Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 152: Never (1)


They gathered in front of the position Chen Simiao said.

Mu Jiashi squinted his eyes and observed it carefully, but he couldn't find the existence of the gap.

He blinked sour eyes, and then said, "Because of the lighting problem? Or, this special design..."

"Still," Fei said blankly, "there is no such gap in the game."

Her speculation silenced the taskers.

The taskers actually didn't know what Xu Beijin was looking for for this gap, but since Xu Beijin said this was what he needed, the taskers also held a glimmer of hope, thinking that there was a secret hidden in it.

But now, they can't even see this gap.

Fei's guess is possible.

Perhaps in reality, there is indeed a gap in the labyrinth on the earth.

However, they are in a game called "Escape from the Sky". Will this game really reproduce the situation in reality perfectly

Moreover, what can a gap of one millimeter be used for

Unconsciously, the taskers focused their eyes on Xu Beijin's body. Later, Chen Simiao followed quietly, but no one noticed his appearance.

Xu Beijin's gaze also fell on the area pointed to by Chen Simiao. His gaze, perhaps because of environmental problems, or his own emotional problems, seemed to flicker, as if he was hesitating.

He didn't care about the scorching eyes of the taskers.

He stared at that area for a moment, and then said, "Please, walk ten back and forth in front of this wall."

The taskers were stunned, feeling a little inexplicable-what kind of request is this

A sternly said: "Good guys, are we really tool people?"

Muttering "Tool Man", but he was the first to leave without complaint.

Xu Beijin pointed them the entire distance, probably from the gate to the gap Chen Simiao said, a total distance of about five meters.

It's not far, but this kind of walking back and forth makes the taskers feel dizzy.

The dizzying light in this special maze, coupled with their artificial rotation like this, makes the faces of many taskers more difficult to look.

One by one, they were a little confused, but still obeyed Xu Beijin's request.

And Xu Beijin gently pushed Ringo and said, "You too..."

Lin Mo asked Xu Beijin to stand firmly against the wall uneasy, and looked at him worriedly for a while before setting off.

His speed was much faster than those of the previous questers, and after ten laps, he didn't change his face at all.

Ringo was the last person to turn back and forth.

Mu Jiashi kept staring at the place Chen Simiao said. At the moment when Ringo completed his task, Mu Jiashi clearly saw that it was like a part of the electronic color blocks appeared garbled, and a place on the wall was strangely disordered.

Mu Jiashi couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

Others noticed his movements and looked at them one after another.

They all saw it. A black thread about thirty centimeters long, as thin as a strand of hair, appeared abruptly on the wall.

"This..." He Shujun's eyes widened in surprise, "How could this be!"

They looked at each other, and then turned their gazes to Xu Beijin.

Xu Beijin said: "This is a bug."

The taskers raised their ears. They don't even bother to understand why Xu Beijin knows so much, they just want to know what this magical phenomenon is.

Xu Beijin coughed softly, as if deliberately restraining his weakness.

Ringo glanced at him and said nothing, but her eyes became darker and darker.

Ringo's appearance is rare.

Xu Beijin even gave Ringo a novel look, and then in Lino's daring but unspeakable gaze, he took Ringo's hand and soothed his little apple.

Afterwards Xu Bei pondered for a moment and answered the questions of the taskers. He said: "This maze, and what happened in the maze, is built according to the memory of the nightmare owner. All nightmares are like this.

"So, this gap does not exist in the impression of the nightmare owner, so it does not exist in the nightmare reproduced according to his memory-by the way, I am talking about the nightmare owner, not Residents of narrow buildings."

The taskers were taken aback for a moment, and then realized what Xu Beijin meant.

The residents of the narrow building are playing the identity of the nightmare owner. They will learn about the identity and memory of the nightmare owner, but that is only the script after all.

But Xu Bei is different. What he plays is himself—

But at this point he didn't bother to explain to the taskers, it was really too much to explain.

And Ringo... Ringo seemed to have known about this early on. It's that kind of magical intuition again.

Xu Bei slandered it in his heart, and then continued: "However, when this game constructs these nightmare scenes, it is not just the memory of the nightmare owner.

"Considering that the nightmare dungeon may involve other people's experiences, or there will be other dungeon scenes in this nightmare dungeon, so.

When actually constructing the scene, we will refer to other people's memories—especially, people related to this nightmare.

"As far as the nightmare of the maze we are now in, it is the maze builders, such as Chen Simiao, and his students... the memories of these people will be used as references.

