Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 160: Two options


When He Shujun opened his eyes, the sound of reading aloud came from his ears.

It's early morning. Early reading...

Her classmates were by her side, some were lazy, some were serious, and some secretly bowed their heads, bent over, and ate breakfast carefully.

He Shujun smelled the hard-boiled egg, the strange, well-ripe protein.

There are always people holding textbooks, erecting them, blocking their faces, for fear that they will be seen by the teacher when they are on the go.

But the teachers sitting on the podium can actually see everything, but they won't stop these little wanderings.

He Shujun heard the girl on her right chanting aloud what classical Chinese... or poetry? word? What is this girl's name

He Shujun couldn't come back for a while.

In the last second, she closed her eyes in the dilapidated, dimly built small house, followed Xu Beijin's instructions and went to sleep;

The next second, in the endless dizziness, she woke up suddenly, bathed in the morning sun, listening to the sound of reading and the whispers of students.

She raised her head and saw a series of slogans from her senior year, most of which were cheering words like study hard and make progress every day.

Then she knew that this was the first day of the third year of high school.

She returned to the earth.

At this moment, a strong trance and touch attacked her mind. She stood up subconsciously, shaking her head, her eyes seemed to leave a deep imprint on the face of every classmate.

She watched their expressions carefully and saw their inexplicable and playful expressions.

It was fresh and lively, and it came from the emotions of seventeen or eighteen-year-old children.

He Shujun suddenly felt like a dream.

"He Shujun?" On the stage, the teacher who watched the morning read said strangely, "What's wrong?"

He Shujun cried and laughed suddenly, and she said loudly: "Nothing! Nothing! It's just me... Teacher, I..." She grinned and gave a smirk, "I'm so happy."

She heard someone whispering, wondering if she was stupid—how could anyone be happy because the third year of high school started

But He Shujun was really happy.

She actually returned to this moment, this normal, peaceful, and peaceful earth.

She and her classmates are having a headache for the upcoming college entrance examination and endless weekly and monthly exams. They are looking forward to the future one year from now, the future that is close at hand.

It's like the sun at eight or nine o'clock.

Just looking at the past, you can feel the infinite possibilities, the infinite vitality and vitality. Infinite... Hope.

He Shujun wiped away his tears and sat down. She looked at the textbook on the back table, regardless of the strange look in the other person's eyes, she took out a Chinese textbook for herself, flipped to a page, and then read it aloud.

Regardless, don't think about where she is now, don't think about nightmares, don't think about narrow buildings.

Just let her spend this morning reading happily and happily. The first day of high school. A turning point in her life.

As he read, He Shujun's voice slowly became mute. She desperately wiped her tears, but in the end, she was lying on the desk with the textbook over her head. She smelled the scent of books and the soy milk of the breakfast at the front table.

Then she burst into tears.

The entire classroom was quiet, and all the students were inexplicable. The teacher even walked directly to He Shujun's side. He was at a loss for a moment and could only ask tentatively: "He Shujun? Are you okay?"

He Shujun continued to cry.

She was talking nonsense, but neither the teacher nor the students could hear what she was talking about.

They can only feel the sadness, ecstasy and inexplicable... despair in He Shujun

The teacher could not calm He Shujun's emotions anyway.

So, on the first day of school, He Shujun went to the school infirmary.

Here, she finally stopped crying slowly. The teacher worriedly asked her if she needed to call her parents over, or go home to rest.

Afterwards, the teacher saw He Shujun's girlish and immature face, with unprecedented maturity and rationality.

He Shujun pondered calmly for a while, then shook his head, and said softly: "No. I'll rest here for a while. I'll go back to class in a while."

The teacher is still a little worried.

On the contrary, He Shujun, who was emotionally broken just now, said softly that she was all right, and just wanted to rest in the infirmary for a while.

The teacher in the medical office also said that she would accompany He Shujun and let her rest here quietly for a while.

So another teacher left.

