Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 174: There was a chill


What kind of contact does a game need to maintain with the outside world

Xu Beijin is not a professional game practitioner. Furthermore, the games of this era seem to be different from those on Earth.

According to some information he obtained from NE, in this era, most of the production of the game has been given to the game master, and the game company's planners, artists, designers, etc., are basically just responsible for some overall planning work.

In other words, since most of the work has been given to the main brain of the game, the key port for the game to communicate with the outside world is naturally also in the main brain.

Renewing the port already means that the game company manages and controls the game.

On the player's side, logging in and logging out of the two ports also means that they have all connections with this game.

There is also a live broadcast port in Xu Beijin. He thought, yes, this should also be regarded as a port, a communication channel between the game and the outside world, something he has always ignored... But this port is not that important, it is just incidental.

Moreover, this can be said to be part of the main brain's management port, which is dependent on the management port, rather than independent.

Finally, he thought, the management port of the mastermind... is it really the dashboard in front of him

He believes that NE has transferred the authority to him. However, the permissions in the game do not seem to represent the connection between the game and the outside world.

In other words, I am afraid that the port is still at the NE on the top floor of the narrow building, rather than the control panel brought down by Xu Beijin.

Xu Beijin fell into contemplation.

Ringo looked at him with his chin supported, and quietly waited for the results of his thoughts.

At this time, an extremely confused emotion took control of Xu Beijin's brain. He was thinking about a question that made him hesitant and difficult to make a conclusion: Could it be that if NE is not on the side of humans, then they really can't escape the narrow building

This is not necessarily the case in theory.

According to Xu Beijin's idea, this group of humans came in as players after all. They were unable to go offline because NE closed their offline ports.

If NE falls into a hibernation or other abnormal state within a short period of time, players can of course go offline.

In other words, the management port plus the logout port can theoretically take human players offline.

Although, it's useless to just go offline. The place where they are located in the outside world must be strictly guarded by the Fiyeka people. They must have foreign aid to escape successfully.

That's why Xu Beijin found the Milton tribe through Ole.

But his plan still needs a very appropriate time.

The Miltons did oppose the Fijekas for a long time, and some of their compatriots were captured by the Fijekas.

Therefore, the Miltons are willing to rescue their compatriots under the opportunity provided by Xu Beijin, and by the way, they can also save human beings.

The point is this "opportunity."

Milton and Fijeka have been hostile for so long, and neither of them has penetrated into each other's base camp, because their respective life forms are very special, especially Fijeka.

The Fijeka people live on the Internet. Most of the planets they own are just to provide energy for their lives, while the remaining small part is for the survival of those affiliated races.

In other words, how can the Miltons attack the Fiyeka network

This sounds very incredible. It was a virtual war, and they were evenly matched, and no one could break the other's protection net.

Xu Beijin's idea is to attack from the inside. He deliberately used several data ports of the game "Escape from the Sky", with the help of NE's authority, to break the Fijeka network from the inside—at least to make them fall into chaos.

But now they are stuck on a very important step-the data port.

He needs enough ports to ensure that the attack he wants takes effect. These ports are like passages one after another inside the Fayeka, and with NE's identity as a disguise, the Fayeka will not doubt it.

NE is a safe and internal member recognized by the Feyeka network hub, and is a trusted second-to-five boy who can be used to the fullest by Xu Bei.

But now, Xu Bei is missing one of the most important ports.

He looked at the dimming dashboard.

Then he said affirmatively: "No, this is definitely not... It can't be. NE can't let us get the management port so easily... It must know what I want to do.

"When I asked Ole to ask, NE didn't stop me. I thought it changed its position, but... No, it's impossible.

It definitely knows what I want to do... But it thinks that what I want to do is impossible to succeed, so it didn't stop me.

"This is the result of its program calculation..."

Xu Beijin murmured.

Seeing his expression, Ringo looked particularly restless and anxious, and asked, "Beijing, what's wrong?"

Xu Bei looked at Ringo, was silent for a moment, and then said, "Maybe I still have to go to the top of the narrow building. I have to find NE... I have to snatch the management port of this game with it."

"Snatch?" Ringo was a little surprised and strange, "But... I remember, you said that you are also NE?"

Xu Beijin once told him about his identity in this game and everything that happened in the past.

