Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 175: Insurance measures


"So he really took out his brother's brain?"

On the corridor on the 11th floor of the mental hospital, three taskers are talking.

When Liang Xingyi talked about his brother's brain, he suddenly fell into a strange silence.

He no longer reacted to the problems of Mu Jiashi and others, but just lowered his head and stared at the glass container blankly.

As he himself said, he is a man trapped in his own world.

"I think it is." Mu Jiashi said calmly, "Do you remember what he said just now? He said that his brother can't wake up, but his brain waves are still there. Perhaps he thinks his brother's body is no longer useful. ,but… "

The goddess said blankly: "The artificial intelligence program can accommodate his brain waves."

Mu Jiashi and Shen Yunju fell into silence at the same time.

This sounds too crazy. They all began to wonder, is Liang Xingyi already crazy

If it weren't crazy, how could he have such a terrible, ethical idea

Mu Jiashi was admitted to graduate school, and his major also requires him to enter and leave the laboratory.

At the moment when he entered the ultimate nightmare and walked out of the laboratory of Qucheng University, he also saw the laboratory rules posted on the wall.

Liang Xingyi is doing a life-or-death experiment with a living human brain. He is murdering.

"But he succeeded." Shen Yunju said emotionally, "The artificial intelligence he created... does possess human emotions."

Mu Jiashi held his breath for a moment, and then slowly let out a breath. He said, "This is just a game."

When this sentence was spoken, the atmosphere in the corridor improved a lot, at least not as solid as before... They were all frightened by this possibility.

If their brain enters the body of a robot, something from the outside stimulates the brain, and simulates different emotions and hormone secretion... If, the brain in the tank is really possible...

Mu Jia couldn't help but shudder.

So fortunately this is just a game. It's just that a game company realizes its ambitions in the game.

But the goddess said softly: "But, in reality...our earth..."

Mu Jiashi and Shen Yunju looked at each other.

Afterwards, Mu Jiashi sighed: "I don't want this anymore. What we need to do now is to solve this ultimate nightmare... just leave this damn game."

They set the goal again.

Mu Jiashi analyzed: "So, the artificial intelligence in the narrow building is the program written by Liang Xingyi. On the perceptual side of artificial intelligence, Liang Zhiyi's brain is at work."

"However, it is obvious that the coldness of artificial intelligence and the program have the upper hand." Shen Yunju said, "I even doubt... Is Liang Zhiyi still alive?"

"Does artificial intelligence also dream?" the goddess said in a vague voice, "will it also have human emotions?"

"I don't think artificial intelligence can dream." Mu Jia said in an equally cold tone. "It's just a tool. Do you think your hammer, wrench, pen and paper you use, do they dream?"

Shen Yunju couldn't help refuting: "But artificial intelligence will think by itself."

"If you think that calculations based on logic and information are considered thinking... Then, yes, artificial intelligence does think." Mu Jiashi said, "but that is conscious and active thinking."

Shen Yunju and the goddess looked at him, and didn't quite understand why he was talking about the definition of "thinking."

And Shen Yunju said: "Dreaming is unconscious. This kind of unconscious and useless thinking is not within the scope of artificial intelligence-and artificial intelligence will definitely think that this is meaningless behavior.

"Artificial intelligence is a utilitarian tool."

Shen Yunju took a breath, he didn't know why he was like this, but he seemed to have a glimpse of a terrible truth from these words Mu Jiashi said.

He was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "So you really think that NE's nightmare actually comes from Liang Zhiyi's brain?"

Mu Jiashi paused, and then said, "Yes. I think so."

The corridor fell silent again.

All the premises they discussed were that NE’s nightmare in the game had its reasons, rather than a rigid game setting.

Under this premise, the artificial intelligence in the narrow building can dream, which seems very strange.

In the human mind, artificial intelligence can't dream, it's just a tool, a program.

Does your computer dream

No one would think so.

So the question evolved into, why would the artificial intelligence in the narrow building dream

Why does it have emotions like fear and fear? Why does it have the coldness of artificial intelligence and human emotion at the same time

Now they have an explanation: because this artificial intelligence has Liang Zhiyi's brain.

None of them knew how Liang Xingyi did it.

Perhaps the semicircular glass container has become the "cylinder" of "brain in the cylinder".

And Liang Xingyi connected the container with the artificial intelligence program he created... and provided the same energy...

Then used various methods to provide the brain with stimulation corresponding to reality...

Probably so.

