Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 151: The location of the gap


Chen Simiao seemed to be greatly frightened.

He widened his eyes and looked at Xu Beijin in amazement.

He seemed to be yelling, but he couldn't help lowering his voice, and said in an almost intimidating tone: "Why do you say that?! How could could you do it?!"

"I haven't done it yet, do you just say I can't do it?" Xu Beijin asked lightly, "I want to ask you instead, why do you think I can't do it?"

Chen Simiao looked at him blankly.

He seemed to have seen a monster. He didn't expect that after so many years, human beings have been trapped in a narrow building for so many years, and there is actually another person who jumped out and said that he could save mankind.

Chen Simiao's first reaction was: ridiculous.

It's really ridiculous.

If this guy can do it, why not do it in the first place? Instead, wait till now

Now human beings are desperate, they are all going to fend for themselves in the narrow building, and then someone suddenly jumps out and said, he intends to save humanity

This is how the savior is, is it inappropriate to be a savior if you want to be

After being dumbfounded and laughing for an instant, Chen Simiao felt furious in an instant.

That anger is not only because of Xu Beijin's calm attitude, but also because of... because of his own despicability.

The words Xu Beijin said repeatedly echoed in his ears-why must he think he couldn't do it

What if he can do it? If he can really do it, then he, Chen Simiao, why bother to stop him

What can you tell him about the location of the gap

Chen Simiao doesn't believe that any creature other than "them" can be used... No, he just doesn't believe that humans can actually use this gap.

But what can I do if I tell Xu Beijin? Since we all know that it is useless, then telling and not telling, isn't it the same

He said that this kind of behavior is meaningless, so there is no need to tell Xu Beijin, but...

Chen Simiao thought blankly.

He thought, he was a coward.

He didn't dare to face the truth that his student was a traitor, and he didn't dare to resist the group of people who kept them in this damn cage. He even dared not help others to resist.

Xu Bei looked at him quietly and said: "If you say and we succeed, then you are a great hero; if you do not say, and we have failed because of it. Then you are just like your students. …"

He is a human traitor through and through.

"Shut up!"

Chen Simiao screamed angrily as if he had been touched on some pain point, his eyes were bloodshot, and blue veins burst out on his neck.

He didn't look like a gentle, rigorous doctor at all, but like some lunatic.

He may have this self-knowledge himself.

He simply pulled off his tie and loosened the neckline. The tattered suit had already become dirty, and under his devastation, it became even more sloppy and messy.

He sat down on the ground and looked down at the electronic color patches on the ground. The changing colors made his face look very uncertain.

After a while, he said: "I have never... I have never, betrayed human beings." He said sadly, "I love this race, I love the earth, I love my relatives, friends, my students..."

"And your student has never loved you. He betrayed you, he betrayed all human beings."

Chen Simiao trembled suddenly as if awakened from a nightmare.

He was silent.

Xu Beijin continued: "I think you understand what I mean. And you are already shaken. Why don't you want to tell us that gap... Well, where is that gap?"

When he said the last sentence, Xu Beijin felt dizzy. He couldn't help but coughed, and then he insisted on finishing the sentence.

His face became extremely pale in an instant.

Chen Simiao hadn't noticed Xu Beijin's changes at all, he was confused and immersed in his thoughts.

He said in a daze, "Location... Location... Is it any use?"

He did not hear Xu Beijin's answer.

Then he was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously raised his head and looked up, only to see that the man who had been forcing him to speak with a severe attitude had quietly fallen to the ground.

He closed his eyes, and leaned his head against the wall of electronic color blocks. The changing light made his complexion look strange, even though it couldn't hide his handsomeness and his...weakness.

Chen Simiao was at a loss for a moment, then stood up in a panic and walked to Xu Beijin's side. He didn't know what was wrong with this person, and didn't dare to touch him. He hurriedly said, "What's the matter with you? Hey... Xu, Mr. Xu, what's wrong with you?"

He yelled twice, but didn't get a response.

He thought that his companion seemed to be returning in half an hour, and he was even more panicked for an instant.

At Chen Simiao's age, he should have been more composed and calm, and he could handle this matter better.

However, being trapped in the center of this maze for many years caused irresistible and irreparable damage to his nerves and brain.

Many of his memories and reason have become blurred. He has become less like a human being at his age. He has become ignorant and extreme, so at this moment, he is also in a panic, completely not knowing what to do.

So Chen Simiao stared at Xu Bei who was in a coma for a moment, and muttered: "I will tell you the location of the gap, you wake up..."

He was about to speak, but suddenly stopped, "No, that's not right, I should go to your companion. You can't hear, can't hear..."

