Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 27: Pull the hind legs


When Xu Beijin was talking with the young man, the road chase in the live broadcast room continued.

However, he chased after him, looked at the rearview mirror for the dead ghost, and suddenly said in shock: "That car is gone!"

No one in the car responded to him.

He didn't take it seriously either-just look at the people in this car, a well-known Ringo, a selfish ghost, a trash.

For a while, he was very desperate for the dead ghost.

Do these people expect him to fly

"Keep on driving." In the end, Mu Jiashi couldn't stand the deadly atmosphere in the car. "Look if there are any other scenes to explore. It's just the road and the promenade. I didn't find any clues."

He breathed a sigh of relief for the dead ghost, and continued to maintain a smooth driving speed.

So where did the man in black go

Xu Bei turned his mind and adjusted the angle of view of the live broadcast room back to the bedroom, and it turned out to be a scream.

"Damn it, what's the matter? Why did someone pop up suddenly?!"

"It is wrong to say'three'... how could this be..."

Just now, the third "reporting number" exploded in their ears, so the third child did not hesitate to say "three".

However, as soon as his voice fell, the irritable man's voice raised the volume by one more level, and he cursed: "Trash! You can't even report the number!"

In the dark bedroom, several taskers looked at each other, wondering why the "three" was wrong. Isn't the number reported as one, two, three, and four

Before they could discuss the reason, the introverted woman suddenly screamed.

"What's wrong?"

She tremblingly said: "There are...someones...someone touched me."


"We are not near you!"

In the nightmare, don't approach unfamiliar taskers at will. It is their default unspoken rule to prevent card dealers from stealing cards.

The introverted woman said in a voice that was about to cry: "No, it's not... Someone suddenly appeared."

In the next second, they heard a sneer from a familiar voice at the same time—the voice of the man shouting to tell them to count—he said: "The waste that can't be counted is dead and pulled down!"

After speaking, he carried the machete and began to wield it at will.

The four taskers wanted to hide, but in the dark space, they couldn't see anything. I don't know where the weapon came from, I don't know whether the next blow will be my turn, or even if the people around me are friends or enemies.

The woman screamed in pain and wept in despair.

The three men desperately wanted to fight the person who appeared suddenly, but the guy seemed to have opened his eyes. They couldn't hit him, but his machete seemed to have eyes on their heads and chests. He chopped on his hands and legs.

Soon, a strong smell of blood permeated. But they are not dead yet.

They will die sooner or later, but they are not dead yet. This is a chronic death torment, with gurgling blood flowing out of the wound on the bare skin, and they feel that their clothes are already wet.

They have no strength to fight the man, but the man smiled coldly and happily as if he knew their current situation, but slowed down the speed of the killing. The machete struck their skins one after another.

The third child gritted his teeth, and he seemed to hear the cry of the introverted girl. He wondered in a daze, are they all going to die? Could it be faster... Such torture, such torture...

He smelled a strong smell of blood in the dark, which was so strong that it was nauseous.

Soon, the feeling of weakness penetrated his whole body. Someone around him seemed to have passed out. He was glad he couldn't see the horrible scene in the room. In such a dark environment, just the wounds on his body and the bloody smell lingering from the tip of his nose made him want to go crazy.

At this moment, the ear suddenly exploded again: "Report the number!"

The third child couldn't help but froze for a moment, he suspected it was an illusion before his death.

He felt that his fingers were already stiff and cold. The man wielding the machete didn't know if he was still in the room, as if he suddenly appeared, and now he suddenly lost his trace.

The third child barely supported his body. He realized that there was a blood red in front of his eyes, perhaps the blood from the wound on his head covered his eyes.

Darkness—darkness—it's so dark.

He said softly: "Four."

He held his breath, waiting for the unknown sound in the air. The next second, he breathed a sigh of relief. He seems to be right.

… However, one, two, three, four, and one, two, four are all right. Why is the only “three” wrong

Or, if you continue to report the number, there will still be such a numerical error? If it is not "three", what is the number

He thought, but the pain and weakness quickly made him dazed. He thought again, why did that man disappear again? Are the other taskers still alive? Is it because they were only injured and did not die

He coughed, feeling the smell of blood still in his throat. He whispered, "Are anyone awake?"

No one answered him.

He opened his eyes, but he seemed to be blind. He is still alive, but in such a dark space, he seems to be dead.

