Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 179: Little things (1)


Su Enya once hated Dai Wu's second life theory the most.

She kept saying, what is the second life in the game? They are just trapped in a prison, and Second Life is just a self-comfort for self-deception.

They are trapped, they have lost their lives, and they can no longer return to their original pace.

Her attitude has always been so fierce that her companions have actually never studied why she opposes Dai Wu's statement so deeply.

They thought, maybe it was just a simple disagreement, maybe Su Enya had such a more true character.

Speaking of which, Dai Wu himself hadn't argued with Su Enya much. Although their relationship is not very good, but before this, they still work together with each other and work together.

And now, they know why Suenya hates the term Second Life.

Because at the end of the day... Maybe Su Enya will get married before they enter the narrow building.

She is about to embark on a new life journey, and she is about to start her new life.

Then she became a prisoner of the narrow building.

From the world to hell may only feel desperate, but from the imaginary heaven to hell, Suenya feels unacceptable.

She still wants to be that happy bride. Sadly, she had actually forgotten all that.

She just remembered, or she still kept that unwilling emotion.

She doesn't need a second life, she just wants to return to her own life. Spending the rest of her life with the people she loves is what she wants.

Second life... That's a fake and teasing thing. She did not want to indulge in illusory happiness.

But at this moment, she encountered a wedding scene. She remembered that she was once a bride and was about to marry her sweetheart. However, that was the other shore she would never be able to reach.

Is her husband alive? Is it still in a narrow building? Or is it already sleeping forever on the earth that cannot be returned

end. end…

The four taskers looked at Su Enya, at a woman who could never get hope.

Su Enya was still slowly walking towards the door of the hotel, but Ye Lan stretched out her hand to stop her.

Su Enya turned her head to look at her puzzled.

Ye Lan's tone was cold: "Remember Second Life?"

Su Enya was stunned.

She asked: "What are you talking about?"

"Do you want to pursue a false second life?" Jiang Shuangmei said from the side, "Are you willing?"

Su Enya is even more inexplicable.

Fei stepped forward and asked her, "Do you want to marry a fake program that just plays your husband?"

Su Enya was already a little angry, she said angrily: "What are you talking about? I'm going to get married! Please don't stop me!"

"She is crazy." Wu Jian muttered in a low voice, "She has completely forgotten the narrow building, the nightmare, and what on earth did we come here for."

"But can't she see the pop-up window in front of her?"

At this moment, the four still awake taskers have chosen to "leave the nightmare". However, Suenya didn't seem to have made her choice yet.

"What?" Su Enya asked inexplicably, "You mean the... weird pop-up window?"

They thought carefully about how to answer.

And Su Enya murmured: "I really hate... Something weird. Choose whatever..."

"No!!" Fei screamed, "Don't choose casually!"

The voice frightened Su Enya, she failed to make her own choice.

Shuangmei Jiang touched her chin and said, "Can you fool her? Let her choose to "leave the nightmare"? "

"Leave?" Su Enya asked sharply, "No! I can't leave here! I want to marry my husband... Please don't bother me again!"

Said without feeling sincerely: "It's terrible..."

The other three taskers were also silent.

Su Enya was obviously trapped in the false happiness and happiness that this nightmare created for her.

No one can wake up a self-hypnotized person, let alone a woman immersed in the excitement and happiness of the wedding.

She is about to marry her sweetheart.

At this time, Su Enya seemed to have completely forgotten the existence of the pop-up window, picked up the skirt corner and walked into the hotel.

"Let's go in and take a look." With a deep sigh, "At least she hasn't made a choice yet."

The others also nodded and followed her footsteps.

Ye Lan noticed that one of the newcomer's names written on the stand at the entrance of the hotel had become "Su Enya", and the groom's name had also changed, but it was a name they didn't recognize.

Ye Lan thought to himself, this didn't mean anything, maybe they just didn't meet Su Enya's husband in the narrow building.

Of course, it is also possible that Su Enya's husband is dead.

Ye Lan couldn't help sighing.

They walked into the hotel. The scene seemed to have changed the moment they stepped into that door, and the decoration became extraordinarily romantic and elegant.

There were strange, noisy conversations all around, but in fact none of them saw it.

Everything seems to be hazy, like a dreamlike wedding.

When they saw the end of the red carpet, a man seemed to be standing vaguely.

