Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Chapter 33: Dark paint


The selfish ghost stopped the car almost in shock, and then looked to the back of the car through the rearview mirror. He swallowed nervously.

Just now, the car driven by the man in black was still chasing behind him, and he was almost able to chase his car. However, he stomped to death with a gas pedal and rushed into the service area...

Then in the next second, the car of the man in black disappeared.

The selfish ghost slammed on the brake, panting heavily, his eyes full of tension. He poked his head out of the car window, and when he found that the car had really disappeared, his face immediately flashed with joy.

He got out of the car and pulled the little boy in the back seat out.

Before he could do anything, a shadow suddenly fell in front of him. The selfish ghost raised his head subconsciously and saw two angry men standing in front of him.

A few minutes later, at the central flower bed in the service area, multiple taskers gathered.

The eldest brother and the second brother were still missing, but the other six taskers were there, and even Ringo, who was unwilling to move, was kindly invited out by Mujia Shi, and treated it as a town place.

As a result, Xu Beijin once again saw the situation on the tasker's side from the screen of the live broadcast room, and was also free to communicate with the audience.

The four taskers stood not far away, but the selfish ghosts and the dead ghosts stood together. The little boy squatted on the ground, shivering, showing only a pair of eyes, secretly staring at these adults.

The eldest and second elder brother were not there, Ringo didn't speak, Ding Yi and Mu Jiashi also remained silent, and in the end, only the third child could speak.

He suppressed anger in his tone and said, "You two, at the end of the last nightmare, did you really miss important information?"

"Yes." The selfish ghost looked like a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, "I said it just now, we almost asked it out, who knows you are dead over there, hehe, it's a bunch of trash..."

"What I'm talking about is," the old third stared at the two men with a pair of eyes full of red blood, "you are lying."

The selfish ghost rolled his eyes, and he sneered: "If you have the ability, you can ask yourself."

What he meant was obviously tacitly acquiescing to the third and their guesses. In the last nightmare, they really knew something, but he didn't intend to say it.

The third child is anxious: "We can obviously cooperate..."

"Cooperation?" The selfish ghost laughed, "Please understand one thing, I never said the fuck, I want to cooperate with you bunch of trash."

"you… !"

Mu Jiashi stepped forward, pressing his hand on the youngest's shoulder, and his voice was calm: "Don't talk nonsense with him."

The third child looked back and said unwillingly: "But..."

Mu Jiashi turned his gaze to the selfish ghost, and he also said calmly: "The problem is, this little boy."

They looked at the little boy who was squatting on the ground at the same time.

The little boy noticed their gazes and shrank in fear, still seeming to be shaking. He was wearing loose, loose-fitting clothes that seemed to have been stolen from his parents' wardrobe. Despite the fear, he said nothing, did not even cry.

Mu Jiashi pondered for a moment, and then said to the selfish ghost: "You brought him here, presumably what you are going to do. But now that we have found out, then we have a part in seeing him. We also want to ask him for some information."

Seeing a share is a robber logic, but a selfish ghost is also a robber. He looked at these people in front of him unwillingly.

Ringo stepped forward impatiently, making the selfish ghost back again and again. He screamed: "Just ask if you want!"

Ringo glanced at him strangely, and didn't bother to think about what happened to this guy. He said, "You continue."

After speaking, he left the central flower bed, not knowing where he was going.

Mu Jiashi didn't dare to ask Ringo's whereabouts. Besides, he was a little funny when he saw the selfish ghost's blue and white face. He thought, he didn't expect to invite Ringo out, and there would be such an unexpected joy.

He knelt down, looked at the little boy, and asked gently, "Little brother, do you remember..."

The little boy held his head and made no response to Mu Jiashi's question. Even, he directly covered his ears and let out a faint cry, his resistance was obvious.

The selfish ghost let out a sneer, and Mu Jiashi remained unmoved, but frowned slightly and sighed.

He stood up, looked back at his teammates, thought for a moment, and asked tentatively: "Madam...?"

Ding Yi was standing aside thoughtfully in a daze, but she was the only lady present, so she returned to her senses, looked at Mu Jiashi, had a slight pause, understood Mu Jiashi's meaning, and stepped forward.

When she squatted in front of the little boy, even the selfish ghost inevitably held her breath lightly.

On the way he drove, he certainly tried to talk to this little boy. However, the little boy did not pay attention to him at all, and even if his tone was too vicious, the little boy would even cry.

The owner of such a nightmare is really a headache.

However, it is useless for the others to ask questions, but Ding Yi is not necessarily because she is a woman.

