Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 167: The last port


More and more taskers and actors have discovered that the people emerging from the gray fog are as dense as ants, but they are not aggressive at all, but just stand on the spot unconsciously.

Not all lunatics are like this. There are still many lunatics who attack and hurt others madly, and spread their madness to some other normal people.

But the vast majority of "lunatics" just stand quietly and silently, as if they haven't seen the people around them at all.

They will slowly walk out, leave the scope of the gray mist, and then stop.

Seems to be waiting for something.

Mu Jiashi and Shen Yunju were observing the group of "lunatics" from a distance.

Shen Yunju couldn't help saying: "They are more than the group of lunatics we met in Xu Beijin's nightmare..." He hesitated for a moment, and then chose a word, "Calm?"

"It seems that they themselves don't understand why they came to this place."

Mu Jiashi analyzed, "It seems that they are indeed the danger of the ultimate nightmare... at least the change of this nightmare. From this perspective, the ultimate nightmare is not exactly a repeat of the end of the earth... Why on earth?"

At the beginning, they thought that the ultimate nightmare was simply repeating everything that had happened, and as long as they kept calm and rational according to Xu Beijin's statement before the end, it was enough.

However, the appearance of the gray mist made them stunned.

After that, the appearance of this group of lunatics, and their amazing performance, made it even more confusing.

Mu Jiashi pondered for a moment, but still didn't understand the role of gray mist and this group of lunatics in this nightmare.

He turned to think about why these lunatics would not go mad, and soon came to the same conclusion as Ding Yi.

"Because of Xu Beijin?" Shen Yunju was a little surprised, but then realized that what Mu Jiashi said should be the best possible, "It makes sense, maybe he is helping us."

Mu Jiashi thought for a moment, then shook his head: "It doesn't matter anymore. The key is now... what are we going to do?"

Shen Yunju said: "These lunatics don't come to attack us, they have been in peace, is this the best?"

"The problem is..." Mu Jiashi stretched out his hand, looked at his fingertips, and then slowly said, "Did you not notice that the fog is still spreading?"

They stepped back again, and their original location was completely covered by gray mist within a few minutes.

Shen Yunju couldn't help saying: "So we can't touch the gray fog?"

He originally wanted to say that it shouldn't be difficult, but soon he saw a large number of lunatics coming out of the gray fog again, and then standing still in a normal place that was not covered by the gray fog.

As a result, the originally quite open space shrank in an instant.

Shen Yunju was dumb at once.

If they are just a group of sober taskers and actors, then the space may be enough;

But with this group of lunatics coming out of the gray fog, the space is far from enough.

The madman is like endless, but the safe space is constantly shrinking.

In addition, large-scale scenes cannot be entered yet. After entering, you may soon be infected by the madness that comes with the scenes. They can only stand on an empty, flat ground.

Shen Yunju frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "Stacking people's walls?"

This seems to be the easiest way to use space upwards.

Mu Jiashi thought for a moment, and said, "Maybe it's possible. But..." He paused, "You forgot, there is still sky fire coming to the world."

They are only in the first stage of the doomsday, but many things are about to happen next. For example, the sky fire came to the world.

The spread of madness is the end in the spiritual sense, and the fall of the sky fire is in the physical sense.

In any case, the coming of Skyfire seems to make their living space in the ultimate nightmare shrink drastically.

When the fire came to the world, they were facing the ruins of the post-apocalyptic world, not the way it is now, which is somewhat normal.

In addition, Mu Jiashi has another hidden worry.

He said: "I once went to a nightmare in ruins, and that point of time should be after the fire of heaven came to the world... In that nightmare, we would feel hungry and thirsty."

Shen Yunju's expression gradually became distressed. He said, "You mean... When the sky fire comes to the world, we will have to look for food in the ultimate nightmare?"

Mu Jiashi nodded: "Perhaps we can start searching and preparing now."

Shen Yunju hesitated to speak, and finally sighed and said, "Let's go..."

They started looking for food and clean water, and a safe place where they could stay for a long time.

Mu Jiashi remained silent, sketching a gray misty route in his brain. They walked around this area for a long time, and then Mu Jiashi suddenly said: "The gray mist seems to surround this area where we are..."

They are looking for food in a supermarket. It seems that there is no need to pay, because the clerk no longer knows where they went, leaving a pool of blood next to the cash register.

The two of them quickly took some food and water, but they didn't take much.

When they walked out of the supermarket, Mu Jiashi said that the gray fog had surrounded them.

Shen Yun Junane said: "This means... we can only stay in this area?"

