Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 177: Unexpectedly


Xiang Chenyu...

This is currently the strongest among the taskers. But she has been forgotten by everyone, and she has lived alone at the highest level where the players have reached for how long.

When Xu Beijin found her, she had been forgotten by the world. Subsequently, she also entered the ultimate nightmare.

And, before no one expected, she found the group of people Xu Beijin wanted to find.

Those who let Se become the manager of the narrow building.

They-in the game setting, they are the people who have the most voice among the remaining human beings in this world.

Why they choose to allow artificial intelligence to manage human refuges is really incomprehensible.

"What's so incomprehensible." A man said in a lazy mocking tone, "It's just because we can't believe in humans."

Standing in front of this man, Xiang Chenyu's expression was dull and dull. This female tasker may have used her brain for a long time, or her own dull and rusty nerves can no longer keep up with the speed of her brain.

In any case, she seems to be slow to speak and do things now.

But her tone still had the style of the first person in the task force.

She said: "You don't believe in humans. So can I assume that you also don't believe in artificial intelligence?"

The man glanced at her inexplicably.

They are in a small country house. The end is coming, but here is like a paradise. These people live in such an environment... No, they live.

The woman beside the man gently explained, "Actually, we don't intend to enter that shelter."

Therefore, they, at least she, will not consider whether there will be any problems after setting artificial intelligence as the manager of a narrow building.

Xiang Chenyu slowly turned his attention to this woman. Afterwards, Xiang Chenyu grinned a mocking smile.

Perhaps it was because she hadn't smiled a lot, so this smile looked particularly hideous and stiff.

The woman was startled, then frowned somewhat displeased.

At this moment, there are actually many people around Xiang Chenyu, either standing or sitting, but the only person who really wants to communicate with Xiang Chenyu is this man and a woman.

The reason Xiang Chenyu was able to find this place was very simple. She once came to this nightmare—

The last nightmare she experienced was the country house where she is now.

And it was this nightmare that made her go to the very high floor that trapped her.

She was the only one who went to that floor.

The owner of this nightmare, as well as other taskers and actors, all perished because of this nightmare. Only Xiang Chenyu successfully went to a higher level.

But sometimes, Xiang Chenyu would also wonder if she was already crazy.

She felt that her dull nerves were full of a kind of manic emotion, which made her daunted and made her unable to continue thinking rationally.

That's why she would rather be trapped in that layer-the highest layer known to mankind.

And it all boils down to this nightmare.

Before entering this nightmare, she had a group of trustworthy and powerful companions; she had several actors she knew—

Yes, for their taskers, the existence of the actors is no longer a secret.

They entered this nightmare together. And in the end, although she went further, she lost everything in a sense. She was trapped on that floor and couldn't get up.

When Xu Beijin found her, she briefly communicated with Xu Beijin and also talked about their situation with each other.

Xiang Chenyu unexpectedly discovered that she was somewhat similar to Xu Bei. They are all stuck on a certain level—

And now, they are all running to solve this game and solve the human plight.

But they didn't talk deeply, and at the same time avoided some topics tacitly.

For example, who is it that trapped humans in this game

They didn't talk about this issue, but they did all have their own ideas.

Xiang Chenyu knew exactly that Xu Beijin must understand the answer to this question; and she thought, Xu Beijin would also guess whether she understood.

And they avoided this topic by coincidence, seeming to make the question self-evident.

For Xiang Chenyu, of course she knew far more things than those taskers on the lower floors.

She has experienced countless nightmares, and those nightmares are enough for her to piece together some truth.

These truths, of course, also made her realize that the things that humans have experienced on earth are not exactly the same as the plot setting reflected in this game.

And the fork in the road was right there. The fire fell on the world, and human civilization and their planet were in ruins. How did they save themselves

Xiang Chenyu didn't know how the humans on the earth chose, and she also failed to go to Xu Beijin's nightmare, enter the labyrinth, and learn the true truth.

But she does, very clearly know how the humans in the game do.

They established a refuge.

Everyone in this villa, through various efforts, built a towering building somewhere on this planet.

And deliberately use this building as the human "Noah's Ark" to help humans escape the end of the world.

But they themselves did not intend to enter, and they did not intend to allow humans to become managers of this building.

This is arrogance in a sense. They did intend to save humanity, but they actually regarded that group of human beings as a kind of creatures inferior to them.

