Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 173: Doesn't make sense (2)



And who knows if the game has been updated so many times, will the information he knows change

At this moment, Xu Bei had a strange feeling.

He has always thought that NE has given its authority to himself. Is it a bit too reassuring. Even if it thinks that he is also an artificial intelligence, NE should always know Xu Beijin's position clearly

NE can't be so stupid.

And now Xu Bei knows it all, NE may have known it early in the morning, his information is outdated and useless...

Perhaps most of them are useful, but there must be some, some of which Xu Bei has miscalculated.

So of course NE will rest assured. It knew that the information Xu Beijin had was wrong.

If the tasker and the actor really obey Xu Beijin's words, and only maintain their self and reason in the ultimate nightmare, and do nothing else, can they still succeed

Xu Bei thought for a while and couldn't help feeling cold sweat. He realized his problem, he trusted the information he got from NE too much. But that information is completely controlled by NE.

Now that NE knows that Xu Beijin has so much information. So, for so many years, judging by the reason and coldness of the game master, wouldn't it be prepared for this hidden danger in advance

So... Fortunately, his companion is very persistent and works hard to control his own destiny.

Xu Beijin has done everything he can, but they also have to do everything they can—for example, to solve the nightmare they are in.

And Xu Beijin...

He thought for a moment, then suddenly looked at Ringo.

Ringo looked at him suspiciously.

Xu Beijin was prompted by the analysis of the audience in the live broadcast room. The information he obtained was problematic, backward, and not updated.

Even if he has an update log, the information in the update log is brief, which is just clues rather than specific content.

Only NE knows what is really updated and what the specific update is.

Besides, they don't have the time to check the update log now.

Xu Bei looked at Ringo and slowly said, "Data port..."

"What's the matter?" Ringo asked strangely, "Didn't you say that you have found them all?"

"No... I doubt..." Xu Bei thought for a moment, then changed his words, "No, I'm sure, there is a problem with the data port we found. Or, we haven't found all the data ports."

Ringo said in amazement, "What other ports will there be?"

"Login, logout, update, management..." Xu Beijin murmured over the four data ports they found, "Sure, there is something else... there is something we overlooked!"