This is a commercial area, near the Mujiashi University, the straight line distance is no more than three kilometers.

However, Qucheng University has been shrouded in gray mist at this moment. The dense mist will probably cover them soon.

Mu Jiashi thought for a long time, and finally said, "No, we have to leave."

If they want to leave, they have to go through layers of dense fog and find a right direction.

This is a very dangerous thing, because they don't know what will happen when they enter the fog-covered area.

However, at the end of the road, Shen Yunju had already seen those lunatics. This shows that the gray mist has poured over here.

He was silent for a moment, and then said: "Then, I'll go find the way."

Mu Jiashi was taken aback and wanted to explain that he didn't mean it. But Shen Yunju has made up his mind.

"I always feel that I am useless." Shen Yunju said, "In this team, you are far more important than me."

Mu Jiashi hesitated to speak but stopped. He is not a sensationalist, he wants to say something, but he doesn't know how to stop Shen Yunju's thoughts.

In the end, he could only say dryly: "No, you contributed a part of your own strength."

A smile appeared on Shen Yunju's rigid, rigid face: "Now, I'm going to contribute another."

On the other side, Jiang Shuangmei also made this choice.

She said to Fei: "This is my own decision, you don't need to feel bad in your heart. God knows how much I want to go with you when you go to Xu Beijin's nightmare.

"But I understand that I am a burden. I don't meet the criteria for entering that nightmare. But now... the ultimate nightmare-I can finally enter the gray mist!"

There was even a little excitement on Jiang Shuangmei's face.

She knew that it was difficult for her to meet her sister, and she even knew that her sister should still be trapped in the elevator instead of coming out with other lunatics. But she still made up her mind.

She and Fei were also trapped in an area surrounded by gray mist, and the situation they faced was more dangerous than Mu Jiashi and the others, because the lunatics they met here seemed to be hostile to the two of them.

So they must leave here quickly.

And Jiang Shuangmei decided to explore the way.

The meaning of Pathfinder is that she decided to enter the gray mist first and walk a certain distance. If there is no danger, then she will return the same way within five minutes.

If she loses her way or is in danger... Regardless, if she fails to return within five minutes, it means Fei needs to decide for herself whether it is necessary to venture through the fog.

But in any case, path finding is necessary.

If Jiang Shuangmei returns safely, then it is best;

And if Jiang Shuangmei did not return, then Fei could at least know that there was indeed a risk in the gray mist, even endangering her life.

Shuangmei Jiang murmured: "I hope that in this nightmare, I can resurrect after death... At least, I can become a lunatic in the gray mist."

There is hope if you live.

Fei lowered his head, as if thinking about something.

Jiang Shuangmei waved at her and took a step.

Then Fei said, "No, let's go together."

Jiang Shuangmei was startled.

Fei raised his head, gritted his teeth, with tears in his eyes: "I don't need you to make such a sacrifice... Do you understand! Your sister has fallen into a nightmare, and I can't just watch you like this!"

"If you walk in now, and then you sink into it, then I—what is the difference between me and killing you myself! I used to be a doctor, I can’t do it... I can’t see a person go to death with my own eyes!"

She took a step forward, wiped her tears, and barely smiled: "What's more, we don't necessarily die, right?"

Jiang Shuangmei looked at her blankly, and then said: "Yes. We can live."

They walked into the grey mist together.

At the same time, Mu Jiashi sighed. He said to Shen Yunju: "You know me... You know that I am not a good person. I am a bad person who puts interests first, team first, and weighs everything."

Shen Yunju looked at him inexplicably, wondering how Mu Jiashi started again... Uh, according to He Shujun's statement, he was violent and abandoning himself

And Mu Jiashi really arrogantly said: "But... I mean... Forget it." He stopped talking, hooked Shen Yunju's shoulders, "Let's go, let's go together."

Shen Yunju said: "So you still don't suck."

"I just feel that at this moment, it seems that there is no need to weigh the pros and cons."

Mu Jiashi finally said frankly, "We have reached the final moment of working together. Anyone's sacrifice can be avoided at this time.

"Because we either live together or die together."

Shen Yun was speechless for a moment, and then said: "The implication is that when I need to sacrifice, you will still let me sacrifice without hesitation."

Mu Jiashi was stunned, and then said to him.

Shen Yunju turned his head and glanced at him, revealing a vivid and helpless mood swing for the first time, and then he patted Mu Jiashi on the head: "Yes, Captain, you lead the way."

team leader.