Although they didn't understand how Liang Xingyi realized all this. But, in the final analysis, this is just a game.

They pursue logic, but it is impossible to require everything in the game to be realized in reality.

Thinking about it, Mu Jiashi frowned suddenly: "Do you think... this seems to be missing a link?"

Shen Yunju and the goddess looked at each other.

Then the goddess said: "You mean... about the operation of this part of the brain?"

"Liang Xingyi's major is obviously in the direction of computer, artificial intelligence, and programming. He may be genius enough to realize the creativity of the brain in a tank, but the brain..."

Mu Jiashi hesitated for a moment, and said, "At least there must be a professional doctor to help him?"

With Liang Xing alone, it is impossible for him to complete such a difficult task. Besides, that is not in line with his professionalism.

Shen Yunju thought for a while, and said, "Did Liang Xingyi just say that he asked someone to help transform this operating room?"

Mu Jiashi's eyes lit up: "Since the operating room has been remodeled, most of those people will know what Liang Xingyi intends to do... Those people are Liang Xingyi's helpers!"

Both Shen Yunju and the goddess nodded.

Mu Jiashi looked back at the third operating room: "Now Liang Xingyi can't communicate, we may have to find his helpers."

"Where will they be?" Shen Yunju asked, "In this hospital? Or somewhere else?"

Mu Jiashi pondered for a moment.

Later, he said: "I don't think they are in this hospital. They may come from other hospitals, heard what happened here, and then came here with Liang Xingyi...

"Any clue?"

They thought for a moment in silence.

Mu Jiashi thought for a long time but didn't think of it.

He thought of the kind-hearted man who called the ambulance when Liang Zhiyi had an accident; he thought of what Liang Xingyi said, Liang Zhi dropped out of school early to work and provided Liang Xingyi to school, would it be Liang Zhiyi who met at that time? People

He also thought, could it be a classmate or friend that Liang Xingyi knew in university

But all these possibilities point to one result: they don't have the time to find and explore. They need to find a solution as soon as possible-to solve this nightmare.

So Mu Jiashi overturned his thoughts: "Don't think about helpers or helpers."

He paused, and continued, "Even if there are real helpers, we are still looking for further distances. The most critical question now is that we need to ask Liang Xingyi's mouth more about his artificial intelligence and his brother's matter."

The goddess thought for a moment, and then said: "Why does he connect his brother's brain with artificial intelligence?" She murmured, "To resurrect his brother?"


Mu Jiashi and Shen Yunju were both startled.

The two pragmatic taskers had never thought about this direction at all. They just thought Liang Xingyi's approach was disgusting and frightening, and what was even more frightening was that he actually succeeded.

Although only in one game.

As a result, they even ignored what Liang Xingyi's essential motivation for making such a move was.

He has succeeded, so they pay more attention to the consequences, rather than the various reasons for this thing before it actually happened.

Besides, this is the era of madness. Maybe Liang Xing is simply... mad.

However, with her unique keenness and delicacy, the goddess discovered the truth hidden behind this terrible thing.

Why does Liang Xingyi have to stuff his brother's brain into an artificial intelligence program? This is simply incredible!

—His brother will no longer survive.

—And Liang Xingyi does not accept this fact.

So, he did. He allowed his brother's life to continue in an artificial intelligence program.

As he said, Liang Zhiyi's brain waves are still there, and he is still alive... At least his brain is alive.

"He wants to resurrect his brother?" Shen Yunju said with a weird face, "but, in the narrow building, it is obviously the consciousness of artificial intelligence that is leading..."

The goddess asked softly: "So he failed?"

"Or..." Mu Jiashi's eyes flickered, as if thinking about a certain possibility, "His brother's consciousness has not been awakened? His brother... is still asleep? That's why... there will be nightmares... So, gray mist..."

He stopped suddenly.

"That's why the gray mist has always existed." Shen Yunju answered, "Do you want to say that?"

Mu Jiashi was silent for a moment, and then smiled bitterly, "But, Xu Beijin... Xu Beijin, is he the same as Liang Zhiyi?"

It was logical that they came to a conclusion they couldn't believe.

Xu Beijin—or, the actor named Xu Beijin, is playing the sleepless person.

Then the brain was stuffed into the artificial intelligence program by his twin brother. Is that man named Liang Zhiyi

Their thinking was so jumpy that even they themselves were surprised by this conclusion.

The opportunity to link Xu Beijin and Liang Zhiyi together was that they realized that the gray fog outside the narrow building has always existed.