They are like saving a group of ants. They will arbitrarily set up a nest for this group of ants, and randomly arrange a manager, but they themselves will not enter the ant nest.

But this villa...

Xiang Chenyu sighed slowly.

She is a bit slow in doing everything now. Firstly, she feels that her sluggish nerves are still so sluggish, and secondly, she feels that this can help her smooth the mood swings in her heart.

She was just thinking that this group of people had built a refuge for humans... But they didn't realize that since it was a refuge, it meant that the outside had become so dangerous, so-not suitable for human survival.

-Artificial intelligence will throw out the lunatics who threaten the survivors in the narrow buildings.

-For countless years, artificial intelligence has thrown out countless lunatics.

—The gray mist is indeed like a barrier. Human survivors don't know what the world outside of the gray mist looks like. Because the world outside the gray mist has been occupied by lunatics.

So guess what about the people who stay in this small villa thinking they can spend their old age in peace

They faced the onslaught of millions of lunatics alone.

Xiang Chenyu really didn't want to recall the experience in that nightmare. For the first time, she deeply felt that, in fact, the movies of zombies besieged by humans on Earth are achievable.

But the premise is that there is really a bunch of idiots who trap themselves in a lonely building.

For example, this group of people in front of me.

They decided to set artificial intelligence as the manager of that refuge, and adjusted the guarding of the narrow building to the highest priority task of artificial intelligence, even overriding the three principles of robots.

Therefore, when artificial intelligence throws out those lunatics, of course they will not consider their safety.

What this group of people did eventually led them to the end. And they even feel complacent that they are saving mankind, and they still can't believe in the creatures they save.

This fate seems funny and ridiculous, but it seems logical.

Xiang Chenyu was silent for too long, and the woman had already walked away impatiently.

Therefore, in the end, only the man who spoke with her was left in front of Xiang Chenyu.

This man—In Xiang Chenyu’s impression, he should have a name and a surname, at least she knew the man’s name in that nightmare. As for now? She didn't remember at all.

But this man has a very distinctive personality, so Xiang Chenyu recognized him at a glance.

This man was the one who proposed to allow artificial intelligence to manage the refuge, and he was also the one who adjusted the task of guarding the narrow building to the highest priority on the artificial intelligence task list.

In other words, he single-handedly saved countless humans in this game, and it was also him who personally buried himself and his companions in the hands of countless lunatics.

Xiang Chenyu once again thought of the man's horrified roar in that nightmare.

That twisted face, in contrast with the smiling, almost relaxed man in front of him, gave Xiang Chenyu the feeling that he was still in a dream.

The man was a little impatient when he waited. Xiang Chenyu's appearance was a joy in his boring life, but if he didn't talk for too long, the man felt bored.

But Xiang Chenyu still spoke: "You haven't thought about it. If the artificial intelligence makes a mistake, what will the humans in the refuge do?"

"Why do you want to think about this kind of thing?" The man shrugged, "We are outside the building, and they are inside. What about them, what does it have to do with us? They have something wrong, and we can't save them."

Xiang Chenyu: "..."

She couldn't help sighing deeply.

She thought, okay, okay. Even in that nightmare, this man was until the end.

It wasn't until the moment of death that I truly understood what ridiculous actions I had made.

By the time he understood it, it was actually too late.

The people who save the world in this game setting seem to be unreliable.

However, considering the characteristics of humans in the real world, this kind of unreliability seems to be "real."

She decided to go directly to the topic: "So, artificial intelligence can't be turned off?"

This question is the ultimate goal of her coming here. Xu Beijin said that he has now obtained part of the NE's authority, but not all.

Xu Beijin did not explicitly mention the latter question, but Xiang Chenyu thought of it very easily.

Can Xu Bei get all the rights of NE

Xiang Chenyu may not know the difference between NE and color, but she at least knows where the people who make artificial intelligence the managers of the narrow buildings are.

So she came here. She needs to get the answer to this question from these people.

Her journey here was not easy, but Xiang Chenyu did it.

She might need more helpers if she could, but she didn't meet anyone on the way.

She is now a little worried about how many sane people are left in the ultimate nightmare.

But... these questions are things to be considered in the future, she now needs to ask the answer to this question-can the authority of artificial intelligence in the narrow building be cancelled

If she knew earlier that she would need to know the answer to this question in the future, then she might ask the actor related to this nightmare and the owner of this nightmare in advance.

It's a pity that she didn't have this foresight.