"This creates a contradiction. In the memory of Dr. Chen's students, the gap clearly exists, but in the memories of other people, this gap does not exist.

"The game is still built according to the memory of the nightmare owner, but... how to deal with this gap?"

At this point, Xu Beijin paused slightly.

The taskers are somewhat numb, they don't know why Xu Beijin even knows the process of constructing the nightmare dungeon.

This seems to be that his identity is becoming more mysterious, but it also makes him less like a human being.

Also... Why is the human memory used in the construction of the game scene

Why can "they" see human memory? This is really an extremely scary question.

Mu Jiashi directly thought of the game plan that Shen Yunju and Ye Lan had seen before.

Did "they" make this game based on that game plan, or based on any inspiration or plan? Then they locked humans in

But the taskers are reluctant to think about it. If you think about it carefully, then they may become extremely desperate and frustrated.

Therefore, they just seriously pondered the question raised by Xu Beijin.

If there are conflicts in the memories of different people in the same nightmare scene, how to deal with it

Wu Jian thought for a while and said, "According to the memory of the nightmare owner? That is his nightmare after all."

"No, no." Fei shook his head and said, "Since other people's memories are referenced, it must be to be more authentic, right?"

Ye Lan frowned slightly: "However, we didn't notice the existence of this gap just now..."

Fei was startled, and whispered: "Yes!"

Shen Yunju added: "Because there is no such gap in the impression of the nightmare owner, if there is it in the nightmare, then the nightmare owner will definitely find it strange, right?"

A glanced at the eye-catching gap, but said: "I think it's a bit weird. It's too obvious, and it's just beside the entrance. Will it really not be discovered when the maze is accepted?"

He Shujun touched his nose and couldn't help but said, "If that gap is the way we can't see it before? Is this what the traitor really wants?"

Mu Jiashi suddenly said: "So this is a bug."

The taskers stopped talking, quieted down, and thought silently.

Mu Jiashi said to Xu Beijin: "You said this is a bug. So, did our behavior just now make this gap so eye-catching?"

Xu Beijin showed a slight smile, then nodded.

He said: "Yes. We have to trigger this bug, and then you can get out."

Hearing that he could go out, Mu Jiashi still had to breathe a sigh of relief. He now feels that he is going to be blind and dizzy. Being able to leave here really makes him feel more relaxed.

But he also noticed that Xu Beijin was talking about "you". This made his mood quickly heavier.

He was silent for a moment, and then asked, "Can't you leave here?"

Xu Beijin said: "I will leave, but the way I leave is different from you."

Without waiting for Mu Jiashi to reply, he said, "When Ringo and I enter this gap, you will leave my nightmare."

Mu Jiashi suddenly raised his eyes, as if he had heard something incredible.

Xu Beijin said: "This is a special ending. It depends on triggering bugs to produce."

He secretly added in his heart that this is the only way to leave his nightmare.

If it is not for certain that this bug has not been fixed, Xu Beijin said that it is impossible for the missionaries to enter his nightmare, including himself... unless it is a self-destructive behavior in despair.

But the situation has not yet reached that terrible point. They still have a silver lining.

Xu Bei let out a sigh of relief slowly.

As for Mu Jiashi, he only felt as if he had heard some fantasy.

He looked at the 30-centimeter-long gap, then looked at the two big men Lino and Xu Beijin, but he still didn't react.

Xu Bei pondered for a moment, and thought it would be better to explain.

So he said: "Have you played any games before?"

Mu Jiashi hesitated, then nodded.

"In the era of video games, the images shown in front of us in these games are all based on game textures.

Through different types of game texture modeling, different game screens can be constructed.

"Precise and complex game textures can make the game screen more realistic; and the simple and casual, of course, will make the game screen appear crude... This is the game we used on the earth.

"And now this game, "Escape from the Sky" is the same."

Xu Beijin said as he thought, NE is too exaggerated, he can even say the words "escape from the sky". What's up? Are you really so anxious...

Xu Beijin was particularly confused.

He mentioned game textures, and this made several missionaries who were once game fans on the earth suddenly realize.

As soon as A turned around to look at the black gap, he said in surprise, "This is a texture bug in the game?!"

He felt incredible.

Like the game they are currently in, this narrow building, which can be said to be fake and chaotic, will also have such low-level bugs

In fact, Jiayi totally overestimated the game they were in. After all, it was a game and a fictitious world.