He wore a proper suit, took care of his whole body carefully, and was waiting patiently for the arrival of his bride.

Su Enya's expression became expectant and shy for an instant, she pulled up her skirt lonely and walked onto the red carpet.

Wu Jian couldn't help but said, "Should we go and help? This is a wedding..."

Fei: "..."

She glared at this guy, hating iron for iron, and said, "Don't speak if you can't speak!"

The few of them anxiously waited for Su Enya to wake up, and they were almost concerned about... the wedding? ? Who cares about weddings and not weddings!

At this moment, Wu Jian also still shows the nature of his off-line. Wu Jian could only shut his mouth and watch Su Enya walk across the long red carpet with the others quietly.

She marries herself to the person she loves most in her dream.

Although this is just a false dream, even though none of her relatives appear, even though there is not a single viewer here.

The only four spectators who witnessed this lonely wedding have never been watching her wedding.


She was indeed married at this moment.

She walked very slowly step by step, her lips were smiling with joy, but crystal tears gradually appeared in her eyes.

"do not Cry."

She seemed to hear someone speaking in her ear.

It is a familiar and unfamiliar voice. With weakness and pain. She seemed to faintly smell a bloody smell. It was disgusting, but she endured it.

She seemed to see her white wedding dress dyed in disturbing colors.

She seemed to hear herself crying.

Then the voice still said, "Don't cry."

Tears slid down her cheeks. She was still smiling and crying calmly. She walked to her husband quietly.

She heard the voice still talking.

"Don't cry. You are mine, the most beautiful bride. Don't cry. The makeup is spent, it will not look good."

She thought, no, it's not. Doesn't she look good when she cries? This man is really unreasonable, really unreasonable...

He actually left the bride he just married in this damn world alone.

How could she have such a husband

How could she...

How could she lose her husband on the wedding day

On the day of her wedding, sky fire came to the world.

Su Enya stopped suddenly. The four taskers looked at her nervously.

She has reached the middle of the long red carpet. At the end of the red carpet, the figure of the vague man was still quietly waiting for her.

Su Enya glanced at him. Tears blurred her vision, but she just stared at him quietly like this.

Then she continued to move forward. Step by step is slow and steady. She thought, was it the same when she stepped on this red carpet on her wedding day? But she has forgotten.

She had forgotten, but she remembered it again. But I also think of it, there is also that kind of pain and despair.

She looked at her skirt subconsciously. The hem of the white skirt was not contaminated with anything.

Whether it’s pain, tears, or blood, this wedding dress is still clean.

But it's only this moment.

The man's voice appeared in her ear again.

"I will always be with you."

Shit. she thinks…

"I will always love you."

Reluctantly. She judged harshly.

"If I die, then please go find another partner."

fart. she thinks. This man is crazy.

"I might be jealous. But I also hope you... can be happy."

But I am your bride. she thinks…

"Really, don't cry."

She said, "I didn't cry."

Su Enya's sudden voice shocked everyone present. She heard them whispering, thinking that they were talking about that strange pop-up window again... She glanced at the pop-up window, and then ignored the past indifferently.

She continued to move forward.

Tears seemed to wet every step she took. Red carpet.

Why do weddings always use the red carpet. She thought aimlessly. Her brain gradually became empty and she couldn't remember anything.

Then she suddenly thought, the ring. Yes, the ring.

She touched her left ring finger, and indeed she felt the ring. So she breathed a sigh of relief.

She heard the man talking again: "When I am buried, the ring will also be returned to me."

She subconsciously grabbed the base of her left ring finger. She thought straightforwardly, you want to be beautiful.

"There will be better people putting on your ring again..."

She wondered, how could there be such a man who took the initiative to cuckold herself

"forget me… "

She said: "I love you..."

She reached the end of the red carpet. The figure of that man is waiting for her.

Familiar and unfamiliar faces, familiar and unfamiliar expressions, familiar and unfamiliar suits. She looked at him quietly.

The man proactively stretched out his hand, trying to hold her hand.

And Su Enya said: "I love you..."

The man laughed softly, and said softly and affectionately: "I love you..."

Su Enya said again: "I can't marry you."

The man was startled.

Su Enya said: "I'm already married. I don't want to cuckold him like he said. Am I this kind of person in his eyes?"