He Shujun lay down on his side and turned his back to the teacher in the infirmary. Soon, she pretended to be asleep. As a result, the teacher in the infirmary also left the lounge lightly.

At the moment when the door of the lounge was closed, He Shujun turned over and sat up.

She stared at the closed door for a while, breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously, and then smiled bitterly again.

She has realized that no matter what, she is no longer the innocent and innocent high school senior.

She is already the tasker He Shujun who has been working hard and struggling for decades in the narrow building.

At the moment when he returned to the third grade classroom just now, He Shujun did feel a long-lost, uncontrollable ecstasy.

God knows how much she wants to return to ordinary, normal human life!

Emotional breakdown is precisely because of this. She really thought that she had returned to the earth she used to be, that time was going back, that everything was over, and even... that everything in the narrow building was just a dream.


So this word awakened all her memories, and she knew that she was still in a nightmare.

And I also remembered Xu Beijin's previous instructions—in any case, stay sensible and sober in the nightmare.

But she still indulged her emotions for a while.

She was crying and laughing, and this emotion was real, it was indeed the complex and intense emotions she had produced when she returned to this moment. She almost cried out of her breath.

But at the same time, deep down, she looked at her actions calmly and indifferently.

She knew—at least, based on what she saw and heard in the narrow building, she figured out what might happen next.

The first day of the third year of high school—so, immediately, soon after, parents, teachers, students, the school, the Ministry of Education, etc., are going crazy. She can't let herself fall into that chaotic, closed situation.

So she knew that she had to leave this classroom as soon as possible. She can't stay with other people, great changes can happen at any time, and she must ensure her own safety.

No one knows the consequences of death in the ultimate nightmare.

Therefore, under this cold scheme, she indulged her emotions and tears, and the morning teacher forced her to bring her to the infirmary.

The teacher offered to let her go home, and He Shujun's heart was indeed moved for a moment.

In addition, what moved her even more was that she might still be able to see her parents who were still normal.

But then He Shujun took his heart seriously.

She didn't know whether this ultimate nightmare really reproduced her life. What if her "parents" are crazy in a nightmare

Then when she comes back to them, will she just be in the middle of her arms, and will be sent back to school again

Besides, it is... false. Not her real parents. She was also unwilling to numb her heart with that kind of false warmth at this moment.

They are in a terrible, ultimate nightmare that belongs to all mankind.

He Shujun took a deep breath and wiped the tears that kept pouring from his eyes again.

She began to think about other things.

This ultimate nightmare belongs to all mankind. And at this point in time after she entered the nightmare, she suddenly realized what the content of this nightmare was—the end. It is the end they have experienced.

But according to the actual situation, the end of the earth lasted for a year, and then there were narrow buildings and so on.

It is impossible for them to spend such a long time in a nightmare, so there are bound to be changes.

Or, in this nightmare, time jumps? Only reproduced some important turning points

But after they enter the nightmare, what identity do they have? Is it really just returning to the identity that you once had on earth

Thinking of this, He Shujun couldn't help but regret a little. She thought that when she was in the narrow building, she should exchange more information about herself on earth with her companions.

Who knew the ultimate nightmare turned out to be like this

If they had known it long ago, they might be able to find each other as soon as possible in the ultimate nightmare, converge and exchange information.


He Shujun realized afterwards that they had no clue about the ending of this nightmare.

If it is a reenactment of the human end, will they eventually enter the narrow building

With such an ending and direction, what should they do to solve this nightmare

He Shujun could not help thinking for a while, then shook his fist, let his thoughts turn back, don't think about those things for now.

She thought, there are two paths before her now.

The first is to go back to the classroom, let it go, watch the changes, and see what this nightmare will eventually show her.

Maybe it was the memory she had lost, the vague reappearance of her senior year in high school.

The second is to leave the school secretly and look for clues outside the school. If this is a nightmare with a very huge scene, then maybe she can find other taskers or residents of narrow buildings in the scene.