How can there be no bugs in such a world? It's just that they have never encountered it before.

Things like game bugs have always been unreasonable, even game developers will find it inexplicable.

As for the texture bug they are encountering now, Xu Beijin doesn't know exactly what the principle is.

Perhaps when the game was made, the modeling obeyed the memory of the nightmare owner, while the textures were based on the memory of people who knew this gap? In the end, the texture has a little bit of offset and gaps

Who knows. In any case, the results are good.

This bug gave them an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Xu Beijin said, "Lingo and I will enter this gap somehow. There is..." He paused, "A shortcut."


Before the taskers could react, they heard Xu Beijin say: "A shortcut to the top of the narrow building."

The top floor of a narrow building? !

Mu Jiashi changed his face almost instantly, and he asked urgently: "The top floor? What's there? You said, do you need the conditions for the ultimate nightmare?"

"No." Xu Beijin shook his head, "I'll see NE."

Mu Jiashi was speechless again.

He found that he no longer knew what to ask. Xu Bei knew too much, but they knew too little.

And let Xu Bei be here to explain to them for a while, and they seemed to waste more time.

So, after a long silence, he turned sideways and walked away.

The taskers also followed him, making the same actions. In front of Xu Beijin, a road leading straight to the gap opened up.

Inexplicably, Xu Beijin seemed to be touched by something. Maybe it is because of the silent trust and support of these taskers, maybe it is because he is finally going to face NE... Maybe...

There were various reasons that forced him to say something at this time.

He hesitated for a long time, and finally said: "We can succeed."

All taskers were startled.

Xu Beijin vaguely perceives an atmosphere that makes him wonder what to say.

Every sentence seems to have to be considered for a long time before finally speaking. He thought for a while, and then said: "I will meet NE, start the ultimate nightmare, and then... will leave the narrow building."

His last sentence has no subject.

But the taskers actually didn't need to hear any subject, they just heard the first half of Xu Beijin's sentence, and then their joy was beyond words.

Xu Bei looked at them, thought for a long time, and finally followed them with a smile.

He turned to talk about the business: "After we enter this gap, you should soon return to the bottom of the narrow building. I asked Ding Yi before, and what Dai Wu and Su Enya did. Could you please help with me? Come in.

"Please make sure to find all the residents and taskers in the narrow buildings and let them do one thing at a certain moment."

Until now, Xu Beijin hadn't revealed what that matter was.

But just now, he didn't reveal why he asked the taskers to circle in front of the wall, and the taskers chose to believe him, and the final result was as they wished.

Therefore, Mu Jiashi agreed to this matter without hesitation.

He has mixed feelings in his heart. He thought, next, they will start fighting in different places in the narrow building, and they have their own battlefields. However, they have the same goals and determination.

Mu Jiashi opened his mouth and felt that he had to say something. But he is also a bad-spoken person. Apart from being able to talk eloquently when analyzing nightmares, he always doesn't know what to say at other times.

So at this moment, he was silent for a long time before finally suffocating a sentence: "Yes. You pay attention to safety."

Xu Beijin said that it was a shortcut, but is it not dangerous? Moreover, Xu Beijin's face was still not very good at this moment, and the previous coma scared them even more.

Maybe he asked Ringo to accompany him with similar worries. At least Ringo can protect Xu Beijin from danger.

Mu Jiashi looked at the gap again. He thought, the shortcut, is it just behind this

The atmosphere gradually became silent, and no one knew what to say at this moment.

They feel that everything is like a dream. Yes, it's not over yet, but they seem to have done almost everything they should do.

Fei and Wujian both covered their mouths, as if they were about to cry with joy in the next second. When they returned from the higher level of the narrow building to the bottom of the narrow building, who would have thought they would face such a situation

No one can think of it. No one could have imagined that they actually personally participated in every process of history.

They make history, not witness history.

The taskers separated on two sides, and Xu Beijin and Ringo slowly walked towards the black gap.

The surrounding colors are still changing, and the black background above seems to be a starry sky.

At this moment, Wu Jian might be too excited, so he said without a word: "I think this is just the wedding scene... Ow."

Fei kicked him.

It's elusive to shut his mouth silently.

The atmosphere on the court turned from solemn to embarrassing.

Xu Beijin: "..."

Ringo glanced unexpectedly and admiringly, as if to say that this man was a bit interesting.

Mu Jiashi only felt that his toes moved uncontrollably. He racked his brains, and finally remembered a serious question to save the atmosphere that was on the verge of extinction at the moment.

