Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 161: Meet the deceased (1)


"It's not okay to pass it directly... Artificial intelligence has worked so hard as a manager for so many years, and there is hard work without credit..."

"Wait, this is only artificial intelligence. Now that its users think it is useless, turn it off. It's just a tool... or an outdated tool."

"No, I just want to ask, why do you all default to turn it off? Isn't the judgment of artificial intelligence correct

Those lunatics who were driven out of the narrow building are a great threat to the survivors in the narrow building. "

"I think the main problem is that after turning off artificial intelligence, can humans continue to live in narrow buildings

I think they can linger for so many years, in fact, to a large extent depends on the absolute fairness and rationality of artificial intelligence.

"When artificial intelligence is turned off, it becomes the rule of man... All kinds of intrigues, intrigues, and interest entanglements must appear again, right?"

"When you say this, I suddenly began to wonder what is the purpose of inciting people to turn off artificial intelligence... Is it really just to rescue their companions in the mist?"

"A hypocritical politician?"

"You are thinking a lot. I just think that according to the cold logic of artificial intelligence, one day my mental state also has a problem, will I be thrown out of the narrow building without mercy

"Judging from the nightmares broadcasted by Beibei before, this place is very scary and gloomy...

I very much doubt that if I live in this place for a long time, my mental state is prone to problems.

"Then if something goes wrong... I will become an enemy of humans? I will be thrown out? If you encounter this situation, then your relatives and friends agree to the approach of artificial intelligence... Don't you feel chilly?"

"That being said... Judging from the current level of human development and this post-apocalyptic state close to the barbaric era, ensuring the safety of the ethnic group is the number one priority..."

"This kind of time is really cruel."

"In this way, I think it is unexpectedly reasonable to allow artificial intelligence to carry this pot. If humans can't do it themselves, or are unwilling to bear this notoriety, then it is not bad to let an absolutely sane artificial intelligence do it. ."

"But obviously, artificial intelligence alone won't work anymore. Those lunatics in the gray mist are also a lifeline, right?"

"No, you guys are too serious! This is just a game!"

"Oh, although it's a game, but... things like the doomsday... it's easy to feel substituting."

"Anyway, since the game gives two choices, then different choices definitely mean different endings, right?"

"That's for sure."

"In terms of games alone, which kind of ending do you think is better?"

"Turn off artificial intelligence, and it feels a little more possible in the future. I think even if it is not off now, one day in the future the conflict between humans and artificial intelligence will become more intense, it will definitely be turned off."

"It's not my race."

"But I don't know why, I am extremely pessimistic about the future and survival of mankind after turning off artificial intelligence..."

"Zhailou was originally a refuge. Now these humans are like... destroying their refuge."

"But... Seriously, I don't want to pin my life on an artificial intelligence... that doesn't understand the principles at all. I think it's too dangerous."

"Uh, in fact, I think the question is, in the final analysis, whether survival is more important or freedom is more important.

"I think that the judgment of artificial intelligence is not wrong. The lunatic in the gray fog must have an extremely bad impact on the survival of mankind.

It can also be seen from the nightmare broadcast by Beibei that these lunatics are very lethal.

"However, according to the settings in the game, the humans played by the players have survived in the narrow building for decades.

Their living space is confined to this narrow, gloomy, and dilapidated building, and there is no hope of leaving at all.

"As far as the matter is concerned, in this case, even if the narrow building is a safe refuge, people probably don't want to continue to survive here, right? It's like a chronic suicide..."

"I agree with your opinion."

"It makes sense. In fact, staying in the narrow building all the time will eventually lead to despair. This doomsday in the game cannot be resisted and resolved at all."

"The very realistic point is that I think it is impossible for humans to persevere in this environment forever.

They will definitely go crazy, and artificial intelligence will drive them out because of their madness.

"In the end, there won't be only artificial intelligence in the narrow building, and no humans, right [laughs]"

"It's so funny. The refuge built for the survival of mankind turned out to be a cage to imprison mankind."

Xu Bei quietly watched the audience's discussion in the live broadcast room, and did not express any opinions on their views and attitudes.

What they are talking about is just this game called "Escape from the Sky". They have no idea about the plight of human beings.

For this group of human beings in reality, they must escape from the narrow building, there is no dispute.

This is not the refuge they built for themselves, but the cage and the Colosseum built for them by the enemy.

Simply speaking of the settings in the game, this is indeed a matter worth discussing.