The youngest Trinity was in a daze at the time.

Instinct made him continue to meditate on numbers and calculate time in his heart. This is a must-have skill for taskers in narrow buildings.

Watches or other timing tools in the narrow building are very rare things, but the grasp of time in the nightmare is very important, so the tasker can only force himself to calculate the time in his mind.

Some taskers can synchronize the number of seconds meditated in their minds with the real time, but most taskers can only do the same, especially if the time lengthens, the difficulty will increase exponentially.

In any case, the third child could not do much in the blood loss and weakness, he was meditating the numbers silently. About a minute later, another "report the count!" suddenly sounded.

He subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

One minute.

This is the time between the two counts, which means that they have to say a number within one minute and also think about what the number will be in the next round.

He now knows that one, two, three, and four correspond to 1, 2,? , 4, then five...

He hesitated.

Once it is wrong, maybe the man with the machete will show up again.

He has been wreaking havoc in this dark room for a minute.

At the first opening of the nightmare, his lethality may not be strong enough, but it will not be the same afterwards. But at least for now, the man will only show up for one minute, and after one minute of hacking and killing, a new round of counting begins, and he disappears.

From this point of view, his appearance is only because a certain round of reporting the wrong number, as punishment, this man will come out and attack for a minute.

If they can persist for one minute, then they may be able to fight for all the numbers to be reported, and then clear the customs.


But now, how can they survive the next punishment link

The third child coughed again. He sat on the ground with his back leaning on the bed. He felt dizzy, and he would be gone in the next second.

The remaining three people were silent and might not have died. After all, the nightmare hadn't restarted yet, but they had all passed out without any reaction.

The youngest smiled bitterly. He even felt terrified because of the numbers that he was about to say next. What if five is not five? Then there will be another round of punishment, the man brandishing the machete will appear again...

The old third can't help curling up, and with his movement, his arms are ripped open again. The pain aroused his fear more and more. He gritted his teeth and said tremblingly: "Five..."

Next second.

"Trash! I can't even report the number!"


The third child screamed, and then the figure of the man appeared again in the darkness. He sneered, using his machete fiercely.

In less than a minute, the nightmare restarted.

The third child opened his eyes again, and it was darkness again. He was panting in shock.

In the live broadcast room, the audience screamed and looked at the people in black who were slaying wildly under the night vision lens, and they only felt that the whole person was not good.


"Bei, Bei, please, don't let me watch such a distracting picture of San."

"This man in black is just a murderous demon... I feel excited when he kills..."

"Uh, is he a pure NPC, or a actor like Beibei? If he is also a actor... Is he perverted?"

"It's hard to tell. In fact, if Beibei were not the anchor, I am afraid that Beibei would be an NPC."

"Before someone said'the little boy has a problem', which means... the little boy is the owner of the nightmare? What does this man in black have to do with the little boy? According to the nightmare, the man in black should be the object of the little boy's fear Bar?"

"Who knows... Maybe the little boy in the nightmare changed his image and grew up into this black-clothed murderer? The object of fear is himself, isn't it impossible?"

"What happened to the report?"

"? Why are you all starting to analyze it?"

"Because... Oh, the scene just now was too scary."

"Ah, I finally got rid of that bloody scene and started thinking! Why did you mention it again!"

"Damn, this scene is not harmonized? I suspect there is someone behind the anchor."

"There is someone behind you fucking! Don't be scary, okay!"

"...Are you the audience in the horror game live broadcast area... You are too courageous..."

"I want to hear the analysis of the reasoning boss."

"... I'm here! Let me talk about it first, there is not much information available, so most of them are for reasonable and reasonable brain supplements.

"First of all, let’s analyze the most confirmed information, that is, the actor is divided into two batches. Because the actor plays the role of an NPC, the role of the actor in the nightmare is not considered for the time being.

"The most direct problem of the task force being divided into two groups is that it will bring about the prisoner's dilemma, that is, mutual suspicion and difficulty in cooperation.

"Now these taskers in the bedroom don't know that there are other taskers, but I can guarantee that after the nightmare restarts, the taskers on the promenade may have begun to curse.

"In this case, the information on both sides is blocked, and the nightmare is still pitted when the nightmare first opens. If you want to pass the customs and reach the true ending, I am afraid it is a bit difficult; and if you just want to achieve a normal ending, you just rely on reporting. There seems to be some difficulties

"In short, I am very optimistic about the prospects of this nightmare."