He noticed that several taskers were secretly turning their heads and laughing.

He said, "Uh, about the ultimate nightmare... Is there anything else you can tell us?"

Mu Jiashi had an inexplicable premonition. He felt that after Xu Beijin and Ringo walked into the gap, they might not be able to meet for a long time.

The two of them made a shortcut to the top of the narrow building through a texture bug, so how do they get back

In addition, as Xu Beijin said, if everyone is required to do one thing at a certain moment, how can they be notified

Mu Jiashi knew that Xu Beijin must have a way, so he didn't ask at all before. He didn't want to question Xu Beijin, and it didn't make sense.

But, I never saw this idiot-the wedding is just a wedding, why do you speak up! As a result, Mu Jiashi had to think about some serious issues at this moment to divert this embarrassing topic.

Xu Bei took a deep look, but in the end he didn't say anything. He turned to answer Mu Jiashi's question: "Keep sober."

Mu Jiashi was startled.

Xu Bei looked at Mu Jiashi with a dark and profound gaze. He said: "In the ultimate nightmare, you must remember to stay awake and sensible. Don't get lost in that nightmare. If you get lost, then everything is It's over."

Fei has been glaring at Wujian, making Wujian tremble. But after hearing Xu Beijin's answer, Fei finally recovered and couldn't help but ask: "You mean, all taskers have to stay awake in the ultimate nightmare?"

"No." Xu Beijin shook his head, "I mean, there must be at least one person to stay awake until the end."

The taskers comprehended one after another, and then looked at Mu Jiashi.

Mu Jiashi: "..."

He sighed deeply and said lifelessly: "I am a loser, a trash..."

"Come on, when I don't know your name on the ground floor of the narrow building?" He Shujun said quickly, "I also went to find out! It turns out that you are very famous after entering the narrow building, why don't you go to the higher floors earlier? Where are you going?"

Mu Jiashi: "..."

He was so embarrassed that he thought, how could this group of companions know how to expose his scars! Can he repent now? !

After a laugh, the embarrassing atmosphere caused by the ignorance just now finally came back. Xu Beijin and Ringo had also come to the front of the gap.

Mu Jiashi was a little curious, wondering how the two of them would make use of this gap as thin as a strand of hair.

In fact, Ringo also had such doubts.

He believes in Xu Beijin, but this is obviously only one millimeter, and it looks even thinner to the naked eye. How do they get in

Xu Bei seemed to be talking to himself and explaining to Ringo: "The body we use in the game, although it can be fake. But after all, this is also a game modeling, not a realistic sense." entity".

"In other words, we are essentially just a bunch of data. And this bug is like a data channel.

It may not seem to be able to accommodate us, but in fact, we are nothing more than data. What is the "volume" of data.

"... "They" are the same, so they can pass through this gap. "

Ringo looked at Xu Beijin's face and understood that Xu Beijin was talking about business, so she tolerated, did not tell her true thoughts, and even said to Xu Beijin, "Don't be sad."

Xu Bei burst into laughter: "I'm not sad, just a little emotional."

His eyes turned to the gap.

But Ringo thought in his heart, so if they "do not do their jobs properly" in the game, are they essentially fake? Isn't it true body-to-body contact

He thought for a long time, and finally came to a conclusion: As expected, he still had to leave the narrow building.

Ringo's expression quickly became serious, and even actively asked, "How are we going to walk in?"

Xu Beijin was a little surprised, but he didn't expect Ringo to be so proactive. He seems to have been not very interested in things like nightmares and narrow buildings, but at this time he is eager to try.

He looked at Ringo for a moment, and he had a vague guess in his heart, and couldn't help but feel amused.

But he didn't want to care about such cute and childish thoughts with Ringo. He turned to focus on their current situation.

He had only wanted to go there by himself, but the matter has come to this point, and being alone is also an unrealistic choice. Xu Beijin is somewhat self-aware of his current physical state.

So he decided to take Ringo.

But whether this bug can pass two people at the same time is also a question.

His expression slowly became serious, and after thinking for a moment, he said to Ringo: "Take my hand. Then, do the same with me."

Ringo readily agreed.

So the taskers saw the two men holding hands, spinning ten times in place like a top of a fingertip, and then as if dizzy, both fell into the gap.

Why they didn't think it would happen.

But at the moment they came into contact with that dark, inconceivable black line, a series of distorted and chaotic game codes flowed on them like a waterfall.

