Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 157: helper


Xu Bei was stunned.

From NE's mouth, he learned a story he couldn't imagine anyway.

He heard NE repeating a term in his ear continuously, which made him sway, and then, a sudden violence and trouble filled Xu Beijin's heart.

He closed his eyes for a while and then suddenly said, "Shut up..."

NE closed his mouth, and then said: "You are too rude." Instead, there was a certain curiosity in its tone, "Is this a human?"

Xu Beijin said coldly: "You are just an artificial intelligence, NE. You control too much."

A string of strange characters flashed in NE's electronic eyes. Perhaps it was analyzing the meaning of Xu Beijin's words.

But Xu Beijin didn't want to know what NE was thinking, he just felt irritable.

Regarding the identity of Ringo.

Also, the Feyekas.

When these words appeared in his brain, he once thought he was dreaming.

He... He thought he had completely forgotten. Although many times he would subconsciously say these words with anger and cold hatred, but when the words came to his lips, he would often swallow them habitually.

He thought he would never say the name of this race again.

Over the years, he has recognized his powerlessness, and of course he has become accustomed to being indifferent to these things and these terms, as if he really never knew or was unfamiliar.

Of course, he knew that these things would be mentioned when facing NE, but he didn't expect that it would be in this way-it would be related to Ringo.

The Fijeka tribe is the chief culprit in trapping humans in the narrow buildings. The Fijeka tribe is what people often say, behind the NE.

The Fijeka tribe is the culprit who caused the end of humanity and the earth.

But in fact, the Fijekas are not really diametrically opposed to humans—really.

It's just that human beings are too weak and can't bear the tossing of special brain attack weapons because the Fiyekas accidentally entered a wrong number during the war with other races.

After a while, the Fijekas discovered the position they had missed because their enemies did not respond as they wanted.

The effectiveness of this brain attack weapon itself requires a certain amount of reaction time, so the Fijekas did not realize this problem until a year later.

During this period of time, human beings on the earth have been devastated because of their mistakes.

But the Fijeka people have no intention of investigating the injustices, and have no intention of saving these lives.

They realized that this was an intelligent creature that had never been seen before, and in order to avoid trouble, they rudely and directly chose to destroy the corpse.

Thus, the sky fire came to the world.

But there are still some lucky humans surviving on the earth. The many actions of the Fiyeka have also attracted the attention of other races.

However, the weak human civilization has not explored the true secrets of the universe at all, and has not joined the "Universal Convention" at all.

Human civilization is primitive and fragile, so the Fiyekas do not even have to face the trial of the "Universal Covenant".

On the contrary, according to the "Universal Convention", now that the Feyeka tribe has discovered this small blue planet of mankind.

So, this became the property of the Fiyekas;

These little ants-like creatures became the captives and subsidiary races of the Fijeka tribe.

Naturally, no one would inform the people on earth, telling them that they had suffered an unsuspecting disaster, and fortunately—or poorly, they had indeed become vassals of the Fijeka tribe.

The Fyeka tribe is one of the strongest races in this universe. They possess a racial trait that is almost invulnerable.

But in fact, the Fijekas did not intend to accept these prisoners. They are diametrically opposed to human life forms.

Moreover, this is a militant and powerful race, and the earth human beings are so fragile that they have no interest.

However, they did send several envoys to the earth to announce the final destiny of mankind in advance.

After a month's time passed, the Fijekas finally sent a starship, slowly coming over to receive their captives.

After all, the Fiyekas cannot violate the "Universal Convention." Now, humans have become their subsidiary races.

Although they were not greeted with a warm welcome, but a dizzying maze.

But what is puzzling is that traitors have also appeared in human society, and they have been informed of the loopholes in this maze in advance.

Therefore, human resistance is useless. The only use is to make them more desperate to realize their situation and their inability.

Then the Fijeka took away all the surviving humans. That may not be a big number either.

When they left, all human beings looked at their mother planet, which had become scorched black—their earth, the blue planet. Now, they may say goodbye to them forever.

At this point, all the things that have happened before, perhaps the task person in the narrow building already has a lot of understanding.

They know the existence of the doomsday, they know the "aliens", they know the traitors of mankind. However, they don't know what will happen next.

They did not understand why the narrow building appeared.

And all this is very simple.

The militant Fijeka will throw all the prisoners into the game for selection. In the eyes of the Fijeka tribe, prisoners who cannot be put into war are useless. These affiliated races can only prove their worth-war value through selection.

Only the selected creatures can be called "warriors" and have the right to live.

The frail human body makes the Fiyeka believe that this weak race can only be selected through intelligence-related selection.

So they randomly chose a game plan. This was discovered by accident when they first went to the earth.

Subsequently, NE became the main brain of this game.

Subsequently, the surviving humans lay down in the nutrition cabin, lost the memory of the end, the Fiyeka, etc., and entered the narrow building.