However, the ending of this game is, only relevant or not, two choices.

There has never been a modest and muddy option. In addition, if they choose not to turn off, then what is visible to the naked eye is that human beings will inevitably end in the end.

They can't persevere forever in such a narrow building.

Xu Bei thought to himself, does this also imply anything

He thought for a while and couldn't help feeling amused. He thought that since he began to speculate that humans were involved in the design of "Escape from the Sky", he became more and more suspicious whether the game itself also implied anything.

This is actually a choice that is easy to draw conclusions: in this situation, human beings will end sooner or later, so it is better to fight while still capable.

However, the problem with this ending is that there must be some hesitating and indulging in false stability among human beings, and they may be more concerned about their current living conditions.

Moreover, in this narrow building, human beings are almost immortal.

They will not die. Even if he died in a nightmare, he would be resurrected very quickly.

And entering a nightmare is never mandatory. In the narrow building, everyone's lifestyle is determined by themselves.

Their lives will always be fixed at such a young and vigorous moment.

So it's normal for someone to be nostalgic for this kind of life, right

Xu Beijin's gaze unconsciously looked at the taskmen and the residents of the narrow building displayed on the dashboard, those who stayed in other nightmares.

However, the scattered numbers, when compared with the huge numbers displayed in the ultimate nightmare, seemed extraordinarily funny and ridiculous.

The minority obeys the majority may not be correct, but at least it can show the attitude of the group.

So Xu Bei thought about it, human beings still don't want to stay in the narrow building.

There was a traitor back then, does not mean that such a traitor will still appear now.

Besides... he thought coldly, even if he did appear, this traitor would not be able to do anything. Sometimes destiny is not in their own hands.

Xu Beijin once again looked at the number of viewers in the live broadcast room.

Then, he focused his attention on the ultimate nightmare. He switched several screens and checked the status quo of different taskers and actors.

Not surprisingly, even if the contact person had urged thousands of people before, there are still many human beings indulging in such a false and recurring life on the earth.

Some people are naturally reluctant to return to their husbands, wives, children, parents, and lovers;

Some people regain everything they have lost and don't want to lose it again.

Some people want to know what is in the lost memory and what they have experienced, so they are unwilling to leave themselves and enter the initial scene of the ultimate nightmare.

Some people are simply because they came to a huge scene that is completely different from the narrow buildings and nightmares. Therefore, facing such a fresh and interesting scene, they naturally indulge in it.

Human nature is inevitable.

However, once this thought appeared and took over their minds, the situation took a turn for the worse.

They will begin to forget everything they have in the narrow building, why they came to this scene, and even forget directly that this is the ultimate nightmare, not their real life.

They just indulged in such false dreams.

Xu Bei looked at the three numbers.

The first number is the number of people who have entered the ultimate nightmare.

The second number is the number of people who have fallen into it.

The third number is the number of people who are still sober.

The first digit does not move;

The second number rises rapidly;

The third number dropped sharply.

Half an hour after the opening of the ultimate nightmare, the changes in numbers gradually stabilized.

Two-thirds of the human beings have been lost, and they still have one-third of their viable power left.

Xu Bei sighed, not surprised.

At the moment, the live broadcast is fixed on a scene of happy family life.

Fathers, mothers, children, and elders are having dinner together, talking about weekend trips, talking about children's achievements, and talking about career progress.

It looks harmonious and beautiful and enviable.

But on the public screen of the live broadcast room, there are always barrage strips of horror.

"It's terrible, I always think they are lunatics, and I always feel that they are sincere."

"It feels like a horror movie."

"Remember the nightmares that Beibei used to broadcast live? About the family..."

"Husband kills his wife, father kills his daughter, mother abandons her daughter..."

"The ball is up, I just want to watch a game live broadcast, I don't want to be depressed..."

"Beibei said that this ultimate nightmare is a recurrence of the last doomsday, but now it's only the first stage, right? There is a long story behind..."

"Yes. First is the spread of madness, and then the sky fire descends. There are also ruins to survive and so on... So, this nightmare is impossible for players to experience it from beginning to end, right?"

"It is estimated that there will be changes soon."

The speculation of the audience in the live broadcast room was not wrong. Soon, the situation in the ultimate nightmare changed.

It was originally a peaceful, ordinary daily life. However, the lunatics seemed to appear overnight. They invaded the lives of these ordinary people like a virus.

Then came killing, blood, madness and violence.

