Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 163: Road (1)


Xie Zhijin only felt that there was a flower in front of him, and then the door disappeared.

His wife asked strangely: "What's the matter with you? I called you several times, but you didn't respond?"

She paused, and then said, "Isn't there really a physical problem? It just so happens that you are resting today, it's not as good as us..."

"No… "

His wife stopped talking.

Xie Zhijin said to himself: "The door in the gray mist... I know. Where have I seen it... I've heard of it."

His wife really felt baffled.

Xie Zhijin closed his eyes as if he was remembering something. He suddenly said, "Is it a long time since I have dinner with the old man?"

His wife said suspiciously, "Yes..."

Xie Zhijin smiled weirdly, and then a line of tears flowed out.

He said: "Never again... Never again to have dinner with Grandpa."

He opened his eyes, "I'm sorry, I can't go home with you either."

His wife stared at him blankly.

Xie Zhijin gave her a hug, then turned and left.

"Where are you going?!" His wife was surprised and frightened, and caught up with him, "What the hell is going on with you today? Why are you so strange?!"

Xie Zhijin seemed to be answering her question, and it seemed that she was just talking to herself: "I don't know... No, I know. But my brain won't tell me the answer.

"But I guess someone will tell me."

He stood still, and his wife looked at him blankly but in panic.

Xie Zhijin thought for a moment, then said to her: "Go home. I have something to do."

"Old Xie, you can't do this." His wife was already angry, "What the hell are you doing? Do you know what you are doing?"

Xie Zhijin was confused for a moment, and then said, "I know."

"you sure?"

Xie Zhijin nodded affirmatively. He said, "Trust me. Just like you would say "I do" when I propose marriage, trust me. "

He felt that he shouldn't mention the marriage proposal at this time, but he still did.

He felt that perhaps he would never have a chance to talk to his wife about the proposal of marriage.

At the beginning... once, in the past. It's all things that can't be undone. It is never possible to return to that point in time.

So he can only use pale words to mention and miss indiscriminately.

And his wife was silent for a moment, and then said: "Go and do what you want to do."

She said, "You have been crying. Wipe your tears. You are my husband, don't shame me outside."

"I know."

Xie Zhijin smiled embarrassedly, wiped away tears, then bid her farewell, and walked back in a hurry.

A few minutes later, he caught up with Wu Jian and Ye Lan.

"The two in front! Wait for me!"

Wu Jian heard the familiar voice, glanced back almost subconsciously, and then said in amazement: "Old Xie?!"

Xie Zhijin followed, and he couldn't help but pause when he heard Wujian calling him. He said, "Do you know me?... Forget it, it doesn't matter now."

Seeing a little bit at a loss.

Xie Zhijin said: "What did you call me just now?"

"Something happened, but..." Wu Jian paused, and glanced at Ye Lan.

Ye Lan knew it, and interrupted at the right time: "May I ask first, you just said that you didn't know us, but why are you chasing us now?"

Xie Zhijin was silent for a moment, and then said: "It's foggy..."

Ye Lan and Wu Jian were both startled.

They have all been to the nightmare of Xu Beijin, and they all know... what the gray mist means.

When Fei and Wujian left the nightmare, they passed the relevant information about Xu Bei's nightmare back to his organization—mainly to pass it on to Xie Zhijin.

In theory, Xie Zhijin might have seen this message if time is not too late.

Wu Jian suddenly understood.

Xie Zhijin is... a very special person in their organization. At the beginning, because he was in a nightmare, he immediately noticed the sense of sight that the nightmare brought to him, and thus established their organization, the purpose is to find the truth about the narrow building.

And now, perhaps Xie Zhijin also has the same sense of sight-even if it is already lost in this nightmare situation.

On the side, Ye Lan also thought of this, and she directly thought of the man she met in the nightmare of Xu Beijin when she got together with Shen Yun in the office building.

The same sinking into the nightmare, the same loss of self and sobriety, but it seems that he retains a part of his sanity.

Perhaps Xie Zhijin is in a similar situation.

But at this time, Xie Zhijin hadn't finished speaking, he continued: "There is also... in the fog, there is a looming door."

"Door?!" Wu Jian screamed in surprise, "Are you sure?!"

Xie Zhijin hesitated, then nodded: "I'm sure."

Wu Jian looked at each other with Ye Lan, and then said anxiously: "It's over. Why is the gray mist mixed into the ultimate nightmare thing... It's not right..."