It seemed that after a long time, someone called Mu Jiashi once again.

Mu Jiashi was once called that in the team of gold nuggets. Then he gave up everything, believing that his past was a miserable, hopeless and miserable failure. And now, once again, someone calls him the captain.

Mu Jiashi was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Okay, follow me." He paused, "Also, don't pat me on the head."

"By the way, you are still a student, so I am a few years older than you..."

Mu Jiashi was speechless: "Then you can't shoot my head... Forget it, you can do whatever you want."

They walked into the grey mist with their shoulders on their backs, carrying bags of food and water in their hands.

The grey mist filled them, covering their vision for an instant.

Xu Beijin and Ringo walked out of the narrow building almost at the same time.

The magical bandages and medicine in the game made Xu Beijin's wound scarred at this time. But the hideous scars looked somewhat ugly.

Before leaving the narrow building, Xu Bei went back to the bookstore and changed his clothes. The original shirt and trousers were also cut open, and they were all blood, making them hard to wear. Xu Beijin, who was somewhat hygienic, decided to come back and change clothes.

Ringo's hand traversed the newly-born tender flesh on Xu Beijin's left arm. It grew quickly and was a little itchy, so when Xu Beijin was touched by Ringo's cold fingers, he was so excited that he almost avoided it.

He looked down at Ringo helplessly, and said, "What's so good about this? Isn't it ugly?"

A scary scar about twenty centimeters long stretched across his arm like this.

The feet are okay, only three or four centimeters, not deep. But the wound on the arm was indeed shocking.

Xu Beijin didn't want Ringo to pay attention to this wound. Based on... various moods, he might be a little guilty, or maybe he didn't want Ringo to worry too much.

But anyway, it was hard to avoid Ringo when he changed his clothes.

So, inevitably, Ringo's eyes fixed on the scar.

I could have looked elsewhere, but as soon as the scar appeared, Ringo lost his mind.

He stared at the scar fixedly, with an unclear look in his eyes.

After a while, Ringo said, "Is this scar...cannot be eliminated?"

Xu Bei glanced at him unexpectedly, and said hesitantly: "Neither do I... I don't know?"

He is not sure, "Maybe it is the damage to the modeling of my character."

He was injured on the border of the narrow building. Strictly speaking, it was not a normal gaming area.

Later, Xu Beijin said in a relaxed tone: "But don't worry, I can use NE's authority to change the appearance of my role again. No scars will be left."

Ringo stopped talking, and finally gave up. He leaned over and kissed the scar on Xu Beijin's arm softly.

Xu Bei looked at him quietly.

Ringo mumbled: "It's not good-looking, too ugly..."

Xu Bei couldn't laugh or cry and thought, this guy is still starting to hate himself

And Ringo said again: "It makes me feel that you are in pain."

Xu Bei was stunned, and then said: "It doesn't hurt anymore..."

"You said it hurts before."

"It hurt at that time. It really doesn't hurt anymore."

Ringo said: "Will you feel pain if you change your character's appearance?"

"No..." Xu Beijin gave a definite answer, "Really no, this is not a change in the game."

Ringo was relieved now.

Xu Bei looked at him and thought, his little apple always cared about the minutiae.

He didn't care why Xu Beijin knew so much information about Zhailou, and he didn't care why Xu Beijin was able to contact the Miltons.

What he cares about is whether Xu Beijin feels pain.

Just like before, Xu Bei was concerned about whether Ringo felt too dark when he was alone at the border of the narrow building.

Thinking about it, Xu Bei couldn't help laughing.

Ringo tilted his head to look at him in confusion.

Half of Xu Bei's shirt has not been buttoned yet, but looking at Ringo's expression at the moment, he couldn't help but kiss him sideways.

Ringo responded enthusiastically, and squeezed the button of Xu Beijin's shirt, unconsciously exerting force, and then pulled one off.

After the kiss was over, Xu Bei looked helplessly at his shirt, sighed, found another one from the closet, and put it on again.

Ringo squeezed the button, and stood there inconsiderately.

Xu Bei joked, "Little Apple, do you have to pay attention to your weird power, just in case..."

Ringo asked sharply, "What if? What kind of situation do you want to say?"

Xu Beijin: "..."

He stayed silent for a moment, then became irritated: "I don't want to say anything! You go! I'm changing clothes!"

Ringo didn't listen, but still stuck it, buttoning Xu Bei's shirt. The button that was pulled off by him fell into Ringo's own pocket lightly.

Xu Bei looked at him dumbfounded, but after all he let him dress himself.