The audience in the live broadcast room sighed again and again.

To them, this is like a TV series being staged in real time.

They watch and comment, but they don't really feel the same for the plot.

They even laughed and sighed again and again: "The acting skills of this group of players are pretty good!"

In this regard, Xu Beijin was also quite helpless.

He no longer watched the feedback from the live broadcast room, but went to check the situation of several taskers and actors he was familiar with.

Not surprisingly, none of them fell into a nightmare.

Even the goddess who missed her daughter the most, just left home after hugging her daughter for a while.

She asked her daughter to stay at home obediently and not to go out, and she prepared food for her.

However, she left by herself.

Her daughter asked timidly: "Mom, what are you going to do?"

The goddess replied: "Mom is going to save the world. Someone is waiting for me."

Her daughter blinked ignorantly.

They are exploring what is happening in this nightmare in different ways, and looking for their companions.

During this process, Xu Bei paid special attention to Dai Wu's situation.

As Dai Wu himself said, his legs are disabled and he has limited mobility. However, he was not idle, but used various communication methods to post missing persons notices on the Internet.

At this point in time, the human network is still available, and the game is perfectly reproduced.

But as the madness intensified, by the middle and late end of the day, human communication was completely paralyzed, and even returned to the original human communication method.

And this kind of situation was naturally substituted into the nightmare of the narrow building.

To tell the truth, it is still debatable whether the taskers and actors at this time can think of the Internet, mobile phones, and computers. But at least, Dai Wu is trying various methods.

There doesn't seem to be much he can do.

In fact, there are not many things that everyone can do.

After confirming the situation in the ultimate nightmare, Xu Beijin temporarily put aside the matter in the live broadcast room.

He set up a live broadcast system to remind him as soon as a new audience enters, and then he will not watch the live broadcast room for the time being.

He contacted Ringo: "I'm done. Let's do business."

Ringo blinked and almost blurted out some words. But he still held back, and just asked: "What are we going to do?"

"We have to find several hidden data ports in this game." Xu Beijin said, "Confirm their locations and mark them, and it is best to carry them with us. In this process, we have to ensure our own safety. "

Ringo had some doubts: "Data port?"

Xu Beijin said: "It is equivalent to the way this game communicates with the outside world. Update, log in... or whatever. This is not a truly isolated game. There must be some places where data can be transmitted."

Ringo didn't quite understand, but he didn't ask any more, just asked again: "Is there any danger? You are alone on the top floor of the narrow building..."

"Don't worry." Xu Beijin said, "There will definitely be nothing right now, the dangerous thing is... later."

With that, Xu Beijin walked to the window.

He quietly looked at the gray fog outside the window for a while, and then said to Ringo: "Look at the outside of the narrow building, do you think there is any difference?"

Ringo looked at it for a moment, and then hesitated and said: "The gray mist... seems to be getting closer?"

The outside of the narrow building is always filled with gray mist, but the distance between this "outside" and the narrow building is actually as much as two to three hundred meters. They can see the barren, abandoned land outside the narrow building.

At the beginning, even taskers were able to leave the narrow building and directly enter the gray fog.

There is a buffer zone between the narrow building and the gray fog.

Now, this buffer zone seems to have narrowed a lot.

Ringo said strangely: "This is... the grey mist is coming?"

He didn't know where Xu Beijin's smile was caused by his words. In short, Xu Beijin laughed for a long time before saying, "Yes, the gray mist... It's drifting towards the narrow building."

At this time, all things in the world were like Ringo, and they all realized the seriousness of the situation.

He asked sternly, "Beijing, I remember... There are many lunatics in the gray mist, right?"

"Yes..." Xu Beijin sighed, "Moreover, from a certain perspective, the gray fog is like a bridge connecting the narrow building with the nightmare. If the gray fog spreads to the narrow building, then the lunatic in the nightmare can even Just ran out and came to the narrow building."

Ringo thought for a moment, and then honestly said, "It's really dangerous."

Xu Bei couldn't help but smile.

He said: "We still have a little time."

Ringo still said worriedly, "You have to be safe... Do you have to stay on the top floor? Can't you come down?"

Ringo was a little upset.

He thought that not long ago, Xu Beijin's pale face felt lingering in his heart.

He felt that he was relieved by putting Xu Bei by his side. But at this moment, Xu Bei had to look at the whole situation from the top of the narrow building.

He hasn't seen his Beijin for a day!