Even if Xu Beijin didn't start his nightmare, the gray mist still exists, and it always exists, and it has never changed.

But this is a nightmare.

Gray fog is Xu Beijin’s nightmare, NE’s nightmare... No, according to the game settings, gray fog is the nightmare of artificial intelligence in the narrow building.

So how can nightmares exist forever? The nightmare of the residents of other narrow buildings in the narrow building is always open at night. Why does the gray mist always exist

Yes, this is a game. Perhaps the gray fog is just a fixed scene that exists in reality.

But this is more than just a game. Everything in this game seems to mean something else.

The game company created a game company in the game, and the existence of this thing implies the truth and ending of the game.

Moreover, the gray mist is not like something that already exists in reality. Is a tall building in reality always shrouded in such a gray mist? This is more like an illusory, incredible, dreamlike thing.

Grey fog is a nightmare rather than reality.

So the gray mist—the gray mist is definitely not just what it looks like on the surface. There must be some meaning...

Simply put, everything comes down to one sentence: Unless a person has been sleeping, his nightmare may always exist.

The grey mist has always been there. Grey fog is a nightmare.

Therefore, the owner of the gray mist must have been in a deep sleep.

Xu Beijin is the master of this nightmare, NE is the master of this nightmare... So, what about sex

Xu Beijin has always believed that these are two sides of the same body. The artificial intelligence in the narrow building, and its inexplicable human emotions. Isn't this just a contradiction

However, the truth hidden behind is more like... Trinity.

Xu Beijin, NE, and color... Or the brain of Liang Zhiyi? He is the human in the setting of this game.

This actually symbolizes three different individuals. Inside and outside the game, human beings and behind the scenes. They are contradictory and unified.

In the game setting, color is indeed one and two sides. One side is the coldness of artificial intelligence, and the other side is the emotions and ways of thinking that belong to human beings.

But this game... is not just a game.

Therefore, when more complex elements are added, when NE doubles as the artificial intelligence of the narrow building, when a human accidentally joins, the situation becomes more and more subtle and contradictory.

What's more, there is an individual who is always asleep—the brain that belongs to Liang Zhiyi.

Xu Bei looked at the live broadcast room quietly, and the barrage on the public screen flashed quickly, but he had completely ignored it.

Now, he has understood, where is the way of life left for them in the game setting.

Although... He is actually not sure whether his idea can really be realized.

The taskers did not know the true identity of Xu Beijin, so the things they could guess were still few. They are still confused by all the contradictions.

But Xu Beijin already understood.

The crux of the problem is that the artificial intelligence color of the narrow building itself is a combination of program life and human brain.

Therefore, when the artificial intelligence in this narrow building needs to be played, it also needs two individuals to play.

Procedural life, and human beings.

NE, and Xu Beijin.

This has always been a pairwise correspondence. It is not a bug that Xu Bei has thought about, nor can it be said that their human compatriots have made very deliberate and proactive arrangements behind them.

This is just the inevitable setting of the game. From the very beginning, since they set up such a narrow-floor manager, this situation has been doomed.

Xu Beijin is not acting as a sex, at least he can't exactly point to the programs and codes that Liang Xingyi typed out. He played the brain of Liang Zhiyi.

This is the setting in the game.

Moreover, his brain, like Liang Zhiyi's, was suppressed by the artificial intelligence NE.

Liang Zhiyi's brain may have fallen into a long sleep, while Xu Beijin has fallen into a long wake.

These two humans from reality and games really mirror each other.

Compared with reality, it finally formed a delicate three-legged situation, namely NE from the Feyeka tribe, Xu Beijin from the earth humans, and from the game itself, the artificial in this narrow building intelligent.

This is a pattern of mutual understanding. Their different positions and different labels will make a huge change in their identities.

Xu Beijin never thinks of himself as artificial intelligence, but he is indeed NE;

At the same time, he is also sex, he is also Liang Zhiyi's brain.

At least from the script arrangement!

Xu Bei can't help but sigh, always feel that his identity is like a matryoshka.

The core is Liang Zhiyi's brain.

They need to wake up that brain. They need to regain control of the artificial intelligence of the narrow building, and they want to kick NE out of the battlefield in this final battle.

When Liang Zhiyi is awakened, then perhaps the gray fog will also dissipate. And that happened to be what Xu Beijin wanted to do—games and reality, at this moment, seemed particularly clear and distinct.

Games are games. No matter how real and vivid the game script is written, it will eventually leave all kinds of data and traces. That is not the reality that death means complete dissipation.