Xu Beijin couldn't clearly specify the difference between himself and NE.

Xu Beijin, NE, and Se, the three of them once merged into one at a certain moment.

Although subsequently, NE won a full victory and eliminated Xu Bei.

But Xu Beijin indeed, at a certain moment, became a NE. It was at that moment that he had so much information and pushed him to save his fellow human beings at this time.

Xu Bei was stunned, and subconsciously said: "Yes, I used to be a NE..."

His voice stopped abruptly.

He used to be NE... No, he is NE.

Two sides of one body. The coldness of artificial intelligence and human emotions.

Xu Beijin does not have the authority of the NE, nor the management port of the NE, but he is indeed the NE.

This is his identity in this game. No piece of data will be denied.

So, if there is any way, can the NE authority and management port be transferred to him

In this game, in this ultimate nightmare, in the game design and planning of their compatriots...they have a way out.

Because this artificial intelligence possesses a human brain.

Xu Beijin trembled suddenly.

Ringo looked at him in confusion, somewhat worried.

But Xu Beijin yelled: "I understand!"

He leaned in and gave Ringo a harder hug, and kissed his cute little Apple's face and lips passionately. He sighed sincerely, "Little Apple, you are so smart!"

Ringo only felt inexplicable. He looked at Xu Beijin anxiously, suspecting that there was something wrong with Xu Beijin's mind.

Xu Beijin saw his confusion, but he didn't explain much. He got close to Ringo, and his mood slowly returned to calm.

Ringo could feel his warm body and warm breath, which made him a little bit ready to move.

But Xu Beijin said with incomprehension: "We are saved, Little Apple. Everything is waiting for their actions in the ultimate nightmare."

Ringo: "..."

He grinded his molars and thought, yeah, just waiting for the group of guys to act.

Contrary to the expectations of Mujiashi and others, after they knocked on the door, there was a hoarse "come in" from the third operating room.

In other words, there are people in the third operating room!

Almost instantly, Mu Jiashi's back was soaked with cold sweat.

Shen Yunju whispered: "Will he hear our conversation?"

Mu Jiashi pondered for a moment, and then said: "I'm even more curious if this person is the setting of the game itself, or is it... a human?"

"I don't know how many NPCs there are in this game." Shen Yunju couldn't help but vomit, "Even if there are any NPCs."

Mu Jiashi glanced at Shen Yunju, thinking that in this hospital, Shen Yunju's personality is indeed a lot more extroverted.

Perhaps this is the true character of Shen Yun gathered on the earth? After entering this game, everyone has been changed by the narrow building... At least Mu Jiashi has been completely changed.

He couldn't help sighing, but there was no time for him to sigh more. He pushed the door and looked towards the third operating room.

This is no longer what an operating room looks like, even though it is called that.

Now, it seems to be transformed into a... more like an office, but on the inner side of the room, there is still a small room cut off.

Mu Jiashi glanced at it, and then thought to himself, it was like an ICU ward.

No, wait, there is indeed someone lying there.

Before Mu Jiashi had time to think about it, the man who was alone in this room said to them: "Good afternoon. Is there anything else?"

Mu Jiashi looked at him.

This is a man in his twenties. The first glance he looked at him was his shocking thinness and exhaustion.

He looked very, very thin, as if he was about to faint in the next second.

A computer-like thing was placed in front of him. His hand is on the keyboard of the computer.

Beside him is a semi-circular, transparent glass container turned upside down.

Mu Jiashi looked at the man and then at the person lying in the isolation ward not far away.

The man seemed to understand Mu Jiashi's intentions. He said, "Sorry... that's my twin brother. He is sick. I heard that there are medical facilities here, so I brought him here."

The man leaned back wearily and rubbed his eyes. Mu Jiashi noticed that his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. The man rubbed his wrist uncomfortably.

Then he said: "Are you doctors in this hospital?"

"We just heard what you are doing." A crazy idea appeared in Mu Jiashi's mind, "You are writing an artificial intelligence program, aren't you?"

The man seemed a little shocked, he was dumb for a moment, and then said, "Yes. This is my PhD project, but... how did you know? Oh... I remembered it."

His voice was sluggish, hoarse and tired, and it seemed that his brain was also slowing down with the tiredness of his body.