Xu Bei said helplessly: "Wait...Wait a while, I will come down."

Ringo could only say: "Well..." He asked another thing, "Why does the gray fog come to the narrow building? Because... the ultimate nightmare? Does this have any effect on you?"

Xu Bei thought for a while and said: "This matter is indeed related to the ultimate nightmare... but it has nothing to do with it. This is actually an insurance measure made by "they" for this game.

"If this is just an ordinary game, then the position of the gray fog is of course fixed. However, this game is also the place where "they" held prisoners of war. "

Ringo suddenly said: "So, this is to prevent us from resisting?"

"Yes..." Xu Beijin whispered, "The longer the ultimate nightmare lasts, and the more madmen, the gray fog will get closer and closer to the narrow building. Until...slowly covering the entire narrow building.

"This is a self-destructing program for the game."

Ringo sighed sincerely and said, "It's terrible."

"As long as we solve all this before the gray fog erodes every floor of the narrow building. At least in the ultimate nightmare, if they really make the choice I want, then according to the game settings , The fog will dissipate completely."

Ringo nodded.

Xu Beijin said again: "And for things other than the ultimate nightmare, we have to rely on the two of us."

Ringo had an inexplicable touch of struggling side by side with Xu Beijin. He said: "No problem. Beijin, I am very happy to be able to act with you."

Xu Bei smiled and said, "This is because we two are special in the narrow building..."

Ringo didn't feel sad, he just said smugly: "It means that we two are born together!"

Xu Bei was helpless, he said: "Okay. You first find a book in my bookstore, which is the one we were looking for before... "Update log". "

Ringo responded, then left the window and walked to the bookshelf.

He was looking for, Xu Beijin had nothing to do here, instead he remembered an incident before.

"Lingo, you always say that I am special." Xu Bei was puzzled after a long time, "Why do you think so?"

"That's how I feel." Ringo replied casually.

He himself couldn't say why he thought so, but he stubbornly believed that Xu Bei was special, and it was the same for him.

Before Xu Beijin had time to ask the next question, Ringo said, "I found it. What do I need this book for?"

Xu Bei couldn't laugh or cry, thinking, why can Ringo find a book in his bookstore so quickly

After all, the Fijekas only strengthened Ringo's force value. Where did Ringo's wonderful intuition come from

Thinking about it, Xu Beijin felt a little weird.

He suddenly thought of some clues.

Ringo used to be an outstanding tasker in the narrow building that was directly taken out of the narrow building by the Fiyeka tribe. According to NE, Ringo only lost his memory, not his mind;

In addition, Xu Beijin always suspected that his incision was black.

So he cut it really black

Play pig eat tiger? Da Zhi Ruo Yu

Perhaps some things are not intuitions, but conclusions that even Ringo himself cannot explain, after the brain is running fast

Xu Bei was a little shocked for a while.

He looked suspiciously at the bookshelves in his bookstore that he saw through the dashboard. He thought that the reason Ringo was able to find the "update log" among countless books so quickly was because he accidentally put all the books I wrote down all the positions...

Xu Bei thought about it for a long time, and suddenly looked at Ringo with admiration.

In any case, this little apple is already his. It was his lover, his Ringo.

Whether he was clever or dull, Ringo came over with a pile of drinks stupidly to please him.

Xu Beijin touched his nose and looked at Ringo's figure, with a slight smile in his eyes.

"Beijin?" Ringo called Xu Beijin strangely. Xu Beijin was silent for a long time, "What's the use of this book?"

Xu Bei returned to his senses and replied: "Let's let it go, don't worry. This is one of the ports."

Ringo looked at the update log in his hand suspiciously, thought for a while, and said, "I put it in a place in the bookshelf that I remember? I still have to take it with me."

"Put it on the bookshelf. Finally we will come back." Xu Beijin said, "Now we have to find the second data port."

Ringo nodded, put the update log, and walked out of the bookstore.

Xu Beijin's perspective followed him, but his eyes fell unconsciously on the wonderful update log.

In fact, it cannot be said to be a book in the true sense.

In essence, it is still an electronic file, a string of data.

The same is true for other books in his bookstore. From a certain perspective, it should be said that this is the artificial intelligence in the narrow building, that is, the database of color, rather than the database of NE.

I am afraid that when NE set the identity of the residents of the narrow building for Xu Beijin, because it could not change the panel of Xu Beijin, it could only turn the color database into a bookstore.

