Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 172: It doesn't make sense (1)


Now Mu Jiashi, Shen Yunju and the goddess already know that after the madness began to spread, humans have been trying to understand and solve this strange madness.

But also because of the spread of madness, this process of exploration and discovery has also become extremely crazy and bloody, without reason and wisdom at all.

They mentioned the problem of the brain again.

Craniotomy and brain change are all that Fei and Wujian witnessed in the nightmare that corresponds to this scene.

This seems to be able to explain a lot of things, because after all, human beings are a kind of...actual living creatures, and they can't imagine that something intangible, conscious and spiritual will have an impact on them.

"But the actual situation is not like this." Mu Jiashi said softly, "In Xu Beijin's nightmare, we have heard that the enemies facing humans have completely different life forms from ours."

Shen Yunju and the goddess were silent, but they both had their own ideas.

Completely different from humans

And what about humans? them-

"Brain, memory." Shen Yun murmured, "Intuition, inspiration, instinct."

Sometimes humans cannot understand things that are different from the way they exist.

In human civilization, in countless literary and film and television works about aliens, the images of those aliens are always made according to the image of human beings.

Even with some distortions and changes, they are basically the same.

Also, those aliens always drive their own spacecraft, always... always visible.

It is not so much that human beings are imagining some kind of intelligent life race different from themselves, but rather that they are just conceiving.

If human beings go to another planet and have a completely different civilization, then what will they become

So when they do encounter a certain intelligent creature, they still deal with it according to their own experience and subjective judgment.

That maze is an example.

People still habitually think that the alien creatures they encounter will definitely be lost in such a labyrinth full of psychedelic patches like them.

That place can trap them—so, of course, aliens can also be trapped.

This is a kind of arrogance rooted in their instincts.

Humans appeared in this universe and created their own civilization in this universe;

Therefore, other civilizations are of course similar to human civilizations. This is the inherent logic of the universe—that's how they think.

If you deny this view, then you deny themselves.

Humans’ cognition of this universe is physical and scientific, has rules and is an entity that can be explored and touched. They always think so.

Those advanced physics, those theories that are jokingly called "the end of science is theology," have not really been accepted by the public, nor have they been valued and recognized by mainstream public opinion.

So when madness spreads in human society, humans instinctively believe that this is a brain disease, which may be a special infectious disease. Viruses, bacteria, protein mutations... everything is possible.

They need to study the human brain, the brains of those lunatics.

When Wu Jian picked up the doomsday record book in the library in Cangcheng, when he flipped through the author’s mention of "the human rights of madmen," he did not actually think of what he had been in a nightmare. Everything the hospital witnessed.

After all, at that time he still didn't understand the end of the earth.

But something cruel and bloody happened to those lunatics.

The sad thing is that no matter how humans study, they can't find out what's wrong with the brains of these lunatics.

This phenomenon has exceeded their abilities, leaving them helpless.

As a result, naturally, some more radical schemes were proposed and put into practice.

At this moment, madness has become the mainstream of this world and the entire society. Despite the cruelty, this is how it happened.

Crazy... Crazy, pervasive.

When Mu Jiashi, Shen Yunju, and the goddess walked into the hospital, there was no gray mist inside the hospital, and everything in the building could be seen clearly, but they felt a strange coldness at first.

That is the unique atmosphere of a hospital, but in a normal hospital, it should be a kind of white with reason and cleanliness;

But what they felt now was a muddy, chaotic gray.

The goddess murmured: "A lot... a lot of cruel things have happened here. And they continue to happen."

Two of her companions did not answer her, and they did not know what to say.

They walked to the information desk of the hospital, and then stopped.

Mu Jiashi said: "Now the ultimate nightmare has reached the ruins after the skyfire fell. Therefore, we don't have much time. Here... there may not be too many living people."

"Perhaps such an empty place is a good place for them to develop artificial intelligence?"

Shen Yunju guessed, "Perhaps... the artificial intelligence was originally proposed by the people here?"

"You mean, the patient, or the doctor?"

Shen Yunju paused.

At that moment, what confuses him is, in this hospital, is it the patient or the doctor who is crazy

He smiled bitterly: "I doubt very much that after the madness spread, some normal people were also sent here."