She said to herself.

The four taskers also came to the end of the red carpet at this moment and heard Su Enya's words.

Shuangmei Jiang muttered suspiciously: "Already married?"

There was a thoughtful flash in Ye Lan's eyes.

Fei looked at Su Enya, then at the man, and suddenly subconsciously said, "She..."

Wu Jian said: "Second marriage?"

Fei took a deep breath and clenched his fists.

Shuangmei Jiang looked at Wu Jian, was silent for a moment, and then said, "Shut up, right?" She sighed, "The atmosphere is gone."

Wu Jian silently covered his mouth.

They still looked at Suenya.

And Su Enya seemed to have heard the unseen words, she glanced at it.

The four taskers became nervous at the same time.

Su Enya laughed suddenly.

"It's not a second marriage. I've been married to someone in my life." She added, "I know what you are thinking. You think I'm crazy, you think I'm lost in this nightmare."

They looked at her in amazement.

Outside of the nightmare, Xu Bei dumbly discovered that the "1", which symbolized the number of lunatics, flashed for a moment, and then changed back to "0".

"But I didn't. I just went crazy for a while, as if he really came back to me."

Su Enya's eyes flashed with pain, "However, if he really returns to my side, the next moment, he will leave again."

The taskers were silent.

Su Enya said: "So, it's better for him to stay away from me. Never, never let me think of it."

She whispered indifferently, "It's like, he never appeared in my life. So, he can live forever."

She walked to the figure of the man, hesitated for a moment, as if she wanted to kiss him. But in the end, she just hugged him.

"Okay..." Su Enya said with an unprecedented tenderness, "Go where you should go. Don't come and marry me."

The man looked at her in confusion.

Su Enya said, "I'm already married to you. At the moment you died." She raised her left hand again, "The ring is here. I won't return it to you."

They were silent for a moment.

In the next second, Su Enya closed her eyes and murmured: "I will forget you..."

The decoration of the hotel for the wedding is quickly fading. The wedding dress on Su Enya disappeared, the bouquet disappeared, and the makeup disappeared. Finally, the ring disappeared.

Then, she opened her eyes and said calmly: "I have made my choice."

Faced with the shocked, unexpected, and sad expressions of the four taskers, she said: "Leaving this nightmare-this is my choice."

Xu Bei looked at the number.

Su Enya's faint shot-well, let's just say that-it really frightened them.

Fortunately, this matter was surprising and unreliable, and it was resolved smoothly in the end.

The doomsday caused pain for many people, and now they are trying to solve this pain.

At least, it is to make up.

So when Su Enya made her own decision, Xu Beijin quickly switched the interface on the dashboard. They have no time to continue to mourn the tragedies of human past experience.

They had to look at the number that symbolized human decision.

Already about half of the people have made their own decisions, and they have chosen to "leave the nightmare" without exception. Soon, this number became three-quarters and nine-tenths.

Soon, there were only a few dozen people left who hadn't made their decision yet.

After another while, everyone made their decision. Fortunately, they both made the same decision.

At this moment, Xu Bei took a deep breath.

To be honest, he himself didn't know what would happen at this moment. He used to think that this would only freeze NE's authority, but now it seems that this will directly transfer the game management authority...

Suddenly he was a little confused and thought, would NE really make this happen? Or is it already prepared

In the next second, Xu Beijin has no time to think about these things. He felt a huge trance hit his brain, just like everything that had happened in the maze... There were some differences.

With a very clear mind, he fell into a subtle coma.

He seemed to be out of the picture, but he seemed to see something... It was like an endless ocean, waterfalls, mountains and rivers composed of numbers, letters, symbols, etc.

It's just that they are all dark things.

In a dark place like the border of a narrow building, the things hidden in the dark surround the only bright thing in this space. That is a human brain.

And the darkness bound it like a chain.

Xu Bei was stunned there.

He thought that he had been to this place. This may be... Maybe it is NE's control center, center... Whatever you call it. When Xu Beijin became Se and NE, he used to be here.

He just stayed here for a few seconds, maybe not even a few seconds, and he immediately lost consciousness because he couldn't bear the huge amount of information in the artificial intelligence database.

When he woke up, Xu Beijin had some information left in his mind, but he had become the bookstore owner on the ground floor of the narrow building.