At the beginning they were obsessed with going to higher floors, but they didn't expect that some answers might be hidden in the floors they had thrown behind, in the nightmares that they had overlooked or missed.

Fortunately, it is still too late. At least, she can use this nightmare she knows—

Perhaps among all the people who are still sober, she is the only one who knows the existence of this nightmare-to make a contribution to the escape of mankind.

She looked at the man in front of her calmly.

And after a moment of confusion, the man asked slightly strangely: "Why do you ask? It's like that what artificial intelligence is really going wrong in the future?"

At this point in time, perhaps the narrow building is under construction, but the situation of artificial intelligence becoming the manager of the narrow building has not finally taken shape. This is just a nightmare, and they cannot change this nightmare.

But... they can indeed learn some truth from these nightmares from the past.

Xiang Chenyu said: "Because of the future, artificial intelligence is indeed wrong."

The man was taken aback, and felt that Xiang Chenyu was joking. He laughed, really amused by the joke.

Others were attracted by his laughter and asked curiously what had happened.

And the man laughed from ear to ear. He said: "This woman... This woman actually said that artificial intelligence will make mistakes in the future! Hahaha! Does she really know what artificial intelligence means?"

He suddenly turned his head to look at Xiang Chenyu, and said every word: "Artificial intelligence is a tool that never makes mistakes."

Xiang Chenyu sighed deeply again. She said: "I didn't come here to discuss with you... mechanical worship, or other conceptual things. I just want to ask you—

"Artificial intelligence, can it be shut down."

The man was surprised, but his tone was still relaxed: "Oh, okay. We have different ideas, that's a shame. But... I think it's okay."

"how to do?"

"Artificial intelligence, after all, is just a tool." The man said, "If the owner of the tool doesn't want it, then of course it will be useless. I have always thought of it this way, and I will probably do it again. "

Does the owner of the tool want it

Under this concept, who is the owner of artificial intelligence

Will it be the man in front of you

No... impossible. If it were him, then in the nightmare that Xiang Chenyu had experienced, he wouldn't be able to put himself in danger.

The nightmare showed that the artificial intelligence didn't care about the humans in this villa at all.

Thinking of this, a vague concept appeared in Xiang Chenyu's mind.

What is the purpose of this artificial intelligence

Guard the narrow buildings and protect the human survivors in the last days. The reason why it will become the manager of the narrow building is for this purpose. It must maximize the survival of mankind.

Therefore, as a tool, the directivity of its use is human in a narrow building.

So what if the humans in the narrow building don't need it to continue to do so

And this ultimate nightmare—Xu Beijin once told her that this is a nightmare for everyone...

Xiang Chenyu whispered: "Everyone..." She looked at the man in front of her and other people. In this small villa isolated from the world, the people who lived the same life as before the end, "Everyone? "

The people looked at her in confusion.

Xiang Chenyu's voice gradually grew louder: "Everyone—this belongs to everyone..."


But she didn't say the last two words, because an abrupt voice rang in her ears. It was Xu Beijin's voice. He said, "Stop. Don't say it."

Xiang Chenyu was startled, but it did stop.

This is thanks to her slow, slow nerves, otherwise, she might have no time to stop. But now, she still obeyed Xu Beijin's words and stopped.

Xiang Chenyu didn't ask Xu Beijin why he could directly communicate with her in the nightmare.

Before Xu Beijin could directly find her on an isolated floor, it is normal to be able to talk to her now.

Xiang Chenyu just wanted to ask: "Why can't you say it?"

Xiang Chenyu suddenly spoke inexplicably, as if talking to someone in the air, which shocked the people around her.

And the man opposite her stared at her in astonishment, as if she were a lunatic.

Subsequently, these people dispersed like birds and animals. That man is no exception.

But Xiang Chenyu didn't care anymore, she already knew how to do this.

She suddenly thought that this ultimate nightmare needs everyone to sleep before it can be opened, and that choice...

"Everyone." They have reached this condition in advance, as if it were a rehearsal.

Xiang Chenyu narrowed his eyes slightly, and then waited for Xu Beijin's reply.

Xu Beijin did not answer this question clearly, but he said: "This is a game."

He seemed to be suggesting something.

Xiang Chenyu was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise: "You mean... Say it, and you have reached a trigger condition?!"

Xu Beijin defaulted to this guess.

This made Xiang Chenyu a cold sweat. Only then did she understand why Xu Beijin had been so cautious, why he was always vague and secretive. Because this is a game, they can't be so anxious.