He said: "I remember... I remember someone approached me before. Said that the artificial intelligence I was writing could be used to do some things... But I didn't think it was necessary.

"The world is chaotic now, and I haven't finished this work yet. I have to take care of my brother. I don't have time to take care of others...

Really, I am not a cold-hearted person, and I also hope that others can live.

"But, my brother is going to die."

He looked at the ward.

The three taskers looked at each other, and then also looked at the same place.

In the ward lay a person who looked similar to the man in front of them, and that person had the same tired, thin and groggy life. As his twin brother said, he was going to die.

Mu Jiashi realized that this might be a long conversation, but fortunately, they seemed to have found the right person.

Mu Jiashi took the initiative to ask: "What is your name?"

"Liang Xingyi." The man said, "My brother's name is Liang Zhiyi. Knowing and doing are one."

"Nice name." Mu Jiashi praised dryly, and then immediately turned the topic to serious things, "So, how long have you and your brother been here?"

"How long... I don't remember. It may be a month or two."

Hearing this, Mu Jiashi couldn't help but raised his eyebrows.

One or two months.

In the ultimate nightmare, normal time is not like this. They may have jumped from the point in time when the madness spread to the point in time when the skyfire descended in an hour or two.

In other words, Liang Xingyi is likely to be a rare NPC in this game.

There are indeed very few NPCs in the game "Escape from the Sky". In some nightmares, the lifeless, seemingly insignificant passerby characters look like NPCs, but maybe the actors are still playing soy sauce there.

Prior to this, the taskers didn't know the existence of the actors, so they were just guessing.

—By the way, the camp of human players such as the tasker and the actor is opposed to each other. Is it because a planner of the game company has mixed his brains into it? Why do you have to do this otherwise

It can't be because you want to have as many human players in the game as possible

The fewer NPCs, the better? Must this game be able to accommodate enough human players

But what's the point of this

Mu Jiashi's thinking turned a corner unconsciously, and then quickly converged back. He continued to look at Liang Xingyi, thinking that he still couldn't just confirm it like this.

What if Liang Xing is lost in this nightmare

But in the final analysis, whether Liang Xingyi is an NPC or a human does not seem to be that important to what they are understanding.

On the side, because of Mu Jiashi's long silence, Shen Yunju has consciously asked the next question: "How do you live here?"

"My brother doesn't need any living supplies." Liang Xingyi said frankly, "so some of the things left in the hospital are enough for him to use. As for me, I go out for an hour every morning to look for food and living supplies. Then come back again.

"In addition to taking care of my brother and looking for supplies, I am basically completing my graduation project...

Although in this situation, no one knows if I can get my PhD degree, but...

"But this is always a thing. I think I should do something. Otherwise, it is a very desperate thing to keep thinking about what is happening outside and whether human beings can be saved."

As he said, Liang Xingyi's voice became even more hoarse, and he squeezed his fingers uneasily, looking a little dull and dull.

Mu Jiashi returned to his senses, quietly listening to Liang Xingyi's words, and then asked: "Would you not feel boring in such a life?"

"No, no. I mean it. Although only me and my brother are here...

Of course it is a bit lonely. I am very happy to meet you today and be able to exchange a few words with you.

"But... it doesn't feel boring. My brother has always said that I am a stubborn fool. I can't deny this. I do... I always live in my own world.

"As for my brother... My parents passed away very early. In fact, my brother has been taking care of me. I am a nerd, I am not very good at being a human being, and not very good at communicating with other people, but... But my brother is different .

"He didn't want to go to school, so that I could go to school for a part-time job. Later I got some scholarships, and some competitions or other awards, and I also met great mentors... Our life is slowly getting better.

"Then my brother fell ill. I was preparing for a Ph.D. graduation project, and the hospital called me and said that my brother was ill. He was in a coma on the side of the road, and the kind people passing by called an ambulance.

"That was the day when the madness began to spread."

Liang Xingyi's voice suddenly stopped, as if the word "crazy" reminded him of something else. He was silent for a moment.

Taking this opportunity, Mu Jiashi looked at his two companions left and right, and unexpectedly saw the same doubts and hesitation in their eyes.

This sentiment is for Liang Xingyi, not his statement.

