Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 149: traitor


The road in the middle leads straight to the end. There were countless forks on both sides of the road, but none of them entered, but chose to go straight to the end.

At the end, a wall of electronic color blocks blocked their way. There are two fork roads on the left and right.

A second followed up and said: "We have walked through both sides before and didn't find anything."

He kept following behind Ringo and Xu Beijin all the way. His character is relatively silent. Since entering this nightmare, he has not taken the initiative to speak except when he needs to appear.

But at this time, a wall blocked them here, so he had to go forward and talk to Xu Beijin and Ringo.

Ringo kept supporting Xu Beijin, even after entering the maze, Xu Beijin's complexion was already much better, but Ringo still did not let go of Xu Beijin.

Of course, at this time, he moved his hand from Xu Beijin's arm to his finger.

They hold hands.

This actually made Xu Beijin a little embarrassed and embarrassed, but when he looked back to look at A-2, he found that this person was very self-aware and some distance away from them, so he couldn't help but startled. He breathed a sigh of relief first, and then even more. Annoyed into anger.

What are you doing, are he and Ringo so obvious? Are they still earnestly completing the task of saving the world? ! Why is this tasker so far away from them

Ringo followed him to look back at Class Two, and then a trace of surprise and satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

He glanced at Xu Beijin's face again, and immediately said, "Do you want to find anything in this maze?"

"The first step is to let them know the truth." Xu Beijin returned to his senses, thought for a while, and then said, "The second step... we have to find someone."


Xu Beijin shook his head and did not directly answer this question, but when they reached the end of the middle road, Xu Beijin looked at the shining wall in front of him, but said: "We need to go behind this wall."

"Behind?" Jia Er was stunned for a moment, "I think about it... It seems that I can walk, I have to go around the road on the left."

Xu Bei nodded and said, "Let's go..."

So Jia Er led the way and led them to the place behind that wall in theory.

Jia Er's heart is full of confusion, he can't help thinking, is there something behind that wall

But they had entered this nightmare several times before, and they had never found anything there, it was just empty corridors and corners, nothing.

However, just as they turned a turn again and were about to go forward, Ringo suddenly said, "We deviated from the direction."

"Deviated?" Jia Er was surprised, "But..."

He turned his head, carefully recalled and proofread the route they had taken, but as he thought about it, he became more and more confused and confused.

He suddenly realized that he had completely lost his sense of direction in this maze.

What he remembered was the route, but whether these routes fit what he thought in his mind, and where they were going, seemed to put a big question mark on them.

"So..." Jia Er said uncertainly, "Is this maze deliberately adopted this way when it was built? Subtle direction deviation? Or is it that the scene in the maze produces a special kind of brain for our brains? Influence… "

While speaking, he couldn't help but look at Ringo.

He didn't question Ringo's meaning, as soon as the uncrowned king at the bottom of the mysterious narrow building always had a peculiar and convincing temperament, his strength was so magical.

Secondly, Xu Beijin said before that they were going to the back of the wall, but before Jia Er had been there once before and did not find any special place.

He would rather believe that they went to the wrong place than Xu Beijin's choice was wrong.

But this brings up another question: If this maze has no distinction between the enemy and the human sense of direction, then why can Ringo be able to tell the difference

As for Xu Beijin, it was not the first time for him to be confused by Ringo's behavior.

Ringo had shown the difference between him and other questers countless times, but no one cared about it.

On the one hand, the reason was because Ringo himself did not know the reason, but on the other hand, Ringo had stayed on the ground floor of the narrow building for so many years.

And there are so many peculiarities, but people ignore the past consciously or unconsciously, which sounds incredible.

Xu Beijin once again thought of his previous guess.

Ringo... Would it be so special

He took a deep breath and looked at Ringo slightly worried. He thought, this puzzle may only be answered after he finds NE.

No... He can bring Ringo to find NE.

This might be a little safer, whether it is for him or for Ringo... That is, it is out of his selfish intentions. If there are any accidents during his search for NE...


Just when Jia Er was worried, he suddenly heard Xu Beijin solemnly calling Lin Ye.

Jia Er also subconsciously raised his head and looked over.

Ringo asked easily: "What's the matter?"

"If I am about to die, will you die with me?"