Xiang Chenyu immediately asked: "I can't say it now, so when will I have to wait? What conditions need to be met?"

Xiang Chenyu's sharpness really made Xu Bei ashamed. He replied, "Wait for my notice."

Xiang Chenyu agreed.

Xu Bei breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't expect Xiang Chenyuhui to find these people so soon, and he immediately understood what he needed to do.


Xu Beijin is convinced that Xiang Chenyu still doesn't know what the situation is, and how they are going to achieve the condition of "turning off artificial intelligence."

He was silent for a moment, then looked at the number displayed on the dashboard again.

Xiang Chenyu realized this method, it was naturally good; however, they all need to wait for an opportunity, wait for a moment...

That moment is slowly coming towards them, but it still takes some time.

Now, the number of sane humans in the ultimate nightmare has stabilized. It hasn't changed once for about three to five minutes. At the same time, the number of crazy people is constantly decreasing.

But there are still many crazy people left in the ultimate nightmare. The number is probably in the hundreds.

They are slowly passing through the door in the grey mist in the ultimate nightmare, leaving the ultimate nightmare.

Of course, the number of people here does not include those who entered the ultimate nightmare from the gray fog.

Those are the taskers and actors who have already fallen into the nightmare. They are not counted. They did not come to this ultimate nightmare through dreaming.

They are not recognized by sex, residents of narrow buildings.

So Xu Beijin only paid attention to the number that symbolized the number of lunatics.






Xu Beijin watched the number drop little by little.

That number stopped at 17 for a long time.

At this time, suddenly there were several rapid knocks at the door of the bookstore.

Xu Beijin and Ringo looked at each other. Xu Bei wanted to walk over to open the door, but Lino stopped him and walked over to open the door.

Later, they discovered that Xie Zhijin was standing outside the door of the bookstore. He was sweating profusely and looked worried. Seeing someone opening the door, he immediately shouted: "I can't stand outside!"

The number of lunatics pouring out of the gray fog has already filled the entire bottom of the narrow building.

They couldn't go to higher floors, nor could they open other people's doors, so they could only stand squeezed into the corridors.

Even if you can go there when you have free rooms, the number of empty rooms is not as large as you imagined.

In the end, the entire bottom floor of the narrow building was full, and it was filled all at once.

Xu Bei heard about this problem, and looked at the long-stayed 17 on the dashboard... He immediately reacted: The numbers are stagnant, is it because there is no place in the narrow building

Xu Bei couldn't laugh or cry for a while, and hurriedly asked Ringo to open the door of the bookstore.

Then, the lunatics standing outside the bookstore swarmed in. After a while, Ringo closed the door again.

These lunatics who walked in stood on the first floor of the bookstore, silently, like mud dolls one by one.

Xu Beijin, Ringo and Xie Zhijin came to the second floor of the bookstore.

About thirty or so lunatics walked into Xu Beijin's bookstore, which already crowded the first floor of the bookstore.

Xu Bei paid close attention to the numbers on the dashboard, and found that the number that had been stopped for a long time began to slowly decrease again.






When this number returned to zero, Xu Bei was in a daze and trance.

When he was trapped at the bottom of a narrow building, he had never thought that there would be such a day...

There will be such a day, they can really hold the hope of leaving the narrow building in their hands.

Even, it's just a short walk away.

Xu Bei took a deep breath and confirmed once again that the number had returned to zero.

Later, he found Xiang Chenyu in the ultimate nightmare, and said to her: "I can say it."

Xiang Chenyu was in a daze and waited bored. He was startled when Xu Beijin's voice sounded again. Then he nodded and took a deep breath, as if he was organizing words.

Xu Beijin also waited calmly.

At this moment, everything inside and outside the narrow building, inside and outside the nightmare, seemed extraordinarily quiet, as if the whole world was waiting for some unique news.

At this moment, Xu Beijin glanced at the control panel inadvertently... Then, he felt a kind of suffocation and fear like a sudden cardiac arrest.

The number symbolizing a madman suddenly changed from 0 to 1!

Xu Beijin's expression immediately changed, and he subconsciously opened his mouth to contact Xiang Chenyu and told her to stop.

But it was too late, and Xiang Chenyu had already said that sentence.

"As long as everyone agrees to cancel the management authority of artificial intelligence in narrow buildings. Then artificial intelligence will be shut down."

In the next second, great changes came.