After thinking about it for a moment, Ye Lan said, "Grey Mist contains those crazy missionaries and actors. If... I mean, if there are a lot of lunatics in the ultimate nightmare, then...

"Could it be the gray mist coming towards the narrow building instead of the tasker in the narrow building?"

Wu Jian said with a weird expression: "You mean, there are too many lunatics on our side, which attracted the gray mist? The gray mist came to pick up these lunatics?"


Ye Lan's expression was blank for a moment, and for a moment she felt that she seemed to understand Fei's mentality a little bit.

But Ye Lan replied nonchalantly: "Yes, I guessed that."

I can't help but sigh.

In the nightmare of Xu Beijin, they heard Shen Yunju say that he and Ye Lan were facing the sky fire on a huge square. When Ye Lan mentioned the "passage" and "trajectory", the task force I feel that Ye Lan is indeed a very imaginative person.

But now, Wu Jian once again sighed at Ye Lan's whimsical thoughts.

But he thinks this is a very possible thing.

At least... No matter what it is, whether it is because of the possibility that Ye Lan said, or some other special reason, the grey mist is coming towards this ultimate nightmare.

And the door in the gray mist.

Wu Jian said: "If the door also appears, it means that we can enter the gray mist?"

With that said, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

He also said that something is wrong, but he always feels that what he said just now is something to be discussed...

He thought for a moment, and then said, "Into the gray mist?"

He suddenly looked at Xie Zhijin.

Xie Zhijin also looked at the two of them blankly, completely wondering what the two of them were talking about. But he kept listening quietly.

"Old Xie, let me ask you a question." Wu Jian said seriously, "When you just saw the door, did you want to walk in?"

"Go in?" Xie Zhijin hesitated, "No..."

"Really do not have?"

"Not at all." Xie Zhijin said affirmatively, "I never thought about going into that door."

Wu Jian murmured: "That's weird..."

Ye Lan thought for a while, but didn't say her own thoughts—her thought was that if the people outside didn't want to walk in, would the people inside want to come out

In other words, could it be the gray mist that engulfed this nightmare instead of going to the gray mist

After all, the door is a two-way passage.

But she did not intend to say this possibility. The situation they are now facing is desperate enough, let them continue to have those promises of hope.

The character is as cold as Ye Lan, and he doesn't really want to face the group of lunatics in the gray mist.

She thought about it again, the half-crazy and half-sane man in the elevator of the building.

Then she said: "Let's go on."

Wu Jian nodded, and said to Xie Zhijin: "Old Xie, let me tell you about our current situation."

In the huge scene of the ultimate nightmare, people may never meet someone they know, but it is also possible that they will soon meet.

Mu Jiashi and Shen Yun got together.

When the two of them saw each other, they froze for a while, and then unanimously let out a sigh of relief.

In the current situation, being able to meet a partner does not say how helpful it is, but psychologically it is always better.

"Have you ever met other people?" Mu Jiashi asked actively, "I know, or are you still sober."

Shen Yunju shook his head, and added: "I have met people who I know, but they are not sober anymore."

Mu Jiashi sighed, "Me too."

He met Jiayi, but this guy was holding a mobile phone, playing the game with his head down, and happily walked past Mu Jiashi. Mu Jiashi didn't know how to greet him.

After thinking for a moment, Mu Jiashi shook his head and said, "It seems that we only need to obey Xu Beijin's request. In this nightmare, stay awake and rational. Maybe this is enough for us to pass the customs."

Mu Jiashi is not self-motivated... Rather, he is just pursuing a good choice with the greatest possibility.

For example, at this moment, ensuring one's own safety and living soberly and sensibly in the ultimate nightmare seems to be a bit more realistic than pursuing the truth and finding the true ending in the ultimate nightmare.

Shen Yunju nodded silently.

They are outside a university at the moment. Mu Jiashi came out of this university, and Shen Yunju passed by this university. Shen Yunju looked at the name of the university unconsciously.

Qucheng University.

Mu Jiashi noticed his gaze, and explained: “This is my university. I am a graduate student in this university... I don’t remember the specific major, it may be biology, chemistry, etc., I just learned from the experiment Come out of the room."

Shen Yunju was a little surprised. He hesitated and asked, "Do you remember?"

"I don't remember..." Mu Jiashi said, "Maybe I only became a graduate student during the doomsday... However, after I just woke up, I learned about the situation, and then I learned some information."

