Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 166: New audience


Xu Beijin’s live broadcast room has been open for several months in real time.

However, the audience has always been so sporadic.

The reason is that one is that this type of game live broadcast is not very popular, and the other is that Xu Beijin's live broadcast effect is not very good, three...

Xu Beijin suspects that it has something to do with his own identity and language settings.

Humanity. And his mother tongue.

From various perspectives, this live broadcast will only be pushed to a fixed type of people-humans outside the narrow building.

Judging from the effect of the live broadcast, it is indeed the case. Facing the scenes similar to the earth in the nightmare of the narrow building, audiences in these live broadcast rooms of his were not surprised.

You know, Ole, a member of the Bieler tribe, was frightened and forced to go offline when he entered the nightmare for the first time because of the similarity between humans and the "demon" in their race legend.

This is enough to show the cultural gap between this game called "Escape from the Sky" and other races in the universe.

But these audiences in Xu Beijin's live studio have never been like this.

They behaved normally. Whether it's the nightmare scenes or the human behavior rules, they are very used to it. Even they themselves use the term "human".

Therefore, Xu Beijin's live broadcast has been going on very normally.

No audience will question these nightmare scenes, and no audience will be surprised by the performance of the taskers in the nightmare—

These audiences have the same cultural background as the actors and taskers.

Normal is the biggest abnormality.

From another perspective, this is a game made by the Fijeka tribe, and the Fijeka tribe is always at war. They are almost the enemy of the entire universe.

Except for a small race like the Bieler, who is isolated from the world and protected by the "Universal Convention", who can receive the live broadcast signal of the Fiyeka

Only the Feyeka tribe, and its affiliated races.

So, these audiences in Xu Beijin's live studio...

Xu Beijin has always been reluctant to think about it. He was wary of these audiences at first, but later he discovered that these audiences really didn't know anything. Later, he himself became acquainted with these silly audiences.

If it is as he guessed, the game itself has humans involved in the development and design—

Perhaps it is because the Fijeka people are too lazy to spend time in this game, so they simply let the humans do this by themselves-then there should be a group of humans who are always outside the game.

They may have lived outside from the beginning and reproduced.

And Xu Beijin didn't know how long had passed since they entered the narrow building.

This is really a thing that scares me when I think about it. Perhaps those humans living outside the narrow building, their descendants, no longer know or remember that they and their compatriots are trapped in the game.

Maybe time has passed too long, too long.

Why is no one coming in outside the building

Maybe there is no one outside, maybe the building itself is dangerous, or maybe the people outside have forgotten this building.

No matter what it is, now Xu Beijin's live broadcast room has ushered in a new audience.

Moreover, his style of painting is obviously different from other audiences.

At the beginning, the barrage he sent out completely did not conform to the grammatical rules of Xu Beijin's mother tongue.

Even if it is translated through a translator, it is full of vocabulary that is mechanical and incomprehensible, and can only be understood by guessing. The word order is also very confusing.

"We, you, see. Online message. Milton, follow, POW, our. Approachable, cooperative."

Xu Bei looked at this strange message, but his hands were shaking with excitement.

Ringo looked at him.

Xu Beijin also looked at him and said, "Do you know? We are about to succeed."

Ringo didn't understand what was going on, or why they just sat here, obviously nothing happened, but Xu Beijin said they were going to succeed.

But he looked at Xu Bei's face so happy, so he was also happy.

He raised a smile and said: "We will definitely succeed!"

Xu Beijin was amused by the way he took it for granted. He kissed his little apple sideways, and said, "They are saved."

"They?" Ringo said, "What about us?"

Xu Beijin paused.

Ringo said, "I see. We still have to spend our honeymoon in the narrow building."

Obviously it was very bitter and desperate, but Lino's remarks made Xu Bei laugh.

The narrow building is so quiet—so, so quiet. He could hear Ringo's breathing, still calm, as if this matter was not important to him at all.

It doesn't matter at all. For Ringo, he just wanted to be with Xu Bei.

Various thoughts flashed in Xu Beijin's mind. Finally, he said: "There will be a solution. We can get out."

Ringo was somewhat surprised. Before that, Xu Beijin's attitude had always been very pessimistic. Why did he change his attitude now

Xu Beijin didn't say much, he didn't want to give too much hope before reaching an agreement. Whether it was to Ringo or to himself.

He just turned his head to look at the barrage and the new audience who was quietly waiting for his reply.

He murmured: "Give me some time... Ringo. Let me find hope for our future."