He finished these few words slowly, then turned and left the open space in the middle of the maze.

Xu Bei was left alone, frowning and pale, leaning on the wall alone, as if caught in an eternal nightmare.

Ringo felt his heart palpitations.

This made him stop suddenly, his expression gloomy.

The one who walked with him was Jia Er. They walked to the right from the end of the road in the middle of the maze.

Now they had walked for almost ten minutes without meeting anyone, and Ringo stopped suddenly.

Because of Ringo's inexplicable control over the direction of the maze, it can be said that Class Two now believes in Ringo's opinion very much. He saw Ringo stop suddenly and asked, "Big brother, what's the matter?"

That feeling went away in a flash, but some kind of uneasy intuition was warning wildly.

Ringo was silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking how to describe this feeling. But then he gave up, and turned away without hesitation.

He didn't even say a word to Jia Er, his figure flew past Jia Er's side like a gust of wind.

Jiaer was stunned and hurried to follow. But he couldn't keep up with Ringo's magical speed at all.

However, he also had an estimate of Ringo's mentality-who could make Ringo show such an urgent and anxious expression

Among all the people in the maze, only Xu Bei has this possibility.

Jia Er thought of Xu Beijin who was staying with Chen Simiao, and felt a panic in his heart. what happened

Why did Ringo suddenly turn around and go back there? Did Xu Bei do anything

With this panic and anxiety, Jia Er returned to the center of the maze. Here, he saw Chen Simiao fall to the side sadly, as if thrown by someone.

Jia Er glanced at Ringo and Xu Beijin, who was in a coma in his arms, and probably understood what had happened.

Perhaps Xu Beijin fainted, and then Chen Simiao wanted to go out to find someone. On the way, he ran into Ringo, who happened to be walking back, and was easily carried back to the center of the maze by the latter.

Jia Er looked at Chen Simiao's face and found that his gaze towards Ringo was mixed with a little bit of fear and incomprehension, and he confirmed his guess in his heart.

But the problem now is not this...

The question is, Xu Beijin, what's wrong

Ringo was thinking about this question too.

Xu Beijin fell into a coma, but it was more like a nightmare.

His brows were frowned, and he was sweating constantly. There was something muttering in his mouth, but he couldn't hear it at all.

Ringo's heart was anxious, irritable, and worried. The emotions were complex and difficult to distinguish. What made him even more helpless was a kind of powerless emotion.

He can only watch the suffering of the one he loves, and he can't even share it for him.

He looked at Xu Beijin, his eyes gradually changed slightly.

He has always been a mad dog, Xu Bei should know this. It's just that if Xu Bei is there, Ringo is still willing to cover himself up.

Ringo was just thinking, if this nightmare is allowed to end, will Xu Beijin wake up from here

He was really thinking about this idea seriously.

Jia Er looked at Ringo's expression in fear, always feeling that something terrible was about to happen. He looked at Xu Beijin again, and prayed secretly in his heart, hoping that he would wake up quickly.

Xu Bei is dreaming.

Dreaming in a nightmare, what a ridiculous thing. But he was indeed dreaming.

He can feel an inexplicable warmth covering his body, real warmth, as if someone in reality is hugging him.

He thought, he was going to wake up.

But, just for this moment, let him immerse in this dream first. Just this moment.

The dream is his past.

He once told Ringo that he inherited the bookstore at home after graduating from college.

indeed so. It was a bookstore in a small town, and the business was not very good. However, Xu Beijin also only seeks to live idle, and has little demand for money.

His life is like the stagnant water in a pond-unlike the stagnant water in the narrow building, he was free at that time.

If you want to travel, you can travel, and if you want salted fish, you can salted fish. Unlike now, he has to force himself to salt fish all day long.

Is there any big difference between forcing oneself to salt fish and forcing oneself to work

In short, before the end of the day in Xu Beijin, life was very leisurely and comfortable.

The second elder in his family is more chic than him, and he travels around the world all day long, and he doesn't even care about his son at home.

And of course the situation changed in an instant.


If these two words are just on the lips, or even often on the lips, then sometimes people will ignore their power and think that this thing is ordinary, but so.

They don’t think that this thing will really happen, they just think it’s a legendary thing, under the exaggeration and boasting passed down from generation to generation, it has become something that blurs the true colors... a product of bragging. .

So when the doomsday really happens, no one realizes that this is the doomsday.

The taskers in the narrow building knew that this was the end, because they looked back from this moment, and of course they could understand this. But at the beginning, no one knew.

They just feel that there are more lunatics around them, more homicides in the news, more quarrels in the community, more serious traffic jams on the road, and more illnesses in the hospital. Suffering has also increased a lot.