Shen Yunju nodded. He was used to being silent, but he thought about it for a moment and explained his situation: "I should be a... office worker. I have been in the shift for several years. As for what happened at the end of the day... I I don’t know, and I don’t intend to figure it out."

Mu Jiashi said: "Me too." He was silent for a moment. "Seeing other people's tragic experience in a nightmare is different from your own tragic experience."

They continued to move forward, passed Qucheng University, and soon changed the topic to something else.

Mu Jiashi thought about it and said, "We had better find a safe place, stay here, and then try to find other companions.

I tried it in school just now, and the internet is still available, but I don’t know when it will be disconnected. "

"This scene is very big, and time may not be enough for us to meet." Shen Yun gathered together and said, "Maybe we can only be scattered everywhere."

"It's okay. As long as you can be sober."

They were discussing the next actions, and their voices were very calm and plain.

At least so far, they have simply regarded this ultimate nightmare as a repetition of the doomsday.

They haven't realized why this nightmare is called... "ultimate".

They came to a crossroad.

At this moment, they suddenly heard a scream in their ears. The two turned their heads subconsciously and saw that a person limped out of a passing bakery in a panic, and the glass of the bakery was covered with blood.

The man who escaped noticed Mu Jiashi and Shen Yunju, and the three couldn't help but stare at each other.

At the next moment, the man said, "You are sober, right?! You still know about Zhailou, and nightmares... and you know that this damn scene is fake!!!"

This person was so excited and terrified that he was almost incoherent, but his meaning had been clearly conveyed to Mu Jiashi and Shen Yunju.

The faces of the two taskers changed almost all of a sudden.

The man begged and said, "Please, my colleagues don't believe me. They want to stay in the bakery. I finally escaped..."

He showed off his bloody calf, "They cut my leg..."

Behind him, someone in the bakery chased him out.

Mu Jiashi made a decisive move and pulled the man's arm, while Shen Yunju grabbed the other one, and the two of them pulled the man away like this.

They ran for a moment. It was a cloudy day in this area, and the sky was gloomy. After a while, they stopped outside the fence of a residential area.

The man thanked him repeatedly, and grinned with pain from the wound on his leg.

Mu Jiashi looked at this person. This was the first sane tasker they encountered since they entered this nightmare... or the actor

This was a young man in his twenties. His appearance was unremarkable, but Jiashi Mu was impressed by the panic and fear that this man had when he escaped from the bakery.

He asked: "So when you opened your eyes in the ultimate nightmare, you were in that bakery? Why not leave in the first place?"

The man smiled bitterly: "I just... didn't react. I know the ultimate nightmare, but I don't know the ultimate nightmare will be like this, which will make us... go back to the past."

He was silent for a moment, and mixed emotions flashed across his face.

Then, he continued: "It happened that my colleague called me to make bread, and then I listened in confusion, and was scolded for being too bad..."

Mu Jiashi frowned, not wanting to listen to these meaningless narratives. He asked: "When did you discover that something was wrong?"

"Yes, atmosphere." The man said, "They behaved very strangely, very attentive... They were focused to the point where something was wrong. It made me feel like they fell in love with bread...

"I think the goose bumps are all up, and then I say I want to leave. They don't want to, and they say how to get off work early, not... I'm sorry for the bread... or something.

"Then I just wanted to leave. Someone picked up a knife and slashed at my leg, saying that I wouldn't be able to leave... I was really scared. Do you understand that feeling

"Originally, the scent in the bakery made me feel very comfortable and made me feel like that place. But... But in an instant, the bloody smell made me sober.

"I just... escaped. They were all stopping me, but I didn't dare to stay any longer."

His face slowly showed a strange confusion, he whispered: "I think, stay a little longer, I will be like them, like the smell in the bakery... I like the soft feeling of the bread...

"Like... Obsessed... Deeply in love..."

He muttered.

Mu Jiashi calmly interrupted him: "I understand."

The man looked startled, stunned for a while, then his face changed, and he said in horror again: "What happened to me?! Damn, haven't I gotten rid of the influence of that place? Crazy... Crazy, infected. me?"

He whispered in fear.

Shen Yunju frowned and said to Mu Jiashi: "This means that we can't even stay in a certain place for a long time, right? A certain place means crazy infestation..."