"Of course..." Ringo was a little surprised and delighted, "I am very, very happy."

Xu Bei looked at Ringo with an extremely complicated look, and then he said, "No, don't do that."

"How can that work!" Ringo suddenly became angry, "I agreed! I must die when you die!"

Xu Beijin: "..."

He couldn't laugh or cry, and finally he could only sigh in his heart for a long time, and then said to Ringo: "I understand."

Ringo was still worried: "Do you really understand? You can't secretly do dangerous things behind my back... You can't, you can't hide from me!"

He was anxious, urgent, and powerless. When Xu Beijin appeared out of the maze with such a pale face, he almost felt that his heart had stopped beating.

His beloved is tortured in places he can't see. But he didn't even want to tell him, just neglecting his physical problems lightly.

Ringo already felt very angry, but he didn't want to be angry with Xu Bei.

But Xu Bei can't, can't... He can't keep doing this, he can't keep hiding from him. Obviously they are very close...

Ringo glared at Xu Beijin, his eyes flushed slightly, he looked fierce, and he was about to cry.

He probably encountered such intense feelings for the first time, and he stared at Xu Bei for a while.

Then he said: "If it weren't for me to know that I like you, I would even think that you are my enemy now." He thought about it, and then said, "Yes, I want to fight you."

Xu Beijin: "..."

He said helplessly: "Let's fight back with you."

Ringo was taken aback.

He looked at Xu Beijin suspiciously, "It's true? Haven't you been unwilling?"

Xu Beijin said: "You have been begging me for so long..."

Ringo thought for a while, and then said, "I'm talking about the kind of fighting, not the kind of "fighting." "

Xu Beijin: "..."

Who cares what kind of fight you are talking about! How could there be someone like Ringo... He won't fight anymore! Hitting!

His ears were red, but he narrowed his eyes nonchalantly and looked away blankly.

Ringo laughed contentedly instead. He thought, this is the Xu Beijin he is familiar with.

He was annoyed by Ringo's words, but on the contrary, he sulked with himself.

Not far away, A two: "..."

He moved his feet silently to keep himself away from the couple.

To be honest, after staying in the narrow building for a long time, it has not been like this for a long time, and I am obviously aware of the feeling of being an electric light bulb...

After a while, Xu Bei calmed down. He looked at Jia Er and was silent for a moment, seeming to hesitate to say something.

Finally he gave up, and then turned to Ringo and said, "Let's go, you lead the way."

Ringo nodded. They changed direction, walked for a moment, and then turned a few more turns.

Seriously, this fancy maze wall made Jia Er even a little confused whether they were walking straight or turning.

But Ringo still looked serious and serious, not at all confused by the peculiarities of this place.

After a few more minutes, they rounded a bend and finally came to a slightly empty place.

Here, they saw a person.

Jia Er quickly analyzed the pattern of the entire maze in his brain and re-established a new road map, and then he said in surprise: "This is the center of the maze...?"

Ringo replied: "Almost. It's a little bit lower in the center."

Xu Beijin's eyes fell on the living person.

It was a middle-aged man in a black suit, but even though this outfit sounded very serious, his appearance was already very sloppy and his suit looked shabby.

He didn't know how long he had been here alone, just standing there quietly, no one knew what he was thinking.

He stared blankly at the wall of electronic color blocks whose colors kept changing, without blinking.

The arrival of the stranger made him turn his head vigilantly.

Jia Er said in surprise: "This is someone we haven't met before."

The four were caught in a delicate confrontation.

The middle-aged man looked alert, but did not attack. His eyes were very clear, as if he was not crazy, nor collapsed because of this nightmare.

But he appeared in Xu Beijin's nightmare and appeared in the gray mist, which in itself meant that he had fallen into deep depression. He became a prisoner of this nightmare.

Finally, it was Xu Bei who spoke first.

He said, "Dr. Chen, finally met."

This title made the other three people present stunned for a moment.

The middle-aged man didn't understand why Xu Bei knew his identity, but Ringo and Jia Er, because Xu Beijin actually knew the identity of this middle-aged man

But Ringo was only surprised for a moment and calmed down immediately. What Xu Bei knows is nothing unexpected to him.

In his eyes, Xu Beijin seemed to know everything.