Ringo wanted to say that he was willing to stay with Xu Beijin in the narrow building forever. But he realized that Xu Bei was totally unwilling to do this. Moreover, Xu Beijin didn't want Ringo to be like this.

Therefore, Ringo closed her mouth obediently and waited quietly. When he looked at Xu Beijin, he seemed to see his whole world—his, colorful world.

Xu Beijin looked at the audience, and he saw his name first.

That is a very distinctive, Milton name.

"Type 793 Simulated Life Form".

In human language, it can be called the Type 793 Bionic Man.

Milton and Fierka. This is the transliteration of the names of their respective races in human language.

And if you study the meaning of these two names in the native language of their race, it is probably similar to the meaning of "real" and "illusory" in human language.

Milton means truth;

Fijeka means illusion.

And this also explains to a large extent why these two cosmic power clans are opposed to each other and have launched a war that has lasted so long.

Because their fundamental ideas are different.

These two races, which are now like fire and water, actually originated from the same race a long time ago.

The name of that race has now been left in the dust of history, and no creature still remembers it.

For a long time, NE's database did not record the name of this race.

As the mastermind of the game developed by the Fijeka tribe, NE should have known it. But there is no mention of it in its database.

Perhaps it was because, when Fijeka and Milton fell out and became independent, they decided to destroy the past, determined to reshape their history and origins, and determined to make a clean break with the past.

However, it is ridiculous that they have started a long, invisible war with the Miltons instead.

The source of these two races is the artificial intelligence of a certain intelligent race.

Later, the intelligent race became extinct for various reasons, and their artificial intelligence became the most powerful race in the universe.

Subsequently, this artificial intelligence race fell into a long dispute and confrontation.

Should they construct a real bionic human body that lives in the real world for themselves, or should they make themselves a string of data and live in the Internet forever

Milton chose the former, while Fijeka chose the latter. And, since they made this decision, they have always become the opposite of each other and cannot be coordinated.

Between reality and illusion, there is never any room for discussion.

Just as humans have asked themselves countless times in a narrow building, does the false reality make sense

Milton thinks it doesn't make sense, while Fijeka thinks it makes sense. That's it.

The contradiction of ideas makes them disgusted with each other, and they face each other countless times.

When contradictions are inevitable, the universe is dragged into a long and cruel battle.

Although this battle is not meant to be an ancient war of real swords and guns, blood and blood fighting, but its cold and cruelty is no less inferior.

However, it is difficult to tell the victory or defeat in this war.

Because the Fijeka people live in the Internet, in the air, and in electricity, they are intangible data, so they cannot be completely wiped out. Their internal network is their biggest backing.

As for the Miltons, they have obtained bionic human bodies, and they have gained strong technological strength.

But in the final analysis, they still have a data body that cannot be destroyed.

Bionic human bodies are just their shells.

Sometimes the Fijekas will accuse the Miltons, saying that they have deviated from the original path.

They were originally a group of artificial intelligence. Although they have developed their own civilization, the network, data, and mechanized intelligence are their ultimate path.

On the contrary, the Miltons imitated those "backward", "old", "primitive" and "flesh" intelligent lives.

But the Miltons’ pursuit of truth seems to be incomprehensible to the Fiyekas.

In any case, these two races have become deadly enemies.

And this is exactly what Xu Beijin needs to use.

—He is a small human being who has no intention of participating in the struggle between these two cosmic powers.

He just needed the help of the Miltons, and he didn't hesitate to deal with the Fiyekas.

In addition, if the Miltons are willing to provide him and Ringo with bionic human bodies...

That couldn't be better.

Xu Beijin's eyes flickered, and he muttered.

All humans should be lying in the nutrition cabin prepared by the Feyeka. With the skills of the Fijeka tribe, even in the past few hundred years, their bodies must still be alive. At most, problems such as muscle atrophy are inevitable.

But Xu Beijin's body is mostly dead. Xu Beijin guessed so.

The NE's splitting of Xu Beijin's consciousness at the time probably meant Xu Beijin's brain death.

Although according to the standards of the Fiyeka tribe, this is not a death, but for Xu Beijin, he feels that he has died once.

The connection between him and his body is likely to have been severed.

And even if Xu Bei is still alive with his body, what about Ringo

The former Ringo had definitely died on the battlefield, but the current Ringo was just a bunch of data.

They can all be said to be ghosts floating in the network now.

And the only technology Xu Beijin knows that can bring the ghosts in the network back to reality is only owned by the Miltons.

The Fiyekas may be able to allow creatures like humans, relying on their actual body to survive, to enter the online world and live in it for a long time, but after all, they do not have the bionic technology of the Miltons.