If the little boy’s father really killed his mother, then the little boy’s resistance to men is excusable, and it might work if another woman comes to the question.

The key to this candidate is too much, making everyone present nervous.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage from the audience became less.

Xu Beijin was also a little nervous, but he couldn't help but draw a part of his attention and paid attention to Ringo's movements. He was afraid that Ringo would kill a carbine.

However, Ringo did not appear in the bookstore. On the contrary, on the interface of the live broadcast system, his name appeared in a place that surprised Xu Beijin—the supermarket.

What did Ringo do in the supermarket

By the way, there are also the boss and the second brother who have been missing. Xu Beijin also glanced at the gas station... What are they doing there

Xu Beijin was curious about this, and wanted to cut through the picture directly. However, he knew that the focus at this time was Ding Yi and the little boy who were having a conversation.

Therefore, he can only force himself to turn his attention to the live broadcast.

Ding Yi squatted down in front of the little boy. The little boy kept secretly showing his eyes to observe the outside world. When Ding Yi appeared in front of him, he showed a dazed expression.

Ding Yi didn't know how to deal with little boys, so he could only try to show the gentlest smile he imagined.

"mother… "

The little boy muttered.

Ding Yi was about to speak, but the little boy immediately said, "No, no. Mom has Dad..." He opened his mouth, but he couldn't speak. He said, "Yes... Kill. I know, I I saw it, it was killed."

He began to whimper and cry quietly, but did not dare to make too much noise.

Ding Yi's hand finally fell on his head, and she gently stroked the crying little boy. The little boy's body trembled in horror, then calmed down.

After he cried for a while, Ding Yi asked softly, "Did you see?"

The little boy whimpered and said something. He was so breathless that he couldn't hear what he said. Behind him, the selfish ghosts and the dead ghosts both showed urgent expressions.

Finally, the little boy choked and said, "Dad... let me count."

The taskers were all startled.

The little boy whispered: "He cut a knife, and I have to report it once..." He was crying, "I made a mistake, and my father would call me rubbish. But my mother was crying..."

He said, crying again.

Can he understand what happened? He probably understood it. But what can he do

In the live broadcast room, the audience was silent for three seconds, and they all exploded.

"? So the count means... "

"I thought the father of the last nightmare was abnormal enough. Sorry, I repent."

"This... That... The child is so miserable."

"I didn't understand why the number of counting was reported at first. The first one and two were correct, and the latter was messed up... So this child witnessed the murder of his mother and had to report the number to count down the mother's life?"

"No wonder he reported the wrong number."

"I don't know what to say... I can only say, fortunately this is a nightmare. Fortunately, this is a nightmare in the game."

"...Is this little boy played by someone? A actor like the anchor? If it's just a script, then I think I feel better."

Seeing this barrage, Xu Bei thought about it, yes.

If the nightmare in the narrow building is really just a script and a game, then everything will be fine.

At the central flower bed in the service area, except for the cry of the little boy, everyone else fell into a dead silence

The little boy’s fear, shrinking, and crying all had proper reasons. Even the irritable man in the dark bedroom yelled "report the count" and yelled "The waste that could not be counted died and fell down", it seemed that there was a suitable reason.

He was scolding his son, his son who would not report a number less than ten is a waste. At the same time, he was killing his wife.

Ding Yi took a deep breath, tears faintly appeared in her eyes, she gently stroked the little boy's head, comforting him.

Mu Jiashi was opposite her, seeing the tears in her eyes clearly, she couldn't help frowning slightly.

He noticed a sense of disobedience, but even though he had heard of Ding Yi's characteristics and deeds, he had never really contacted Ding Yi. Therefore, it is hard to say that Ding Yi is strange.

He looked at the little boy again.

The little boy calmed down slowly, his eyes were red and swollen from crying, and he opened wide, looking at the woman in front of him with some dazedness.

Ding Yi used a soft tone, as if for fear of frightening the little boy. She asked: "Do you know why dad did this?"

"I don't know." The little boy said blankly, "I don't know why, Dad suddenly..."

Several taskers couldn't help frowning.

Ding Yi repeatedly asked several questions, but the little boy basically asked three questions.

Now, apart from reporting the number, they seem to know nothing about the truth of the rest of the nightmare. Mu Jiashi, the third child, and Ding Yi got together and started discussing nervously, while the selfish ghost and the dead ghost stood by each side, very silent.

The selfish ghost's lips squirmed, seeming to meditate on something.

The face of the dead ghost was more anxious. He looked at the selfish ghost for a while, then looked at the little boy, and then turned to look at the direction of the supermarket, very restless.

In the live broadcast room, seeing the taskers in a deadlock, the audience also discussed on the barrage.