It was Jia Er, his eyes were surprised at this time, and he kept shifting back and forth between Xu Beijin and the middle-aged man.

He is a tasker from a higher level, besides, he was not called back by Mu Jiashi from a higher level until he entered this nightmare.

From this perspective, he actually didn't know anything about Xu Beijin's deeds before.

He is not quite aware of Xu Beijin’s “great accomplishments” that had been blocked by countless low-level quests in the narrow building; he was not like Mu Jiashi, Fei and Wujian, who had spent a lot of time with Xu Beijin. A nightmare.

He just heard some rumors about the identity of the residents of the Zhailou, and then heard about the mysterious and unpredictable Xu Beijin from Mu Jiashi.

That's it. For this nightmare journey, he had a little hope, but he didn't have the rest of the task force as ruined.

The same is true of his companions.

For the owner of this nightmare, Xu Beijin, of course, didn't pay much attention to it. He always feels that this is actually meaningless.

Can these narrow-building residents who are in the same predicament as them know more information than their taskers

If the residents of narrow buildings really know more, why have they not done anything for so many years

Based on this idea, Jia Er actually didn't have much hope for Xu Beijin.

Of course, the nightmare is to try to solve the problem, and the difficulty is to be overcome. But what do you really expect Xu Bei to do

That's not realistic.

But precisely because of this, when Jia Er heard the three words "Dr. Chen" popping out of Xu Beijin's mouth, he was shocked for an instant.

Does he know the identity of this man? He even knows where this man is

And this maze...

At this moment, Jia Er's inspiration suddenly appeared, and he blurted out: "You haven't lost your memory?!"

He was talking about all the memories from the end of humankind to the time when human beings entered the narrow building.

Faced with the startled gazes cast by Dr. Chen and Class A at the same time, Xu Beijin was silent for a moment, and did not directly answer Class A's question. He said, "Dr. Chen Simiao, my name is Xu Beijin."

Chen Simiao is a middle-aged man in his forties. He has a pair of calm and rational eyes.

He seems to be still awake, and always awake. But this cannot explain why he appeared in this nightmare, this maze.

Chen Simiao was silent for a moment, and then finally said: "Who are you? Why do you know my name?"

Xu Bei looked at this man.

For a while, he was a little confused.

Is this the real Chen Simiao, or is it just a actor playing Chen Simiao

Or, when this actor enters the play, he has become the real Chen Simiao

Chen Simiao, did he die at that moment

Xu Beijin was distracted unconsciously. He paused for a long time before answering Chen Simiao's words: "Doctor, about this maze... I'm afraid I have to come to you. After all, you are the designer of this maze."

Chen Simiao's face couldn't help but change.

And Jia Er's expression also changed. From his point of view, Xu Beijin had admitted, and he still remembered what happened before they entered the narrow building. Otherwise, how could he know that Chen Simiao was the designer of the maze

He almost couldn't help but opened his mouth, asking them why they appeared in the narrow building.

Why are they trapped in this eternal cage and cannot escape

But Jia Er still held back after all.

He quietly listened to the dialogue between Xu Beijin and Chen Simiao, just like the attitude he had always maintained.

And the other person present, Ringo, stayed out of the matter from beginning to end.

His expression made people feel that if one of the people who spoke was not Xu Beijin, then he would have left this boring conversation a long time ago.

Chen Simiao looked at Xu Beijin in confusion.

His voice was a little hoarse, and his tone became rushed. He didn't seem to believe that anyone knew his identity and understood his past. He asked urgently: "But... But since you know my identity, what else do you want to ask? I have nothing to tell you..."

"That loophole."

Chen Simiao's words stopped abruptly.

Xu Beijin slowly said: "During your process of building this maze, humans have appeared traitors, and they have been involved in the construction, design, and acceptance of the maze.

They left a loophole in this maze, a loophole that allows "them" to escape.

"I need you to tell me the specific location of the loophole."

Chen Simiao's body began to tremble. He grabbed his hair, his face twisted in pain, and he yelled, "No! I can't tell you! That's... I don't know... I don't even know!"

"Don't you know?" Xu Beijin said, "It was your student who turned his back on mankind, and he became the sinner of all mankind. If it weren't for him, we might have escaped. He destroyed the hope of mankind. "

Chen Simiao knelt on the ground, bruises burst out of his neck. He seemed to want to explain, but he couldn't open his mouth. He could not explain the sins of his students.