Following the analysis of the reasoning boss, Xu Beijin also consciously adjusted the camera in the live broadcast room to the side of the promenade. Sure enough, the four taskers here are already suspicious of life.

Swearing for the dead ghost: "Damn it, all four of us are still alive, why did the nightmare restart?"

The selfish ghost sneered: "There must be questers in other scenes, but they are dying of food, but it drags us down."

Mu Jiashi muttered to himself: "Something's wrong, how come there are two batches? If this is the case, there must be a cooperation link, but we never encountered... Was it in that service area or..."

Not mentioning the service area is okay. When it comes to the service area, the selfish ghost is even more upset: "We were going to enter the service area, but now we have to run again! Are you stupid, it drags us down for nothing."

Yes, they drove all the way along the highway. They had already seen the entrance of the service area and were all excited, but at that moment, the nightmare restarted.

This is like a knuckle in the throat.

The selfish ghost's unhappy and nasty tone made the others uncomfortable.

Mu Jiashi didn't want to care about the mismatch between the dead ghost and the selfish ghost, and Ringo didn't speak from beginning to end.

The situation in the bedroom is urgent, and the corridor is also very bad.

Suddenly, a large barrage of applause for the reasoning boss appeared in the live broadcast room-sure enough, at least the taskers on the promenade have already felt uncomfortable and disgusted with the other group of taskers.

A wave of analysis by the reasoning boss completely robbed Xu Beijin's limelight, and the new audience directly said: "How do I think the reasoning boss is more anchor than the anchor?"

"Laughing to death, Beibei is more like a director, silently adjusting his perspective."

"Hahahaha, Beibei, do you want to go out for a walk this nightmare?"

"Others' nightmare: thrilling escape and chase. Beibei's nightmare: walking around."

"Bei Bei has no ambitions."

"Beibei feels very introverted...before, Beibei took the initiative to adjust the perspective from the highway back to the bedroom, why not talk about his thoughts?"

Seeing the barrage from this big reasoning guy, Xu Bei was slightly startled.

Just now, after he discovered that the man in black's car had disappeared on the highway, he guessed that something might have happened in the bedroom, so he adjusted his perspective.

He didn't express his thoughts. One is because of personal habits, and the other is... To put it bluntly, he actually wants to hold the thigh of a big reasoner.

But the audience in the live broadcast room may not be so considerate. They would only think that if Xu Bei is so good, an anchor can be so inexistent.

Although the audience is more tolerant because of Xu Beijin's appearance, Xu Beijin is indeed a bit too silent.

Xu Bei couldn't help but touched his nose, thinking with shame that he was indeed not used to his anchor position. During the previous live broadcast, because there were always people in the bookstore and he was not good at talking to the audience, he never paid much attention to the live room.

However, if he wants to get more information about the outside world from the audience, he should be more proactive.

It's just that he is not good at communication by nature, and he is always respected by others because of his appearance. After so long in a narrow building, he has been stunned to communicate with strangers and get information secretly...

It sounds difficult.

Anyway, you still have to try it.

So Xu Bei hesitated for a moment, and apologized embarrassedly: "I'm too silent, I'm sorry everyone."

"It's okay, Beibei can continue to do this, I like to watch TV series [狗头]"

"Beibei can start by communicating with the barrage!"

"You are so tolerant, are you really kind? No, you still don't look like us!"

Xu Bei's face was blushing, and he quickly said: "Okay, I know. I will communicate with the barrage more in the future." He thought about it, and said, "Then I will add to my nightmare idea?"

The reasoning boss encouraged him: "Bei Bei Chong! I want to hear what you think about this nightmare."

Xu Bei thought for a moment, and then said: "In the road chase just now, the man in black suddenly disappeared. It made me wonder if something would happen to the bedroom.

"Besides... If something happens to the bedroom and the man in black will no longer chase the tasker on the highway, it means that the man in black cannot appear on both sides at the same time."

The reasoning boss slapped an exclamation mark on the barrage: "Yes! If the people in black only take care of one side, then there is a lot of room for the tasker to operate. The only question is whether they can cooperate well."

Xu Bei sighed and said, "Moreover, the information we have now is too little."