"The key lies in this murder, right?"

"This affirmative, the question is, where is the entry point?"

"Are there any clues found in the bedroom?"

"I think it's almost enough to hide the little boy in the bedroom? Is it possible that there is still a woman's body? But, this is this little boy's nightmare, the mother's corpse... not so much."

"It seems to be... But in the second round of nightmares, didn't the murder happen again? This shows that if the bedroom is closed and no one is inside, the boy's nightmare will still repeat the previous murder."

"However, if there is a task force, the nightmare will turn to the focus of reporting... Alas."

"My main curious thing is, why does the service area exist? For the little boy, if this is also one of the nightmare scenes, it must be what happened here, right?"

"Is it his father who came here after killing someone?"

"It seems, it's possible...?"

"We've been talking about it all the time, do the big reasoning guys and Beibei have any thoughts?"

"Sorry, I'm still thinking. Where is Beibei?"

Xu Beijin was also thinking, but when he saw the barrage calling him on the public screen in the live broadcast room, he pondered for a moment, and said, "I care more about one problem, but the angle is more special."

"Say Beibei! Don't sell it!"

Xu Bei smiled embarrassedly, and said frankly: "That's right. They found out that the two people were hiding something, because one of them heard Dai Wu, the supermarket cashier's words, with a little expression on his face. It's abnormal, so I was caught in a pigtail.

"Then, why did Dai Wu's words suddenly change his face? The possibility I can think of is that Dai Wu said different things in this round of nightmare and the previous round.

"The conversation between Dai Wu and other taskers at the time was about the whereabouts of the little boy. Dai Wu said he didn't know where the little boy was. The little boy seemed to have been missing for a long time. After that, the tasker showed a strange expression.

"Combined with the actions of these two taskers in this round of nightmares, the ultimate goal was directed to the bedroom and brought the little boy to the service area. Then I can boldly assume that what Dai Wushang said in this round of nightmares is related to The little boy is concerned.

"Even, he might have told them two directly that the little boy was hiding in the closet, or something similar.

"From the information currently known, the only way to get the whereabouts of the little boy is through the newspaper in my bookstore. But in the last round of nightmares, they did not come to the bookstore. Then the only possibility is from other actors or NPCs. The greatest possibility is Dai Wu.

"Of course there is another possibility..."

Xu Bei hesitated for a moment.

"What what? Beibei keep on talking!"

Xu Bei thought about it for a while, and stopped selling it, and said directly: "It's just that they may not have come to this nightmare for the first time."

Of course, the nightmare can not only be brushed once.

Even if the owner of the nightmare has gone to a higher floor, there will be other actors coming to play this role.

Moreover, although the nightmare started this time, Xu Beijin played the role of the bookstore owner, but not every time, Xu Beijin was the group performer, which was also random.

Therefore, Xu Beijin didn't know whether the selfish ghost or the dead ghost had this nightmare when the nightmare started before.

Of course, except for Wu Shen's nightmare.

Xu Beijin once went to Wu Shen's nightmare to paddle a dozen times, and never fell. Because in the narrow building, Xu Beijin and Wu Shen are neighbors, so in the nightmare, the mastermind also reproduced this point.

This can be said to be part of the clue, because if the tasker finds Xu Beijin's neighbor in the narrow building, in the nightmare, they should also be able to think that Xu Beijin may have any clues here.

But this can also be said to be a special case. With Wu Shen already moving to a higher floor, Xu Beijin was actually quite curious as to whether there would be another actor next door to him.

From the perspective of the actor, he easily thought of whether these two taskers would have come to this nightmare before.

This stunned the audience in the live broadcast room in an instant.


"Grass, I haven't considered this possibility at all."

"Yes! This is a copy of the game! The one that can be swiped indefinitely!"

"It makes sense! Why do they have the extra information? It's probably because they've already had this nightmare before, but they didn't get through the true ending, so they want to try again this time.

"This can also explain why that guy has always been very irritable and unhappy, maybe because he doesn't want to share his previous nightmare discoveries with other people?"

"Then, will these two people be in the same group?"

Xu Beijin said: "I tend to be the one who enters the bedroom and then takes the boy to the service area. The person who has more information, at least the initiative. The other one has a more vague position."

"I agree with Beibei's point of view. In fact, in this round of nightmares, only the former has been acting, and the behavior of the latter is more following the trend."

Xu Beijin nodded.

If you look back at the situation after the fourth round of nightmare started, you will find that from beginning to end, the selfish ghost was the first to attack, and he was also the one who had more radical attitudes towards the four people in the bedroom, and brought the little boy directly from the bedroom to the room. The same is him in the service area.