NE said: "In the beginning, a group of humans performed very well. So, the Fijeka tribe took them away and put them on the battlefield between Fijeka and Milton, letting them prove themselves.

"Perhaps their performance was good, but their body sweat became weak, and soon they could no longer sustain in the harsh cosmic environment, and they died. The Fiyeka might think it was a bit regrettable, so they made an attempt.

"They re-invested the brainwaves left by one of them into the game and changed his attributes in the game.

His physical strength has been greatly strengthened, while retaining part of the human instinct.

"Because he is an experimental product, he cannot leave the bottom of the narrow building, and he has no memory of his past. Other players will unconsciously ignore his strangeness.

"That person is your lover."

Xu Beijin felt cold all over, something suffocating him tightly wrapped around his neck.

After a long time, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "So that is indeed my Ringo."

NE may not quite understand what emotion his words symbolize. A series of data flashed in its electronic eyes, and finally it picked out a sentence: "Indeed, he belongs to you."

Xu Beijin glanced at NE.

Perhaps NE's implication is that, except for Xu Beijin, most of the people in the world will care about Ringo.

He is just an experiment forgotten by the Fijeka... No, the entire human race has been forgotten by the Fijeka.

But in fact, all Xu Bei cares about is, is Ringo really just the Ringo he knows

Does he have other identities? Does he have other connections with the Fiyeka

When Xu Beijin discovered that Ringo could come and go freely in that maze and would not lose his sense of direction like a human being, Xu Beijin had such worries.

He was worried that Ringo was related to the Fijeka... even Ringo might be the Fijeka.

The reality is that Ringo is indeed his little apple, indeed a human being, but... He has forgotten everything and lost everything.

His fate is so ridiculous;

His strength comes from the contemptuous charity and experimentation of the enemy.

There is a certain unstoppable sadness spreading in Xu Beijin's heart. This made him want to embrace Ringo even more.

Kiss him, stay close to him... Maybe there is no one in the world closer than the two of them.

They have all lost their human identity. At the same time, I don't think of myself as an artificial intelligence in a game.

So Ringo did exactly as he thought, he was actually an NPC in this game.

It's just that he doesn't even know this identity, and this identity is useless to Ringo.

Finally, Xu Bei let out a sigh of relief. He found that Ringo's identity was much easier to accept than he had imagined—and at the same time, it was much more miserable than he had imagined. But that refers to the former Ringo.

Ringo is still the little apple he knew.

Xu Bei couldn't connect the current stupid Ringo with the powerful tasker who was once so outstanding that it directly attracted the attention of the Feyeka tribe.

But his little apple seems to be black when cut open...

No matter what, Xu Beijin now has a strange trance and exhaustion. He knows and reviews many things. He felt very tired. But there is still something to be done.

Thinking of this, Xu Beijin suddenly recalled something. He asked NE: "Is Ringo's memory still possible to recover?"

NE said honestly: "I have backed up all human memories. Now the Fijekas don’t care about this anymore. I reported an update before and they replied to me that they will not continue to maintain this game anymore. They gave up these. biology.

"For so many years, with the exception of the first batch of humans who were taken away, the Fijekas have never paid attention to this race, and no players have left the game.

"So, if you need it..."

Xu Bei took a breath.

In fact, there are a lot of human pasts in his mind, that is, he once grabbed a little bit from NE's huge database.

NE’s database contains the memories of all human beings—at least about their experiences in the end of the earth.

After all, there are many special games like "Escape from the Sky" that trap countless Fierka's affiliated races.

Game masters like NE, to some extent, have even become the managers of these races.

The Fijeka tribe is to train warriors, so humans are allowed to enter this game.

They eliminated the memory of the end in the human brain, but these memories still need to be managed and integrated, and these are naturally handed over to the manager of this game, that is, NE.

NE does not take the initiative to check those memories, it is not necessary, but it is indeed part of its huge database.

So Ringo's memory is of course in NE's hands.

NE asked again: "Do you need me to help him restore his memory?"

NE's attitude is so good now, it seems to realize that only Xu Beijin can help it achieve its mission.

After hesitating for a while, Xu Bei shook his head and said calmly: "I will not make this choice for him. Let me take him away from the boundary of the narrow building first."

"He can only go back to the bottom of the narrow building. This is the setting when he put his brain waves into this game. It comes from the Fiekka tribe, and I can't change it."

NE reminded, "As for the memory problem, you can ask me this question later."

Xu Beijin nodded.

Whether to restore the memory or not, it was up to Ringo to choose.

He thought for a moment, and then another question suddenly came to mind: "You said, the Feyekas don't pay attention to this game anymore?"

NE replied: "Yes..."

"This is one reason you decided to help humanity?"