In the online world, everything will leave a trace.

Xu Bei was stunned for a moment, and reviewed his plan for the last time. He looked at the pictures in the live broadcast room, the three taskers in confusion, and then secretly cheered for them.

What they need to do now is to wake up Liang Zhiyi's brain and take the initiative from artificial intelligence back to humans.


Xu Beijin didn't know what to do, or how it was arranged in the game settings. But I am afraid that the answer to this question lies in Liang Xingyi's hands.

The three taskers walked into the third operating room again.

Liang Xingyi still sat there blankly, looking down at the semi-circular glass container in his hand, with a dazed expression, not knowing what he was thinking.

Mu Jiashi walked up to him and asked, "What are you going to do with your brother's brain?"

Liang Xingyi did not respond.

"Link his brain waves with the artificial intelligence program you wrote?"

Liang Xingyi still did not speak.

Mu Jiashi then asked: "Do you want him to be resurrected in artificial intelligence?"

The word "resurrection" seemed to hit Liang Xingyi's pain point all at once. He shuddered subconsciously, and the glass container in his hand fell to the ground.

Although it was not broken, it was also contaminated with a lot of dust, which made Liang Xing panic all at once.

He quickly picked it up and wiped it desperately.

He still didn't answer Mu Jiashi's question, but Mu Jiashi already understood his thoughts. He acquiesced to Mu Jiashi's guess about him.

So Mu Jiashi suddenly became interested: "Why are you sure that your brother will wake up in artificial intelligence? Wouldn't he lose consciousness forever and just die like this?"

"No! He won't!" Liang Xing yelled suddenly, "He will definitely wake up! He will get eternal life!"

eternal life…

When this word appeared, Mu Jiashi couldn't help but sigh Liang Xingyi's ambition. He actually hoped that his brother would get eternal life in this way.

But... indeed. Compared with human beings themselves need to be restricted by physical health and age, to become an artificial intelligence, as long as sufficient energy is obtained, there are people who regularly maintain and update it. Then, it is indeed possible to get eternal life.

In an illusory online world.

Mu Jiashi wanted to say something.

For example, does the illusory reality make sense? For example, is immortality really a pleasant thing? For another example, does Liang Zhiyi really want Liang Xingyi to do such a thing

But in the end, he didn't say a word. For them, this is just a nightmare from the past, a reenactment of certain things in the past.

It is meaningless to evaluate Liang Xingyi's behavior or stop him now.

Because he has actually done everything. He has connected Liang Zhiyi's brain with artificial intelligence.

Everything is irretrievable.

So they only need to focus on one thing.

Mu Jiashi stared at Liang Xingyi closely. He asked: "But why can you be sure? What insurance do you have that can definitely wake up your brother?"

The world of artificial intelligence must be incomprehensible by the fragile brain of humans. There is the world of numbers, programs, and codes. The human brain has never been so structured.

This is a concept... No, a conflict in life forms.

As Mu Jiashi said, human beings can think meaninglessly and dream. In the concept of artificial intelligence, these are meaningless things, and they cannot be done.

In this case, if Liang Zhiyi can really be resurrected, what is the state of Liang Zhiyi who is resurrected? What will he become

Mu Jiashi didn't understand why Liang Xingyi could be so sure.

Liang Xingyi's lips were trembling, and he seemed to be thinking about how to answer this question.

The thin man showed a kind of hesitation that he had never had before. In a confused tone, he said, "Insurance measures?"

Mu Jiashi: "..."

He was silent for a moment, and then asked incredulously: "Have you never considered insurance measures?"

"Insurance measures..." Liang Xingyi murmured, "Insurance measures..."

Mu Jiashi said: "What if artificial intelligence dominates consciousness and suppresses Liang Zhiyi?"

Liang Xingyi grasped the key to the problem in an instant: "This situation will not happen!"

Mu Jiashi suppressed his irritability, and he said every word: "However, this is what happened now."

He said, "You just assume that we are back from the future... In short, Liang Zhiyi did not wake up, the artificial intelligence program you wrote dominated.

"Now, we need to wake up your brother. Didn't you really prepare any insurance measures in advance?"

Liang Xingyi's body was shaking: "No..." He seemed to believe Mu Jiashi's statement for an instant, maybe he was half crazy and half stupid at this time, he said, "Impossible...impossible. I clearly give it to the artificial intelligence. A program is installed..."

The three taskers lit their eyes at the same time and asked in unison: "What program is it?!"