He Shujun hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to choose the second way.

And she herself knew that a large part of the reason for choosing the second path was because she didn't want to go back to the former classroom at all.

She had a feeling that she felt she couldn't help staying there and didn't want to leave.

That's... That's the place she has missed for many years. It was the place where she had lived for a long, long time. Her friends were there and her textbooks were there. The center of her life was there.

So she dared not go back.

She muttered silently: "In the nightmare, stay sensible, stay awake, keep yourself. Don't miss the things that have passed away."

She stayed for a moment, thinking, yes, that is the time that has passed. Never, never will be able to come back.

What she misses, what she dreams of, what she remembers...

Her senior year in high school.

He Shujun stood up from the small bed in the lounge without expression and patted his cheek lightly to make himself more awake. Then she left the infirmary through the lounge window.

She hid her school uniform jacket in a cabinet in the lounge.

Her school does not force students to wear school uniforms, and it is more lenient for senior high school students.

But on the first day of school, it is always necessary to look neater, so most students put on a school uniform jacket over their clothes.

But now He Shujun plans to leave school, so naturally he can't go out in school uniform.

Fortunately, the weather is fine today, the sun is shining, and it is not cold without a coat.

When the school doctor entered the lounge and found that there was no one in the lounge, he might think that He Shujun had already gone back to the classroom.

On the other side of the classroom, because He Shujun didn't say when he would go back, I guess the teachers would not particularly care.

The busy senior year of high school will make them ignore these small details and focus on teaching.

Therefore, when someone discovers He Shujun's disappearance, it is estimated that her friends will come to her for dinner at noon, and then find out that she is not there.

But by that time, He Shujun had already disappeared.

She calmly analyzed everything in her heart, while lightly jumping out of the window.

There were few people on campus during the morning reading time. It is just past seven o'clock.

He Shujun loosened the rubber band of the ponytail, straightened her hair, made herself look more mature, and changed her attitude a little bit.

This is very easy for her, after all, she has been immersed in the nightmare of the narrow building for a long time, and she herself is no longer the immature student she used to be.

She stared at the figure of herself revealed on the glass and nodded in satisfaction.

Soon after, He Shujun nodded to the guard of the school casually and left the school.

The guard may think she is a parent, or a teacher, or a foreigner who comes to work. However, the guard would not think she was a student who skipped class.

After finally leaving the school, He Shujun didn't consciously breathe a sigh of relief. She looked back at her alma mater, her eyes flashed with a complicated light.

She even felt as if something was pushing her, pulling her, and making her go back.

But she finally shook her head.

Then she muttered to herself briskly: "Well, now, let's see what surprises there will be outside of school..."

She took two steps and came to a crossroad.

Here, He Shujun stopped and looked around with a slightly weird expression.

This is not like the building near the school in her memory.

On the earth, near her high school, on the opposite side of this intersection, is a small stationery store, then various snack shops, and further on is a residential area.

She knows that many senior high school students will move out of the dormitory in order to study hard and rent a house opposite the school for a year.

But now, across from this intersection, there is a gym.

He Shujun frowned uncontrollably.

At this moment, she realized that this ultimate nightmare was not a complete recurrence of the earth after all; it could not be.

In this huge scene, countless taskers and residents of narrow buildings may be densely packed.

And every small scene represents this person's nightmare and past experience.

Even, some scenes are not just a person’s nightmare

He Shujun took a deep breath and walked towards the gym.

"So, Beijin, what are we going to do in the narrow building?"

Ringo asked rascally.

When everyone entered the ultimate nightmare, the entire narrow building instantly fell silent. Empty and lifeless, it makes the scalp numb.

But Ringo didn't feel that way. He still stayed in Xu Beijin's bookstore, and asked Xu Beijin idly what they were going to do now. Xu Beijin told him before that the two of them don't have to enter the ultimate nightmare.