That's it.

Even so, it is difficult for people to imagine that this is a doomsday.

Who would think this is the end? That is the life they are accustomed to, a little change in the life they are accustomed to, nothing more.

They don’t think it’s the end, they don’t even think their lives have changed.

They just think, oops, why there are so many fools in the world.

Then talk casually after a meal and break the topic casually.

Things have changed a little bit.

Xu Beijin learned of the death of his parents, probably in the winter of that year. His parents went to a warmer place in the south for the winter.

It was said that it was coming back during the Chinese New Year, but it seemed that he was not coming back because I could not buy air tickets.

Xu Beijin might have thought boringly at the time, it seems that there is no need to watch the Spring Festival Gala that becomes more and more boring every year, right? Parents are not at home anyway...

Then, he never saw it again.

At that moment he thought, what does life and death mean? He always separated from his parents, and he didn't seem to have any clear feelings. His parents are always far away from him, possibly on the other side of the earth.

At the moment, they are on the other side of the world.

Now Xu Beijin's dream is replaying a similar scene. In winter and snowy weather, news of his parents' death.

However, Xu Beijin felt like he was watching all this condescendingly and indifferently.


Because he can't remember.

Everyone thought that he still remembered the things that happened in the last days, that he had related memories, that he had "remembered" everything that happened from the spread of madness to humans entering the narrow building.

They thought he "remembered" the past of this man named Xu Beijin.

But he doesn't actually remember.

He just "knows". Unlike other taskers, who have no concept of his past at all, Xu Bei "knows" exactly what happened in his past. However, he doesn't have any sense of substitution, and pictures.

Of course, his memory was also broken just before the end. It was an ordinary afternoon. He was lying on a recliner reading a book. His parents rarely came back to discuss where to spend the winter this winter.

Subsequently, memorize the breakpoint. A huge, dark abyss lay in his brain.

Then those things he knew. Trivial, complicated, and disgusting. Among them are his own as well as other people's. He always remembers these, he cannot forget these.

But sometimes he thinks, is that really his experience

He really received news of his parents' death in a snowy winter? Is that exactly what happened

And what about the others in his memory? Is this true of their past

When he said that "memory can sometimes become a curse", he is not only referring to his own past, but also the past of other people he "knows" in his memory.

These memories always leave Xu Bei with a huge despair and helplessness like falling into the abyss.

If it is true, then he has nothing to save.

And if it is false, then what is true

He quietly watched the illusory, dreamlike scene before him, flashing past like a revolving lantern.

He suddenly felt a little bit strange, after all, his "past" he didn't know at all, but his brain was able to interpret it so vividly.

At this moment, a special thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

He thought, is he going to die

Doesn’t it mean that hallucinations occur before death? The past life fragments will flash back in front of you bit by bit like a revolving lantern. At the moment of death, look back at the past.

However, Xu Beijin suddenly laughed.

He didn't really laugh, he just noticed that some unstoppable, crazy smile was spreading in his mind, and he felt amused by something. What is that

He is actually not quite sure. He just finds it ridiculous and funny, sad and bitter.

So he thinks he should smile.

Then he thought of Ringo's words.

"If you don't want to laugh, you don't have to laugh."

So the smile is as weird as it was when I came, and when I went, it was just as quick.

There was a subtle indifference in his heart, as if he was having a lucid dream. He thought, he should wake up.

But he couldn't wake up.

He seems to be trapped by something, something... For a long time...

In the narrow building, what can trap him

So Xu Beijin suddenly understood. He seemed to have really spoken, or he was just muttering in his heart: "NE. Let me leave. Let me solve all this."

It seemed that some indistinct thoughts had arisen from the bottom of his heart. He didn't want to think about those things. He just said: "Let, me, leave, leave."

He was soberly aware that as if the same veil was brushed and drawn from his cheeks, something seemed to have left his brain. The next second, he opened his eyes.

Ringo was planning to go to a massacre, but suddenly noticed that Xu Beijin opened his eyes.

At the same time, he heard Xu Beijin say in a very dull and painful voice: "Damn NE..."

"NE?" Ringo asked subconsciously, and then he quickly said, "Are you awake? How are you feeling?"

"Little Apple?" Xu Bei felt like he was only reacting now, and Ringo was here, "How could you... Forget it. It's your wonderful instinct again. I'm fine, don't worry."

Ringo breathed a sigh of relief, but then frowned.

At the same time, Jia Er, who was relieved because Xu Beijin woke up, heard the name "Little Apple" at first, and hated that he didn't plug his ears just now.