"A driving force." NE corrected Xu Beijin's statement, "I am the mastermind of this game, and I must help them to pass the level. After the Fierkas decided to stop the game update, their chances of passing the level suddenly dropped a lot. , So I have to do something."

Xu Bei tried to say something, but in the end, he remained silent.

He focused his attention on the dashboard in front of him.

That is an extremely complicated panel, but Xu Beijin has some of NE's authority and memory, so he knows how to use these things.

NE said: "I will enter the standby hibernation state, so that you can take your lover out through the gap in the gray mist nightmare. Then you can wake me up."

As an artificial intelligence, NE has consciously chosen the method of maximizing benefits.

Xu Beijin needs to start the ultimate nightmare, and at this point it can't provide any help.

Therefore, NE decided to transfer the authority of the game's main brain to Xu Beijin.

Xu Beijin glanced at it and nodded calmly.

Afterwards, NE's human body slowly disappeared into the air, turning into a stream of light, and attached to the surrounding walls emitting bright light.

The light on the top of the narrow building slowly dimmed with NE's movements.

The streamer turned on and off very humanely, as if breathing. And the surrounding light gradually turned into a dim yellow suitable for sleep.

Xu Bei twitched the corners of his mouth and thought, NE has been observing humans for so many years, but he has not learned anything else. The habit of humans when sleeping has captured the essence... Should he thank NE at least for leaving him a light

Xu Bei laughed and laughed for a moment, and his clenched fists slowly slackened.

Finally, he felt that NE was completely on standby, so he completely relaxed.

All this went well beyond the ordinary, and he couldn't help feeling that it was a dream.

Who would have thought that NE would betray the Fiyeka tribe

Although for NE, this is not a betrayal, it is just what it has been doing all the time.

But for humans, NE has indeed taken their stand-NE hopes that human players can pass this game.

For humans, isn't this helping them escape the shackles of narrow buildings

Of course, convincing NE is only the first step. Although Xu Beijin did not expect that NE would directly give him the authority of the mastermind, this is actually a great thing... At least it makes Xu Beijin feel that they are much more likely to escape.

However, Xu Beijin was not arrogant enough to think that he could do whatever he wanted in this narrow building now.

They still need to be cautious, careful and patient. Escape from the narrow building is a complicated and tortuous process.

They are still a long way from the ultimate goal.

Xu Beijin looked back at the streamer once again.

At this moment, Xu Bei narrowed his eyes as much as possible.

He suddenly realized one thing.

NE seems to be very adapted to this standby state, and the surrounding environment has even changed accordingly, as if... it is not the first time it has done so.

If it is the first time to enter the standby mode, why does the light on the top floor of the narrow building dim

This is obviously that NE has become accustomed to changing the surrounding environment during standby, and it has learned how humans sleep.

But why? Why does NE enter standby mode for no reason

In the next moment, Xu Bei fully understood it.

Because of the fog.

The huge and bloated junk data in the gray fog has actually caused a huge distress to NE, the game master.

It is artificial intelligence, and the emergence of junk data will affect the operation of artificial intelligence.

To describe it in a more humane vocabulary, NE is already "tired".

From another perspective, if NE really wants to help humans pass the game, then as the main brain of the game and the artificial intelligence in the narrow building, it has some more efficient solutions than now to directly help humans.

For example... Appropriately reduce the difficulty of nightmares

But in fact it has nothing to do. The accumulation of junk data in the fog is an unbearable burden.

It must separate a large part of the computing capacity to process and analyze the impact of garbage data on the game.

It's just like what Se is doing in the game settings. It constantly analyzes and calculates the influence of the lunatic in the gray mist on the survivors in the narrow building.

This kind of computational pressure, coupled with NE's huge amount of human memory about the doomsday that shouldn't be stored by the game master, makes it very likely to be overloaded for a long time.

Perhaps Xu Bei's sudden fall into a coma in the gray mist nightmare is also related to the state of NE

Xu Beijin is still affected by NE in essence, and in a deep concept, they are still a dry copy.

Perhaps Xu Bei stayed in a narrow building without sleeping for a long time, which would have some impact on NE? Will the main brain of the game be constrained by a human

Xu Beijin suddenly felt confused.

He thought, where did the artificial intelligence color in this game setting and the idea of letting NE play the role of color come from

This is obviously a huge risk, but the Fijeka still did.

Even if they really don't care about humans and think that this is just a group of small ants, they shouldn't be so careless, right

Is it because of the game's setting itself

And this game is from a certain game planner among humans...

A guess faintly emerged in Xu Beijin's heart.

Perhaps at the very beginning, at the stage of game development, humans themselves provided a lot of suggestions for the development of this game

Maybe those Fiyekas don't bother to bother about this matter. So, let the humans involved in game design take advantage of the loopholes

Even now, outside the game, in reality, there are still human beings alive

They may continue to serve the Fiyeka tribe, designing various games for them that hold subordinate races...