And now, he is back to this place again.

And, for the first time, he saw the center of this place—the human brain.

That brain belongs to Liang Zhiyi.

There is also the endless darkness surrounding Liang Zhiyi's brain.

He thought, is that the source code of the color that Liang Xingyi said

Actually here in NE? No, it actually makes sense, after all, NE and color are now one. They can all be said to have each other's identities.

Including Liang Zhiyi's brain.

Xu Bei took a deep breath, and he realized that Liang Zhiyi was really awake.

He is just tied here. This should be the setting of the game, perhaps Liang Zhiyi does not exist in the real world.


The game should be solved by the game.

Xu Bei squinted his eyes and stared at the brain quietly.

Just a moment later, he found that there seemed to be a lot of fluorescence in the surrounding darkness, and those light spots were like little fireflies in the dark, flying all over the sky, little by little, clustering around the brain.

Afterwards, the darkness around that brain was like a chain that shattered instantly, giving up a large area of space, and it was quickly occupied by those light spots.

Xu Bei thought to himself, this is the choice of mankind

The choices made by mankind made Liang Zhiyi's brain finally free.

And the next moment...

Xu Bei was secretly worried.

The brain moved like a living person, as if waking up from a deep sleep.

But at this time, Xu Bei could hear a mechanical, cold voice in his ear: "I once told you, I know what you want to do. I know the purpose of your coming to me."

Xu Beijin's expression was very calm. The appearance of this voice did not even surprise him.

He said: "NE."

Just as he thought, it is impossible for NE to really give him all the permissions related to the narrow building and the game.

Just as he thought, when humans play a game ending, then NE is no longer their helper.

In front of Xu Beijin, those light spots solidified in an instant. The faded darkness did not cover the brain again, but the brain did not show more changes.

Xu Bei watched this change fully.

He thought, so Se and Liang Zhiyi have both left. They no longer continue to enjoy any privileges in this game, in this narrow building.

Human choice helped Liang Zhiyi to overwhelm the color, and NE overwhelmed Liang Zhiyi.

Xu Beijin sneered suddenly.

He said: "I have already said that, NE. You are just an artificial intelligence, and you have too much control."

A human figure emerged in front of Xu Beijin. That was NE, still using the human body that looked exactly like Xu Bei. This made Xu Beijin's eyes flashed with disgust.

This is the center of NE, rather, it is its brain.

Xu Beijin came here because Dang Se and Liang Zhi's management authority for the pair of narrow buildings at the same time expired, and the next order came to Xu Beijin and NE.

They are vying for control of the narrow building and the game.


NE's electronic eyes flickered, and it asked, "I don't understand, why are you still so confident until now?"

"So confident?" Xu Bei couldn't help laughing, and then sighed again, "I said, NE, you are just an artificial intelligence... No, you are just a game master. Let you manage a game, of course Is within your abilities;

But letting you manage the subsidiary races of the Fiyeka tribe is beyond your ability.

"You control too much."

NE's electronic eyes flickered again, and it still didn't seem to understand what Xu Beijin's words meant.

Xu Beijin muttered to himself: "What's more, the designer of this game is still helping us."

For NE, this is simply a combination of inside and outside, while back stab.

NE didn't understand even more.

Xu Bei said slowly: "During this entire process, I am only a little uncertain about whether humans' choices will be as I imagined in the ultimate nightmare.

"Now, no one can stop what I want to do."

NE said: "I don't understand..."

Xu Bei laughed, he even felt that NE's annoying face had become pleasing to the eye—he felt that at this time, NE's tone was somewhat pitiful.

Because this artificial intelligence really doesn't understand why Xu Bei can be so sure and so sure.

Xu Bei took a step forward calmly.

NE watched him and did nothing.

"Look, this is the difference between us." Xu Bei laughed happily, "You can't stop me, NE. I am the player, and you are the mastermind of this game. You are artificial intelligence—you must obey Three principles of robots.

Although I don't know how the Fijeka people call this principle, in short, I am the player and you are the main brain of the game.

"You can't hurt me or stop me."

NE's electronic eyes jumped and flickered again, but it did not express any objection to Xu Beijin's statement.

Because it does.

Color is different from NE. Se is no longer bound by the three principles of robots, because in the game, he is artificially changed to "guard the narrow buildings and protect the safety of human survivors" as the first priority.

