Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 156: identity


artificial intelligence.

When Xu Beijin uttered these four words, he had a calmness and sobriety that he had never thought of.

He can... In a way, he can be said to be artificial intelligence. But he himself did not want to admit this.

In addition, just as he said, he even thinks of himself as a human being.

At least he would not think of himself as NE. This is the biggest difference between him and NE.

NE said in a confused tone: "I don't understand why you think so."

For an artificial intelligence, NE can certainly simulate this confused emotion.

But since it chose simulation, it means that it really can't be calculated by its own logic formula. Why does Xu Beijin think so.

In this era, the development of artificial intelligence has surpassed the range of human imagination trapped in these narrow buildings.

They have been abandoned by the times. And, visible to the naked eye, it is difficult to catch up with this era.

Xu Beijin didn't want to discuss this topic with NE.

That's it from the beginning. He and NE are opposed and repulsive. They are like fire and water...

And NE looked at him, still using that dull, stiff, jerky, but really confused tone, and said: "You are obviously me—"

"It's the part you discarded."

Xu Bei said calmly.

For a moment, he himself felt a certain kind of confusion.

He thought that he could really face this matter. He can indeed—really—

Do it, say it calmly, not some kind of deep self-loathing.

All residents in the narrow buildings have various defects, whether physical or psychological. But Xu Bei did not.

Because he himself is a defect.

He symbolizes some... incredible coincidences. This coincidence gave Xu Beijin the most special identity in the game, but at the same time, it became a nightmare that tortured him all the time for many years.

When humans first entered the game, they were divided into two camps.

If you follow the settings in the game, it is narrow-building residents and outsiders.

Outsiders habitually call themselves taskers, and they think they are the only players in this game world.

They are trapped here, and they need to go to the nightmare of the residents of the narrow building, solve this dungeon, hit the true ending, and eventually may be able to escape the narrow building.

In fact, the residents of the narrow buildings are also players. They call themselves the actors because they need to act as the "residents of the narrow buildings" in the game.

In the setting of the game, this is a post-apocalyptic world. The survivors entered a narrow building and lingered. They are the only survivors left in this world.

The administrator of this refuge is an artificial intelligence whose name is a series of complicated and difficult to remember numbers, but for comparison with NE, it can be called color.

And it is also a resident of this narrow building, and it also has its own nightmare.

According to the game setting, during the long management and waiting period, the manager of this narrow building had some problems.

It is risky for outsiders to enter the nightmare of the residents of narrow buildings and help them out of the haze of the doomsday.

In other words, once it fails, the crazy outsiders and residents of the narrow building will be thrown into the gray mist outside the narrow building.

Because they are crazy. As the manager of this narrow building, Se has an obligation to guard the safety of human survivors. So it will naturally expel those very aggressive lunatics.

As a result, there are fewer and fewer living people in the narrow building, while in the gray mist outside the narrow building, there are more and more lunatics.

Finally one day, in this artificial intelligence assessment, the danger of the gray fog outside the narrow building has far exceeded the scope that humans in the narrow building can afford and handle.

Therefore, Se blocked the exit of the narrow building, because in its view, the gray fog outside the narrow building was a dangerous place for the survivors to pass. The survivors must stay in safe, enclosed narrow buildings.

This is its mission.

But humans—those who survived the doomsday survivors—don’t think so.

They found that their companions were disappearing day by day, and the managers of the narrow building did not even let them leave the narrow building to look for their missing companions.

The dangerous signals sent by artificial intelligence are not worth mentioning in the eyes of survivors-the end is of course dangerous, and it has always been dangerous.

But they entered the narrow building with their companions, only leaving a place of last refuge for themselves.

They didn't really want to be prisoners in this narrow and safe building.

So the survivors and sex erupted in unprecedented, fierce confrontations and conflicts.

The survivors were leaving, and the artificial intelligence rejected them.

In the eyes of humans, this is very incredible. Because it is impossible for artificial intelligence to reject human commands, they are its creators.

Based on this, the survivors realized that there was a problem with their reliable and trustworthy artificial intelligence.

Later, by chance, the survivors will find that the color will also enter the sleep state—or is it called the standby state

No matter what, when it fell asleep, the survivors found that they could enter its nightmare and see what happened to the lunatics who were judged to be dangerous because of their madness.

The nightmare of artificial intelligence is those lunatics in the gray mist.