Ringo looked at Xu Beijin who had changed his clothes with satisfaction, then took his hand and said, "Let's go..."

They came to the buffer zone between the narrow building and the gray fog.

It was still night in the narrow building, but I don't know where the light came from illuminating the open space outside the narrow building.

Now, the gray mist has penetrated into a place 50 meters near the narrow building, and a hundred meters away, it has already completely become a place shrouded in mist.

Ringo asked, "So, where do we find that port?"

Xu Beijin said, "That's also a random location." He asked, "Where is that doorknob?"

When Xu Beijin came down from the top floor before, Ringo took the doorknob back to the bookstore and put the doorknob there;

After Xu Beijin had changed his clothes just now, he asked Ringo to put the door handle on.

Ringo handed the door handle to Xu Beijin.

"Login and logout are essentially integrated." Xu Beijin explained, "If you want to find the logout port, you have to use the login port to verify on the dashboard, and then you can find the location of the logout port."

Ringo suddenly understood why Xu Beijin said that he had to get down to find the last data port.

They couldn't make up the nightmare of the missionary who went to Xu Beijin, and then went to the top of the narrow building through the texture bug;

In other words, Xu Bei can only come down instead of Ringo.

At this moment, the only person who can pass freely in the narrow building is Xu Beijin.

Thinking of this, Ringo couldn't help asking: "Do you still need to go to the top floor afterwards?"

Xu Bei paused.

Ringo narrowed his eyes: "So you have to go?"

Xu Bei hesitated for a moment, and then said, "No, I'm not sure. It depends on the situation..."

Ringo was a little upset, but finally resisted it. He subconsciously stretched his hand to the side of Xu Beijin's left arm, and then touched it lightly.

"I won't get hurt again." Xu Bei promised, "I promised you."

Ringo smiled: "You just promised me that I can follow wherever I go. As a result, you are going to the top of the narrow building again."

Xu Beijin: "..."

He felt wronged, touched his nose, and said: "It's really not necessarily. I try not to go."

"What does it have to look at?"

Xu Beijin said: "Look at how the situation in the ultimate nightmare is going." He said, "If everything goes well, I don't need to go to the top floor to wake up NE. If it doesn't go well... Then I still get the top floor, and NE Wake up from sleep."

Ringo thought, it depends on the human being in the ultimate nightmare...

He felt that most of those people were unreliable.

Ringo endured and endured, and finally said, "Then let's find that port first."

Xu Beijin nodded, he lightly nodded the control panel that had been staying on his shoulder, and the control panel consciously enlarged in front of him.

Ringo saw him operate it, and put the door handle in front of the control panel again. Then, a picture similar to a map was shown in front of them. Among them, there is a golden light spot that is constantly flickering and jumping.

The login port changes every one minute, but the logout port seems to change every three seconds.

The speed of its movement made Ringo couldn't help asking, "We really found this thing?"

Xu Beijin said: "Don't worry. This port will only appear in the buffer zone between the narrow building and the fog. Therefore, we only need to wait for the fog to compress its living space."

Just sit back and wait, this word can perfectly describe what they need to do now.

Ringo nodded.

He wanted to say, in this case, there is no need to come out so early. Xu Beijin still has injuries on his leg, so why bother to stand here and wait

But he also knew that if he came earlier, he would be more certain. What if that thing hits their hands directly

Ringo thought to himself, and then held Xu Beijin to make him stand firmly.

Xu Bei gave him a helpless look, thinking that Ringo was really overprotecting him.

He did feel tired all the time, but after sleeping on the top floor of the narrow building all night, he also felt better;

As for the wound, it quickly recovered in the game, although the scar may not be able to recover.

No matter what, in Xu Bei's heart, he was not as fragile as Ringo thought.

However, Xu Bei did his best, so he could only admit it.

They waited quietly, looking at the jumping and flashing golden light on the dashboard.

Once the light spot had even jumped near them, but the distance of three seconds really made them too late to capture.

But they also saw what that thing was.

The landing port is attached to the door handle, while the logout port is buried under the barren ground outside the narrow building with a rusty key.

It was because it was buried under the soil that Ringo couldn't react. He just scraped the soil a bit, before he had time to take the thing out.

Otherwise, at his speed, he can grab that port in his hand.

Fortunately, they now know what this thing looks like.

The next step is still waiting.

The long wait made Xu Beijin feel a little bored. He turned on the live broadcast system and took a look at the ultimate nightmare situation.

Then he was taken aback.

In the ultimate nightmare, the sky fire came to the world.