Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 165: Weird phenomenon


Xu Bei thought about it for a while, and couldn't even choose which one was better to solve between the two problems of dealing with the wound and dealing with the chaos in the live broadcast room.

And at the moment he hesitated, Ringo had already stood in front of him.

Ringo said blankly: "No, yes, dangerous, dangerous."

Xu Bei said with a guilty conscience: "Hahaha... no life is in danger."

Ringo: "..."

He was angry and anxious in his heart, but looking at Xu Beijin's pale face and the white shirt stained with blood, he couldn't say a single word.

After a while, he said angrily: "You just know that I won't lose my temper at you."

Xu Bei smiled, then fell into Ringo's arms: "But it really hurts."

Ringo hugged him and glanced at the hideous wound, as if he was electrocuted, he dared not look again.

He felt that his heart was shaking, but he calmly took Xu Beijin to the barter market at the bottom of the narrow building.

Some taskers walked too quickly, leaving a lot of items here.

Ringo picked out some medicines and first aid supplies. These are all drawn from the nightmare card pool, and are considered a kind of living supplies. He carefully bandaged Xu Bei.

Xu Beijin is not a quest person, and can't even use item cards to heal him, so he can only use this simpler and slower method.

The entire bottom of the narrow building was empty, with only the breathing of the two of them.

Ringo suppressed his breathing, but when he finished bandaging Xu Beijin, he threw away the medicine in his hand without hesitation, and then directly kissed Xu Beijin’s lips, acting fiercely, venting his dissatisfaction And worry.

Xu Bei let him kiss as much as he could, and his intact right hand gently touched Ringo's hair.

Between the kisses, he gasped and said softly: "Don't worry..."

Ringo stopped, touching Xu Beijin's forehead, and said every word: "I'm very worried. I'm very angry."

Xu Bei was completely dumb, and then said: "I'm sorry..."

"I'm just angry with myself." Ringo's voice became dumb, "I don't want to see you hurt, but I still let you get hurt again and again, I think I'm useless.

"They keep saying that I am the strongest in the narrow building, but I can't even protect you."

"No, it's not that you are useless. It's just..." Xu Bei thought about it and said, "You have been to that place too. The border of the narrow building. It's just that I'm not careful, I didn't avoid some..."

Ringo said dullly, "It's just that I'm useless."

Xu Bei had a terrible headache. He thought of various ways to convince Ringo, but Ringo killed himself when he was injured in Xu Beijin. Yes, he is inferior, he is sad, he is angry with himself.

In the end, Xu Beijin had no choice but to say: "It's really not that you are useless... Then you will follow wherever I go next time, and you will prove yourself, okay?"

Ringo immediately agreed: "Okay. Okay, you can't leave me wherever you go."

Xu Bei promised.

After a moment, he recollected and looked at Ringo suspiciously.

Isn't this guy really coaxing him to agree to never leave Ringo again

Xu Beijin felt that he had discovered the truth.

This made him dumbfounded, but it was somewhat useful.

After thinking for a while, he couldn't think of anything, and he could even understand Ringo's anxiety and anxiety.

He was injured, but this is a game, and the speed of recovery is much faster than in reality, and now he doesn't feel the pain from the wound anymore.

But before the initial recovery, Ringo wouldn't let him go.

So Xu Bei simply continued to pay attention to the ultimate nightmare situation in the live broadcast room.

In the ultimate nightmare now, it can be described as a mess.

Many people already know that the doomsday is divided into two phases—or three phases

The first stage is the spread of madness, the second stage is when the skyfire descends to the world, and the third stage is when they enter the narrow building.

They don't know much about the situation in the third stage, but in the first two stages, a lot of information has gained some consensus through nightmares and word of mouth.

Especially, after Mu Jiashi these taskers entered various nightmares, including Xu Beijin's nightmare, and Xu Beijin did not stop them from spreading the news.

Before entering the ultimate nightmare, they spread what they had seen and heard through various channels.

So now, most of the taskers who are still sober know well about the two things, the spread of madness and the fall of skyfire.

They know that they need to avoid those madmen, and some large buildings that obviously carry all kinds of crazy "viruses."

They also knew that when the fire fell that day, they had to find refuge in a nearby large building, otherwise they would die easily.

Now, the madness has spread, but there seems to be no trace of the sky fire coming into the world.

Many taskers and actors are walking back and forth on the street, looking for other sober companions to support each other.

But at this moment, the sudden heavy fog obscured their eyes.

"What's the matter? How can there be fog??"

"Is it bad weather?"