And what did you do for the dead ghost

Echoing the emotions of the selfish ghosts, explaining what happened to them in the last round, and taking the rest of the taskers to the supermarket... In other words, his actions are not proactive, and it doesn't matter without him.

The only thing that was more useful was that he explained what happened to the two of them at the end of the third round.

However, the problem actually lies here. Because, only for the dead ghosts to explain what they encountered in the last round.

According to the final division of labor between the two men, the selfish ghost goes to the bedroom, and goes to the service area for the dead ghost and other taskers.

In this case, the rest of the taskers can only communicate with the dead ghost, so it is best for the dead ghost to tell their whereabouts in the last round alone, so as not to contradict the two statements.

Xu Bei remembered clearly that at the beginning of this round of nightmare, any information related to their last round of actions was all spoken on behalf of the dead ghost; and the selfish ghost was silent on this.

Obviously their emotions were very angry and irritable, and even the selfish ghost rushed over and kicked the door directly, but they rigorously let all the information speak only from the mouth of the dead ghost.

Excessive perfection seems to be a little false.

In this case, it is very likely that the selfish ghost has come to this nightmare and has some information in advance; and when he and the dead ghost are acting, he chooses to win over the dead ghost, or at least cooperate with the dead ghost.

Of course, these doubts can also be explained as that they have now realized that there is something wrong with the two of them.

Xu Bei is rarely attentive and not tired. He added more rigorously: "These are just my guesses. It's better to let those two people clarify the truth."

"I think Beibei is right!"

"+1, I agree with Beibei's view. By the way, let me talk about my thoughts by the way.

"The angle I consider is also quite special, mainly because if the man in black is the murderer, he is the father of the little boy, why, in the nightmare of the little boy, is such an image

"Wearing black clothes and a black mask, the whole thing is dark.

"This is a little boy's nightmare, and his father is the source of his fear. Then, shouldn't the corresponding image in his nightmare be the image of his father when he killed his mother

"But in the little boy's nightmare, the image of his father has been solidified into a murderous demon carrying a machete? Instead of his father...

"I think that after or before the murder of the wife, there should be some undiscovered plots, so this image will appear in the nightmare of the little boy. It is likely to be related to the service area, the highway, etc. ."

Xu Bei carefully watched the words from the reasoning boss and nodded thoughtfully.

He suddenly thought eagerly. He really wanted to know what information Dai Wu had mastered.

Unfortunately, the existence of the main brain made him have to stay in the bookstore and continue to be his bookstore owner, instead of being free to explore in the scene like the tasker.

It can only be said that there are pros and cons.

In the live broadcast room, the audience was spoiling the reasoning boss. Just when Xu Beijin said his inference, they had already spread a wave, and now they are spreading a second wave.

Xu Bei couldn't help but smile.

He couldn't help but thought with a sigh, that in the last nightmare, he had a strong sense of guard against these audiences, because he didn't know what the outside world was like, so he didn't dare to be completely honest with these audiences.

However, after such a long live broadcast, at least the audience in the live broadcast room, he can already believe that they are harmless.

… He is saying that if these audiences actually understand everything that happened in the narrow building, but still pretend to be ignorant to deceive him in order to have fun, then Xu Beijin can only admit it.

After all, he really can't see what is special about these audiences.

They really look like ordinary, horror game viewers in the live broadcast room. Yes, scream, try to solve mystery, can blow rainbow farts to the anchor, can push the anchor out of the door, can play on the public screen, and feel bald because of the difficulty of the game...

They are all real, cute, honest, and enthusiastic.

Sometimes, Xu Beijin even felt that his cold life was slowly becoming lively.

Perhaps it was because, in the narrow building, no one had lived his life so close to him.

… Only in nightmares.

As for whether to broadcast live in the narrow building, Xu Beijin is still hesitating.

Fortunately in the nightmare, these audiences can be deceived by games, players, and copies. But when it comes to the narrow building, the residents and outsiders in the narrow building are a bit too real.

What's more, there is also a big reasoning guy in the live broadcast room—brain remediation, which makes Xu Bei dare not act rashly.

He does not want to attract NE's attention, this is the most critical issue.

Thinking about it, Xu Beijin was also a little tired.

He held his head, his eyes condensed in the live broadcast room again.

The third child, Mu Jiashi and Ding Yi didn't seem to discuss any signs, but they still planned to take action and walk towards the supermarket.

At this moment, two people walked in at the door of the service area, who happened to be the eldest and second elder brother who had disappeared for a long time.

There were some delighted expressions on their faces, as if they had found something.