If there is a quest person, it is fortunate to use a very special panel card to view Xu Beijin's panel.

Then he will find that Xu Beijin's apparent identity is indeed a bookstore owner, but he has a hidden identity, who is the manager of the narrow building.

Although this is just an identity, without any authority.

However, this identity forced NE to create this bookstore with countless nightmare clues hidden in the narrow building when he was building the background of the residents of the narrow building.

After thinking about it carefully, Xu Beijin felt that he really took a drink and a peck.

Of course, most of the books in his bookstore are simply "read-only files" that cannot be changed; the only exception is this update log.

The update log is written by NE and belongs to the game's main brain, not the color in the game.

But Xu Beijin can also be said to have this identity.

This dual identity, like a doll, allows Xu Beijin to pry into some of the secrets of this game... For example, what has NE updated this game over the years

Although it will not be introduced in great detail, some clues will always be revealed.

However, Xu Beijin didn't read this diary much. For so many years, he was in a state of helplessness and restrained hands. At the beginning, his mind was still more or less active, but the later, the more stagnant and lifeless he became.

Of course, he still knows the meaning of this update log.

This is NE's updated record of this game, a book that has been realized in his bookstore.

Outside of the game, this is just an electronic file—a file that will also be opened for review by game developers.

So this book has become a bridge between reality and games. This book is not only stored in Xu Beijin’s bookstore, but also on the server of the game itself. Even on the computer of the game developer.

Although in this era, intelligent creatures might not call it a computer.

Perhaps it is called intellectual brain, personal terminal and so on. Times have changed. Even if they leave the narrow building, they seem to have to spend a lot of effort to adapt to this era again.

But they still have to leave. Xu Bei thought about it all.

Ringo asked him, "Where is the second port?"

Xu Beijin recovered, glanced at the control panel, and said, "It's on the ground floor of a narrow building. A random empty room."


Xu Beijin said: "Yes. The location of this port is fixed on the ground floor of the narrow building, but it will randomly change its location every minute.

Once we find the port, we can temporarily fix it. In a short period of time, its position will no longer change.

"I'll tell you its real-time location, and you have to rely on you for the rest, and get over it as soon as possible."

Ringo was startled, and then happily said: "No problem..."

He likes the feeling of acting with Xu Beijin.

"Then let's start." Xu Beijin said, "Now its position is..."

When Xu Beijin and Ringo were looking for the data port they needed on the ground floor of the narrow building, the situation in the ultimate nightmare was gradually getting worse.

And this is of course inevitable.

The end is happening again in this nightmare. Moreover, it is far more terrifying than the initial escalation.

Wu Jian couldn't help complaining: "It's just like the end of the world is to be staged in one day..."

Ye Lan beside him had no expression, but nodded quietly.

They were in the library in Cangcheng—yes, the library they encountered in the nightmare of the heavenly fire descending on the world.

When Wu Jian opened his eyes, he almost thought he was dreaming. Well, he was dreaming, but he thought he was returning to the nightmare he once had.

Then he stared at the book spread out in front of him, the computer, and the quiet but crowded study room around him for a long time.

Then he finally realized that he felt right when he entered the nightmare that Skyfire descended into the world.

He is indeed from Cangcheng.

This made his mood suddenly complicated.

The ultimate nightmare-is this the ultimate nightmare? Let them experience the doomsday again

What had been lost returned to their hands. However, they have to let them go through it again after they have lost their memory

What kind of neurotic designed this damn game!

She clenched his teeth, tears were already rolling in his eyes, but he cursed with a bit of hatred in his heart.

He stood up, and quickly left the study room in the eyes of a madman next to him. But after a short while, he came back and picked up his computer.

It wasn't until I saw the existence of computers that I realized that in this nightmare, they might be able to use computers to communicate with each other.

In other nightmares, these communication tools are unusable. On the one hand, it may be that the human society at that point in time has been completely chaotic. On the other hand, it may also be because this group of taskers cannot be allowed to cheat.

But now this ultimate nightmare, the situation seems to be different.

Wu Jian used the computer somewhat unfamiliarly and logged on to some websites, but he could not find the information he wanted.

After thinking about it, he posted a series of missing people words on the Internet, and then turned off the computer with some disappointment.

It seems that in the ultimate nightmare, it is not easy to find a shortcut.

However, soon after, he met Ye Lan outside the library.