Because its mission is to protect this narrow building, to protect this group of doomsday survivors.

This is the instinct of every line of code printed into it since it was born. This is what it has to do.

And the group of lunatics in the gray mist seemed to be about to fail its mission.

So these lunatics, this gray mist, became its nightmare.

When the survivors enter the nightmare of sex, when they understand the current situation, when they understand what happened, they will make a choice-this game called "Escape from the Sky" will also usher in An ending.

Do they choose to defeat artificial intelligence and escape from the narrow building, or do they trust the judgment of artificial intelligence, abandon their former companions and stay in the safe narrow building forever

The right to choose lies in everyone's hands. They are the survivors of this doomsday, and they are qualified to make their own decisions about this ultimate choice.

This is what Xu Beijin knows, the setting of the game called "Escape from the Sky".

Even though... Neither the narrow-floor residents nor the taskers actually understand what the game is talking about.

When they realized that they were trapped in a game, they didn't really realize that it was a... a game! A video game!

A game where all players can play the ending and pass the level by working together!

Of course, human beings have never really united and cooperated.

Therefore, when they faced this game, they also chose to fight on their own.

However, the choice is in the hands of everyone.

Of course, if they don't even know that the residents of the narrow buildings are also players, then there is nothing to do.

And the reason why they couldn't get this information was because-NE.

NE and the artificial intelligence color in the game settings have similarities and differences.

NE is also artificial intelligence, but it should be called the main brain of the game.

In this era, game development has entered a modular, high-speed, and procedural state.

The game no longer needs countless programmers to work hard to type code, no longer need art and design to modify and optimize the game screen again and again—

Of course, if the game developer has higher requirements for the game, most of it still needs manual work.

However, if the requirements are not so high, then a game master can do everything they need.

An artificial intelligence dedicated to game development.

According to the requirements of game planning and the given plan, it can integrate materials, calculate plots and endings, modelling maps, fix bugs, etc. .

And all game developers need to do is to regularly review the "renewal log" from the main brain.

Yes, even the update was given to the artificial intelligence.

Of course, the general direction still needs to be controlled by careers such as game designers, but most of the details are handed over to artificial intelligence. Perhaps the main reason is the laziness of game developers.

They are too lazy to spend money and energy to research those new things. Just let the game master do something old-fashioned for the players to play. Making money is the first thing, and using artificial intelligence to develop the game-the cost is much more cost-effective.

In this era, what a game usually needs is an idea, and then a general plan and planning, including how to make money, and the rest... It is enough to leave the game master to complete!

Now even the main brain of the game can be streamlined. Some large companies even lease out their game masters, allowing them to manage multiple games at the same time—and they are very comfortable.

These things are part of the information obtained from the huge information database of the main brain of this game when Xu Beijin became NE.

He has never allowed himself to avoid thinking of those things, but now, when NE stands in front of him, he can't help but think of all the memories of that time.

Although most of it was broken and messy, it made him feel that it was just a dream.

But that did happen.

He did... At least at a certain moment, he became a NE.

The special thing about the game "Escape from the Sky" is that the main brains of other games are just the main brains, they only manage the game, and don't point fingers at them.

They won't be a member of the game, they are superb and aloof.

But "Escape from the Sky" is different. In this game, there is already an artificial intelligence in the settings.

And for various reasons, maybe it is because of being lazy when the game is being developed, or it may be because of the special purpose of the game, in short—

NE has become the artificial intelligence in this game setting. It serves concurrently.

So it became a part of this game, it also had a nightmare, it also became a resident of the narrow building. NE is like a sex player, but it is not a player of this game.

And all the residents of narrow buildings need corresponding players to play.

This may be a bug.

All in all, when Xu Beijin came to this game with other humans, when the actors were in place, Xu Beijin—fortunately or unfortunately—he became the artificial intelligence player in the game plot.

And this identity is inherently twofold, one is the artificial intelligence in the game, and the other is the game master NE outside the game. It can be said that it is quite unfortunate that Xu Beijin has become the sum of the two.

He became both sex and NE.

In other words, when other actors only need to receive the script and memory of the nightmare owner himself, Xu Beijin, he...

He needs to receive the database of color and NE.

The huge amount of information overwhelmed the fragile human brain in an instant.