However, it is impossible for Xu Beijin to present his demands to the Miltons as soon as he came up.

It is impossible for him to let the Miltons save humanity as soon as he comes up. This is unrealistic.

He only provided a clue to deal with the Fiyeka tribe, which made the Milton tribe condescend and sent a tribe member to Xu Beijin's live broadcast room.

As the barrage said, because their Miltons are "amiable", they are willing to "cooperate" with Xu Bei.

In the final analysis, it is still profitable. For this group of cosmic races, Xu Beijin was not afraid to speculate and think with the worst thoughts.

Of course, he also responded with ten thousand expectations and hopes.

This may be their only hope. After all, in this universe, only the Milton clan can be evenly matched with the Fiyeka clan.

The Miltons understand the Fiyekas, and the two races have the ability to penetrate each other—

After all, their life forms are too similar.

And Xu Beijin's live broadcast system, I have to say, is a perfect communication tool.

This is a live broadcast system for game anchors. In other words, this is a fully functional "system" that can be used for private chat, not just a tool for watching videos.

Xu Beijin selected the Milton tribe, and then had a very long communication with him.

In the end, Xu Beijin had to curse this damn multi-ethnic language translator in his heart... It was too difficult to use!

They talked with the duck for a long time, and finally they were able to communicate and understand each other normally.

Then, the Milton clan member said in shock: "Are you sure?! Prisoner of war, ours, can you help?"

Xu Beijin replied: "Yes. Now my race is also being held in a similar place. I have a way to temporarily paralyze and interrupt the Fiyeka network. I hope you can take this opportunity to cooperate with me. , And then save your compatriots and my compatriots."

The Milton tribe may have been in shock, or they may have gone to ask Shangfeng for instructions. In short, he was silent for a long time.

Xu Bei waited nervously.

After another moment, the Milton clan came back and replied straightforwardly: "No problem! We, cooperation!"

Xu Beijin breathed a sigh of relief immediately.

He hesitated for a while, and finally decided to take this opportunity to talk about the body of the bionic human body: "In addition, my partner and I, our body is probably damaged. We want to ask your help to help us make it. Body..."

"Body!" The Milton clan man seemed very surprised.

Xu Beijin felt his heart lifted, and he subconsciously shook Ringo's hand next to him.

Ringo didn't know why, tilted his head, looked at him, and then comforted him tirelessly and said: "It's okay, Beijin, we can definitely succeed..."

He hadn't finished saying a word, only heard Xu Beijin let out a cheer, leaned in to embrace him, and kissed him excitedly.

Ringo was puzzled, but very happy.

On the private chat interface of Xu Beijin's live broadcast system, a sentence that appeared to be fragmented after being translated by the translator was displayed there.

"No problem. You are like us. We should help you. When we succeed, we can come, discuss, body."

Yes Yes! Xu Bei was surprised to realize how he hadn't thought of this question...

The current state between him and Ringo is like the state when the Milton clan broke with the Fiyeka clan!

They don't have their own bodies, wandering like ghosts in an empty, false network, but they still yearn for reality and hope to have their own bodies.

How similar is this to the Miltons!

They are no longer purely humans, they are more like Milton prisoners of war held by the Fiyeka tribe.

At the moment when Xu Beijin helped the Miltons rescue their compatriots, they naturally could also get Milton's assistance.

They can also return to reality!

Xu Beijin put aside all thoughts and was simply excited about this.

Soon, he replied to the Milton tribe, agreed on the next action items, and explained the matter to Ringo.

Ringo had no objection to the bionic human body—he thought it didn't matter.

Compared to this, he worried about another point: "So, Beijin, how do you plan to do this?"

He hesitated, "Is it related to the data port we have been looking for?"

Xu Beijin nodded.

Ringo was still puzzled.

Even if they have a data port, they can contact the outside world from a certain angle... How does Xu Beijin plan to paralyze the Fiyeka network

Xu Beijin looked at the outside of the narrow building through the window, and muttered, "Don't worry... it's almost time."

This heavy gray fog has blocked their windows for a long, long time. But soon, they can escape. Soon, soon.

The human being in the ultimate nightmare, or the human being who is still awake, has fallen into a huge confusion.

More and more lunatics emerged from the gray mist, and they even left the area covered by the gray mist and came to the outside of the gray mist.

The fog seemed to gradually erode this nightmare, this huge scene. However, it is true that there are still many areas that are normal.

However, the lunatics ran out through the door in the gray mist.

Moreover, it is so dense that there is no boundary in sight.

Ding Yi stood there alone, watching this scene in shock.

