Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 183: Extraordinary one


The bionic bodies made by the Miltons for Xu Beijin and Ringo are very real, perfectly restoring their figure and appearance in the game.

Including the scar on Xu Beijin's left arm.

In fact, in the game, this scar is already very faint, and you can't see it if you don't look closely.

Although the wounds were really hideous, the medicines in the game are very effective.

But in any case, this scar still remained on Xu Beijin's left arm.

This matter has always made Ringo worry about it.

When Xu Beijin looked at Ringo countless times, he found that his little apple was also looking at him, especially his arm.

Xu Beijin actually doesn't care about this matter-scars are a man's romance!

This is the proof that he once saved the world, it is not ugly or painful, it just proves that he has indeed escaped from that time in the past.

But Ringo obviously didn't think so.

Once they finally talked about this matter, Ringo said, "I still think of you when you appeared in front of me covered in blood. I don't feel that my heart will beat anymore."

Xu Beijin said: "At that time, your heart wouldn't be able to beat."

Ringo: "..."

He squinted at Xu Beijin.

Every time Xu Beijin spoke to him with this kind of leverage, he looked at Xu Beijin with this expression of daring to speak.

Then he made Xu Bei amused.

He said, "Really, Little Apple. That kind of thing will never happen again."

"Surely..." Ringo replied in a very certain tone, "Absolutely not."

The psychological shadow of that time was probably something that Ringo would never forget, but he was also sure that this kind of thing would never happen again in the future.

Because the bionic human body that Milton created for him perfectly restored his physical data in the game, including his strange power and force value.

So, indeed, in certain scenes and places, Ringo did have to pay attention to his strength.

Once Ringo bluntly cut out a hole in the side plank of the bed. He didn't pay attention, but Xu Beijin found it the next day.

Xu Beijin looked at him worriedly at the time, for fear that his bionic human body would be cut out by Ringo.

In fact, Ringo has always paid attention. It was just a little out of control that time.

After all, it is the Miltons who made their bodies too real, whether it is their physical data in the game or in a realistic sense, the feelings and perceptions they can get.

This made them sigh that the times have changed, and science and technology have developed to such an extent that they can be amazed.

Mainly Xu Bei sighed.

Ringo never knew what the outside world should look like.

He didn't retrieve his memory either.

NE never appeared again, and Xu Bei suspected that this artificial intelligence had completely crashed and could no longer function again.

However, NE's database is still kept in the game "Escape from the Sky".

Now, the game can still be logged in, but it's empty inside.

I am afraid that human players will no longer be able to log in to this game, and Xu Beijin will only go there occasionally, mainly because of NE's database.

Now there are many things stored in NE's database. After being deleted by the Feyeka tribe, the human memory of the end is now only recorded in the NE database.

Some people have no intention of continuing to have those memories, but some people still want to remember their past, even if it means great disaster and despair.

So Xu Beijin occasionally landed in the narrow building to find their memories for those people.

Ringo will accompany him.

Xu Beijin said: "It's just going back to the Zhailou, do you have to accompany it?"

"I have to accompany you whatever you do." Ringo replied very seriously, "Moreover, I don't want you to go back to the narrow building alone."

Xu Bei asked in surprise: "Why?"

Ringo thought for a long time, and finally two words came out dryly: "Intuition..."

Indeed, he did not want Xu Beijin to return to that empty, quiet, and stale narrow building alone.

He always felt that it was a scene that made him feel uncomfortable, and just imagining Xu Beijin staying in that place alone made him very uneasy.

Therefore, he must accompany him to the past.

But if you really want to get to the bottom of it, Ringo found it difficult to explain why this mentality was.

It's a better way to boil down to intuition, but there seem to be other reasons.

When Xu Beijin came to the bookstore on the ground floor of the narrow building—he no longer had to go to Liang Zhiyi’s brain, he could directly access NE’s database—

When looking for the memories he needed, Ringo suddenly said, "Maybe it's just because I feel a little pain."

"Distressed?" Xu Beijin asked afterwards, "Distressed for me?"

"It would be nice if we met earlier." Ringo touched his left arm, "Perhaps you could not stay alone at the bottom of the narrow building for so long."

Xu Beijin glanced at him, was silent for a moment, and then said, "No. I think your appearance is just right."

Ringo frowned in confusion and asked, "Why?"

Xu Bei thought to himself that before the live broadcast system appeared, his life and life were dim.