The goddess said softly: "I think so too. Perhaps in the eyes of those lunatics, those normal people are really crazy."

In the post-apocalyptic world, lunatics are the group of people who have the right to speak, as well as the mainstream group of society.

Mu Jiashi was silent.

This is a mental hospital. However, it later became a center for research on madness, with numerous operating rooms and laboratories set up.

There are many lunatics here, that’s for sure, but will there be normal people here

Mu Jiashi shook his head and stopped thinking about those things. Instead, he said, "The third operating room is on the 11th floor. Time is running out. Let's see if the elevator can run."

They walked over.

Their footsteps echoed in the empty hospital. The notice board on the side has now become a section for recording the progress of experiments and research.

She had a strange hallucination. It was obvious that the ground of this hospital was very clean and almost spotless.

But she still felt that she was walking in a pool of blood, which reminded her of the building she had been to.

Her daughter is there.

This special association makes the goddess feel uneasy. She suddenly realized that her daughter was actually in the ultimate nightmare, but they had not been able to meet.

Besides... She looked down at the ground, confirming her every step. She thought that she had more important things to do.

It seemed that every time, she had to let her daughter wait for her.

I'm sorry, mother is sorry for you... Don't be angry with mother. The goddess murmured in her heart.

She was more or less in a trance, emotionally turbulent.

And at this moment, Mu Jiashi suddenly stopped.

Shen Yunju asked: "What's wrong?"

Mu Jiashi frowned and said, "Do you think something is wrong?"

"Where?" Shen Yunju couldn't figure it out, "I don't feel anything..."

"Your words have changed a lot." Mu Jiashi said mercilessly, and looked at the goddess again, "how are you?"

Shen Yunju was stunned, and then realized that when he walked into this hospital, his emotions didn't seem to be as calm as before.

He also looked at the goddess, and was taken aback. He found that the eyes of the goddess were already full of tears.

But her voice was calm: "I thought of my daughter. I think... I'm sorry for her."


"Leave her again. Let her wait for me." The goddess murmured, "I was never a qualified mother."

Mu Jiashi said calmly: "But what we are doing is to prevent your daughter from having to wait for you in the future."

He paused, "We are doing the right thing. Don't let those distracting thoughts affect you."

The goddess nodded slowly.

Shen Yunju said at the right time: "So, we are all affected by this scene?"

Mu Jiashi said: "I think so."

Shen Yunju looked at him, somewhat curious about what Mu Jiashi thought of—the next second, he realized that such curiosity was also an incredible thing for him before.

He is called a "zombie" in the narrow building, and such mood swings have not appeared in his mind for a long time.

The madness in this scene seems to be a bit too exaggerated...

Before Shen Yunju had time to think about it, he heard Mu Jiashi say: "We are here. The elevator is still available."

They walked into the elevator and pressed the button on the 11th floor.

At this moment, Shen Yun couldn't help but think of that nightmare. In an office building, chaotic elevators and chaotic people... He suddenly looked at the goddess.

Because the goddess had also been to that nightmare.

The three people present have all been to that nightmare. That was the nightmare of the goddess' daughter.

According to their guess about that nightmare, the goddess should even be an employee of that game company... Wait

The goddess is an employee of that game company

Shen Yun realized this with afterthought after gathering.

Starting from that game company, he thought of the game plan again.

In fact, they have neglected the identity of the goddess once on earth, consciously or unconsciously.

She used an item card, and the "cost" of this item card completely changed her.

In addition, the nightmare they had visited was her daughter's nightmare, so they unknowingly ignored the important role of the goddess in this nightmare. They paid attention to her daughter, but did not pay much attention to the goddess.

Strictly speaking, the task person who was walking with the goddess at that time was still a little hesitant about whether the goddess was the mother of the little girl. The goddess is really crazy and hard to communicate.

They actually got all kinds of clues about the past of the goddess. For example, she actually let her young daughter stay alone on a certain floor;

For another example, she hinted and reminded other taskers with her babbling words countless times.

In other words, judging from these clues, the former goddess should be a sensible, cold, and intelligent woman. It's just that her kind of neuroticism conceals all her past.

So they also forget that the goddess actually has a direct connection with the game company.