That is his favorite student.

Some pictures flashed before his eyes, including the past of him and his students, about the maze, and the last moment... The last moment, the moment of failure...

Chen Simiao is a master of architectural design. His disciples are all over the world, and he himself also enjoys a high reputation. He is one of the main designers of this maze.

He and other architects, as well as some experts in other fields, are jointly responsible for the construction of this maze. They must complete the design of the maze within a week.

It may be the most complicated architectural drawing in the history of mankind.

And Chen Simiao personally perfected and sketched it bit by bit, for which he was exhausted and could not sleep day and night. Except for him and his students, no one has access to this drawing.

During the process of transferring the physical object of this drawing and the computer storing the electronic version of this drawing, Chen Simiao and his students had not come into contact with any outsiders.

In other words, the problems on the drawings existed at the very beginning, and they already appeared when they outlined the lines of the maze.

However, Chen Simiao knew that he himself had never betrayed human beings. It is impossible for him to do such a thing, so there is only...

His students.

But why? In his eyes, his student is a diligent, inquisitive, positive child.

Why would he do such a thing? What is the point of making this choice

He has turned his back on his race, and "they" as the opposite will not accept a betrayer.

Chen Simiao was puzzled.

However, things will not change because of his incomprehension.

He has witnessed the defeat of mankind, he has witnessed human beings become prisoners, and he is no different.

Now, he stayed alone in the middle of this maze madly and soberly, he was just thinking—he was just thinking, why

And Xu Beijin is not interested in "why".

He didn't know whether the man in front of him was the real Chen Simiao or a fake actor.

Maybe this person just learned everything from the script, and then he went crazy, and then he became Chen Simiao... Everything is possible.

And Xu Beijin is not interested in all his mental journeys and the mental journeys of his students.

He just wants to know...

His gaze was deep and oppressive. He stared at the middle-aged man and asked every word: "Where is the loophole?"

"I won't tell you."

Chen Simiao said.

Xu Bei took a deep breath.

Chen Simiao said incoherently: "I can't tell you. What do you want to do with this loophole? I can't tell you... I don't trust you. I don't believe... It's impossible for anyone to know about this.

"They... We. The whole mankind. We are done. We have reached a dead end. That's how it is. We can't take advantage of that loophole..."

"This is your idea!" Xu Beijin's tone finally showed a hint of irritability, "and I have a way. I can use that loophole..."

"But I don't believe it." Chen Simiao said, squeezing his neck, "I can't casually tell this loophole to anyone who comes over suddenly and asks me to truthfully explain the matter."

Xu Bei stared at him quietly for a while.

Ringo stood beside him and squeezed his hand gently.

Xu Bei breathed a sigh of relief slowly, he felt anger boiling in his heart, but he knew it would not help. He couldn't force Chen Simiao to tell this story.

So he turned to say: "It's because of your students."

Chen Simiao's breathing stopped invisibly.

Xu Beijin said: "If you hand over this loophole, it will prove that your student is indeed a shameless betrayer. And you don't want to admit this."

This is the first time Xu Beijin has used such a harsh tone.

And Chen Simiao's face was flushed, like a child being reprimanded. Even so, he insisted: "No, I won't tell you."

Ringo looked at Xu Bei's solemn expression, and moved his wrist around the corner.

Xu Bei sighed exhaustedly, took Ringo's hand, and whispered, "It's useless."

Chen Simiao still looked at them very resistingly.

Ringo stared at this guy for a while, and then said, "Why is it useless?"

"He is crazy." Xu Beijin said, "That's why he insists on... his own idea. His student is indeed a traitor. This is a recognized thing. Otherwise, "they" cannot easily ruin it. This maze.

"However, where the loophole is, I am afraid that only Chen Simiao and his students who have personally handled the maze drawings will know."

In the end, Xu Beijin's voice became lighter and softer, almost as if he was talking to himself.

Ringo couldn't understand, but he still asked curiously, "What is the loophole?"

Jia Er couldn't help but looked over.

He also wanted to know what exactly was the loophole in Xu Beijin and Chen Simiao's mouth.

Xu Bei remained silent for a moment, and then answered Ringo's question.