As a group performer, he really doesn’t know anything...

How is such a actor different from the tasker? There are more restrictions than the tasker.

Suddenly, Xu Bei thought of the young man just now.

He should also be the actor, since he appeared in the bookstore before the nightmare started, it means that he is also in the service area.

Xu Bei kept his eyes down, his memory is like a slowly unfolding picture, and the past events are still vivid. His memory has always been very good, but he rarely recalls what happened in the past.

Suddenly, he said: "Supermarket..."


On the live barrage, the audience raised question marks.

Xu Bei regained his senses and explained: "The actor just now wears the clothes of a cashier in the supermarket in the service area." He hesitated and said, "Let’s observe the movements of the taskers? If they don’t come to the service area in the short term. If it does, then we go talk to that cashier?"

"Wuhu, I'm getting better!"

"Is Beibei going out for a walk? Duck!"

"It makes sense, maybe he will know some information... Come on!"

Except for the reasoning boss who is still thinking about the truth of the nightmare, the rest of the audience has fallen into joy. Although... there are only four viewers in total.

Xu Beijin is not too shabby, he has realized that live horror games are not popular in the outside world. In this way, he can win four attentions (by face) in the first live broadcast, which is already very good.

He turned his attention back to the live broadcast again. He thought that the promenade quartet should be on the way to escape at this time, but unexpectedly discovered that in such a short period of time, they had actually joined the bedroom quartet!

On the promenade, eight people huddled and talked about each other, and the scene seemed extremely chaotic for a while.

Xu Beijin frowned and listened for a while, only then came to realize that after the nightmare restarted, the bedroom group of four did not continue to try to report the count, but wanted to leave the bedroom, and they really succeeded.

In the last round of nightmares, after they reported the number, the bedroom door could not be opened; but this time they did not report the number, instead they could open the door. Outside the door is a long corridor. When they raised their eyes, they could directly see the other four people.

The third child couldn't help being taken aback.

He really thought that there were only four taskers in the bedroom in this nightmare!

The three of them stepped into the door of the little boy's house, and naturally they would line up together. And then there was that introverted girl. The third child was already surprised, but now there are four more taskers... There are too many taskers in this nightmare, right!

Every nightmare has a minimum and maximum number of people. Some nightmares can only be a single copy, and some nightmares must be multiplayer.

After the narrow building enters the night, all the residents of the narrow building will fall asleep—except for monsters like Xu Beijin that can’t sleep—and the door to nightmares will open.

During the whole night, as long as the residents of the narrow building are still asleep, the quest person can try to step into the portal of his house, and then wait to enter the nightmare.

When the maximum number of people is reached, the nightmare will automatically start; and if the upper limit is not reached, the nightmare will always wait for new taskers to join, and it will not start automatically until the sky is clear.

If even the lower limit of the number of people is not reached, then the nightmare will not start.

Although it is possible to wait for a night in vain, for the tasker, the process of waiting for the nightmare to start is actually hazy and unconscious, it is completely like sleeping, and will not realize the passage of time.

This also means that unless the nightmare is turned on and the eyes are opened, no one can know how many taskers there are in the nightmare, and who they are.

This mode, which is similar to random matching, made the taskers complain, as if they felt once again the fear of being dominated by pig teammates in certain games before the "Escape from the Sky".

This time, the third child couldn't help getting tired when he saw the quarreling people in front of him.

But he is not the kind of person who can be alone. At this time, look at a few of them—mainly selfish ghosts, spoilers, and bosses—that are so noisy and at a loss what to do.

In addition, this nightmare of the little boy, they are all entering for the first time, and they have never heard any useful information in the narrow building. In this state of ignorance, they are still accusing and insulting each other.

The selfish ghost accused the four-person group of bedroom for being bad, maybe it was deliberately cheating them once, obviously they were going to explore the key scene, as a result, the group died and the nightmare restarted.

The boss said, who the hell knows your progress? Not to mention—he asked the selfish ghost again—when the four of them were slaughtered by men in black in the bedroom, what were you doing

No one is happy for the dead ghost, help whoever talks about it, arching fire on both sides, making both of them angry to death.

They were quarreling happily, and Mu Jiashi looked at them, and then at the door that came out of the bedroom group of four—now that door was closed. He hesitated for a moment, and stepped forward to try to open the door.

The door can no longer be opened.