In the future, they are busy studying the doomsday, studying the nightmare, studying the narrow buildings, studying the gray mist. Then, I never thought of this clue again.

However, what happened in that office building was a game created based on the goddess and her daughter.

This point was accidentally written down by her daughter, and it was reproduced in her nightmare...

No, strictly speaking, they don't actually know if the actor is the little girl trapped in the office building.

Maybe it was just a actor, maybe she was lost in this little girl's nightmare.

Maybe... Maybe the same is true for the goddess? Perhaps the goddess just assumed the identity of the mother in that game, just like the other women in that office building.

Maybe they are not the mother and daughter in essence, but they are sinking into a nightmare together.

But the identity of the actor does not affect the script. Moreover, they are convinced that this script is what actually happened.

In other words, there is indeed a mother and daughter. The mother is a staff member of a game company, and her colleagues used her and her daughter as prototypes to create a game in which a daughter finds her mother in the doomsday.

Shen Yunju once again felt an unprecedented weirdness.

That office building, a narrow building. Games, games. It seems to be an inexplicable hint. Reality and illusion, truth and mask.

A game that takes place in a building... The closest person in the world... The artificial intelligence of the narrow building is used to protect the survivors in the narrow building...

Two game plans.

It suddenly occurred to him that when he appeared in the office building scene again in Xu Beijin's nightmare.

When he found out about the game plan, he didn't even mention any "louds" at all.

The game plan only said that people were asked to investigate the tragedy that happened in the last days, but it didn't actually involve the game scene or the picture. That puts more emphasis on the gameplay and gameplay of this game.

And "lou," that nightmare that belongs to the little girl, belongs to the game of the mother and daughter.

The mother left her daughter, and the daughter was in a building, looking for her mother in the last days;

And the floor where the little girl stays is the mother's protection for the little girl.

"Floor" means "protection".

Every floor of the narrow building is safe and is under the protection of artificial intelligence;

Unless you go to nightmares, go under the haze covered by the doomsday.

Shen Yun gathered in a daze for a moment, as if the fluctuation of emotions also made his thinking more active than ever before.

The elevator rises steadily. It seems that the electricity at this point in time still has a little guarantee, but it's just that such a guarantee will last for when.

Shen Yunju suddenly said, "Goddess..."

The goddess responded and looked at her blankly.

Shen Yunju looked at this woman who had been talking about her. She didn't have any sense of presence in their team. They always regarded her as a mascot.

Mu Jiashi also looked over strangely, not knowing what Shen Yunju was asking her, but he waited quietly.

Shen Yunju said: "Do you still remember your past? Your... memories on earth?"

The goddess looked at him in surprise, wondering why Shen Yunju mentioned this.

She gave an illusory smile: "I remember. I remember my daughter."

"No..." Shen Yunju interrupted the goddess. He found that since the nightmare, the goddess had been muttering to her daughter. But, is that really the daughter of the goddess

Maybe yes, but why... Until then did the goddess remember that she had a daughter

Even if she has lost her memory, her daughter should have been born several years before the end, right? That talent is what that little girl looks like.

Shen Yunju said, "Your daughter, in the narrow building, is the shape of an adult woman."

The goddess looked at him blankly.

Mu Jiashi frowned, as if vaguely realized something.

Shen Yunju said, "Are you sure that is really your daughter?"

The goddess was a little surprised: "I'm sure! Of course I'm sure! I do have a daughter..."

"Is that actor your daughter?"

The goddess looked hesitant.

Mu Jiashi said, "What on earth do you want to ask?"

Shen Yunju took a deep breath: "What I want to ask is... Sorry, I was a bit horny just now. What I really want to ask is-if you are the mother of that little girl. Then, are you a staff member of that game company?"

Mu Jiashi and the goddess were stunned at the same time.

"Game company!" Mu Jiashi whispered inconceivably, "I completely forgot..."

Mu Jiashi himself had entered the nightmare of that little girl, but at that time he did not really understand the truth of this nightmare, especially the part about the game company below the 9th floor.

The truth about this part was told by Fei He Wujian after the nightmare was over.

As for the goddess, Fei and Wujian didn't elaborate, and Mu Jiashi didn't think about it.

After that, he also heard about the goddess and her daughter, but he did not connect all of them...