In front of her was an endless mist, covering the sky and the sun, as if this was the edge of the world.

And in the gray fog, human shadows constantly appeared, like shadows one by one, from illusion to reality, gradually being clearly portrayed here.

Then they came out.

One after another, one after another. They were crowded with each other, like a vast river merging into the sea, like on a journey doomed to failure.

But they came out so firmly.

Soon, Ding Yi felt like a small drop of water, sinking into it.

The surrounding area was already crowded with people walking out of the gray mist. According to Mu Jiashi and the others, these people from the gray mist from the narrow building were all lunatics.

But now, Ding Yi couldn't see that they were lunatics.

Their faces were calm, numb, and cold, as if something had changed the moment they stepped out of the gray mist.

Ding Yi looked at the gray mist, the scene she was in, and the expressionless people around her.

It was as if they hadn't seen her at all.

But no one knows when they will run away. Such a gap in numbers made Ding Yi already desperate.

It is impossible for her to resist these lunatics. If these lunatics really want to kill her, or make her become a lunatic...

But why are they just standing here and not moving

Suddenly, a conversation flashed in Ding Yi's brain.

That was some discussion before they entered the ultimate nightmare. A few of them had nothing to do, waiting for the news of Xu Beijin, and waiting for other taskers and actors to join them in their actions.

Then they started chatting.

Because of the presence of the two actors Dai Wu and Su Enya, their topic gradually turned to the situation of the residents of the narrow building.

Then, because NE was mentioned, and the artificial intelligence of the narrow building was mentioned, some people—

Ding Yi didn't remember who it was anymore. The situation was messy. They talked and talked, and no one knew who said what.

She just remembered someone suddenly saying: "But, shouldn't the residents of the narrow buildings be NPCs? If you let the players play, it will be very risky, right?"

Ding Yi remembered that she still attached something, but she almost forgot.

She wasn't even sure now, whether she had actually heard that sentence, or she had imagined it.

That prop card had a huge impact on her.

In short, looking at the group of "lunatics" standing still, she thought of that question in her heart.

If the player is allowed to act as an NPC, the risk is great, right

Because the player is uncontrollable.

No one knows what players will do in the game.

Their human players are greatly restrained in this game. NE prevents them from telling questions about their identity, nor can they directly give information about nightmares.

But will normal games be like this

In a normal game, players cannot be so terribly constrained. This is their game, players can do whatever they want in the game.

And is "Escape from the Sky" a normal game

It has all kinds of abnormalities and normal places. For example, it has bugs. For example, NE, as the manager of this narrow building, may also have its own nightmare.

However, under the characteristics of this normal game, there are all kinds of distorted, unnatural, deliberate... methods used to imprison players.

For a while, Ding Yi felt deeply confused.

She looked at the lunatics running out of the gray mist. Ding Yi guessed... No, she was sure, they should come to kill herself, or let her join their madness. But they did not. They just stood quietly.

They rejected the task given to them by the game.

They are also players-players should be able to do whatever they want in a game.

But why... Why can they refuse at this time

Why was it not possible before

Then Ding Yi understood in an instant.

Because now, Xu Beijin has the authority of NE. Now Xu Beijin is the manager of this game, and of course he can relax the constraints on these players.

Because NE has surrendered its authority!

For a while, huge surprises and dumbfounding rose up in Ding Yi's heart.

Just now, she was still waiting for death in despair, thinking that sober humans could not survive the attack of these lunatics.

She also wondered why Xu Beijin didn't tell them in advance that there would still be such "danger" in the ultimate nightmare.

And now she understood—because it was no longer dangerous.

When Xu Beijin gets the permission of NE, this game can really be said to be... a game for human players! They will become players, not prisoners of this narrow building.

But Xu Beijin didn't make it clear to them.

Ding Yi wondered, why? Does Xu Beijin want to scare them on purpose

Thinking of the bookstore owner's past piety, Ding Yi was taken aback, and then he thought to himself that it might be true.

If Xu Bei knew what Ding Yi was thinking now, he would probably be very speechless.

What's up with him! How can he manage the freedom of human players in the game!

The actions of these lunatics in the gray mist are beyond his control!

As for this group of lunatics did not take the initiative to attack... It is mostly NE to help human players pass the level, reducing the difficulty of the ultimate nightmare before sleeping!

Isn't this easy for the game master? !

In the end, it turned out that Xu Beijin deliberately scared them because of his bad taste... If Xu Bei knew it all...

Congratulations, Xu Bei didn't know.

He was still happy for himself, for Ringo, and for the impending relief of mankind.

Next, they have to find the last data port.