Liang Xingyi looked very normal, but a little tired. This exhaustion may just be that his body can no longer support such a life.

He looked sober and sensible.

But is it really so

Leaving aside the question of why Liang Xingyi took his brother to a mental hospital, the semi-circular transparent container that was buckled upside down next to Liang Xingyi's computer gave Mu Jiashi a very bad premonition.

Liang Xingyi said that he and his brother depended on each other. And now, he is developing a kind of artificial intelligence, and someone even came to him once and said that this artificial intelligence can be used for something beneficial to humans.

It sounds very similar to the artificial intelligence of a narrow building.

Is Liang Xingyi really sober? Isn't he infected by those craziness? However, this hospital itself is full of crazy scenes.

After entering this hospital, the three experienced taskers involuntarily experienced severe mood swings. According to Liang Xingyi, according to his statement, he has been here for a month or two, and he really didn’t. Under the slightest influence

Mu Jiashi couldn't believe this.

In front of him, Liang Xingyi, who fell into a brief silence because of the mention of the day his brother's accident occurred, began to speak again.

This time, his tone changed slightly: "I have always known that something is wrong with his body. He always feels tired, but I hope I don't worry about him.

"How could I not worry about him, he is my only relative. In this world... there is no more intimate relationship than us. He is my half, my brother.

"So I... When I knew he was in the hospital, I really felt... I hope he gets a good rest for a while.

Don't be as tired as before, I've grown up... Besides, we were both the same age.

"Then... I don't know. The world changed in an instant. The madness is spreading all over the world, and the same is true around me and my brother.

The hospital where my brother used to be was quickly filled with lunatics and people who were hurt by lunatics.

"I was terrified. At that time, my brother couldn't afford to get sick and couldn't wake up. They said that my brother had a rare disease... terminal illness.

Can't be saved. I don't believe it very much, because at that time... My brother's EEG was still responding.

"He is more like a vegetable than a brain dead. He is still alive, but he can't wake up and talk to me, but he can hear what I say to him.

"The doctor said that there is no hope of treatment. But I still don't believe it. It was too chaotic at that time...

Obviously the social order has collapsed, but there are still many places to spend money. I... I was too tight at that time, so I took my brother out of the hospital.

"But that's not a good thing. My brother still needs to receive professional recuperation and care in a professional ward.

I taught myself a little... Time just passed by, and my brother still didn't wake up.

"I'm still doing my graduation project. Then... It's the thing in the sky. The world has been changed again, this time it's the worse one.

"Things that were still available for purchase with money in the past are no longer available. We can only fight and grab them. At this time, I heard about this place and this hospital.

"I know they used to do experiments here, and they also found some experimental materials here.

But I just valued the complete medical supplies in this place.

"When I came, the original people here had already moved away. I asked some people to help transform this operating room..."

Shen Yunju couldn't help asking: "Why do you have to remodel this operating room?"

This hospital has so many wards, there must be one, which is more comfortable, brighter, and warmer than the room they are in now, but Liang Xingyi chose this one.

Shady, damp, and obviously, the blood and lives of countless people were left behind.

Why did you choose this operating room

Liang Xing was at a loss for a moment, and then asked, "What do you mean, I have to remodel this operating room?"

Shen Yunju glanced at Mu Jiashi, and then said, "This hospital has many wards, why did you choose this one?"

Liang Xingyi kept repeating the previous question: "What is meant by reform?"

The three taskers noticed that there was something wrong with the atmosphere, so they kept silent. Shen Yunju did not continue to ask this question.

Liang Xingyi seemed to have determined that his reform of the operating room was justified, so he thought that this question raised by Shen Yunju was unreasonable, so he hacked into this matter and kept repeating and asking questions.

Liang Xingyi asked again and again: "What is meant by that must be reformed?"

There was silence in the operating room.

Afterwards, Mu Jiashi said: "He meant, what have you added in this operating room?"

Liang Xingyi asked in a daze, "Is that so?" Before Shen Yunju and Mu Jiashi said anything, Liang Xingyi continued, "I brought my own computer, a bed for my brother to rest well, and..." container". "


"Yes..." Liang Xingyi stroked the semicircular glass container with his hand, "the container that holds my brother's brain."

Although it had been predicted, at that moment, Mu Jiashi still felt a chill rising from behind.