To be precise, all this went through too quickly. They received too much information, so it was difficult for them to think through all the details in a short period of time.

For example, to this day, Mu Jiashi has never talked with Su Enya about the true ending of her nightmare.

In theory, this nightmare must have a true ending, but they are all busy, busy understanding the end and solving the nightmare.

Dragging around, Mu Jiashi completely forgot about this matter.

They all knew the matter of the goddess and her daughter, and knew that the goddess left her daughter and left her daughter to stay alone on a certain empty floor. They also knew that the goddess finally got together with her daughter.

But the daughter of the goddess never appeared in front of them. So, despite knowing it, everyone ignored the existence of this actor, consciously or unconsciously.

Besides, even if you know their relationship, it is only limited to what the mother and daughter have experienced, not... No, it's about the part of the game company.

At this moment, when Shen Yunju mentioned the connection between the goddess and the game company, Mu Jiashi suddenly realized that he suddenly looked at the goddess.

The goddess was at a loss for a moment.

Before she could answer, the elevator doors opened first.

The goddess is still thinking and remembering. A subtle expression gradually appeared on her face.

"What do you think of?" Shen Yunju asked anxiously, "Is that right?"

Mu Jiashi glanced at Shen Yun, and once again confirmed that this "zombie" in this hospital seemed to have too strong and obvious mood swings.

However, Mu Jiashi considered it for a while, but still didn't point it out. This strong mood swing seems to have more advantages than disadvantages, at least for the moment.

With active thinking, Shen Yun gathered at the moment he saw the elevator and recalled what he had experienced in the nightmare of the office building.

Similarly, I also recalled the doubts on the goddess.

At this time, they still need to go to their destination. They looked at the map instructions in the corridor. The third operating room is at the end of the corridor, the penultimate room.

The corridor looks very gloomy, and there is a kind of cold and greasy dampness on the ground. The feeling of stepping on it once again reminded the goddess of a pool of blood.

There was a dry emotion in her voice: "Yes... Yes, I am."

Shen Yunju couldn't wait to ask: "Did you remember?"

The goddess replied: "The game company... it is not a world-renowned game company. It is medium in scale, but the founder is very visionary and bought the office building a long time ago.

"So, our work in that company is very leisurely...not ambitious. We are just playing the game we want to do, and the company’s founders and founders also agree with our approach."

Their shoes stepped on the greasy ground, almost causing Mu Jiashi to slip.

He supported the wall to avoid embarrassment. He listened attentively to the words of the goddess, in such a place, the voice of the goddess almost echoed.

Mu Jia shivered inadvertently. But he didn't care about it himself, he just listened to the goddess' words.

"So we have a lot of... a lot of game plans. A lot of ideas and ideas, some ideas we will realize, some will not. But every game planner will have a thick plan book.

"Sometimes when we make a game, we will take out these plans, examine them one by one, and then merge them together.

We have made some successful games, whether it is commercial or its own game value, we have all succeeded.

"I have also failed. Failure is always inevitable. Later, we seem to... seem to be lost, and seem to start... crazy..."

Shen Yunju said: "Is that after the madness spread?"

The goddess was at a loss for a moment: "Perhaps it is."

The three of them were silent for a moment.

From these descriptions of the goddess, they can't actually know any useful information. Those are all things in the past.

Except... Except for one thing.

Shen Yunju asked: "You said, people in this game company habitually blend different ideas together?"

"You mean..." Mu Jiashi suddenly reacted, "Lou? There are nightmares, doomsday?"

Shen Yunju nodded and shook his head: "No, more than that. There are artificial intelligence, survivors and protectors... at least four ideas."

The dispersion of mother and daughter in the doomsday can also point to the tragedies that occurred in the doomsday;

From a person’s nightmare, explore the truth of the doomsday, and dispel the haze of the doomsday;

A safe floor in a building; the protector of post-apocalyptic survivors...

Shen Yunju has discovered these four different elements.

A game full of elements.

"So we came to the last element." Mu Jiashi said with an extreme calmness, "Artificial intelligence, protector."

They stopped outside the door of the third operating room.

Afterwards, Mu Jiashi raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"I don't understand, what do they mean when they mention these four game elements?"