"No, that's not right! I've heard of the gray fog outside the narrow building..."

Even though many taskers and actors have never been to Xu Beijin's nightmare, they have heard a few words through various channels, including rumors such as "There are many lunatics in the gray mist outside the narrow building."

They couldn't tell whether it was true or not, but when they entered the ultimate nightmare, they at least remembered this.

So at this moment, when the fog spread, they began to feel panic and uneasy uncontrollably.

Why does this fog appear in the ultimate nightmare? Are there lunatics in the mist? Are they in danger that they don't even know

Tension and fear appeared simultaneously with the gray mist.

The next moment, it's the door.

"This is impossible!"

When Fei saw the door in the gray mist, these words almost blurted out.

Beside her, Jiang Shuangmei looked at the door incredulously.

She swallowed, and compared to the panic of other taskers, there was a trace of uneasy anticipation in her expression. She said, "That's what you said... the door in the gray mist?"

Fei didn't notice Jiang Shuangmei's expression. She bit her lip, leaving a deep white bite mark on her lips. She hesitated and said, "Yes... Yes... It should be."

"If you enter this door, you can meet the questers who were in the nightmare before?"

"Yes. No... wait, what do you want to do?" Fei suddenly recovered and looked at Shuangmei Jiang in amazement, "Are you... Do you want to find your sister?"

Shuangmei Jiang was silent.

Not long ago, when she had just entered this nightmare and had not yet met Fei... She met her sister.

This nightmare gave her a fictitious one, a shadow from the past.

Shuangmei Jiang looked at her sister in confusion, and for a moment, she wondered if she was dreaming—no, she was indeed dreaming, or even a nightmare. But she did not expect to meet her sister in this nightmare.

She even felt that her sister looked a little strange.

Obviously, they didn't separate for long. They had the same faces and looks, but she felt that some did not recognize her sister.

Then she realized that because this was when they hadn't entered the narrow building, the earth.

So of course this is not her sister.

It's just... It's just a narrow building, just an illusory shadow created by this nightmare. A false, wrong, disgusting, a substitute.

But she still looked at her sister with nostalgia.

In their home. She heard their parents calling them to eat.

Jiang Shuangmei's eyes were fixed on her sister's body, and she looked at her father and mother.

She was crying, and she backed away. She was reluctant to look away from them, and the concerned and suspicious expressions on their faces broke Jiang Shuangmei's heart completely.

She said, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry, sister. I'm sorry, I was wrong at that time. I should listen to you... I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Mom and Dad, I'm sorry, I didn't live well with my sister..."

She cried and apologized, and crumbled to kneel down and cry. She realized in a trance that she hadn't even been able to cry like this when her sister disappeared, but now she was crying like this in the face of a strange, false shadow.

But her sister would not want her to cry like this.

Jiang Shuangmei thought in her heart.

She clearly knew this, clearly understood that this was just a scam.

The purpose of the ultimate nightmare is to sink her into such illusory warmth. Family, affection, past, everything is good, they are desperately pulling her over, letting her be lost forever.

But... Jiang Shuangmei murmured, "I'm sorry... But my sister is waiting for me."

Sister Jiang is waiting for her. Waiting for her in that cold, mechanized elevator.

Jiang Shuangmei stepped backward step by step. Finally, her back leaned against the cold door frame.

The fake Sister Jiang looked at her, being gentle and worried, comforting her.

But what Jiang Shuangmei thought was the same situation when she was with her sister last time. At that time, she turned her back to Sister Jiang.

Pain and self-loath rose up in her heart again.

Her hand fumbled behind and touched the doorknob.

She cried so that her throat became hoarse, and she still kept apologizing, her facial features were twisted into a ball, which made her three false relatives feel strange. She heard them whispering, why are they crying like this.

Why do you want to apologize

This question in turn blamed Jiang Shuangmei herself.

She took a deep breath, wiped her tears, and finally said "I'm sorry", and then said: "We should meet at another place and another time. Not here."

She looked at these shadows from the past, and smelled the familiar smell of food.

She said: "Goodbye..."

She finally left without reluctance. She didn't turn around until the door slowly closed. She never dared to say goodbye again after turning around.

She walked in her community for a while, then left the community and walked onto the main road. Soon after, she met Fei.

Fei came from another road.

Among the companions of Mu Jiashi, Ding Yi and other taskers, Fei may be an important person, but he doesn't have much sense of existence.

Just like her name, it was just a code name, not a real name.

The same is true for Ugly See, but Ugly Seen gives people the feeling... It is much more real than Fei.

