Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 185: Fanwai Three [End of full text]


Xu Beijin only learned after leaving the narrow building that the images of cosmic creatures on the Internet are the only ones.

In other words, after he and Ringo accepted the body that Milton made for them, their image on the Internet became the same as in the narrow building...

Although it reminds them of life in the narrow building, they still adapt.

Moreover, they have actually become accustomed to the image in the game. If they were to change it, they might still find it strange.

Later, Ole complained to him that once he saw him, he had to be frightened once.

To be honest, Xu Beijin later realized that the image of human beings really belonged to the demons and evil in the legends of many cosmic races.

Xu Bei couldn't help but wonder what human beings did in ancient times.

Will the legend of the terrifying erect ape be continued in the universe

However, the image of him and Ringo made their live broadcast business prosperous. Many cosmic races have come to watch this life form that has never been seen before.

Ringo also joined his live broadcast, but Ringo was too lazy to communicate with the audience. The audience called him "the gangster's cold boyfriend."

The earliest human viewers, after learning of Xu Beijin's identity and the existence of those humans trapped in the narrow building, were lagging behind, so they couldn't help whimpering and felt distressed for several live broadcasts.

"North! My north! You are so miserable!"

"Tears flowed from my eyes."

"... It hurts my heart to think that Beibei is actually alone in the narrow building to bear the truth."

"Beibei, you can actually tell us... But you might not be able to tell at that time, alas. But really, everything is over."

"Yes! My North, you can have a better life with Little Apple."

Xu Bei laughed and thanked these audiences again and again.

He thought, yes, indeed everything is over. The world is like this, life is like this. Time will not stay for anyone.

At that time, because of the crash of the Fijeka tribe, and some gossip circulating in private.

Therefore, Xu Beijin’s live broadcast room was very lively for a long time. At that time, Xu Beijin also earned enough living expenses.

Financial freedom in an instant.

This gave Xu Bei a sigh of relief. After returning to reality, he was really under tremendous pressure.

He didn't know how the world would welcome them. They have been behind for so long.

Fortunately, at least they can make money.

Ringo did some work without telling Xu Beijin at the beginning, which were competitions in the online world, such as fighting, or other competitive competitions.

In its heyday, the Fiyekas could almost do whatever they want with this network that spreads all over the universe.

In other words, their changes to Ringo's data are really too exaggerated.

Moreover, this point was retained by the Miltons by mistake.

As a result, Ringo almost became famous in the first battle, and soon became a popular star player sought after by everyone.

Then Ringo obediently came to Xu Beijin to talk about it.

Xu Beijin: "..."

So his little apple is so hot?

In this virtual online world, the basic attributes of living things cannot escape their own limitations.

In other words, their performance in the virtual network almost symbolizes their own ethnic characteristics.

Ringo's performance caused some cosmic creatures who didn't know the truth to shout, "A new monster race has appeared!"

However, Ringo's performance was a mistake after all, so after gathering a lot of fame and money in a short period of time, he quickly withdrew from the circle.

The competitions he participated in were all entertaining, so no event organizers turned to investigate this unexpected player.

After he quit, fans of these events regarded him as the uncrowned king, thinking that even if Ringo did not participate in the official game, his performance was still unparalleled.

And Xu Beijin smiled and said to Ringo: "Little Apple, have you been living with the title of Uncrowned King in your life?"

Ringo: "..."

He almost didn't hesitate to say, would you not be able to live with the game in your entire life

But he thought about it carefully, and thought he had to forget it. He didn't want to mention the past that made Xu Bei feel uncomfortable.

This is what happened just after they left the narrow building. After the heat passed, Xu Beijin and Ringo both began to stay incognito and no longer provoke disputes. They themselves are used to this kind of life.

However, Xu Beijin occasionally broadcasts live broadcasts. He has a loyal audience, and his live broadcast on the earth is also a secret that some juniors circulate in private.

These little kids may proudly say that my grandparents have watched the live broadcast of this anchor! He must be a thousand-year-old monster!

Although they were very cute and loving in Xu Beijin's live broadcast room, they secretly commented on their anchor. Fortunately, Xu Bei didn't even know about this.

Even if he knew it, maybe he just laughed at the performance of these young children.

Sometimes Xu Beijin really feels that his mentality is very old.

When Ringo heard of his thoughts, he would not hesitate to say, "Sometimes his performance is obviously very enthusiastic."

Xu Beijin: "..."

He will turn into anger in the next second.

In this matter, Ringo will never learn to behave. Xu Beijin must be said to be ashamed and angry every time.

Obviously he is more passionate about this kind of things, but he always makes fun of Xu Beijin.

What’s worse is that Xu Bei never knows how to sneer...

Ringo would fall down on him with a smile, and then ask him: "It's been so many years, why are you still the same."