In the live broadcast room, as the dialogue between Mu Jiashi, Shen Yunju and the goddess proceeded, the audience gradually began to not understand.

Xu Beijin also broadcasted the nightmare of the little girl before. Therefore, the audience can understand this step and understand what the three of them are talking about.

But... Then they didn't quite understand.

"Uh, I feel that what they mean is like saying that the game company in the nightmare is the producer of this game?"

"So I didn't understand it wrong!"

"It's a pity that this game is not for us to play, and there is no way to know who the creator of the game is. I think it's still beautifully done."

"If this game is really made by that game company, isn't that little girl's nightmare like an easter egg? It embeds part of the background and elements of this game company?"

"It's a pity that they couldn't go to see below the 9th floor... sorry."

"Sorry +1..."

"Wait, I think according to them, it's not just that the game company is in the nightmare, but their actions in the ultimate nightmare actually echo the game company's settings?"

"You mean, the game company left clues and hints about the ultimate nightmare in advance?"

"Emm official cheating?"

"Wait, wait, it's a bit messy, let me take care of it."

"Wait for the reasoning boss!"

"It's finished. My thoughts are like this. The situation we are facing now is like a doll.

This game was indeed made by that game company, and the game company also put itself in this game as a kind of... Uh, easter egg? Prompt clues

"There is also a game company established in the game based on the image of a real game company.

And the identity of the goddess in this game. In other words, the identity in the game setting was once an employee of the game company in this game, so she would know about the game company.

"In a sense, it's as if she has completed a special task in that little girl's nightmare, so she has obtained some special information, and the content of the information is related to this game company.

"I don't know if you can understand this. This is a matryoshka, a game in a game, a dream in a dream, a game in a game.

"We can think of this game as a real world, and the game company is the creator of this world.

When the Creator created this world, he also projected his own image into it... This might be easier to understand.

"Then it's about the ending of the game. The ultimate goal of all the methods of the game company is to point to the ending, in order to allow players to pass the customs and enjoy the game process completely.

"So the "Creator" in the game does not appear for no reason. There will be clues and hints about the ultimate nightmare.

Moreover, this is a puzzle-solving game, and the appearance of any element is not for no reason.

"Then the next step is, what is the clue? From the words of the goddess, we can notice that the style of this game company's game production is that they will integrate different elements together.

This is the habit of the game company in the background story of this game, and it is also the habit of the game company in reality.

"In other words, this game called "Escape from the Sky" combines different solutions. They may want to make a doomsday game, so they start to focus on the doomsday program and start looking for their previous inspirations and ideas.

"For example, a planner of that game company once thought of a mother-daughter separation in a doomsday, and the daughter went to find the mother's idea, so they turned this background setting into a certain nightmare of this game.

And based on this, he derives countless ideas about the different experiences of human beings in the apocalypse.

"For another example, a certain planner had a brain hole about artificial intelligence. Humans developed artificial intelligence, but they eventually went against their creation... So they put this in the ending of the game. .

"For another example, a planner once thought that if the end comes, then someone will die unclearly, maybe we can investigate the merits... Then, this constitutes a nightmare.

"Even, there may be a plan. After the end, human beings have established refuges. Under the management of powerful but domineering protectors, their lives have become more and more boring and dead, and various conflicts may have occurred. , Which eventually led to the collapse of the shelter.

"Perhaps it is a collection of these four ideas, and there are even more, which eventually evolved into the game "Escape from the Sky"."

"The reasoning boss said it wonderfully!"

"It makes sense, is this a collection of ideas?"

"Even if you know the habits of this game company, you also know how the game is made.

But I still don't understand, what does this have to do with the ending of the game played by the players? "

"I'm not sure at this point. But I do have some ideas. The simplest example is that artificial intelligence is equal to the protector, right

But after different ideas are merged together, there will inevitably be a process of conflict and improvement.

"In the setting of the protector, the protector must be a human being, and it is the ruling group of human beings.

Perhaps there will be a process of overwhelming power and corruption. But now it has been replaced by artificial intelligence.

"The latter must be rigid and mechanical, and it is absolutely fair rather than focusing on interests. Therefore, what caused the management of narrow buildings to conflict with humans

"In terms of setting, the answer to this question needs to be adjusted, and it has evolved into the answer that Beibei told us before—

Artificial intelligence needs to maintain the safety of narrow buildings, so it drove out those crazy people, which caused it to conflict with other survivors.