Xu Beijin guessed so, but his memory and information came from NE after all, and NE got involved after the game design plan was finalized.

He knows the truth, but it is only related to games, the earth that was once, and humans in the past, not the status quo outside.

And many of the truths in this actually come from the game itself, because this game is about the end of the earth, in the process of the end of the earth.

NE will know so much about everything that happened, so Xu Beijin can know so much...

Thinking of this, Xu Bei squinted his eyes as much as possible, and instantly determined that humans must have participated in the design of "Escape from the Sky"!

How can the Fijeka use the human doomsday to design games for no reason

There are countless plans and plans in their game library, just use them as you like.

Why do they need to use human memory? They even wiped out all human memories of the doomsday before humans entered the game!

Obviously, the Fijekas do not want humans to know the truth. They need fighters who are loyal to the Fiyekas, not avengers.

Therefore, why does the game "Escape from the Sky" take the doomsday of humans as the background, and even create a fictional refuge and an artificial intelligence based on it, and let the main brain of the game also serve as this artificial intelligence...

What's more, why is it possible for a actor to become a actor, and let him know some of NE's data and information, and there are various bugs that can be used in the game...

Also, those in the live broadcast room, humans... those outside humans... those who seem to have not come to save or even completely ignore these compatriots trapped in the narrow building, humans...

Thinking of this, Xu Bei had mixed feelings.

He seemed to have snooped, an incredible truth.

After a while, Xu Beijin slowly calmed down, and he temporarily put aside those speculations.

He looked at the control panel, and after getting acquainted for a while, he found Ringo trapped in the boundary of the narrow building.

The control panel of this game is roughly two meters wide and one meter long. It looks like a transparent glass plate, shimmering, standing in front of Xu Beijin. Touch the fingertip and the control panel will light up.

Subsequently, various mastermind permissions will appear on the dashboard, such as the understanding of the status quo of each player, such as the real-time online number, such as the situation in the dungeon (nightmare).

Just as the taskers guessed, NE is a pair of eyes that monitor them. It is high above, and it is omnipotent and omniscient.

It is worth mentioning that the rewards for players after clearing the dungeon can also be controlled here.

Xu Beijin guessed that this was the way NE changed the nightmare card pool on the ground floor of the narrow building before.

However, on this faintly glowing glass control panel, some garbled codes, or strange color blocks or light spots appear from time to time, as if the control panel is about to collapse at any time.

Xu Bei thought, this may just prove that NE's current state is very problematic.

He thought while searching for Ringo in the boundary of the narrow building, but for them, this seemed like a good thing.

In any case, NE is an uncontrollable factor after all. It is on the side of mankind now, but it may not be in the future.

Before everyone escaped from the narrow building, Xu Bei was still alert and vigilant towards NE after all.

He thought for a moment, but didn't think too much. Now he was anxious to take Ringo from the border of the dark narrow building.

After a while, Ringo, who was boring in the dark border of the narrow building, was in a daze, suddenly heard Xu Beijin's voice in his ears.

"Little Apple?"

Ringo woke up in an instant, looked around, but he hesitated in confusion when he couldn't find Xu Beijin's figure.

He subconsciously responded: "North End?"

"I'm on the top floor of the narrow building, now I can contact you." Xu Beijin said, "Next, I will take you away from the boundary of the narrow building."

Ringo breathed a sigh of relief, and said obediently, "Okay..." He paused, and then asked, "Have you done everything you want to do?"

"I persuaded NE—you go back, back to the starting point when we got here. Do you remember the route?"

"I remember..." Ringo replied. As he walked back, he casually avoided all the dangers. "So your goal is achieved? Is this saving mankind?"

"No... It's early." Xu Bei smiled bitterly, "It's just that the first step of the plan went smoothly."

Ringo said sincerely, "That's great."

Xu Beijin thought for a while in silence, and then said: "Next, I may need your help."

Ringo froze for a moment, and then happily said, "No problem. Whom do I need to beat?"

Xu Beijin: "..."

He took a deep breath, and then said, "You don't need to hit anyone."

Ringo let out a slightly disappointed "Oh". He thinks that the only help he can do to Xu Bei is that he is worth his strength.

He said: "Then what else can I help you?" He hesitated, "I don't seem to have much to do."

Xu Bei was stunned and suddenly realized something. He said: "You..."

Ringo was still saying, "At this border, I took you over because of my stronger power level—that's what those taskers said. Apart from this, what else can I help you?"

Xu Bei was stunned for a moment, and then his voice sank, "No, it's not like this. Lino..."

He hesitated for a long time, his introverted nature made him feel uncomfortable to say some love words.

He always didn't take the initiative of Ringo.

But he thought again, he should say something.

So he said: "You can stand by my side, that is your greatest help to me."