Jiang Shuangmei didn't leave much impression on Fei.

But at this time, it was Fei's dress that made her stunned.

Fei is a doctor.

She noticed Jiang Shuangmei’s surprised eyes, smiled bitterly, and then explained: “The trainee doctor... is still in the internship. After so many years in the narrow building, she has forgotten all her professional knowledge.”

Jiang Shuangmei still feels magical.

Doctor-In Jiang Shuangmei's view, such a profession must be a calm, sensible, and sensitive endorsement, believing in science and the truth. However, Fei's performance is just the opposite.

She is always neurotic, overly anxious and over-stressed. She believes in some unfounded conspiracy theories, believes in the existence of the culprit, and believes that NE is watching them.

Such a change is too strange, and Jiang Shuangmei can't help but be curious.

But she didn't ask too much, it was Fei's privacy after all, just as Jiang Shuangmei herself didn't like the mention of her sister. So, she didn't talk too much.

They continued to move forward without encountering anything special.

At this time, Fei started talking about her own business instead: "I actually... Sometimes, I can't understand everything that happened to us." She was silent for a moment, "Maybe you can't understand..."

"No, I understand." Jiang Shuangmei said softly, "I don't need some things to happen, but they happen."

Fei nodded, and murmured: "Yes, that's it." She thought for a moment, "Zilou is such a thing. I don't want it, but it can't be avoided. But you have to find a reason for this.

"Everything happens for a reason."

Jiang Shuangmei felt an indescribable pain and depression.

They walked in silence for a moment.

Finally, Fei said: "What we encountered seems to be illogical and inexplicable... But there must be reasons behind that we don't know. I have always believed in this way, and have always been... looking for possible reasons."

Fei thought for a moment, then added: "For any reason."

Jiang Shuangmei couldn't help asking: "Then do you believe in God?"

"God? Don't believe it..." Fei was a little surprised, and then said, "If you really want to say something about God..."

Jiang Shuangmei listened quietly.

"You said those alien creatures whose existence forms cannot be understood by us, and are more advanced and powerful than human beings... Are they gods?"

Jiang Shuangmei was startled and hesitated: "Perhaps... But I would rather not think so."

Fei murmured, "Yes, that's it. If Gods are just some kind of creatures that exist in this world, then why don't they come to kill us, but to save us..."

Their topic went in a strange direction, but the two chatted for a while enthusiastically.

Until, the mist suddenly appeared.


Fei frowned.

Is this really the gray fog outside the narrow building? Instead of the weather changes in the nightmare scene itself

And if it is really gray fog, why does it appear in the ultimate nightmare? Will this fog have any effect on the ultimate nightmare

All kinds of problems made Fei feel extremely confused and uneasy. She realized that they still seem to have too little understanding of the ultimate nightmare... But the problem is that Xu Beijin should always understand these things, right

It was he who pointed out to them the way to start the ultimate nightmare, and it was also he who told them that they must stay sober and sensible in the ultimate nightmare. In every sense, he is on the side of humans.

In that case, would he not know the possibility of the gray mist entering the ultimate nightmare

If you know, and if this thing is really so critical and terrible, then he should always remind them, right

Or, because a few of them had been to Xu Beijin’s nightmare, Xu Beijin acquiesced that they understood the situation, so he didn’t mention it any more

It sounds like there is such a possibility.

But... Fei was in chaos for a while.

Finally, she calmed down slowly and said to Jiang Shuangmei: "There should be no big problem. It should be..."

She still believes that if the gray mist appears after the ultimate nightmare, the situation is really dangerous to their survival, then Xu Beijin will definitely remind them.

Since there is no reminder, it means that the situation is still within the controllable range.

In other words, as long as they follow Xu Beijin's instructions, stay awake, sensible, and self-assured, and ensure that they are not lost in the ultimate nightmare, then everything will have a better chance.

Fei thinks so.

However, the fog gradually thickened, until the moment when he couldn't see his fingers, Fei finally couldn't deceive himself.

She whispered, her voice trembling: "Such a scene... and the gray fog outside the narrow building, what is the difference..."

Now, the gray mist in the ultimate nightmare is so dense that it is no different from the gray mist outside the narrow building.

She felt great confusion for a while, she didn't understand what was going on—

As she said to Jiang Shuangmei, there are always things that happen against their wishes, but in any case, there should always be some reasons behind these things.

Fei couldn't understand why the gray mist outside the narrow building could penetrate into the nightmare inside the narrow building.

And, it's so rich.

She held the hand of Jiang Shuangmei beside her, because in such a dense fog, they could hardly see each other.