Mu Jiashi said: "Do you still remember the scene where He Shujun and the goddess went to Xu Beijin's nightmare

Ruin exploration... It seems like this is called, those who explore the crazy ruins will bring out the craziness in the ruins. "

Shen Yunju whispered: "This is like a virus."

The man opposite them looked at them in horror and blankness.

Mu Jiashi pondered for a moment, and then asked him: "Are you a tasker or a actor?"

"Tasker, I am the tasker." The man said quickly, "What is the actor? Those residents of the narrow buildings?"

Mu Jiashi did not answer his question, just said: "Now you are safe, let's separate now."

The man hesitated to speak, but finally agreed.

Mu Jiashi told him: "Don't stay in one place for a long time, avoid other people, try to stay sober and sensible, and don't... get infected by craziness."

The man nodded vigorously.

Shen Yunju followed Mu Jiashi and left. When he couldn't see that person, he said, "Why don't you act with that person?" He paused, "You are still worried..."

"He has been infected by craziness." Mu Jiashi's tone was very cold. "Perhaps he can stay awake at this moment, but he will be completely crazy the next moment. We can't always act with such a person."

Shen Yunju hesitated to speak, but finally nodded silently.

He looked at Mu Jiashi and thought, yes—Mu Jiashi has always been like this.

Sober, sensible, and cold. He can make the most appropriate choice, even if it seems cruel.

When Mu Jiashi told that person to avoid other people, perhaps the other party thought that he had to avoid those lunatics. But he might not have thought that he himself would be a lunatic.

Shen Yun thought about it for a moment, but in the end he could only smile wryly. He said: "I hope other people will also realize this... Crazy, it can be infected."

"hope so."

They continued to move forward.

Behind them, there seemed to be a faint mist, obscuring the way they came.

Xu Beijin and Ringo finally found the second data port.

They realized for the first time that there are so many empty houses on the ground floor of the narrow building.

The so-called bottom floor of a narrow building is not a "first floor" in the true sense, but a large area composed of many connected floors. It should be said that it runs through several floors and is collectively called the bottom floor of a narrow building.

Therefore, even at Ringo's speed, they still took a long time.

The location of that port changes every minute, and sometimes it can go directly from one location to the farthest location. Even if Ringo was flying, there was no time to fly over.

It's like a hide and seek. And the guy who hides can change a hiding place every minute.

Fortunately, Xu Bei has the perspective of God.

Ringo looked at the thing in his hand—the data port, strangely.

Just looking at it, he would definitely not think that this thing was a data port. But it really is.

This is an ordinary doorknob, which has now been dismantled by Ringo using violent means, so the port can only stay inside, unable to move.

Xu Beijin explained: "The doorknob is just an ordinary doorknob, but the data port is lurking inside."

Ringo nodded, and asked curiously, "What is this port used for?"

Now he knows that the previous update log is used to record NE's updates to this game and allow external game designers to review it.

So, what about this doorknob

"This is the port for new players to log in." Xu Beijin said, "It will constantly change positions in the empty house, waiting for new players to come to the narrow building, and assign them an initial location. Therefore, its location is only It will be on the ground floor of a narrow building."

Ringo suddenly realized.

He couldn't help asking: "This is a port for new players to log in, but what about old players?"

Xu Bei was silent for a moment, and then said helplessly: "You forget, the old players are us humans. We only need to log in once, and then we won't have to log in again."

After all, they can't get out either.

Ringo said, "But, didn't you tell me before, what is a... anchor? He has also entered this game."

Xu Bei was stunned and hesitated, but he also found a blind spot in his own thinking. He said: "Yes... you are right. Old players should also have a login port..."

However, Xu Bei tried his best to think about it, but failed to remember what the data port of this login method should be.

He frowned, his eyes fixed on the doorknob in Ringo's hand. Isn't this doorknob more than just a port for new players to log in

Maybe when the old players log in, the door handle will also assign them to the established house

Xu Bei thought about it, but was not sure.

Like Ole, when he first entered "Escape from the Sky", he did not even enter the narrow building, and forcibly quit in a nightmare;

And the second time he naturally logged in as a new player.

But after this, he must have logged in once, leaving Xu Beijin a message that he has completed the task.

So there must be a port for old players to log in.

However, Xu Beijin didn't even know how old players log in and where they would stay when they entered the game. He himself has not logged in as a veteran player.

From another perspective, a new player enters the game for the first time. Since it is the default to go to the nightmare instead of going to the narrow building, then this doorknob... is it really a port for the new player to log in

Xu Bei thought for a moment, then tapped his forehead with a headache: "No... No. New players can also skip the initial default nightmare link and go directly to the narrow building..."