"And this contradiction has become that artificial intelligence cannot understand the emotional bonds between humans, so in the end, they will inevitably conflict.

"But... this leads to a very strange question. Since artificial intelligence doesn't understand emotions, why does it have nightmares?"

"Damn! I never thought about this problem!"

"Yeah! It's artificial intelligence! It's impossible to dream, right? Doomsday is not a nightmare for it, right?"

"Maybe it's just for the game?"

"I think it's not just for the game, right? According to the reasoning boss just now, this game is a puzzle-solving game, so nothing is unreasonable."

"The game company puts its own image in this game just to imply that the game itself is a stitching monster? Then there must be contradictions in it..."

"Like Xie Ji and Ke Xu before... two sides of one?"

"Stitching monster?"

"You are not implying..."

"Artificial intelligence in a narrow building?"

"How can artificial intelligence be a suture monster?"

"But it has a nightmare that only humans can have! It is possible to have a nightmare with the emotion of fear? Then how can artificial intelligence have human emotions?!"

"Because it is actually human?"

"No, it's impossible. The setting of this game is that artificial intelligence is the manager of this narrow building because it is artificial intelligence.

That's why it can throw those lunatics out without hesitation. Otherwise, do you think normal humans can bear to do this kind of thing? "

"Even if it did, I don't think it will be this kind of reaction after other human survivors learn about it."

"So it combines the coldness of artificial intelligence and human emotion??"

"I started playing question marks frantically."

"What do you mean? How is this possible?!"

"Although... Do you still remember that Mu Jiashi said just now, what research is this hospital doing?"

"Brain... I mean..."

Change your mind...

This word seems to appear in everyone's mind.

Is a human brain used for artificial intelligence

They began to think about this issue.

Including Xu Beijin.

He thought about this question in a daze, and a huge consternation suddenly appeared in his heart.

No, this is not his experience. On the earth, in reality, of course, there has never been any artificial intelligence, narrow buildings, or refuges. never.

Of course he has never experienced any brain surgery, never.

But is this the setting in this game

From the beginning, the manager of the narrow building, the artificial intelligence of the narrow building, is not just pure artificial intelligence

It has two sides, not only does it have the cold program of artificial intelligence, it also has the mood swings of the human brain

Therefore, there will be a human player, a human actor, who will become the artificial intelligence of the narrow building and become the NE? !

So this was not a bug from the beginning? ! Is this the setting for this game? Someone is destined to become... Someone is destined to know the truth

Is this the way the designer of this game, a human designer, left for his compatriots to survive? !

Xu Bei was extremely shocked.

He didn't know about it.

He always thought that when he became NE, the game went wrong and it was a special bug.

Because the artificial intelligence of the narrow building also belongs to the narrow building, and the residents of the narrow building also have nightmares.

So he is assumed to be playable, so he will, fortunately or unfortunately, become a NE.

But now, this does not seem to be the case. He is not because of a bug... This is the way their compatriots left them.

Suddenly, Xu Beijin's heart was filled with mixed feelings.

He didn't realize this at all...

In fact, he has faintly realized that the information he obtained from NE seems to have some problems.

When he and Ringo were looking for the data port together before, if it weren't for Ringo, he asked a question from old and new players.

Then he hasn't realized that that port is not only for new players to log in, but also for old players to log in.

This cannot be completely said to be a fallacy of information, but more like... The information he obtained from NE, or the fragmented memories in his brain, are already the earliest version of this game, not the latest version.

Time has passed for so long, the game has updated so many versions, there must be new elements added, especially about the ending part of the game.

Perhaps at the beginning, the ending line of this game has not been completely perfected. This is a normal thing. This is an online online game. It is very possible that the plot that players have not yet explored and progressed to is in production.

And Xu Beijin also entered the game at this moment. He just understood what the game looked like at that moment.

Perhaps in the long time since, this game has added more elements.

Xu Beijin knows a lot, but he also has a lot of unclear points.

The ultimate nightmare... He knows the way to start the ultimate nightmare, and knows some solutions to the ultimate nightmare, but it is likely to be in the game update