Jiang Shuangmei's voice was also a little trembling, but she still asked a question sensibly: "Should we continue to move forward?"

They didn't stop just now, but when the fog gradually thickened to block their vision, they stopped. Now, they should be outside a park.

Fei hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "Let's stop for a while and watch the changes."

They waited for about three to five minutes, and then...


"This is impossible!"

The voices of Fei and Jiang Shuangmei appeared almost simultaneously.

They looked at the door that appeared in the mist in surprise.

In the dense fog, they could hardly tell the direction, height and distance.

The door was about a few steps away from them, with a gleam of light, as if waiting for them to open.

Jiang Shuangmei looked at the door fixedly.

That... As long as you open it, you can encounter the door of the fallen tasker in the gray mist.

Fei looked at Jiang Shuangmei, wanting to confirm that the quest person really wouldn't rush into the fog out of control because of her sister.

After being silent for a while, Shuangmei Jiang smiled bitterly after all: "I really wanted to... I want to see her again. You met her in that nightmare, didn't you?"

Fei hesitated a little, then nodded.

Shuangmei Jiang took a deep breath: "Don't worry. Don't worry about me... If there is a need, then I will walk in immediately without hesitation. But now... Now, not this moment. I won't go crazy."

She seemed to use this way of talking to herself to persuade herself not to act impulsively.

She had already done this once, and the price was beyond her reach.

Fei looked at her several times and confirmed that she would not rush into the mist before thinking of other things worriedly.

A door appeared in the grey mist... How could this be

Now, they are trapped in this foggy place, unable to move. They don't know what's ahead, and they don't know whether going backwards can get them out of this area.

And here is a deadlock with this door, what will happen

They looked at the door nervously.

And at that moment, Fei almost thought she was dazzled—she saw the door and was pushed open from inside!

She made a decisive decision: "Run back!"

What else came out of the door in the gray mist but a lunatic

She actually forgot, the door is always two-way! They can enter the nightmare scene in the gray mist through the door, and the lunatics in the nightmare scene can naturally also come out through the door!

But... But how is this possible! When they entered the nightmare of Xu Beijin before, those lunatics had never used the door. Why would they come out of the gray mist now!

Fei was puzzled.

And Xu Beijin answered this question in the live broadcast room at this time: "Because now, the gray fog covers part of the scene of the ultimate nightmare... It's like erosion."

The audience in the live broadcast room listened, and Ringo was sitting beside him, looking at him quietly.

Xu Beijin smiled at Ringo, and continued to explain: "These scenes eroded by the gray fog can be said to have become part of the gray fog, but there are still sober people trapped in these scenes.

"For Grey Mist, these sober people are incompatible. Therefore, Grey Mist will put "doors" near these people, allowing lunatics to solve these sane people... Or, let lunatics go. " Infect" them.

"In chronological order, first of all, many people in the ultimate nightmare fell into it, so the gray mist appeared to take them away;

But the gray mist shrouded the nightmare, so those who were sober became the objects that the gray mist wanted to clear.

"Of course, although the gray mist seems to be active in this process, this is actually a program setting in the game, rather than the gray mist possessing the cognition of eliminating dissidents.

"If you compare it to other ordinary nightmares, in the ultimate nightmare, these lunatics running out of the gray mist are the "danger" of this nightmare.

"The danger in the ultimate nightmare, of course, is the "doom" in the game settings, but the apocalypse is not enough.

After all, many players have understood the whole process of the end, and they can avoid these dangers.

"So, the lunatic in the gray mist has become a new danger. From another perspective, according to the game settings, this ultimate nightmare is the premise of closing the artificial intelligence of the narrow building.

Therefore, in order to ensure that they are not shut down, artificial intelligence will naturally stop human actions.

"And this is the approach given by artificial intelligence."

As he said, Xu Bei made two coughs. Ringo silently passed a glass of water—not even a drink anymore!

Xu Bei took a couple of sips and thought helplessly, he really just said too much in one breath, so his throat is a bit dry... Can Little Apple look at him with that kind of eyes...

However, he was at a loss for himself, so he could only drink water in silence.

In the live broadcast room, the audience discussed enthusiastically. Many people can't understand it, but the reasoning boss explained it very effectively.

But Xu Beijin's thoughts are not here.

He stared at the side of the live broadcast system, the number of viewers, and looked at it carefully.

Suddenly, a clear voice sounded, and the number of viewers instantly refreshed, adding one more.

Xu Bei's spirit was refreshed.

He realized that the audience he had been waiting for and looking forward to was coming.