He suddenly couldn't understand it, and his thinking seemed to have entered a dead end.

Ringo looked down at the doorknob, and then said, "So this is a login port, right? Whether new or old players..."

Xu Bei realized with amazement that Ringo's statement was correct.

This is the door handle. Although it stays in an empty room, it may not go to a room with people.

The time they look for this doorknob is when everyone has entered a nightmare, whether it is the ultimate nightmare or another nightmare.

In addition, there are no old players logged in at this moment.

So, of course it stays in an empty room, waiting for the arrival of new players-although it may never wait.

Ringo is right, there are no different ports for new players to log in and old players to log in. Login is always just a port, it doesn't need to be so complicated.

But why is the information Xu Beijin got wrong

Xu Beijin frowned and thought for a moment, then turned his head and looked outside—NE.

He knows that the information about the port comes from NE. It was part of his countless fragmentary memories, all the memories he acquired after he was broken and reorganized.

Is his memory lying to him

Xu Beijin was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help lowering his eyes wearily, and sighed secretly.

"North End?"

When Xu Bei stayed silent for a long time, Ringo was a little worried about him.

"It's okay..." Xu Bei returned to his senses and spurned his pessimism secretly. After thinking for a moment, he finally told Ringo to be honest, "I'm just thinking... whether the information I know is wrong. Will we? They were all misled by NE."


"In my memory, this doorknob is just a port for new players to log in. I never thought about logging in for old players..."

"Perhaps there is no port for old players to log in, after all, we can't get out."

Ringo said sincerely, "It's just that someone broke in by mistake, so I have to let the door handle part-time?"

part time…

Xu Beijin was amused by Ringo.

There was a deep smile in his voice: "Little Apple... You are amazing."

"Fantastic?" Ringo tilted her head in confusion.

"You can show me the good side of things." Xu Beijin said, "and I have always been a...very pessimistic person."

Ringo said without hesitation: "I can be your optimism."

Xu Bei listened in shock.

Ringo said, "Trust me, we can succeed."

"Okay..." Xu Beijin said, he looked at Ringo in the picture, then laughed again, and muttered his name in a low voice, "Lingo..."


Xu Beijin said: "I love you."

Ringo was startled.

After that, he was ecstatic and said repeatedly: "I heard it! No, no, I didn't hear it. You can say it again, Beijin... Just say it again, and I will definitely hear it again."

Xu Bei couldn't laugh or cry, and said silently: "Should I record it for you?"

Ringo said, "Yes. Record quickly."

Xu Beijin: "..."

It's impossible to record his death! Ringo wants to be beautiful!

Ringo finally withdrew his delusion regretfully.

He muttered in his heart, why is it not working... What happened to the recording? Obviously it was Xu Beijin's own words, he just wanted to listen to it a few more times... Forget it, I still can't provoke his Beijin.

Ringo reluctantly gave up this plan.

Xu Bei was so angry and funny, and finally had to change the subject casually: "Next, I have to come down."

Ringo let out a dull "Oh", and after thinking about it, he suddenly realized a question: "How do you get down? Will it be dangerous when you get down?"

What he cares most is undoubtedly the safety of Xu Beijin.

"Don't worry, there will be no danger."

Ringo frowned, still uneasy: "How did you get down? Walk down layer by layer?"

Xu Beijin said: "Almost. But I have to bring this control panel down and walk layer by layer, so it may be slower."

Ringo asked strangely, "Together with the dashboard?"

"I must have NE permission before I can pass freely in narrow buildings."

Xu Beijin said, “Identity alone is not enough. Moreover, the dashboard itself is a data port.”

Ringo came to understand now.

The dashboard is a data port, which did not surprise Ringo. NE itself can be said to cross the game and reality, so as the control panel where its authority is realized, it can naturally also be called a port.

This is the management port of this game.

Compared to this, Ringo is more curious. From this point of view, they have found three ports, so how many more

"There is only one left." Xu Beijin said, "The one located between the narrow building and the gray mist, log out of the port."

Log in, log out, update, and manage. These are the four data ports Xu Beijin and Ringo need to look for.

Strictly speaking, these ports are not single-purpose. For example, the update port, the update log in the Xubeijin Bookstore, can actually be said to be the control and monitoring of the game by the Feyeka.