The bodies of these two people became like a combination of strange garbled codes and color blocks.

Afterwards, they flowed into the gap like flowing water. Everything is surprisingly smooth.

Chen Simiao stood not far away, staring blankly.

Only at this moment did he truly believe that what Xu Beijin said was true. Xu Beijin can indeed do it.

For a while, Chen Simiao cried and laughed, like a lunatic.

And soon, the whole scene shook violently. The taskers were unstable and fell one after another, but soon the scene before them changed. It was as if those garbled codes were also covering them.

But in the next second, they only felt a flower in front of them, and a powerful burst of light exploded.

They couldn't help closing their eyes, and when they opened their eyes, they had already returned to the initial point of the ground floor of the narrow building.

They left Xu Beijin's nightmare.

The nine taskers looked at each other, subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, and then unanimously raised their heads to look at the ceiling of the narrow building.

Their sight seemed to pass through the occlusion of countless floors and saw the topmost layer of the narrow building.

According to Xu Beijin, there is exactly the location of NE.

And his trip with Ringo was to communicate with NE. Perhaps, it is to start the ultimate nightmare.

Maybe the ultimate nightmare is related to NE? Xu Beijin prepares everyone for this reason... But he also said that the matter was to prepare for the ultimate nightmare.

Mu Jiashi was puzzled.

But then, he just sincerely cheered and blessed Xu Bei.

It must... succeed!

All taskers are meditating at this moment.

In fact, Xu Beijin and Ringo at this time had not really reached the top floor of the narrow building.

They are shuttled in the darkness.

In this darkness, some light spots occasionally flashed. Those light spots are like small lanterns after another, exuding a faint light.

However, if they look closely, they can find that it is actually some garbled code.

Some letters, numbers and special symbols that do not see their original meaning are floating in this dark space.

Said it is space. If you really look at it and study it, you can find that in fact, the areas on the side that seem to be a piece of air are full of sharp thorns and sharp corners, which seems to be the sharpest side of the cutting surface. The place.

It's like the edge of game modeling one after another.

This is a more marginalized place than the garbage dump with narrow buildings. This is the boundary of the narrow building.

Under normal circumstances, the taskers and the residents of the narrow buildings are of course not allowed to enter here.

But now, through a strange bug in Xu Beijin's nightmare, they can successfully enter here.

Here, Zhailou's physical rules that resembled the real world were completely plunged into chaos.

Their step may be thought to have crossed several floors of the narrow building, or their step may mean that they have stepped back several floors.

There is no rule here.

And there is still danger here.

In addition to the sharp modeling edges hidden in the dark, the messy data may also cause irreparable damage to the bodies of Xu Beijin and Ringo.

Data versus data is likely to directly harm their character modeling.

As a result, Xu Bei said to Ringo as soon as he entered this dark space, "We have to avoid those garbled codes, and the shortcut we have to take is very dangerous, and we can't cross the boundary one step."

Ringo blinked and said obediently, "Listen to you..."

It sounds like Xu Beijin knows the boundary of the narrow building better than Ringo, but when he really walked down, Xu Beijin found that Ringo's intuition and force value were much better than his understanding of here.

Ringo can find those special weapons that are hidden in the dark and hard to find;

He can also pull Xu Bei to try his best when Xu Bei almost encounters those garbled codes.

He even pointed out Xu Bei's wrong path choice once. If he hadn't found the problem, then they might have fallen into an invisible corner, and their bodies would be cut by countless sharp edges.

Xu Beijin was scared into a cold sweat.

He realized that the countless updates of the game might have left the information he knew out of date, so it was better to let Ringo lead the way.

So he followed Ringo, and immediately found that they had become much safer.

Xu Beijin: "..."

He couldn't laugh or cry, he was really lucky that he took Ringo with him, otherwise he would really not be sure to pass the boundary of this narrow building.

After Ringo started to lead the way, everything became less critical. Just now Xu Beijin has been focusing on finding his way, but now he is much more relaxed. Ringo is the same.

Ringo only had to make sure that every step he stepped on was safe and would allow his sweetheart to step on safely.

For a moment, Ringo even felt very happy.

In this kind of claustrophobic, quiet place, with people he likes. This is what Ringo likes to do very much.

It used to be like this in Xu Beijin’s bookstore, but recently the people in Xu Beijin’s bookstore are really coming and going.

Ringo couldn't bother Xu Bei to do business, so he could only sullen himself.