Everything is like this. He felt that this world was going to end, everything was hopeless, and they would stay in this terrifying narrow building for a lifetime.

Although Xu Beijin didn't want to admit it, he was indeed gloomy and depressed during that time.

Until the arrival of the live broadcast system, until the arrival of hope, his temperament was not so depressed and depressed.

So Xu Bei didn't want Ringo to meet himself at that time. At least he felt that he was not something worthy of liking at that time...

Perhaps it should be said that if he met Ringo at that time, then maybe they might not be together.

After all, at that time, Xu Beijin felt that Ringo was so annoying that he was an unreasonable man.

It's just that various opportunities emerged afterwards, Xu Bei did his best to find the light of hope, and Ringo also joined the process by chance. So they can finally be together logically.

Looking back on all this now, Xu Bei felt that the process was surprisingly smooth.

The Fiyekas did not discover their intentions. All sober humans really made the same choice in the ultimate nightmare. NE really stepped into the pit he prepared for it...

And he really agreed with his little apple for a lifetime.

Xu Beijin leaned in and kissed his bewildered lover, and then said, "I mean, if you appeared in front of me earlier, you probably wouldn't like me, and I wouldn't like you."

Ringo frowned immediately, and he said angrily, "What? How are you sure? I and you are obviously a perfect match."

Xu Beijin found it funny, he didn't want to argue with Ringo about this topic.

Although he confirmed that before the arrival of the live broadcast system, he was not a good love partner, but he also felt that Ringo's naive and simple stubbornness was also very cute.

But Ringo didn't seem to think so.

On this evening, they had a very serious conversation.

At first, Xu Beijin felt baffled. He didn't understand why Ringo would pull him onto the sofa and sit down, and then said he wanted to ask him something. But then Xu Beijin understood it.

Ringo asked: "You said I wouldn't like you before, so what did you look like before? How can you be sure that I won't like you?"

He seemed very stubborn to figure out this problem.

Xu Beijin stared at him for a moment, and then suddenly understood why Ringo was so struggling with this question.

Because Lin Ye felt that he loved Xu Beijin as a complete person.

There is no past, present or future, he just loves Xu Beijin. He himself is a person without a past, so he never struggles with this issue.

In his eyes, everyone is a complete and independent individual. What he loves is the complete Xu Beijin.

But Xu Beijin said that Ringo would definitely not like Xu Beijin in the past.

Ringo stubbornly asked, "Why? I think I would like you in the past. What is the difference between you in the past and you now?"

Ringo's entanglement with this question made Xu Bei feel amused, but also a little touched.

He said: "I mean... My personality in the past is different from the present."

"So where is it different?"

"I used to be more negative?"

Xu Bei thought for a while and described himself like that.

"I think you have always been very negative." Ringo said frankly and honestly, "I'm used to it. So this one doesn't hold."

Xu Beijin: "..."

How does he feel that this bad apple is connoting him

Xu Bei looked at Ringo suspiciously.

It wasn't the first time he felt this way, but every time, Ringo would use a surprisingly frank attitude to let Xu Bei try his best to dispel this suspicion.

It's the same this time.

Xu Beijin said again: "I didn't want to fall in love before."

Ringo muttered, "This is not the reason why I don't like you... No! Next!"

Ringo was like a harsh judge, asking Xu Beijin to state various reasons that might cause Ringo to dislike Xu Beijin.

And every time Xu Beijin uttered a reason, he would surely get a decisive "unfounded".

In the end, Xu Bei tried to belittle himself to uselessness, but failed to convince Ringo a little bit. He couldn't help but said irritably: "You might as well just talk about it, under what circumstances would you dislike me!"

Having said so many of his own shortcomings, Ringo didn't let go, but Xu Beijin was left speechless by his attitude.

Ringo thought about it for a moment.

Then he said: "No, I like you all the time."

Xu Bei was stunned all of a sudden.

Ringo thought for a while, and then affirmed: "Yes. I am sure I like you all the time. You said that you were bad in the past, but I think it's all you-all good."

Xu Bei remained silent for a long time, and then said helplessly: "The beauty is in the eyes of the lover."

"What is Xi Tzu?" Ringo, who didn't understand the earth's culture, began to be curious, "It's quite similar to "Beijin". "

Xu Beijin: "..."

Forget it, why is he entangled with his little apple today... It's totally meaningless...

He just needs to know that Ringo really loves him. From the past to the present, it has never stopped.