Boss, there is no need to talk about your private fun in this kind of occasion, right

But what can A-2 do? It wasn't that she moved silently, stayed away from them, and watched Chen Simiao by the way, lest this guy ran out again.

Neither Xu Beijin nor Ringo paid attention to Jia Er's movement.

Ringo looked at Xu Beijin with a suspicion. He said, "It's okay? You fainted!"

Xu Bei was speechless. Knowing that he was at a loss, he hurried to appease his little Apple: "Don't worry, it's an accident. It's..."

He hesitated, "It's NE, maybe it made me faint."

"NE?" Ringo asked strangely, "but, didn't they say that NE is on our side?"

Xu Beijin was silent for a moment, and then smiled bitterly: "This is... hard to say. It may be helping us, but it may not really be on the side of humans."

Ringo frowned in confusion.

This time it was Xu Bei's turn to smooth the wrinkles between his brows.

Xu Beijin’s voice was gentle and slightly hoarse. He stared at Ringo intently and said sincerely: "Trust me, Ringo. I won't lie to you. I really have nothing to do. It was just an accident just now. Swear it won't happen next time."

He didn't lie to Ringo, he always thought that the groggy and trance he could endure when he was in the gray mist.

Therefore, he was really caught off guard just now, completely unaware of the seriousness of the matter.

Ringo murmured, "It will only fool me..." He didn't continue to struggle with this matter, but said, "But, I won't leave your side anymore."

Xu Beijin looked at Jia Er with some embarrassment.

Jia Er was about to speak, but suddenly there was some conversation outside. They looked at each other, and after waiting for a while, they discovered that it was Mujia Shi and others who had found the other four taskers and had returned here with Fei He Wu Jian.

They were communicating the information they had obtained. He Shujun and others exclaimed because of the information that Mu Jiashi discovered.

When they walked around the corner and found that several people were already standing in the middle of the maze, they couldn't help being surprised.

Mu Jiashi said in amazement: "You have already returned? We didn't find you outside, and we still want to come back here and wait..."

With that, he stopped.

He saw Xu Beijin still half leaning against the wall, and there was a deep exhaustion in his expression. Ringo knelt beside him on one knee, half hugging him.

Mu Jiashi's expression quickly became serious, and he asked, "Are you okay? Is there not enough time?"

Is there not enough time

Xu Bei was silent, he thought, in fact, he also wanted to know why NE suddenly went crazy.

He skipped the question after all, and just said: "Some... accidents happened."

Mu Jiashi was also a little surprised, but he thought he understood what Xu Beijin meant.

He thought this was another secret Xu Bei could not speak. But in fact, Xu Beijin himself did not know the answer to this question.

In short, after Mu Jiashi was slightly surprised, he turned his attention to Chen Simiao.

He pondered for a moment, and then said, "Who will use this "devil's mask"? "

Several taskers looked at each other, and finally unanimously fixed their gazes on Mu Jiashi's body.

Mu Jiashi: "..."

Is he overly indulging in this group of taskers

Mu Jiashi was very tired for a while, and only felt that this group of taskers, one by one... all were unreliable!

He could only take the prop card from Shen Yunju's hands, and Shen Yunju's performance made him feel that this prop card was like a vicious curse, and he wished to change hands soon... Mu Jiashi was speechless.

He was about to use this item card, but suddenly heard Chen Simiao say: "I will tell you... the location of the gap."

Mu Jiashi stopped, looked at Chen Simiao thoughtfully, and then looked down at this item card that was not useful in the end... He couldn't help but smile, thinking, it's good. I don't need this item card. Cheating.

Because of Sister Jiang’s relationship, Mu Jiashi didn’t have a good impression of this item card, even though it itself was just an item in the game.

He handed the prop card back to Shen Yunju, and then stared at Chen Simiao.

Everyone looked at Chen Simiao... Except for Ringo, he still stared at Xu Beijin intently. But the people he looked at also looked at Chen Simiao.

Chen Simiao said: "That gap... It's right in the corridor on the right side of the entrance, on the outer wall, 370 cm from the entrance, about 30 cm in length, and 150 cm to 180 cm from the ground. Ten centimeters away."

After he finished speaking, he let out a long sigh of relief, as if he was free from somewhere.

He wanted to continue to say something, but by this time, his audience had already dispersed and went to the place he said.

"Unload the mill and kill the donkey..."

Chen Simiao muttered, then smiled bitterly. He knew that this was nothing but self-inflicted.

He felt as if there was an empty space in his heart, he seemed to admit something, and he seemed to deny something.

So, after he was startled for a moment, he followed in the footsteps of others.

He also wanted to know how Xu Beijin would use this gap to solve the human plight.