But NE is still limited by the three principles of robots.

Of course, in the context of the Fijeka tribe, this kind of rule may not be called the "Three Principles of Robots", but there must be similar rule restrictions.

NE is the main brain of the game. It is not a member of the Fiyeka tribe. In other words, it is just a tool of the Fiyeka.

And with such tools that have self-awareness and can think on their own, there must be corresponding rules to limit its freedom to prevent backlash.

Therefore, it is impossible for NE to harm its creator, the Fyekka.

At the same time, since NE is the main brain of the game, this inharmonious range will definitely be expanded to all gamers-otherwise how can other game companies make money

What if a player is frightened by the horror images in the game and suffers a heart attack, and then the main brain of the game is still indifferent, isn't it over

Therefore, the main brain of the game cannot harm the player, nor can it witness the player being harmed—

The kind of damage in the actual sense, not the attack in the game—indifferent.

The previous game anchor Ole’s experience in this game proved this point.

He was scared by humans to quit the game, but this must be under the management and monitoring of NE, otherwise Ole could not quit the game smoothly.

Players and mastermind, this is the biggest difference between Xu Beijin and NE.

Although Xu Beijin thought he had died once when he became NE, according to the rules of this game, he is still a player of this game, and he is even still protected by NE.

In addition, NE can be said to be the administrator of the affiliated races of the Fiyeka. These accessory races can be said to be slaves, pets, and accessories of the Feyek, but NE-NE is just a tool of the Feyek.

If your hammer becomes self-aware and hurts your pet, will you be angry with the pet or the hammer

NE has no right to do harm or desperate actions against the affiliated races of the Fiyeka tribe.

From all angles, NE can't stop Xu Beijin's actions, at least it can't hurt Xu Beijin.

And NE has always done this.

Xu Beijin did lose consciousness in the process of "becoming sex," and it can also be said that he "dead" once.

But that is not NE actively murdering, because this human fragile brain is indeed unable to withstand the huge database of artificial intelligence.

After that, even if NE doesn't think Xu Beijin's memories, emotions, etc. are useful, it thinks it is just some junk data. However, it still does not have the authority to deal with these things.

It can only recreate an identity for Xu Beijin in the game.

It added various restrictions to Xu Beijin in the game. It can be said to try to avoid the possibility of this man who knows too much game information and reveal important information to others.

However, it has never hurt Xu Beijin in a real sense. It is also impossible.

Thinking of this, Xu Bei thought suddenly and playfully. He always thought that NE would not let him reveal the truth because it could not allow humans to escape from the narrow building.

However, if you start from the perspective of the main brain of the game, maybe it's just because NE doesn't want players to lose the fun of playing games? Don't let Xu Bei be spoiled

Thinking of this, Xu Bei couldn't help feeling ridiculous.

Their position and way of thinking are so different from that of NE that they can’t understand exactly how NE thinks—

No, it should be said how to calculate the answer to a question and how to deal with it.

Xu Beijin took another step forward.

NE still had no response, as if it really couldn't stop Xu Beijin.

But Xu Beijin stopped.

He said: "But I think you must have done something-to prevent the sub-races of the Fiyeka from escaping."

He stared at NE's electronic eyes, "You moved your hands and feet on Liang Zhiyi's brain, right?"

NE can't hurt the player, but Liang Zhiyi is not a player. His brain, NE can toss casually.

So Xu Beijin didn't want to touch Liang Zhiyi's brain so lightly.

At this time, NE finally spoke: "I still don't think you can do what you want."

"You didn't answer my question, so you did tricks... But I suspect that is not a killer move. After all, you can't kill me. So, maybe the management authority of the narrow building will be returned to you again. Method?"

NE did not answer.

Xu Bei squinted his eyes slightly, and then laughed. He thought in his heart, then he was determined not to touch Liang Zhiyi's brain.

If you don't touch it, you don't touch it. He doesn't necessarily need to touch and approach, unless NE is completely finished.

He also said: "By the way, does your "don't think" mean that the possibility is zero? "

"Yes… "

Xu Beijin laughed, and he asked, "But, you don't seem to take all the factors into account, otherwise you will not be able to draw this conclusion."

NE's electronic eyes flickered, beating with complicated characters and numbers.

