

At this time, the three of Xu Beijin did indeed find a living person.