"Wait a minute..." Xu Beijin replied, "I will do one thing first."


"Open the live broadcast."

Ringo blinked, a little confused: "Live broadcast?"

"Yes..." Xu Beijin talked to Ringo about his nightmare when he started the live broadcast. "Now, I want to use this live broadcast system to deliver some information."

Ringo was puzzled.

What information is being conveyed? To whom? Why use live broadcast

But Ringo heard that this was a business matter, so he didn't bother Xu Beijin again.

Xu Beijin explained to Ringo: "It's asking for help from the outside world."

"For help?" Ringo pondered. "Will you be blocked?"

He also knew a lot of things now, at least he knew the human situation, and he knew more in detail than those other humans knew.

This was mainly because Xu Bei wanted to explain his memory problems to Ringo, so Ringo had already learned about the various behaviors of the Feyeka tribe.

Although he said that he had no sense of substituting human experience, but thinking that Xu Beijin had experienced all this... Ringo instantly became angry.

Instead, Xu Bei could not laugh or cry to appease him.

As for the others, including the residents of the narrow building and the task force, Xu Beijin did not tell them the truth in too much detail.

For one thing, the enemy is so powerful. If you let them know the truth now, it is estimated that many people will shrink back.

Secondly, they may not be aware of these movements that they are making now, but if the words of the Feyeka really keep appearing in the mouths of human beings...

Think about the garbled characters that the audience said in the Xu Beijin live broadcast room.

Xu Beijin has some doubts. The string of garbled characters that appeared in the live broadcast room was the words "Fyeka". These words are blocked in the live broadcast room.

Therefore, Xu Beijin is also worried that this will attract the attention of the Fiyeka tribe. When explaining everything to Ringo, he also didn't mention the Fijeka tribe, but just replaced it with some other words.

Now, Ringo couldn't help feeling strange when he heard that Xu Bei wanted to use the live broadcast system to ask for help from the outside world.

Those behind the scenes must have blocked the network environment of this game, can this live broadcast system reveal the information he wants to transmit

Xu Beijin’s answer was: “It’s very possible, yes. Because this game can be broadcast live to the outside world.”

Ringo was still puzzled.

Xu Bei thought for a moment, and then explained to Ringo: "Do you know that there are actually more than one game that traps humans like this?"

"More than one?" Ringo repeated subconsciously, "are there many?"

"Yes. There may be many. Some anchors can even enter these game live broadcasts, as if they are... Live Beasts. "They" imprison all prisoners of war in such games. "

Ringo felt a little puzzled: "Why are you imprisoned in the game?"

Xu Bei squinted his eyes, his eyes were deep, and his tone didn't make any sense: "Because this is "their" strength. Network, data, virtual world... This is the territory of "their". "

Ringo thoughtfully, subconsciously said: "So you are planning to..."

Who to ask for help

Ringo vaguely thought of a possibility.

Xu Beijin replied: "Now everything is still unknown. In short, you will wait for me first, I will start a live broadcast."

Ringo said "OK".

When Xu Beijin opened the live broadcast again, he felt a little emotional for a moment.

In fact, it hasn't been a few days. When they went to Xie Ji's nightmare together, the audience in the live broadcast room also accompanied him to chatter.

But with such five or six days of effort, the situation he faced has changed drastically.

His mentality when he got the live broadcast system at the beginning and his current mentality are completely different.

However, he is always grateful for the emergence of the live broadcast system and the company of the sand sculpture viewers.

"Beibei is good!"

"Bei Bei is also super handsome today! Licking!"

"Hey, you are perverted!"

"Go away! Beibei belongs to Little Apple!"

"What about Little Apple? Beibei didn't turn the camera on Little Apple the first time! You have changed!"

Xu Bei could not laugh or cry.

Now the live camera is aimed at the scene in the ultimate nightmare. Although Xu Beijin is not in the ultimate nightmare now, with NE's authority, he can remotely watch what happened in the ultimate nightmare, and can also broadcast live.