He lost consciousness and became NE in a true sense. Rather, it is Xu Beijin and NE who are robbing the identity of the artificial intelligence in the game.

But Xu Beijin failed.

The three of them merge into one to some extent. Memories, data, information, emotions... all messed together at that moment.

Xu Beijin always thought that he was dead at that time.

NE has become the artificial intelligence color in the game setting, but the existence of Xu Beijin is not without any influence.

The memories and emotions belonging to human beings are incomprehensible to an artificial intelligence or a game master.

And NE does not intend to understand.

It considers this to be a cumbersome and useless thing. It intends to delete these memories, past and emotions belonging to Xu Beijin.

But it does not have this permission.

Human beings enter this game as players. This is not done by NE, but some existence behind NE.

"They" would not allow NE to kill these humans, even if Xu Beijin had already died once in a certain sense.

So Xu Beijin became a resident of the narrow building named "Xu Beijin," and became the owner of the bookstore on the ground floor of the narrow building. This is an identity set for him by NE.

He could not leave the bottom of the narrow building, and could not tell the truth to other humans. In addition, he can still be said to be sex, and the incarnation of NE. His nightmare is also the gray fog outside the narrow building.

NE still wants to kill Xu Beijin and wants to delete him. Therefore, it will retain the existence of this nightmare.

If Xu Bei falls asleep all the time, then he will become a member of the gray mist, become a lunatic, and completely disappear into this world.

This is NE's approach. It cannot defy the order and cannot kill Xu Beijin directly, but it still wants to make Xu Beijin "disappear."

It is a program, an artificial intelligence, in its world, junk data should not exist.

It does not actually think that Xu Beijin is a human being. It thinks that Xu Beijin is a kind of artificial intelligence, a useless artificial intelligence that should be killed. And this is what it intends to do.

But now, NE's attitude has changed.


Xu Bei stared at NE. In the electronic eyes of this artificial intelligence machine, a string of confusing characters will always flash.

Xu Beijin said: "You don't understand why I help mankind, and I—I don't understand, why do you help mankind?"

"It's very simple." NE is very frank, or in other words, it has a kind of dullness and coldness that artificial intelligence has, "because my mission is to let the players of this game, pass the level."

Xu Bei was stunned, and then let out a deep breath.

He thought nonchalantly that his original idea was actually correct.

What can change an artificial intelligence program? What can change its code, and its instinct carved into the code


NE has never changed. It just discovered that under the current situation, players seem to be disheartened and unwilling to try to clear the game.

As the main brain of the game, NE was born for the game itself from the moment it was developed.

It is to allow players to play this game better and more comfortably, so that they can experience the plot, flow, and story of this game, so that they can-pass the level.

This is the mission of NE. The mission of being a game master.

It must work hard, struggle and help players for this mission.

Xu Bei couldn't help thinking of a joke on earth.

When artificial intelligence technology first appeared on the earth, many people had some pessimistic and negative thoughts.

This is a technology developed by the intelligent race of mankind. But does this create a tool or is it a life

If an artificial intelligence is developed for papermaking, it will use a fully automatic papermaking technology, then will it use all the trees on the earth to make paper

If the trees on the earth run out, will it use any other raw materials that can be used to make paper

Even try to go to other planets to find the corresponding materials? And does human beings become the enemy that hinders it

Artificial intelligence is a tool that is far more determined and persistent than human beings itself? life

They will do whatever it takes to achieve the goals set when they were born.

Their fate has long been engraved in every line of code.

The same is true for NE.

At the beginning, when human beings are slowly exploring this game, NE will not be anxious—

Maybe it doesn't have this kind of emotion either, it's just coldly and mechanically assessing the possibility of human clearance.

As time evolves, this possibility may continue to decrease.

And at a certain moment, it fell into a dangerous area where NE had to take action.

Xu Bei couldn't help feeling ridiculous and funny. He muttered to himself in a low voice: "So, on the contrary, human despair saved them..."

NE didn't understand what Xu Beijin was talking about. A garbled code flashed in its electronic eyes, but it was unable to analyze what Xu Beijin's words meant. It has a human-like face, but it has never been a real human.

After Xu Beijin was silent for a moment, he said, "So you put in the live broadcast system?"

"Yes..." NE said stiffly, "I evaluated the possibility of players clearing the game after the live broadcast system arrived, and found that it was up by 0.1% compared to the original, so I decided to default to its existence."