The game's update and debugging are all in charge of the game's main brain, NE, but after all, it still has to be reported to the Fijeka.

And NE's management port is the mastermind of the game's control of the game.

In any case, if Xu Beijin hadn't now possessed the authority of NE for these ports, it would be impossible for them to find all of them. Especially for the login port, you can only see its location on the dashboard.

As for the logout port...

Ringo said, "Between the gray fog and the buffer zone of the narrow building?" He said, "Then why can't you follow the method of searching for the login port? You tell me the location, I'll find... Do you have to come down?"

Xu Beijin said: "Only I can find it. It depends on the control panel and the login port in your hand."

Lino came to understand now, even though he didn't understand the principle very well, he didn't ask any more.

As for the role of these data ports, Ringo never asked why they were looking for it.

He gave Xu Bei complete and calm trust.

He still cared more about Xu Beijin's body: "You come down from the top of the narrow building, can you? Will you feel tired?"

Xu Beijin: "..."

It's just downstairs. Did Ringo think he was made of glass, that would break when he fell

He said helplessly: "I can."

Ringo still said, "But what kind of control panel are you still carrying... Is it really okay?"

Xu Beijin: "..."

Does Ringo think he has no power to bind a chicken? Moreover, men can't say no!

Xu Bei was helpless to help his forehead: "The control panel has no weight...really."

Ringo let go of his mind half-believingly.

Xu Beijin felt that Ringo's caring and worries about him were a bit excessive, but it was reasonable.

Who caused Xu Bei to have a serious problem with his body in such a few days

Xu Beijin was helpless, he said a few more words with Ringo, and then temporarily cut off the contact with Ringo, stood up and walked out. The control panel automatically shrank into a small piece, floating on his shoulders.

On the top floor of the narrow building, Xu Beijin made a small plot for himself as a room, and opened a window.

Now, with his departure, this small room has returned to its original appearance.

NE is still dormant. The streamer on the wall turned bright and dark, breathing like a living person.

Xu Beijin stood there, looked at it quietly for a while, and then gave a cold laugh.

He said to himself: "I hope that after I leave here, I won't have to come back again... and you don't exist anymore."

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes slightly.

Xu Bei hates NE. This hatred may come from own death, it may come from years of embarrassment, it may come from the instinct of being a human being.

But in the final analysis, just because NE stands on the opposite side of them.

As the main brain of the game, NE hopes that players will pass the level. This is the instinct to engrave the code into it when it is manufactured.

So the question is-does NE want one person to pass the customs, or does everyone pass the customs

As the main brain of the game, "hope that there are players to play this game", which is also NE's instinct.

It is just a mechanized artificial intelligence.

It will harshly think that Xu Beijin's memories and emotions when he was a human are useless waste;

It will take the initiative to increase the shipment rate of the nightmare card pool because it has not been cleared by players for a long time, and it will even stand on the side of humans.

So, will it allow all human players to leave the game

Taskers and actors, they never seem to have thought about this problem.

When the first human successfully escaped from the narrow building... Next, will NE continue to help them

No, it's impossible. NE will of course still hope that this game will continue to operate, and there will continue to be human players repeating the nightmare copy, not all humans can escape.

Therefore, NE's position can be on the side of humans, or it can change instantly.

It only needs to start the ultimate nightmare, and let those human players hit an ending-this is what it needs.

This is why it would rather dormant and transfer the mastermind authority to Xu Beijin, and also let the players enter the ultimate nightmare.

As for whether humans can escape the narrow building? That is not what it focuses on. Even, it would have been impossible for all players to leave the game.

Is NE helping humans? Yes, it does help.

But is it helping humans escape the narrow buildings? No, it is not doing this.

It just hopes that someone can play a game ending.

That's it.

So from the beginning, Xu Beijin didn't count on NE—like the other missionaries thought, expecting NE to go crazy and release them from the narrow building. This is impossible.

From the beginning, Xu Beijin, and other humans, they can only rely on themselves.

It is useless to count on NE.

Even when human beings achieve their "ultimate goal," NE will become the first line of defense, the first enemy, and the first gap they face.

Instead, they need to deal with this, the artificial intelligence they thought was a helper.

For many taskers and actors, this may be a terrible news.

They have never thought of dealing with the controller of this game in a game.

The good news is that they don’t need to do it themselves.

-Xu Beijin is the one who really wants to "kill" NE.

He will take some measures to defeat NE