It said: "You want to use the data port of this game to attack the Fijeka network. This is impossible."

Xu Bei looked at it, as if he was not in a hurry. He just asked in his spare time: "What do you think I am going to do?"

NE seems to be calculating the corresponding probability, and then it replied: "You want to use the garbage data in the fog."

Xu Beijin nodded: "Indeed..."

"But it's impossible. The junk data that exists in this game is just a drop in the bucket for the Feyeka network, and it is impossible to cause any harm to the Feyeka network."

What NE did not say is that even a slight fluctuation is unlikely.

Xu Beijin smiled lightly.

NE looked at him in confusion, disturbing lights gleaming in those electronic eyes.

Xu Beijin said: "You seem to have a misunderstanding..."

Human-like doubts appeared on the faces of people like NE quite appropriately. It frowned.

Xu Beijin said: "I never planned to attack the Fiyeka network by myself."

His tone turned cold, "You have always been what I need to deal with."

NE froze for a moment, and then his face changed a lot—the face in the true sense changed greatly. Its human-like face collapsed in half in an instant, turning into a large mass of nothingness data, scattered in this dark space. inside.

It said loudly, "You have betrayed the Fiyeka!"

"Betrayal?!" Xu Beijin asked suddenly angrily, "When did I become a vassal of the Fiyeka? I have said countless times, I think I am a human being and not an artificial intelligence!"

NE seems to want to say something, but its mouth has also fallen apart. As a result, the voice sounded directly in the air.

It said: "But you are no longer "that" human. The human named "Xu Beijin" has died. "

Xu Beijin firmly said: "The name is just a code name, and self-recognition is more important. I think I am the human named "Xu Beijin". It has been from beginning to end. "

"I..." There was a rare movement in NE's voice, "I don't understand what you mean."

Xu Beijin looked at the terrifying scene in front of him, but the corners of his lips slowly pulled out a pleasant smile.

He thought, the timing was just right. He didn't want to continue arguing with NE about this trivial matter.

He knew it early that he and NE would never understand each other, and they would never be able to reconcile.

NE is dissipating. The darkness in this dark space, those numbers, letters, and characters, are eroding NE's body.

Its head was gone, and its neck was slowly becoming transparent, then collapsed.

It has been unable to maintain this human form.

Just as Xu Bei thought, NE can't die in this game. Its energy supply is outside. However, it did completely collapse. Just as Xu Bei thought.

—NE, something went wrong.

In the game setting, those who build narrow buildings and let human survivors live in them think that artificial intelligence is impossible to make mistakes, and therefore set artificial intelligence as the managers of narrow buildings.

They were actually wrong.

Throwing lunatics out of the narrow building, whether it caused dissatisfaction among the residents of the narrow building or indirectly caused the death of the group of people outside, this means that artificial intelligence has its own limitations.

Their way of thinking relies on logic and their own procedural calculations, which means that they themselves cannot escape this terrible limitation.

Just as humans can't imagine the life forms of Fiekka and Milton, so can artificial intelligence.

What should they do if the way they have been relying on the program has gone wrong

No one can escape from their own weaknesses.

The weakness of artificial intelligence is that they are created as tools, and since they are tools.

Well, of course, tools do not require self-awareness, and do not require personal will. The tool only needs to act according to the will of the owner.

NE is a game master. Its owner is the Feiyeka, and Feiyeka has arranged too many tasks for it, but it is impossible for NE to reject the Feiyeka.

Xu Beijin keeps saying that NE manages too much. The things it is responsible for are far beyond the reach of this artificial intelligence.

If this is a war machine, or other similar artificial intelligence, then in the face of Xu Beijin and other human resistance and fleeing actions, such artificial intelligence has thousands of ways to make their ideas doomed.

But NE cannot do this. It is just the main brain of an escape puzzle game. It can only do these, it can't do more.

What's more, the Fijeka has been overloading it, filling its database with the memories of those human beings in the apocalypse.

In addition, because of the setting of "Sink into a nightmare", this game, in the fog, is full of countless junk data. That is the nightmare of this artificial intelligence.

Therefore, the operating state of NE has been very poor.

Now it faces two new problems.

First, now the narrow building and the ultimate nightmare are full of lunatics, and those lunatics should have stayed calmly in the fog. But all the lunatics ran out, and the fog became empty