So now, his mood continues to rise, and there is a real smile between his eyebrows.

Ringo seldom laughed. He doesn't like to laugh, he is always expressionless.

Occasionally, when I laughed, I laughed in anger. But now it's different. He stayed with his sweetheart, so the corners of his lips couldn't help but raised.

After a while, Ringo couldn't help but talk to Xu Bei.

He said: "How long do we have to walk?"

"Maybe more than ten minutes?" Xu Bei thought to himself, "Maybe more. What's the matter? Are you bored?"

"I'm not bored," Ringo said, but added immediately, "But can we talk about something?"

Xu Beijin thought it was a bit funny, he felt that Ringo's thoughts were obvious. But he didn't reveal him, just said: "What do you want to talk about?"

"If you can leave the narrow building, what do you want to do?" Ringo asked hesitantly.

Xu Bei thought for a while, and then replied, "There is nothing I want to do."

Ringo was a little anxious, but if nothing happened, he continued to ask: "It's nothing... can I do things with other people?"

Xu Bei tilted his head to look at him.

The shortcut is so narrow that they can barely walk side by side, but their shoulders and arms will always touch each other. Xu Beijin saw Ringo's eyelashes trembling nervously.

So Xu Beijin laughed suddenly: "You mean, with you?"

Ringo endured it. After all, he couldn't hold it back. He nodded seriously, like a broken jar: "Yes, with me. Is there nothing you want to do with me?"

He didn't want to forbear it, but made his tone seem extraordinarily frank and sincere. Ringo has never been a liar, he always goes straight, the expression on his face shows exactly what he is thinking.

His world was exposed in front of Xu Beijin, clearly visible. Moreover, Xu Beijin can even paint and modify it at will.

Ringo's eyes were like stars in this dark space.

He said, "It's just... with me." He said quietly, then rubbed his hair irritably, as if thinking of something, so he said, "Forget it, what you said, do business now."

Xu Bei was silent, just looking at him.

He thought that Ringo must not know that at this time his expression was like a pitiful puppy with wet hair, and then squatted alone under the eaves, carefully tilting his head to look at his master.

Ringo whispered, a little unhappy and a little helpless, and said: "Let you stay on hold for a while... Yes, it can only be for a while, and it can't be more. If it is more, I will get angry."

Xu Beijin suddenly felt interested: "Are you really angry?"

Ringo took a deep breath. He thought, how could there be a man like Xu Beijin

How could he like this kind of man

He stood still, turned his head to look at him. He saw Xu Beijin's still pale face and lip color, his thin profile face, and his cheerful eyes. He saw himself in his eyes.

Ringo froze for a while.

Then he gave himself up and said, "No, no. I won't be angry with you."

He thought for a while, then solemnly said, "Never. I will only love you forever."

At this moment, Xu Beijin felt his own mind trembling slightly.

He thought, Ringo really knew what it meant to say "forever" to him at this moment

He was silent for a moment, and then said: "I said, I may not be able to leave the narrow building. I will never leave."

"I'll be with you..."

"If I really..."

"I'll be with you. Forever..." Ringo said, "How many times do you want me to say it before you can believe it? You said it before, don't think so much..."

Xu Bei remained silent for a moment, and then suddenly pulled Ringo.

Ringo was caught off guard and rushed to Xu Beijin's body. He felt a warm breath covering his cheeks, and he heard Xu Beijin's voice softly ringing in his ears.

He heard Xu Beijin say: "It's as you wish."

Then, soft, dry lips covered his.

Ringo was thinking in a daze, Beijin's lips seemed to be peeling... Beijin had to drink more water.

Such bizarre and extraordinary thoughts just flickered in his brain, and after that, he didn't think about anything. He was just immersed in such intimate pleasure.

When Xu Beijin felt his nose heavier and gradually withdrew, Ringo suddenly widened his eyes, hugged Xu Beijin, and said vaguely: "Kiss a little longer..."

Xu Beijin: "..."

Dear, give you a kiss.

They just stood there, kissing in this dark space where some strange garbled codes occasionally flashed through, as if a little bit of desire was slowly spreading, but Xu Beijin let it go for a moment. There was silence around, and they were so close that they couldn't be more intimate.

After a long time, Xu Beijin finally stopped Ringo's behavior of continuing to "do not do business properly."

Ringo licked her lips, thought for a moment, and then said, "It's very sweet. Did the data about the drink invade your lips and tongue?"

Just now Xu Beijin told him about the darkness