He thought to himself that everything had undergone a qualitative change after all because of the change in NE's position.

Thinking of this, Xu Bei glanced out subconsciously, then lowered his eyes thoughtfully and suddenly laughed.

However, he thought, NE is NE, and artificial intelligence is artificial intelligence. This damn artificial intelligence stands high in the narrow building, spying and monitoring humans in secret.

As the missionaries thought, it is indeed an accomplice and wingman behind the scenes.

Thinking about it, Xu Beijin sighed secretly and turned his attention to the ultimate nightmare. He wanted to confirm the human situation in the ultimate nightmare before going to do other things with Ringo.

In addition, he has been paying attention to the situation of the audience in the live broadcast room.

It has always been the IDs he is familiar with, and no unfamiliar IDs appear.

Xu Bei was a little disappointed for a while, but he thought again, it hasn't been long since the live broadcast has just started, and it can't be so fast and timely.

He laughed mockingly.

Afterwards, he looked at the picture in the live broadcast room.

There were many people in the ultimate nightmare this time, and Xu Beijin did not actively control the direction of the live broadcast camera, so the picture in the live broadcast room was frozen at the moment of a stranger.

He was standing on the roof of a building yelling, as if he was about to jump off in the next second.

The audience in the live broadcast room was confused.

"What is this for?"

"What new nightmare is this again?"

"Beibei! Call Beibei! Come and introduce this nightmare!"

"Beibei will not open the live broadcast for a few days, I think the reasoning boss is already hungry and thirsty!"

"Do you think the reasoning boss is already? What about you?"

"I am very self-aware of my IQ (sad)"

Xu Beijin looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room, thought about it, and explained the nightmare for them: "We are about to play the end of this game."

Several viewers in the live broadcast room were stunned.


"My mother! I feel like Beibei and I haven't known each other long before this game is about to end! And isn't this an online game? There is an ending?"

"Uh, similar to that, after the end is the new beginning?"

"Because this is a puzzle game? The puzzle game must have an ending."

"The reasoning boss is right!"

Xu Beijin glanced at the barrage, and then went on: "The setting of this game is that after the end, humans enter the refuge named "Narrow Building". The administrator of this refuge is an artificial intelligence... "

He roughly said the setting of the game itself.

The audience sighed again and again.

Later, Xu Beijin talked about the ultimate nightmare they are broadcasting now: "All players will enter the ultimate nightmare, whether it is the actor or the tasker."

At this point, Xu Bei completely blurred the position of himself and Ringo. The audience only thought that he was also in the ultimate nightmare, but would not have thought that he was actually still in the narrow building.

Xu Beijin said: “In the ultimate nightmare, people have returned to the last days. They need to make a new choice, whether to continue to believe in artificial intelligence judgments, stay in a narrow building, or abandon artificial intelligence and continue with Fight against dangerous doomsday

"Their choices in the nightmare will directly affect the state of the artificial intelligence managers in the narrow building in reality.

"Because, when this artificial intelligence was created, its function was only to manage narrow buildings, and it had no other use.

If all surviving humans made the same, turn off the choice of artificial intelligence. Then, this artificial intelligence will lose the qualification to manage narrow buildings.

"And this choice is impossible to give an answer for no reason or no basis. When mankind was facing the end of the day, the designers and manufacturers of narrow buildings and artificial intelligence spent a lot of energy and made countless sacrifices. Only then was able to establish this last refuge.

"This is the response of mankind to the end of the day. Therefore, mankind must also in the nightmare, after experiencing the whole process of the end, still maintain the original attitude, so that it can successfully shut down artificial intelligence.

"Now, the players in the nightmare face such a choice."

Xu Beijin talked about the setting of this game, and also clarified the two options for the final outcome.

Turn off artificial intelligence, or not

Faced with this problem, the attitudes of the viewers in the live broadcast room had a huge divergence.