Both of them were a little surprised, and they didn't expect to meet familiar people in the nightmare so quickly.

They exchanged their gains, but before they had time to talk a few more words, the situation suddenly changed.

In the beginning, it was just a sudden quarrel in the library.

In order to facilitate communication, it may also be because of the danger they have encountered in this scene...

In short, Ye Lan and Wu Jian habitually returned to the library after meeting each other.

Because of this, they heard the inexplicable quarrel.

The reason seems to be that the library staff who was responsible for borrowing books temporarily refused to help find a book because of their busyness, and this made the citizen who came to the end very upset. The two quarreled.

This was originally just a common quarrel in busy work.

But then, the situation suddenly escalated.

The citizen suddenly stretched out his hand and scratched the cheek of the library employee with his nail;

Then the employee angrily copied a book as thick as a dictionary and knocked it directly on the other person's head.

The two men furiously beat each other.

In a short while, many people came to watch. The atmosphere on the first floor of the library gradually became weird.

People watched the fight silently, but there was a subtle excitement in their eyes.

Some people even took a piece of paper casually and scribbled there, not knowing what they were recording.

Wu Jian and Ye Lan looked at each other, and walked out in unison. The moment they stepped out of the library, loud noises and screams came from behind them.

But none of them looked back.

What happened? They don't want to know.

Wu Jian was just thinking that it hadn't been long since he had just entered the nightmare. According to the real doomsday situation on the earth, the spread of madness should not be so exaggerated at this point in time.

So, is this nightmare artificially speeding up the doomsday process

Thinking of this, Wu Jian couldn't help but sigh, and got Ye Lan's approval.

"What should we do next?" Wu Jian took the initiative to seek Ye Lan's advice. He knew that this tasker was much better than himself, "Let's find a place to wait, or..."

He still carries the computer, hoping to find his partner with this former technology.

Ye Lan hesitated for a while, but instead mentioned another thing: "Do you think we can really solve this nightmare?"

Wu Jian thought for a while, thinking of the doomsday he knew, thinking of Zhailou, nightmares... So he shook his head honestly: "I don't think it's okay. We entered this nightmare just to solve Zhailou..."

Having said that, he instinctively hesitated.

He suddenly realized a problem. The prerequisite for them to enter the narrow building was that everyone seemed to have acquiesced. They could leave the narrow building if they had a true ending in the ultimate nightmare.

This is a self-evident consensus.

Therefore, they would be willing to enter the ultimate nightmare and pursue this nightmare so enthusiastically.

Because this is the ultimate copy of the game. This is the ending of the game.

But how are they going to solve this nightmare now

Who would have thought that the ultimate nightmare would be a repeat of the last day of the earth? So if they fail to solve this nightmare, will they be locked up in a narrow building again

I wondered with a strange expression, is this a matryoshka

No matter what, Wu Jian felt a little headache. He had no idea how to solve this nightmare... He had no idea at all.

Instead, Ye Lan said to himself: "He said before, let us stay sensible and clear in this nightmare..."

Wu Jian opened his mouth, and seemed to react, but it was a little weird: "You mean, we need to drag time in this nightmare?"

"Yes..." Ye Lan hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "I think that's what he meant. Maybe... Persevering to the end means the ultimate nightmare of customs clearance? But... "

He frowned and shook his head: "I don't think it can be that simple."

"What you said makes sense, it may just be an ordinary ending." Ye Lan nodded and she murmured, "Perhaps, he just told us the easiest way. But we still need to continue to find this nightmare. The truth, to reach the true ending.

"We cannot simply pin our hopes on others."

With that, Ye Lan's tone gradually became firmer. Obviously, she still hopes to continue investigating this nightmare, rather than just wait and die.

Wu Jian also nodded.

Later, Ye Lan's tone eased a little: "Anyway, the nightmare has just begun. We must first ensure our own safety. Under this premise, we try our best to find other companions... I mean, other people who are still sober. ."

Others, people who remember their mission.

The invisible thought is the same as Ye Lan.

They thought that there would be many such people. After all, all the humans in the entire narrow building have entered this nightmare.

However, when they walked one street after another, the situation was not what they thought.

Wu Jian murmured: "I have seen several familiar faces. It seems that I have met them on a certain floor of the narrow building... But they all already... don't remember me."

Those people turned a blind eye to his greeting, and even frowned in weary and surprise. They went on with their lives, completely ignoring the appearance of invisibility.

Maybe for him