Xu Bei was very indignant and squeezed his face. Then he said, "Because I always like you, Little Apple."

Ringo was speechless all at once.

Generally speaking, such speechlessness will eventually evolve into "speechlessness" in another sense.

Fortunately, Ringo had really learned to control his strange power now. At least the bed in their house never had to be replaced because of his strange power, even though it did happen once or twice before.

In any case, for Xu Beijin, it seems that only such straightforward love words can cure his family's increasingly rampant little apple.

But sometimes, Xu Beijin felt that Ringo was also good like this. He could clearly feel that after leaving the narrow building, whether it was himself or Ringo, they had actually become a bit more lively.

The richness and splendor of real life, after all, is not comparable to that small game.

At this time, Xu Beijin would say to Ringo: "Look, you still have to listen to me after all. We can't live a lifetime in a narrow building."

Ringo wanted to refute that they could live their lives anywhere. The two of them are born together and destined to be together.

But he thought about it, and felt that there was no need to argue with Xu Bei on this matter.

Xu Beijin simply hates the narrow building.

It's like he said before that Ringo couldn't like the Xu Beijin from the past.

Ringo felt that what Xu Beijin said was wrong, but he already understood that Xu Beijin didn't think that Ringo really wouldn't like it.

He just hated the self who was assimilated by the narrow building.

Fortunately, they have indeed left the narrow building, and what is visible to the naked eye is that it is impossible for them to return to the state they used to be.

Leaving the narrow building is a good thing for everyone.

But Xu Beijin occasionally thinks of life in the narrow building. It's just to think of rather than to miss.

He would remember that in every sleepless morning, he stood quietly by the window and watched the gray mist outside the narrow building. The gray mist churned, as if eternally immortal.

He would think of him walking through those messy bookshelves, looking for a book that may be needed or of interest. That is the memory of human beings in the past.

He will think of the process of getting to know those companions and friends. It was incredible. They clearly belonged to the tasker and the actor, but they gradually got acquainted with each other and made a great cause together.

He would think of his thoughts when he first saw Ringo. At that time, he must have found this guy extremely annoying, and felt that there was no other guy in this world more unreasonable than Ringo.

But later, he felt that there was no more lovable person in this world than Ringo.

He would think of the moment when the thought of "escaping from the narrow building" and the corresponding hope illuminate his heart for the first time.

He would also remember the frustration and frustration when he and Ringo might not be able to leave the narrow building.

He would think of the number on the dashboard. He always remembers that number. That is a choice made by mankind together.

He will think of those nightmares, those doomsday scenes, the ruins. The nightmare has passed, and the sun finally illuminates the narrow building and disperses the gray mist outside the narrow building.

The world has changed.

Whenever he thinks of this, Xu Beijin feels an indescribable touch.

He said to Ringo: "Perhaps we have created a miracle."


"It did what we thought we could never do. I thought it was impossible for us to escape the narrow building, but we did it anyway."

Ringo smiled, and he said of course: "Then your appearance in my life is also a miracle."


"Of course..." Ringo said, "Look, I didn't know that people can still fall in love."

Xu Beijin: "..."

I don’t know why, although I am a little touched, but also a little speechless...

Ringo saw that his face was wrong, and hurriedly added: "Of course you are the only one." He added, "I just like you in the whole universe."

Xu Bei thought for a while, and instead said, "It should be that among so many creatures in the entire universe, I just happen to meet someone who likes you and someone who likes you. This is a miracle."

Ringo leaned in and kissed his lips, and said, "You are right."

Xu Bei looked at him and thought to himself, no matter what he said, even if it was a fallacy, it is estimated that Ringo would still say that he was right. His little Apple never disappoints at this point.

Sometimes Xu Bei wondered, where did Ringo learn this way of dating? Are you not afraid to spoil your lover

However, Xu Beijin later felt that perhaps this was just the kind of frank and straightforward trap of Ringo, who belonged exclusively.

He just hopes that Xu Beijin will never be separated from him and will always be with him.

forever and ever. In this lonely, silent universe.

They love each other passionately.

That’s the end of Beibei’s story. Thank you for your company over the past five months and love you! !

For advance receipt, it will start in July, and I plan to save more drafts.

At the end of the chapter, I forgot to send a red envelope! ! Post this chapter! The first 100 comments will drop in red envelopes (hope there will be a hundred comments and post them together at that time, woo woo)

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-05-2920:00:00-2021-05-3120:00:00

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Aqi 1;

40 bottles of Tangtang and Zhiying horizontally;

20 bottles of Lianyu and Li Youyan;

Aqi 15 bottles;

Speechless to ask Cangtian, Yunqing, and 10 bottles of two or two small wines;

9 bottles of Meng Meng Da;

3 bottles of Youyou Zimo;

2 bottles of Ru poppies;

Yu Qianfeng and Windy Flower Tears 1 bottle;

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