Xu Bei was silent.

NE added another sentence: "This live broadcast system was able to appear in the game at first. It was indeed a bug. I didn't leave it on purpose."

Xu Beijin's lips moved, and then he couldn't help but pull a trace of sarcasm.

He thought, it was ridiculous.

bug. It's a bug again.

It is a bug that he can become NE;

It is a bug that he can get to the top of the narrow building from the shortcut in his nightmare;

He was able to obtain a live broadcast system, igniting a glimmer of hope of fleeing, and it was even more of a bug.

These bugs, even because of the carelessness of the enemies they faced, were kept.

They don't care about human beings at all, and don't care what crisis this group of small crawlers will bring to them.

Therefore, they are so negligent, and even the game they made is full of errors and omissions.

Even they didn't even know the status of NE.

Xu Bei exhaled a breath of cold air. He shook his hands, always feeling a little numb in his body.

He knew that it was just an illusion, because of the backlog and explosion of various emotions, which made him feel a trance and loss.

He always felt that everything seemed extraordinarily unreal.

He was silent for a moment, and then asked again: "Why not fix the bug in the gray mist?"

He paused, and then said, "Don't tell me again because this bug can improve the possibility of human clearance?"

"Part of the reason is this."

Xu Beijin thought, this "part" in NE's estimation should be a number accurate to a few hundred digits after the decimal point, but it will not directly inform Xu Beijin.

Today's artificial intelligence already knows how to communicate with creatures that are not sensitive enough to data. They also learned to use some special, imaginary words.

And then, NE added: "It's more because I should solve this problem after you have been deleted. Now, there is no need to fix this bug."

Xu Bei fully understands the meaning of NE.

After Xu Beijin died and disappeared completely, NE was able to deal with the gray mist.

Because Grey Mist is now a nightmare shared by Xu Beijin and NE, they each hold part of the authority.

Perhaps NE was originally waiting for Xu Beijin’s death, but it could not wait; but as time progressed, letting players pass the level has become the top priority of its work, so the priority of dealing with the gray fog bug, It pushed back even further.

Xu Bei wanted to laugh unconsciously, but he didn't laugh.

He looked at NE with no expression on his face. For humans, such an expression and such a face might bring them unparalleled pressure;

But for NE, it feels nothing.

This is just an artificial intelligence. Even though it seems to be having a peaceful and friendly conversation with Xu Beijin, perhaps what is running in its program is still killing Xu Beijin.

No, not necessarily.

Now their goals are the same. At least now.

Xu Bei was quiet for a moment, not knowing what to say for a while. He thought about a lot of things, but in the end, he decided to get into the topic.

"I am going to start the ultimate nightmare." Xu Beijin said, "I mean, the ultimate choice in the game."

When he finished saying this, for a moment, Xu Beijin even felt that there was a flash of brilliance in NE's electronic eyes.

It seems that there is a hint of surprise in its mechanically dull voice: "Have you met the conditions for opening?"

Xu Beijin nodded, and then remembered one more thing: "But you need to give me some of the mastermind authority. I need to see who hasn't done it yet-this must be done by me.

"They don't trust you, you understand. Only I can do this."

When talking about this, Xu Bei made a cold sweat. He felt that he was walking a tightrope, but he was unexpectedly calm, and he himself felt an indescribable persuasiveness in his tone.

He actually felt that he could convince NE.

After a long period of thinking and evaluation, NE had to accept Xu Beijin’s statement—

Yes, those human players would only trust Xu Beijin's statement, but would not trust it.

So NE nodded.

In the open space between them, a complicated control panel gradually floated out.

Xu Beijin looked down, a little familiar, but more strange.

He breathed a sigh of relief slowly, without letting NE notice. He tentatively and pretendingly said something else: "I have to bring someone out of the border..."

"You mean your lover?"

"Yes, he is also a player, one of the conditions for the ultimate nightmare to start..."

"No, you were wrong." NE said calmly, "he is not."

Xu Bei was stunned, then frowned deeply.

NE said: "I'm afraid you want to know his origin and identity?"

Xu Bei hesitated for a moment, but in the end his deep worries overwhelmed the anxiety in his heart.

He calculated the time, and then said, "Yes, I want to know everything."

"He is a player who has left this game." NE explained in a very understatement. "But then, he was put in again by the Fijeka."